Trump Literally Foaming at the Mouth, Loses Gun License & Guillermo at NBA Media Day

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I'm Jimmy I'm I'm the host of the show thank you for joining us on Big Time basketball night in America and a special welcome to those of you who are still conscious after game one of the NBA Finals the Boston Celtics versus the Dallas Mavericks you know one of the fun things about working at ABC is because we have the finals on our Network I already know who wins I get an advanced screener but don't worry no spoiler alerts and I hope the Mavericks are watching tonight cuz we have something of an expert when it comes to beating the Celtics in the finals the Great and Powerful Magic Johnson is here with us that's not the only great and powerful per GMO welcome back you've been gone for the last couple of nights yes good to have you g g like a Boston from media day you got interviews with all the stars right that's right Jimmy and you got interviewed a lot yourself too yes I did yes is it hard to conduct interviews when you're there to conduct interviews when people are trying to interview you it's very hard you be oh my God you go through you know so many you go through so much and I'm so proud of it's a lot of work yo is a Lakers fan which makes this a bit Sac religious but we dressed him up as the Celtics mascot drunkie the leprechaun to do the interviews which made for more than a little bit of confusion when gearo stopped by for a quick chat with Jonah Javad from our ABC affiliate WFAA in Dallas so I am here with the Boston Celtics mascot lucky the leprechaun lucky you look a little bit different from the last time I saw you yeah I think I put a a few pounds what what what what happened I don't know I think I'm eating too much loster rolls and clums harder do we have a prediction for the series five game 52 five 52 was that your prediction or your blood alcohol content what is that and by the way it only got less comprehensible from there can we get a quick shout out you are watching the NBA finals on WFA I'm watching uh NBA finals on W H WFAA WF watching oh I'm watching the telling the crowd W what WFA W WF AA got it you watching the final on W AF I up oh got it all right sorry sorry too much that you spelled half the word waffles there G anyway we will have Geo's exclusive report from media day later on today is also the 80th anniversary of dday 80 years ago on this day American British and Canadian troops stormed the beaches of Normandy to fight the forces of good people on both sides President Biden was in Normandy today to remember our great Heroes you know Donald Trump in 2018 infamously opted not to visit the graves of American soldiers in France because he didn't want to get his hair wet and also he called them suckers and losers that's not a joke even though the only thing that he ever stormed was Daniels but um but dra Roger da to his credit did muster up something respectful this morning he wrote today we honor the immortal Heroes who landed at Normandy 80 years ago the men of dday will live forever in history as among the bravest noblest and greatest Americans ever to walk the earth they shed their blood and thousands gave their lives in defense of American Freedom they are in our hearts today and for all time which I agree with and would even be somewhat moved by had he not 12 hours earlier posted what I've gone through no one has ever gone through I have been under siege and wasn't Steven Seagal fantastic in that movie I mean Trump's in California tonight and all this weekend with a collection basket he's got a fundraiser here in Beverly Hills tomorrow it's $250,000 a person well you know it's not every day you get a chance to take a selfie with a convicted felon who can't control his gas and then on Saturday Trump headlines a fundraiser in Newport Beach which is co-hosted by the guy who founded Oculus VR the goggles Palmer lucky AKA Billy Ray virus and um as for Old Yeller himself he's so fired up he's foaming at the mouth we will take back our country on November 5th 2020 4 oh oh my God it's not something I ever need to see again I think I need to see that again it's November 5th 2024 November 5th 2024 oh poor Melania I'm so sorry everybody and I show that not to embarrass the former president although I do enjoy doing that uh but to point out that these people who work for Trump are so incomp ENT they don't even think to not post a video where he's literally foaming at the mouth only the best people reports are saying that Trump has whittel his list of potential running mates down to four contenders they are all men the rumored final four said to be in contention our Florida Senator Marco Rubio we have a con artist as the front runner in the Republican party I mean this guy bankrupted a casino how do you bankrupt a casino Ohio Senator JD Vance a never Trump guy I never liked him I can't stomach Trump I think that he's noxious on Twitter Vance called Trump quote reprehensible an idiot North Dakota governor Doug bergham would you ever do business with Donald Trump uh I don't think so why I would I just think that it's important that you're judged by The Company You Keep and South Carolina Senator Tim scottt I just love you no that's I think we have a winner I mean isn't that great that's how are these guys how are they not ashamed of themselves we have this on video at least Tim Scott has been slurping Trump's ass since the first day the rest of them are such spineless impotent bootlicking slugs the only thing that surprised me is Ted Cruz isn't on the list really you know there are 37 countries that Donald Trump as a convicted felon is not allowed to visit and another impact of these many felony convictions is he loses his license to carry concealed weapon which um if you think about it it's pretty crazy a guy who's not allowed to carry a concealed weapon would be allowed to carry a nuclear weapon this is like your parents saying you know what you can't have a puppy but if you get good grades we'll buy you a werewolf Trump has three guns registered in his name uh and he doesn't even know how to hold one this you can see look at this guy you can see his light flashing before his eyes and then he's got a handun he's got a glock there which is um that's the same face he made when he held Eric for the first time what the hell am I supposed to do with this Trump's already turned in two of his guns the guns he has in New York and um now if he wants to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue he's going to have to do with a crossbow this is pretty good this is a funeral home in ton Wanda New York they're having some neighbor trouble because the folks who live nearby aren't crazy about breathing the smoke and human remains that come out of the crematorium I'll be honest with you I would not want to live in a neighborhood where there's a crematorium so many feet from my house that's the reality for homeowners in tananda who live behind the amagon funeral home in Crematory on Sheridan drve this comes after a long fight by those in the community and lawmakers to force the cremator out of the neighborhood now if Governor hokel signs the bill amagon will have 180 days to move the Crematory or shut it down you see the it's the amigon funeral home I hope you're gone if not you're in the wrong place you get it g yeah get it I mentioned earli we have a tradition every year we send G on to NBA Finals media day and every year they send him back but some years we have holdouts some years some of the players don't want to talk to G but this year he got them all and here he is GMO with the Celtics and the Mavericks at NBA Finals media day I'm here at the NBA finals let's go talk to some players my friend how you doing I'm good how are you good you play in Texas have you ever met a horse no I haven't made a horse Hi how are you I just want to say congratulations make it to the finals thank you you got the wrong stuff on though yeah I do well hold on let me fix it for you okay oh there we go all right thank you so much yeaha yeah hey let me ask ask you a question from my magic bucket okay okay let's go all right you want to read it or you want me to read it you read it how do you feel about J Sheldon finally ending after seven hilarious [Music] Seasons John Sheldon finally ending after young Sheldon young Sheldon finally ending after 7 he a sitcom on uh on channel 2 really yeah oh hey man how are you good to see you every good we bet uh the first Mexican leprechaun right yeah first Mexican leprechaun how are you I'm good how are you I'm going to grab a marshmallow from here all right and you have to guess who it is okay all right ready yeah which one you think it is yeah look good job man hey you win a box of lucky charm thank you with your hand are yeah I touched all of them hi Jason tayen how are you I just got one quick how you doing what's up bro good I just want to say congratulation make it to the finals thank you okay so my question is what is the difference between an Irishman and an alcoholic I don't know the alcoholic goes to the meetings all right one more one more one more got to go oh thank you hey how are you how good how you doing good I S I don't want to mess with you can you hold this for me yeah I can't oh you got a secret compartment it's like a Kingsman situation is that a flask you're ready to be a Boston Celtic uh a fan it looks like is there electrolytes on there thank you very much you're welcome all right wife time to tell the team who has the gross toenails who has the grossest toenails in the team um I don't know that answer but uh I'm going go with you Trel with them you should know yeah my feet ain't perfect so I'll say me you say you oh that's good some more tea more tea cheers here you want to eat a sandwich is that a sand what kind I sandwich is it this is can I eat it yeah you can eat it you sure it's a finger sandwich okay it this is this is what they do here in Boston yeah okay I touch it with my fingers no I'm cool you're cool oh yeah I'm I'm all right so you shower with all the players all right yes I do who has the worst tattoo what the worst tattoo oh that's a really good question um spell the te I hope he doesn't get mad at me but I'm going to go with uh O'Shea brassette oh from my team yeah maybe he has he's a big Spider-Man fan oh yeah um and it's uh he's got some really good good ones but then there's one that's that's not so good good all right all right hey can I see you a Spider-Man tattoo yeah what a nerd what you say no nothing I said I like it you know how to speak like Boston no no I don't do you yeah I try let's try it all right so we're going to speak like Boston all right Boston do you get to the final because the other team suck it so freaking hard how I'm doing like I fed in my car near Fenway Park good job this summer I'm getting hardcore into parkour that might be sexual no no it's like an exercise I think hi Cur how are you how you doing I just want to say congratulations make it to the final I want to out with beefing everything I don't want to have squ or B we have B boy you step on me last time and I don't I don't I wish I had a flower for you bro I'll get it to you man all right but we cool right are we cool yeah yeah we good bro oh good all right can I ask you a question for my magic back go ahead man could you beat airbud oneone I think that would be a tough one-onone airbud shout out to airbud man uh follow up how would you beat airbud uh by not letting him touch the ball all right good luck again man take care here let me give you a lucky thanks bro good luck against air but thanks lucky thanks thank you hey Luka how are you how you doing let me ask you a question listen when you were 13 years old you turned professional right yeah yeah you know when I was 14 I made love to my lady for the first time it's not like Prof but it's something right it's a good AG yeah it's a good AG can I ask a question for my magic bucket yeah yeah how come nobody wears really tiny shorts anymore did something happen I don't know I was too young I wasn't I wasn't here yet last question last question because I know you got to go do you work out yes yeah you no see from the NBA Finals they kicking me out of the Court pick close up and get off the FL sorry sorry all right very well done thank you graas my little [Applause]
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 2,039,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Monologue, Guillermo, Hollywood, Los Angeles, West Coast, Basketball, NBA, NBA Finals, ABC, Boston Celtics, Dallas Mavericks, Media day, D-Day, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Melania, Trump, Running Mate, Tim Scott, JD Vance, Marco Rubio, Rudy Giuliani
Id: 5JpepqoyxSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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