RCE ARCHIVE: Super Addictive Pets! (update)

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] fellow engineers and first off we have a news announcement there's been a huge update and they changed everything on this game so everything I've learned is now useless dismissed uh all right how's it going uh first off let's uh let's get some music going better better background music and by the way my next Super Auto Pets videos absolute banger um without spoilers probably the best game I've ever had [Music] and I think the video is coming out Saturday I think it's out Saturday oh man it was so good it was so good but yeah unfortunately they've just I don't know when they updated this let me just have a little look on Steam today okay they released a new update today so they've changed most of the pets in the golden pack which is what I've been doing yeah a bit annoying oh well uh the CK cheers to the top great country um because I'm starting the stream a little bit early today as in we haven't been waiting very long I'm gonna do a cheeky bit of Arena mode just while we wait um because obviously got like more people and then we'll we'll have a go at the 64 player like we always do um so yep look silk moth has changed that was two and two trust me I know these things now I've played a lot of hours with this pack um oh do I want that three and one rather than two and two yeah I guess so one hit kill isn't it um and we'll roll oh there's another one on those two have they changed faint one trumpet and that's good yes okay that's I swear that was two and two as well I think that was two and two but now it is uh one and two hey there's another sub is my sub thing not working I might just did I just not hear it did you guys hear it no oh one two cheers the sub yeah no that's another what the frick where have they got then what's going on Twitch there's no subs there's no I can't have that I'll definitely miss them let me open um oh what's it called stream is it stream elements we're gonna have to go to stream Labs is it streamlabs I can't remember what one I used I like never go in the settings I think it's stream elements stream elements it's one of them wait is it no it can't be it's streamlabs I can't remember it's like where all my notification lead things come from It's gotta be streamlabs right login was it streamlabs oh I don't know guys I actually don't know I gotta try and fix this um does it tell me on like twitch somewhere hmm sorry we're doing some trap troubleshooting there were streamlab elements you gotta stop seeing in your YouTube vids shut up mate people love that stuff right right I've logged in oh our terms of service have changed reckon that's why I'll definitely read them right um let's go to the alert box and send a test uh what's it called what no it's not a lot is that alert box test subscription nothing happened it's not working it's not working okay well we got we got no we've got no sub alerts on this one yeah someone's just cheered but nothing oh well that's not great oh well it is what it is it is what it is it means we get more time for gameplay isn't that good um so yeah I'm gonna even though that's changed that does three damage to one random enemy now that's like a one hit kill pretty much unless you got magpie um so I'm gonna do a bit of that bit of that I'm gonna freeze you for next time end of turn and pick our name oh by the way cheers dick for the chair very kind View um let's go with oh oh dear I'm not even gonna read that one out that everyone in chat was like yep you gotta you gotta put that that team is the one oh no that's a lot of Health that's a lot of Health all right it's okay it's okay boost three damage it's a draw it's a draw dude um thank you to sh Schrodinger's crab for the sub no one will ever see this no they won't I saw it but no one else did um wolf wizard cheers the sub if I didn't say thank you earlier uh we have a question as well from through Swede hi rce how's your injury my injuries actually like nearly better it's like pretty much I'm Healed except for like because it was like my core I was like I should probably like try and get my strength back I'm like I tried to do a plank and just like instant pain I can hold it for like half a second so it's definitely not healed properly um so yeah I'm getting there but I'm not really healed I'm like semi-healed not fully healed if that makes sense um we'll do that we'll do that and then uh we should be good I think actually I'm gonna do I'm gonna shove that like that because that does three damage yeah decent decent I like that um but yeah thank you for asking record oh is it people wondering what I'm talking about it was my when I went snowboarding I had a snowboard injury um by the way I am distracted man cheers the sub free convey and Dick cheers for the sub long time Watcher but only some for 11 months I mean no you are a big you're a big a a Big E a big um bitter a big cheerer and gifter of Subs dick direct injection cow king that stands for I mean holy crap you just cheered like 2 000 bits that should be the Big Boy song twitch notifications why don't you work that's really annoying oh well um dude thanks so much though what did you actually say hype train a one-man hype train thank you very much man appreciated um boy that goose just threw something at me that wasn't really nice right so oh yeah look the new the new um pipe what's it called paid monkey or something I can't remember what it's called it's called a pie Tamp pie tamarind they're pretty decent I think that's got a buff no it hasn't got buff it's got a unbuffed um you only gained two trumpets now not three oh has it got it's got better stats though right I think it's got better stats um I'd say what we're gonna do I'm gonna shove you on there oh that's not bad the old better fish I do like a better fish um but still four attacks still two health I might shove that and there's still to enough I'm honest if I put that there then stack those two and shove you in then one more roll I think I'm just going to give an apple to that faint thing because he's pretty strong um yeah it doesn't really matter the order so we'll just do that that looks good to me and by the way in a bit we will be doing 64 player I just thought I'd do a cheeky little run three because there's as new updates and stuff yeah someone's noticed the name of my team the creepy Sailors versus the fussy Housewives sounds like a um storyline from one of those internet videos sorry too much too much rap far too early in the day for that um oh we've got a dad joke redeemed um what did the cow say to her calf it's past your bedtime pasture pasture if you're if you talk like that it's past your bedtime it's past your bed get it pasture pasture yeah zombie so Mill thanks for the sub five hands thank you very much yeah he says and hiku thank you very much for the sub I'm sorry my sub notifications are not working at the moment um but I do appreciate your subs oh no someone unfollowed me in the chat because of that incredible incredible joke oh by the way this guy's got a a hell of a decrease give three random enemies one attack that's all it does now he used to give two and one I think oh I'll tell you what two-pie Tamarind three damage a piece is pretty damn good if you ask me uh what I might do I might get rid of the silk moth that's two coins um I might oh no actually I can't I can't I'll shove I'll shove the penguin then may as well give three attack I'll get rid of you and then shove you in and then I'm gonna oh do I want the sea turtle sea turtle has been buffed a bit because it's got two attack now I think I only had one before um a friend someone give it three Health did that used to be five that can't have been five was always three I cannot remember um oh Zoe Mill cheers for gift in the sub that's very very heavy particularly when there's no on-screen notification or sound only I can see it I don't know can you see it in chat I assume like Subs are appearing in chats too early just not on screen for some reason stupid Dream lab elements whatever it's called um oh am I gonna what am I gonna do I think we'll just roll oh we got another tamarin I might Tamarin and duck I need to move that fish in front of my strongest animal is that probably just the front one I can't I can't have you at the back oh no I've cocked this team up because I want both of them I actually know I can put it there because you give Two Trumpets right one one yeah then that just gets okay that gets me and gets me the dog that's good okay I'll do that I might just give an egg to the gut front why not fishes like eggs right um and then let's see how the creamy Savers get on against the broken celebrities oh my goodness that's a lot of geese whoa it didn't kill my fish gutted what did they actually do remove one oh remove one attack so I guess my fish just did like no damage um oh was that really a drop though I wasn't a draw thank goodness we've got the dog at the back um hello first time Charles by the way how's it going uh by the way three wins no losses we're doing all right we're doing okay we've reached turn five tier three pets are unlocked um oh there's another there's another penguin I'll tell you what then let's stack you up what do you go up to now then okay so it's just us three damage to two random enemies okay that's cool so that's basically the same thing as we had but it's just one pet so yeah whatever um I've never used a manta ray you gain two gold if you have an extra space don't think it's worth it if I'm honest although decent stats decent stats um we'll shove you and don't give it to the groundhog oh Poo oh well sell you I think I'm gonna freeze the baboon I really want another groundhog and then get rid of it um has the Flea been buffed or nerfed I don't know um nothing there I like what's that one friend a head faints can be good oh the lettuce has been buffed so that's now give three pets from the current shop tier or higher the uh the buff it used to be just just the thing so is that higher as well give one round of friend from the current shop to oh no that's just okay there's not even any point in getting that all the level up my better fish sold it we'll do that we'll let us both of them um better than kicking the balls let's change this up a little bit should I put you at the back I quite like having that at the back for now decent seven six better fish at the front doing all right see you later Crystal Ryan I hope the battery you burn on this stream was worth it oh what's that is that what I look like without a hard hat that is the thing I only know what like the pets do it like while wearing a hard hat in this now oh the lizard got a big buff I tell you that hey look that's I think it gives a 3-1 now like standard lizard damn you lizard taking my health off me um oh you've got a buff right deal three damage to one random enemy and it's got two four stats that's way better than it was right surely I might just get rid of the ground dog I thought I could level it up but it doesn't seem to be happening ah it's not working it's not working yeah get rid of the groundhog get you involved um do I lettuce because that will give those three baboon's still relevant yeah we'll do that we'll give it one more roll okay maybe freeze the penguin for next time because I'll probably get rid of the baboon assuming that I level up yeah there's the lizard it's been buffed a treat summon a 3-1 lizard tale it was a two one misato so that's pretty good um yeah my alerts are broken sorry um what have we got oh man we've got quite a lot we've got quite a lot we have a question will you get a super pet a theme song you want me will I get Super Pets a theme song what do you mean will I will I make one in a video is that what you mean who was that from that was from leave me on the chat elaborate and I'll answer as best I can oh yeah that is um no I feel like I feel like my songs are very you either it's like my mate you either love them or you hate them and most people hate them um but I like to push boundaries occasionally um there's a banging one coming up on the next poly Bridge one you thought today's one was good just wait for the next one wait for the next one and then uh no time cheers for the sub my bake Lord's Duty and Patrick the human thanks to the subs sorry my alerts are breaking today um we then had a question are you going to play the trail makers campaign again Helly dog and SOB dog need some attention yeah I did I did enjoy my time doing that if I'm honest um potentially I don't know never say never but um yeah for now probably not let's end our term and then oh yeah we buffed up the guy at the back so basically the guy at the back if someone else spawns no they don't have a spawny build that's not going to do anything but if I come up against like a summoning build um we do some fat damage I think we do three damage to a random enemy pretty good oh man we absolutely wiped this guy did you see that because the the dog spawned we did three damage to it quite handy actually I'm gonna do some Hogwarts Legacy I've heard mixed reviews about it if I'm honest um so probably not um plus it's like well I couldn't do a video on it because it's just like there's not too much you can do apart from just play it um I'll tell you what you at the back could be okay buffing up the fly catcher I feel like you're better there though just to get the old the golden retrievers so baboon's gonna go this time what are we gonna we're gonna get all right let's go to the Boon for a penguin to buff a little bit I think those guys got changed oh we got one more roll because we can sell the penguin should I just yeah I just wrote all right oh another bit of fish another better fish interesting um oh we could temporarily shove this guy in foreign trumpet game 50 what's 50 of one half a trumpet you're an idiot Matt oh dear all right we're against the tiny things oh by the way um there's actually a lot of controversy in terms of Hogwarts and uh [Music] like Harry Potter in general because um I think the old the author what's her name I don't know she said some like dodgy comment that people didn't like um I don't tend to look at the news so I don't really know what it was about but um yeah I did yeah JK Rowling that's one in like a video fairly recently what video was that I like um oh it was the balloons one where I became a um I became a uh what's it called what's it called uh wizard there we go in Bloons FPS I became a wizard and I did a um I think I just hummed the Harry Potter theme tune that was the only reference to Harry Potter and then someone in the comments was like telling me I'm supporting her hating trans people or something I was like eh so yeah I had to research what the hell they're on about um so yeah probably best to avoid Harry Potter for now to be honest oh a fox I've never actually used a fox and I I'm not sure why if I can buff it up which putting it behind that could be good basically every single attack it does I gain I gain a gold so the more Health it has the better um so I'm gonna get rid of you I think you're dead to me shove the fox there and to be honest I might lead with those two does that look good um what tier are we at currently we are at tier four okay I've only got one tier four animals the lettuce no good at the moment um the old the fish got nerfed or buffed I think you got nerfed um so you can see it gives two experience rather than did it give two experience and one attack or one health or something by person that's leaving yeah flying fish was nerfed there we go I don't know if it triggered twice before as well it was Unlimited ah yeah well that might explain tomorrow's video yeah so it's been it doesn't it doesn't give attack now and it's been limited just twice because I think it was massively overpowered hence tomorrow's video as I keep saying um We're Gonna Roll oh there's another tamry I don't think I want one three or three damage is a lot better than two damage quick maths there solid we'll put them in and then oh another one of you oh the sea lion give for it I think I feel like sea lion is the most overpowered creature um I'm Gonna Keep it I don't know I might get rid of the front too if I'm honest lose the trumpets uh sea lion they overpowered in my opinion and it didn't get nerfed you may have got buffed I feel like it's got more Health than it had before all right so what are we doing here oh the three damage spread about actually working wonders their lizard is gone now there's there's because they were like spawning so much my bird thing was going mental I think we may have lost oh that's a draw it's a draw uh we'll take a drop so we reached her nine tier five pets noise um first things first I want to sell you and you well then what do you do give three random friends do I want to be those three I might shove a sea lion in first and then you the c-line got buffed decent and we'll sell you we'll shove you in oh I might leave you there for now just depending on what else we get so another oh what the frig all the stilts now um yeah I don't want them they do not want them for now you are decent I actually I rate you quite a bit so if I stack up Beauty and put you behind the fox so if the friend ahead is hurt we give it melon armor so it takes 20 less damage and 5 attack so if you're there you're going to get eight attack and four health so hopefully you'll survive in order to get the melon arm and then every attack you do you get more gold so next time we might end up with a lot of gold right that's the plan anyway let's roll oh chocolate we will freeze that thank you um and then oh I love a wolf so that hasn't been buffed or nerfed right that's the same if I was doing summoning I'd probably do that but I'm not so let's end our turn health for everyone because we all we we need some help we've got quite a bit of damage in my opinion he's like what the freak 29 27 how is that possible oh it's level three that's why well that was a disaster [Music] uh so does that give you like three times the excess gold you have or something I don't know I don't know right we've got the chocolate I want to give it to the sea lion I think faster we can level up the better and oh another better fish yes sort it sort it we'll shove you in and then nothing I'm just gonna roll to try and get something decent like chocolate oh thank you oh and another chocolate and a fox that was worth doing that was worth doing right do I need to do I need to catch up oh no 420. Matt what's your oh sorry that was seven minutes ago so I got no notifications damn twitch breaking all the time well not all the time I think that's the first time it's ever broken so ignore me saying that Matt what's your favorite tool brand um oh I tell you what I love a um oh what they called you know like the leaf blowers that like the orange and gray ones I can't remember the kind of the brand name now but them I'd say although I've actually I've got a um still yeah it's still decent um I've got a I've got an electric lawnmower so it's it's not like plug-in it's got batteries in it which sounds terrible but it's bloody brilliant because of these batteries they go in like other tools so I've got like a hedge cutter one um and a streamer as well and they're I think they're all Black and Decker or something but honestly it's amazing so good I'm excited it's like a crazy amount of volts as well it's like a billion volts or something so uh cuts through anything just what you want decent right okay let's um is there anyone I want to do more attack no I don't think I do I don't think I might beat you at the back though and give you some attack yeah that seems good to me yeah billion a billion but yeah for electric yeah you would actually know it's electric while you're using it unless it's running out battery when it runs out battery it's pretty turd like on a fresh battery it's good oh look at that you keep spawning stuff you idiot you idiot oh and now we're gaining some cash now we are gaining the cash oh no he died all right look I do like the uh the bird at the background what's it called a royal flycatcher I'm right I'm gonna level up my Steel oh I like a grizzly bear deal six damage to two round a minute is that has that been increased was it always six to two it might have been um oh should I do the Silver Fox next then that's more gold oh two bears oh I wish I had a summoning build I wish I had a summoning build as the game two gold on next oh so I can get six extra gold out of that that is good that is good um you do streams yes I do welcome um this is the second one of the week I'm like I'm a streamer hardcore streamer man um I like I want the bears but it doesn't work in this it doesn't work in this stick with what you got Matt right there's another Fox there it's beautiful I feel like this is this is the team for me if I'm honest I could Spud the guard at the back but should I do that or should I keep rolling chat what do I do do I roll or do I Spud the one at the back only you can decide how does my girlfriend cope with me playing games well she's out playing hockey at the moment so that's how it works it's bud roll Spud roll Spud guys you gotta I need some consistency you're meant to be a hive mind row row Spud Spud roller Spud cheers for that row row Spud row speed spit waffle I'm not what what does a waffle do activate bite I've never actually seen that I don't have any bike activities uh uh I think I'm Gonna Roll then because I've got I've got 10 health so you can take tomato so one not looking good chat two oh chats what's going on oh Cobra Well that's good what the frig 12 Health dead attack there were 20 to one random enemy so three is that bad math no two yeah no three is it three it's three that's like 25 how much what's 20 of 12 it's not a number is it 2.4 yeah so does it round down how random is that it does 2.4 damage that's got a round down surely so it hasn't got a buff it looks like it has but it hasn't right I'm not sure if I'm right um oh I could the trouble is like Fox doing a lot of damage because of this guy so is Cobra actually worth it like two I'm not gonna do it I'm not gonna I'm Gonna Keep I'm gonna keep this I'm Gonna Keep how we're going through you snake I got chocolate now I prefer chocolate I trust in my team we're going places we don't need tier six tier six animals and you said something right there all right boost you're down boost your oh no he's got pigs he's got pigs the Bear's gonna annihilate me oh dear oh dear why isn't the bit I just got four out of five okay there we go oh the bear did nothing bear did nothing my team is beautiful [Music] and by the way people that are like just joining we're going to be doing a 64 player match after this um see oh I see what crane crane oh yes oh yes because what does that do two melon armors to you and that's going to be doing some serious damage thanks to that eight attack and four Health extra decent right look how many coin I've I just bought two animals two things I had 16 coins damn all right well I may as well get the Silver Fox involved uh do a cheeky roll oh onion onion onion onion with the snake that is like the best combo does it work for any of these not really not at all even yeah that's a shame that is a shame um I might Cherry the guy at the back though just for like a bit of safety like a bit of cheese like the honey badger because I've got three now roll I'll roll I'm glad I rode I'm glad I rode uh so I'm gonna chocolate you I'm gonna freeze you and then oh yes yes I should have saved the chocolate really unless you get another one no we're good does Banana do the same thing it does the same thing okay I won't get banana although I could should I banana the guy at the back no no no no no no no there'll be another banana we might get chocolate chocolate's better all right so level all those guys up oh thank you all um yeah you can join from iPad you can join that's like a browser as well I think any oh not bad absolute knob you swap my animals around yeah you can play with um oh it's so annoying you can play from any device that's good the dog got spawned and just annihilated that is another win I think we're gonna we're gonna win this I reckon oh look at that 14 coins one two three oh that is good it's like melanoma three times to the fox um or do I because they won't get it won't get melanoma straight away I might piss a red the fox does that sound wise does that sound wise chat and by the way smurfzilla cheers for the sub 14 minutes okay sorry I missed it and ham ghosts thank you very much for the sub sorry my my notifications are down um and then we had a would you rather question would you rather oh what what never play SAP again or never play timberborn again oh oh I don't know because like I feel like sap is like on a like if this was like just personal I'd probably give up Timber born I feel like I played quite a lot of that but on a business level Timber born pays the bills a lot more than sap does um so yeah that's that's my answer for that a bit of both depends who's answering you can't take sap away from me I won't let you do it right Peter for the fox and then oh another chocolate there I think another roll and we're good you missed the timber born streams yeah they were good times good times although we used to get so many Subs because uh I used to put Subs as like beavers what his Fox was bigger than my fox he wiped me oh I may have got ahead myself with tea we got we gotta do we've got a D2 without dying now I already got 12 coins that round all right tell you what shall I give I don't know where to give it to the fox or because I if I give this to the fox a fox will appear down the bottom guaranteed guaranteed oh that works but bloody twitch notifications doesn't um but thanks for that by the way dick amazing all right I've done the fox there we go oh that's the Cobra back to be like why didn't you take me Matt you could have onioned me up you could have had amazing times shut up cobra all right we go again we go again oh dear uh we go again okay we got a better fish we got banana banana to the back that could save me better fish to the fish and then we just end the turn and we hope we've done the right thing I might leave my seal to the front next time if I'm honest I've still got an egg at the front what the frick is that doing oh they got two tomatoes oh that's not good hello oh this might be good this might be okay this might actually be okay no he's he's dead we still got monkey though that is a hell of a battle boost melon armor for the win with one Health Gotta Love a bit of melanoma that is another win oh thank you I'm right question uh dear master builder typically how long are your recordings prior to them being edited so my generally my recordings are like probably an hour and a half long um occasionally I'll do a video that's like 100 hours worth of footage not very often though I mean sap sort of is but like with this game generally I record a few rounds until like a good one so once you add all that up not really um and then another video I've been working on Hydra near that's like seven hours because there's like two two hour streams in it as well um so yeah it it varies but we've got 19 coins 19 coins I'm gonna give should I give banana to the sea lion or should I just roll what shall I do yeah pet patties I'll redeem at the end because pad is downstairs he's not up here oh shy banana I feel like banana Banana's better than a blooming egg isn't it I'll do that when doubt banana exactly um or another sea lion I feel like it's too late sea lion now that's just a waste of three coins I'm just gonna roll that um I could pretz or let's make my fox stronger why not two and two oh we're running oh there we go there we go boost that is lovely and then do I preps or the fox or try and chocolate the guy at the back I might just press or the fox if I'm honest and then if we lose oh there we go if we lose we can do that next time sorted uh can we got a win here though I reckon we have a win come on creamy sailors oh they got some hit points oh and they've got Tomatoes again not bad all right thankfully Fox is gonna why are not quite white nearly White 35 yep Dynam Dunham or 44 dog that's a big dog oh no oh we got a loss how did we lose that one oh it's come down to sudden death the last oh the last battle right well good news is we can level you up we've got 19 coins again should I try and level it up again could happen probably won't oh it's just happened it's just happened it's just happened right sweet I might put the sea lion at the front give everyone attack does that sound like a better plan um and then oh I could no I'm not I'm not I'm just gonna roll I'm just gonna roll there's a c line there don't really care if it's the lion what am I after oh nothing really there's nothing there I guess we'll make you a little bit bigger right wish me luck guys wish me luck it all comes down to this it could be it could be a draw but it probably won't be a draw the unintended wigs oh okay they've only got one tomato so guy at the back is good so when he spawns this they're both down beautiful uh means the grizzly hasn't gained anything either because it's is it on is it attacks yeah I think it's the tax and boost to you boost to you and then boost to you dog that's a win that is a win e z and you guys didn't believe in that team I believe you wanted me to get a cobra oh look how weird they look where's their heart out that is not safe oh thank you thank you very much dick I appreciate your calls I feel like it's deserved but um I think okay it's going on a bit long okay thank you what's down please right give me that reward we got a hat that isn't a hard hat so I don't get right this is what you've been waiting for boys and girls um let's create private let me just check the settings so golden packs everything else standard we shall call this oh what shall we call this let's call it Paddy the pet boost right we want 64 players oh creepy boys I would have done yeah Paddy the pet hey I already got people joining love to see it all right let's answer some more of these questions oh and say thank you to Matt doesn't um for the sub four minutes ago sorry I missed it my twitch notifications are crocked um so yeah I might miss them uh pet patties he's downstairs at the moment so I'll pet him afterwards but I do appreciate them I will definitely redeem them he'll be a straight dog um have we have a question from Bishop stars have you played World of Goo the bridge building game no I have seen it but oh yeah some of you are going to have to update sap so um update it go into the game go join private and then type in Paddy the pet that's how you join I literally just answered the person asking you how to drink do as I say not as I do and yeah I want I haven't played it World of Goo I do I do want to [Music] no you don't need any packs just base game will do because you'll play with my pack if that makes sense [Music] so open game private Paddy the pet and anyone can play there's like it's well it's free first of all it's on mobile it's on Steam it's on tablets and it's on browser so you can even play a long browser so we should easily be able to get six four people easily you get to play with my official pack [Music] it's not my official well I guess it is yeah so we'll all have the golden pack so if you want to test it out as well now is the chance for free but yeah World of Goo uh so it's on the list the ever-growing list of games I need to play um by the way loads and loads of demos on Steam at the moment it's like the um base Builder Fest or something uh yeah just so well not necessarily new games but lots of demos to play which is always fun that doesn't mean I've had to like play a lot of dross games as well there's one I'm not sure that I'm gonna release I'm gonna give it to my editor the suited bird see if he can work his magic on it and uh if he can't then it might end well if the video doesn't come out as well as I think it should um it'll probably end up as a bonus video rather than um a public one [Music] um what's your most played steam game how do I find that out I imagine it's holly bridge I don't actually know can you sort by um can you sort steam by games played does anyone know how to do that I'm quite intrigued now you can see it on your profile okay onto my profile [Music] uh how do I stick do I go in games screen games [Music] and then so I've got recently played there should be a button games yeah we're looking at my games all games oh there we go sorted by playtime yeah it's Polly bridge too let me um like 50 pairs right while you guys keep joining in case you're wondering quality Bridge 192 hours that's not very much for a single game really but bear in mind pretty much everything I've played on Steam sort of is a for videos [Music] yeah so then Timber born then Hydro near the same amount as Timber born I've done like six videos in hydronium like 60 and Timber bonus shows you how long they take to make lines is up there for space that's my girlfriend that's not me uh suproy pets only 49 hours but that doesn't count mobile sorry I'll go back to the game so you can see the code Paddy the pet yeah Planet the coast Planet the coaster uh Planet coaster I played a fair bit like when it first came out because like I loved well as you guys probably know if you watch the video I grew up playing RollerCoaster Tycoon loved it so when that came out I was like 3D RollerCoaster Tycoon but it wasn't really I might have done a few videos in the game by the way [Music] happy birthday brodatti uh maybe you'll win maybe get a birthday win [Music] yeah if um I do actually reckon if steam counted my super Auto pets mobile time uh supero pets might be number one because it's pretty much the only game I play like for fun which is quite sad I've got a 30 90. and if that's the only game I play for fun yeah Planet craft was good the game starts when we get 64 players I mean all when we get bored I imagine there's a few more people are going to join yeah that's another one already so we may as well just wait for the four more people and then we will start [Music] gamifies coming in on the next round all right if you're staying at home twend in your thumbs [Music] um get involved see if you can beat me and my viewers there can be only one winner bear in mind though the game has updated so like all the pets have changed it worked out for me though some reason I was like I just won a game so that's good oh yeah I hope ksp2 is as good as KSP as well I want to build like more awesome stuff foreign I'm not really allowed to say anything but KSP 2 the devs invited me to like the best freaking thing ever like to do with ksb2 like it's so cool but I couldn't really justify it because it would be like three days it would have been amazing I'll tell you guys when I'm allowed to tell you guys I will tell you guys but yeah I got invited to something amazing and I couldn't go I could go but like I don't really deserve to go like the other people that will be there are probably like they can actually play the game but um oh man I'm sorry for teasing but it's like it's I want to tell people but I'm not allowed really but yeah it's good I know I was invited am I right we need one more person right we're in we are in magpies what the hell I don't want a magpie um right one of you we've got to be oh really we've got to be fairly quick at the start because we gotta pick our name oh not enough gold so we're gonna be hmm the submissive tea bags I guess confirm I don't really know why they invited me to be honest they probably just like search Kerbal Space Program by like views on YouTube and they're like oh this guy got loads of views he probably knows how the game works probably haven't actually seen like the catastrophe that is me playing KSP hourly send me a dmn Discord and I'll tell you what it is uh but yeah frig me man it's cool it's really cool I think it's cool to me but yeah I don't deserve it I don't deserve it by unintended fan girls magbite boost oh it's gonna be a draw no I lost I lost fair play whoever that was in chat right oh now we got oh I don't want magpies they got lots of healthy what do these give her give help okay well we got loads of magpies then um is there any point of freezing you you don't have any trumpets going on well I guess that's our team for now I don't really understand it if I'm honest but that's what we've got all right and I'll turn uh the code sorry you're too late to drain out we've already started but well it depends how quick this is there might be another game depends how long I last I've already lost a life so it might not be very long uh the undead ghost I think we've lost this one looking at it although one hit kill one hit kill this is where we could get messed up he's getting stronger every time oh until that hits them boost boost okay draw I'll take a draw congrats person who drove me right 30 pets and we get our life back for you I like I like that feature right magpies get involved yeah oh probably get used since it's early probably cherry I think I'm gonna Cherry up one of you put you like that and then Tamarind thing there another roll and then that's probably good I I'm gonna freeze the Apple because it's early apple is pretty good early game in this pack anyway there's not like a lot going on I think there's that the lettuce which is basically the same and then the pretzel yeah the new pack is confusing if it's new to you uh it's really good though I actually like it as much as the original I think all right come on Magpie come on magpie oh he's so weak I couldn't do damage to that guy all right it's the faint three Health boost nice that's more Health at the back four and eight you are not beating that so that is a victory to me oh thank you very much all right so another Tamarind shove you on there an apple the thing at the back I want to try and get a spawny build I think we'll freeze that whilst with all the magpies man I don't want magpies they suck all right another Apple to the thing at the back I guess to be honest we're going to be changing our team later on so who cares who cares what we have now aralitha you joined in and you've like you don't know what uh loads of people don't know what's going on love it love to see it hopefully that means victory for me oh I did this way too early we got 40 seconds left oh that gives me time to um oh no let's ask any questions oh yeah we do yo do you have got a question 16 minutes ago thanks for the great content and all positive emotions RC oh thank you mind ghost I wonder what is your favorite tea any particular flavor with milk plain black or green so yeah I drink like English tea like property not that fancy tea flavored stuff gotta have a dash of milk no sugar in terms of brand I'm fairly easy I I drink Yorkshire Tea at the moment though um but I was on it was like red label which it sounds bad it's like the supermarket own brand from Sainsbury's but uh it's actually decent a decent copper honestly I think it tastes the same as Yorkshire to be honest don't tell spiff I said that that's nice causal I think you're in trouble mate I think you're in trouble so I have a 610 Ox Boosh nice right how many people I can't even see tier three pets um yeah how many people still have five or loads of people at least a third of people still have five okay we need something to summon at all I know Summit faints okay okay I need something to summon I'm gonna I'm Gonna Roll oh that could be yeah I need summoning stuff I'm not saying any summoning stuff I don't know what to do I'm panicking I'm panicking I wrote it out of time I'll tell you what I might just level up my ox there you go we've done it we've done oh there's a groundhog too late for groundhog there's another one of them okay we can level that up next time you could be useful two on one or one and two what level oh and how many turn seven we're on turn five okay so that could get me one and two next time I'd wanna burn off most this team to be honest uh one more row of freezer as well summoning should I try and I wanted to freeze the fish but I couldn't it's been nerfed so who knows oh I see PG tips I'm not too sure about PG tips it's all right I don't think there's really any bad keys that's not my favorite it's not my favorite Red Label better and like Yorkshire Tea banging as well um we might be in trouble here we got a lot of Health yeah no we're good we're good we're good his hat suits them so much oh no I'm sorry PG tips lover all right so this thing will do that and that that is you leveled up should I try the manta ray I don't know if I should I need to get rid of The Magpie because you're terrible we'll get you for please go to him please go to him decent we've got the baboon to level him up as well and then one more roll got another Tamarind okay so Two Trumpets spend one solid then we'll sell that we'll sell that I'm actually gonna I'm gonna get the lizard next time I think I think that's my game plan and maybe maybe surgeon fish to go in front the lizard yeah tell you what that seems like a plan also check out the eggplant Cherry combo that is what you want to see in this game that is what you want to see that next to that perfect but that's a sign we're going for we're gonna we got got 20 seconds we're gonna do this so right another question um I have Destructor man did you see the Easter egg in the first timber-born episode yeah I did of course I did every video I do watch back um and have him put into their editing so yeah if you've seen it then I've definitely seen it um I was shocked though when I first saw that video I was like how did I miss that who are you Matt I just I just looked in the mirror I was like who are you what happened to you man you used to know what a knob looked like no you don't all right oh that went to the wrong one I think we're in trouble that's a lost fair play Parallax five five fifty five some would call it um I was winning not anymore sibby we just got parallaxed right have we just unlocked here four pets yeah okay so baboon you're worthless you're dead to me uh stack you two up oh there's the fox there is the fox I think I'm going Fox let's keep you I need lizard and then oh I don't even know how to do this I've I lead to the oh I don't know what's better going for the money going for the the wins um I might I I think I'll get rid of you oh do I get rid of you I don't know I feel like I want that but I want something summoning I tell you what yeah if I sell that and then I put you there and then you know because then I can't spawn our balls run out of time run out of time in a sock um I need to move you oh no I don't know what to do oh I've done that is that the wrong order I mean that might be okay we're not gonna get any money out of him oh the timer so quickly is he losing no I'm not losing I'm not winning anymore they all right we got one coin we'll take a coin oh we're we're in a bad place I think we're losing this one the naughty husbands you've ruined me because that's two four four monkeys at the back yeah we're not winning that oh dear all right we're in a bad place I cocked up my team uh we have time to make amends though yeah so oh now I feel like honestly that fish isn't as good as the betta fish because I gotta spend let's see what I'm gonna freeze that roll if I got the blue I would have kept it I'm getting rid of the blue I'm gonna shove you there freeze banana do a roll oh there it is there it is cheers mate I think I need to get rid of the Silver Fox to be honest maybe for the flying fish because that will help my lizard or any help too lizard lizard tails to be honest I need to get rid of the silk moth as well it's it's terrible yeah not loving this team not loving this team oh that's not good I think we might need another round after this Pro animals keep coming out of thin air that's how it happens that is how it happens oh that's friend ahead oh friend ahead faint I thought it was friends ahead faints yo at least he gets two there because we got the um the cherry on it oh the nasty packages there you are Mike the fluff you are smashing me you got a blooming early sea lion that's no fair all right go on dog take it down Bruce you're dead big Magpie damn it oh we're in a bad place we're in a bad place cf5 pets I think I'm gonna need them all right let's get rid of the silk moth let's oh friend ahead hurt give it melon oh this is bad this is really bad I don't know what to do well definitely banana and flying fish I think that will help me do I might get rid of the silver fox and then banana that and then shove you behind maybe the flying fish maybe the I gotta get rid of the fox I gotta get rid of it I think shove you there you could save us Ox with that behind could be very good um don't really have enough to justify the lettuce so we'll do another roll there's another fish oh there's an octopus octopus would have been good temporary buff little permanent buff that fish is so weak um I'll do one more roll there's a sea lion shall I free I think it's too late really isn't it I'll do that a bit of a bonus a bit of safety at the end oh this is bad this is really bad come on tea bags we're against the tropical Scallywags oh they got a bloody wolf we are not winning this no chance say boost that's the tail tail dead yeah I don't want a spawning build with that bird at the back yeah wolf three piggies oh I've been shafted I've been shafted [Music] what am I wearing I'm wearing defeat that's what I'm wearing defeat I'll tell you what let's just go my cat oh my God that's been buffed wait it's not a gorilla anymore a 12 12 orangutang what does orangutan do oh it's not a gorilla anymore what the hell I the blurp I saw the blurp but I didn't hear it there's a silent but violent fart was it right let's get rid of the summoning going away from summoning unfreeze that lizard you suck all right so macaque oh maybe I should have kept the summoning because then we summoned that I've got a I've got a bloom in there okay there we go there it is well first song works so that's good thank you very much appreciate that um I will let us we will oh I don't know what I'm doing I don't know what I'm doing we'll level you up we'll do that yeah we've got this we've cocked this royally I think it's all over I don't know what A Rang thing does we will we'll find out all right so 12 12 orangutang should do some good stuff what does he do you have the lowest I couldn't read it Fleming wolf it's not good it's the last it's a loss I can see already well that's probably one of my worst 64 player things ever where did we come oh terrible so we're like we're in the bottom half essentially not good congrats to all those that beat me and those above me oh we lost at the same time me and someone else well we're gonna start another one sorry people that are still playing um you won't be able to join this one uh we're gonna we're gonna create private we're gonna call this one Matt sucks maybe it'll give me better luck this time yeah that was appalling that was so bad I think I like with my team I sort of thought that later on I'd be able to do better so I didn't think about my early team but I've in fact just learned the early team is important yeah this game is free give it a download if you want to join I don't know how many players will get in this time if we can get 64 that'll be good but if we can't we'll start a bit earlier [Music] I Was An Architect that round you are quite right get involved um right dwarf B Warner one two three four cheers for the sub eight minutes okay sorry I didn't see it my twitch um notifications aren't working for some reason so if I do miss like your chair or your sub I apologize I'm pretty close to joining again unfortunately have some faith in yourself there you go you are such a YouTube that last game I was so confused in my comments uh yesterday I was like why is everyone calling me a YouTube like is that good is that bad I'm not even sure what's going on and then like I got showed the video and it's like it's meant it's meant to confuse I was like oh it's working exactly as intended lobster0644 cheers for the sub no one else can see it but I can would join but gotta go back to work oh sorry man it's quarter to nine in the evening here so hopefully you're not British [Music] um I'll give it a few more minutes in case people want to join but there's quite a lot of people still playing the last round so I imagine We're not gonna get up to 64. for some reason the game is on version 0.24 or mine updated today this is [Music] yeah 0.25 I assume you got to be on the same version I assume I don't know if you want to join you got to go on join game private and then type in Matt sucks yeah let me go on my phone see if it updates just out of Interest oh no it didn't oh so on phones oh on my phone it's out it's old how does that work then does that mean I can't join on my phone so go to versus mode and then go to join private and type in Matt sucks I'm joining my own game in your face [Music] foreign [Music] yeah you gotta update got to update how do you update I assume do you just go into like I don't know how you update it on mobile do you just go into like the store Page you update by changing the time zone legit I don't know [Music] you've never heard of Super Auto pets careful it's a slippery slope holy poo dark man 039 thank you very very very very very much for the tier three I'm unfortunately my twitch notifications are just well they've gone full architect but no we've got 64 players do we yeah my switch notifications don't work so I couldn't actually see that well I could see it obviously but no one else could so sorry about that um 1264 players blimey that was quick um right possum two bulldogs and a roll should I freeze the silk moth now I might just Emma turn let's pick a team so we are going to be oh they're a bit boring aren't they they are a bit boring since I'm in Wales we're going to be the Lush Geeks I guess you're the moist Scholars I wouldn't mind that I'm all thank you for the raid by the way Mike over IP unfortunately I my twitch like notifications are broken so no one could see that but we did just get raided by five people thank you all right come on possum oh possum got annihilated come on Bulldog come bulldog it's a draw it's a draw well done adtp Phantom 80t Phantom all right oh another bulldog all right so do we want the snail I think we might want a snail you know so roll that oh I feel like that I feel like they're a trapped but they are really good early game three damage um I don't sell that get you in oh three I bought the wrong one I bought the wrong one oh that was bad again I'm Patty kid no I can't speak Welsh I I know like a few road signs like a raft Lu which is like slow and police well that's about it oh you killed my dog he killed my dog well that is a fat draw and then a win for me I thank you of somehow got away with that tier two pets oh yes right so let's stack these up oh weasel gain one gold on next turn could be decent extra gold never bad thing uh might get the the other monkey do a cheeky roll right we've got a cherry so I'll tell you what let's put weasel at the start with a cherry on or do I get you instead because you do 3-2 damage so I could stack those two up and then just buy that yeah that's probably on actually no no no no no no no no no no no no no we'll do that we'll do that because then I do three damage to one random enemy twice so I reckon that's better surely surely I'm gonna freeze that as well right we need to buff up our Bulldog ideally silk moth thing would have been quite decent I don't want to keep my snail too long oh bloody oh he got one of these big old beetles all right ready three damage nice three damage nice oh it's no good though it's no good because we couldn't take out the big boy at the front so we've lost a heart already right okay okay let's Bulldog again Apple the bulldog um oh do I I don't know what to do I think I'm gonna freeze you duck just nailed you to health I don't think it's worth snailing if I'm honest I think I want to get rid of the snail next time I'll freeze it oh I don't know what do I do what do I do I've done it I've done it I figured if we can level up that would be good right I'm not confident again I'm not confident again oh this is so bad hey simply Chris how's it going dude hey I heard you're gonna play sneaky bus with sea top yeah I'm I'm well up for sneaky bus looks well good I saw that game like a couple of years ago actually well a year ago I was like oh it looks amazing and then I was like I have no friends I can't play with anyone but yeah well Keen for that Chris have you um oh sea tops here as well boy don't call me that that's rude you're meant to be a kids channel oh see Tom was talking before I'm sorry but simply Chris like his name just stands out better he's just so much better looking than seats up in my opinion even though C top is a lot taller I mean look at simply Chris hey look at him look at him thank you Andy's taller than sea top she's the perfect male specimen unlike sea top oh and sea Salt's next message has just been Auto modded because it had the word kill in it I'm gonna allow it to say Chris can see it real civil engineer permitted the term I'll kill you there we go right tier three pets this is what it's all about so now am I just spinning off the snail or should I stack those two up I think I'll stack use you up I'll buy you and we'll do a cheeky bit of a roll and then we'll do another one and then all could get a bit of osprey going on because that spawns a groundhog which gives me the old trumpets don't it so if we shove you there and I've got one more roll and we got nothing so that to the dog that is a buff dog I'll tell you that um then I think we're pretty good Lush Geeks we're doing all right I don't know I don't know if I rate the weasel I feel like I shouldn't have given it the old cherry because now I'm sort of attached to it but uh we'll see we will see um anyway thank you to loads oh man loads of people subbed let me know uh oh how far back do we go so beef tits 90. great name cheers the sub pan decoder gifted three months of tier one to the person that read it that is very kind View uh rogathy bro Daddy cheers for the sub dude egg X1 or ah X1 and out and we've got a battle we've got a battle Gmod two two nine oh he's beating us at the moment he is beating us at the moment I think right oh no maybe not no yeah did I I think we're okay are we are we there's a lot going on there's a lot going on yes we gotta win yes we gotta win oh man I could not call that one at all I was all over the place um yeah and Parallax 55 thank you for the sub and lobster 0644 uh cheers for the chair what did you actually say when you didn't say anything um appreciate it everyone sorry my um my stream things like glitched so I'm not getting notifications at the moment which is a bit annoying um oh I see what I might fish because of the osprey and then if I can better fish the bulldog then I could probably get rid of the weasel even though it's got the the Cherry I think that combo is probably better for now what's the make happy oh that's interesting uh right so what tier we on we're on tier three so we've got one two three so it's worth getting a letter so reckon level up those three guys freeze you for next time um yeah I think that's all right so you spawn a 2-1 groundhog that will level up with two experience so yeah I think that's okay I think that's right I think Ron we're on the right path compared to the last time oh man last last game was so bad so bad the cheesy noobs I thought I said knobs the cheesy Noobs right I feel like we should smash this team just look at them I mean he got penguin in there no offense but pengrin don't look great fish yeah sorry that was quite an easy win I'm afraid [Music] um but thank you I appreciate it right tier four pets are now unlocked things are getting serious right we'll shove you in it means my lettuce is now pointless because everything is tier three so won't be affected uh let's roll oh another flying fish may as well oh a friend ahead faint still three damage that with a with a slug is good job is I don't have a slug at the moment um oh do I freeze it and try and roll for a slug nothing oh I didn't happen it didn't happen may have wasted that round does the honey perk stack what honey perk do you mean in the main game there's no honey perky in this pack I'm pretty sure um but no it doesn't I was on Steam version yeah um it doesn't stack I don't think you can even play it can you you might be able to you might just waste your coins right anyway we the people in this game we are about to go five seconds remaining again number 10 with one second left all right so who are we against the Lush Geeks we are versus the concerned lawnmowers oh they got a penguin as well this should be a win but lizard if you use it properly it can be very very powerful oh that one at the back is gonna get strong it's right it's all right you can do damage oh no I think he's got us I think he's got us it's a draw oh he's got us he's got us we're down to three and he had a penguin I called that as an easy win I'm an idiot all right two friends faint oh that's not bad that's not bad um is it time to get rid of this time to level up right I need something to level up nothing's leveled up this round it's not looking good oh don't even I don't even want the Bulldog anymore it's not that great do I I should probably add it and then we're in a bad spot I think I'm losing again I'm just gonna roll keep rolling right we've got you to level up next time at least it's another level up and a penguin because I'm selling something next time there we go oh we did bad we did bad I feel like the the summoning is a trap like sometimes it works it works out well and other times not great no there's the other game's still going I've nearly lost this one already and the other game's still going all right so who are we against this time the Lush Geeks we are versus the glycerin bagpipes um [Music] what do you do because you are high level Osprey summon two groundhogs there's some trumpets going on damage that's a lot [Music] uh oh we just snuggle in we just snuck a win that was close only two people haven't lost live so far right tier five pets this is where everything changes for me I reckon so we do that Bend four trumpets I'll tell you what I could sell that give you a cherry and then get the wood I might add I've never used the world beast I saw it unfreezy our bollocks I forgot to do the penguin should I get rid of my I might get rid of the flying fish if I'm honest yeah if we do that that will be that will be four right does the groundhog give one trumpet or two I might just give one does it only give one oh I might only give one balls all right let's roll anyway oh and there's the slug that I wanted from a Blooming Thing all right well anyway um another role another rope at least you can level you up next time what do you do again oh you're good give three random faints and you are a faint you are a faint so that's two on one yeah that's decent I may have caught this we'll have to see will this guy this donkey looking thing will it get coconut armor that's two trumpets do you give one or two I think you give two right yes it worked it worked so that's one hit with no damage taken oh this guy's spawning stuff like anything though oh 17-17 dog incoming 1919 dog oh dear oh dear we're down to two lives it's not looking good okay I'll tell you what we'll do that and we got the bear five friendly attacks we can actually we can do that we can definitely do that let's get rid of this fish let's get the penguin get rid of the fingering get you to level those two up boosh get rid of you then you get the grizzly freeze the chocolate oh do I want the cream I feel like the Creed is actually decent it's only got two Health though do I just keep the Bulldog or do I swap I could just swap the Bulldog if I can level it up with I could level it up with the chocolate and get rid of it that's like a free tier six animal essentially are we happy with this order so that does that I'm not sure if I want you in front because you give more attack than health might be a waste might be a waste all right okay let's see how this goes by the way thank you to the anonymous gifter for gifting a sub tonight but nightbot always gets forgotten that's nice right that's a big freaking slug what is that thankfully we wiped it right come on Boost it's got some health it's got some help uh the grizzly is laughing this up though ready cool that was close that was actually close okay tier six unlocked oh we got another chocolate thank goodness oh there's also a pig which works amazing with the grizzly bear I might not even I might just sell the bulldog and then level up my wolf shall I do that so there's no point leveling it up is there because we got 30 seconds yes on it wolf going in leveling it up I should have leveled up the grizzly really oh that's not bad either one one to everyone I feel like I need I need everything I've got at the moment um do I do that or that I don't think it really matters annoyingly I've only got three coins so let's just let's just roll right you can freeze you oh there's there's a cobra I'm gonna get Cobra next time so that one more roll freeze you for some extra coins okay I'm feeling reasonably confident we've got the animals we just don't have the stats at the moment oh yeah move the fish in front of the yeah that's a good Shout all right let's see how we get on anyway that is the big blooming bird I've taken out though with our groundhog oh no yeah cause it's a oh that thing died instantly I think we're fine though I think we're okay because we've got a lot of pigs coming I was like oh they're blooming it's fine it's fine you wipe my Grizzly but it's fine [Music] So yeah thank you first time chatter that was a hell of a shout I should have done that really anyway we've got stuff to do now do I even want to keep the world of Beast now or the fish I don't know what to do I need to get the Cobra so friend ahead attacks oh do I want the cobra what do I get rid of the wilderbeast Gary the world beast yeah I thought I was about to level up I was about to level up I don't know what to do should I get rid of the better fish um I think chocolate's got to go on the grizzly anyway I'll tell you what I can make pretzels really valuable if they get rid of both of those two we're running out of time I'm gonna get rid of the better fish no I'm not uh uh I'm doing that I'm doing that I'm rolling I'm freezing that freezing that I'm freezing that everything's freezing oh man I do have enough trumpets because uh that's oh wait no did I need the fish I don't have enough trumpets now I thought you were level two I've only got three trumpets no how did that happen okay okay I think we're fighting for this round anyway ish oh we're not fine we're not fine that's gonna be a big dog [Music] ow oh so close so close to winning that one [Music] um right so let's level the word Beast up and then I might just sell it I'm gonna sell the Osprey as well because there's no point I'll buy you and then sell you that's extra money and then I'm gonna shove you there give you the onion Brenda had attacked still 20 of attack so if they give that to that then that's going to do two attacks and that will move to the back and do more attacks so yeah Cobra onion incredible combo job is I don't know what to do about this because we need we need trumpets for that to be worthwhile so not really sure why you're in the team it's just for stats at the moment they I could I could swap it for the warthog Maybe it's got a lot more of that so yeah so finally the use for the onion we'll see what happens but um hopefully it works out as intended so the fish will faint oh God those stats were scary for a second and then Cobra does damage for every attack and then look it moves to the back so then it will do it again behind the grizzly bear I need to give the grizzly bear a banana really the health that orangutan what how has he got 50 health foreign I don't even understand that um right okay so we need we need a banana really shall I I think I'm just gonna roll I don't really want to level those two up well there's a banana for the grizzly that's like six more damage and then oh man if I could if I could get rid of the better fish this would do four and four the pretzel beneficial eighth attack can't really get rid of it I can't really let's roll right there's another cobra I might I'm trying to do the maths is it worth bananaing the wildebeest or the wolf just to get another on another wolf not the wolf because the thing ends up there so maybe banana that to get another another grizzly attack I don't think it's gonna work like that though we'll try it later and then I can't do a lot with them if I'm honest I need I wouldn't mind tomorrow to go on the wolf but I think for now we'll do that hope we win I'm not entirely confident oh dear oh dear our wolf can get one-shotted annoyingly uh okay we're good we're good ow ow oh the wolf's so close to death all right that's good that's good three little piggies went to the market boost oh oh no we've lost we've lost oh we lost all right where did we come that time well not too bad one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifth sixteenth out of 64. not ideal I needed I needed more stats really I wasted myself with that blooming wildebeest thing as well but we had fun we had fun uh you have no coconuts RC you haven't in three rounds since you sold the flying fish yeah cheers I am distracted man thankfully I did work it out in the end eventually now we've got would you rather question would you rather be forced to sing along or dance to every song you I do sing along to most songs so definitely sing um right shall we raid someone oh that's me um who shall we read [Music] let's read RC game I think he's been having a bad time at the moment hasn't he and he's playing City skylines foreign [Music] and all the Raiders say this raid is such a YouTube I'll put it in here this raid is such a YouTube so copy that but yeah cheers really guys I well I really enjoyed this game because I'm addicted to it sadly um I hope you guys enjoyed enjoyed as well um I'll catch you guys next time uh peace love and supportive pets bye guys [Music] this is gonna be scary but just bear with me right it's gonna work gotta have a lot of fate foreign time I need all these buildings to just be collapsed astrologists report that it definitely yeah that's fine it wasn't doing much anyway [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer ARCHIVE
Views: 5,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: d31bLR1vF8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 4sec (6604 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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