r/EntitledParents | Step-Mom Tries to STEAL Password

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it's time to defend your property against some more entitled parents but this time with a twist get ready for entitle parents versed tech support workers who will win you'll have to watch to find out watch out bro you're entitled stepmom is calling and she's not happy this tech support worker has to manage an angry stepmom while trying to protect his clients privacy and the conversation is not going very well this family is full of entitlement they don't treat a special family member very well but then still wants to make demands to see them who will put a stop to their entitlement when an old man doesn't like how long a repair is going to take he complains to this cable company worker but even though this story is about an entitled person it also has a bit of a surprising ending that you won't expect are you ready for it you'll only find out by watching this episode of voice he hears and titled parents featuring tales from tech support this story was called ma'am for the 50th time we cannot give you your son's password a little background I work IT at my college usually work in the back so I don't have to deal with people but once a week I get to grace the helpdesk my school gives its students a lot of privacy and they can decide what the school can release to other people when they come for orientation it ranges from where open book to we can't verify the student's existence this student selected we cannot verify his existence which applies to everyone that is not an immediate family member so be me bored out of my skull watching the minutes ticked by of the last five minutes of my shift ready to get dinner I get a call from whom shall be known as Apache very aggressive helicopter parent hence attack helicopter thank you for calling my school IT s helpdesk how can I help you hello my name is Apache and my son go to the school but is having trouble logging in to our online panel for students can you give me his password I'm sorry to hear you having trouble however we do not keep students passwords on record however if he's having issues with it he can reset it online call us we'll come down to the building we're in to come get it fixed okay can I get it reset then he really needs to get in I'm sorry but it has to be him who asked to get it reset I can't do it for anyone else but I'm his mother I can get a reset for him I'm sorry but it has to be him who comes and gets it reset it can't be anyone else even his immediate family but I'm his mother I've done everything for him I understand that but college policy states that prone ly the student can request a password reset I'm his mother you incompetent piece of crap give me his password at this point I know it's about to get fun I look back at my manager who is totally awesome and loves stuff like this and signal to her to get on the line and listen I understand your frustration however I can't go against college policy I would recommend that you call your son and tell him to call us to get his password reset now you listen to me you little crap if you don't reset her son in person my nose password right now I'm going to get you fired her son was one of those guys who lived in my floor and I knew it wasn't really friends with okay let me talk to my manager and see what I can do I go back to my manager who is already smiling about this lady and I tell her I know this guy and if it's alright to text him and let him know that his mom is on the phone asking to change his password since it's about his account she says go for it yo buddy your mom is on the phone cursing me out because I won't change your password did you need it reset what no I know my password why is she calling you she's saying you forgot your password and is now going off the walls I put her on hold and I'm sure she's steaming at this point wait what's her name Apache huh that's not even my mom it's my stepmom if you remember from the very beginning this student had to like Toby I don't exist to the outside world privacy package so now we could have even more fun with the attack helicopter parent back on the phone hello Apache yes what took you so long sorry I was just looking over some information and I don't see you on our files anywhere being related to any of our students so what I just want my son's password I'm sorry but we have parents of our students on Rico and you're not on any of them student is my stepson that's a son I'm sorry we can't release any information at all to anyone that's not an immediate family member he goes to the school and I'm his mother give me his password I'm sorry I cannot verify students enrollment at our school what the heck does that even mean you little crap I'm gonna have you fired at this point my manager is giving me the cut to the call-sign so I just tell her I'm sorry I couldn't be more help thank you for calling the school have a nice rest of your day don't hang up on me you little click it was now 504 4 minutes past the end of my shift so I get up and leave apparently she called back five minutes later and went ballistic on one of the other nerds who works at the desk relatives like this would be such a hassle the student in the story knew he had to intentionally sign up for the extra privacy package because his stepmom would probably do something like this and you know what she did but imagine having to always look over your back because there's a relative that's trying to snoop in on your life you can just tell that when he lived back at home she must have been super controlling well it's really good that the school had a policy like that it's definitely a win when a busybody doesn't get their way this story was called entired family abandons dog citing a made-up reason eeehm screams bloody murder when I restrict visitation rights so the obligatory this happened seven years ago I used to volunteer at an animal shelter when I was in high school where I am from shelters overflow and the adoption coordinators take in and give away dogs just a signature no questions asked just to add I love dogs more than life itself this is especially why this story made me rage Scottie was a big black lab a seven-year-old gentle giant all he would ever want from anyone would be a few pets maybe a belly rub I met him the best dog I ever knew in the worst circumstance he was being abandoned by his family enter AM EF and DK e m4 t almost tearfully claimed that there is no way they can keep Scottie anymore F late-40s has just gotten a job in Australia and the family must relocate they have no financial means to take the dog I was just a volunteer so I saw as the shelter managers side and she processed him into the shelter the dog has no idea what is happening to him he just wagged his tail the entitled family dropped him inside and suspiciously without the tearful goodbye left him at the door now the shelters in my country I'm not like those you have in the West they are basically a free-for-all a big area in which dogs are just tied some roam loose it's absolute hell so we tried to love the dogs enough to make up for the lack of infrastructure now back to Scotty it has been two days and he wouldn't budge from the spot that his family had left him he would hear footsteps and wag his tail just to be disappointed he wouldn't eat he was the saddest dog I had ever seen I would sit next to him and he would just put his head on my lap and sigh I couldn't bear it I took him hard it took him two weeks to become happy from depressed he also had a ton of medical issues his liver was giving out I wondered why his ex family hadn't told us he was this unwell one day the shelter got a call it was the untitled family asking if they could visit Scottie red flag number one they had to urgently relocate why hadn't they left yet I told them politely that Scottie needs some time to get used to his new house eeehm told me ek has been crying for him and wants to see him I agreed they came to my house to meet him Scottie was ecstatic he was ready to leave with ek what was funny to me was the e/m and EF sat in the car while ek went up to pet him and take pictures with him on his phone he didn't seem emotional and spent about 10 minutes with the dog this happened two or three times until I decided it was taking too much of a toll on Scottie every time they left started all over again Scottie was sad depressed wouldn't eat I promised myself I'd let him forget those people they had now started calling me every other week and I asked them when they're going to Australia when are you guys leaving though that's none of your business well Scotty's well-being and emotional state is my business so I can't let you guys meet him again he doesn't eat for a week after you guys leave what emotional state he's just a dog listen to yourself and you didn't even tell us he had a liver problem it's just a dog can you come the Frick down you are not allowed back in my heart okay then send the dog back to the shelter that way Ek can go see him now and then without it being such a hassle excuse me this is his house now screw you and she hangs up so during this time my dad was in palliative care at home the last stage lung cancer the house was to be kept quiet to keep my dad comfortable Scotty would always stand guard outside my dad's room the doorbell starts ringing frantically I go to open the door in barges ek and AM iam vomiting some rant about it how it's her right to meet her dog and pushing the kid to go pet the dog Scotty was right outside my dad's room who he had grown very protective of now this dog has never barked he has whimpered at the most he sees ek nem charging towards my dad's room and barks so loud Emad k are taken aback I almost cried out of pride for this boy he knew who his family was finally he ground a little and settled back down in front of my dad's room not even a tail wag their way they left and never returned as of 2019 they've never gone to Australia pretty sure his liver ailments which he passed away from a couple years later made them think of him as too much of a liability you can tell that the hero of the story really loves dogs and the job that they do they obviously have a passion for it and has compassion on the ones that are mistreated so much so that she adopted this one it's heartwarming to see that the dog knew who its true family was at the end I think unfortunately we sometimes as humans make that mistake and we don't see that our real family are those around us that treat us with love and kindness this story was called don't bother sending attack I'll be dead by then so my story starts on what was a normal day taking calls on the front line for a large cable company the job pays well and for the most part the people I deal with are fairly nice to talk to quite often we'll get calls from seniors especially in the morning who have premise equipment issues such as snow on screen or no signal on their TV sets connected to our digital equipment now my heart does go out to some of these folk because up until recently past few years we would supply straight analog cable to many homes coax direct from wall to TV with scrolling Guide however most cities we service nowadays require our digital equipment to receive channels and this has caused a lot of frustration with older people who don't know how to operate the said equipment that is to say always having your TV set on video or HDMI to get picture so often times we get customers who are repeat offenders with long ticket histories of these types of issues so anyway I get a call from an older gentleman who's quite bitter and mean right off the bat he doesn't like that I asked for his address telephone number to verify the account hates that he has to speak with the Machine before reaching an agent etc I have some experience handling these types of customers however this call was going to be a little different I spent over 45 minutes with this guy we'll call him mr. Smith trying to get his TV set connected to the digital box properly so he could receive a picture no luck he was getting clearly frustrated by the whole ordeal and started blaming me for not being able to do my job properly how I was useless etc whatever like I said I've dealt with this before so I tried my best not to take it personally but eventually I had to ask him if we could book a service tech to the home a courtesy call to get his TV working correctly unfortunately our booking calendar was showing an appointment three days out that's when he dropped this on me don't bother sending a gosh-darn technician because I'll be dead by then I'm 94 and TVs the only thing I have left are you really going to make me wait for a tip I instantly felt bad I mean I've heard every complaint in the book as to why people don't want to wait for a tech but this one kind of got me I'm in my mid-twenties so honestly I can't even imagine it must feel to utter those words so I spoke with my supervisor who said they'd see if we could get someone out earlier but we couldn't promise anything so I let mr. Smith know and he was predictably not very happy with my answer at that point it almost sounded like he started to cry and went into how he has no family left and no friends that come visit this was after I asked if there was anyone in his building that might be able to help man I felt terrible so I took it upon myself to ask mr. Smith if I could pay a visit he lived in a small city over from where I was not very far to drive he was a little shocked I was willing to do this but sounded thankful I was willing to come out and help him personally so I head over get to the residence and meet him within 30 seconds I had the cable running again simple input change and even brought him a simplified remote for his set-top box to avoid this problem in the future that's when he started crying he goes into how he hasn't actually spoken or really interacted with anyone for years he gave me a hug and told me how thankful he was that I came out and helped him and told me how sorry he was for being so mean earlier on I said it was no problem and I was happy to help and that was it I left three weeks later my supervisor comes to my desk and asked me if I could come speak with her for a bit about an account for mr. Smith turns out he sent the cable company a letter outlining how thankful he was for helping him with his issue and how it really made an old man happy again but once in a very long time the letter was framed and put on our front entrance to retail I guess the moral of the story is no matter how nasty someone is to you over the phone sometimes they're not always a terrible person and just going through a lot I still think about mr. Smith occasionally when I get those nasty customers and it makes me feel a little better I think some people like terribly because they've been treated terribly themselves and that never justifies their actions but I think it's how they justify it to themselves they kind of think well the world sucks and it's been terrible to me I don't really care about anyone else and I think that's probably the philosophy of most entitled people I don't think there's any simple solution to the terrible actions of these people I think we all do terrible things the problem lies a lot deeper in our hearts but it is a wonderful thing when you can see an act of love melting that heart for just a moment if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit I'll slash Boise here link below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more all right I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
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Rating: 4.8831186 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents fresh, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents sorrow tv, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts
Id: 7WW2ateI5WI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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