7 More CRAZY Locations You MISSED In Zelda Tears of the Kingdom! [Iwata Monument?!]

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[Music] foreign hideouts to weird stone statues of creatures inside of cave mountains there's a lot of things for us to discuss and discover with another episode of cool locations you missed in the world of the Legend of Zelda tears of the Kingdom thank you so much for sending in your location still keeping this series going with episode 5 now and if you have any locations that you would like to share whether they're significant or not comment them down below I would love to check them out and you could be featured on the next video just make sure you're specific as to where to find your location but thank you guys so much for tuning in stop what you're doing leave a like And subscribe to help us reach our goal of 250 000 subscribers we are super close and let's jump into the video of seven more cool locations you missed in The Legend of Zelda tears of the Kingdom first location we have is Makara Island which actually returns from breath of the wild and is named after Makar the little korok buddy that you have with you and the sage for the wind temple in The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker now back in breath of the wild this I'm Island was really cool because at night there'd be style enemies that would appear when you landed here and also when you got near the tree and climbed to the top wind would blow extra hard obviously referencing that of the wind Temple now in tears the kingdom the wind doesn't do that anymore and now the island is inhabited by a single Electro wizrobe but that doesn't mean there's no references there's a little campfire and a buried chest this time around and if you lift the chest and dig inside you'll actually find a forest dweller spear which is obviously a reference to the koroks but there's something else that happens here at night it is a spawn for gloom hands and they appear randomly however there's random trigger events so if you just keep spawning maybe drop a travel Medallion down and keep spotting to this tree yep they'll eventually appear which is a lot creepier than it used to be it's kind of sad that they got rid of the wind when you stand on top but at the end of the day it still is a great reference to the car from Wind Waker next location on this list is the house of bones at skull Lake this time in tears the a kingdom you can actually go into both the right and the left eyeballs the right is a cave and the left one takes you down Into the Depths and into the house of Bones now the house of Bones is actually a giant cave full of style enemies and that includes Estelle knocks which you can fight in order to get a reward I'm not 100 sure what the reward was because I've done it before in the past and now I just can't remember but in the easy way I can also tell you to take these guys out is to Simply throw a Dazzle fruit on the ground and it will act like it's daytime to the style enemies and they'll all just fall back into the pile of bones and die now you can't do this for the high knocks you actually have to fight him but it's a cool little unique area full of style enemies next up we have the Coco Hideout this is actually a little Hideout for these roosters that are all over kakariko village now if you go straight to the morning time by sitting at a campfire and resting you will see two of them actually start walking up the path into a little hole in the mountain what's interesting is you can pick one up and Chuck it off the mountain and it it will still find its path right back up to the mountain but it will lead you to a whole little Hideout full of cuckoos where you can collect some of their eggs and some other materials while in there there's also a bubble frog in here as well and a like like but yeah it is part of a side quest with the shop Merchant in kakariko Village so you'll be able to complete that side quest eventually after doing a couple more in the area but I just thought it was a really cool area that needed to be shown off and also how do you say the name of the chicken in Zelda I'm sorry I just always mess it up it's either cuckoo cuckoo cucko how do you guys say it I can't pronounce it right I'm sorry I can't remember if the mount Floria cave was tied to a side quest or not because I know a lot of these caves were to defeat the brother high noxes but the mount Floria cave is a very interesting one so you get to dive into this waterfall and it's a cave that's right behind it which is really pretty to look at there's a lot of them in this region but this one's just really cool okay but you'll go into here and you get to actually build your own little car Contraption or tank that you want to drive into this enemy encampment and inside the cave and you get to drive through and just blast enemies collect more parts for your car and keep building it up until you get to the very end there's a little path for you to drive in and secrets all within the cave and it's a really cool area I like seeing what I could build and seeing the things that I could do but at the same time I blew myself up a lot because I had a auto turret that just kept hitting me but it's a really cool area to just play around with and explore some of your tools and using Ultra hand there's a really cool Pond up on Satori mountain and it's right behind a shrine that's up there if you turn around and look you'll see lots of birds and also lots of bulls that are all messing around in the pond water and I'm not just talking about a couple there are a lot of animals in the pond now you can just go check them out and like tiptoe by them or if you're like me and you really need some meat in order to cook some meals you can set fire to the whole place and then my controller died that's what I get you know what I just destroyed a whole civilization of creatures on this mountain I guess I got punished by Satori Mountain another very interesting small area is in the tabantha frontier depths is the sasag light route and if you go straight to the right of that area you will see some really cool tree roots that you can run underneath and run through all the way along the entire route which there's probably a couple more like this down here in the dips but out of all my exploration down here this was one of the few areas that I found with something like this it's just nothing really special it doesn't have a quest it doesn't have really any chest or anything important in this area it's just a really cool tree root that you can walk through and I thought it was worth pointing out because I found it to be pretty interesting once again there's lots of tree roots in the depths I haven't found another one quite like this one but there very well could be in another location so if you find some more definitely let me know because I love really cool architecture like this and this one is a pretty big mystery we go back to Satori Mountain again yeah there's a lot of stuff going on on this mountain in this game but we are going to go all the way up to the top to the Satori Mountain cave and there is a weird secret with it after following the bloopies through all the time tunnels and making your way to the very end where you can find like another bloopy burrow full of caves of bloopies running around you will find a giant strange looking Rock and you might pass it well a lot of people think this could be a statue of a deer if you look to the side you can see a little nose and even the back of it sticking out of the ground and the antler sticking out of its head but it almost looks to me like it's representing some type of Satori I think it actually represents the lord of the mountain and not a deer the lord of the mountain is a giant Beast that appears at the very top of Satori Mountain during a certain time of a crescent moon day and when it appears you can actually sneak up and ride it if you have enough stamina for your stamina wheel now it looks like that these antlers are actually the antenna like the lord of the mountain has and what's interesting is this spot of the statue is directly below the pond at the top of Satori Mountain where the lord of the mountain actually appears which almost makes it seem like this was some type of shrine or burial ground for whatever creature this once was in the past life and then eventually Rose as the lord of the mountain which is very deep now the in-game description states that the legend says this holy creature is a Reincarnation of a sage that died on the lands it now protects it has an acute awareness of its surroundings so its seldom appears before people it's sometimes known by its other name Satori now apparently the lord of the mountain is a sage that died on the mountain that it once protect so maybe you didn't die on the mountain but rather inside the mountain or it died on the mountain and later he was buried underneath which then allowed him to reincarnate as the Satori the lord of the mountain it's also crazy that five years ago we also made a video showcasing places that you could have missed in breath of the wild and we talked about how Satori mountain and the Satori could all be linked and tied to the late passing of satoru Iwata and it's still just kind of sad to think that maybe this is a way of Nintendo's still remembering him and making this little Monument inside of the mountain to show yeah this is still about satoru Iwata that'd be really cool so it's hard to say maybe this is like a little resting place or a grave that they added in tears of the Kingdom but it just makes me remember covering this so long ago five years ago it's pretty insane but thank you guys so much for continuing to tune into this series and send in your locations you guys have single-handedly kept this series alive and this is already episode five so if you want to continue to keep it going please feel free to send in any small big or little tiny area that you feel is very unique that some people could have missed but thank you so much for tuning in stop what you're doing leave a like And subscribe if you really do enjoy this to help us reach our goal of 250 000 subscribers and like always I'll see you all on the next one see you guys thank you foreign
Channel: Nin10doland
Views: 78,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda tears of the kingdom, breath of the wild, locations you missed, zelda, mario, Mario wonder, Super Mario Bros wonder, new trailer, locations, Mario maker 2, pikmin 4, details you missed, things you missed, Mario odyssey, Mario 3d world, Nintendo direct, Nintendo switch, switch, nintendo
Id: 2B4wtoXXcpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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