I can't cook, but the person in my ear can.

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Tom Scott really is just doing a tour of my other favourite YouTubers, huh

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/ArcaneTrickster11 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

OMG! This is all I ever wanted from SORTED. It is such a perfect step forward for the guys to now have to be a teacher.

Tom was the perfect choice for this as he's great to listen to but not strong in the kitchen. Still I hope they do more of this. Can't remeber the last time I enjoyed a video this much.

Also, I need to make that pea soup recipe.

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/Nomnomyarn 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

The collab I never knew I wanted. Great video!

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/Sp0ngebob1234 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

Please please please let there be a pass it on next week with Tom.

The absolute carnage that would ensue would be amazing to watch

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/jsw11984 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

This was not a collab I was expecting. His chemistry with the guys in fantastic though. I know he's not a food youtuber, but I'd love to see them work together again.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Timeline15 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

OH MY GOD tom scott and sorted?? off to watch this right now!

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/saynotopudding 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

Woo I can't wait for this one!

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Silver-Zen 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

Apart from this being a fun and highly entertaining video by itself, it was also fascinating for me to see a totally different editing on a "Sorted" video (by Tom). The absence of most of the background music (apart towards a dramatic finale), and keeping in longer sequences along with more reactions from staff in the studio while the editing still was not "slow" in the slightest was something I really enjoyed.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/viveladecadence 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

I never realized how important it was to me to hear Mike say "I love you with all of my heart".

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/entrails_are_tasty 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2022 🗫︎ replies
This is the team from <i>Sorted Food,</i> and today, I am ripping off one of their formats? <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(laughter)</i> </font><font color="#EEEEEE">I don't know if that's the right—</font> <font color="#FFFF00">In exchange for a shameless plug of our app(!)</font> We are doing "Remote Control Chef" today, and I am being remote-controlled. What's gonna happen? <font color="#FFFF00">Basically, we have a walkie-talkie, you have an earpiece,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">and we direct you 'round the kitchen, taking in turns.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah, you're gonna become our remote-controlled chef.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">We're each gonna talk you through a dish,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and then he gets to judge them at the end.</font> <font color="#00FF00">I get the best job, judging the dishes,</font> <font color="#00FF00">but also the process and the chaos that gets you there.</font> Why do you get to judge? <font color="#00FF00">I wear the jacket. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Right, that's fair.</font> <font color="#00FF00">What you have is one lovely bag of grocery ingredients,</font> <font color="#00FF00">and from that one shopping list, you're gonna create three recipes,</font> <font color="#00FF00">two portions of each, and...</font> <font color="#00FF00">...zero food waste if it all goes to plan.</font> Right! "If it all..." I feel like the last part of that sentence was the most important. 'Cause I... I'm not a good cook. Like, I never really got beyond student— <font color="#FFFF00">Join the group! </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Right, okay.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Usually in these kind of battles, you have a Chef and a Normal.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">This time, you've got a Normal and someone who's even more Normal.</font> <i>(laughs)</i> <font color="#FF99FF">So this could be interesting.</font> You had, what, ten years of <i>Sorted Food</i> now? <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah, but we've had a terrible teacher!</font> <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(laughter)</i></font> <font color="#00FF00">We have picked three recipes that will...</font> <font color="#00FF00">be a little bit cheffy, a little bit kind of flavour combinations,</font> <font color="#00FF00">some super-seasonal stuff. Who's going first?</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Our most normal Normal.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Heyy! </font><font color="#FFFF00">Oh, that's...</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Wow, I've been promoted(!)</font> <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(laughter)</i></font> <font color="#FF99FF">Tom? </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yeah.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Are you ready?</font> Yeah, sure. <font color="#FF99FF">I've got a funny feeling I'm gonna enjoy this more than you will.</font> Yeah, that's probably right. 30 minutes, right? <font color="#FF99FF">30 minutes. Ready... steady... cook!</font> Okay, well I've got a bag of stuff. And... what do I need from it first? <font color="#FF99FF">So today, Tom, we'll be making a beautiful</font> <font color="#FF99FF">pea soup and gremolata sauce. That's right.</font> One of those words you used sounded like "gremlin-ata", and I do not know what it is. <font color="#FF99FF">Gremolata. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Gremolata.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">So to start off with, in the bag,</font> <font color="#FF99FF">you should find some delicious shallots.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Yeah, perfect. We're gonna need to halve, peel,</font> <font color="#FF99FF">and then finely slice those 200 grams.</font> Halve, peel, then finely slice, okay. <font color="#FF99FF">This is the only bit of chopping, I think, in this entire recipe.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">So, you wanna... take the...</font> Take the ends off. <font color="#FF99FF">Take one end off.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">And then cut it in half lengthways.</font> Down there? <font color="#FF99FF">Yeah, but I'd do it flatly. Yeah, perfect.</font> I mean, I'm sure my knife technique is terrible here, but... See, one of the things I do when I'm cooking at home is I cheat and I use a lot of pre-sliced, pre-diced frozen vegetables. Which is why my skills on this are a lot worse than might otherwise be. Alright, so next job is peel? <font color="#FF99FF">Tell you what, if you wanna mix it up a little bit,</font> <font color="#FF99FF">we may as well start preheating a pan.</font> Alright, little splash of oil. 'Kay. Good, right. That's... heating up. There's we go, alright. Keep peeling. Nearly. Totally— Oh for— No, that didn't help. <font color="#FF99FF"><i>(plosive wheezing)</i></font> Fine, that's peeled, okay. <font color="#FF99FF">Right, now you can discard all the skins, just chuck them in the bin.</font> Oh, for god's sake, there's still more here! <font color="#FF99FF">Right, we're five minutes down.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">And so far we have peeled some onions. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Five min—?!</font> The thing is, we also only used half the pack of shallots, so I'm gonna have to do this thing again in another recipe, aren't I? <font color="#FF99FF">Yeah, that's the beauty of these recipes.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">We share the ingredients across the entire week.</font> Yeah. That's— That's shal-lot. I'm not gonna get tired of that pun. I've only just realised I can probably do two at a time here, can't I? <font color="#FF99FF">Yes, brilliant!</font> Vaguely patronising. No, honestly, that is genius, 'cause I've never thought of doing that before! <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(both laughing)</i></font> Yeah, that's working. That makes so much sense. I should do that all the time. <font color="#FF99FF">Now chuck all of that into your pan,</font> <font color="#FF99FF">and then you wanna basically sprinkle a little bit of salt in there.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">That'll help bring out some of the moisture.</font> What's next? <font color="#FF99FF">Okay, so this is for our gremolata sauce.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">It's essentially like a lemony, garlicky, green sauce</font> <font color="#FF99FF">to go on top of our soup.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">So to start off with, 30 grams of parsley.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Chuck that into the measuring jug that we're gonna be blending in.</font> There we go. Okay that's it. Got it. <font color="#FF99FF">Then you wanna drizzle in two tablespoons of the darker, posher-looking oil.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Now you wanna peel one clove of garlic.</font> I've never actually used fresh garlic in my life. <font color="#FF99FF">How?!</font> <font color="#FF99FF">It's the best ingredient known to mankind.</font> I know, and it's also a complete pain in the ass! Compared to just getting pre-sorted— Anyway, here's— It's peeled. <font color="#FF99FF">Chop off the bottom of it.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">And then you can put the knife on top of the garlic</font> <font color="#FF99FF">and then put your weight on top of the knife.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">That's it, perfect. And that makes it a little bit easier to take the skin off.</font> Oh yeah, alright! Okay. <font color="#FF99FF">I'm gonna be honest, I very rarely get to sit in this seat and give instructions,</font> <font color="#FF99FF">but I am thoroughly enjoying myself!</font> <i>(sighs)</i> <font color="#FF99FF">Right, so that beauty is gonna remain raw,</font> <font color="#FF99FF">and you're gonna chuck it into that blender mix.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Yeah, man. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Okay, in it goes.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Because you're so good at peeling,</font> <font color="#FF99FF">we're now going to be peeling a lemon,</font> <font color="#FF99FF">or otherwise known as zesting it.</font> Right, yeah. That I can do. Okay. <font color="#FF99FF">You just want the yellow bit. The pith can be a little bit bitter.</font> Alright. That's enough. <font color="#FF99FF">That's plenty.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">If you get that straight into the mix...</font> Yep, okay, good. <font color="#FF99FF">Now also, can you cut a lemon in half and squeeze in its juice?</font> Yes. <font color="#FF99FF">Perfect, now we want to blend that up.</font> That's on. <font color="#FF99FF">Yeah.</font> And there's a button marked 'Turbo', so cool. <font color="#FF99FF">Let's do turbo.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Right, next up, you want to grab the bag of frozen peas.</font> Yes. <font color="#FF99FF">And chuck that into the pan with the shallots.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">So, believe it or not, we're nearly done.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">This last bit will take about five minutes.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Now, I'm not sure where this thing is,</font> <font color="#FF99FF">but if you wanna go hunt around for a stock cube.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Yep, if you crumble it up,</font> <font color="#FF99FF">and chuck it in there, that's just instant seasoning.</font> Wonderful cheat ingredient, this or... vegetable bouillon, however you pronounce it. <font color="#FF99FF">So now add just a little bit of water from the kettle,</font> <font color="#FF99FF">which should be behind you,</font> <font color="#FF99FF">and you wanna just cover the peas.</font> 'Bout there then, I think. <font color="#FF99FF">Yeah, nice.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">One thing I forgot to do was preheat the grill.</font> I've definitely got the grill here. Two little wavy things at the top. <font color="#FF99FF">That's— I think so. Then whack it on full.</font> Got it. <font color="#FF99FF">And then you wanna grab a ciabatta loaf from the bag,</font> <font color="#FF99FF">and cut that in half lengthways.</font> Cool. Alright, that's done. That's in half. <font color="#FF99FF">Now you can bung those straight under the grill.</font> Oh god, where are the oven gloves? 'Cause the rack, if we're going for the grill, needs to be on the top just there. <font color="#FF99FF">Thank you, Tom! I forgot that bit.</font> <i>(laughs)</i><font color="#EEEEEE"> I'm not a complete id—</font> ...Never mind. <font color="#FF99FF">I think all we’ll do now is wait for that to come to a boil,</font> <font color="#FF99FF">and then we're gonna blend that up.</font> Alright! Is this gonna spray boiling water at me? <font color="#FF99FF">I think if you keep it on the bottom, it should be fine.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">But yeah, get a shield just in case.</font> Alright, there we go. I'm gonna turn the heat down as well, 'cause it's really puthering here. That's totally a word, and not just something that I made up(!) Okay, so the thickness is definitely right, 'cause it's now... ...acting like it's a damn volcano! I'm gonna move it off the heat. <font color="#FF99FF">That's perfect, right.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Can you just check the ciabattas quickly?</font> Oh my god, I forgot about the ciabattas! <font color="#FF99FF">They burn really quickly.</font> Okay yeah, we're fine, we're fine, we're fine, we're fine. Not fine! They're burning! That's... <font color="#FF99FF">Oh.</font> Oh yeah, no. They're— They're toast. <font color="#FF99FF">Whoa-whoa-whoa. They can always be saved.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Let's have a look. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">It's bad!</font> <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(crew laughing)</i> </font><font color="#EEEEEE">It's bad. That's fire-alarm bad.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">That's pretty bad. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">That's pretty bad.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">They can still be saved. Don't worry, I've been there.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Let's get 'em out, and then... oh no.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">We're gonna do the trusty scraping of the bread trick.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Okay, well, we were doing so well! We only have a minute left!</font> Could you not shout when I'm just touching— I thought I was just about to burn— <font color="#FF99FF">We only have a minute left!</font> Also not helpful! <font color="#FF99FF">Get a bread knife, and scrape some of that delicious burntness into the bin.</font> I mean— <font color="#FF99FF">Use the back of the knife.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Come on, you've been here before. We've all had to save our bread.</font> <i>(mouths silently)</i> <font color="#FF99FF">I can see you! <i>(laughs uproariously)</i></font> Yeah, but I wasn't talking to your camera! <font color="#FF99FF"><i>(laughs)</i></font> No, this is... The only thing I think I can do is cut this in half like that, and... ...maybe, if the bread knife is sharp, go down here like this, being very careful with my fingers. <font color="#FF99FF">Yep. Be careful, be careful.</font> Yeah no, that's— It's dead. <font color="#FF99FF">You did a really bad job.</font> <font color="#FF99FF"><i>(snorting snicker)</i> </font><font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(crew laughing)</i></font> <font color="#FF99FF">Tell you what, Ben won't know. We'll serve it upside down.</font> There we go! <font color="#FF99FF">Yes, that'll do!</font> It's good enough. <font color="#FF99FF">Right. I'm so sorry. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Good!</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Little bit of texture, little bit of burn is great.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">We've got 30 seconds.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Can you check the seasoning really quickly?</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Get a spoon in there, make sure you're happy with it.</font> I mean, what difference is it gonna make? <font color="#FF99FF">It'll taste better.</font> Mmm! <font color="#FF99FF">Happy? </font><font color="#EEEEEE">That's really good.</font> That's really good. <font color="#FF99FF">Okay, get that in the bowl.</font> Okay, in the bowl. <font color="#FF99FF">Half of that, because that's supposed to serve two, but never mind!</font> <font color="#FF99FF">It's a big bowl!</font> Fine, we've got a sharing portion! Because you share soup, don't you(?) <font color="#FF99FF">Sharing bowl of soup! Lovely! </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yeah, okay, fine!</font> And then this on top. <font color="#FF99FF">Now you want a nice drizzle on top of this.</font> Yeah, it's too thick for that. <font color="#FF99FF">Little drips...!</font> It's not a drizzleable sauce, this. <font color="#FF99FF">And then let's get some wonderful extra virgin olive oil.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Then just a nice drizzle over the top. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">See, that I can drizzle.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Yeah, look at that! Now we're cheffy!</font> <i>(through chuckling)</i> That's a sharing portion of soup. <font color="#FF99FF">Three, two, one.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">See? It's easy as that.</font> <font color="#FF99FF"><i>(snorting chuckle)</i> </font><font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(stifled laughter)</i></font> I don't know if you can hear the crew cracking up over here, but... I mean, I will say this much. I will say this much. It actually tastes really nice. <font color="#FF99FF">Zingy? Fresh? </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yeah.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Nice. Recipe one down.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Two more to go.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">How we feeling?</font> I mean, you'll notice, through the magic of editing, that the kitchen is a lot cleaner than it was a little while ago. So yeah, it's fine. Who've I got on the other end of this at the minute? <font color="#00FFFF">This is Jamie, and we are cooking</font> <font color="#00FFFF">crispy mushrooms with curried cauliflower purée.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">We've put 30 minutes on the clock,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and the time starts...now.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">First of all, let's preheat an oven to 200 degrees Celsius.</font> Okay, oven is on. <font color="#00FFFF">Lovely, now can we source a large frying pan?</font> When you say /sɔːs/...? <font color="#00FFFF">Well... pull one from somewhere.</font> Right. Not like, sauce. <font color="#00FFFF">No. Like...</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Have you got one on the hob? Lovely, that's perfect.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Let's get that on a high heat,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and can we add about four tablespoons of oil into it?</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Let's rip those wild mushrooms up.</font> So like, just that? Literally... <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah, perfect. Just rip 'em up.</font> What would be handy is some sort of mechanical device to make this faster, but you said rip, not like, blend or shred or process or anything like that. <font color="#00FFFF">Tell you what, why don't we pop some of those mushrooms into the pan</font> <font color="#00FFFF">whilst we continue to rip? </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Let's do that. Yeah, okay.</font> That's getting quite full there. There's... There's... There's not mushroom[much room] inside. <font color="#00FFFF">The great thing about mushrooms is they will—</font> Just no-sell my pun, why don't you(!) <font color="#00FFFF">We've been doing this for twelve years, Tom.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Honestly, we've made all the puns that we can.</font> I'll be honest, it feels like I've been ripping mushrooms for twelve years. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah, we've had to watch you!</font> <i>(laughs uproariously)</i> <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(crew giggling)</i></font> I've just figured out the technique for ripping these faster. <font color="#00FFFF">Seven minutes in.</font> I heard that look you just gave to camera! Do I know you gave the camera a look? No, not at all. But you just gave the camera a look, didn't you? <font color="#00FFFF">Yes. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yeah, okay. You just <i>Office</i>'d me.</font> <font color="#00FFFF"><i>(giggles)</i></font> <font color="#00FFFF">Let's start the purée, shall we?</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So, to start our purée, we're gonna need a cauliflower please.</font> A cauliflower, yes. <font color="#00FFFF">Slightly unusual, we're going to grate it.</font> Alright, how hard can it be? I'll tell you what, you've a very good grater here. <font color="#00FFFF">...Thank you. Tom, I'll be honest,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">you're doing a fantastic job, and I'm proud of you.</font> That sounded sarcastic. I'm not sure if it was. <font color="#00FFFF">No, it's encouragement.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Positive mental attitude. We've got this.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Right, get the rest of the grated cauliflower into the saucepan.</font> Yep. Alright. <font color="#00FFFF">And now let's get the frying pan into the oven.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">We're about halfway, which is, you know, it's great.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So, why don't we find...</font> <font color="#00FFFF">200 grams of shallots?</font> Oh god, not again! <font color="#00FFFF">Oh really, it sounds like you got prior experience.</font> Yeah, you weren't in for the last time I did this. Prepare for whatever the opposite of a master class in cutting shallots is. There are gonna be people grumpy about my cutting technique here, but I haven't learned the fancy thing that keeps your f— I feel like if I try to learn that now, I would cause more problems. Should that cauliflower be on the heat, or anything like that? <font color="#00FFFF">No, not yet. We're going to throw in the shallots.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">We're also going to peel and thinly slice some garlic.</font> Oh good, good, excellent(!) <font color="#00FFFF">And some ginger. We can cheat if we want.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Let's just grate the garlic. Then you don't have to peel it.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">It's the best cheat ever.</font> Well, that's a better idea. <font color="#00FFFF">What a revelation!</font> 'Cause the skin just doesn't seem to be going through the grater. The skin just comes off. I take back all the sarcasm and looks to camera I had earlier. This has just saved so much time and made me so much happier. <font color="#00FFFF">And if you want, we can do exactly the same with ginger.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">You've got quite the speed on there.</font> <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(crew giggling)</i> </font><font color="#00FFFF">Honestly, your hand is blurring.</font> You can shut up, crew! <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(giggling intensifies)</i></font> Alright, in goes that as well. Now, I feel like this should be on the heat by now. <font color="#00FFFF">It will be on the heat in about 60 seconds' time,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">after we have poured in 500 mL of milk,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and finally, just a tablespoon of curry powder, please.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Essentially, we're going to bring the milk up to a boil,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and once it's boiling, we're gonna reduce the heat</font> <font color="#00FFFF">down to medium and simmer it for 7–9 minutes.</font> Okay, how long's left on the clock? <font color="#00FFFF">Seven minutes.</font> Cool. <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(crew laughing)</i></font> Right, okay. That's mixed. <font color="#00FFFF">Did the milk go in there? </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yes.</font> 500 mL of milk went in here. <font color="#00FFFF">Oh good, okay. Well, look out for that bit.</font> Don't get— These are not my ingredients or my instructions, mate! You're the one in control here. I'm not taking— I'll take the blame for the crap cutting. That's on me. The amount of milk, that's on you! <font color="#00FFFF">Right, I think that's all mixed in, that's perfect.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Let's get a lid on that, and that'll help to boil it quicker.</font> Yeah, okay. <font color="#00FFFF">Let's go check on the mushrooms. Make sure they're not burning.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">We can probably, with your tea towel,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">we can probably remove that pan.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Now, that handle is gonna be hot. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yes it is, so it needs to be...</font> I'm gonna put it on the surface here, and just get everything out of the way first. <font color="#00FFFF">Oh yeah, they look crispy.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Deep, golden-brown, that looks ideal.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Now, a little tip for you. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Don't touch.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Keep the tea towel on the handle.</font> That's a really good idea. <font color="#00FFFF">Do we have a small measuring jug nearby?</font> <font color="#00FFFF">And the blender. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yes.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Then we need to get our hands on 100 mL of crème fraîche.</font> I just touched that pan! Thank you for the tea towel. That was a good call. <font color="#00FFFF">We'll need about a third of that jar. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Okay.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Can you add the whole bag of coriander in, please?</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Maybe keep a couple of stalks back. We'll use that for garnish.</font> Alright. Seriously, this is just coriander and cream. That's all we need. <font color="#00FFFF">Coriander, crème fraîche, blend it up.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">It's gonna go a lovely green,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and then we'll season it to taste with a bit of salt.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Remember, you can always add more. You can't take it away.</font> I've discovered the problem. I put the salt and the pepper in while the blender was still in there, so it's all just sat on top of the blender. It's just there. It's just sat there. <font color="#00FFFF"><i>(giggles and wheezes)</i></font> You might not be transmitting, but I can hear your laughing from the next room, so thanks for that(!) <font color="#00FFFF"><i>(laughs)</i></font> <font color="#00FFFF">Honestly, any mistake you're making,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">I've made a hundred times before.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So that's why I just wanna take this opportunity, Tom,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">to say you're doing a great job. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Thank you, thank you.</font> I'm gonna choose to interpret that as not sarcastic! <font color="#00FFFF">I'm not being sarcastic!</font> So many people bought Displates after their last sponsorship here, that they've come back! This time, they wanted to show off their larger plates, and all the licensed art that they have. So they sent over a few to give to my friends. This print of the original <i>Star Wars</i> poster, and this shot of the <i>Enterprise-E</i> from <i>Star Trek</i> are gonna fight it out on the walls of one friend's office. And then this poster of <i>The Flash</i> looks wonderful with the glossy print on actual metal. I know who I'm giving it to. This is probably gonna end up right over their TV. All the Displates come with a fancy magnet mounting system, so you don't need any tools to put them up. and you can get their 3D magnets, so they seem to hover away from the wall. And there are also Displates for video games, comics, even NASA. They come in gloss or matte, or framed up if you like. And there's also a lot of more artistic poster options if you'd prefer not to fly your nerd flag quite that high. As this video goes out, it's their summer sale. There's a link in the description and pinned comment. And even if you're watching this later, that link will still give you a very good discount. Right, back to the show. <font color="#00FFFF">We now have our mushrooms, are cooked and ready to go.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">We have our coriander cream...</font> <font color="#00FFFF">...blended and ready to go, and seasoned to taste.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Let's taste one of the mushrooms, just quickly,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and see if that needs any more seasoning.</font> Needs something. There's not as much - what's the word - umami in there as you'd expect from those mushrooms. I'm gonna add that pinch of salt. <font color="#00FFFF">Lovely word, umami.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Time-wise, I think we're just gonna have to go with the veg.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">It's gonna have to be done. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Alright.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Okay. <i>(mouths silently)</i></font> <font color="#00FFFF">Don't— I saw that!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So let's take the pan off the heat,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and we're gonna get the blender straight into the pan.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">We wanna blend that up until it's silky and smooth.</font> Okay. <font color="#00FFFF">Okay, Tom. We got two minutes left.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So does that blender have a super-speed on it?</font> I'm using it! <font color="#00FFFF"><i>(wheezes)</i></font> <font color="#00FFFF">Is that the turbo mode? </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yep!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">This is what arbitrary time limits do to us.</font> Yep. <i>(chuckles)</i> If you're cooking at home, just spend five more minutes on it. It'll be great. <font color="#00FFFF">What we're gonna want to do is create a lovely...</font> <font color="#00FFFF">mound of it on a plate,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">right in the centre, lovely circle of it.</font> Alright, say when. <font color="#00FFFF">Excellent, okay.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">And let's get half the mushrooms on top.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Now let's spoon half of the crème fraîche over the top.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Make it as cheffy and arty as you like.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Fifteen seconds. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yeah okay, fine.</font> Yeah, you know what, that's happening. <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(crew laughing)</i> </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Do you mind?!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Oh, cheffy and arty, just how I like it.</font> That's definitely a thing that happened. <font color="#00FFFF">We'll let Ben mix that in, shall we?</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Okay, three, two, one.</font> Gonna be honest with you, made some errors there. That— That could be a lot better. It could be a lot worse... ...but it could definitely be a lot better. <font color="#00FFFF">Once again: teamwork, joint responsibility.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">We'll take this one together.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Hello, Tom.</font> Hello. Who have I got? <font color="#FFFF00">You've got Mike here,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">and I'm afraid we're faced with a dichotomy.</font> Oh, good word. <font color="#FFFF00">Thanks.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">I hate losing to the other guys,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">but I'm also the weakest in terms of cooking ability out of them.</font> If your instructions are clear, we're gonna be fine. What are we making? <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(distant laughter)</i></font> I heard that laugh on "We're gonna be fine"! I heard that! <font color="#FFFF00">Okay, visualise this, this is what we're making:</font> <font color="#FFFF00">some mac and cheese flavoured with spinach,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">with little dots of crème fraîche, grated cheese melted on the top.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">It's gonna be unbelievably delicious,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">and it's gonna be a breeze to make!</font> <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(laughter)</i> </font><font color="#EEEEEE">You don't believe that!</font> Even through this headset, I heard the disbelief in that. <font color="#FFFF00">I can't even lie to you via walkie-talkie!</font> This sounds delicious. 30 minutes? <font color="#FFFF00">30 minutes. Start the clock!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">First thing we're gonna do is cook some pasta.</font> 'Kay. <font color="#FFFF00">So you have your macaroni.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Now, if you grab some scales on the back...</font> They weren't there earlier! <font color="#FFFF00">I put them there for you, because great prep equals great results.</font> Alright, yes. <font color="#FFFF00">I'd like you to take the big pan.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">200 grams of macaroni is gonna go into there.</font> Close enough, 209. <font color="#FFFF00">I haven't cheated, but I have pre-boiled a kettle.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Pour that all over the top of the pasta. We're gonna wanna season that water.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Because with pasta, we want it to take on lots of seasoning.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">So, I would put a lot of salt in.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">And I am going to set you a timer for eight minutes.</font> Alright! <font color="#FFFF00">Look at me, remembering stuff!</font> Yep, got it. Lovely. <font color="#FFFF00">I've actually gotta do it now.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Can someone set me a timer for eight minutes, thanks.</font> <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(crew laughing)</i></font> <font color="#FFFF00">I outsourced that job. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">I thought you might've done.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Now we're gonna create a roux.</font> Ooh! I know what that is. I've seen all the chefs on YouTube make that. I've never made one myself. I'm excited about this now. Yeah, it's like flour and butter, right? <font color="#FFFF00">Absolutely. With a little bit of milk in, we're gonna turn that</font> <font color="#FFFF00">into the cheese sauce for our mac and cheese.</font> Plain flour then. <font color="#FFFF00">We want some flour.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">We want the scales still, and we want some butter.</font> This is probably 500 grams of butter. Yeah, okay. <font color="#FFFF00">I would say 50 grams we're gonna need.</font> Alright, that's probably about that much at a guess. <font color="#FFFF00">The fact that you're already eyeballing ingredients</font> <font color="#FFFF00">shows what an amazing cook you already are.</font> Well, it's 500 g, I want about a tenth of it. That's exactly 50 grams. I've nailed that, lovely. <font color="#FFFF00">Okay...</font> <font color="#FFFF00">So get that onto a medium heat.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">We're gonna basically get that all nice and foamy.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">When the butter goes foamy... </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yeah.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">we're gonna start adding some flour in,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">and that will be four level tablespoons into the foamy butter.</font> Is that a dessert spoon or a tablespoon? <font color="#FFFF00">It's a dessert spoon, but hey!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">You're eyeballing it. You're at the eyeball stage of your culinary career.</font> <i>(chuckling)</i> <font color="#FFFF00">While we're waiting for that to foam, you could grab a grater,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">because actually, also into this roux is going to go some garlic.</font> Yep. How much garlic. Lots of garlic for this, surely. <font color="#FFFF00">We've got ample garlic. Do you know what?</font> <font color="#FFFF00">I would say, season to taste with garlic.</font> Can we grate this directly in here? Is that now, or...? <font color="#FFFF00">How foamy is that looking? </font><font color="#EEEEEE">I mean, have a look.</font> You've got a camera. That's still melting a little. <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah. Is it right up high?</font> You said put it on medium, so I put it on— <font color="#FFFF00">If you're gonna throw back my errors in my face,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">then you're just gonna make me look silly, aren't you?</font> Yes...! <font color="#FFFF00">Well, this is how <i>Sorted</i> works.</font> That's fine. Teamwork. Teamwork. We're fine. <font color="#FFFF00">If that's melted, let's get some flour in there.</font> Right, so one, two, three, four heaped— <font color="#FFFF00">Oh, level, level, level, level! </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Oh, well that's two then.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">There you go. Eyeballing it. Professional.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">And we wanna coat all of that flour in the butter.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Make sure that it cooks right out, and we're looking for a sandy paste.</font> I feel like roux is one of those things I've always looked at and gone, "That's gonna be a complete pain in the ass to make", but that's worked. <font color="#FFFF00">So we're gonna cook that out for a couple of minutes,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">because it'll basically get rid of that raw flour taste, which no one likes.</font> It steadily gets browner and browner, right? <font color="#FFFF00">That's right. We'll keep an eye on it.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">But you're doing a great job! </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Thank you.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Despite your instructions! </font><font color="#EEEEEE">This feels easier.</font> No one has asked me at any point here to peel and then chop 200 grams of goddamned shallots! <font color="#FFFF00">There are no shallots involved in this recipe.</font> I'm very happy with that. <font color="#FFFF00">And thank you for introducing me to a genuinely new feeling in this studio,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">of happiness and contentment! </font><font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(laughter)</i></font> I mean, likewise! This is working. It's all gonna fall apart shortly. Let's be clear. But right now, this is seeming pretty good. Little bit of boiling going on there. I feel like that's something that shouldn't be happening. <font color="#FFFF00">I think we've cooked the flour out nicely.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">So we're gonna get some milk in now. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Right, okay.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">We're gonna do it bit by bit, and I will need you to measure it.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Tom! Stop! I've already messed it up.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">We need to put garlic in first. I'm terribly sorry.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">So now we can grate the two cloves of garlic in first.</font> Okay. <font color="#FFFF00">Nearly didn't get away with that.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">As soon as you've done that,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">we're coming up to eight minutes on the pasta.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">So let's get it off the heat and test it</font> <font color="#FFFF00">to see if it's cooked to your liking.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">How do you like your macaroni? </font><font color="#EEEEEE">I should've stirred—</font> Al dente, if we can pull it off that way. Let's see what it's like. <font color="#FFFF00">Another culinary term. You're a pro.</font> Yes. <font color="#FFFF00">Fantastic!</font> If anything, that's slightly too much done, so probably about right for mac and cheese. <font color="#FFFF00">Let's get it out of that hot water then. We'll drain it.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">There's a colander that I've strategically placed.</font> Well done, that man! <font color="#FFFF00">Marvelous! </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Excellent!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Pasta, done. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Happy with this, lovely.</font> That's good. We need milk in this. How much do you need? You needed me to measure this out. <font color="#FFFF00">Yes. We need 400 mL of that milk.</font> Got it. <font color="#FFFF00">Fantastic.</font> And we put this in slowly, one bit at a time, right? <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah, imagine doing a quarter at a time.</font> Okay. <font color="#FFFF00">How're you feeling?</font> More confident at this point than anyone else here. This is— I'm loving these instructions. They're clear. The recipe might feel a little bit simpler? I don't know if that's— <font color="#FFFF00">Right.</font> But we've got a roux involved. <font color="#FFFF00">You're shooting me in the foot here(!)</font> No, I think it feels simple because you're giving good instructions. How's that sound? <font color="#FFFF00">I love you with all my heart. <i>(laughs)</i></font> I think we're good. I think the last of this can go in. <font color="#FFFF00">Is it nice and thick. There you go, it's getting hot.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah, we're getting there. This is gonna be amazing.</font> Yeah, happy with this. <font color="#FFFF00">You are a perfectionist. We are gonna get on like a house on fire.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Are you happy with the smoothness?</font> Yeah, what I— The important thing that I can't see in here are any lumps of roux. There's no lumps of flour I can see. It's all just little dots of garlic. <font color="#FFFF00">That's because you're a bloody professional, that's why.</font> I'm enjoying the mutual admiration society we've got going on here, but I think the clock's ticking, so... <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(Mike and crew laughing)</i></font> Right, what's next? <font color="#FFFF00">So, you should have a bag of spinach there.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">And we're gonna use the whole lot. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Dump this in?</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Dump it all in. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Right, okay.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">And it will get to a point where it just all wilts,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">and then you'll be like, "Oh, I thought I put spinach in this."</font> Right, every time! <font color="#FFFF00">And while that is wilting, I'll get you to chop up</font> <font color="#FFFF00">about 10 grams of coriander.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">'Cause we'll chuck that in as well. That's a lot of spinach, isn't it?</font> It really is a lot of spinach, but I just keep— I keep pushing the spinach down, and it keeps going in. It's like Mary Poppins' handbag! That's how much coriander I've got left. <font color="#FFFF00">Take a small amount.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">I'd say about 10 grams, but yeah, that'll do.</font> That much? <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah. In the left hand.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Just chuck it straight in the pan, 'cause we're gonna blend this up.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">We have eight minutes left. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Agh! Okay, cool.</font> Alright, what's next? <font color="#FFFF00">I've prepped you a hand blender.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">We're gonna grate in some cheese, and then blend it,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">but we do need the spinach to wilt. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Everyone's using the hand blender.</font> Everyone's using the hand blend— <font color="#FFFF00">That's already got one on, mate.</font> <i>(crew laughing)</i> ...Did you prepare this? <font color="#FFFF00">I prepared this, and in doing so...</font> <font color="#FFFF00">set up a hilarious... scenario. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yeah, you did.</font> Cool. Alright. Let's go. <font color="#FFFF00">Now can you try and incorporate some of the roux onto the top of the—</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah, that's it. 'Cause the more sauce that gets on top of it, the quicker it'll wilt.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Great job. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">I'm doing my best.</font> It's steadily wilting. <font color="#FFFF00">So let's prep what we're gonna put into this pan now:</font> 50 grams of cheese, it will be one tablespoon of mustard, and crème fraîche, 100 grams, so maybe five or six tablespoons. Simple as that. Good. <font color="#FFFF00">Bosh!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Okay, give it a quick stir. Now let's blend that up!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">That is looking awesome!</font> That's looking really good. I'm happy with that. <font color="#FFFF00">Tom, have a sniff. <i>(sniffs)</i></font> <font color="#FFFF00">Can you smell that? </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yes.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">That smells like team spirit.</font> Right, I'm guessing it's just put the pasta in the sauce or the sauce in the pasta. Which way around do you want it? <font color="#FFFF00">Well, I've got a spoiler.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">We're gonna put the pasta on a baking tray, cover it in the sauce, </font> <font color="#FFFF00">and then we're gonna put some cheese on top and grill it.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">I'd like to grill it for 4–5 minutes. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">We're not gonna have that chance.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">But we've got three minutes remaining. Macaroni on there.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">And then we're gonna grate 25 grams of cheese on the top of it.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Let's get that under the grill for our remaining minute and a half.</font> Oh-kay! <font color="#FFFF00">Maybe we'll go over!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Let's prep the remaining bit of coriander and crème fraîche.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">'Cause you're gonna dollop that on the top,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">and then we're gonna tuck in, and we're gonna win this competition.</font> I don't really wanna open— How much time have we got? <font color="#FFFF00">I mean... 30 seconds I would say.</font> Okay, right, cool! <font color="#FFFF00">Have a look, see.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">How's it doing? All we want is that cheese to melt.</font> It's melted! <font color="#FFFF00">Is it nice colour? Does it look lovely?</font> It's not brown enough, but it's gonna have to do! <font color="#FFFF00">Okay, okay, okay!</font> But you know what? <font color="#FFFF00">That looks yummy.</font> I'm happy enough with that. <font color="#FFFF00">All over the place, wherever you like.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">We're gonna mix it all in, let's be honest.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">And then we wanna tear some coriander over the top.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">About five grams worth. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">I think...</font> ...that will do nicely. <font color="#FFFF00">And we've got a three, a two, a one.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">♪ Ta-da ♪</font> I'll be honest, that's the one I'm happiest with. I just don't know how it's gonna taste. <font color="#FFFF00">Great work! Get in!</font> <i>That was the most difficult cooking I've ever done in my life.</i> <i>And I realise that's a very low bar,</i> <i>but I'd never tried to cook against the clock.</i> <i>I've never tried to cook something like this.</i> <i>Normally, I'm just at home and just,</i> "Yeah, that'll do." Trying to follow a recipe... that is being translated to me on a time limit. So did you see what was going on? <font color="#00FF00">I was peeking occasionally.</font> <font color="#00FF00">So I saw the chaos and the carnage,</font> <font color="#00FF00">and some in places very, very concise.</font> And you have kept these warm. <font color="#00FF00">We have, yeah. We've hot-held them.</font> <font color="#00FF00">And therefore, it might've lost some colour on the peas, but—</font> <font color="#FFFF00">You just kept them warm with your hands?</font> <font color="#00FF00">It's a kitchen term. I'm sorry.</font> I thought "hot hail" was the thing that they drop in <i>Flash Gordon</i> to destroy the earth. <font color="#00FF00">I think we should just tuck in. I think we should just tuck in.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">This is... a pea soup with a sauce.</font> It is, and you can tell that I didn't know how to use the immersion blender. I got a whole pea in that bite. <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(laughter)</i></font> <font color="#FFFF00">It's a variety of textures.</font> The flavour's solid though. The recipe is really good. <font color="#FFFF00">That tastes amazing.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">The gremolata is so zingy on top, isn't it, as well?</font> Yeah. <font color="#00FF00">It's those little tricks,</font> <font color="#00FF00">of the raw garlic and the coriander in that little... jus-y sauce,</font> <font color="#00FF00">that lifts what is otherwise a very tasty pea soup.</font> <font color="#00FF00">It's absolutely delicious, and is...</font> <font color="#00FF00">a brilliant use of frozen peas that you've thrown together in half an hour.</font> This I'm less sure about. <font color="#00FF00">Dish number two?</font> It took me so long to grate the cauliflower... that I feel like we lost some cooking time there. Also I was really bad at cutting the shallots. I will take the— <font color="#FF99FF">What, you hadn't improved from the first round?</font> <font color="#00FF00">I think, had you had an extra minute of cooking,</font> <font color="#00FF00">it'd have been smoother, rather than that kind of texture,</font> <font color="#00FF00">but it smells, as you were cooking it, amazing with all those curry flavours.</font> That shallot needed a few more minutes, and it needs to be finer. That's on me. <font color="#00FFFF">I'll take responsibility as well. Teamwork, as we said at the time.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">But if we hadn't crowbarred a time limit into it...</font> <font color="#FFFF00">for the sake of urgency, then you'd have got that perfectly smooth.</font> <font color="#00FF00">Again, it's a dish with two component parts that work really nicely.</font> <font color="#00FF00">With the crème fraîche and coriander on top, that kinda takes it a little more cheffy.</font> <font color="#00FF00">It tastes great.</font> <font color="#00FF00">Little bit of that raw shallot. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yeah.</font> <font color="#00FF00">And a little bit of that pulpy cauliflower, an extra minute or two would've been great.</font> <font color="#00FF00">But... </font><font color="#FF99FF">It's also really peppery.</font> <font color="#00FF00">I think it was the curry powder.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">Was it? </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yeah.</font> Which leads us to... <font color="#00FF00">Everyone's favourite, mac and cheese. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Spinach mac and cheese.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">You couldn't be arsed to plate up?</font> We didn't really have time to plate up. <font color="#FFFF00">We didn't want to plate up. This is how we serve it.</font> <font color="#00FF00">Dare I say it... </font><font color="#FFFF00">Wot?</font> <font color="#00FF00">It's like a 'healthy' mac and cheese.</font> <font color="#00FF00">There's so much veg going on there,</font> <font color="#00FF00">that it's fresher than you think mac and cheese should be.</font> I feel like I undersalted that, or something. It feels like I needed to put a little bit more in there. <font color="#FFFF00">Little bit more seasoning, I think.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">But that, I think that's great.</font> <font color="#00FF00">Tom, have you got a favourite out of the three?</font> <font color="#00FF00">Based on flavour and approach and method and—</font> I think it's that one. In terms of instructions— <font color="#FF99FF">I'm taking credit like I created the recipe(!)</font> In terms of instructions, I think we got on better. <font color="#FF99FF">What do you mean?</font> There was just— There was a mutual admiration society. At no point was I in blind panic. So I feel like that's— That's a good start? <font color="#FFFF00">I know. Can you believe it?</font> <font color="#FF99FF">What happened to you? </font><font color="#FFFF00">I don't know.</font> But if we're going in terms of pure recipe, and what I would want to eat again, That's really nice. That's really nice. <font color="#00FF00">And I think what's key, and the whole point of these recipes,</font> <font color="#00FF00">is that behind Jay, is no food waste, with the exception of</font> wait, the coriander that Jamie was supposed to garnish his plate with! <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(laughter)</i></font> <font color="#00FF00">Do I have to pick a winner? </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yeah.</font> That's the format. <i>(chuckles)</i> <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(laughter)</i></font> <font color="#00FF00">Oh yeah, I did say I was going to judge this, wasn’t I? Okay, how about this.</font> <font color="#00FF00">I have a loser.</font> Hi! <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(laughter)</i></font> <font color="#00FF00">And that is that dish today, just based on time</font> <font color="#00FF00">and not being able to blend it smooth enough, even though the flavours are great.</font> I think that's on my skills, rather than your instructions on that one. <font color="#FFFF00">Oh, no.</font> <font color="#00FF00">Teamwork, joint responsibility. It's fine.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">We like to pass the buck in this studio,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">so give this guy the buck.</font> <font color="#00FF00">I think for remote-control chef...</font> <font color="#00FF00">the instructions and results were best...in dish three.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Oh, yeah! </font><font color="#00FF00">Mike's mac and cheese.</font> <i>(laughs)</i> <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(applause)</i></font> <font color="#FFFF00">It's been a true pleasure.</font> <font color="#00FF00">I never thought I'd say that having the safety net</font> <font color="#00FF00">of Mike in your ear would create calm environment.</font> <font color="#00FF00">That's not how this normally works.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">I never want to hear that sentence again.</font> Thank you very much, folks. That was lovely. <font color="#FFFF00">Man, great job. It's been so much fun.</font> <font color="#00FF00">Thanks for coming down.</font> <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>[Caption+ by JS* caption.plus | @caption_plus]</i></font>
Channel: Tom Scott plus
Views: 1,211,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tom scott, tomscott
Id: FU9J6mrKE28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 4sec (1984 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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