How fast can you beat a PERFECT LUCK Zelda Randomizer? (Wind Waker)

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I've done a lot of Zelda randomizers over the past few years and you might have heard me beg for good RNG or luck in basically every single one of them so that got me thinking how fast would a randomizer truly be with perfect luck well I set out to find out I first decided to rule a completely random seed with all the settings enabled in Wind Waker this includes dungeon items like small Keys Maps compasses Etc to be scattered all over the Overworld including no starting sword as well and all salvageable Treasures in the game would be part of the item bowl and this leads you with over 300 possible locations for all the items and it does not include the locations that are locked behind other items now this usually takes me about six to eight hours from my experience when just going in blind and after this I also made sure to equip a nice swag outfit and generate a spoiler log this file basically lets you know exactly where every single item is located which normally you would only use if you for example got stuck or thought you couldn't complete a seed so how much faster could we beat this knowing where all the locations are well I sat down and I started routing the first thing you need to do was roll multiple seeds I wanted to make sure that a couple of locations would not not be required such as Savage Labyrinth the Goron trade or watering all the dika trees withering trees is dense Pearl oh I'm so dumb all right re-roll but after a lot of rolls I finally found a seat that met all of those three criterias and I got to work and after two hours of riding and checking every possible location I felt that I found a pretty good seed that was overall very optimal with how I routed the whole thing so now you might be wondering how fast can you complete a Max settings windmaker randomizer with perfect luck well let me show you after a quick word from today's sponsor are you looking for a rich and varied gaming experience then look no further than Final Fantasy 14 online Final Fantasy an amazing game and the amount of content you get for free on the free trial is insane it includes the first expansion of the game Heaven's word and it allows you to reach up to level 60 with a limited play time and the best part the free trial and the full game are available right now on both PS5 PS4 Windows Steam and Mac and lets you decide afterwards you know what I want to push past level 60 or I want to explore some of these other expansions then don't worry because your character and all-in-game progress will carry over if you decide to upgrade and all jobs are available for one single player there's no need to create new players just to try out a new job there's dungeons trials raids you name it in this game so what are you waiting for sign up right now push for level 60 with no time restrictions with the free trial the link is in the description of the video thank you so much Square Enix for sponsoring this video but anyway starting off immediately we're going to be heading over to Dragon roosk because thankfully it happens to be this seed has the skull hammer placed in the very first chest of the dungeon I want to get a couple of items and not only are they located in locations that require the skull hammers such as for saying Fortress I also will be without a sword for a while and it is very good to have some form of melee damage when you don't have a sword now obviously to be able to even beat a windmaker randomizer you need a couple of of things you need all eight Triforce pieces to create the full Triforce four sword upgrades and then I'll also need three Arrow upgrades and once I have all of that figured out I then also need all the additional items that are required to just get around so that's why like many items will be required that technically are not part of like those 10 items and there's our skull hammer uh so we're actually immediately gonna head over to for second Fortress I am missing a couple of items to properly be able to complete for Singapore trust but with some interesting glitches and techniques I should be able to get around the kind of checks that the game has in mind we're immediately gonna head over to the side here because I do not have bombs so I can't actually explode the gate to have access but with a trick known as a wind waker Dive by basically taking out the Wind Waker at the exact same time as you're walking off of a ledge you're able to get way further underneath the water than you would you should able to and I'm then going to use the skull hammer that I obtained to be able to actually enter runes and areas I'm not supposed to such as this place and I am immediately going to drop down here [Music] I thought I was gonna get hit by that thank God anyways by heading down here I will immediately be able to get the Deacon Leaf now normally I wouldn't really be able to do much in this situation thankfully we should be able to get around here with the use of leaf bumps when you have your Leaf out you're slowly losing height every single frame however when you initially pull out the leaf you see that kind of Animation right there that actually gains you some Heights what I'm actually doing when I'm saying that a leaf thumping is I'm pressing a to remove my leaf and then I press the leaf button again to take it back out and if you do that with a perfect rhythm you're not really losing any height whatsoever and now we have everything we need we immediately gonna smack the switch open and we are going to enter the fight normally when you're fighting hallamrock you would want a couple of items you would for example want the boomerang to cancel one of his uh wind attacks uh you would want the sewer to damage him and you obviously want the skull hammer as well to be able to break his armor this would technically be possible with items I have even without any glitches but it would be incredibly slow thankfully there are some really cool Mechanics for you to be able to get around that the first things first is obviously and the first phase of this uh fight by knocking him down here now before I head up to the second place I'm going to achieve something known as storage I'm going to climb up this ledge take out the wind Baker to fall in midair and then cancel my windmaker exactly three frames before I land this leaves me in a weird state where I can do certain things with your character uh we're not supposed to uh and in this case I am in a cutscene state but I'm still able to walk around with link that allowed me to jump down the tower as this cutscene was progressing and you can see I can for example take out my windmaker right now and like pause time I have full control over link what I'm going to do is just wait down here I'm going to cancel this glitch out by taking out my Wind Waker once the cutscene is done then I'm going to roll over to the steel cell and stand right here and what should happen is helmack is gonna fly down here because this is only a one-way solid wall he should be able to just pop through the wall right there bam and now he's gonna try and walk to me to actually attack me now normally he would get close to me and he would initiate a second basically mode in the AI however he cannot do that because he can't reach me you can see it glitch does an animation so oh yeah he definitely he definitely was packed but he can't do that so because he's just infinitely walking towards me it doesn't matter that I have a really slow and weak skull hammer I can just knock him over and over and over again which usually only have one or two bits in per cycle I get all 10 in in a row bam the fight is done and I've officially beaten Helm rocking staff asked you've probably noticed that I got a skull necklace from that which is a little bit weird I'm gonna explain later why I chose to beat this boss despite only getting a skull necklace here trust me it was not because I need a skull necklace and now once we're done for second Fortress we're gonna go ahead and immediately warp to Forest Haven there is a system with multiple items in this game known as the mail system the mailbox the mailbox will have multiple items and one of those things is that Grandma's letter which is obtained by basically giving her a fairy so that she doesn't die uh is actually a required item and there's also part of why I wanted the stall Hammer because with the skull hammer I can deal a lot of damage to these enemies very quickly and I'm able to get the bottle so we're gonna get that out of the way and kind of just set ourselves up then we're gonna jump down here and warp over to great fish normally any 100 run you will see like a hook shot trick that we use here just for like a tiny small optimization uh you can also see we just barely can make it with the amount of magic you usually have left here so it's a pretty tight route but thankfully it works just perfectly and that is also the first one out of eighth Triforce pieces that we need in the run another reason we want to go here right now is because like I said we want to save grandma and cleverly I realize that Western fairy is closely located to great fish Isle and not only is there an item that I need from Western Ferry but on top of that as well 20 small fairies spawn that can all be caught in a bottle which is what we're going to be using for Grandma and there it is we just got the hook shot which is a very good item and it is definitely going to be useful throughout this run uh once we got that we're gonna catch one of these fairies that I was talking about and then we're gonna head over to outset and it is time to head over and say hi to Grandma hi Grandma say remember earlier how I mentioned that I chose to go for completing forsaken Fortress as early as I possibly could despite only receiving a skull necklace from it well that's because of our sister not only is this a grandma run this is also a whole family right it includes her sister because once you complete forsaken Fortress your sister will send you a thank you letter for rescuing her from the jail cell and in this specific randomizer that letter will contain a piece of cheese which is very required and Grandma's letter will be even more useful in short term because unlike a piece of cheese which you know is a required item but doesn't lead to anything we get a bow and arrow from our sister Ariel meaning that we already have a form of damage in Long Distance I've also tried to plan this out as well as I could because I realized that Not only was outside a required Island to go to I also needed to go to the left side where the golf minigame is and I also need to go North to Diamond step now diving step requires the hook shot to be able to complete quickly which is why I routed it in this specific way I really try to take everything into account to make the most possible optimal route to obtain all of these items then you can also see I just got the grappling hook and the grappling hook is going to be one of the most useful items in this randomizer because if you think about it there is about 50 60 coordinates in the ocean and each one of them has at least one treasure chart connected to it it means that we're going to be having a lot of item checks that are going to be salvaging treasures and by having the grappling hook it enables us to have access to all of those locations another reason why I got this skull hammer is because it's usually really slow to go up to this chest in the top right over here however there's actually a shortcut you can do with a jump slash item like the skull hammer or the sword if you head over here and you jump on this ledge and you do a jumps in emitter jump slash right at the peak of your jump you can just barely make it over the wall and get the chest super quickly which will give us the power bracelets which is also going to be very important for Earth sample coming up later alright now we're gonna head over to Forest Haven and this is unfortunately a place where I was required to add a two-trip bombile it was so essential to be able to get the Deco Leaf early because it opens up so much in the Overworld but because I didn't have the power bracelets I did not have access to actually entering the dungeon which I now have so we're actually going to go back a second time and you're gonna see why I made this riding decision in just a little bit once I get the item oh yeah definitely take notes at this is definitely going to be on the test okay dude [Music] oh my God this is very unfortunate luck get ahead just barely got him from the correct angle to not make him fall down I was a little bit scared about that all right beautiful both switches down and now we can get the first item now here's where I got very fortunate with the routing this is actually going to stretches or number 36. now why was I so lucky since all of the treasure charts are randomized and rare they connect to I could get very screwed over by a lot of sailing time here thankfully what happens to be one of the luckiest draws ever is that trashes are 36 which is a bomb bile leads to the island right next to bombal which is Bird's p and not only that but the bird's Peak rocks also leads to an amazing item that trust me I definitely want to get as quickly as possible sword that is right we already got our sword figured out it is all said and done easy clap and now we can head over to the first major location that is packed with items which is Forbidden Woods now if you have been around speedrunning for a long time you're probably actually going to feel some Nostalgia like feel strong man towards this dungeon right here because I'm about to do a modified version of a wind waker route for this dungeon that was used in 2013. now immediately you're gonna notice that this lunge is going to be completely broken because I can break these eyes with uh the hook shot and the bow I'm gonna try and keep my my arrow account to as low as possible and you're going to see later why but originally right now we're gonna go down here and immediately bam one piece of cheese that's three down and five to go which is incredibly fast by the way remember earlier I said this was some Max settings randomizer well like I said that also includes small Keys which is a bit of an issue because there's actually a good amount of locations in this dungeon this is locked behind the one key and the one key that I actually need is located at a very bad place I basically will not be able to in any convenient way get it it's not in this dungeon at all it's across the entire Overworld not happening by obtaining the glitch in the storage and then storing a opening animation of a chest it's going to temporarily change Link's hitbox but since it can ever complete the animation of opening the chest because I didn't allow it to by the glitches performed I will be able to stay in this chest opening state which basically shrinks Link's hitbox you can see I can basically go inside of the wall and that has a couple of different consequences one of which is that slopes and steep surfaces behave very differently and here's your first example I'm going to walk up this giant basily tree on the side of this wall I'm going to side hop and take out my leaf and I got a leaf pumped and a land on the side and then walk up here now I'm gonna do a backflip and take out my leaf do a couple of leaf pumps to maintain my height and then I can just walk up this wall right here skipping the small key requirement down below and immediately enter this room and then we're gonna open up this chest to kill this glitch off because we don't want to keep it anymore and we immediately get the Fire and Ice arrows now this is actually one of the best hidden chests in my opinion in all of Wind Waker I didn't even know that this location existed until I started doing randomizers all settings I'm not kidding despite having speedrun the 100 category of this game for a very long time I never knew of this item location because it's so high if you don't really see it unless you like look up and free cam which I don't know why you would but thankfully this random hidden location has a piece of cheese I have ran into a bit of a problem I need to enter the boss room because I'm required to beat the boss in this dungeon to be able to get all the items however there is no way for me to get the boss key and then usual place you actually would obtain chest storage is not viable without bombs which I don't have at this point so I'm gonna do this very old technique by getting chest storage in this room clipping out of bounds jumping through the floor to get back up exactly where I want to be and then I'm going to go all the way around here and we're then going to enter this room and we now have chest storeds enabled heading towards the end of this dungeon and I think it's finally time to explain why I needed these arrows I do not have the boomerang and in this game it's too slow to cut down all of the chords with the grappling hook or the hook shot like you do in the Wind Waker HD speedruns because here's a slower animation and the only item that can even come close to cutting him down quickly enough is the bow and arrow but it's also incredibly difficult to nail out one cycle on this boss in the time you have with the sword and it also takes a lot of arrows to cut him down even if he can get double headstand so that's why I try and keep arrows because if I happen to fail at one cycle here I need to cut him down again my run is literally dead I won't be able to at all it's completely over so I only get one chance at this which is also why I'm gonna quickly do this I'm gonna do a glitch known as soup glitch right here uh never mind I guess I'm not that's fine I guess either way I'm gonna drink my soup to give myself double damage which is gonna make it way easier to one cycle this boss because I'm not playing around uh what I was supposed to do right there but is press the button for drinking the soup on the same for my past so I can like re-equip my items so I didn't actually use up half of my suit but that's fine you're also gonna notice that we just got a sword upgrade by the way from killing this boss which is incredibly useful so that's already the master sword you can also see we have a sick sword this is not the sword you would usually see in this game uh this is actually from the Minish Cap so I hope you guys are gonna enjoy the sword upgrades and now we're gonna warp to the main island of the game that is right we're actually going to make a trip to Windfall Island Believe It or Not windfall is included so you might imagine there should be a ton of items here because it's the main island uh there usually is but this sea did not have a lot of rolls for them so we're not going to do too much here we are going to head over to where the rich people live also a little bit of a fun fact by the way but these rich people that live in this house that I always think is really funny is Nintendo often names every single character in their video games but if you actually look into the official names for these two characters the daughter here is called Maggie and the father over there does not have his own name assigned to him his official name in the game is Maggie's father that's it he doesn't get his no name it's just known as Maggie's father if you take a picture and get the full breakdown of him that's his official name he doesn't have one so I don't know why this one character got screwed over compared to everyone else in the rest of the game but nonetheless we don't care because Maggie is a goddamn Giga Chad handing us another piece of cheese now we are going to do something very nice we're gonna start this Quest and we are now going to do a little workout that's right if you're watching the stream right now stand up if you're watching this YouTube video stand up it is time to work out here we go and one Squad and two squats and three squats and four squats and left and right and left and right and one and two and three and four uh we just have to wait for it to run around here there's nothing to do so we just have some time to spare and now I'm gonna go here while she's running around and check mail though and hopefully I should have a letter from Orca which will give us another sword upgrade I almost got spotted holy crap also it is another game when you almost get spotted link makes a meow sound effect like a cat I like how instead body uses an evil laugh and she's like oh okay everything is fine let's move on either way that's the iron boots windfall is done there's nothing else we need to do now while you're at windfall you also just want to go to Paw Print because it's close by and I actually do need to go to this whiz rope cave to take down all of these vis-robes I'm actually gonna let this enemy spawn something on purpose uh just so that I can get some of my arrows back I really hope they drop a pearl with some marrows that's um very sad and unfortunate I guess it is time to start hitting them a lot so I guess let's speed this up and just hook shot them for a while and we just got treasure number 13. uh after that we are immediately gonna head up to go to Crescent Moon Island and it has a very important item for us that you might not expect from a planned routed out randomizer it is a small key for Earth Temple unfortunately no matter how hard you want to try and work it we will need that small key trust me now we're gonna sail to overlook and we also need to prepare by opening up treasure number 13 however in the menu we might as well open up number six as well hi YouTube if you're reading this leave a like that is true and don't forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel if you want to see more awesome content just like this and for all of that work we just went through with that wizard cave and by sailing here all of this was for a rupee bag upgrade because unfortunately the RNG got to not bless us with the best of lucks when it came to one of the salvageable Treasures because it put it behind a Triforce Chart which requires 400 Rupees to decipher which means we need to actually get the wallet thankfully it is very convenient that it was located at Overlook because at this part of the run I don't have that many options for where I can get rupees from thankfully this island actually has a lot of secret rupees in these pillars because it's quite hard in early game which I'm still technically in to get a ton of rupees but basically just entering and leaving here twice I'm able to just barely get enough Rupees to be able to decipher the chart that I'll need later and now we're getting into Earth Temple Earth Temple is gonna be a pain usually it would have command Melody and many other items to get through this but I have none of that so I'm gonna have to get kind of creative in how I'm gonna maneuver this dungeon normally here I'm supposed to stand in the switch use command Melody to have her go over to the switch but with some perfect Leaf pumps you can just barely gain enough height throughout this flying distance to be able to land on the ledge instead of like being way too low and hit again hit by the spikes you can do the same thing on the way back and I'm gonna keep bringing medley along I'm actually going to be taking advantage of medley quite a lot in this dungeon uh usually you have mirror shield and you're able to just kind of go on your own and actually need the companion here we're going to have her look at us and for Miri shield on her back is going to hit all of these characters right here without needing command Melody if you remember earlier as well I ended up also obtaining a small key and that was specifically for this door right here on the left uh for this room right here I would normally need a lot of different things but they nice with a precise timed uh medley fly let go and take at least and then uh cancel to be able to lead scrap that thing right there you can just barely be able to do it I just actually brain fart and just forgot I'm stupid I don't have the command Melody now there is another place right here that you're supposed to use command Melody for so right here you are supposed to use her mirror Shield slash harp whatever you want to call it and break these walls thankfully if you place her here make her follow you and then tap down so she's not lacking a full speed but also not too slow it just barely angled high enough to actually break that wall and be on it for long enough now this can allow us to push this and get access to this next room and this next room is where the item I need from Earth Temple is located I need to somehow you might be asking get behind those statues right there this looks like an impossible mission without command melody or a mirror Shield I can't get medley up on the top Luts right there with that command Melody thankfully there is a way around this but it is incredibly difficult and made me almost not even want to make this route at all uh we might take up many attempts to do this there's an awful ledge clip that you can do with a bomb on this ledge but I don't have bombs so I can't do it right well you can use medley for ledge Clips but this ledge clip is a part ledge clip roll clip which if you don't know means I basically have to properly set it up so I can get a partial light script not too much so that I fall through but also not too little and I need to do a frame imperfect role to be able to actually get the clip barely not enough so yeah this is going to be uh painful to actually accomplish damn it okay so now you can see the other big problem I need to not only do a double frame of a trick I also have to have a perfect angle to be able to roll clip but not with an angle that makes me jump back into bounds which is why this was something that I dreaded doing but when I looked into where the mirror Shield was located I basically realized nope this is my only way oh so close okay we're getting really close okay yes yes oh my God so close to clipping black into bounds yeah yeah okay and there is the light arrows and now we are out of here oh my God anyways uh fair to say that's not used in any category in all of Wind Waker um I came up with that while making this route because I was like I need to come up with a new clip here somehow so I hope you enjoyed it all right here is the one thing that I was considering make using another seed for but I thought you know what I think we should have a fair representation of what can happen in all in a Max settings randomizer seed which is that shark aisle ended up being part of the seed you're gonna see why but out of every combat cave in all of Wind Waker shark aisle has about four times the amount of enemy spawns compared to any other combat game uh also another great thing is that Cyclops happens to however spawn on shark aisle and he gives you a Triforce piece for defeating him and is perfectly located because you just got an air upgrade this is also by the way why I ended up going out of my way to get iron boots iron boots is required to be used to enter shark aisle there's a pretty high chance I die which is once again why I really wanted the magic I'm also going to be using a lot of my light arrows here so here we go starting off pretty cool right not bad right this is not bad at all yeah if only that was true for the rest of it uh during this entire time mini blinds are going to be spawning ass I have to fight the actual enemies that are difficult thankfully there will be a lot of Arrow drops here so I should be able to use a lot of my light arrows on the more difficult enemies like these dark nuts are used to be a pain to kill but light arrows are helping us out a lot here if I didn't have light arrows this would be awful which is why I routed it this way too because there was no way I was gonna destroy all of those enemies without light arrows and 3 HP thankfully that gives us a Triforce Chart which is so exciting yeah either way thankfully we've already been prepared for this we already got the rupee bag upgrade we already got the rupees and we already got the grappling hook so now once we're finally down with all of that let's head over to tingle Isle and decipher this chart shall we I forgot tingle is still stuck in horny jail a few moments later all right decide for this oh I'm basically tingle at this point do you noticed how I mentioned earlier that I didn't have bombs where that clip say it used medley the bombs were very out of the way it was an issue that actually came up when routing this which is that one of the essential items I need is actually from beating a watchtower which is a big problem when you don't have the bombs because you can imagine to break the Cannons underneath the Watchtower you need bombs well what a lot of people might not know is that you can actually use you Boomerang for it it takes a lot more hits but you can actually throw the boomerang to break all of the HP down on a cannon and that was how we were able to get around the massive headache and hassle that was the bombs because the bombs were located in the very end of Earth Temple now we're gonna hopefully be the Swedish sniper okay I don't know how I missed that easy one but whatever but aiming overall we take those and this should give us the seventh piece of cheese that is seven out of eight done only one more to go now it is time for the boom rank house yeah I don't know why don't ask me why it explodes when you use the Boomerang on them there we go and that my friends is how you skip bombs in a wind waker randomizer [Music] and we just got another treasure star Treasures are number 17 and now it is time to open up all of the map us that I have bam all right treasure number 17. and that is the last piece of cheese that is all eight Triforce pieces completely done easy clap there we go baby and now there's only one item left to obtain it is the final upgrade for the master sword it should be located right here that's it that is every single item you need to beat the game we got all of the sword upgrades we got the light arrows we got all the Triforce pieces and we got the hook shot and the grappling hook which is required for the climb to beat the game in the end so now we have everything we need and we can simply head down to Hyrule to try and beat the game oh yeah I forgot we haven't we haven't actually raised Tower with the gods so no sorry for God's here but that's okay and there it is we got the fully charged minus cap Master Sword we're breaking the barrier and now we just have a few things left now with the normal windmaker randomizer settings the ones that are on by default the trials are naturally open so by default the trials are open and you do not have to beat the four trials however I will want to make one thing very clear even if they were not open this route would still work if you would like to try it yourself because you do not need bombs to do trial skip all you need is simply put just a well-timed side hop and leaf pump to be able to do a roll clip on one of the edges of the map and you can just clip out of bounds there's no problem whatsoever with doing this uh so there's not fundamentally change anything Chad do you want to see what really makes the difference between a top level speedrunner and a new speedrunner the frames of time save look at this by sidling into the wall you can hit the loading zone through the door saving like a full nine frames alright let's hope that we can be the Swedish sniper here and get through this quickly shall we sag and three first face done uh right here there's a framework trick you can do known as shot that allows you to um basically get a double hit in I have two attempts on it so let's see if we can nail it fortunate see if we can get on their second try [Music] ice [Music] and papa Ganon has been taken down and now there's only one thing left to do which is tapa our way to the very end of this room [Laughter] all right let's do a chat let's do it foreign there it is 1 24 21 that is how fast you can be and all settings randomizer with perfect luck so to answer the question if you were basically having some dream luck over here how fast could you actually beat one under an hour and a half basically tldr if you ever watch any future videos from me or any other Creator where it takes us about six to eight hours to beat winmaker really what you should just be commenting is uh just get luckier forehead it's that easy but either way if you enjoyed this video and do some more awesome content like this definitely be sure to subscribe to YouTube channel hooking down right there we're pushing for 200 000 subscribers right now so definitely be sure to subscribe also even watch two more awesome Wind Maker videos or just randomized in general you can look at the screen right now I'm not sure which video you're gonna see but trust me it's probably good click it do the thing do the thing anyway thank you for watching I really appreciate it I love about towns bye everybody bye-bye
Channel: Linkus7
Views: 407,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wind Waker, Wind Waker Randomizer, Wind Waker Max Settings Randomizer, Perfect Wind Waker Randomizer, Zelda Randomizer, Perfect Zelda Randomizer
Id: IVugw5eiQc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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