I Busted 35 Myths in Tears of the Kingdom

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today I'll test if you can mount a ride on our Cuda what great fairies look like from below and uncover the secrets of the style horses directly the first myth is very special the ancient blade is the most powerful weapon of the game one hitting everything and everyone but really everyone what happens if you use it against the boss like Phantom Ganon wait now it just has a bit of damage lame you're supposed to reach the wind temple with the help of tooling and you also need it for the puzzles in the dungeon but can you reach the temple early before you've even talked to him welcome to flight 420 to the wind Temple everyone please board the one thing I still remember from this Quest was that it took super long time to get out there I had to Fly 2 000 meters with my hover bike along the huge storm to the eye and try to not hit one of these flying ships ooh the torture is over it's calm here now but not full on because it's going down you could actually land on the Wind Temple but when I tried to activate it oh I think it stops here they really thought of this so you can't get in here way too early but of course I wondered if it might work at the fire temple I fell into the nearest hole Flew Over the lava crater to the entrance only to find out that it of course doesn't work here either do you know that feeling you dive in the sea and enjoy the underwater Panorama no of course not because you can't dive oh can you maybe I feel memory well more like a sub car and it's not exactly comfortable either it just consists of a cage but apparently you can drive underwater with it let's go but how is this supposed to work can you drown I have no idea but it looks like it's working we're driving underwater and now even so deep you can't see it anymore let's be honest we all hate Clorox except for me hopefully what if there was a way to get rid of him once and for all by feeding them to a malduga okay come with me my friend don't worry this definitely won't be dangerous we should be safe out there right okay there it comes then jumps up and eats the car solid plan I hope oh no that wasn't it new attempt this time right in the action well he definitely would have eaten him there if it was possible Soul busted how to like likes like to eat the most you so run as fast as you can or wait well what if we put two like legs next to each other and give them a model bot will they eat each other oh there is the first attack though unsuccessful bro what is this one doing unfortunately it looks like it won't work so you better watch out what happens if you take a torch and fuse it with the master sword do you get a master torch it works up to here the big question is can you light it up too yeah what that's so dumb and it works just like a torch with the animation here you can't even swing anymore that is just so stupid in every way it works but whoever does this has lost control of their life horses laugh carrots yay but what about their Undead friends deep underground will style horses eat a carrot too never that wouldn't make any sense what huh how does that work that thing doesn't even have a stomach later I'll also test another myth about style horses can you with a fan on a shield and then doing a shield jump fly it doesn't seem like it I thought you could just go up now but unfortunately not it doesn't even slow down your descent completely busted style enemies die instantly upon contact with the Dazzle fruit but do Gloom enemies in the depths do the same there's only one way to find out it's exactly the same effect with them too faster lightning can you dodge it I know I know it sounds absolutely impossible and it is I tried it's impossible that was fast spring Hammer from breath of the Wild and the mushroom rod and tears of the kingdom are two very special weapons some would even say they're better than the master sword hey it is better than the master sword have you ever seen a Boku fly that far yeah yeah okay hear me out now can an enemy take the bouncy bed and throw us just as far do it well it's a bit further right I'm not completely sure about it but it kind of works a bit at least the forest wall of Sword has a special ability while consumables like the puffed room break immediately when using it with a normal weapon they remain intact on the forest dweller charging briefly and then be ready for reuse but does this work with the most powerful weapon in the game the ancient blade let's just give it a try and is it still there no right faster we've all seen bokos and Los Altos fight each other because of the model back why not try them on a bigger Target for example a dragon just need land first okay yeah more or less stable I'll just quickly throw before I fall down does it bother him seems like he doesn't mind at all dragons are truly a force for themselves does anyone use reju's lightning ability you then you're a damn Widow bro delete your game well there's supposedly one useful situation for the lightning and that is the entrance of a cave get ready because now everything has to happen really fast hey man here come our targets that is a lot of materials very effective for farming eyes but you can do the exact same thing with a bomb so the lightning still sucks how do Gloom hands react to the Dazzle fruit will they die instantly oh no no no no no no no no there is a rumor that not only lightrooms lie directly beneath shrines but also some of the most dangerous creatures in the game are distributed in a pattern specifically in the depths right under the stables and let's see if the theory holds true okay we're pretty much right under the stable and there it is actually a Lionel with armor even and also here under the second stable a Lionel the myth is true you simply have to use the light dragon scale to your weapon or shield and with each strike you not only do damage but also heal yourself the question arises again if I drop this weapon for an enemy will they also be healed for each strike do you see a difference in its HP I don't see anything the great fairies a very interesting entity that when you think about it we've only seen from above so far I suggest we see what's under the bloom purely for scientific reasons of course what in the hell is that later we'll even take a look at Gloom hands from below there are many ways to fly in tears of the Kingdom but this one would definitely be the coolest can you ride on Arrow Cuda this has to be very precise now um just missed it's trickier than I thought after several tests all of which were unsuccessful I can say with quite some certainty that it doesn't work people have always wanted to walk on water and I have the solution maybe all I'm planning is to fuse an ice emitter to his shield and then an ice pad should form beneath me right well yes and no some ice is forming he's a really big piece again but unfortunately it's not quite as hoped you've already met Scaletti and he's now a part of another experiment normal horses have different speeds recognizable by their speed stat however you can register style horses so the question if they differ in their speed remains open until now because I'm testing it out of course the results all are equally fast at 21 meters per second can an ad withstand the impact of a metal block no it can't this is going into my Scramble X now who are the best friends of the car rocks trees and like that carax are the best friends of trees following that logic trees should see as his friends when we put on the karak mask just as enemies do for example with the goblin mask oh it moved right oh yes but that means it definitely doesn't see us as a friend next myth busted birds are among the most dangerous animals for humans in the real world in Zelda they are more like cannon fodder you can even ride them but what are the limits to this can a bear swim too so the shore is right there reality Bears can swim so it would be weird if not but no it doesn't go further there too bad apparently you just need to stick a carrot to your shield and then your horse will simply follow you oh oh yeah it does you just have to not run too fast actually you have to walk really slow but it works and it will never actually eat the carrot too taking a bath in ice water is not a good idea unless you want a miserably freeze but maybe you can delay it a bit by wearing Karma with more than fence okay first completely without armor and now with I don't see any difference but what about cold resistant armor like the retail dress exactly the same speed no chance busted after we've already seen how the great fairies look from below let's just quickly forget that and focus on the next terrifying creature Bloom hands have you ever seen anything cuter I haven't and I'm sure they look even cuter From Below will they what is that is that how they look from below that's disgusting I think the low gravity zones were among the best new gameplay gimmicks and tears of the Kingdom I've noticed however that apart from constructs I haven't seen any enemies in these zones our bokos for example affected by them at all I've just built this year to bring the brawl up into the low gravity Zone above me notice how he tries to reach me through a jump now he can't reach me but a few seconds later with low gravity it's a whole different story now he certainly jumps much higher high enough that he actually can't reach me this time so it's true allegedly you can detach this plate from the elevator and then use it individually for inventions and indeed that is true with stabilizes you can break it and the best part the plate always has a low gravity effect totally overpowered that's why I've already used it in a video to build the fastest airplane in the game this water ball never sinks never is it possible to use this power for your own purposes there's only one way to find out and that's by sticking it to your Shield can you now stand on water with a shield jumping and you do think that was a complete failure even with the water played with the same effect it didn't work sidon's ability the Water Shield is definitely better than lightning not only does it give the ultra attack boost for Zoro weapons but it's supposedly also protects against burning here I would burn as you can see but does it work yes it does and even after I've wiped away the water it continued to work for over a minute that is wild you know what happens when you swing a car Rock Leaf everything just flies away but really everything what about smoke can you blow that away too oh it looks like it doesn't it what about the little residue here yeah yeah it works our jump pads more effective in Low Gravity so do you jump higher would only make sense and yo that is crazy that's much higher I have to try with three on top of each other wow you guys have to try this yourself it is so satisfying allegedly legitly hidden in the depths underneath the big hylia statues let's first check here under the one of wisdom this is what it looks like from below with a waterfall 2 Cool didn't know there was something like this here but we're looking for something else and that would be this this should be it yes it's a bargain statue if it's of course naturally as a counterpart for the goddess statues but to confirm it we also need to check under the one in the Forgotten Temple and yes here's the largest park in the statue in the game fits it's true knowing the myths is important but as tears of the Kingdom players you definitely shouldn't miss my world records like the fastest jet in the game
Channel: Linko
Views: 61,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZeldaTears of the Kingdom, Zelda TotK, Zelda 100 Days, TotK 30 Days, Tears of the Kingdom 100 Days, Zelda BotW 2, Tears of the Kingdom Tips, Tears of the Kingdom Tricks, Tears of the Kingdom all Bosses, Tears of the Kingdom Myths, Zelda Myths, TotK Myths
Id: hKNXqd8nYog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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