Jamie Oliver's Lasagna Fail: A Brutally Honest Reaction to a Disastrous Recipe!

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lots of you have seent me this video Jimmy Oliva vegetable lasagna and it's time to react Jimmy was my inspiration and still is I'm starting to lose respect because he plays up too much with Italian food lately so let's see how it's going with this vegetable lasagna I'm going to show you how to make something absolutely delicious one pan vegy lasagna the word one pan veggie lasagna makes me worried but it's Jamie I have to trust him he's my inspiration it's delicious it's full of color and Vibrance we're going to be biging up some beautiful veggies in order to speak lovely sweet leaks with butter I have to say Jamie loves leaks he use leaks pretty much in every recipe we've got asparagus we're going to use frozen veggies cuz I love frozen veggies broad beans and peas what do you like with frozen nothing wrong I mean Frozen is good it's already clean and done for you why do you love it why you don't like it fresh really easy to get a hold of and the method is really simple I've stripped it right down so that you can make it all in one pan there's only one thing to wash up we get it in that oven and in about 40 minutes you have got something that you but lasagna is not meant to be that way Jamie lasagna is a dish that you use for celebration of course you can have it every day but lasagna is it's lasagna you know like why do you have to make a one pot lasagna why do you have to do something like that even my friend Marion did it why when lasagna is just a beautiful important Royal dish I'll call it let's call it that way you're absolutely going to love so let's talk about it first up we're going to slice up a leak so what I do is I strip the outer Leaf off he loves a leak this guy just loves leaks I'm going to call Jamie the lick man and just run it down like that so what I want to do is just show you a way to clean these efficiently we Wash It Away from the root water going down right so over to the sink give it a little bit of a wash finally slice this video is not about lasagna is about a lick I want to do it in a pan like a casserole style pan sort of low-sided I'm going to go in with a knob of butter and then butter no extra Bo in your house and a nice drizzle of extra virgin olive oil I it five both of them okay all right okay he's Jamie he can do whatever he wants I'm then going to go in with the leaks we're going to sweat off this guy made a leak carbonada a while ago and I reacted to that the idea was great the idea was great but I think he uses leaks too much those lovely leaks for about 10 minutes so we've got fresh asparagus also I'm going to Big it up with frozen veggies so I've got some frozen peas and some frozen broad beans that's okay so in we go with the stalks and we're going to cook that down so it's really nice and soft so in here I'm going to add a nice pinch of salt how say are you going how you going to make lasagna you want pot how do you do that for me Las is a lasagna I want layers and layers and layers I want to enjoy it you can add a little Swig of water to create a little bit of humidity in the pan so look let that sweat off now for about 10 minutes you're making me sweat Jamie so look this has had about 10 minutes now okay so that's your Sofrito is that right so traditionally you'd make a bashal but that's another pan or two right to uh one pen not two one pen wash up and deal with but excuse me if you cook you have to wash up you also have a dishwasher so Jimmy you can't do this you can't make me believe that I don't have to make my kitchen dirty if you cook you cook you need you need to cook you always cook and you always tell people to cook at home so don't make people scared oh you have to wash yes we wash we cook we wash we cook we eat we wash we wash every day I'm going to put the flour into this pan C fire what is the flour doing now what are you going to do with the flour what are you going to do with the flour why are you putting the flour in there I don't understand the point of adding the flour tell me explain so two tables or 50 g of plain flour goes in I'm also going to put two teaspoons of English mustard in I'm with Uncle Roger now oh my God a b forever mustard in lasagna and flour oh this is worst worst adding chili jam to the he fried rise Uncle Roger I'm your I want to be your best friend oh Jamie is not my inspiration anymore I can't believe he did this jaro Galo is his Godfather and he did this to me to everybody who's watching jimy I think you your brain I don't know what happened to you Jamie but you are you lost it you lost it chili jamy he fried rice mastered in the lasagna you are mad Gordon Ramsey is doing a much better job than you I can't believe you're doing this then stir it in uh 800 Ms of milk mine's not breakfast I'm not having cereals I'm not having cereals scrape the bottom of the pan as that comes up to the boil let's talk about frozen veg maybe something you haven't got is broad beans 300 G of that we're it's there's nothing wrong with Frozen Frozen is good frozen food today it's amazing and the way they they get Frozen you know they go straight into the blast Chilla and within seconds minutes um the food is frozen so sometimes frozen food is fresher than fresh going to use then put 300 G of frozen peas move it around let's get that just simmering for 5 minutes while that's happening let me show you the herb in question mint half a bunch of mint uh and literally all I do is just rip off I love meat so much it's beautiful but at this point meat honestly it's you got winter flavors in there the mint brings freshness and you know nice flavors there but summery flavors but I don't think it's right with with this dish those top mint leaves I'll use that for other things um and I'm just going to fairly roughly chop the mint it's going to taste absolutely amazing not really you put mint later on because now I like mint and peas but you got too much going on in there you got the mustard and the meal and leak stir that in okay so I am going to be not traditional again you haven't been traditional hold way from the beginning until now so I'm not expecting that by using parmesan cuz I love it and that is traditional parano yeah but I'm using some cheddar I was expecting you to do this Cheddar's an amazing cheese it's full of flavor and it melts and oozes in the but it's not better than par a real proper Paro it's 100 million better than cheddar okay cheddar is a great cheese nothing wrong I like cheddar I eat cheddar I like cheddar with truffle I like cheddar but for this type of food for this type of dishes par is what you use cheddar is not right and the consistency the texture is not right for pasta most beautiful way so 80 g of cheddar see how soft it is and how it melts it's not right and I'm going to do the same with Parmesan so get yourself a little potato m and just mash it just put your weight onto it and you can feel the broad Bean can't believe I'm watching is this messy soup he's popping a little bit of love There's No Love in This Jamie there is no love and my love for you jimie let finished right now with most of the cheese right not all of it most of it the messy this is like worst what I see on Tik Tok and the asparagus tips right and then the curve ball of course is the pasta so the key here is using fresh lasagna sheets it's brilliant you can get it in all the supermarkets and the fact that it's fresh means it cooks very quickly and it's really elegant silky and there's nothing elegant about this dish nothing very kind of luxurious so I'm literally going to grab it like a pack of cards and tear it and then all terrible I'm going to do right is just dish out the lasagna cards just because you use lasagna sheets you cannot call it lasag just because you use lasagna Shades okay so if you use short pasta maybe will say okay I enjoy it when I have English food you have it okay but do not call it lasagna because you're offending the whole region of ailia Romania and the entire country of Italy will make lasagna very well this is terrible this is disgusting jery around and then just stir it through this will be absolutely like a lasagna no no no Jamie do not say this don't look at me that way away it cannot be a lasagna what are you trying to make why you want me to believe this huh I don't know who's listening to you maybe some people follow you I think some people trust you I TR I used to trust you but maybe some people trust everything you say but do not trust what he's saying now uncle Roger help me here please I need your support this guy is destroying Italian cuine Uncle Roger don't like this Jamie Oliver recipe first he went to Italy became famous by going to Italy and making all these beautiful recipes with janaro I wonder why you all your Italian restaurants have clothes around the world cuz that's what you serve I'm sorry Jamie but this is bad so there we go another little layer so this will serve six people really nicely really I think you're you can serve about six dogs because no one deserves to eat this so I think this is a really lovely meal for any day of the week actually M dis Jamie my life is too short who wants to eat this huh oh H oh in less time you can make so many beautiful dishes I can write you a list of hundreds of recipes that you can make in 10 minutes and taste 10 times Within These this is a mess so look all I do now cuz we're done is turn the heat off and what I like to do you know just to be aesthetic is kind of have a nice layer of pasta on the top aesthetic and then the last this guy use mustard in lasagna chili jam in the egg fries rice it's like nothing to compare you put mustard in a lasagna do you understand little flourish of love and care is just a little cheese so you get those lovely crispy bits so the last ingredient for a little flourish of texture there's more how many ingredients are you using like but 30 ingredients here flavor and nutrition is almonds oh nutrition that's so much fun that's funny Jamie I don't understand me your way of talking you Mesmerize everyone but today you're not I'm not you're not fooling me I'm not fooled by you Jamie I'm so disappointed I've been supporting you all these years what are you doing man a nice little handful of almonds and what I love to do is just bash them up have some fun honestly it would have been so much easier to use 10 pots to cook all the ingredients and do the lasagna properly and wash up then doing all of this it's taking so much longer and it's not worth it have some ho have some crack and then I'll literally just let that snow down on our lovely lasagna here I understand why using the nuts and I'm not not angry with that that's fine I'm just angry with everything else you've done I don't mind nuts on pasta it's beautiful to have nuts that's probably my favorite part you've done here in this video the nuts a little kiss of olive oil and then if you want to as an optional exture get yourself a lemon and just a little bit can you believe the flavors you in there you got liak you got asparagus you have milk you have mustard mint now he adding lemon nuts cheddar parano the flavors are like fighting fighting to say I want to be discovered I want to be tasted this flavor these ingredients are fighting with each other so that when you eat it you say oh I can't taste the lemon oh I can't taste the cheddar where is the cheddar like come on man keep it simple and make sure you get the best out of the ingredients you're using the zest just a tiny bit right not the juice just the zest we just give you a perfume and a likeness that cuts through so that's it that is my one pan veggie lasagna I feel I feel like I'm watching someone who never been to ity you've been to ity so many times that's now going to go in the oven for 25 minutes that's all 25 minutes that's it it'll be crisp that lemon will be destroyed you should put the lemon at the end that lemon will be killed what's the point to put the lemon or the mint either the mint will die comforting and the temperature is at 200° C which is 400 F so in it goes so the lasagna has had 25 minutes do not call it lasagna please please it's it's looking and smelling amazing really look at that look at what imagine that on the dinner T it's all burned it's all burned look everything is burned I like to have the crispy burned lasagna sheets make lasagna but that that's not lasagna sheets burned that's the the vegetables burned the the Almond is burned absolutely do not the pasta burn there absolutely beautiful one of the things that you can do which is a little bit of an optional extra is put a little bit of pesto how many ingredients are you adding Jamie don't have to write the list again of ingredients you use you're mad what is the P going to do huh you should have put the lemon and the mint at the end if you wanted to use it but honestly mint and lemon can go the Almond is a great creation great idea but you put milk in there you put milk in there you should have used at this point cream you put mustard you know how strong the mustard flavors are and how un Italian they are I'm so sorry for all the lasagna lovers please do not make this tiny of it and of course you can make your own pesto or if actually you go down the supermarket you might see some please do not try that no no you don't want to use loads of it but little bombs of pesto just mix up with the lovely creamy hot white sauce what are you going to do by doing that what are you going to do by doing that can't even spread it honestly I'm so disappointed Uncle Roger was right from the beginning I actually had a discussion with Uncle Roger talking about you saying why you do this to Jamie such a nice guy but honestly Jamie after this you deserve it let's portion a little bit out what I like is you still get crispy bits from the lasagna like that and you know you get the veggies but you also get the lovely creamy sauce lovely the way he speaks me Maraj makes me believe he's good look at lovely lovely what what lovely where going be ashamed which is absolutely beautiful so this will serve easily six people can you see the crispy bits at the but the six people where do you get the six people from where are they from who are they who wants to eat this oh nobody wants to be in nobody's in that kitchen nobody wants to eat it eat your food excuse me may I go to the bathroom first stodgy crispy juicy maybe just a little bit of palmes he's convinced he's convinced on top and that my friends is a beautiful one pan veggie lasagna it's convinced yeah right let's have a little try wow no okay fake fake fake fake super fake Jimmy you're so fake right now yum triple yum so good crispy enough soft enough stodgy enough cheesy enough crunchy enough come on I can't believe guys I can't believe it Uncle Roger let's get ready together to go out on Jamie rpes I'm going to find more and more rpes like this because I won't be the person protecting you jimy anymore I won't be the person after watching this I won't be the one protecting you I'm sorry how can you come up with such a bad idea more than 300,000 people watch this video and I'm so happy for all of you who sent me this video I'm so happy I'm so happy because now I know more about Jimmy and I know that you guys should not make this recipe ever ever in your life you also helped me you inspired me to actually thank you Jamie you inspiring me to make a vegetable lasagna a white lasagna I have a fantastic white lasagna that you guys need to learn how to make and I'm going to do that so you guys can enjoy it okay I'm going to work on this so you guys will love it I don't know know to say about jimy you tell me what do you think of Jimmy Oliver who's better Jimmy or Gordon or who is worse Gordon or Jimmy you let me know thank you so much for watching this video I will see you in the next vinzo's plate video ree maybe lasagna or reaction video non a fake vegetable lasagna by jimy Oliva ciao
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 305,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie oliver reacts to uncle roger, jamie oliver, jamie oliver carbonara, jamie oliver carbonara reaction, react jamie oliver, uncle roger jamie oliver, italian chef reacts to jamie oliver, reaction to jamie oliver, jamie oliver lasagna vegetarian, jamie oliver eggplant lasagna, jamie, oliver, lasagne, veg lasagne, jamie oliver veg lasagne, italian chef reacts to jamie oliver veg lasagne, vincenzo's plate reaction, vincenzo's plate jamie oliver, vincenzo's plate
Id: whd8HplMBxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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