DESSERT TAKE 2 Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass It On S2 E1

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(jubilant classical music) - I don't know what to do. (jubilant classical music) - That's annoying! - That's terrible. - We're hiding these. (object falls) - Ow! - What is gong on here? - This is a joke. - Where's the dish? - This should be really obvious! - [Narrator] Oh dear, oh dear. - Hello, I'm Barry and this is Jamie, and welcome to Fridge Cam. - And welcome to season two of Pass it On. It's back! - So, we're back. - We're back. - New season, fresh start, now is our time to prove ourselves. - Are you talking to yourself? - Yeah, it's just a pep talk. (laughter) - Janice, what's today's theme? - [Janice] Today's theme is redemption. - (laughing) Nice. - [Janice] You will revisit a previously failed category from last season, dessert. (chuckles) - Barry, you're not bad of a chef. - Oh, I'm freaking out. I'm freaking out. - He couldn't think this looks terrible. - This is not very good, is it? (laughter) - I think it's all right. - White, do we need to explain what redemption means to Barry? - White, no, new season. - Janice, is there an order as well? - [Janice] The order is the total score you gave yourselves last season, highest to lowest. Out of 100, Ben scored himself highest with 76, then Barry with 66.5, James with 66, followed by Jamie at 56.62, and Mike with 50. - Excellent. - Over two, mate. - [Janice] And so we're back again, and as the dream of one day narrating Master Chef dies a slow and agonizing death, the boys will individually spend 10 minutes in the kitchen, contributing to a dish. Once their time is up, they will pass it on to the next person, who has no idea what has happened previously. Once everyone has had a turn, the collective creation is then revealed to the group. (buzzer rings) - All right, if memory serves me well last time we started with cookies and then tried to turn it into a dessert. - I'm making a cookie. - I'm gonna start with something that is perhaps the shell of a dessert, um, I'm starting with some shortcrust pastry from the table, I'll make a pastry case, and possibly start a flavor filling. And hopefully that will leave enough option that it could go a number of different ways. Sometimes when the brief is as open as dessert there's too many options, and that's part of the problem. I also chose a mango because there were so many tropical fruits on the table that hopefully we can push it in that direction. I feel like it I get this fiddly bit out of the way it leaves room for imagination and flavor pairings and things. Pastry, especially shortcrust, is super easy to make. Rub butter into flour, little bit of salt, you can sweeten it with sugar and egg yolk, bring it together with water. But actually in this instance, ready to roll is sometimes a smarter option, because it's already done, it's already perfect. It's a good cheat, and I think as cheats go, it's one I'm quite comfortable doing. To weigh it down we've got baking beans which are ceramic, they're always in the kitchen. We use them time and time again. If you haven't got them, just use rice or grains or something like that. Logic says, this also needs to chill up in the fridge for 15 minutes or so before we bake it. Do we have time for that? Probably not. So I've left a little bit up here poking out, so that when it shrinks back, which it will do if it isn't fully relaxed, it should still be trimmable to keep it neat. 108 degrees, hopefully someone will remember to take the baking beans out and put it back in for a few more minutes. So if I can make a quick mango coulis, and then begin to turn that into a curd. It's a puree, in this case mango, that's going to be thickened with egg yolk, rich with butter, obviously need sweetening with sugar. A curd, normally lemon or lime, needs to be tart so I'm gonna need to put some acid in this, as well. This is such a clever little dish because here we want the yolks to thicken the curd, the whites can be turned into the meringue. Lime, I really hope they work out, that needs to go in there with that, I haven't sweetened it so it needs sugar. And then they're gonna do, ah the sugar needs to go in there (buzzer rings) Plenty of room for maneuver. I've evidently scored myself quite high in the previous series, 7.5? (tapping on shoulder) - I don't wanna play. Oh, Ebbers what have you done? Oh, you've started things assuming I'm gonna have any idea what to do now. Some sort of weird puree, aw Ben you've you're either putting too much hope in me. Or I'm just losing the plot. Right that's a minute gone and I've just been standing here. What are we making? Oh, there's something in the oven! It's a pastry, so, (gasps) He's making some sort of, like, tangy tart. Is that, this meant to be a curd? Yeah, sure, wicked, let's go with that. This is very chef-y what's going on here and I'm scared of it. I think I might leave these clues for James to continue. I'm gonna use my seven and a half minutes to make my own component that can be served with this. I've been thinking about it while I was sitting down. Basically, I've decided I'm going to make my own thing no matter what Ben started. So far, it doesn't seem too sweet. I'm going to turn this tart into a cheesecake. So, I'm going to take some white chocolate melt this white chocolate with a bit of butter. I'm just guesstimating everything here. I just need vanilla, vanilla, in here. Okay, let's get this melting down (singing) in a microwave. In the meantime, see any sugar anywhere? Sugar anywhere, sugar anywhere, sugar anywhere? So sugar, double cream, and cream cheese. And then, we'll pour that into my double cream. (singing) mix-y, mix-y, mix-y, mix-y, mix-y, mix-y. So it's a really, really simple cheesecake mix. But we could use it as a fancy cream at the end. Quite actually delicious. (hand clap) Damn! A curd, what do you do in a curd? Should I start it? I've got a minute. I'm gonna turn this hob on to get this warmed up. This is a pan, maybe it should be warming up. I've put the wrong bloody hob on. Wrong hob, my bad. (buzzer rings) Well it was all right, that wasn't too stressful. Last time we did dessert, I made cookies and I scored myself a seven and got ripped to pieces. So I'm going to give myself a five and a half because I didn't do much, but I didn't screw anything up. (beeping) (buzzer rings) - What's this? That's a clue. Oh, how long has that been in for? I don't know. Mm, that's delicious. Is that like a cheesecake mix? Oh, my god what's going on, oh no. Oh no, I'm stressing out. Oh, no. Oh, no. Is this eggs? Was somebody thinking like meringue pie or something? What do I do? I'm gonna hazard a guess that that is ready to be taken out and put in for another five minutes. My problem is that I don't know where people were thinking of going with the filling. And they've obviously thought about it, so I don't want to start a new one. I don't know what to do, like can I bake this? I don't know if I want to bake this. Why is that there? Or is he making like a curd or something? Oh, no. I'm gonna get some stuff. I'm gonna set up for Mike and Jamie, and avoid doing anything to the dish because I don't know what's going on. But I know full well that they want a chef to figure it out and I'm wasting time, I've got six minutes. (gasps) I'm gonna get under a five in the first Pass it On of season two. I'm still trying to achieve. I've just stood here for six minutes. I'm freaking out. I've got, um, "Desserts in Duvets" here. Well, I think what Barry wants me to do make a cheesecake filling, so he's done cream cheese. Oh, is it? Is it? I might put all of this through here and then try and bake it. Is that stupid? That's stupid, we haven't got time. Oh, my god I don't know what to do. Oh, my god I don't know what to do. I'm freaking out, I'm freaking out. I shouldn't so anything. I'm having a Jamie moment. I'm having an actual Jamie moment. I don't know where he's going. He's made a cheesecake mix for a tart shell. Here's a zester. Um, I'm gonna zest some stuff into here. Maybe I'll just put this through the cream cheese mix. (frustrated, muffled speaking) Let's put those two together, and see what people want to do with them. Maybe they mix it through, but that needs to cool first. Pastry, probably needs like another couple of minutes so they can take it out next but it will need to cool because we're not going to bake anything in it. (buzzer rings) Time is up. I didn't do anything. I am Jamie Spafford. I'm gonna give myself a one out of ten because I turned up, but apart from that I did absolutely nothing. - I'm not ready. (buzzer rings) Here I am, I'm back. What's going on? All right, this is an icing, like a butter icing. What's in the oven? There's a pastry case baking in the oven. It's a tart, we're making a tart. But there is no tart to the tart, there's just a tart case. Oh, no. Egg whites. Sugar, (gasps) oh no am I making meringue? Am I making meringues? I did not miss these at all. (singing) I don't know what to do so I'm going to. There is nothing here, uh, I don't. Some blueberries and some raspberries, and I should probably remember what that one is. It's kind of like a passion fruit? I think it's a passion fruit. Literally what are? At least I'm not doing nothing. I'm contributing by whisking. I'm really stuck to know what to do. This is such a horrible position to be in. Let's take this out. That's icing, that's not, I was expecting that to be like a custard-y tart thing that could go in there, and then maybe those could go on top and it'd look beautiful. Um, I could whisk the egg whites into a meringue. (whisking) Hey baking is not my strong point. (chuckles) I've done seven minutes of whisking. There must be something that we can do. Well I've got to give Mike options because there's nothing here at the moment. Sugar, sweeten the cream cheese. You know what's really good? It's like a smushed blueberries in like a cream cheese, so like a blueberry cheesecake with like a blueberry tart thing. I've just gotta give Mike options. Um, so blueberries and raspberries, a bit of lime juice. I really have no idea what Mike's gonna do with any of this. (buzzer rings) (blows raspberry) I'm gonna give myself a three out of ten. - [Jamie] It's time. (buzzer rings) - Okay. Oh, oh. Well, that's got nothing in it and it's warm. I feel like that should have something in it that's already started to set if we were gonna fill that. This is, I'm supposed to just assemble. What's this? It's cream cheese-y. Oh, I wonder whether that was made to go in that and set up and chill. That should technically be a filling. Please be something, there's nothing in here! This is, this is not good. Just go into there. Right, how the hell do I save this? Well that needs to be trimmed, so first thing I'm gonna do is trim that. I actually think, like a tart base is a brilliant starter point. It essentially makes it really hard for everyone but I think that's what we should be aspiring to. (grunts) Right this is going to be a nightmare. I don't know what we're going to get. We're just gonna have to go for this, so basically, what I'm gonna do, layer this up, you want this to be like almost like a curd. This has just got to go in because we have no choice. I'm not sure whether it's even gonna all go because when you do a tart you want to fill it right up to the top, but needs must when the devil farts in your general direction. And then, sliced fruit. I've got to peel that, haven't I? This is gonna take forty years. Boom, boom, boom, boom. It's embarrassing, this. Icing sugar, icing sugar, I just need to dust it with icing sugar. (buzzer rings) I mean I'm not, I'm not angry with myself. I feel like that's as good as I could've done. But I'm still very much full of shame. Right, fresh start. - What could possibly have gone wrong? - Ready? - Yup. - Dessert redemption. - Ah, it's great! - It's very pretty. - It is very pretty. - We all did a great job. - It's not a dessert. - Oh, what? - It's patisserie, isn't it? - I was, yeah. - Not what I had in mind, but it is very close. - It's exactly what I had in mind. - [Narrator] In 50 minutes, the group have created a kiwi, blueberry, and raspberry cheesecake tart, lined with a mango and lime curd, for one. - Uh, I didn't do anything. - Anything? - Oh, I took the baking beans out of the tart. - Oh, thank you. - And I panicked hard for ten minutes. (laughing) I came with a lot of problems and no solutions. (laughing) - I find it hard to believe that I might have out performed James. - He might have done. - This episode? - Well there you go. - So I got some cream cheese and I mixed it together with some raspberries, some blueberries. - Your thing isn't on the plate! - You made it. - My, I got the blueberries and raspberries from the table. So my thing made it to the plate and yours didn't. Barry did the work. - Now wait a minute, you made another cheesecake. I can't believe that. - So this is your contribution. - That's a delicious cheesecake. - It is. - Should we see if it tastes any good? I'm gonna pull a Hollywood, scratch the bottom. I mean I can't take any credit for it, it was pre-made. - Cheers. - It's not short of fruity flavors, sometimes one too many. - Yeah it's confusing, isn't it? - Yeah kiwi was unpredictable. - Uh, mate, I had to dress a dog turd, so we're not even going there. - But it is, it's quite one dimensional. - That's a good description. - Ebbers, what are you scoring yourself? - I scored myself 7.5, based on the tart case in the oven. - A pre-baked tart case. - Everything ready to go from mango curd with lime and some egg whites. - No one's discussed the fact that Ben cracked a few eggs and rolled out some pre-made pastry. (laughing) - I gave myself a five and a half. - I gave myself a one. - I gave myself a three. - Oh. - Yeah, I was disappointed with my performance. - I gave myself a 6.5. I'm gonna put it out there, I think we need to aim high and therefore I think this is another fail. - The final dish, although far from perfect, is probably the right so to pass. I think where we fail is our methodology, and how we approach walking to the kitchen. - I'm gonna call that a pass, cause not only is it perfectly edible, quite tasty, it also looked really good and we never get that tri factor. - Technically you can drink your own pee, so that's edible so I'm just gonna say it's a fail. It's a fail. - So what we've got two passes, two fails, Bas it's up to you mate. It hinges on this. - I would try to create some sort of drama but you all know where I stand. That's a fail. - But he only said fail because his element didn't end up in the - You only said pass because your (beep) made it (laughter drowns out sentence) - If you enjoyed that please give the video a like, consider it a consolation for our ever decreasing confidence Have you got your bells on? - Have you got your bells on, don't know. - Get your notification bells on because we've got brand new competitive cooking in the studio starting on Sunday. - Yup, a brand new series on Sunday where we go recipe-less and Mike has well, a full on food meltdown. - You don't want to miss it, Sunday four o'clock. We'll see you then. - Good-bye. - Good-bye! (laughing) - [Narrator] As we mentioned, we don't just make top quality YouTube videos. We've built the Sorted Club, where we use the best things we've learned to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers Check it out if you're interested. Thank you for watching, and we'll see you in a few days. (beep) - Yeah a new series where we go recipe-less. - (laughing) We go what? - Recipe, I can't say recipe. - Recipe-less. - Recipe-less, recipe. (beep)
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,032,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sortedfood, sorted, sortedfood pass it on, pass it on, pass it on S2, Sorted food ben ebbrell, sorted food boys, sorted food chefs and normals, cooking challenge, food challenge, recipe relay, cooking fail, pass it on sortedfood, recipe challenge, pass it on sorted, sortedfood challenge, cooking competition, cooking fails compilation, dessert, dessert fail, pass it on challenge
Id: 3kDq8M-04dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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