Reacting to my own cursed subreddit

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're going to be looking at my subreddit to see what you really think about me it's been a while since we looked at the subreddit so let's see how we're doing over here let's go to the top today a valentine's day cards for everyone to use fantastic to kevin from kevin that's not the most depressing thing you've seen all day i am sorry oh wait there's more there's four of these oh there's a turg one that's pretty romantic i would let you out of the basement sometimes while that's a lie that's still pretty sweet and then just defaults saying okay all right that's just today let's go atop this week let's see what you've been talking about this very week oh this was a big thing i would recommend for you to not keep the cape on your fretboard i actually saw this there was a warning just about the damage you can do to the guitar and the whole stream that night people were telling me to take it off kevin someone on reddit said not to keep the capo on your guitar because you'll ruin the strings i know that's why i have two on there now yeah just a little tip uh i do is to put the cape on the top of the guitar head that is a good idea thank you for the tip fix deadline six to eight weeks don't worry i've i've made that note and in another six to eight weeks it will be taken care of oh my god f in the chat for calling me kevin clips the poor guy he was such a talented content creator and he just disappeared maybe he's got to do retail or something stupid oh my god this meme i love this meme this came from the streams i can't even remember what i was doing and the shadow makes it so much worse for some reason what what is this i tried to search for similar images like oh maybe we can see some of the other memes with this template and they brought up julius irving an american basketball player like google i know you're you're kind of in control here on my channel you could just delete me if you want but i i don't see the resemblance oh my god it's me wait no it's me looking at me who is looking at me there's so many me's and we're all wearing the same thing we're like a cartoon character oh that is cool i like that oh god that's drawing and it's so nice and wholesome and everything it's just a cool little drawing with it and then i scroll down and then we have eat that meat and a drawing of me holding a body from among us on top of an altar just eating human remains i'll show you the clip but i feel like you need a lot of you know what i don't think the context will help regardless roll the clip everyone i'm going to need you to chant eat that meat as i eat the meat okay so i'm going to start now if you could all chant eat that meat that would be great okay all right i'll be back later oh god i don't feel good after that oh help me off that's your screensaver really that's that's what you want on your desktop ah very good the chaos mod yes i like it that is the exact smug look i picture on all of your faces when you're torturing me with that mod oh my god what is this this is from the ai dungeon video is it i'm baddie i want to scare you all i got this little two picture and the little owl in the background you know you're kind of attractive oh the little zoom ins that that is fantastic not what i pictured in my head but i feel like i didn't even see the little bimpsons and stuff that is beautiful for a minute i thought kevin was being stalked harassed by a mad woman named jolene i always do like weird cryptic titles for these music videos just a little joke you know but they always go wrong i don't really think of what they could be like that uh this is long overdue video where i sent country roads like posted it on the first of june pride month and then had a picture of me looking into the camera just saying this is long overdue first of june world milk day as well by the way so maybe i was just gonna try milk i i'm not a big milk drinker all right you know what let's move on to this month we're moving our way up the ladder here eating soup while watching kevin and he'll never know well [ __ ] you casey facey17 i'm coming for you wait a second not only did they do it once they did it twice we betrayed her in our midst i think oh another fantastic community moment where i did a poll it ended up getting over like a quarter of a million votes by the way so thank you for voting in it and it stayed at 50 one of the most impressive things i have seen all year again so it sums up the entire idea of getting the twitch chat involved with my games let me walk into my parents room it's right here to tell them i pissed the bed why is it so distorted i guess because that's me as a kid oh little cab is back oh no i can already see what's coming up i just see whitest thing on earth yeah there i am even the face is like me oh my god there's more of them they call me kevin summer in this format kevin leaving the theater no it's jesus that's a good edit there you got me out of the background and everything i like how he's the same shadow though describe the gta 5 chaos matter one word me no more mr nice jesus i mean that's not one word maybe if you say it really fast no more names jesus oh that's a cute little drawing even though i i hate the person in it this guy he's fine i'm catholic i gotta love him everyone makes fun of me for this everyone thinks my water bottle is big okay it's not that okay it's a vase all right but just get over it it makes my hands look regular sized if i hold these things look at it see don't i look like a normal human now um hydrated oh that is that is a cool one i like this drawing this was a fan art of me standing i was just demonstrating to people how good i am at standing now because i've been using my standing desk every now and again and i just a lot of practice built up my skill i guess because i'm just getting really really good at it and i don't like to boast i don't like to flex on people but i just think i'm doing a good job in fact you know what i'm usually holding on to something i'm usually grabbing the desk i have handles under here and a little seat belts to keep me is stood up but i'm ready for some more freestanding unassisted standing okay oh ah maybe maybe a bit more practice all right that's fine practice makes perfect and injuries oh my god there's another version of me how many are there how many times have i been standing back there just in that pose in fact i'll give you another one there you go is that good is that a good one i even got the funky pants on let's face it i just don't wear pants anymore it's what's the point i'm just gonna be at home all day anyway what's the worst thing you've done to your sins no no no pregnant santa i'm not falling for that one i'm not going to incriminate myself fun fact did you know that kevin and stuart little were best friends in school first of all his body doesn't look very mouse-like and second of all i don't remember having stock footage markers all over my school and finally i didn't have friends oh my god i remember seeing this one hold on all dreams have a meaning i related to this a lot because my dreams are so fast what are you talking about this is literally like the dreams i have oh my god i don't remember this parrot am i in a dream right now oh my god this is terrifying but yeah that that seems about right i've had a lot of dreams similar to that it explains a lot about me as a person i think there's so many of these from like streams and i don't know what i'm doing i don't know the context stained glass kevin out to prove we're not a cult at all and that definitely proves it there we go that's my evidence in core to the eventual trial that we'll all be involved in and you're all involved in it by the way that's in the disclaimer when you subscribe to the channel and if you haven't already please subscribe there's no like a hidden commitment or anything that just subscribe i forgot i made these at some point i mean the boys at 3am looking for beans well maybe you should forget it maybe we should all forget this we can repress it together oh no come on oh yeah that's what that one was from it was me going nice bike i remember now i kind of forgot about that meme yes oh wait hold on a second absolving myself a sin by eating potatoes and watching kevin okay you are forgiven that is all you need to do whatever you do to me if you eat some potatoes while watching my videos all is forgiven oh my god look at them they're multiplying there's so many i shouldn't have given you that one earlier that was a bad idea i forgot about this i'm using my picture on tinder you should use the one of me being a [ __ ] neanderthal over there yeah they said their occupation to dumbass i don't know if that was some sort of attack also i'm not a jakey i don't look like a jakey all right you know what it's time to unleash the beast we're going all time this year i hope this is like like a 12-month period and not just like in this calendar year because if so that's basically a month anyway oh my god the top post is from my my post well it's someone else's post but of me i know i'm surprised it's my own subreddit but i just don't really tweet all that much so to see me up there i feel very proud i gave my mom a youtube figure she was not happy to find out the box hours for me about to be hit by a car that's true that's true fellas if your girl has a beautiful smile pale skin and a good sense of humor that's not your girl that's 2.4 million subscriber youtube recalling you had to pick that one up of all the pictures you had to pick that one it was your favorite avenger me i love that the title is just a hawker guy i mean like some weird knockoff oh look it's hawk guy and captain ireland say his name you won't be laughing when he calls you sus the peepee oh can we fund this has it already been funded we're probably too late four months ago that's probably a production now they're probably cast pp popo who would play him though i would have to imagine vin diesel i always get sent this there's always that jerk named kevin that shows up in cartoons it's a [ __ ] name and then me why there must be some like nice kevin characters surely characters named kevin oh there we go see we got kevin the bird from up kevin the minion kevin mcallister i get sent that a lot as well the mom going come on okay maybe all cartoon kevin's are annoying right i don't know i have to see some more data on it but it's not looking so promising so far kevin swanson oh my god my son i can't believe i'm going on the family guy fandom wiki but i just want to see if he's a good person or not i'm here but now i'm realizing that i'm not really patient enough to actually read like three pages on kevin swanson from family guys so i'll leave it up to you if you want to find out more feck called me kevin all my homies watch zedex no regret sex said really really you think he's better than me i can see why you like him so much you can almost see the gameplay through all these pixels i also like how you shine like mono and there's a constant buzzing noise sorry not me zx no regrets he's just such a talented content creator i'm just jealous all right don't listen to me god my internet history is just me looking up myself from like 10 years ago old call of duty and they're kevin swanson oh my god this is amazing i didn't see this before this is me playing board games with myself during the initial lockdown oh even that sounds fun now lockdown has gotten very old very fast oh that is lovely as well i love that that's very nice um no no not this one what is this i think i've seen this image before i've definitely seen this one i'm not sure about the drawing when you can't play online games like i can recognize dj kevi suffering from success that is legit okay there have been games that i cannot play anymore it's tragic it's it's really really a big problem and you should feel sympathy for me why do all the bad things happen to me i do enjoy pretending to be a soundboard though that is one benefit it's always hilarious when people accuse me of being a soundboard and then i just actually act like a soundboard the only problem is it's so rare that you'd actually be able to fool people with it i do enjoy pretending to be a soundboard though that is one benefit it's always hilarious when people accuse me of being a soundboard and then i just actually act like a sound board the only problem is it's so rare that you'd actually be able to fool me it's always helpful celebrities we're all in the same boat they're about my boat look if it made my bit life character happy it's good enough for me this is great what happens if you give a boy a doll they might just become caring pediatricians nurturing teachers donating uncles loving fathers ah that's very sweet thank you very much that's very nice of you now that that's lovely you guys are a lot kinder than i deserve irish people will be named it'll be like it's pronounced kevin oh my god should we do like a video just on irish stuff again it's always so fun i've even got like an irish dictionary let's learn a word shall we okay so please learn us the video please learn this the video leave a learn if you have a chance i i i literally just opened it and that was comment apparently uh alarm is chocked that's a new one to me how do i say like and subscribe you know i don't think subscribe will be in here i'll take a look i'll subscribe but it's really hard to pronounce uh for scrive i think it is oh my god streamer is here sri lan i think but no let's not get distracted okay so please leave it is i'm so bad at my native language it's not like it's used to be fair all right well lithium shader holley let's like and subscribe please i hope oh my god that is fabulous i've never seen this before i missed it somehow that is that is amazing good job honey snail so how is life going mate that could not be more accurate right now that is more accurate than it ever has been for me all right well we're going to end it there let me know if you want to see more of this guys thank you so much for watching i appreciate you i hope to see you next time bye bye bye bye bye bye bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 634,916
Rating: 4.9854274 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, reddit, subreddit, reaction, reacting to subreddit, best subreddits, subreddit funny, callmekevin subreddit, r/callmekevin, /r
Id: dMXBS0hsacQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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