The Ultimate Zelda Randomizer Is Here

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The Impossible has happened Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask have now been combined into one super game did I also mention that this is a randomizer in order to beat the games you'll be fine items in Ocarina of Time which could be pulled Majora's Mask or vice versa how does the game swapping work all will be revealed in the video leave a like if you liked the video and consider subscribing let's do this man look at them uh look at them hey she texture looking crispy right now looking crispy now of course every randomizer we all start in Midas house why Midas house got four chests all right what is it give the mask off the get-go okay interesting looks are doing the well this time then all right number two swamp token number three the bow for mm okay and number four the master Trooper OT okay so I can actually do a check right now sick so for those wondering by the way how this works uh as you saw I got a bow for Majora's Mask uh the items aren't shedness I'll find stuff like the Ocarina time for example sake I'll find the Ocarina of Time for OT or I'll find it Ocarina time for mm they're separate entities now it's really cool it's really really cool so I stopped like the song of time the Hulk shot uh and others you know they're now separate into both categories it's really cool all right so immediately since we got the uh the mask of Truth we might as well do this so we need to go to the theater real quick okay so what do we get bomb she's so OT okay so we have technically out of logic bombs right now which is sick all right so Chad you know the drill we go into the tree get the chest we can get out again and continue on Prelude alrighty nice good warp song very good warp song to have now first wondering how do we switch games you'll see real soon oh there you go right there hey sorry no wind bossing over all right sick so that's great bait technically going to be open some point and yeah pretty good start so far all right so Soul chest I told everyone about it all right pork Chopper mm all right one of the very good items to get for mm already all right let's buy a stick if I get like one rupee can get two sticks you know I want two sticks let's treat myself for once I never treat myself at a star Rando got it oh oh oh that was so worth it sora's mask already all right sick First Transformation down I am so happy I went back to get sticks uh beneath the wild support yes balance Village but for those wondering what does it mean by foolish Choice it's basically telling me there's no items that don't even bother going there I don't need to be there at all banks final reward is to couples mask okay cool [Music] token I need to find out what those tokens are gonna be soon for those wondering why am I not go to Majora's Mask right now now logically speaking the way this randomizer works is that it's going to place the Ocarina of Time and song of time for Majora's Mask in Ocarina time somewhere so we should go out and find out first before we head into Madras mask it just makes more sense all right uh ocean spot a token oh 20 gold token for 40. 50 is a gold token nice and lastly what's a 10. 20 Bombs all right so spider tokens are kinda useless kind of not it depends if I need ocean tokens why am I gonna HD I was trying to see if it just works it does can I just roll into you oh nice scan means for mm there you go oh dins [Music] thanks Marsh nowadays back in the past is suck the law though don't be in the past uh did not favor me at all fine you didn't help when I had all you guys trying to murder me at the same time so I'm gonna time for mm there you are okay one piece done one more to go oh Camaro mask bottle for which game because of his oot I'm gonna go let's go checking I'm going nuts I'm still checking then [Music] it's still a mask okay so chat remember Stone mask is it's in long long was it worth it it was so worth it we got a sword baby check the scoot up here real quick and then we go open to Gerudo check Gerudo finish off then go to market and in theory we should have our uh Ocarina or the next step and what is it there it is Ocarina Mark Arena Majora's Mask is now in logic it's just nice to go to early forwards that means you can do mm of the get-go which I'm really happy because I love mm way more Ocarina for this game too back to bike Ocarina oh that's a good thing two copies of he's a selfie I don't need to do it I'm gonna do the parts in between but I don't need to finish it thank God RG at the gods I know I'm just gonna see it I'm liking the seed oh my God all right Goron's tunic all right cool that's gonna be useful in the future good which game [Music] all right what do you go eyeball frog Okay so a lot of OT is currently done uh but we're gonna go into the uh to the good bit in a minute let's check real quick what you got Zelda's Lair okay that's actually pretty damn good but I am going to go to mm first I think I think I'll do mm first before I come back into this let's just get it out of the way first time oh big next check the ghost Stones over here real quick and then I think it's time to uh to dive into the world of termina oh big the opponent song Follow the well so you might be wondering you know we're playing awkward time how does Majora's Mask come into all of it so if you go inside the mass shop here in Ocarina of Time and give it a quick moment and then suddenly it's now doing the first day we are now in Corktown so how this project works you go into the mashup in Ocarina of Time and then brings you into Clock Town if I go back for these doors here we're not back in Ocarina time this is how the two games are linked oh song [Music] right now Clock Town has a lot of stuff to do in spirit zero what's in a tree slingshot okay now of course we have to save Graham Graham in a little bit but uh we got some time for that yet now I do have a boat already for uh four mm as well so I could do the game mini game game but I will do that right now oh we have a hook show we have to we have a really lot to do now I know what we should do first all right next coffee's letter okay all right target practice time let's do this [Music] Perfect all right I gotta do it again was it worth it was not even more that is a bottle of milk that's the name of you Akana Canyon is on the way of a hero okay second now there we go away stop having an orchestra go away can you stop staring at each other please thank you yes I have reservation yes yes I'm I'm a Mr wide Vibe hook shot forfeit second archery just get it done all right kujiru ah there we go perfect easy okay what do we get actually really worth it Sonata early that's gonna come in use you know one thing I'm gonna do real quick just in case it turns up let's do Scarecrow song just for now just in case I need it having hook shot early for once is kind of uh kind of different for me you know we have a lot of OT we can still do as well right now so as soon as mm runs dry we're going back to OT but we just take a minute just to talk about this room this room is gorgeous in this mod uh I am praying to some good praying this is something good [Music] something good horse the master sword I just need song of time now and I go out on OT already all right Grime Graham please be worth it yeah it's not worth it all but she's safe that's more important thing right what's in The Grotto what's in the grotto [Music] and the time okay uh the dog I'm gonna pick is going to be this one this is my dog chat will this dog place in the top three please please I need you to win I need you to win I can't do this one more time all right you got kind of a Middle star okay kind of Mr all right you're in the front pack right now stay up there stay in the front part oh my God you're falling behind are you kidding me you're falling but you are actually losing the Claude oh no [Music] [Applause] please don't run please oh my God okay I didn't lose the Claude where is Claude there he is that's Claude that was a bad choice that really up right round two all right we're near the middle right now okay let's go oh my God you're in the back okay no no this isn't over yet this is no but you could get a speed boost still I think you're trying to push across hang on hang on if you're getting faster it's getting Faster come on come on please push every to the side please you can do this come on I see a lot of speed boost come on you're so close please come on come on over team fard come on second place yes okay the camera wasn't even worth it [Music] thanks I I have always wanted a gold skull token thank you oh it's two checks interesting okay all right buddy I'm leaving the last things I can do right now for mm is simply give Cafe his letter give it to Buck ghost which made it buckles first actually hey I have some paper something good [Music] wasn't good no I just realized how messed up this uh this place is they literally have a bathroom with an open door which Andrew is at by nasty mask okay keep it up and we got on the shield [Music] that's all it takes Chad the sale dispute just wear a mask [Music] I saved them a thousand rupees for a ploopy all right hey buddy thank you mask it looks worth it so this now does mean all deku's side at the game is open now anything good was it worth it not really no but no it's more of it all right Boop Song these are good you're on a number something I don't remember this point please have a good [Music] oh hover boots sick so good don't grow a mask can't see this one a room key oh that's good that's a check price mask actually useful mask turn around go faster faster faster please I'm running out of time come on I have 12 hours hey buddy die die foreign perfect timing the pipes [Music] Jesus Christ look how close the Moon is well that's not ominous oh damn it's more OT ah it tricked me foreign no it's boots here okay no I'm completely wrong barely Source Mass mates has been life a lot easier I may just go kill the boss I wanted all ferry to this point but I think the smarter decision is to kill the boss for us and then maybe come back if I need to okay we had the Rival in there there it is I'm on 11 fairies no no I probably shouldn't but I'm thinking it longer stores were mm and of course twin mods remains don't miss two and a half hours remain and a reward what's it worth it no it really was not worth it at all so Death Mountain Trail is the next stop there you go take now this one has always eluded me why can you climb this wall oh oh spectacular grade sync Fitness for mm oh is that fire arrows oh oh we can get that we get that right now we're gonna pick you up throw you there backflip over this oh we're gonna get ourselves some fire arrows which game well oot okay that's kind of useful that's actually very useful you know granted we had to find a bow and Magic but it's useful uh where do we want to go okay okay I guess I go did on those for as far as I can look at the texture okay not doors it's so Rusty looking now Place me something good it's a song of the order okay one of the big ones for uh mm come on let's have a gun in the chest something good in the chest someone get in the chest [Music] okay good that's that's something good in the Chester right nice that's jabu well I kind of do need a tokens but not as much is that my sword for mm no nice oh hey uh personal space please all right everything I'm done now let's go do the uh the bottom of the world bottom of the world so we know opponent's song is in here somewhere I don't have bombs so hopefully it's not requiring bombs Cafe's mask okay now I don't think I can but can I run a bomb flower all the way to this side and get the chest I don't think I can I think if if it will blow up oh wait oh my God hang on no this might this sword it does work okay oh nice about a song come on something good something good something good something good because this is the last check I can do for now so we're shooting okay kind of fitting uh I guess I'll go back to mm for time again so we do have a room key I don't think I've used it yet what's room key worth it Giant's knife okay not fully now but I was wondering what do I mean by check it's quite literally like an item location so this is a piece of heart uh typically so we check the location and it's a piece of heart oh it's a piece money odds a progressive Shield could be found in a secret Shrine oh that's big that's gonna be possibly um mirror Shield if I get a stick we can do ocean spider house right now in fact that's gonna probably be the better shout to do there's a lot of checks in there there's 30 checks just waiting for us in there right now let's see if we get some decking sticks behind here oh we can indeed we can indeed all right we need these real quick something good come on now we have a lot of check opportunities in here now I love checks oh what's that oh we got a chicken I think that's weird anything good Lighthouse which game why are some OT okay okay no it was worth coming in here now gonna be good oh biggest Daddy's mask every boss just became easy in mm however just to challenge ourselves we won't use it I do like fighting the bosses uh normal whoa that's been going sword all right piece of heart Bomb Bag which game bombard for mm this spider house is stacked at the moment another bomb bag which game all right what's in the chest it's a bottle for mm okay they're useful they're used for the Fortress sorry last three gonna have oh nice that's gonna make fairy Collective so much easier now a few more spiders left oh so I've got time for OT we can go adult now this place is worth checking this is very worth checking next there's a lot of checks in this place it's been tired okay that's kind of useful that is a track you do get a Pizza Hut normally if you check a post uh post box of that you know I love how to eat they have all these like these pole arms these Spears and stuff right but get defeated by simple bees be something good come on chest that is actually good all right we can now save the witch in the woods [Music] there we go easy oh okay hello raise a sword how you doing buddy and now finally with summer time and we can go adult look at the castle look at the sky on this area man it's pretty numb of this you know it's desolate but pretty that's actually pretty decent I'll happily take that that's romani's mask something good lens for OT okay so this doesn't do too much but there is a few things it does but I need magic still all right the dong is coming time to fix this now you know I've been good in the past two minutes all right lens with mm let's kill Dongo there we go easy What's it gonna be it's a poopy I'm kidding we did get George remains though George Georg George can we talk about eyeball frog real quick look how happy eyeball frog is all right what is it it's my hammer oh I'm gonna have to go get the Scarecrow song give me my hammer all right there we go big item big item I guess next is go on City and if it and the wall Gold Dust ocean spider house on the way to the hero oh yeah it was a spare time was a full Choice luckily we know that already come on Bonnie heard about mm okay that's kind of nice that's uh that's at least a speed upgrade Soares river is on the way there oh my god of course it is oh [Music] John through here then I'll go swords River okay two chances here two chances something is always good yes come on Bosque has something good if boss king is boss keys I'll kill the dragon now oh interesting strength upgrade okay hey don't mind me I'll ski all right let's do swords River Frost because this way of the hero might as well just get out of the way who knows maybe some lullaby is just conveniently there who knows oh oh oh it's magic all right it's that OT magic though it's oot magic Source River was worth it broken corn sword okay that's another uh trade Quest oh song Bolero what [Laughter] is you can't even make that one up oh my God I can't believe so does a lullaby was actually here after calling it you know I'm expecting all the awards scripted comments scooter is it's not really useful that does nothing but we gotta circus leave the mask okay despite not doing too much it could be useful but all we know items could be on the moon still yeah oh man this is going so well honestly it's the mm side struggling for a change oh nice ball Venom you wash it you get it hi I'm doing foreign drops okay all right because I'm impatient we're gonna do the boss early first time and with this now we line up we jump into the void and now we're here no I gotta do the temple anyway but I like another way first all right now we set up this time I missed first time was it anything good yeah yeah it was Hershey owned Again One Step Closer now to uh to Stone Tower [Music] okay pretty good pretty good I don't need this as much but pretty good pretty good give them as kind of covers what I needed to do for that area but it's kind of cool to have hey Giant's wallet we needed one of these what's in the chest what's in the chest something good something good something good oh okay sure kind of actually maybe worth it let's get out of here okay so again storm grottos we got to do now uh we've got fire templates to do now and we've got the adult trade quest to do now as well so we've got a lot of stuff to do now let's go do the uh kajira real quick oh no time oh a song that is such good timing timing all right uh Stone girls uh there's there's two right I think there's one right here to check the other one is outside Goron's uh city right [Music] now Ice Cavern is on the way to hero okay so I actually need to go to Ice Cavern all right scooter what you got it's a mask a sense mask okay that's enough one down oh it's a song I missed Sun song okay not really important as much but it's kind of useful to have you know I don't have to wait around all day now let's go do fire temple so what do we need right now I'm almost in go mode for oot we know where the spiritual is it's in um secret Shrine I actually need light arrows uh I need iron boots that's definitely one thing I need the Gerudo uh card unless I get Requiem then I won't need that anymore I'm getting kind of close though um thanks all right we can already finish the dungeon we want to wait about Keys oh no no no no no no no no no no the boss it's gonna be the boss oh [Music] this is sharp easily there it is Smokey and let's just get us all the way now it's so weird having to beat the boss to progress perfect into the dungeon but it's so cool at the same time now luckily I actually want to be here I want to get this other way now [Music] Girl mask that's all transformations for mm now nice oh dude [Music] it's a check where is my uh where's my light arrows you know where's that now that I would like now whilst we're here we do have some stuff to do all right ciao you team beep on team no beep that's the question there you go I don't need this sir I got this sword off eBay can you fix it please no yeah okay nice here you go have frog it's hard wake up hi Mario oh my God all right uh let's do sores first because I need ice Calvin if we feed jabu does that make jabu our pet Ultra salt okie dokie all right Chad let me let me show you how to ruin an octopus in two seconds dad all right fine that was like four seconds all right child I'm gonna hit on purpose here it's faster all right it's about to get hit against them quicker there you go inside What's it gonna be [Music] with mm stuff I need one oh it's a song that's uh that's lullaby all right let's do Deku let's get deck out of the way okay [Music] did Goma have anything good no but never Ward [Music] what's in here soaring isn't City see I already did it spots I didn't get a spotted yet the spider could have a soaring come on let me see a song there it is soaring yes oh man that's gonna make life so much easier in Majora's Mask uh to that surprise because we totally didn't check this already beforehand oh it was hit the spider I wonder what's in the spider oh my God it's no mask oh oh it's the OT one this is nothing for me you know it would be lovely to have my right now opponent hey what horse horse are you okay are you what are you doing out here you're supposed to be in there what are you doing out here chopra's confused about it this horse is not supposed to be out here some my new and after this I have no clue where I'm going honestly I need long Choice holes that's the other thing I need to finish off uh water temple so we're not fully drummer just yet we're getting close though all right if my long shot wants to be in here as well to be sick maybe Einstein uh Madras mask as well seriously I wonder what long show is I wonder where irons is Longshot and the Gerudo card and I guess my last songs something good something good something good [Music] French vanilla iron boots all right that's part of water temple now open foreign [Laughter] [Music] boots hang on before I do anything else oh it's a song it's Aria's song all right Spooner oh it's a song [Music] all right Stone Tower is opened up now I need the light hours to finish it but I can start it now what's in the chest what's in the chest [Music] on potion all right oh my keys oh no oh no I'm out Keys uh I don't think I can finish water temple no I need a long shot okay oh it's oh it's ghost mask uh let's go to mm look at MM all the songs minus healing right now Eminem is stacked we'll do Great Bay no with the secret Shrine first and then Great Bay oh wait no no no I need light Harris still right oh that's true I'll go to the Grove that's right you reminded me I forgot about the grotto can I buy some stuff please yeah sure I'll take it oh so do I have something for you buddy here you go yeah I know what you mean take this what is in here hopefully it's something good [Music] what [Laughter] the lighthouse or outside secret Shrine huge stone tower has just opened up it's so close now to being in go mode and there's my mirror showed we knew about this one there we go it's a prescription what's sure worth my 100 rupees there the Gerudo card sure was worth it duck beans I'm getting beans first give me the beans [Music] free chest three opportunities what are gonna be just number one chest number two trash chest number three not trash Nocturne I am so happy to see that we are an almost combo time that missed stay Ferry that's dude oh my God that is so much easier come on Bosque come on Bosque foreign odd mushroom okay oh all right fine you can just chill there it is that's my boss key okay I can dungeon now all right we're here I love Giant's mask I gotta snipe it is that the kill ER sniped damn we did all of our four straight Harry yay oh and I got to line me down all right add a result of course it is well that was a waste we're gonna go quickly do the Pirates Fortress I'm not gonna pop the eggs yet unless I really get stuck but I am gonna do the uh the underneath bit real quick all right what's in the chest come on something good [Music] put it back [Music] shot nice that's it that's the final puzzle piece Ott is done we can now finish and Goku and finish up mm nice all right so coming back here was definitely worth it last chest come on something good please me Requiem of Spirit was here too oh look at that oot completely fleshed out now all right we're done I'm getting out of his place we're done let's go do some awkward time let's go do some water temple I still have two song checks to get I have Nocturne check and I have Requiem check to do as well still which I can go do now if I want to in fact yeah let's go down first Requiem song check what is it all right that's a red rupee let's go do a water temple first let's just get the worst out of the way what's in the chest oh there's a boss key all right we can kill Morpher already nice here we go I'm almost dead what you got Morpher you have anything good and I'm a darling we'll finish off water temple and then we only have two more times to do we have Shadow which I love you guys know I love Shadow Temple and spirit Temple which I it's my second favorite no oh oh hang on we know spirit is Baron so I actually get boss key and that's it there it is was dark Link's chest worth it though that's the question no what is in the last chest useless all right uh let's go do let's do Spirit temples let's just get out of the way let's do Spirit Temple mask for a mask didn't even get to move Smokey okay now the smalls are fine [Music] it's sketchy there we go All Right freeze [Music] and one cycled and here's on fire Medallion all right Shadow Temple's next and then we have finished every oot dungeon oh it's dead nice it's about Creepy the wall is now man look how creepy it is now is it true they're based on speed so if I walk as slow as I can oh my God it is the base of speed oh no uh let's give it a second maybe we'll die it's fully gone [Laughter] two chairs come on for OT and there's my boss key nice there we go almost dead and with that that is all Ocarina of Time dungeons completed hopefully we find our lullaby soon six stick upgrade don't eat this I'm about let's get our little a little farce Medallion here and we're done now if I remember right to trigger this cutscene I need to enter the village don't I not come from the graveyard I think that's the way it worked what is the Nocturne check okay that's a song that song with healing okay that's open no quality checks on and uh mm with Song of Healing though we can now heal Damani we can heal uh Macau and we can also hero Camaro Ah that's free check to open up now nice all right back to mm oh and Pamela's dad poundless dead yes all right no you are not useful at all all right Damani how's something good please never mind he gave me his heart how much that next yeah we'll do that for us and I think the last one is Camaro no we got his heart the last one then I'm not I'm not sure about uh I'm not sure about Song of Healing right now I'm not sure about it one check Remains the last one and then summer healing becomes useless I've got a sharp feeling it's becoming useless All Right charm we need you bigger some preachers it's the last song of heel check all right come on Kamara have my lullaby please I don't know where I'm going after this yet yes do your little swag dance swag dance of luck please [Music] [Laughter] seriously I'm gonna get older oh I'm scripted that's twice I caught outside lullaby in swords River and it was there a Camaro has a lot of popcorn's lullaby clearly under lullaby cooler all right we're in go mode that's my cake I don't need it though and you're almost done all right there it is there's the go quick kill and give me a duck oh I marked the wrong Stones one dungeon remains and that's it we can kill both Final Bosses there it is camera gets all funky there all right Bosque and Bosque yes it is there it is clutched spin to you I think it's the lower bit you want to be in all right easy and that is the final boss down trying to take on both Majora and gandal all right it's time to finish us I think we'll go face Scandal first all right got it it's time to die and with this Ocarina of Time is completed but we're not done yet we still have Majora's Mask to do oh no it'll just kick us out of the castle anyway ganon's dead or something I don't know oh my God it's the name of the game Wow since when could you do that I learned something new and you're down all right bird face here we go come on there it is Majora's Mask completed that's it the seat is done Ocarina of Time Majora's Mask randomize a combined completed thank you for watching if you liked the video and want to see more Awkward time and Majora's Mask randomizer let me know by liking the video and leaving a comment shout out to my patrons and take care guys I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Smiffic
Views: 299,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smiffic, nintendo, zelda, legend of zelda, ocarina of time, majora's mask, majoras mask, breath of the wild, majora, ocarina, max randomizer, ocarina of time majora's mask, randomizer, rando, randomiser, skyward sword, oot, mm, zelda randomizer, ultimate zelda, ultimate zelda randomizer, zfg, zfg1, linkus7, ootr, mmr, zelda rando, zelda randomizer majora's mask, zelda randomizer ocarina of time, pc port, oot randomizer, mm randomizer, oot rando, mask, ocarina of time majora's mask randomizer
Id: hHE8hLe3Xng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 28sec (2488 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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