RCE ARCHIVE: Planet of Lana (Part 2)

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[Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] engineers and welcome to planets of Lana we're playing live the video went live for this yesterday the first part this is going to be part two so if you watch the video you're in the right place um yeah I'm on controller I'm on the old Xbox Elite controller don't use this enough actually also I've got the music on because that but I tend to like record games like with the music turned off so I can edit them easily uh it's nice to hear music for a change and yeah let's uh let's get into this we're we're in slot three because I'm a monster um and let's resume where we got to foreign so yeah we're we're in a cave where oh we got the little monkey moon pig thing oh I can't actually remember the controls what was it so I think we tell monkey pig cat creature sit there because then it's light for us and then we don't fall down that Gap that is good I assume it can see in the dark right or can it not I don't know what if I do I now tell it to move there is it coming yeah I think it's coming okay that's good [Music] how is everyone doing today you all okay I'm sorry yeah I am streaming quite early today basically there's there's a there's a very important video coming out well in two hours or one hour 45 minutes um so I thought oh I want to play this I want to stream this so let's get it done early and then oh how do I get how do I get the moon pig under there do I put a point under there do I have to go back to point like lower now I gotta go forwards okay sit on there sit on there Pig there you go oh there's a rope hiding in plain sight no it's not timberboarders it is not timberboarders um it's it's even more exciting than that potentially a brand new game that will be quite similar to other games I guess um let's get some momentum going on yeah so that's out in like one hour 45 so yeah a few a few of you have guessed it a few of you have guessed it yeah but yeah very excited how do I get the pig to follow me I can't remember what button or button does what um I should probably was it triangle no Circle what was that weight is that hold yeah I remember see I remember I actually played when I played planet of Lana like for the video that was like well over a week ago now there's a long time between me actually recording and me publishing videos usually not because I'm lazy or partly because I'm lazy but uh it just takes time to make videos people think you just press record and then that's video done not really let me know that was close oh my goodness what is that down there I don't like that oh it's like covered in balls all right so I can tell the monkey thing to climb okay so let's come out the other side oh now that's lit up oh but that thing isn't distracted okay I thought it might be distracted by that um what am I to do here do we think have I been down that rope I don't think I have have I let's go down and see if this is a mistake oh was it coming to get me but I'll tell you what I get okay okay I told the thing okay that was terrifying okay so now I'm turning the light back on and then I think it'll be too scared to come get me the other side I don't think it looks like that was just terrifying okay so it doesn't like light which means I can drop down can I do I want to drop down or I want to eat me so badly you can't eat me oh I did eat me oh no I'm an idiot oh dear uh glad this isn't like a permadeath run or anything that would have been embarrassing because there is an RT doing Zelda like Perma death I would like literally die instantly I'm so bad at games all right so anyway Let's uh oh suited bird missed uh I was gonna say Miss like bloke's names don't change off they get married do they they they're always a mister I guess you were a master you were a master suited bird now you missed the suited bird but uh congrats everyone say congrats to the suit of Birdman sir he just got married what an idiot what's an idiot uh did the wedding go well my friend I assume so he's not in there crying although he is actually in here when he's meant to be on honeymoon I think so uh I see what she showed up I only did it for tax purposes is that the only reason anyone gets married these days anyway right let's head up here because I imagine as soon as they get up that thing's gonna try and chase me we're gonna jump over to here then it's that planks to pull off yes it is all right pull the planks off there we go get off blanks and then I think I can tell I can tell the thing to go up there because it looks like there's a rope which I imagine it'll push down yeah he said it all went well so that's good okay that's down nice dude was it as bad as well not as bad was it as a nerve-wracking as you thought it was going to be what not as you thought it was to be as I led you to believe it would be I was winding you up quite a bit like we have fun me and suited bird and it crouched up there through this cave all right and I actually hang on hang on I need to I need to say thank you to loads of people that have been subbing hang on a second and where's my mouse I'm using a controller so I'm all confused I can't find my mouse I've lost my mouse I don't have a mouse where's my mouse oh I've got alt tab okay I've all tabbed um it's a broken heart six months already wow almost as long as the bridges around here take to get fixed you know he knows I think for the sub Ray convey where they then had a question uh hey Matt I really miss your story do you mean Story Time with Matt I love all your stories especially when you tell us about the strongest shape at work can you add more Story Time with Matt there is I don't know if it was it in Planet of learner video I don't know there was a um a story time with Matt that's just come out or if not it's coming out very soon there was definitely one in a recent edit you'll be pleased to know probably um another would you rather question would you rather build a bridge out of garlic bread or our baguettes oh I think forget because I feel like a baguette is like always stale and hard whereas um like garlic bread it's a bit moist in it like it's going to get eaten because it's tasty it's gonna smell like I feel like as a bridge building material you've just gotta go normal baguette to be honest French baguette all right can I can I get you up there is there anything up there oh look at that job what's he doing how's it going oh [Music] just open the door it's doing loads of stuff yeah but gets are pretty hard usually aren't we well not they're not always stale but they are like structural in my opinion I'm right okay follow me is that a thing you can stand on because this is dark in it yeah right you stand you wait there good boy [Music] wait it's gone dark again do I need to oh I'm the one that needs to stand okay follow me then there's no point you stand with that that's legit um and then thank you to Andy pies 12 months he been subbed oh look at all this stuff so loads of stuff in here um under that thank you to Joe the great 8008 oh what is that is that a baby in a womb yeah I shouldn't say uh it's pretty natural but um I've been watching Eve on YouTube for three years I haven't even been going for three years yet I will have soon mate I think July I would have been going three years um but cheers for the support from the start Legend I love your poly Bridge content you got me into poly Bridge well definitely watch today's video that is all I'm saying um oh man it is really really dark in this stream thank you for subscribing to like the screen up it's getting very dark I'm scared there's going to be a monster I'm trying to read the subs but oh what is that what even is that I mean hang on let me let me just uh get back over to obs there's so many people sobbing suddenly thank you very much um where'd you get to Danny Phantom 0527 nine months so we could have literally had a had a baby by the time you've been subbed just threw that fact out there Sabbath robot cheers for the sub very kind View uh hand of Gandalf thank you very much you uh started the hype train with that one then Fox cheers for the sub Ray kind gens dalf again death yay Ginza death 15 oh look at this look at this thing for the sub raycon V and general Tesla gift in two subs that is super generous man thank you very much appreciate it [Music] now why is that up in the sky like the blue does anyone see that like I can't up there what's that what's out there um and then Dan areas Daenerys Daenerys uh cheers the chair I hope you're doing well today Matt I watch your content every day cheers dude I'm doing pretty well thank you I was meant to record but then I was like it's bloody suited bird he's having like two weeks off any so got no one to edit my videos so may as well just stream uh damn lazy that suit of birders stay in that um right what is this so I can move that side to side can anyone see is that doing anything I can see dots but I don't know what the dots do interesting okay so we've got these why is it gonna be like is this like a giant organ like an instrument are these different notes yeah I do have more than one editor that is right Steve but suited bird he actually he does the most out of all of them you might not think it he actually does the most which just shows you how little the others do but um I reckon yeah if I pull this is this gonna [Music] hear that I think the little Hammer along the top like it hit each Pole so if I how am I meant to know what song It's meant to make this could take ages um hang on there is what does this do oh is that the what is that there's like something in the background why am I so zoomed out it'd be nice if I could actually see but is that like where it's got to be so have I got to have a blob either side of everything maybe they're just all the same say oh I should probably do the bot hang on let's do the bottom one first with the bottom one first yeah it is a real shame that suited bird suddenly left the basement um to be fair though if you get married you're you're allowed you're allowed to because basically just gone from my basement her basement but um as long as you still do the editing it's all good I don't mind whose basement you're in as long as you're in a basement um right so yeah am I just doing the same note for all these so am I just doing that shape I think so we're up to there let's move this one right like that so that matches what was behind the log so presumably if we just pull this again oh did that do anything I'm not convinced I did um I'm gonna jump off maybe it does it backwards um okay I might go see what's up why this door there is a door I'm just touching the door okay what have we what have we got to do what have we actually gotta do oh that was a big splash so let's move this again oh okay so actually that's just the top left one looking at it so the question is what do I do for the other ones because they've all got different blobs on top haven't they haven't got to work out like oh I don't know I don't understand I don't know what I meant to do I'm stuck already does anyone actually know I know this isn't sap I'm very I'm very sorry if you've tuned in for sap I thought this was a sap stream myself but um we're playing this I think this is out today maybe or like maybe it's not even out yet I'm pretty sure it's out today yeah yeah congratulate me I'm fighting my sap addiction um how do we think the top correlates to I don't know what I'm doing oh it's not actually out yet oh wow I'm ahead of the curve and I'm stuck so that means Noah's done this thing normally it's how to do it oh like I can't just bit like I can't Brute Force this I'll be here all day when I I mean I could if I was on my own but if I'm streaming [Music] does anyone have any ideas I'm on my own I don't want to be on my own this is why I stream so that you guys help me um like oh someone must have an idea so when I moved when I moved this yeah that that like white thing in the background the paint that matches the very top left one like I've moved it to do that you can see it's got like the blob the vertical blob so that's why the top left one is like that I have no idea what I meant to do with the other ones they've all got different like blobs on the top but what do they mean what do they mean so that's as far left as I can go no right sorry how far left can I go okay just to there yeah is the flower thing a clue up the top I don't even know what that is this is like a really hard puzzle quite early on in the game in my opinion because uh there hasn't really been any puzzles so far until now and now the first one I'm completely stunned I feel like the the top of it's trying to teach me something is it like how many are in the middle can I get it so there's none in the middle no it won't let me do that or was it how many on the left all right no I don't know match the yellow spots yeah so the top left one like I I did them all the same and that did nothing all right let's just see [Music] I don't know what if I just move the bottom one and do the same thing does it sound different probably not maybe I can go back there might be something that has a good shout actually shall we head or actually is down here I haven't been down here have I is this where I came from hang on a piggy thing follow me is this where it came from do they come from upwards oh yeah look ah yes right you actually said that you said go back short Gremlin Legend can you see like bottom right oh and top left okay we're good we're good so the one with nothing on top goes all the way right one with two blobs is a two and then one okay let's go oh don't you love solving puzzles it's quite a long walk I've like forgotten what it was already um so I've literally forgotten I literally forgotten it's the bottom right one right yes the bottom right oh I've literally forgotten foreign yeah the one the one at the very bottom right is that right or wrong I can't remember top right is sorted bottom right needs to move one to the okay legend legend I can remember if like which one whether it was this one or the one above a move left one see it was that right and then we know that the top left one is right so I am just going to go back and check just in case just in case not that I don't trust you jack but it's always it's always worth a double check check once or measured twice cut once as I say top left needs to go right one oh you reckon you reckon we'll have a look in a second all right so yeah yeah okay we've got those two they're definitely done yeah we all agreed are we all agreed chat I think we're all agreed um we have we have a a question as well I missed 10 minutes ago how much puzzle do you think is in this game well yeah I didn't think that was that much but turns out there is a little bit of one okay so we got those sorted I'm pretty sure top left is right but I will double check so if we move this out the way top left now I look the same top left is right so we've just got the bottom left one to solve and I guess for now we'll go check if it's right now we may as well just brute force that we could go and find it but like it will only take a second to do this a couple of times ready [Music] nothing nothing so we gotta move it wait wait no that was right the door's opening the door's opening the Rope stay down yes in your face game oh super there we go I just thought you'd appreciate this but as part of our honeymoon we are going to visit a place in a city called intercourse there are shirts that say I survived into nice man are you sending me a postcard from your honeymoon is that like what people do I reckon I deserve a postcard don't you um what is that I pressed x on it oh controller is vibrating if so don't send me a intercourse um postcard please I know that sort of thing tends to happen on honeymoons [Music] right we found a golf ball nice not sure why you want that Paddy found a golf ball the other day it wasn't like a whole golf ball either it was like half a golf ball what are they oh yeah never knew I was inside golf ball so good to know yes oh no it's stuck in the moon pig what are you doing wait right trigger and oh why would I want to oh I can control it I thought I was going into my butt for a second oh okay so I'm not entirely sure I did I guess I just needed to stretch it so they went back inside or something but yeah essentially I can control the moon pig man thing I keep calling it moon pig is that a thing in your country like we have moon pig it goes moonpig.com they like do you um custom cards a gift card hang on I missed what's your bird said I'm gonna have to quickly just scroll up has anyone under the age of 40 ever sent a postcard I'm under 40. you know um right so go over there stand on that that should do oh lit up down here does that mean I can drop down I'm not convinced my my first impressions were were right apparently what what all right go back over there can I like like I'm I thought I could like move right a little bit during the Great see ya bye jakeem all right question is then how do I should I do just need to drop but like I literally can't I'll keep trying there's got to be another way to go or something um can I like jump back no I can't oh dude okay this is a lot of death a lot of death maybe if I try one more time it might work um I don't know what I'm meant to be doing have I got to tell it to go if I tell the thing to go down I can't I'm honestly stomped again what am I meant to do there's like nowhere to go unless can I go up can't go up um even the steam website doesn't know what the pig monkey thing is called it just calls it a companion yeah right um I honestly don't know what I meant to do here I mean I can tell the pig to go back up there is that useful to anyone I don't think so I could try and control I thought yeah I could try and control it I can't remember what the buttons were it was like right trigger and left stick no left trigger no your right trigger and why I don't think I can control it I don't know how to hang off the ledge either I stream on Twitch not very often but uh I do occasionally no I'm not playing Zelda because I saw the um I saw the IGN review and it was like I complete the story in 85 hours and uh since I'm a YouTuber that is not a selling point anymore I'm like if you can complete it in an hour then it's my sort of game any longer cannot be asked um I honestly don't know what I'm meant to do here how am I so bad at like puzzle games when it's like all I do let's try huh oh that worked that worked we are parkouring okay so drop wait how do I drop can I oh there we go there we go see he's back he's back parkour Legend come on then little bird Pig why'd I call it a bird it's definitely not a bird all right we're out I'll be outside no we're still in a big old cave it's really wait what is that that looks like something I don't want to go in it I'm not gonna lie all right you go you have a look at that okay tell me what it is sacrifice the pig there you go there go have a little look I promise it'll be fine oh that she is fine does that mean it's safe for me to go oh it's completely fine can I just jump on its head I'm on it said boing boing I thought it was going to eat me all right fair enough um I guess we'll head up this way I wonder if it's because oh what's that on the very right okay I'm a bit concerned about the shade that's being cut well not the shade like are these things are going to be Killers if they're not in darkness or not in light because what is that up there I don't want to go up there do I you got there sacrifice yourself oh there you go oh I'm controlling it okay right trigger and I'm reversing its butt so I've blocked one at the bottom and it's lit up oh so when it's lit up I can control it right oh I'm controlling slugs okay I get it I get it right follow me because I reckon we oh we probably need to hang on oh this is quite finicky with a controller no you've gone you've gone too far now mate you're going a little bit too far how do I get it to the point like in front of it does it just go there okay it does just go there fair enough okay get involved and then move it this way oh that was its butt off the top so I think now it's probably yeah it's taller which means can we jump up there yes we can yes you can right come on Pig monkey dog oh no no we need this but no one is but get back down there get back down there all right go to the front end can you go to the front end from up here there you go right so then move it that way and then we've got the butt coming towards us not a pretty sight but then we can jump on the butt and then use it to get up there potentially if I jump correctly yeah there we go there we go right now you can follow me go on Pig monkey yes she does have incredible upper body strength I am not gonna lie I would probably be able to do like two of the pull-ups she's done and then I'd be dying but oh are we outside I think we're outside that actually was a living Bridge it deserved a bridge review where was the bridge review Matt yo poor form poor form matters hey you've got a Simba Rock symbol all right I'll go down there scare some birds this oh I love this like now we're outside again I've just remembered how pretty this game is beautiful to be fair I wouldn't actually be able to do the bridge review because I only own that music on my main Channel I get copyrighted stupid copyright stuff right we're shouting for our friend this is the friend that we lost in the well in the YouTube video part one um doesn't look like she's around oh did you see that rock it was moving they have bugs under them quite a lot um question do I want to go down here so I can hit that switch I reckon I do yeah I'm liking the game it's um okay okay I reckon until you'd sit in there and then that's gonna hang on we gotta watch this we gotta watch this ready so that's poking out now we should no we're not going to jump to that I'm gonna have to move this first I reckon so we lower that down and I forgot I can slide these can't I so if I shove that somewhat in the middle like that then lift that up maybe I can make those jumps not 100 sure yeah the games the game's cool it's just like one of those 2D puzzles I mean they're they're pretty similar to each other aren't they like limbo and inside but uh oh this one this one has these things in which these ones definitely date so yeah therefore I prefer this one yeah no this game is 100 way better looking than any any of those and we'll come here Pig and it's got a pig monkey so yeah what'd you say about that right so what have we got here we got can I jump up that no I can't okay so we got a platform above me and over this way we have a rope which I can't reach unless I go up here so he goes to the Rope I didn't do anything I thought it might like oh down a bit but it didn't okay so let's just get our swing on oh it doesn't swing at all let's just jump over this mate I could go up down here is the platform interesting okay I might go up first and just see what's up there what puzzle game do I plan to play next well I'm playing this one already I need the pig I need the pig can you get up here no is he trapped I think he's trapped so that's probably what I need the platform for right let's get the pickup all right who so we go on this and then I tell the pig to wait on here right come here come here all right wait there wait wait I'm imagining telling Paddy to like wait on that as it just like disappears into the heavens I don't think he would wait if I'm honest but yeah anyway we'll head up this way I go if we Swing From the Bottom huh that's way better all right oh so then we can go up here we can tell the pig to come to me and then we tell it hey got that can you get that rope um four quiller yesterday I was designing a joystick for a robot and couldn't stop thinking how strong sheep it was well they don't I imagine they call it joystick for a reason that's uh that's what I'm saying about that anyway over this way we have a rock which I really want to jump down but I can't be bothered to do that puzzle again so let's head this direction oh that was a very Nimble of me we got our first bridge yay go on Pig review the bridge uh then we just carry it oh look at the background I love hand-painted stuff all right we've got Moody music going on we have a bit of a weird run as well I've noticed oh well back into the caves where I belong Oh Hang on we're in grass that means yeah we are hiding yeah what the one of the comments yesterday on this video was like if only the townspeople need to hide in grass that is very true that is very true because yeah these robots they're not smartest go try and work out the loop that's doing first or is it just stuck up there now may just be stuck up there now okay okay I think I think we're safe so if I say pig monkey go up there then when you get seen if I'm I mean I don't climb the other thing dig so Pig monkey is hiding I mean well I'm going ah I've been I've been spotted you can't see me you can't how do you know I was there how did it know I was there yeah no Bridge reviews in this just Bridge observed you're quite right I'm gonna hide here that was terrifying but uh that didn't quite go to plan last time so wait for it to me there you go right so you go over there I guess I've just got to be a little bit more sensible oh and I was trying to do two things at once such a man I can't multitask my girlfriend does right all these years Bridge acknowledgment yeah new merch coming soon Bridge observations right okay okay I've got this now I've got this now so you got that I jump this way making sure I don't get seen yet it's been spotted so you jump under I go up here quickly I could have got away doing the whole thing perhaps but I wussied out so I got the pig monkey back out the hole spotted again now I'm gonna leg it this way oh don't go too soon Matt right go go go go go go go wait where am I actually going where I'm actually going I don't know where I'm actually going ah I just made it dig all right come this way come this way Pig quick quick if I run away yes if I run away the game doesn't know it happened okay good we're safe we're safe oh look we got one of these things go go into that so we've just got a does it need to touch me or does it just yeah I think it touches me and like it's all like I touch something um Draco dies cheers the sub six months now we have a question as well a week ago I did my presentation about the Golden Gate Bridge and had a whole chapter about me and he got a nine for it and uh what and got a nine for it what is your top or your thoughts on it uh that's awesome I'm surprised they gave you a nine if you mentioned me like you probably got a 10 if you didn't if I might yeah but thank you very much that's that's really cool to know yeah it would have been a ten would have literally been a 10 chat all right that's cool right let's carry on slide down it oh we've slid into the darkness of a cave or in the darkness that's easoked cheers for the sub 11 months cheers dude thank you for 11 months of best entertaining number one cheers boy all right okay we're in like a sort of swamp year you know I was gonna say I'm getting a little bit not bored but I was a bit like it's just caves or hilltops are we gonna see anything else yes we are we're in the swamp lots of loading screens down here apparently although we do have a cut scene careful Peggy careful cat Pig it's gonna get eaten by a Croc isn't it or is everything okay maybe everything's fine everything's fine I was just I was just getting a bit oh you're going for a swim blooming now that's deep that is really deep oh so won't follow me in the water are you gonna follow me come on mate there's something about war okay it doesn't like water it's definitely a cat it's not a pig wait do pigs swim pigs can swim right I don't know yes more of a cat than we thought um okay well I needed to get the Rope up there but I don't know how to get it across unless I can use this giant turd that something's left behind so plop that into the water hopefully it's a floater it's a floater okay so we can grab this pretty disgusting my opinion but um presumably the pig will jump on it do I need to I okay I think I need to actually tell it I need to tell it to get on get on the turd you silly Pig go on that's over got a little bit wet there let's flash it as well let's be an absolute horrible person to it ready Cannonball anyway let's let's grab this turd take it over the other side you need cat Pig merch I'll tell you what I've just anyone that's a patreon um you can get an exclusive early look at my brand new merch that um that is coming do I actually need to drag this out I don't want to get wet feet here you go little pig I was going to like drag it for the rest of the game yeah right can I tell you get up there please mate go get the Rope I jumped off the log anyway our labradog seen it yeah honestly I actually love the new design well it's sort of two new designs um yeah one's like a colored in version and the other one's like an outline version because I like them both so much I was like solid we'll just do both um they're not they're not released yet though I've just ordered some samples just to make sure they look good when they're actually printed but um yeah well excited oh there you go King Arthur he prefers the the two-tone the non-colored um oh okay how do we how do we go about this do I have to get them ball down to here I guess we've got to find another turd have we oh no oh will the pig come over yeah it will now okay that's good and then oh no not all the way down here you know get back up there get back up there Piggy I need you to wait up there oh yeah can you not reach and there you go there you go can you sit on that please because then hello we oh I just nudged it and if we get in the right location we should be able to hang on to the tip pull ourselves up and then what it is quite springy that thing yeah quite a weird Choice adding those to the game not gonna lie I know I'm not streaming sap some people are just joining like what the hell this isn't sap what's wrong with Matt I thought he had an addiction who do you think he is oh what is actually is that something we can control so we got to that yeah we can do this old thing piano and then wait is that all connected look at that giant thing in the background oh we can add oh okay we can raise or lower the water okay there's nothing at the bottom doesn't it like so I guess you just freeze the water so we can swim to the other side all right we lower it I don't know actually I was going to say we lower it get the pig across and then raise it but no because then the pig will be across so we've got Goku I love that the fish like raise and lower with it as well where did they come from um did I see new yeah there's like a in Super Why pets there's like an experimental Branch or something but it's only on like browser version which I hate so oh I can't control it from this side okay that's good so lower the water level and then I reckon the pig should be able to get across right surely there's hardly any water in there come on Piggy yeah I will no doubt yeah he's up he's up oh no doubt I'll be back to the Super Auto pets when they release that new thing and but for now I I just fancied um oh streaming something else for a change and this seemed like the perfect thing to stream because I actually really want to play this game and I know any more than one video on YouTube will flop because they're YouTube's all about like the thumbnail and title and stuff I know this isn't a very easy game to do that more than once so what do we do here I'm guessing we drop and then hook over to that and can we yeah we can go under here nice then I got some planks to kick out I think oh no wait why is my face gone through them oh what is that I don't know why I press X on that I think I just stroked the uh the cat Pig monkey thing which you probably didn't realize from my video I did actually spend like freaking ages just doing that just to see what happened and uh we cut we cut it all out because nothing happened but um something did just happen I got an achievement which you guys didn't see it was called like per or something cats purr right we're in the water I guess I gotta get up the other side so I can rip the planks off I don't know why I couldn't just like kick the planks off or push them but instead I gotta go this side to pull them apparently but okay game I don't make the rules you do I guess so I guess we'll actually swing this time that was fun right now we pull these off why couldn't kick him off really don't know then piggy you come this way oh that was really really poorly timed oh dear right and then we can we can tell the thing to go do that so what is it oh God so many controls to learn so does it just stretch yeah it just stretches and then it clears the path got it it's very Pig oh and then we're in look how far back the swamp goes it's so I love this game it looks so cool jump over these stones and by the way Crowley or Corral cheers for the sub six no five minutes great sorry I'm all smashy we had a question as well sorry I missed that uh what's something that brings back your favorite childhood memories like an object a game a pet no it has a quite a question of that one um I mean I've still got in like in my mum's house I don't have it here but I've got this um little teddy bear it's not a bear it's like a dog does anyone know who spot the dog like it used to be a TV show at least in the UK um it was like a little spot the dog toy and literally like I like grew up with this thing like I was I think I was like pretty much born with it and um all right hang on one forgot to do okay I think okay I know what I gotta do not ready and uh I like like the state of this thing now is like you know like I guess you don't know but a teddy bear's actually made up like to get the fluff there's like a mesh of like stringy ropey stuff and then like all the fluff like sticks out through that and uh basically because I like love this thing to death so much I mean it was a dog it was like Paddy before I got Paddy it was my first ever dog spot the dog but um because I like I literally like slept with this thing or not like that that would be weird but like literally like held it in my sleep like all night for like I don't know like Decades of my life well a decade Maybe but uh it's like it's hideous to look at now like it's got no fur like it's all like see-through and parts and like really weird looking but uh yeah I guess spot the dog would be and therefore every time I look at the dogs I'm I'm reminded by spot the dog and I love them first all right there we go oh I scared the worm thing delay I say okay they're right come down here and then we're going to lower the water level I think or maybe we'll lower it after I've got across that sounds like a better idea like that go inside that thing that worm that's it all right I'm gonna jump across I think because I don't think I'll be able to get across and I think I could get across with the high water level you jump across that and then oh yeah just stay here basically so we'll do right trigger and then lower the water level oh this game just released on Steam nice oh no look there's a log back there does he need the log to get to get up here does he need the log to get up here I'm scared to try now because if I try like we're gonna be trapped on me all right okay I'm turning it to come and it won't come I'm guessing that is because okay that was quite a quite a drop oh dear there's still water down there one of you says well I just died can't be that much water all right well yeah let's um let's lower the water while I'm in it then we'll go grab the log do you need a strong compete for this game I'm not sure I think you might do because it is very very pretty but like I got a 30 90 so like pretty much every game runs amazingly I'm right so lower a bit more and then we get the log to the left oh a bit further a bit further back come on come on and then we can raise the water and then we should be able to get the pig across right I'm guessing he couldn't make the jump at the end so we'll do it this way yeah do I have a plan on playing Ark survival now I mean I I would have done if I sort of was around when the game came out oh hang on hang on ah I'm doing the wrong thing controls but yeah I feel like that game sort of if you're new to it like no one wants to watch that at the moment because there's so that's like channels built on just playing Arc so yeah a bit too late to the party I think I'm trying to see yeah right corn Pig I think we've made it cross now and follow me you can surely make this jump it's even I can right and then we're good then we are good so get in that stretch it this way it went through my head right then we can get three come pick let's wait let's see Piggy nice and we're on to the next part of the game I mean it's still very much swamp oh pig made it down there okay oh I'm not liking this what's that in the background what actually is that because how long has that been there that can't be new can it no it can't be weird Okay so maybe those alien things maybe they haven't like just been here unless that this isn't like a crash ship I don't know I don't actually know anything about the the sort of story slash timeline we're just always learning always learning foreign what's going on oh nothing are we inside that now or is this like a temple no it's not a temple it's got It's got like eye beams and stuff that was technically a truss Bridge we just walked over all right let's press this I feel like we are in like a spaceshipy type thing oh we've got the golf ball yeah put the golf ball in there it's hole in one oh what is that [Music] what actually is that it looks like a dagger slash butt plug um is that like the ship like a map of the ship [Music] you feel like the humans here are colonists colonists did you actually mean that joke or all right let's uh let's swiftly move on Matt let's swiftly move on um don't want to drop down here dude let's jump down um Down The Sweep we onto the Rope and down oh man we are this is huge this thing that is an electrified floor so I'm gonna go this way is that a skeleton in the background you see that behind me I think it is okay I can't get under there this is this is you Mr moon pig he's a moon pig now I don't know why it's just can't stop saying moon pig so that's what he's gonna be okay so you stay there I'm gonna go this way do we want to re-electrify for light I think we do leave things as you found them [Music] that is the countryside code is it or is it just shot Gates behind you I'm not sure oh no that wasn't even a joke the colonizing one oh nice pat on the back Matt uh laughing at my intakes hey dear right anyway centaur welcome oh look there is again colonizing simple oh look there's a bird on the top of it was I meant to do anything there just look at it I guess just look at it we've gone past it now yeah this is very similar to inside I don't know if it's made by like the same people but yeah it's basically like a a new inside Slash new limbo because inside was very very strange at the end man what a game that was actually like the ending was bizarre so we're in a huge like shopping mall now I think we just called for our friend still no one about so we'll slide down this I'm sure it'll be fine all right what's going on here there's a switch underneath oh God there's a scary scary thing oh electrified floor okay am I gonna sacrifice myself or the pig what do you reckon chat should I try and do the running or should I make the pig do the running I can't I can't get the oh I can't actually get the pig to go very far oh I'm gonna have to do it myself I think I have to do it myself I think okay right ready huh legit legit legit oh I caught myself in the oh I was scared I didn't want to get eaten I'm pretty sure that is the right thing to do like so we'll go try again I think I'll wait for the spider to go all the way back there you go because it seems to turn around like real quick like heard me oh that's so close I did not like that all right then turn it off bring the pig over here and then I guess I tell you go up there please go ground that rope for me so he's gone up I can say bring it down please thank you very much and then we are on our way come on Pig let's wait let's wait right so what have we got here it's just it's very dark it's very dark I thought limbo was dark what is that I think you were right with a colonists oh look you can see it it's heading straight for Uranus sorry I'm sorry I can't erase it oh dear oh dear all right there it goes straight in there oh that was that what happened it crashed did it crash here maybe that's what happened is that how we got here I think I've just somewhere come on Matt someone to chat most the chat is laughing but then there's a few like sensible people who are like Matt come on yeah I reckon we've just like figured out how life came to this planet um right okay what do we do here so we can press that okay it's just well technically if we're in a video that would deserve a bridge review [Music] um wait what where do I go now where do I get oh do I need to do I need to drop down yeah I need to drop down okay Pig go over there go over that way I'm gonna stand on it and see what happens actually I'm Gonna Stand where it's slightly safe I don't want to keep dying so there we go oh my feet oh oh that's like you know like there's escalators like I feel like my my skin would have been like removed from my body there like legs first if you don't step up the top of an escalator that's what happens to you isn't it I'm pretty sure that's what happens anyway word on the street hey cheers for the chair oh and sippy by the way cheers for the 28 months for the sub uh that was 12 minutes great happy Tuesday she says uh sorry miss that but yeah the chair just then is from sakis sakushu lots of love from Madigan Lucas fam give Patty lots of bats from us make sure you have a good day thank you very much that's very economy yeah pad's not in there at the moment it's um it's sort of like home time he's expecting his mum to come home so he's probably looking out the the bedroom well not the bedroom the lounge window waiting um what is what is this what is this I don't know well actually there's one on the other side okay let's head up here anyway oh this game is a stream deck one is it that's awesome this will be banging while having a poot oh okay electrifies the water okay I think I'll leave the pig there then I'll go for a swim and do I just want to grab this one and move it into the water I don't actually know what they do but let's turn it on that do anything oh wait there's a switch here what does that do oh it's the bridge um so then turn power off right okay so I think I was just connecting the currents together I imagine that's what those two switch things were so then we're not doing Bridge reviews because of the bridge review music is copyright to my channel I would love to but if I can't use the music it's not worth it okay I'm going across this bridge and then is that it do we move on yeah we move on okay come on Pig let's wait let's wait I need you to go up there go up there look I'm looking up up there big quick come on come on drop the rape thank you very much oh that was swingy I jumped on while it was still swinging [Music] oh I'm so bad at jumping in these games a little bit of drainage in the background by the way I'd love to see that oh no water what happened there what actually happened there [Music] that was not my fault [Music] oh that was my fault I oh why have I got so bad this suddenly the name of the pet is mui is it what is that because that's a cow pigs oink Hey where's the oh why can't I meet that jump is that user error or what's going on here is there another way to go I'm going to try one more time yeah I was user Arrow good see person earlier saying yeah if you keep dying just keep trying well I kept trying it worked it worked okay oh look there's like little I call mobiles my bills my bars I think dangly things that kids like for some reason oh no it's a robot and a baby thing come pick come this way stop looking at it um I guess we go up here and then do we get our swing on I love swinging like even as an adult like you can't beat going on a swing [Music] okay what's it are these like the colonist people [Music] oh that's is that the robot one we just saw so was it holding like an actual like a human baby I'm not that kind of swinging oh dabby context damn you context oh no right okay is that like the Mother Ship or something [Music] oh all the robots are awake are they still losing me oh all right is that another golf ball I do like a golf ball in this game [Music] one man's mission to find his lost golf ball he did not keep track when he drove from the fifth t all right here we go then we've got a special band I assume this is gonna like I don't know maybe power some stuff on the ship oh is that saying like Escape pods this way maybe huh that was a jump oh do I need to go down I think I need to go down all right on to that I'm sure it's safe okay it wasn't safe or is it safe maybe it was safe I thought it was like about to fall but it seems to just be lowering okay cool hey we have a question have you seen the game a Shadow of Doubt I've heard of it oh is it the um it's a perceivedly generated mystery game in a dystopian 3D open world the entire world is simulated and the player can go anywhere they can see is it the uh the like tear down box of one is that that one or am I thinking of someone else all right what have we got here we got okay do we need to like switch that let's hit that switch oh that's like so are these the people that attacked oh oh I can move this I can move this up and down can I move it left okay I won't go left anymore so we'll go right so where do I want this why is it always going oh so it always goes down I'm not pressing anything how far down does it go because it just always goes is that just broken I don't know um not entirely sure where I want this I think there is that still low I feel like it's still lowering isn't it but oh God yeah I'm not sure that's uh useful is it or it might be it might be I am wondering should I have left the monkey pig back at the switch can it switch those I don't think it can can it no I'm not sure I don't think I can make that jump oh no I really can't yeah it is the voxel game ah cool well yeah I have I have seen that game but um I haven't played it right can I can't shove you on this okay that's annoying I guess then we just go like above like as long as I get it in the right sort of position then I just go up and just let it drop right oh my God how high does this go all right quick quick legit oh that was a hell of a jump all right so how do I how am I going to get on that did I go the wrong way I think I was meant to go above was I could have got above see can we oh no yes no it's crushing me well I didn't do that I did not do that the game just launched me out of that um okay yeah I think I was meant to I was meant to go the above route got it got it so I think we just go we do what we did before so go back to the top but this time we jump up so that we can jump on it from Pokemon oh and look there's an electrical wire I think that's what the pig's gotta cut later on yeah I got squirted out like toothpaste okay we're on this now and then we should be able to do the jump like underneath it's gonna be quite awkward to time I think I don't want to hit my head there you go nice okay so now we hit this switch oh that nearly killed my pig not ideal right but that is open okay so I think that just turns power off so I just need to guess get the lift to stop in the right place so I can get it to the very top again and then just turn the power off the question is where am I trying to get to is it like there just so the pig monkey can get across do we think not entirely sure but um I guess we go to the top then hook or do I maybe I just get the pig on it do I I don't know ah I forgot I had to move oh it doesn't even stop it it doesn't even stop it okay fair enough I think we just turn it off so the play can get on it then fair enough we're taking piggy for a walk so to speak okay so we just move this up here then we go say piggy come this way you go get my left I promise it'll be fine I'm a pretty good driver of this thing now let's go on there I'm a better driver than I am jumper tell you that anyway then we lift this over this way then do I let it drop so I can I mean is it just gonna cut it surely I have to like tell it to do stuff don't I because it's like quite sort of lazy oh is that what oh did I have to like do it a little bit closer so it could actually reach I bet I did that's annoying that's annoying all right let's turn back on let's get back jump cross the pet Patty and also we have a question uh will you be hang on will you be playing Mecca it's like super awesome pets but with Mech which would be Mech and strategy see brotto that's a strategy right right anyway let's quickly do this because this is like the 10th attempt under it quickly turn the power off before it kills us and if I lined up right I should be able to press y there we go cut it nice then we can turn power back on then I think we can just move it so we can jump across ourselves nice that is puzzling so over this way I'm guessing we want it somewhat like that so again we go use the rate up so it has time to fall down that's probably high enough hopefully I gave myself enough time quick I like working under pressure but this is a bit silly Matt that's good that's good loads of time loads of time all right ready ready this is very limbo looking now like the silhouette look okay come on Pig nice we made it so we're going deeper into this spaceship thing which was clearly designed for humans but also has a lot to do with like the things that attacked us like I know it's just like the the flashing light and sound thing like my bracelet made I think like one of the robots did that in the first episode so perhaps those robots they're not like dangerous although they are like the spider ones just kill me I don't know I was thinking maybe they were like saving humans like taking them to a safer planet or something but uh oh God oh God [Music] if you right leg it legit legit we'll drive down it asked my bracelet yes that noise like one of the big robots did that I'm pretty sure [Music] what I can control this thing where am I good red where do I want to go I was trying to okay he's trying to fight back maybe it can only go in a certain range do I just want to use it as a thing to get over like a platform I honestly don't know what I'm doing with this um well if we shoved the pig on its head oh we can't do that okay that's good that's what we're doing then and that's what we're doing if we shove that there we've then boinged so then stupid jumps then we go up this way yay it's a nice thing onto that oh yeah so this game I think it came out today well it came out like an hour ago or something or midstream yeah but my video I think my video came out yesterday right so people that watch that this is this is part two I guess so oh we got a ship we found a boat I love that we're just nicking someone's boat like we literally don't care oh come on little cat Pig I'll be fine come on come on there you go and this chip just falls apart and he drowns oh look at that proper sale all right and we are away it's so afraid oh look we're actually on the Open Seas of the open Lakes what's that what's that water why is a bit rough out the front I was just a random patch I was scared for a second oh my goodness that is a big thing oh it's cool it's cool it went past it went past [Music] oh this is nice this is nice now oh man it's like proper Beach look how bright it is oh this game's like very pretty when it's light it needs to be light more often run like a desert island why did we stop here that's really where were we sailing to look why would we stop here this does not seem like the best place to stop oh wow that was a huge creature this game's so good at like having like deep like what's what's the word deep context I don't know oh no it's one of those creatures oh dear um well I need the Bungie thing how are we gonna get you over oh you see that we can control it so yeah if we do that we can now we've looked into its eye now we can say get back get back get back then that set that off so we can leave that doing that I mean over here we can climb up the bunga and then I assume yeah it's not going to attack me so I can just jump over its head I don't oh I'm like I'm on a different plane to it so I'll say for the log yeah I'm not really sure whether my monkey pig got mine powers from but um not going to complain too much question is how do I like how do I get the pig up here do I just say come up here don't get eaten okay yeah so it's stunned a little bit okay that's good you got that fetch me the Rope please here we go then we are on its way and the the creature wasn't even Disturbed because they're never source so that's good it's like a humane way to get past puzzles now oh look there's more oh we're back in like a village okay so maybe that's why we came here because it was like another Village so head up there please grab that thank you oh jumped too soon oh I jumped too soon there we go they are the same species perhaps they are both pigs they're so bad at like like anyone can see that I'm there surely my head's poking out gonna get past this uh oh is there a little there's a little cave down there got it got it all right go go go go go oh this isn't good this isn't good this isn't good okay it's fine it's fine oh you need to win ah hey what's going on there how do I oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God wrong Pig oh it's from the golf ball the golf ball gave it to us I'm glad someone's paying attention yeah right so can we run into this or is this a oh no it's sticky it's sticky it's sticky it's sticky you can't see me oh not bad hippo lipo hello it's been 19 months damn that is a long time dude thank you very much all right question is how the frick do we get past that do I meant to go now yes taking ages is even coming back yeah it's going back okay so we just gotta go this time I don't think we can jump it I think it's just gotta wait for like now to go try and jump it I could I could jump it as well fair enough fair enough what's he looking at it's just a rock you silly thing all right so now we're good down here under there lovely joblet okay tell you what piggy go up there get me a rope technically a Vine I guess we're gonna be then oh do I swing across or do I try and go up I'm intrigued by up I might go up let's go have a look let's have a little Mosey round so there's a platformy boinger over there I'm thinking maybe I can control this thing again if it gets close because I think it just like looks at things in the eye right so can you see that no it's too low okay fair enough ignore me ignore me we're gonna go oh idiots idiots Matt I was trying to land on the vine but it did not work yeah right we'll just do a bit of that I don't even know why I did that I could just walk across no issues really then over here oh could I have gone down I'm guessing I could have gone down I may as well call the pig yeah I can't get under here okay that's cool all right let's open this up and then get my bracelet on that and then we control this thing nice okay so we'll bring this over can I just shove that on I can just shove it there that's probably what I need to do right so no using the pig this time come on Pig see you later short gremlin I just want to see what is this way before we go though well do those things do you think they eat me can you see that there's tentacles hanging out I recognize tentacles yeah oh wow oh wow see I'm not just a pretty face maybe yeah now you've got to move this thing back so I missed it I missed I missed all right there we go all right come pick this way We're not gonna get eaten this time piggy so did I actually jump over this one oh how do I get across that I know I know I need to use the thing haven't I think we need to use this [Music] because doesn't that like well like set them off sort of thing I'll tell you what then can I just go set these ones off at least that one's gone oh what is that thing out the front is there anything it looks like a giant boots it might just be a rock I don't know if I'm meant to be doing this whether I meant to be going like up there I mean that looks they were meant to do both yeah let's do both I feel like our pair is the bonus bit but I thought this was the main way but it wasn't the main way meanwhile was actually to the right oh yeah the art style is insane on this game I love it I really should have jumped this is quite slow hey Requiem Blitz welcome to the live stream I don't do it too often just like I don't know once a week maybe but uh just randomly when I want to like play some games and this week my my editor suited bird he's well he's on his honeymoon he just got married so um he's having two weeks off hence I don't have many videos that can be edited so uh let's do some streaming instead oh look we've got next bit of the puzzle nice so yeah I assume that would be instant death going that way hence we had to do what we were doing before but we've set them all off so it should be a fairly simple task [Music] we just head across the sticky floor squizzy squishy I don't know why I called you squizzy uh cheers what's up very convey it's 16 months you've been subscribed yeah right we'll head over this and oh come on wee all right into the grass if there's grass you've usually got to hide maybe not this time maybe not this time fair play game I thought I outsmarted you but I clearly didn't right so swing across this I don't know what that is down there oh there's a oh okay there's gonna be water it's gonna be water there's a poo on a rope can I is he coming are you stuck okay so I reckon we jump down sploosh yeah we're still alive that is good is there anything this way there's nothing that way okay cool so I reckon we go get the log on a stick right record two months of work for him when he returns will do yeah so if we do that that's open the door nice then I can drag this left perhaps then you can jump on it because yeah you can't use you can't use ropes for some reason I guess he's only got little hands on me see a little pig monkey thing hang on there we go there you go there we not go to why aren't I grabbing this all right what's going on I can't I can't grab it all right now I've got it okay now it's in the water okay now we've got it now we've got it hey Matt long time YouTuber here first time catch you live well welcome to the stream uh don't stream too often as I was just saying to someone else but um yeah for now I am wait what happened there he died why did it die you silly cat monkey thing okay the flap is still open so that's good saves me a job I'm guessing I need to pull it like onto Shore you can't jump into a log that's in the water Maybe yeah that cat is a proper wuss this is why I'm a dog person rather than a cat Pig person right okay we got we managed to pull the log in first time we are definitely improving yeah oh we got a dad joke 17 minutes ago how did I miss that okay so don't just pull this out now okay I pulled it out so you can go on to there um Dad jokes I mean I'll tell you what I'll tell you what what's the best thing about Switzerland I mean I don't actually know but their flag's a big plus get it their flag's a big plus get it it's a big plus yeah some of you already knew that one foreign we got some laughs we got some laughs that time I thought that is actually a good joke if you haven't heard it before if you've heard it it's pretty terrible but if you haven't I'm a comedic Legend so I'll gladly take that how did we get how long have we been streaming like an hour and 40 minutes and the dad jokes only just happened I say only just it was 18 minutes ago but right Pig you got there monkey that's it drop the drop the Rope down for me please drop it down drop it down there we go I think oh drop it there we go why did it take him so long there oh we got eight minutes till until my videos live so we're probably gonna have to turn the game off around about here oh look this Village has been taken away oh no so there's more in the background there's more in the background I'm gonna hide all right come here Pig are we safe under here potentially potentially not oh God that was scary but yeah this looks like a puzzle that could take some time to solve so I think since my video is only a few minutes away it's gonna be it's a banger you need to watch it I'm gonna go back to the safety of the hut um I think we will leave it there um so yeah just running that was a planet of Lana continuing from where the video left off so if you want if you want to uh see this one again like next time we'll do part three technically um yeah we'll do that yeah my video it's uh it's probably Bridge three there's a new body bridge game yeah go watch it but yeah peace love and Bridges I guess as there's gonna be Bridges yeah cheers guys bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer ARCHIVE
Views: 4,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: C_ZA0naiHIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 39sec (6279 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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