AFTERNOON TEA Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass it On S2 E24 | Sorted Food

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James still being in the intro made me happy and sad at the same time.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Deadeyescum πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

How does everyone pronounce scone? Does it rhyme with gone or bone?

Love how Ben commented Janice would love the tea choice and Mike loved it at the table.

I wonder if they will stay with the fifteen minute format, it does mean they can do more complicated recipes or if they will do some themes and have them do it for 40 minutes?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bluerose1000 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I realised I haven't a good afternoon tea for years since I moved cities! I need to look for a place near me that does that.

Ben and surprisingly Barry are pretty humble with their rating in this episode! Vol-au-vent is a awesome idea, it looked great, and good technique, and I'd say it is the centre piece of the tier! Ben made FOUR not-that-simple sandwiches and he hacked it by poaching the eggs!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/breakupbydefault πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This one was a calmed Pass It On. Maybe because they all got 15 minutes, or maybe because they all got to do one part of the meal. The gathering around having tea and a good time reminded me of Big Night In and I loved it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nosoytonta πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Strawberry flavored raspberries! That'll do.

They did so good with this one!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/poop_dawg πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m being extremely picky here but I would have liked to have seen the second sweet thing as being not so similar as the scone (not cream and berry based).

Thought Jamie did a decent first attempt at scones though! πŸ‘

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pooks1987 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

We now know Jamie's hand is 1 tablespoon...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ExFiler πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Seems like 15 minutes each gives them a lot of an advantage... time to fix that. >:3

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ScreamheartNews πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
(calm music) - I don't know what to do. (calm music) - That's annoying. - It looks terrible, we're hiding these. - [Ben] Ow! - What is going on here? - This is a joke. - Where's the dish? - This should be really obvious. - [Man] Oh dear oh dear. - [Janice] Hello boys. - [Jamie And Mike] Hello Janice. - [Janice] Today's theme will be revealed after you pick today's order. Thanks to community member David for that suggestion. - I'm not going last. I went last last time. I went first and last last time. - Should've gone first. - What are you doing? - This just got interesting for you guys. - Confidence. - I know, I'll go second. - All right, cool. - I'll follow your confidence. - Third. - Well that doesn't leave me many other positions. - Well there we go, decided. - What are we doing though? (upbeat music) (Jamie groaning) - We're making an afternoon tea. - [Janice] Today's theme is afternoon tea. You must create three different types of sandwiches, some scones and a homemade jam, and a top tier of sweet treats. Don't forget, no afternoon tea is complete without the tea itself. You have 15 minutes each, which gives you an hour in total. Good luck. - That is a lot to get done, Janice, in an hour. - Shall we? - Be back in 45 minutes boys, don't let me down. (boys laughing) - How do you make scones? - [Barry] I don't know. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Right, that I think is everything to get us started. So, I know what you're thinking. Everyone thinks I'm just gonna come in and make sandwiches and I would love to make sandwiches, because I make a really good sandwich, but if we're gonna get this done I'm gonna have to start with the scones. So dry fruit into a bowl. I am not used to making scones. I need to make sure these aren't heavy or rubbish. These need to be really great. Come on, bread crumb consistency, bread crumb consistency. Work fingers, work. Oh no (laughing). All right, I haven't got time. All right, oh this is so dirty. Cut the butter, did that. Stir through the caster sugar, one heaped tablespoon. I'm using the Sorted Food recipe, but it's not from one of our books. It's just from our website from ages ago. Crack in the egg, pour in the milk, and then with a table knife stir to bring altogether, all right. Oh yeah. My favourite part of an afternoon tea is when you get something unexpected. That is the mark of a really good afternoon tea, is where it can surprise you. Press into a lump about two centimetres deep on a floured surface. Okay, it's like a dough. Then cut out six centimetre circles with a cutter. Janice, this could be working. (indistinct) Brush the tops of the scones with a little milk. That's fine, it's all right. All right, done. 10 to 12 minutes until they are risen, golden, and tapped from beneath they sound hollow. Timer, 10 minutes. All right, quick clear down. Now what sweet treats could we go? Like a tray bake that we can then cut up. What about like a chocolate brownie? (gasping) Kladdkaka, yes let's do a Kladdkaka. All right, come on. Two 3/4 minutes, we can do this, we can do this, we can do this. Smeary smeary, yummy yummy. Bread crumbs, pow pow pow pow pow. Oh look at that, he's a professional boys. It's probably fair to say I've never had a Kladdkaka at an afternoon tea before, but this is what I mean. Make it interesting. Make it different. Has Janice ever had a Kladdkaka at afternoon tea? No, she probably hasn't. Does she want one? She probably does, she just doesn't know it yet, right. - [Janice] I guess it hinges on whether it's been patted with tepid milk from your clammy cupped hand. (alarm buzzing) - Okay, well that was 15 minutes. What am I gonna score myself? Should we be confident? I like this confidence, 8 1/2. Barry! (upbeat music) - Right, okay. There is something in the oven! Okay, so he's got some berries. A, oh my, he has a, he has a distinct plan here. He's not left me a recipe or anything. I don't know what he's making. There's a timer, a timer's gone off. A timer for what? I can't get those out of the oven yet. Are they done? They can't be done. Let's have a look, let's have a look, let's have a look. They look done. I'm gonna assume that the alarm is for the scones. I have to make a jam of some sort. Oh no, oh no. Okay, we'll go for some berries in here with some sugar and a splash of water, and then see what happens with that. We'll let it stew down. Jam on the go. Scones cooling down on a rack. Do I make sandwiches, or do I make a, I've gotta make a dessert. Okay, right, yeah all right. Okay so plan is I'm just gonna make some tiny little pastry using some pre-made puff pastry. I (indistinct) with Jamie, 'cause I have no idea where he's going. I don't know what that's about. I like the idea of doing mini tarts at the top, strawberry puff pastry things so we can fill them with a bit of cream, maybe a strawberry on top. See for me, the best bit of afternoon tea is the little sweet treat at the end. Looks fancy, but really simple. So I'm just gonna dot this as well to stop the middle bit rising too much. And then into the oven. Three minutes. What was that for Jamie? I don't know, I'm sorry mate. I'm not following your idea. Let's do some sweetened cream. Okay. (speaker drowned out by mixer) This is all I can do now, whisk. Come on! (alarm buzzing) Damn. I'm gonna give myself a solid six. Mike's up. (upbeat music) - Oh dear. What have we got? Okay we've got sweet, we've got some jam. It's boiling. Oh dear, whoa. Okay, that's gotta cool. Scones. There's something in the oven. Oh my goodness, they actually look all right. What on earth are they though? Cool, okay so, they look like they're browning on the top, so I'm just gonna knock that down a little bit. I think we're just gonna have to get this jam chilling as quickly as possible, because it's quite literally got 25 minutes before it's got to be jam. Now I don't want to put this straight into the freezer, so I'm gonna leave it a little bit. I'm just gonna get on and do something while I think. We're all right. We're in that horrible situation where I can only mess this up. I need to get those out, pipe some sweetened cream. I could use some of that jam. I could use some of the jam in here. Here we go, there we go, lovely, cool. This is going in the freezer now. It's cool enough not to melt everything in here. So this should be quite nice. I will add powdered sugar to this but I just want to get colour. How's this tasting? It's sweet. It's strawberry-ish. It will do. - [Janice] Hmm, strawberry flavoured raspberries, that's new. - Okay, whoa. Yes, they are done. Nice, okay, okay. We've got something there. Just gonna hold these. 15 minutes is a little bit better because it means that I can have five minutes of pure panic and still potentially get some stuff done. Didn't put a nozzle in it. Nevermind. I'm just gonna start tidying up for him, because he's gonna have to make three sandwiches. Let's be honest. Okay, here's an experimental one. Let's see if this works. I mean, that's something, something innit? If I can do those before he arrives, that's great. And just give him sandwiches and tea to do. Come on Mike, think about your friend. Think of your friend. Right, let's do sandwiches. Oh, I love a bit of prawn mayo, maybe I'll do some of that. Ah afternoon tea's amazing. It's just basically an opportunity, if you select correctly, to get bottomless Prosecco, sandwiches, and cakes. And it's wonderful. I'm gonna mix up the prawns and the mayo. There's some ham over there, some mustard. I just feel like Ebbers will want to do something a little bit better than that. He'll be able to take it a bit further, so I don't want to lead him too much down a pathway by actually starting to serve stuff. Yes, these have cooled now. (dramatic music) Look how much Pass It On stresses me out. It makes me shake. Pop these up, put them over with the stuff that's already done. I mean I've done my best. Ebbers! - [Janice] He's forgotten to score himself. The shaky little sausage. (calm music) - 45 minutes have passed. Just 15 minutes left. Right, what we got? They look rather nice. Scones a bit flat, but cool. Could you put the kettle on please, Janice? Do I need to make a jam? Wait, wait, oh no that is a jam. Jam's in the fridge. Good, right. I think I've just gotta make tea and sandwiches which is excellent. I think the normals have done pretty well if they've got pastries, and scones, and I hope jam in the fridge. We'll find that later. Kettle on, I'll make the tea right at the end. Sandwich fillings can be simple, but classic. Prawn is good, I'm gonna guess mayonnaise. At the moment that's just very clean with mayonnaise. It needs some acidity. It needs some of that, and it needs something green. An afternoon tea for me is finesse. Simple food, but done really well, and that's not the nature of Pass It On, is having the time to do the finesse. I'm more of a plan with a pub kind of guy than a an afternoon tea in a hotel. Salmon, watercress, lemon, black pepper, and some creme fraiche. I really hope there's jam. I've seen the pan but I've not looked in the fridge. I'll explain what I'm doing if it works. How bout that? My other job is to make tea, which is notoriously not something I'm very good at. Oolong, that's very Janice. At least by popping them on here it looks like we're making progress, right? Five of everything, there's four of us plus Janice, nice. Sandwich filling number one. Generous, well seasoned, hopefully classic flavours but with a little twist. And our prawn mayo. I might have time to do a fourth flavour. Strain the tea. And now this tea goes into our tea pot and we'll top it up for about a five minute brew. Four minutes left. Still need to find a jam. This is not how you make egg sandwiches, all right, but to boil eggs and then peel eggs, I would not have had time. So what I did instead was crack them into water and kind of poach them. Now they're cooked, possibly make a quick egg cress sandwich. Little bit of pretentious mustard. Egg mustard cress mayo. In the last few seconds I'm gonna whack that on. Please be some jam somewhere. There must be some jam somewhere. (Ben relieved exhaling) Looks more like a kind of compot that's frozen as opposed to a jam, but I can't make jam in 60 seconds, so that's gonna have to go and we'll talk about it at the table. 30 seconds. (upbeat music) (alarm buzzing) Afternoon tea, done? Oh, I only did the sandwiches, in fifteen minutes. Seven? (calm music) (people cheering) Okay boys, afternoon tea is served. If you lift your blindfolds in three, two, one. (boys shocked cheering) - We did it, look at that! - Not a bad little team effort that boys. - That is great! - That is not bad. - It looks good. I'm nervous as we start to unravel. - Yeah, I'm very very nervous, yes. - Do you want tea? - Oh yes please. - Pour the tea slowly. - [Jamie] What tea have we gone for? - [Ben] Oolong. - [Barry] Oh nice. - So sandwiches, savoury. Cream cheese and cucumber, classic prawn merry rose, egg and mustard cress, and salmon and water cress. Up a level, scones or scones with some raspberry juice, and pastries. (upbeat music) Grab a sandwich. What I like about afternoon tea is slowly picking across the course of a pot of tea. - Sandwiches first? - Cheers boys. - Cheers. - Cheers. - Oh, egg water cress with a hint of mustard in there. - I've got a whole prawn in this little part of my sandwich. - They were massive. - That's amazing. - That bottom layer you've absolutely nailed, which means everything up here is all normal. - [Ben] Scones? - [Barry] Oh no. - They're quite thin to slice aren't they? - [Ben] They were a bit flat. - [Barry] Bit biscuity. - They are cooked through, they just haven't risen. I think it possibly lacking in baking powder or a raising agent maybe, or perhaps just too thin. You know you want a good sort of three four centimetres before they go in the oven. I take it back, 'cause I turned my nose up at this when I found a tray of frozen raspberries in the freezer, because it looked like frozen slush. Now that it's defrosted, it's jammy. It's shiny, it's glossy. - It had frozen? - Scones. - Scones. - Scones. - [Jamie And Ben] Cheers. - I quite like the biscuity nature of the scone. Give it a little bite. - It's fluffy on the inside though. It is a scone more than anything else, it's just a bit flat. - Let's be honest boys, when I walked into the kitchen I didn't know how to make scones. I had to look up a recipe and I had to just do it as quickly as I possibly could. Got rid of all of the mess, and then started on my Kladdkaka. (Barry laughing) - That Swedish brownie that like needs to sit for a few hours? - Yeah, and then you can cut it into cubes and it's beautiful to have on the top. - Thank, who, did you bin that off when you got in? - I couldn't work out what the hell was going on. - It's fine. It all worked out for the best. - It did, it really did. - What, no, I don't mean that. - No it did. - It all worked out regardless. - Kladdkaka would be a nice choice. It does just need a long time to set up. - [Everyone] Cheers. (upbeat music) - Good colour on the pastry, cooked through. That is a good strawberry (indistinct). - It is isn't it? - It's very nice. - What I like is we did simple and we nailed it, rather than try and go too complex and actually do everything like meh. Each layer kinda works. - I feel like it's a fairly good result. I had to decide whether I'd screwed up the scones or made a really good job of them before they were cooked. - That is hard to judge yourself on that, isn't it? - I'd say it's a wonderful thing. - 8 1/2 out of 10. - Okay. - [Mike] 8 1/2. - Yeah, that's a pass to me. I think that is three levels of pass. - I'm really happy with that plate. I feel like we could've pushed ourselves harder, so I gave myself a six, but it's a pass as well. - I would give myself a seven. It's definitely a pass. - I mean I basically made sandwiches and a pot of tea. (boys laughing) And so I gave myself a seven, and actually in an hour I think that's really quite impressive, and I think there's tiny tweaks you could do to each of it, but if that rocked up at afternoon tea that a mates made for you, great. That is a pass. - [Barry] Absolutely, well done lads. - [Jamie] Everyone bleh. - Bravo, well thank you so much for the suggestion of afternoon tea guys, also thank you to David for your order suggestion. Please keep them coming. Comment down below. - And if you'd like to be invited to our afternoon tea, give the video a like. - That's an empty promise. - If you have any more ideas for Pass It On, then send us your ideas on Twitter with the hashtag SortedPassItOn. - [Mike] Take the hassle out of your midweek cooking while saving money, reducing your food waste, and using chefy short cuts to cook like a pro. Check out our five star rated Meal Packs app for a whole month free, link below. - During that, the microphone fell down my pocket, because my pocket's got a hole in it down to here, and it's pulling against my leg hairs. Really (beep) hurts.
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 778,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pass it on sortedfood, pass it on, recipe relay, sorted food, sortedfood, pass it on challenge, recipe challenge, pass it on sorted, sortedfood pass it on, cooking fail, cooking challenge, pass it on s2, sortedfood challenge, recipe fail, food challenge, recipe video fail, sorted food recipe relay, sortedfood battle, cake, sortedfood cake, sortedfood baking, pass it on baking, afternoon tea recipes, sandwiches, sortedfood tea, scones, sorted food scones, homemade jam, howto
Id: dmtegeFXS5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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