The Hardest Zelda Speedrun just got EVEN Harder...

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the hardest zelda speeder in the world just got harder while many people see wind maker hd as a beginner friendly speed game its older sibling the gamecube version is a completely different story it is for a long time considered the hardest zelda speedrun of all time and due to some newly discovered glitches and tricks it just got even harder so i decided to check out the brand new route for myself to see just how truly difficult it was so right after you press that subscribe button we're ready to jump into it oh you pressed it awesome well then let's get right into it alright let's start this in three two one go now first things first first thing you're going to be noticing because this is the gamecube version lore is back that's right we get four minutes of lure every single time baby alright so for anyone who has watched me speedrun windowmaker before you have most likely seen me speedrun on the hd version now on the hd version you're probably very familiar with trick known as paws if you don't tldr how the trick works is i want to be able to perform a manual super swim by turning around 200 times frame perfectly in the water if you're able to flick the analog stick at least 15 times per second you can actually perform part of the super swim unbuffered [Applause] okay that should be a good amount of speed and now we pause on the last part but we already got more than half the speed for my buffered okay so now after i reached uh 500 units of speed i'm going to perform an up charge which makes my uh camera into target mode which allows me to simply just hold up an analog stick and continue to gain more speed automatically go into this corner get an air refill and then we're off we are off towards dragon roost and that is the manual super swim right there gg there it is and a beautiful time as well this is actually totally faster than world record right now i'm pretty sure i think this is a sub 10. very good start of the run after getting uh the song the wins requiem we are going to go ahead and try and get storage which we actually just got first try beautiful so we're gonna get storage which is gonna allow us to finally start actually super swimming so this is how super zooming is done on the gamecube version of this game so uh the hd version does obviously if you've seen one super swim with the use of item sliding now this version does super swim instead with the use of storage now there's something very important you need to know about storage or it's super swim with storage in this version and that is that super swimming with storage works fundamentally the same way as a manual super sun does it's done by turning around every single frame in the water and thanks to turning around every single frame of the water you continue to gain more speed and more speed which lets you build up enough speed to super suit wherever you want and the very first thing i'm gonna do is super swim all the way from dragon roost over to uh this submarine now these moblins function in a very specific way normally these guards are only guards and physical fortress and enemies in the rest of the overworld but the way that the game determines if they should act like a guard or if they should act as an enemy is based upon do the player have a sword in his inventory in this case i don't have a sword which means he thinks i'm an ff1 and it pretty much just wrong works me wrong works me over here now here it's already going to get quite crazy if you've not seen a gamecube speedrun before and you've only seen the hd version because now is going to be your first little taste an example of the beauty that is stored at droughts but first things first uh we need to take out this guard that is at this watchtower so that the light isn't infringing on our path to the sword later on uh right here i'm going to get storage and that is because i do need to pick up the gossip stone however if you have storage enabled and you walk into the cutscene trigger for the gossip stone you will actually store the cutscene right there bam you can even hear my controller right now that it's vibrating because it actually started the cut scene for a single frame and then i stored it and completely skipped it and that means that the flag in the game indicating that yes i did pick up the gossip stone has been activated but i didn't actually have to watch the cutscene of getting the gossip stone which is the main key part and the important part now here is where you're gonna get your first demonstration of chest storage chest storage works in the fundamentally the same way i'm going to store the element of opening up a chest now when link opens up a chest the game actually changes how link's collision works it changes it from fine collision checking to rough collision checking that's so that he can actually properly perform the cut scene of leaning up into the kind of chest itself to actually pick up the ruby now what you're going to be noticing is that having rough collision checks is a very powerful thing in the gamecube version of wind maker because as you can see uh if you have rough collision checks you can kind of just walk up walls that are sloped in the way where you would normally not be able to walk up them and that's pretty much for sega fortress one now we just have to go pick up our sword and we can be on our way and that's it for second fortress one is done and now we are going to save tingle uh believe it or not the most useful item in the entire game on the gamecube version is the tingle tuner the tingle tuner is the most useful item and the only reason why this route works this route does not function at all without the tingle tuner so this is the most essential item for the speed run so we have to get this item why are you collecting rupees um because if you've never used the tingle tuner the tingle tuner is kind of an extension it's kind of a selling it's kind of a selling technique to get people to buy game boy advanced you can get a linking cable and connect your gamecube to a gba and when you connect the tingle tuner you basically down a little tingle menu on your gameboy advance i have one right here now on this you have a live updating map you have some tips and tricks and different things but one thing you also obtain is a tingle shop this shop allows you to purchase different things for example potions or tingle balloons among many other things tingle bombs you name it there's a few different items and it's essential that we're able to buy these items because these items are actually quite expensive which shouldn't come as a big surprise it's literally tingle shop tingle is great right so it's gonna be expensive so that's why we're collecting as many rupees as we physically can because this route is very dependent on rupees so we have enough rupees to please tingle and we also got the pictobox believe it or not even though in all dungeons of this game the pictobox is actually an essential item uh to complete the speedrun it is actually faster to get the pick the box all right and we got bombs beautiful all right and now we're going to call tingle hi tingle here we go and now when tingle is connected we are going to go ahead and uh get storage or double storage i should say so i can super super forest haven all right and now when we're at forest haven we are first of all going to clip underneath this island now i need to explain an important mechanic to you guys if you don't know it already that's unfortunate um because it is going to be essential for the speedrun for this category we're going to be doing a lot of one specific trick known as a zombie hover now fundamentally how this trick works is that every single time where link reaches zero hp and he stands up there is a small amount of time before the game over screen starts where you can do an influence such as a jump slash now the game knows that link is at zero hp and he should be dead so what the game does when if you do an input during this small frame window is that it is going to immediately cancel the whatever input you're doing however that is actually to our advantage because every time you press b to do a midair jump slash you will gain height so if you mesh eight times per second you will be gaining the same amount of height as the gravity is pulling you downwards which means that if you match 12 13 14 15 times per second you're actually gonna be gaining height instead of losing height uh which is what we're going to be trying to do right now so let's hope we get this first try now the second you land on the ground the frame you land on the ground link will immediately die no questions asked however remember earlier how i said that the tingle tuner has a shop that actually can save you right there because normally the frame i land i would get the game over screen but with the use of the tingle tuner i could buy a red potion in mid-air which heals me which allows me to survive that entire fall so i can land off there and be completely fine now coming up here is a very difficult trick known as a uh known as dikatri cutscenes kit um this is one of the trickiest glitches uh so i think i'm actually going to simply explain this mostly in post actually [Music] and done all right let's get into it all right so here we got the diketree the chews and the actual area the game is in so here we go normally what would happen is you bonked a tree and all three of these jews fall down on the ground you then attack them you kill them it works like normal but by performing a glitch doing a storage you can actually mess up the choose animation so that instead of falling down and being in its normal state it will continue to slide forward in this glitch state until it gets stuck on this wall right here then by simply using bombs or just the force of link's body you can push these shoes out of bounds through the wall they will continue to slide forward for a little bit of time until they run out of ground at this point they will fall down and once they've fallen down for a certain amount of time they will enter this kind of void out area where they would simply as despawn from the game and once all shoes have reached this area the game thinks that you've beaten all the shoes and the cutscene starts and what our objective is bedikit your cutscene skip is to time it so that we push out the last shoe to fall down a void out at the same time as you get crushed by the deku tree's shin now if this last shoe dies while the void out screen happens or getting crushed the flag will hit eternally in the game to spawn the deco leaf and by so you now completely skip the cutscene but the deku leaf has now spawned all right so bam we uh so we voided out and got crushed right as the cutscene started it spawned the deco leaf so we got the deku leaf up here we can pick up the defu leaf and if you're wondering why did you even zombie hover up to that top loading zone to begin with that's because you cannot reach the deku leaf without the grappling hook but since i entered from the top by doing that zombie hover i was able to actually reach uh this area because otherwise i would have been completely screwed now i'm going to activate a tingle balloon on the uh gba in the tingle shop if you don't know what the tingle balloon is imagine imagine hover boots in ocarina of time for 30 rupees you can activate a tingle balloon which allows you to run in the air for five seconds so it's practically a hover boots in ocarina of time but it costs you 30 rupees every time you want to use it and why is that useful you might be asking well that's because with that we can in a single leaf reach all the way from forest haven all the way to forbidden woods i'm gonna be honest i'm so excited to speed on this and go for the world record in this category this category is so much fun and here is gonna be another great example of how powerful chess storage storages if you're not too familiar with this i'm going to store you opening up this chest and as you can see once again rough collision checks uh are quite rough and also because we got bombs early we can absolutely destroy this dungeon and normally we need a lot of different items to get through this but by having the um the bombs early we can get through it very quickly chad remember how hard the boss key skip is on the hd version on gamecube you just walk straight through because since you have such poor collision with chest storage you can squeeze through smaller areas than you normally are able to now this boss might seem like a problem if you watch the hd speedrun of all dungeons you will know that you need to use the grappling hook to cut them down we didn't have the grappling hook or the boomerang but the gamecube version you have another way to do this because on the gamecube version this boss has his hitbox enabled even when he's in mid-air which means that with perfectly timed bomb throws [Music] as you can hear you can still hit him which means that we can kill the entire boss by simply as throwing good bombs and that should do it [Music] gg i don't like the term rough collision checking i think partial collision checking is more accurate i think this is half of the debate this entire stream people don't like the word rough huh what's wrong with being a little bit rough chad come on and now we're back to dragon roost i'm going to do this i do not want to watch the cut scene of getting the delivery bag so i'm going to be doing a zombie however to get up instead so it's time for tapa again and just like last time i'm have my game boy in front of me i have the um potion equipped and i'm gonna use my nose to press the b button to purchase it bam and zombie hover done and we are in dragon roost beautiful all right and we are going to be trying to head over to the grapple hook now uh this is quite a long zombie hover i have to do right here because going through this dungeon is very very slow so i'm gonna try and go all the way from the start of this dungeon all the way to the end and a single zombie hover and hopefully it will go well here we go gonna have the camera slightly to the side this time okay i'm gonna buy the red potion and done so now we're at the very very top now normally this would be a one-way kind of path if you don't have the grappling hook but with some very well-timed dq leaf sections uh you can just barely squeeze through this uh in the opposite way and now we're gonna pick up the grappling hook by storing that text you skip like a little portion of the text so it saves a few seconds and there's the grappling hook and right here we're gonna get storage and this boss key skip is hilariously easy all you gotta do is just walk up this wall fall out of bounds line it up and then just jump right through that little corner and bam you're into the boss room now you might have noticed that this seems all pretty normal i was talking about the fact that this completely changes up the order of how you would normally go about playing this now you do a new order to get these dungeons and there is a new strats to complete these dungeons but the order is still the same to get the tower of gods but once we have entered hyrule one past tower of the gods that's where the real stuff kind of begins that's where the big changes starts to come into effect and we're gonna be noticing some very interesting mechanics uh now what we're gonna do immediately is we're going to be getting storage we're gonna be storing the text of king red lions then we're going to start charging up a super swim and now we're going to try and go all the way from dragon roost to outside island and now i'm going to super swim to the back of the island enter this wild wind and uh by entering the center it's going to void me out i'm going to spawn on the boat and we can simply go and get the pearl all right so now it's just the boss for our tower of the gods and then we're down to hyrule all right uh right here i'm going to try and do a skip known as puzzle uh puzzle skip i'm going to clip out of bounce into this railing oops i'm gonna clip out of bounce into this railing gonna go down here and then i'm gonna line this up crouch here we go all right and by doing so we can fall out of bounds we can immediately leaf into this chamber and we can skip the puzzle beautiful there we go and that's the master sword all right now ain't on to one of the hardest tricks this next section coming up has back to back to back to back crazy difficult glitches that hopefully we can get first try right here i am going to leaf around out of bounds to get to the back side of howard without having to fight all the enemies and here i have to do barrier skip barrier skip on the gamecube version is very complex and incredibly difficult and precise so i'm gonna try and do this but uh we will see how it goes got it all right and there is barrier skip uh believe it or not even though that is a very difficult and precise trick the trick that is about to come up right now is actually harder than barrier skip even though barrier skip is the biggest sequence break in the game this next trick is actually harder if you're wondering what i'm trying to do right now this is actually a quite major skip this is to skip all of the trials the trials takes a very long time to complete and also in this current state that i'm in i don't even have all the items necessary to complete the trials even if i wanted to so i am forced to do the skip even if i didn't want to beautiful all right so i clipped out a bounce right there and then i took out the leaf immediately and then i leafed into the loading zone and we're through now remember earlier how i said that i even harder skip is about to come up which like i said it's harder than barrier skip itself that is this thing right here there is a warp portal in ganon's tower that connects to forsaken fortress normally you would simply just use the boomerang on the hd version you use the bow and arrows and use gyroscope aiming to complete it now there is no gyroscope aiming in the gamecube version which means that i have to do like 10 plus frame perfect inputs right here to pause buffer this to work oh my god i think i might have just gotten it first try don't miss the slash odd no i'm one frame late okay okay i can maybe save this hold on okay i need to okay i need to get every frame here per frame perfect so i can stop holding left hold on come on oh boy this might be it please tell me this will work yes okay not bad we take those beautiful all right uh we're going to actually use the portal in a little bit i'm first going to go ahead and get the light arrows but that said beautiful all right uh here is something quite difficult um i have to i want to go up to helmrock's room however this specific chest that i'm about to store has a void out effect and if you store a void out chest on the first frame the game is going to go completely pitch black and never light up again which means that i will have to completely navigate all the way up to helmrock's room entirely blind but i will have chessboards i will be able to climb walls and do all that sort of stuff that you normally can do so hopefully this all goes well here we go i'm gonna jump down into the water right here swim into this corner okay walk up the wall now we should see a little torch here walk up this wall jump out of bounds jump slash into the loading zone and done okay there we go right now the only reason we want to go to helm rock at all is to watch this one cut scene right here this cutscene changes something very very important internally in the game which is a flag this changes our animation set from one and two in simple terms just imagine that animation set one is early game cutscenes animations of two is end game cutscenes so now we can successfully watch end game cutscenes without crashing the game because if you wouldn't watch this cutscene you for example went to win temple or temple and watch the cutscene there the game would just crash but we don't want to take all the time to go down to hyrule now because normally the only way to leave this area is to go down to hyrule we're gonna try and get around that by doing a very difficult glitch and you've probably never seen this glitch before done all right so first things first i'm gonna be picking up this pawn because when you walk over this flag right here this is what determines if helmrock should be in the tower chasing you or up the top and if you walk over and over again across this flag he will actually continue to gain height because it is a little hop every time it changes from being at the top of the arena to at the middle so i'm going to be going here over and over again to make him go higher and higher up in the air i'm going to try and run towards this corner and i'm going to try and climb up this latch unfortunately i didn't get in there in time it's very tricky to get this ledge grab because i need to grab this ledge just perfectly to where i can clip out of bounds here [Music] okay beautiful okay so now we are inside of the floor and now we're going to take damage so i'm only at half a heart and now we're going to crawl out of bounds right here and i'm going to be jumping up here onto this wall now if you watched helm rod skip before you will realize that we're actually going another path than we usually do usually we actually go on the left here but now we're going on the right that's because this isn't actually a skip specifically designed to skip helmrock this is actually a skip designed to skip having to go down to hyrule 2. so first things first what i got to do here is get storage which i just got now we're going to continue our way up here now this is the really tricky part i'm going to safely save here because this is very very difficult and easy to mess up so we gotta hold it but try and follow along right here chad [Music] we're gonna get up here now we're gonna try and clip up on this wooden platform right here [Music] clip inside of this part and we're gonna stand up here we're gonna do a side hop and leaf right here we're gonna grab this door frame right here [Music] and then we're gonna climb up here once i'm up here i'm going to take out my wind waker climb this up blow your leaf here we go okay so right now we have storage enabled which means that when we activate this loading zone we will still take they have control over link what i'm going to try and do right now and hopefully we can get it is i'm going to take out a bomb right as it's about to explode i'm going to side hop take out the leaf the leaf is going to activate the loading zone the bomb is going to explode to push me forward and hopefully if everything goes well we are going to void out on the same time as the loading zone activates so we're gonna go through the loading zone and dive here we go yes okay we got through the loading zone we died we spawn in this room and it's done you might be wondering why is this even useful to begin with this seems so weird lincus let me explain this room is a cut-scene room which you're never supposed to be in so it doesn't have a set flag for where it should respawn you so it defaults to the default low uh spawn area which is windfall island which means that we were able to go back to the overworld when we're not supposed to skipping all of viral 2 and helmrock now unfortunately you might have thought that that was a very very very difficult glitch and you are right that is a difficult glitch however that isn't actually the hardest glitch in the round because despite many difficult glitches we've just done which is hyrule to skip opening the portal without the boomerang we still have early earth temple which is the most precise trick in all of windmaker's speedrunning now i should explain something very important so the hardest glitch in the speedrun and what makes this entire route possible is early earth time now why is early earth temple such a chain a game changer for the speed run well it's because of the fact that normally you have to go through hyrule 2 to activate the king of alliance track text that activates the trigger so you can pick up meddling that's why you have to go to hyrule 2 but with early earth temple you can actually access the dungeon and complete the dungeon without meddling and with that you can entirely skip hyrule 2. now it's not easy completing earth temple without medley and completing and even just entering dungeon that badly is also very very difficult but hopefully if everything goes well here we should be able to at the very least do it all right here we go this is the hardest glitch in the game wish me good luck chad it is this glitch is practically it's it's all it's almost unit perfect which if you know how games calculate collision is very tricky for a for a 3d game here we go posh champ oh oh no i'm too far down no no i forgot to mention even once you get the clip you have to do a perfect out of bounds leafing section to even make it and i didn't get a frame perfect leaf pull right there so i didn't make it past the stone into the area all right here we go again if i haven't if i if i haven't demonstrated yet how hard this trick is i don't know what i can do yes okay we got it early earth temple has been completed all right now there is a big issue we're in earth temple but we still don't have medley so if you thought that we're past all the hard parts we are not we still got a lot of stuff left to go chad now when we're in earth temple we're gonna have to go through all of earth temple without using madly if you have never seen a medleyless earth temple you're in for a good time hopefully i can get this first try so here we go so number one is we need to connect the tingle tuner and we need to get a tingle balloon so first things first is we gotta get this bokoblin over here [Music] okay freeze him again put him on the switch stand on the switch and bam first room skipped no need for medley that said so now we skipped the first room without medley uh thanks to using tingle balloon and by freezing that enemy so that he would stay still in the switch now here's the issue not only do we not have medley for this dungeon we also do not have the mirror shield which are pretty much the two most essential things now with a lot of different glitches we're gonna get through this entire dungeon first things first getting down to the basement what we're going to do is we're going to store opening up this door right here and then we're going to open this door this is going to cost us to do this bam fall out of bounds so it's going to take it's not going to put link into the next room but it's going to load it so we fall out of bounds and we're then going to leave right over here and enter the basement no problem i'm going to climb up right here and i'm going to obtain storage after obtaining storage i'm going to store this stone which is going to make link invisible i'm now going to leaf over to this platform right here i'm gonna go to this platform and then i'm gonna use a tingle bomb to discover the chest now i'm gonna have a text box on my screen i'm gonna use that text box on the same frame that i open up the chest which is going to give me chest storage i'm going to try to clip out a bounce right here take out my leaf and then leaf around this area and land on this door frame no damn it why did i slash my sword again okay okay climb up here now when you're in this room this is gonna get crazy chad gonna jump up here gonna leaf up here climb up on this statue leaf over here buy a tingle balloon partially clip out of bounds right here climb up roll out of bounds land on this door frame go through this door jump up here buy some magic with tingle clip out of bounds here leaf over here clip out of bounds here fly out of bounds into this door here walk up this statue side hop and leaf over to this stone let's clip out of bounds here land in between the door and the song stat and the song stone and bam we are officially in the end of earth temple after all of that we made it to the end of earth temple without madly now when we're finally here you have to make sure to pick up magic because otherwise you will soft lock because you don't have the mirror shield but from here a simple backflip is enough through that corner to clip out of bounds land in the loading zone and we are now officially at the boss we don't have the mirror shield to actually stun the boss but that is fine because you can use light arrows to stun the boss so that's our temple for you i hope you enjoyed that crazy round and yeah if you run out of magic here by the way you're soft locked because yeah there's just no way to take deal damage or to stun this guy now this is where i get really pissed off this is where i get actually mad we just went through all of that all of this so that we could beat earth temple right and after all of this we find out after entering this portal that medley has secret tech that she's not sharing with the rest of the crew because she doesn't have a tingle tuner she doesn't have a leaf yet here she is in the cutscene how did she get here she doesn't tell us she has tons of secret tech to skip all of her stumble on her own and she doesn't tell us it pisses me off are you ready for some new tech chad hold it so what i'm going to try and do right here and each time i fail i feel a little bit bad because you do hurt my car because i'm going to try and have it so that my car gets exploded by a bomb on the same frame as i pick him up got it so uh by doing so when we throw when we throw the car he will get thrown across the entire room and uh just end up right here so we don't have to do anything in this room we can simply just pick him up and continue as we were now we you run into a little bit of another trouble here chad i'm gonna be honest we're gonna we're coming in a little bit more problem here and that is the fact that i want to go and get the hook shot right now right and i rather not take the time to save my car i'm sorry but he's just very slow i have no real interest in actually taking the time to save my car out of his jail cell and do all of that it's just going to take a very very long time so what we're going to do is we're going to damage yourselves down right here now what we're going to do is going to place a bomb we're going to slash the bomb and die i'm gonna start a zombie hover and we're gonna start a healing process we're gonna zomb hover so that we're right over this door frame right here and we're going to get healed by tingle then we're going to climb up this door roll clip out of bounds and then fall out of bounds now if you're leafing above a loading zone and there's no collision in between you and the loading zone which is right there there's no collision in between me it will immediately activate the loading zone once you leave above the loading zone we can immediately enter the room for the hook shot no need for anything else and now here we now officially have the hook shot but we do not have a way to actually enter the end of the dungeon and that's what this room is for i first need to get chest storage to be able to skip the end the ending parts of this dungeon but i also do need a small key thankfully normally there is a second chance that spawns in this room if you go through all of these stores and spawn all of the enemies but if done correctly i do not actually need to fight all of these enemies if i do that little trick right there fortunately i did fall down here so i need to go back up but that is fine all right so now we go back up to the top we should have two chests one with a small key and one with the map we don't care about the one with the map but we just care about the small key one also 69 rupees nice so we're gonna pick up the one with the small key like that then we are going to jump on top of this chest get storage and there we go and now we can simply with storage walk through this corner right here thank you and then side hop into the floating zone there we go all right and that is wind temp hold on all right now in a normal old dungeon speed run on the game on the hd version i would just super simple forsaken fortress enter gannon's tower and poggers i can't do that on this version because since i never technically beat tower forsaken fortress 2 according to the game since you know we game over instead of watching the cutscene of ganondorf getting smoked in his head and it turning into versailles and fortress 3 it means that we are still in forsaken fortress 2 so the portal is not there now there are certain things in the overworld that can change the layer of the overworld and specific layers can force the game to have forsaken fortress 3 instead of forsaken fortress 2. one of those is flight control platform so what i'm going to do right now is i'm going to go ahead and super zoom to flight control platform activate to activate the minigame and then try and escape the minigame and never let the game change this the flag back to the normal play flag and instead stay on the game flag i'm going to use a bomb boost to escape this minigame here now i'm going to try and get storage off this flag got it beautiful all right so we just now got storage and now we're going to enter the boat now if i enter the water anywhere in this coordinate the game is going to simply just play the effect of hey you failed the minigame and i would be screwed right and it would also change my flag back to the normal playable flag or which means that the normal playable layer which means that forsaken fortress would not be interesting fortress 3 but it would be in for sick fortress 2. so i'm going to take the time to sail out of this coordinate into the other coordinates and then super swim all right anyway so now we have the layer from the minigame which means that this is forsaken fortress 3 not for sacred fortress 2 which means that the portal is spawned out in the overworld which is what we needed and since we never entered the front of forsaken fortress the cut scene the first time you normally get there for a second fortress 2 is still here which immediately spawns the boat and thanks to that we can now use the boat to enter hyrule through this portal all right now a really cool stratus coming up right here chad i've never seen this until a few days ago and it is super cheap it's super sick so i want to skip pup again right here but i also don't want to watch the cutscene of pup again thankfully there's a way around all of this so check this out first thing you want to do is get up on this ledge and get storage now we're going to store this door what that means is every time we take out the wind waker we're going to be pulled up towards this door as you can see now with this setup what we're going what we're going to do is i'm going to try and get storage again like that now when i have storage enabled we can do this and what we just did is we activated the loading zone for papagannon at the same time as we voided out which spawns us in the cutscene version of papagana's room which means that now we didn't have to actually watch the customer pop again and we don't have to deal with puppet cannon and we can now try to skip up again unfortunately this is the same cutscene skip with a little side part to it as the gamecube or as the hd version meaning that this only has a one and three chance of working and every single time it doesn't work i have to redo all of this now here's the funny thing this trick is only possible with the use of the piktobox normally the gamecube version does not render everything at the top of this arena because it's too far away but with the use of a piktobox it renders objects further away which means that it does load all the objects at the top of the arena so you can actually try to do this it's still 1-3 chance completely rng but if we get lucky yeah there we go all right here we go did we get a one in three rng chance posh champ no we didn't here we go please work one in three chance let's go we did it uh for people that don't know how this works i'm basically shooting these two more through the platform and it's luck based how far the morph bounces by the way so if i shoot this morph you see it bounced in place and that wouldn't have worked let's shoot this more and that would have worked did you see how it bounced all the way back and actually touch this warp pod that would have worked that that was a real attempt because what would have happened right there is because of how far back he bounced he would have touched the the pot lid and uh since he's on fire he would have put the pot lit on fire which means that it would have burnt up and you can then skip the entire arena so that's why it's completely luck based anyways gg there it is three hours 45 minutes and 41 seconds first ever completed legend of zelda wind waker all dungeons with early earth temple there it is gg definitely world record as long as you don't look at the leaderboard uh we definitely got a long way to go but that there it is chat that is the hardest uh zelda speedrun in my opinion that's it um but yeah if you want to see these runs live if you want to see me grind for the a better pb and in the future world record on the scatter you should definitely check out my twitch channel at link is seven also if you're gonna see more speed on kind of like this don't forget to subscribe to youtube channel if you're gonna watch two awesome other videos you can screen right now anyway thank you so much for watching i love y'all towns later everybody
Channel: Linkus7
Views: 372,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nVfKV2MnT6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 32sec (2792 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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