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- Hello, this is a reaction video to our latest Pass It On Pretentious Ingredients video. If you haven't watched that yet, click in the link downstairs and go and watch it. Essentially, you have been asking for us to react to our performances as we watch the video for the first time, so we've decided to put it on to YouTube, so you can watch us reacting to our performances for the first time. So, in other words, all of this is your fault. (electric guitar music) (symphonic music) - It's almost like James plans his holiday around these videos. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Sure. - Janice, what's our theme? - [Janice] Today's theme is pretentious ingredients. - And, is there an order? - [Janice] Again, as you are a man down, double-trouble will occur. Ben will go first and last. - Oh, I'm not sure that's any better. (laughing) (computer chatter) - [Janice] The remaining team will have no idea what-- - 'Course he's gone for the gin. - [Janice] Until it is their turn. (horn honking) - Okay. I'm going to make a risotto, but. - Ebbers, look down when you're cutting, that's lethal. - No no no no, see, claw movement, it's literally impossible. - I know, but still. - I think that's good tech-ers, he's done a great job there. - He just makes me feel nervous. - I'll tell you what I did see. The mature Marmite, 'cause that is just pure umami. - Oh. - It needs a tiny, tiny bit. - If you think about what a good veg stock is, lots of good vegetables and fragrance and depth of flavour that you can build upon, that's what I was trying to get across. - But, that feels like a very bold move, chuckin' a bit of Marmite in. I'd of thought that'd be too risky for me to even think of. - I would do that as a joke. - Yeah. (laughing) - Yeah. - Yeah. - In a Pass It On, it feels like there's too much to lose, we're desperate for a pass when you throw a dollop of Marmite in. - Yeah, but he's-- - You've gotta get your B12 from somewhere. - He's talking about making a risotto and he's chucking in teabags and Marmite. - True. - Couldn't make a quick stock, but you can make a quick brew. The prawns I anticipate to be the flavour with the turmeric and the cinnamon kind of going on there, and a little bit of chilli maybe. - This is fascinating. - And, here's a cardinal sin but, Janice said use as many as you dare. I would normally deglaze this pan with wine. There's the bad option. That smells amazing. (laughing) Every weekend, just face full of gin. It's a solid start, that I think will work, so it should be pretty high, (horn honking) but I think they'll hate me for it, so I'll take a couple off. Seven. - You were gonna go with the nine? - I was gonna go with the nine. - You were gonna go with the nine! (laughing) - Because of the logic, this was pure strategic, off the back of so many fails. I was like, at least we can get this on the table. (horn honking) - Okey-Dokey - The music already tells me this is gonna be great. - (laughing) That's so true. - Familiar ground, mate. (laughing) Look how he's making risotto. I'm being boxed, I don't like it. A real moral dilemma, 'cause standing here stirring this does not make an entertaining video. Vanilla and prawns work really well. - Oh, that is interesting thinking. - You heard me have me give an idea, didn't do it, 'cause I couldn't do anything else but stand there and stir that risotto. - I mean, within reason, but I was kind of hoping that there were other elements. I didn't just want a Parmesan risotto, a risotto that could have other things through it or finished or whatever. - And what, prawns? - Some prawns to finish, a veg side, some crunch and texture for the top. - Prawns take seconds to cook. - Mm. - Oh yeah. - I couldn't cook 'em now. - Correct. - Essentially, what you've done is built a box, and then said, there should have been a rope-ladder for us to climb up out of the box, but you didn't provide the rope. (laughing) - I'm just gonna stand here and stir risotto! - That's how the last one went wrong. - (bleep) Ebbers! (laughing) Look what you made me do! I'm trying to think outside the box, but all I can do is stand here and keep stirring this! (laughing) He's put handcuffs on me. - And you love it. - Kinky (bleep). (laughing) (Barry groaning) No, I can't just do that. - Yes! Yes! - Yes! That's what we wanted, something else. - I'm going to remove that, 'cause I love Marmite, but the wrong amount of it could damage, so I'm gonna hide this, 'cause-- - Little did you know, the right amount of it was already used. - This is a seasoning for the end. It's basically salt with delicate flowers in it that we can sprinkle on the end of this risotto to make it look amazing. 40 seconds. - So, you've got a load of pretentious ingredients out, but didn't use any of 'em. - Nope. I give myself a three, but if we pass, I'm gonna upgrade that to a six. (horn honking) - What was your reasoning behind that? - Because we'd have passed it because I didn't do anything. - Less can be more. Too many cooks spoil the broth. - By doing less, you get more points. - Double the amount of points. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Minimalism. There's some great art work that follows those very same rules. - If I'm a goal-keeper in a football team and I've got nothing to do. - Yeah? - That's good for the team. - Yeah, but you don't get more points. - You don't get more points by doing less. If they get a penalty, you don't walk away and go, less is more. (laughing) - Yeah, fair point. (horn honking) - Right. Oh no, there's risotto. Of course it's a (bleep) risotto! Oh no. That tastes like a cup of tea with rice in it. (laughing) What has he done? Has he just (bleep) this up, and then in turn, made me (bleep) this up. (laughing) - Why blame me? - He's identified it's a risotto, look, I can see the bottom of the pan, it's so dry. Nothing to correct it five minutes in. Five minutes in, no correction. (chuckling) - Right. (laughing) - No need for that. It was an accident, when I just put them down, that's how they fit, it was like they wanted to be that way. I'm just gonna make a cup of coffee with this. (laughing) (Jamie yelling) (laughing) - This is excellent! - Can't even make an instant coffee. - There's no point in me adding anything else. - How dry this is, so worried for my risotto. (horn honking) Done. - Okay, okay, okay, we can do this, we can do this, we can do this, we can do this. Prawns. Risotto that looks like it's been cooking since Ben's turn. I've got some chilli flakes, and I've got some Chinese five spice, and I'm just gonna create like a oily marinade for those, so that when they go on-- I did not use any of the pretentious ingredients. Don't think the risotto tastes amazing as it is, but he might taste that and just go, oh it just needs some Parmesan or something, and then it'll taste great, so I'm not even gonna faff about with it. Glad I didn't try and fix it, because I would have definitely put Parmesan in that. (Mike singing) It's too late, it's too late. (laughing) (horn honking) They said at the beginning, less is more, and we have really taken that to heart. I'm gonna have to score myself a two because I've done nothing. - Okey-dokey. So, a while ago we started risotto. That looks pretty good, prawns, something's happened with them. That's quite exciting, I'm guessing the salt is still in the oven. Some aubergine, that does appear to be it. - You sound disappointed by that. You expect more from us? - Well, at that point-- - Throwing us in prison, chuckin' away the key and then goin', well why haven't they escaped. (laughing) - The subtitle to that, what was the phrase they used? - Don't know. Exciting. - There's not much else. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I look surprised. - It looks like that's it. - Yeah. The subtitle to that was, I'm going to need to think of a garnish. - Yep. - Finish this, season this, cook the prawns and plate it. - Yeah. - That was what was the undertone. - That's the last job. - It's just a nice marriage between two delicious things. Congee and risotto. - The saltiness, I've just seasoned it, so it's getting better. but it also needs a little sweetness. Honey, ginger and soy, these are all good flavours. - Ebber's just used all the pretentious ingredients himself. - Ebber's has done everything himself. - Yeah. - Of course he's used all of the pretentious ingredients because we didn't do anything. - You did a great marinade for the prawn. You just didn't use any pretentious ingredients. - That's true, yeah. - You added the umami. - I did add umami actually, so (bleep) you. - That's true. (laughing) - Three, two, one. (upbeat music) - Yes! - Jamie does not look happy. So, I wanted to make something that would take the full length of time to do. That needed us all to do as teamwork, and that we could all add elements to. Good plan. - Ben's idea of teamwork. - Teamwork is, I'm going to do all of the work and just let you children stir. - You can stir it though, I'll let you stir it. - I'll let you stir it. - You can add a bit of tea to it. - Really? Can I? - Well done. - I remember the last time we failed this was 'cause of burger. And that was, I'm gonna say-- - It's true. - Burger, and all we need to do is all add one element to it. - It's true. - That's what we did. - Can't argue with it. - It worked. - And also, it's actually a really interesting hybrid, so. - But, it took him 40 minutes to think of the hybrid. - Yeah. - Yeah. - If you notice, the word congee was not mentioned until he came back into the kitchen the second time. - No, that is true. (laughing) But, it was gonna be a tea and ginger and, originally turmeric thing. I just, I stand by it. - This is his dream scenario. - Yeah. - Is have complete control of all of us, and go, I didn't have the complete control, you add your little touch. - I've got the keys to your handcuffs. (laughing) I'll tell you what. - It's well-earthy isn't it? - It's very earthy, but with the amount of sesame oil in there, it takes away all the tea flavour, and it's actually really nice. (laughing) - I'm such a dick. - Jamie doesn't do subtlety does he? - Okay right, let's cut to the chase. - We really needed this, and I feel like I'm giving Ben the win here, but-- - Teamwork. - As a team. (laughing) - It wouldn't have been risotto if we didn't all have a stir. - We were taken down a very narrow path, which left no room for creativity, which is where we would usually go wrong. - You started with quite a complex flavour pairing, of which it's really hard to work out what goes with this, how do you add something else? With a burger, you could go too many ways. - And we did. - Yep. - Well, I'll still take that pass though. Did you enjoy watching this video? If you did, give us a like, and we'll react to the other Pass It Ons that we do in the future. - We're not doing any more. - We are. - Undertones of anger I'm sensing. - So, let us know, and also, if you've got any amazing insights into how we could pass these more often, then please comment down below, and let us know. (Barry chuckling)
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 593,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: REACTING to PRETENTIOUS INGREDIENTS Recipe Relay Video, Reacting to Pass It On, Sortedfood Reaction, Sorted, sortedfood, sortedfood ben ebbrell, sortedfood James Currie, Pretentious ingredients, pretentious ingredients sorted, pass it on sortedfood, cooking challenge, sortedfood pass it on, food challenge, recipe relay, pass or fail
Id: JFNM1aN7y3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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