Body Language of Attraction Justin Trudeau with #1 Expert Mark Bowden

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well no matter what you think of his politics Justin Trudeau can certainly dazzle the crowd the charismatic leader has been called the prime minister of PDA and to talk more about that I'm joined now by body language expert mark Bowden mark nice to see you great abeja Jeff thanks all right the prime minister jokingly is being referred to online also as mr. steal your girl and let me ask you can body language truly reveal whether or not somebody has taken or smitten by another well certainly there are some indicators that we can see it can't give us the whole picture we don't see you know every piece of context but we do have indicators that there might be attraction or desire okay so what should we be looking for what are some of the signs or tells if you will so prolonged gaze can be one of them when somebody gets long long I contact with you and then maybe move the way to show vulnerable areas of the body flirting gestures like the movement of hair to show good genetic code in the hair health essentially those are usually good indicators okay let's have a look at a few of the examples of been circulating around the internet involving the Prime Minister and we're going to start with what I think is a fairly famous shot from when he visited Washington recently here he is with the president's daughter Ivanka Trump what does this photo say to you as a body languages so the reason we're so interested in this is that what we're seeing here is prolonged gaze now of course that's because it's a still picture we don't get to see how long this gaze lasts for and then when we look further into it we can then see these dark eyes here which makes the pupils look a lot bigger dilated so we start to go is she excited does she have desire but of course we don't know the benchmark of how much her pupils are usually dilated has she been drinking coffee pseudoephedrine or something like that which couldn't be cause pupil dilation we do see a smile on the face I wanted a closure because you've got like a wry smile on yeah but what we don't see is any wrinkles in the eyes here which would show true pleasure so about this image here I would say really the jury should be out on this there's not enough indicators of desire okay so her husband Jared Kushner shouldn't really be working he can feel okay now next is the Duchess so here she is in this photo with their Prime Minister looking away as you mentioned playing with their hair right lutely so this is a flirt gesture potentially however we don't know you know how windy is it that day did her hair fall in front of her face and therefore she's moving across however there is this downward gaze and this shift to the slide which is lowering her status against him so submissive potentially and displaying carotid arteries and windpipe there which again is submissive but again we don't know the context so jury has to be out on this one as to whether she's simply adjusting her hair or it's a flirt gesture yeah I'm also interested in the third part of that photograph William V in the middle there yeah so so you know he's smiling he's smiling we can see the wrinkles in his eyes so he doesn't look too concerned okay so it's not like watch your step not going yeah when you get your eyes off her or what are you doing with him yeah he doesn't seem too concerned okay let's contrast those photos with this one that the prime minister in his wife Sophie I mean we see a real intimacy here that's absolutely true intimacy is about how close you get with somebody in vulnerable areas of the body the moment the face comes that close together it's very very vulnerable and only people who want to show true intimacy are going to do that what again you can't see in this picture that it's just cut off is actually she has her hand on his and she and her thumb is in this area of his hand here this is a vulnerable area of the body if you take control of this you have control of their body what you also don't see is that she actually has her hand close to his stomach area here again vulnerable area of the body so this image definitely we can say shows true intimacy because there's so many indicators of that okay finally let's look at our prime minister with a couple of rows if you will and we're going to start with the former President Obama and famously I mean here's the famous photo right here I mean they've had kind of a bromance yeah so again true intimacy because nobody really gets their face that close together unless they're happy with that vulnerability the other indicator is is that you can see that both of them have wrinkles in the eye here and the corners of the mouth turned up and that's true pleasure they're happy to be that vulnerable with each other that's intimacy let's contrast that with this photo if we get a couple of photos of what there is with Obama again but after that with the current president Trump and what are you reading into this oh well I got a moment of time there where you've caught this look down and this potential idea of maybe disgust but I don't see enough indicators of disgust there I think we just caught a moment in time where he's looking at this hand what I will say is is that Trump is offering him the upper hand here he's making sure that Trudeau has the advantage on him that's for sure in that photograph all right very interesting stuff body language expert Mark Bowden mark great to see as always thanks thanks for having me Jeff
Channel: Mark Bowden
Views: 4,171,375
Rating: 4.1735711 out of 5
Keywords: justin trudeau, trump, ivanka trump body language, donald trump body language, mark bowden, justin trudeau body language, body language, trudeau, ivanka trump, melania trump, body language expert, attraction, body language of attraction, attractive body language, how to read body language, reading body language, body language attraction, prime minister justin trudeau, canada, prime minister, news, donald trump, signs of attraction, female body language, president trump
Id: 9eyT7V74mDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2017
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