Speedrunning MEME Zelda Categories was a mistake...

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so today we are doing meme speed runs in the zelda franchise which you need to be looking at some of the favorite zelda games in the franchise and doing multiple meme speed runs this will range from simple things such as soft locking the game do some more funky stuff but without further ado let's start off by something basic with soft lock percent all right so for the first speed run soft lock percent how does soft lock percent work well it's actually going to be the shortest speed run of today's challenge all you got to do is jump off the first tower and then head over to grandma's house all right so after reaching grandma's house you simply just want to pick up this rock and put it right next to this little door right here and then we're going to do a glitch known as a ledge clip by climbing up in between the rock and the wall and going towards the rock and that's going to push you out of bounds at this point you just want to very closely navigate around the house to stay out of bounds but still not actually you know making it in then you want to land on this little invisible wall and then you're just gonna drop into the loading zone and now we're gonna get crushed one time two times three times four times five times and six times and time you can see that the camera is now officially changed so after you void it out six times you officially reach zero hp because before that you can actually escape this area by doing a frame perfect backflip but at this point i cannot move in any way whatsoever because i am actually dead but the game doesn't have enough time to play the game over screen because it voids me out on the first frame so that is officially how fast you can soft lock windowmaker hd the answer two minutes and 43 seconds to soft lock it yeah actually fun fact that is a that is a pro controller exclusive glitch i'm not even kidding a pro a gamepad cannot actually get the soft lock so you actually have to spend like a hundred dollars on a wii u pro controller to be able to do that speed run alright so for the next category on wind waker it is going to be jump off of a tower percent which might sound really dumb and it totally is so what you have to do to actually complete the speed run is you need to perform a manual super swim so if you don't know what that is that means that i'm going to have to do over 200 frame perfect inputs to go from outside island to windfall because right there there is a really tall tower that i can use to my advantage to actually take fall damage and the speedrun doesn't end until you reach the game over screen by only jumping off of a tower so let's start off by pausing this video game 200 times [Music] okay so i know that i said that i actually needed to go over to windfall island but that was a bit of a lie because actually i need to set up the wind correctly so that the windmill can actually move so i can get high up enough for the speed run which means that i need to do a small little detail over to dragon rose so that i can actually get the wind maker and the winds requiem song to be able to sap my wind but what that means is that that glitch i did for like four minutes plus in my game 200 times frame perfectly yeah we have to do that a second time so let's go and trick him and do it again take two all right so now we just need to make sure that we're able to actually enter windfall the windfall coordinate without losing our speed in the ocean and then going onto the island okay it loads and bam we are on to windfall island now with our wind waker and with winds requiem in our inventory so now it is time for the meat of the run to take place so first step very exciting we have to play the song so that we can change the wind to face north and then we're going to go ahead and enter a switch to start the actual windmill right so now we have finally gone through this area and we have activated the windmill so now we can get on to the actual main part of the speed run and this is definitely the most exciting part of it so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna head all the way up here onto this tower and then we are simply going to jump down that's it so let's do it let's jump down and that's one now let's do that six more times shall we and final one chat i i almost messed up no all right final one number six there it is and hold it chad hold it five minutes later after spending five minutes climbing up and jumping off the timer time there it is 18 minutes and 39 seconds that is how long it takes to do 400 frame perfect inputs just so that you can have the satisfaction of jumping off a tower six times i hope you enjoyed on to the next one so for this next category we've actually switched over to ocarina of time because we are going to be doing dank percent if you don't know what tank percent is well let me show you but first let me just cut through these three minute cutscene because you don't want to see that do you all right so now when we're finally out of the intro cut scene we need to grab a little bit of equipment before we're ready to actually leave uh kokiri forest and start the speed run first thing we need to do is we need to end up getting a sword we want to get a quick sword uh and then after uh grabbing the sword we also need a stick the stick is the most important item for this entire speed run so we're going to grab that and then make our way out of the forest with some glitches [Music] we're gonna get 30 rupees and then we're gonna head into the shop and we're going to buy a couple of sticks it's how to the shopkeeper and let's buy three sticks [Music] all right so after getting the most important items in the speedrun which includes three sticks we are now going to try and leave kokiri for us early normally you have to beat the deku tree to do this but this is a speedrun after all so we're not gonna follow the game's rules so what we're gonna do instead is we're gonna enter the lost woods and we're gonna try and do something known as forest escape which is a very very classical glitch that a lot of people know of but if you haven't already uh it's pretty simple to do and now what we're going to do is we are going to go ahead and pretty much do a we're going to set ourselves up to get this specific angle go into this corner right here back flip and then we need to side hop uh we need to sight off and do a frame perfect jump slash like this bam you clip into the corner of the stone and then you can swim into the loading zone leaving the forest and after you've done that simply just head over to kakariko village all right so right here we're gonna do a little bit of a cool trick known as a water extended super slide and this trick isn't actually needed to be able to complete the speed run but it's just to make the movement a little bit faster so instead of back walking the entire way uh you can instead simply just like super slide backwards over this entire distance and make it into kakarika village and you have to make it there before it turns night because we actually need to collect a bottle uh to be able to complete the speed run but with that out of the way let's go ahead and collect some tacos and do this all right so we have now officially collected all the cuckoos we finally get a bottle now the very last step we need to complete before we're able to go and get dank is actually to collect some bugs believe it or not but bugs is an important part when it comes to getting dank and awkward up time so we're gonna collect these bugs and then we're gonna head over to the well to enter bottom of the well and to enter it we're simply gonna do a glitch right here known as a navi dive to immediately dive down to the bottom and we have now officially entered bottom of the well and we can now finally go ahead and complete this speed run so first steps is to simply just head down to the basement of the bottom of the well which we're going to do very quickly uh hitting this cotola to go past them uh that was actually intentional this is actually to set up the next part of uh dang percent category trust me uh i intended for that to happen anyway so when you do that uh you can now finally jump down to the very very bottom so let's do it all right so we're going to drop some bugs and then after dropping some bugs we are going to pick them back up so drop bugs and pick them up and now we're going to have a blue bottle in our hand which is very important to actually complete this next step we're now going to go next to this torch and now we need to do this very very tricky glitch right here so i'm going to try and hold a very precise analog stick position and then press a bottle and then the stick one frame later so let's do that and as you can see we officially have a stick in our hand and it is lit and time for this beautiful category dank percent ends once link has finished his stick bam there it is 11 minutes and 40 seconds that is how long it takes for link to get fully dank now on to the next one so for this next one we're actually going to be booting up majora's mask that's right majora's mask because this one is fall asleep percent now you might be wondering how the hell do you fall asleep in majora's mask usually you just reset time well let's check it out shall we all right so after finally getting through the first intro cutscene of the game we are now going to go ahead and jump through these logs and go to another cutscene the unfortunate thing about the majora's mask speedrun specifically for fall asleep percent is that there's a lot of cut season this month so let's watch another cutscene shall we [Music] all right so now when we have finally gotten through all of those cutscenes nine minutes of pure cutscenes we can finally go and complete the meme speed run so what you have to do here is you basically enter this part of clock town and then we're going to head over to this bulb and we're actually going to be entering the inn or as i like to call it the hotel we're going to be entering the hotel through this entrance and then we're going to jump down and down here at the bottom in this real room we're gonna find nana our favorite character in this game and we're gonna talk to her and unfortunately her stories are so boring that it's gonna put us right to sleep and there it is it takes less than 10 minutes to fall asleep to majora's mask that really says a lot about the quality of this game i'm just kidding on to the next run alright so it is time for the second meme speed run we're finally past the first cycle and we're ready to start this next one this one is toilet paper percent what i like to call it however is stair to wall present why well let's find out so first things first we're going to be heading over into this area which is the area we ran earlier where the uh where the inn is but instead of actually walking into the inn we're instead going to walk all the way up here we're going to enter this house right here and we're going to go into the mayor's house but we're not gonna go in his office we're gonna go into the right room and then we're going to talk to this npc right here now this npc right here is gonna give us a mask and now comes my favorite part of the speed run step number one after getting the mask is to go into this corner and stare into the wall so we're gonna stare into the wall for two in-game hours or two real life minutes now once it reaches 8 p.m they will actually kick us out which is totally fine because now we can move on to the next part of the speedrun so now we're actually going to be equipping the mask and we're going to be walking into the inn so we're going to walk into the inn we're going to equip the mask and perfectly get on a cycle of talking to her and she's going to ask us if we can meet her at midnight now thanks to meeting her up with that mask which we obviously will do so the next step is to walk out here onto the balcony and stand out here on the balcony for a little bit so we're gonna stand here on the balcony and wait until it reaches past 8 30 pm once it reaches after 8 30 pm we're then gonna be walking back into the inn and now comes the most deciding part of the speed run now we're gonna have to wait for midnight which means that we're gonna go up to this wall and we're gonna stare into this wall so enjoy the wall i liked the other wall better yeah chad which wall was the best the first photo the second one which what would you say like really spoke to you the most now i know that we've all been attached to this wall but after sitting staring at this wall for three minutes unfortunately all good things has to come to an end because it's about to approach midnight which means we're about to stop staring at this wall because any second now we're going to see our lady walk through here there she is so we're not gonna walk in here and wait for it to hit midnight and right as it hits midnight we talked to her and straight away she's gonna be so happy she's gonna give us a letter awesome but unfortunately this letter isn't gonna really be used in the way that she intended it to because while she might have intended this to be used for you know delivery uh we have other problems to solve because this man right here has some issues okay he ran out of toilet paper so we gotta help him so we're gonna give him some toilet paper he's gonna go yay he's gonna use it and as a thank you for helping him out because you all know that situation when you run out of toilet paper in the bathroom he's gonna order us with a heart and that's the speed run six minutes and nine seconds for toilet paper percent let's move on to the next one so for this next speeder i'm actually gonna do this on breath of the wild now we've worked hard today okay we've delivered letters aka toilet paper we've stared in a wall all day we have super swam over the entire ocean and i think it's finally time to give ourselves a little bit of reward so we're gonna do a papaya speed run or as it's also known as get laid percent let's do it so we're going to be grabbing the sheikah slate and immediately after uh grabbing the shika slate we are straight away going to go ahead and do an out of bounds clip to actually go out of bounds and then get the four shrines on the great plateau so we can get the paraglider and start off our journey on the speed run we can simply just grab every resource that we need before we head over to the first shrine which will include a shield and also a little bit of food so let's do it all right now we're gonna grab the wooden axe and now we can go over to the boko cam to get our bow i'm gonna get hit in the ass let's see so it is much faster to actually clip into the shrines themselves instead of simply just going ahead and actually raising the great plateau tower immediately so i'm gonna try and get a glitch to it as a skew which revolves around landing on a sloped surface and then you want to do a shield jump and then unequip your shield at a specific frame and we're gonna be doing that for all four of these shrines all right to have some quick movement in between these uh shrines i'm going to try and do a glitch here known as a bullet time bounce perfect we're also going to be doing these for the next couple of shrines to get through the grip so much faster uh we're actually going to get the tower by the way because we're actually going to be doing the new glitch soon as wiggle bomb in this category so we're definitely going to get the tower because i want a really high location with a nice ledge to be able to do the wiggle bone glitch from so we're definitely going to get this all right so now we're going to do this cool glitch doing this a station's dawn so we're going to cut down this tree we're going to stasis at midway we're going to hit it a bunch of times shoot it with an arrow jump up on the side and then fly over example of time and now we can finally get the paraglider and start our way onto this speed run if you've ever watched the referee wall speed and you will know unfortunately every single speeder on this game is filled with the great plateau but it is finally done it is finally over and we can finally actually start the speed run uh we're going to do a quick little bobbin mcdonald's right here to head over to this little hut right here and the reason we're going to this hud is pretty simple there is a perfectly placed uh cooking pot right here as well as some quick uh food around this hut that is very good to pick up i'm just going to pick this up we're going to pick up a second x and we're going to pick these up and let's start cooking shall we all right so after cooking all the food we need we're going to warp to the actual grapefruit tower that we raced earlier and with the use of the grip of the tower we're actually doing a new glitch known as a wiggle bomb and we're going to be using it to try and as quickly as possible head all the way over to kakariko village all right so we're going to take a bump out we're going to take out our shield and we're going to press the button for the bow at the same time as we press a to pick up the bomb which is going to glitch it so that we can have this bomb in her hand where they're going to walk off this ledge and get this angle and now i'm going to start wiggling my analog stick and that is going to cause me to actually gain more speed so we're going to start wiggling a lot right here to continue to build up speed over and over and over again and now we should have a good amount of speed to be able to fly over here all right so now we made it to kakariko which as you can see is very very quick with this sort of movement we are gonna drop down and we're gonna unlock the shrine it is very important to unlock the shrine i have in the past on this meme category forgotten this which is a very very bad time because then you have to manually go back and then we can simply go to the main house and now we're going to have to start the quest to actually get the uh picture or the camera i should say as a ruin and that is going to be done by simply talking to impa and then after talking to her we can then head over to itano and activate the actual lab also did you see that character right there on the outside that was a little bit shy yeah i remember her that's all i'm going to say for now but with that out of the way once we're done with that we are going to warp back to great plateau tower if you're wondering why that's because unlike kakariko village which is higher up on a mountain side hatano is at a lower portion which means that if you warp all the way back to the great plateau you can actually perform another wiggle bomb glitch and make it the entire way pretty much to a toner it's gonna be very quick all right so we're gonna try something a little bit riskier with this one for this one we're actually gonna try and wiggle bomb in between the two mountains to be able to make it really far uh it is quite precise so i might unfortunately fail this but i'm going to try my very very very best to actually uh perform this because resetting your angle with this glitch is quite difficult so because of that we're going to try and go with this speed for now and we're going to try and fly in between these two mountains and not lose the glitch and then we're gonna try and wiggle even some more to make it all the way over to the tonno so let's see can we actually get past this wall without losing it beautiful um okay we are perfectly lined up now we just need to do some more wiggling and hopefully make it there and i don't and hope that i don't drop this glitch damn it damn it wiggle was not successful chad i'm also gonna try something that is a little bit risky here but it definitely could pay off so i'm actually gonna try and go up on this tower and do another wiggle bomb uh let's see if it pays off beautiful actually perfect all right so we're going to be flying all the way over here to this blue flame and we're going to be bringing this blue frame over to the tech lab however bringing it up there normally is very very slow so we're going to be doing another glitch known as uh smuggling a smuggling glitch so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take out a bomb i'm gonna take out my torch i'm gonna press a to pick up the bomb and then uh a few frames later i'm gonna pause the game and unequip my shield and by doing so it will actually cost the stick to permanently be out in my hand as you can see right now and normally if you try and climb or run or do anything like that you would normally remove the stick from your hand but by doing this smuggling glitch you will have the stick out permanently until you try and interact with the weapon and now we lit the blue flame we finally got the attack tower and or the tech lab i should say and now let's go and get the camera shall we i miss staring at walls sorry chad maybe another time all right so now we finally got the camera so we're actually going to ditch her immediately and we're going to work all the way back to kakariko and now we can finally get on to the main juice of the speed run so for completing kakariko what we need to do to be able to spend the night with paya we need to actually complete every single one of the main kakariko side quests and to do all of that you need money for the great fairy you need a camera as well as obviously knowing all of the remaining side quests thankfully though because i speeded 100 of this game uh we should have a pretty good idea of this so this shouldn't be too difficult if you're wondering why we needed the grade fairy or even just getting the camera at all it is because one dude here is obsessed with pictures and exploring the world and one of the things that he actually wants is specifically to see the great fairy fountain all right so after taking a picture uh let's uh go back to kakariko and uh actually complete all the side quests first things first we're gonna start collecting some cuckoos so we're going to go over here we're going to pick this coco up and we're also going to use it to our advantage by being able to go on this rooftop which is where the second one is we're going to throw this one into the uh garden we're going to throw the second one into the garden collect those first two cocktails talk to him so that you can actually go ahead and progress this side quest right here you don't actually have to complete the side quests uh by like going to the memory it's just uh so that the the main quest of find the fairy fountain has been completed uh and with that out of the way we can now continue progressing through getting these cocoas all right now we're gonna talk to them and they should be nine out of ten so now we're actually gonna make it nice and that is to get the tenth cuckoo but also to get the five required fireflies because for one of these side quests in kakariko you need to get five fireflies please just come a little bit down please come down please come down closer to the ground i'm begging you please i don't think i'm ever getting laid all right and we have collected five fireflies first try now after collecting the five fireflies we're gonna wait for this dude to run past this area because these are some holy trees and if you walk in into this little uh guarded off area they're gonna be really mad at you so simply just wait for them to head out and then you can pick up this cuckoo and then you can throw it into this one and that should be all 10 and now he should be white people happy and now we have finally gotten all of the side quests except for one which is five fireflies uh for the lady so we're not gonna go head over here uh give her 10 fireflies and then we should be able to go over to paya all right and now after five fireflies it is time to finally do the thing chat here it comes link pius afraid that the thief may still be nearby would you please stay by her side today well since you asked so nicely i will and with that being said it took us 55 minutes and 21 seconds but we did it day number two of november and we already lost no not november but with that being said it was worth it because it was for this speed run meme challenge thank you so much for watching today's video i really appreciate that if you enjoyed this new speed runs be sure to subscribe to the youtube channel down below also if you wanna watch two different videos on youtube channel you can click here or here thank you for watching today's video later everybody
Channel: Linkus7
Views: 483,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nPQyaZnxM9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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