Reacting to a PERFECT Twilight Princess Speedrun (NEW Twilight Princess TAS)

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today I'm going to be watching reacting and doing a breakdown of the brand new tool assistant speed run that was just released for Twilight Princess all dungeons this run is over 30 minutes faster than the fastest human run and it took over four years to be created so I really hope you enjoyed and please don't forget to subscribe to YouTube channel because you're like 200 000 subscribers I really appreciate the support thank you so much and enjoyed the video The Run has been started I'm assuming this is going to be very similar to how a normal run I should say uh would be I guess quick little rundown a Tas stands for Tool assisted speedrun it basically means that this run was done with multiple tools to help it out to be what is considered to be basically a perfect run so that means save states it means slow downs and it also means repeating the same thing over and over again to get the perfect luck and execution of all tricks there's definitely going to be some things that are similar to what you would see in a normal RK run meaning like when a human does a run but there's also going to be some tricks that are going to be tool assist only so like it's too difficult for a human to do uh right here I do know this trick so this is a glitch known as back in time basically by voiding out and performing a soft reset on the exact same frame you will respawn onto the title screen but you will have control over link which you usually wouldn't have you then void out again to get rid of the logo so you can click on pause and save the game and this will transfer over everything that link had unlocked on the title screen onto your save file so that would include things such as your tunic your sword your shield and a pone is also unlocked but yeah so in case anyone was wondering yes this tool assisted speedrun took literally four years to make that's right four years and over 200 000 re-recordings that is how passionate people are about these speedruns of these old games so so far this is very similar to like a normal 80 percent run by a human okay maybe I wouldn't be spinning around the camera like this you know so far this is pretty much a normal run that you would imagine you basically do back in time to get everything you get the key to get access to the skate and you go up and you rescue this girl there's not too much like for people that know Twilight friends as well you will know that even the Twilight Princess is one of the best games of all time don't add me it's true early game is quite slow in this game early game just stinks thankfully because you can do the back in time glitch you can speed it up significantly but you are still sort of limited you know all right let's see how well the task does goats goat is awful if anyone has ever done goats you will know that they do not want to go in they do not want to go in at all okay I have a little thing I just want to mention if you just go back here's a good example of a tool assisted speedrun basically spending hours just manipulating something like this you probably might have missed it on your first watch these go to running to the right do you see how these goats are angled in such a perfect way to where they are pushing these goats so these goats haven't even started running yet so when this goat decides oh I'm gonna run it has already been pushed all the way there to perfectly align it that's a sort of like Precision that is done in these tool assistant speedruns I'm assuming that with wolf link we're gonna see a good amount of movement in relation to something known as brake sliding brake sliding is really really cool if these are doing it I'll try and explain roughly how it works but it's a really cool moving trick that you see often Runners do right there is actually a small Text slash cutscene skip by the way usually you jump down in Midnight literally bullets you and goes hey dummy don't fall down just use me by pressing the Z button and I'll show you the way but if you jump in a very precise angle you can break the rocks to activate the prompts due to the jump but you skip that text prompt with midna telling you about it oh that's so cool the jumping animation up on that ledge is longer so instead of doing the climbing up animation would say it like takes like two seconds he does two dashes on the side of those mini rocks to skip it I love those small optimizations that's so cool I I don't know if like as a casual you might like notice the small like movement optimizations everywhere but there is so much going on but before we get further into this task a quick word from today's sponsor are you tired of the same old mobile RPG games well I'm happy to introduce project mcadooge a brand new casual RPG that will keep you entertained for hours in Project McIntosh you can play alone or with your friends in a brand new multiplayer mode to defeat the evil cats and take back to Freedom that they have stolen from the puppies upgrade your macadotes to become even stronger and experience the thrill of a hacking slash gameplay with infinite abilities and upgrades join forces today with your friends and take on the cats together in Project mcadouch the link is always in the description this is uh someone called Hugo by the way all my homies speed in this game hate to go this is one of the major skips and one of the hardest skips in the game to learn this is something known as sword and shield skip wow that is so fast okay let me just quickly try and explain what happened there okay imagine that you have you have like the portal here right so this is the portal that takes you into this Twilight realm so here's the ground and here's the portal right there is a the game doesn't want you to enter this portal until you've obtained a very specific sword and shield you might be wondering well we already have it no because the game only looks for the wooden one so it doesn't think that we have God in the sword and shield like you should so what the game developers did is something kind of smart they basically placed on the ground right here like a text trigger over this entire ground so if you touch this ground at all you will immediately be activated by a text box telling you hey you can't go here you don't have the sword and shield and it turns you around however when you get close to one of these you know the portal itself it is a cut scene and cut scenes can be activated in midair which is where there's really five of things goes into play play for the text box Triggers on the ground but a cutscene trigger extends into the air so you can't jump over it or skip it or something so this extends all the way here now the developers thought well that's totally fine because there's no way that wool flank in some way can jump over into this but what you can do is if you trick Hugo this enemy to go over here what you can do is something really smart you attack the enemy and the enemy is gonna fall back a little bit so it falls back here then as wolf link you do a jump attack the jump attack will jump for the enemy jump over him and you will enter the cutscene trigger before you land on the ground now yes you will take the land on the ground but this takes priority over the text trigger meaning that you activate the cutscene trigger then you land on a text trigger but because you can use the a prompt to enter the next area through the cutscene trigger entered you can skip the text box altogether and go into the next area and that is how you skip the sword and shield it's one of the most difficult tricks in the game right here you actually try and lose on purpose this is an unbeatable fight on your first attempt because you don't have the midna power up yet to hold the B button to take them so you actually on purpose knock down two so they scream and then you go and manually pick up mid now really beautiful optimization right there he only actually targeted two of them but during the jump attack the second one he hit the two in midair wait a second does all dungeons have to collect these oh in any percent you actually skip the tier collecting for this first area I feel like I'm gonna get depressed seeing how fast they're gonna collect these tears though Chad because I hated collecting the tears when I played this game so I think I'm gonna get very sad seeing how fast they can do it just look at the movement like look at it isn't it awesome okay that's actually really clever my assumption you see how he's killing them but he's not picking up the tears if you killed a bug if you didn't pick up the tear the tear is gonna stay there the next time you come back so my assumption is that because he's gonna run past those areas anyways later instead of losing the four seconds to wait for the animation of the bug to fully die and The Tear to go down my assumption is that he is rather instead killing them so that the second time he comes back he can just immediately pick up the tear to skip the little waiting period he didn't even use midna there okay I'm sorry but look at that he didn't even use midna jumps look at that normally use midna jumps here you get the problem for it he just does it manually like that's all manual that's so cool and a triple kill of course with the bugs too he pushed the bug right there as well so that they were together so he could get the tier in just one jump instead of two what what holy [ __ ] okay right there he I'm assuming they manipulated the key so the bats because if you are targeting an enemy further away in this game you can get something under the long jump attack it's gonna be the main use for a glitch coming up later so if you target an enemy that's further away from you you do a longer jump attack than if you just like do a normal one so right there they manipulated the keys to be at the perfect distances so that they can do long jump attacks so that instead of doing the slow like automatic jumps like this with midna look he does a normal jump jump jump and he just barely escapes the fog that's so cool uh right here this is the area where normally you do early Master Sword we usually don't do it that fast but it is very cool let me explain the brake slide now okay chat what are you looking at right now is footage of wind Baker so brake sliding works the same in Wind Waker as Twilight Princess okay you see right here it says speed zero zero zero this is a brake slide in Wind Maker okay what we're gonna do right is the player is gonna do a roll to get up to 22 units and then he's going to initiate a brake slide do you see how his speed is 19.19 now look at the speed very carefully do you see how he's losing it incredibly slowly do you see how you ran that entire distance and he only lost two units of Speed Demon from negative 19 to negative 17. that's the idea with brake sliding imagine that if you go up if you go on a flat surface you have 10 units if you go up like a surface that's sloped you get five units right that means that if you start an animation to get a lot of speed on a flat surface and then you initiate a brake slide you're going to be losing your speed so incredibly little that you're basically maintaining the super high speed that you had initially going up the slow I I can't really explain it much further than that but I hope that sort of makes sense it basically is a method to try and preserve your speed better so that you can in a much easier fashion have faster movements and you can see right there it's a big surface and right there he jumps out of bounds by the way and he jumps into the forest where normally you would only have access to it after the first three dungeons where you would find your master sword right here he oh of course so this is RNG manipulation you see how everything he's get he's breaking drops a rupee uh this is something about this guy this really weird champ so you might think you have to kill all of them but that's not how it works if you just take down a single one of them uh after a couple of seconds he will basically blow his Bell and it will try and respawn more in this case just want more so you'd take down one and then you go around you pick up rupees and the radiss is about to pick up his little whistle to blow again you attack him Chad I don't want to flex or anything but I do this test rat in my runs I'm practically a tool assistant Speed Run oh no this run does actual RNG manipulation like legitimately does RNG manipulation there's a reason why it took over 200 000 re-recordings to do around like this they legitimately as trial and error thousands of attempts to get perfect outcomes I wouldn't say it's RNG manipulation it's more banging your head against this against the wall thousands of times until you get the perfect outcome it's basically brute forcing over and over and over again until they finally get the good outcome I'm assuming now we're gonna be picking up the tears that earlier bugs was killed but didn't actually pick up the tiers for yeah two easy tiers right there he doesn't even barely touch them like how does that even pick them up what wait excuse me what oh yeah okay yeah sure who needs who needs a gate anyways there is a gate clip that a humans do uh later on in the run and I guess it works the same way because when you hit a gate and it's like swings back and forth like this you can with a really precise usually we do side hops in RTA jump in the middle of these swinging and you can just barely clip through it but obviously you wouldn't do for something like that because it only saves like four seconds but I guess a tool assistant Speedo doesn't have to worry about that also this might look really simple just roll here and use the lantern I will say if you don't know exactly what you're doing there that should not be that easy oh yeah definitely have your notepads out Chad and take notes this might be on the test so that double kill is so hard another beautiful manipulation right there on those bugs all right here I know what's going on okay so right here he's making a safer on save number three right here he's about to do a glitch known as back in time for something known as boss Flags it's a really cool trick so he's gonna do the back in time glitch that he did earlier to get back into the title screen right here and you can avoid out as he presses a to go back into the title screen he's then going to load save file number two which he saved uh in the first Village and the save point would be outside of Bo's house that positioning mixed with being in a title screen puts you into this boss fight right here by then soft resetting and pressing start ask the cutscene starts for the boss it's gonna put you into this weird state where in very simplified terms the game now thinks that you're in a boss fight that's the simple tlr of everything you just did there right now there's a flag in the game basically a little like a checkpoint if you want to call it that and the game thinks that he is in a boss fight you're actually going to see in just one minute why that is useful the fact that he's not killing any of these spiders by the way is terrifying me you would never see this as a human the the amount of hours he probably just spent manipulating those goddamn spiders to not look your way is redonkulous right now he opens his door it's the first time he's only gotten one monkey right well look all the monkeys up here because he got that boss flag from earlier for doing that back in time glitch and because the game thinks that he must be in a boss fight the only way they in this dungeon you would have the boss lag trigger is if you have already gotten all the monkeys so all the monkeys automatically spawn and you can immediately use them to go to the mini boss and get the Gale Boomerang early skipping practically the entirety of the dungeon also here's another RNG manipulation uh it's RNG how many jumps this monkey jumps around these pillars yeah you're just gonna get the best outcome in all of these I guarantee you you're only gonna get one jump uh he's gonna leave right now but I I think he's gonna come back later because this is all dungeons after all what also right there you saw he did a backflip immediately this is actually a cutscene skip that's a frame perfect backflip right there right here he's gonna do a trick to escape the forest normally you can't leave the forest until you have beaten the first dungeon but by doing that little trick he just did right there he can get out of it early you can see that anytime this surface goes kind of upwards at all so he would lose speed he goes into brake sliding to maintain his speed better right here this is actually a trick that we do as humans we hit this fence and then we side hop okay well he's just getting a big Giga chat and just walk through it but that is a trick that actually humans do just much slower and that allows us to enter this Lake early and this is usually done to enter a lake bed early so that uh you can get the claw shot early right here I'm assuming they're gonna do pillar clip uh maybe not okay okay uh okay so normally a human would clip out on this pillow right here and swim into the loading zone I guess what they do instead is basically frame perfect pixel perfectly pick up a rupee when you're literally on the edge pixel of falling off of a ledge so they clip through the ground sure yeah yeah yeah call me up whenever a human does that foreign Gates don't exist virtual assistant speedruns I I swear they literally don't believe in Gates I usually say that walls are suggestions for speedrunners for a tool assistant speed run that is such cool movement that is the quickest iron boots there that's so cool he lands here at a higher ledge he does a jump slash he then rolls off this ledge but because he gets a jump out of it he doesn't want to actually be in the air he equips his iron boots to kill his height and then immediately gets a roll out of it and just barely gets to the door without bonking wait is he doing the boss key skip already what there is one hell of a way to get this character wow I guess that's a few seconds faster than running around the room uh here you can also see another thing so remember earlier I mentioned that we had boss Flags activated they glitched that we did earlier with the back in time so we could get all the monkeys and immediately start the mini boss fight in the first dungeon because we still have that activated in the background of the game by entering this and looking up because taking things for in the fight we all immediately activate this normally you can't activate this boss site from this entrance you have to go through this tunnel to get that trigger for the for the boss lag this is one of the only tricks that I'm assuming they're gonna do that humans can do this is known as a one cycle it requires incredibly precise close to frame perfect D inputs because if you do it for the perfect timing you can just barely get enough hits in to get him in just one cycle um guy [ __ ] that's that's my claw shot right there hey it's man chicken yeah so far we still haven't actually beat in a dungeon we've done half of a dungeon and half of another dungeon uh right here you can do a cool little like insta kill uh basically normally you can't be human here but because he's human and he has iron boots he can make this bird dive underneath the water which automatically insta kills the enemy that's riding on him and it immediately activates the next part you have to be careful not to be caught by him though because it will crash the game right here there is an out of bounds clip that even humans do okay they don't do it there uh normally as a human you fly a bit further and there's a two rocks you can kind of clip out of bounds on I get right there that big gap I guess these dude faster you can also see that he keeps turning to the right that's not because the toolus is the speedrunner is patega that's because the game tries to kind of help you and like nudge you in the right way being like you're doing great buddy this is the way to go so it kind of has like a tiny bit of Auto steering not much you still have to do 99 of yourself but it has a tiny bit of Auto steering if you're going like way off so he has to fight that a little bit right there you see how he immediately did a jump and a side hop that's actually a tech skip right there okay this is different than what I'm used to from any percent usually here you would work to the Goron area oh wait no George Floyd no we would go to the Goran area now my bad okay we're gonna go back and we're gonna save teleport OKO to go back to the water temple oh we're gonna back in time with a Teleport oh and we're gonna go through this fight wait we're actually gonna do the fight with a claw shot what he doesn't have the bow oh it puts you faster to kakariko basically what it did is by activating this guy he can do a glitch on his back in time so he does a soft reset on a very specific frame as he's voiding out here normally when you do a softer so you get put back to the title screen and you can't control link but if you do it on the correct frame as you're supposed to void end from a Teleport you have axis over link he then voids out at the in the title screen at the same time as he presses a to choose a file he selects his actual main file so he has all the items that he's supposed to have but he's instead on Hyrule Field where this boss didn't fight takes place he takes down the Boss by I'm assuming incredible precision as humans don't do it with a claw shot and this when you beat him puts you back into basically kakariko which is where you actually would want to go so I guess this skips the overall Moon of going to kakariko I don't know because here's a strange thing though you're supposed to fight three Shadow beasts right here so how is he supposed to fight the shadow beasts oh that's so clever okay so he's in a glitched State when he arrives here because of the glitches that he did but he needs to fight the shadow beasts to get the teleporter in kakariko so he uses Epona to side hop in between Epona and the wall oppona Clips him out of bounds to be voids out and by voiding out it reloads the room and now the beasts are here so we can actually fight them I'm curious this is going to be the most normal part of the run I'm assuming because it's tear collecting but I guarantee you how much do you guys want to bet that they're still gonna do it incredibly fast bro what the jump on this side that's so fast that's so cool the bug pushing and also the perfect rupees while waiting as well [Music] all right I'm curious to see what they're gonna do here so here there's actually a trick coming up so here y'all if you ever played this you all will know that normally what happens here is you enter a house and you have to burn on that they're in a house now there's a trick you can do even in an RTA run where you stand here and you do a long jump attack to avoid a trigger uh for a bug spawning I guess he's just gonna do the jumps normally because if you're able to do long jump attacks in this case just be a god gamer with movement to jump over here you can get over to this hole before the bug meaning you can kill the bug before he enters the home and if this bug is Dead the game thinks that you've already actually burned down this house so you can immediately get the tears growing up to the Gowan area already wait why okay I have no idea where the route is going to go now oh is it going to get that big boulder and it's going to teleport it to the Zora area maybe I'm assuming he's just flexing on us right now yeah that jump right there to like ledge scrap instead of jumping in the water is so cool wait where is he going all right let's see if anything crazy happens during this bug collecting Parts I'm kind of excited for this part to be done so we're done with bug collecting now that this is not cool but like I really want to see how they do some of the dungeons you know what I mean wait why are we human again all right so let's just hook shot that as I'm going down the waterfall easy I'll do that at my next Speed Run sure yeah instead of going up on this side and just jumping down why not just hook shot while falling in the from the waterfall why did I not think of that that I am so mad looking at that the fact that he got seven rupee drops from that one patch of grass you never get that okay where's my rupees I will break 10 bushes in this game and I get one rupee he's already at a hundred rupees That's crazy dude this man is rich munch munch munch munch okay this run is 11 000 seconds roughly he redid every single second 18 times over three hours that's almost a reset per frame because it's a 30 FPS game so we almost reset every single frame for the whole three hours all right here we go let's see what we're gonna do now oh we're gonna learn the final blow you have to interact with at least minimum one wolf in the speed round if you don't interact with a single wolf and you don't get the final blow attack you can get to Ganon in the end of the game and you literally can't beat him I'm not kidding you can get to the very end but to be able to defeat ganier to do the final blow and you literally are just soft like that because you just you can't do the final attack on him like where is he going wait I'm sorry that's that's through a wall yeah sure let's just save like half a second by not having to like look higher up yeah it probably saves like four frames of aiming but sure let's just go through the wall this is so cool by the way like he can so easily like legitimately get around here because he has the monkeys but instead he's just gonna Flex on all of us there yeah this is really cool normally you're not supposed to be able to bring Bombs over from one cycle to another but it's obviously slightly faster and having to wait for the monkey oh he delays it from exploding by flying that bomb in the air that's so cool because normally if it's on the ground it's going to explode so we flew it to delay it from exploding so you could use both of the bombs no he missed a hard container right dude monka is only gonna be at 3 HP now uh right here he's gonna do a glitch known as map glitch by the way uh so you're gonna see that he's gonna talk to midnight he's gonna click on the warp Button he's gonna click on a warp but it's not actually gonna warp him this is something really really cool so basically what he does right there is he presses the button to open up his map on the same frame that he presses the Z button to talk to midna so the map is supposed to open up but because he pressed midna button at the same time the midnight text box comes up first he then says to midnight hey I would like to warp somewhere and he clicks on yes I want to warp away but it cancels the war because it then immediately tries to use the math button that he pressed that will cost you a couple of really strange effects one of which is that loading zones are deactivated and he can't void out so normally right here when you go into this blizzard you will know if you play this game that if you don't have like the fish and the yeti to help you you will immediately void out going up this area but yeah so by doing that glitch that math glitch he won't be voided out so he can just go up the entire Mountain do the amount of moonwalking here is crazy I never realized how much faster you can go up by moonwalking now normally like I said loading zones are disabled so if you just try to enter the loading zone to leave this area he would actually soft lock the game but if you get put away into a different area by watching a cut scene it still works because it's a loading zone through a cutscene it does pull you out which cancels the glitch which is essential because otherwise you would just dig right here and where the area wants to go to in your soft blocks right here he's gonna do a cool little fight skip so normally you're supposed to fight some dark beasts at the very top of this mountain but by doing a jump a long jump attack with the Gale Boomerang on the side of the mountain you can hit the cutscene trigger for this Yeti which skips the area where normally you would activate the fight with a dark Beast so you can skip it entirely I want to know did any of you guys think this was the best Dungeon as well in this game I really thought this dungeon was so unique and cool hands down favorite dungeon in the game where is he going what yeah sure let's just pretend the ice doesn't exist this trick I do know this trick we do do it in any percent to get through this I'm assuming a perfect one cycle right here what I'm sorry wait wait wait okay hold on hold on okay so he jumps up here if he touches his eyes he automatically gets frozen he jumps gets canceled does another jump slash he gets frozen look he freezes to he gets frozen so he shouldn't be able to move and then the link Clips inside of the ledge grabs the ledge gets frozen again Clips up on the edge does another jump Slash from the Gale booming that's still out to get on top what did I just watch and we got the boss key baby yeah he doesn't need to get any soup or anything because by getting the last item and entering this room it just activates the boss fight I'm assuming yeah this is how I remember fighting this boss too yeah I did it this fast as well Chad so cool that is so freaking cool saved skip the text so freaking fast that hit him putting his helmet off and on didn't even match the footage at all it literally just went wait where is he looking I mean I guess that thought Skip One Jump with the gorons what oh and now the gorons are no longer blocking the entrance oh okay yeah okay those jumps yeah I guess yeah let's not wait for the lava let's just get invisibility frames and jump through yeah okay yeah sure yeah yeah this is basically how I play the game yeah dude this is so smooth I love how he's putting the iron boots on and off constantly if you pay close attention to his feet you can see what he puts the iron boots on I guess that's faster than pushing it more sure that's so funny Walking With The Iron boots is so slow in those metal sections he's using his sword to move faster I will say though this is something I legitimately hated when I played this game casually did you all ever notice how slow it is maybe it's because I'm a speedrunner by heart but I always hated how slow it is to walk with iron boots in the ceilings I wish it was a little bit faster I'm so scared because this is half HP can you please pick up heart sir I hate this you keep being surrounded by enemies and you're one hit away from death look how close that enemy was still landing on his head and dying what I'm sorry gate link okay let's just consider it a suggestion I guess also I feel like there's not damage to explain right here this is mostly just like him flexing and going redonkulous fast I wonder if this boss is going to be vanilla or if it's also going to be crazy I don't know if you can speed this boss fight up much honestly he shot the bow in that time you couldn't even see the bow shot happening shot he cannot even [Music] yeah he better not forget about the heart container this time this guy has been so papaga he forgot about the last two heart containers yeah it's right next to him come on you got this bro no [Music] not the heart piece again kakariki is so happy all of a sudden where are we going why did we not get a pony why are we rolling over here oh this Rodney's gonna purchase legitimate boxes instead of stealing them oh okay 120 bucks that is such a scam wait did he just sell the bombs he sold them so we can get water bombs oh that's so clever and then he can use the water bombs to get a second Bomb Bag or he's just gonna use water bombs for the rest of the Run yep and now he's gonna go back with this man chicken he's gonna use the man Chick in emote to teleport back and then immediately pick up the water bombs because he sold all the normal bombs and he's gonna backflip because literally barriers are just suggestions such a fast boss key skip that's insane dude you don't even have time to look okay let me try and explain what he does here okay so he's on this railing and you can slide off of this part right here and if you slide off of it you can actually be inside of the railing and land here this is actually what we do in RK speed run but then we do a really precise setup over like with line link up I'm going to do three backflips but he just does it all manually because his ass and he's just gonna clip straight into the boss room skipping all the dungeon the only thing he got was literally just yeah the claw shot this is going to be a sick boss fight by the way I guarantee you it's going to be like an insane one cycle we didn't pick up the sore armor by the way so we have limited air that's so fast look at this in a single air meter without Zora Armor All of the attacks look holy look at the air left bro that's insane also that jump is so cool normally in an RTA run you would go out of bounds right there with map glitch he's just an absolute Giga chat and does some insane parkour here like you jump right here you throw the bomb you go up there and that's why we don't do this RTA by the way if you're wondering why we do it out of bounds to give you an idea of the Precision so you didn't miss it this long jump attack definitely doable then he does a second he does a jump and then close to probably frame perfectly in the middle of his jump he does a jump slash to gain a few more pixels and then the bomb explodes knocking him in the perfect direction to just barely get knocked up onto the ceiling the timing to just get that bomb to actually get you up there is crazy all right A lot of people said that they were looking for the most towards seeing Arbiter ground tasks so here we go Chad let's see what happens what how's that he didn't even do the animation what well this is different what it what is happening what what are we doing what what we hook shot this guy and then we drop a ball you knock him out there you use the Gale Boomerang you pick up this bomb you throw it you get pushed by this guy oh and then he does a final blow attack he does the final blow attack like to finish enemy off and he gets pushed you it gets further forward by it and then the peak of the height the bomb explodes to get him on the railing that's crazy that's so cool wait what did he what is going on okay so we got the second skull to follow him all the way up here so you can do a long jump attack to get up on this pillar and then he holy what that's the coolest thing I've ever seen he cancels the animation by pushing out of bounds and getting hit so he can move dude the amount of manipulation of setting up these enemies to be in the correct spots to attack you on specific frames while doing specific actions are so cool yeah people do that RTA now that's crazy wait why is he going this direction why are we going here oh I didn't even know he was there this is a really cool mini boss I'm assuming they were gonna do a crazy fast setup though to skip it because there's a really precise long jump attack you can do to get up onto the wall to uh skip the fight yeah no problem just just jump over the wall didn't even look for the setup just looked away and still did it easy clap oh that's why he picked it up because it's a tiny bit faster for the task the teleport wait what wait what wait where are we going but go back I have a prediction I have a prediction maybe you do this dungeon last so that you can save the time by not having to warp an extra time to go to the top so instead you'd beat this dungeon as the final dungeon once you have all the other mirror pieces so once you beat the boss and you go to the top you just already there so you can enter the Palace of Twilight that's my prediction right now you are right but it's oh wait iki dude Drake's in a chat I didn't even realize he's in the chat that's our man is the legend himself that made the task I'm so happy there's nobody to skip this cutscene we need this cutscene yeah I'm really interested to see this dungeon and Temple of Time okay we're not gonna go to the bridge area with the dragon uh okay are we straight gonna go for the boss key why but we need small keys and a double claw shot what are we doing what is this route are we gonna skip the small key how are we gonna get him past the door how is he missing I've tried to not kill that enemy in my runs and you get knocked off every time the fact that somehow this guy is missing and hitting the blade and not him every time is redonkulous like how are we supposed to enter the next era the small key is right there where even are we now I'm so lost oh God it's the glitch I said I hope they don't do because I don't even know a good way to explain it oh my God thank you all right I okay uh basically to my my understanding if you like get on top of the chest you hook shot something and you walk off the edge you're like falling on like the same frame or whatever as like you're you're starting to hook shot an object you can like displace it so you can like like move the object to your hook shotting which is not intended whatsoever so you're basically like hook shotting an object and then sliding off so right is the object you're supposed to start going towards the object if you're like falling off so you're like falling as you're continuously hook shotting objects which are like slowly displacing them and you keep doing that to set these platforms up and then you throw a bomb then you hook shot the bomb you hook shot this and then you claw shot and as you're flying up you're supposed to just grab here and like you would be stuck but as you go up the bomb explodes knocking you off to like land on this object right here and then he's gonna put another bomb hooks out another object get the bomb to explode to knock him up on this platform and then you can hook shot the top part to get on top and I'm so lost but it's insane and it's cool and it's ah the they just jump off without him even doing an attack hold on did I see that right did they just [Laughter] we're not [Laughter] he didn't even look all right I think this is going to be one of the only rooms where I'm willing to say that this is going to be kind of casual foreign okay never mind I guess you can maybe speed this up a little bit okay take it back now this fight though this fight is literally an auto scroller every time I talk to casuals people say that they love this fight anytime you ask a speedrunner they say that they hate this fight because this fight is literally a fancy Auto scroller like legitimately speaking there is really nothing to the spine you void out there because normally you have to wait for these flying platforms if I remember frankly to go up and you go up very slowly but by purposely voiding out there you can cause them to immediately respawn at the top because that's your default position they should go to all right is it time for Temple of Time chat boss Champ here we go wait what are we doing oh I guess the parkour section is just a little bit too slow we had to make up our own parkour section to get in there who wants to jump over the logs like intended yeah okay dude oh we have to do skull kid again though I wish there was a skip to like skip the second Skull Kid so you could just straight go to Temple of Time here wait can I speak too soon wait what wait what what wait what was that found okay he does a long jump attack to get on the wall jumps up here turns human Moon walks up back flips jump session skips it I legit I I swear I did not know that that was a thing the puppet super jump is super precise I don't think anyone has ever done it in real time gotcha okay that makes sense why haven't seen it then are we gonna do a boost up so we don't have to run around of course all right I'm so curious to see this dungeon I have not I have only played this dungeon like one time as a casual all my experience with this dungeon is one casual playthrough that's it and I guess one randomizer that I and I did half of the dungeon so half of this dungeon in a randomizer and one cash will play through that's so cool let go into a jump slash just barely get over the fans wait what are we doing oh oh okay oh okay sure yeah do you know what's so funny that I just realized we have the spinner like the speedrun already has the spinner we could go there yet it's I guess it's slightly faster so instead of going here to use the spinner we do this crazy Shenanigans with the long jump attacks to get around here oh my God and it's to skip the platform to race it up there how does he not hit the metal bars and how is none of those four enemies around you attacking you what was that did he just like skip the animation of hook shotting that what he backs flips let's go in midair and it bounces onto the switch I feel like this run is more of just a flex more than anything huh what okay so he used that wand to get the object and use the object to push him through the wall dude that skipped so much of the dungeon I don't even remember this boss I'm gonna be honest oh is this the one when you slam him with a hand with one of the the spider with one of the hands in the corner all right so we beat this dungeon and now we immediately warped to arbiter's ground match that A Button Mash it faster faster foreign oh yeah don't want to go up half a lap yeah of course let's save three seconds by like is doing a long jump attack up there coming up here I actually do know about the trick coming up here uh this trick used to be tasks only but recently people actually started to implement this in real time speed runs because everyone wants to save time all right so this is a really complicated trick but basically what you do is you hook shot the sky and then you start falling right at the same time as you make connection with them which is going to make him just kind of constantly be going towards you and you push him into this corner then you drop a bomb that stand at a very precise spot and then by hook shotting at the perfect place you can be placed out of bounds and then you wait perfectly for this bomb timing and then you hook shot him and then on the correct frame when you're partially out of bounds the bond explodes push you out of bounds so you can land out of bounds and Skip right into the loading zone I'll let it play all in one go so you can appreciate it but it's like incredibly precise like I cannot even explain this trick into it justice so look at this boost him over there hook shot clip out of bounds then hook shot clip again have the bomb push out of bounds bam roll into the loading zone you skip the entire boss fight and he already has all of the mirror pieces so it instantly jumps to the cutscene of finishing up the mirror so he doesn't have to do anything else so you can immediately go for the next dungeon I would like to say that this shouldn't have any crazy tricks in it because this is basically an auto scroller but the last time I said that I was mind blown so I guess I'll just let this play out dude this side Hops and jump slashes they get up there ever so slightly faster dude I love the freaking brakes lighting up there is that ball just gonna the ball was rolling super slowly so it hap that's so clever it was slowly rolling because he threw it too like too short and he made sure that the timing was so good to think about it this way okay Chad to minimize any time loss it hit the switch to activate the cutscene right as he jump slashed because when you're jump slashing you're taking like stuck in an animation for two seconds so he saves two seconds by having that cutscene play as he is Jump slashing since he couldn't do an input during that anyways butter sword how did that smoke go away in front of him what and what is the purpose of this Gale Boomerang what excuse me okay so it first somehow runs through that then he uses these keys with the Gale boomerang he gets them up he targets them he does one jump attack with the first Target then the second one and he somehow makes it all the way up there dude that is such a precise jump right there and he's not even gonna avoid that normally in an RTA run you would void out right there to get back there faster instead he's just gonna do a super precise jump and the swag of course gotta Flex bro stop jumping so close to the edge bro you can barely even see them on the screen and he has kills five of them as they're flying down zanto thanks German version Zant was too simple we had to add an O afterwards so I think that's what the German translators did they were like how do we how do we make this the word name Zan more German oh I don't know ooh good sound xantho so fast dude the delay to one cycle it now I know this trap this Strat I do in RTA yeah he uses a bomb trick there to regain the the uh his error because he doesn't have the Zora armor what how is he already dead huh he teleports if you hit him once so by only hitting him with the final hit of a combo you deal maximum damage each time of course that's what I was thinking wait where are we going why are we not going to the left wait what wait what is this route wait where are we going usually you go to the left and you skip two fights and then you get the small key from like a big from a big Goblin yeah do I jump a tat we're gonna do a long jump attack and then we're gonna bomb boost up on the ledge does this just have a small key that skips so many cutscenes and bosses I didn't even know there's a small key up there what and the Gale Boomerang hits the towards the light lift up the platform there as well it wasn't just for random it was to delay it to perfectly line it up so once the costumes done it was on the platform it goes up what huh did he just skip that barrier I've never seen that before wait excuse me it looks like he gets pushed to the left by getting attacked here and then yeah he gets like partially clipped inside of the edge and then his pops through that's so cool I've never seen that and he I've seen this so here you can skip this boss fight by hook shotting there all right let's see how fast this dark beast fight is Chad this is like usually a pretty long fight so let's see foreign is that the end of the fight it's that eight is like sup it's like a sub one minute fight makes the make the boss fight Look So Easy let's look at the timer how many seconds this last fight takes yeah you ready I'm gonna look at the timer here all right the boss starts five Starts Now 51 seconds why is the text box still up on the screen literally 15 seconds that was a 15 second boss fight but that's it I hope you enjoyed the Run once again don't forget to subscribe the Creator in the description of this video and if you want to check out two other awesome videos like my breakdown of the 80 human run that I did recently you can click on the screener now if you want to see another random video you can click on the screen as well and once again don't forget to subscribe to YouTube channel we're into 200 000 subscribers thank you so much for watching and I'll see you all in the next one later everybody bye
Channel: Linkus7
Views: 450,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twilight Princess, Twilight Princess TAS, Twilight Princess Speedrun, Linkus7, Linkus, TP TAS, TP Speedrun, Zelda Speedrun, Zelda TAS, Tool Assisted Speedrun
Id: RoXY7mGq3ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 44sec (3284 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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