RCE ARCHIVE: Can we get a $500k Bounty?

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you hello fellow engineers now I'm procrastinating should be recorded should be doing thumbnails but I was like nah space and Bounty of one um certainly uh death knight cheers for the tier two dude that's super kind of heat uh massively appreciate your I think your name probably didn't appear because we're in the uh in the starting screen thing but uh thank you very much very kind of you uh Danny Pham Don no five two seven cheers for the sub as well as little Mega Gaming I assume is that Netherlands Mega Gaming uh thank you very much very kind right um I probably need to turn the sound up it's me there's music it's epic I've never heard the music says before is that too loud um I might how's that I'm worried sound effects might be really loud we can always we can always fiddle with them can't we um yeah it's probably early for a lot of American people sorry it's like it's half two here so I was like [Music] pretty late might be some people leaving school in an hour when I finish maybe it's terrible timing it's basically terrible timing but um yeah I guess I couldn't be bothered to do work we're procrastinating today uh invalid selection cheers for the sub um yeah so what I'm trying to do I found out you can you can unlock a new character you can unlock this dude uh you've got to spend a hundred gold blobs in the shop now I've only got 25 so we've got to unlock more and I found out how you get more and oh they've added that that's a new mode he will come to that afterwards but um yeah we can we can join the Bassy you're in in for me levels I think the higher that is I'm only up to level three I didn't even know these were a thing I like didn't see that um I think like each one is like harder and therefore you get more like gold for finishing each one so let's just have a go let's look I gotta get to I've got to unlock his weapon thing at Infinity level 10 yeah yeah it does it says there all the other ones are unlocked but his one isn't there you go his name's Roger that I'm trying to unlock I gotta spend 100 gold nuggets in the market um and yeah I've read the best way to do that is defeat the game on higher Infinity levels so that's what we're gonna do um oh no we've had a dad joke we've got a dad joke redeemed gotta do better than your last worst joke what do you mean worst I don't have a worse they're all good um all right all right I got one where do boats go when they're sick to the dock get it DOC like doctor like boat dock get here yes boo yes we're playing Bounty of one boo yes well done chat you're quite right yep another boo because we're playing Bounty of one you're putting too many O's on your booze but um oh dear um thank you to Big City 19 for the sub have you ever thought of putting your Twitch Subs in timbourne I'd love to pump my log for you oh really you know so you can drink oh okay okay um yeah the trouble is I got so many patreons uh you twitch guys you I I say your name out you appear on screen um so yeah I Gotta Give the patreon guys something what about the poor YouTube members what do they get uh red eye talk cheers for the sub wait it says you sub twice I'm not sure if you subbed twice or not but thank you Andy pies cheers the sub yikes he said oh no that's not the joke and CJ Coons also says bad joke I'm glad you guys appreciate it nice right let's get into the game you never say my name yeah I do I always say your name right so you've probably seen this before I've learned you can you can see the stats all the time now in the top left where where are the enemies there they are I thought I was on my own for a second then we got a bit close he got a bit close um so shoots your knob right we gotta we're gonna level up our damage first because these guys are taking two hits to kill it's it's a bit it's a bit it's a bit slow early game yeah I haven't actually played this character much to be honest I don't know why I went back as him because we found out that Makoto guy was like awesome last time um a bit more damage so top left you can see how it's 40 now so I've got to 50 and then we're one hit killing everyone that's way better always go with damage for the first one I reckon oh look at this look at this we're smashing everyone right let's grab all the coins and we should level up night oh purple okay so chat what sort of build do you reckon we should go for we could go for like an area build and hope to get like garlic or that sort of thing we could go for like a damage build a speed build or I can just try and get really far I mean I need I need to try and complete this Infinity level a left gang build only pick what's on the left oh please Mate A Range build as in a pickup effect endless build uh by the way thanks for the pet patties he's he's actually fast asleep next to me so I won't wake him up yet the auras I know it's not Aurora it's aura um yeah damage or we could do a crit build I sort of did a crit one in my um my last video didn't I damage for sure I could just try and take damage all the time we are gonna have to do speed at some point if we do damage okay I'm again he's sleeping he's sleeping I can't wake him up only the shiny ones oh that's how I used to play damage only challenge oh man the the trouble is the damage is like way too like my I don't know we'll do damage for now but like the rate is gonna need increasing because like look how slow I fire like once you get like thousands of enemies yeah that's not gonna be useful I do actually want to get my damage quite highly just do a it's like it's always quite nice to like take out bosses really quickly I I wasn't paying attention then I was looking at chat don't don't look at that Matt don't look at chat I'm right move speed I've got great damage we gotta go damage yeah I want to get to the point where I can like just Muller bosses like really quick right so what we're doing uh here oh it's not great it's not great I thought it might be better I take him down take him down right one more hit one hit there we go right so what have we got in the first chest uh that's boring permanently your mix your damage but your projectiles are slower I guess we'll I guess we'll do that so damage goes up with 20 it's now 90 yard damage uh pretty tasty uh enemies are coming in thick and fast they yeah and right take that guy out oh I'm gonna I get Melody this is really hard to like pay attention and look at chat a bit um so this time do we gain more damage or am I allowed a bit of speed I reckon I should go for a bit of speed really a pukapuka677 cheers for gifting a sub Ray gunby right chat scene speed yeah I think we need speed don't we definitely so now oh look at that that's so much better already although I do need to be careful I don't want to die this early um let's let's head back up and like collect some coins I'm pretty sure we will easily level up there we go um right gain more damage chance of critical hit for 10 is always good I think we'll just go damage don't we try and keep everything pretty high take those guys out nice nice all right now we've got that boss the first moving one or we can get two hits if we get far enough away all right I'm shooting the people closer to me all right we're gonna have to go back down at some point shoot the big guy you're not right there we go okay we got another chest oh orbiting projectile that's always a fun one definitely not doing the middle one uh admit an aurora oh the Comets were so brutal about me saying that yeah that slows enemies near me so do we go projectiles maybe or do you want to slow enemies down I know it's all it's Aura not all Roar um what do you reckon left or right chat oh or orbiting projectiles you got a left we've got some lefts we've got some I'm not sure people are just mocking my pronunciation or if they actually want me to pick the aura now most people say left okay we're doing left or obsing projectiles all right here we go here we go take him out take him out all right there's one floating about I'm going to try and head back down to where all the coins were take you out you go just follow the coins follow the coins all right where are the coins have I lost all the coins already where have they gone oh God that was close right there we go we've leveled up we've leveled up so we've got to go to your damage right always damage um I actually I could really use some health right now I'm a little bit scared um I need to sort of big all right yeah we got some afterwards some health I can I can relax a little bit now the story is a bit sketch when you're down to like one hit and you're dead makes me stressed out but all right we got three we've got three Health now we're good and uh there's a boss there as well so let's try and take him out and I thought we'd be doing more damage I'm not gonna lie although actually actually yeah he got taken down pretty quickly so projectiles bounce one more time projects for that bounce producer in the opposite direction we like Bounty projectiles we can also raise our attack speed but half our shots are less precise I don't feel like I want to do that one I'm thinking bouncing would you reckon chat bounce or something speed yeah this early on in the game though you sort of do want to be precise I think there's a lot of bouncy people in the chat but there you go but Nago cheers what's up very kind and Texas game Mom hello RC and paddy a stream is just what I need on Monday morning yes Monday morning for most of you Monday afternoon for me I did work early I swear I just I wouldn't be often enough basically um oh we just got gray ones gray or boring I might actually take attack speed rather than damage is that okay chat or do I have to take damage if I see damage speed speed damage damage Trust rocks no we're not picking the pet rock again all right people saying speed we'll go speed then boost boost Dodge these your knobs whoa that was decent there's so many coins over here now let's have some of that thank you very much uh I hate the lemon projectiles that come in they're quite annoying all right here we go here we go level it up again all right this time raise the range cooldowns I guess we gotta go your attack speed right we don't care about range this time huh I like I literally look over at chat for a second and there's like Carnage on my screen projectile Carnage damage or speed I guess you go damage so we're on one two six now so that goes up to one three eight oh that was nice right there's another boss there so oh look at that taken down in an instant ow I didn't see that covered David I think that was like the boss's farewell to me at three of flame and fire bought me oh here we go we've got a purple and we got a gold so whenever you take two damage in a row heal twice meth projectiles bounce off the edges of the screen it's ping pong it does reduce our attack speed by 30 percent Lee uh not ideal but let's take it and basically now I don't care if I hit people so oh look at this gain much more damage I think we've got to go damage right we gotta go damage two golds in a row love to see it so yeah basically my projectiles now they bounce off everyone like it bounces away from them and then they bounce like off the edges of the screen and it's just it's just gonna be insanely mental I love it um gain a bit more damage or is it worth doing a bit a bit of critical stuff now do you reckon yeah I could do health I could do Health if I get like I get that one that like makes your health affect your health like your damage like later on uh health is always good one to go for do a no Health build I could try to get help I don't trust you to stay alive yeah I guess we probably should go half crazy Health by one I know it's a little bit boring but um I do actually I do really want to survive I won't lie all right let's grab all these silver coins down here and we'll head back up to where these other coins were oh criticals or do I do I just completely ignore criticals or do I try and go with them I can just keep doing my base damage critical is fun but we haven't we haven't done anything with our crits at the moment everyone's saying crits all right we'll do crits 100 more damage it is which means we do have to get that you do have to get the chance of doing criticals up at some point soon all right die Mr cactus man right maybe we do it now another five percent that doubles our chances so yeah I've done that I'm not about critical is actually mean anything right now because pretty much most people die in one or two hits I may as well just stay here and fight because uh wait blinging a projector at me that was very cheeky let's go grab those gold coins another one down there as well yeah I think the cactus give us gold coins yeah LED noise and I'm sort of forgetting about my bouncy projectiles I need to shoot more often all right gain more damage attack speed or increase criticals by 10 that doubles the chances again so one in five will be critical now and again not that matters at the moment but it will later on but uh this is this is pretty pretty good going right now lots of gold coins on screen oh God oh my God that dragon's already dead I look himself how did that happen uh we've got to go purple more damage I think so we're on 174 what are we gonna go up to do you think 198 which means that guy's taken out into knee and we get his chest uh collectible Collectibles when you do that dashing through enemies damages them or fires project so I guess we'll just do that one just because I'm lazy it means I don't have to move as much basically when we kill an enemy that gives us a chest we'll just get the chest straight away right I'll be getting some money bags now nice uh chance of dealing critical again do you think 10 that's quite a lot isn't it that's like nearly one in three will be critical now and I think you can tell if they're critical they yeah they sort of appear like pink so bloody projectiles I hate the projectiles flying at me I like my job projectiles Mr ah dog thing the skeleton dogs their projectiles are like quite slow and easy to see it's the Flaming balls I can't see them very often or very easily for some reason oh shall we add some more bouncing or more doubt we should probably add more bouncing right I mean it's gold it's shiny what do you reckon chat we could we haven't done our damage in quite a while now shiny it is it's so shiny yeah everyone's saying bounce all right we'll do some bouncing if we can get projectiles to like get to the edge of the screen they will they will bounce off screen or not off screen they'll stay on screen ah all those those skeletal dogs are pretty strong actually get my health down but uh he did get destroyed when your projectiles should be destroyed it reduces the damage by 50 and pierces instead um so basically just yeah way more bouncing so I think that means uh our projectiles will never oh they must have fixed that so you know that upgrade I took earlier where you destroy you defeat a like the the ones with the health bar um and like previously you only got their chest you wouldn't get all the collectibles on screen and the description says you get all collectibles I think they actually fix that um reduce cooldown I got nothing that cools down though so I might I might do a bit of attack speed you're only on 1.89 let's get that above two there we go there we go that's decent so oh yeah so it's all project it's all collectibles on screen now it's not all on the map when I kill a health bar and a meat whoa bloody hell mate that was close that was close I feel like I need to go and Rush the ones that like fire projectiles at me because they just they just Miller me otherwise Russian ow I just ran into a cactus man uh chances of critical yeah we're up to 40 now so somehow we've turned into a crit build already I haven't got like a damage upgrade and limit ages that is not intentional it's just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes all right let's actually do some shots now because I'm not seeing many projectiles bounce about and that's what we should be doing because we've got super bouncy projectiles there we go there we go let's go collect that money bag nice leveled up again oh two Golds two golds piercing shots now because I think we'll Pierce and then we'll do all of our bouncing afterwards foreign pickup rate yeah I could depict her it's a bit boring though I feel like I can just I can just walk I'm just being lazy otherwise I wanna I wanna keep the damage going we're only 198 damage not great but I think piercing is probably better especially with all the all the bouncing afterwards yeah that's clearing the screen a lot more bloody up all right lovely lovely good get that money bag ah you get that money bag oh that's a boring one they're all great they're all great right should I I might do a bit more damage just because I haven't done damage in ages we're on 210 damage now not bad actually oh do you see me run away from that school there oh it's so sketchy oh right listen hi rce hello I would love to make a video with you there is a game called and yes you can build the world's strongest shape nice yeah space engine is is um it's a the game I wanna play but I'm just scared to I feel like it's the game you need a lot of time to do like a bit like satisfactory I guess that's why I've never done like a video on satisfactory I have done a few streams on it but um yeah I feel like because it's it's been it's been out for each I'm not saying like everything's been done in it but like there's already like loads of good videos on it um yeah I'm not sure I'm not sure about that one if I'm honest um I feel like I need more damp those people like not taking the damage I could do speed as well I'm pretty sure though I saw some people not one hit killing that may have been like a sort of bigger enemy a lot of you saying speed right we'll do speed thank you it gets sketchy when everyone gets close um but thank you for the police by the way very very kind of you all right lots of enemies lots of enemies for stay still and they can't hurt you they can't hurt you Matt figment of your imagination just like architects [Music] um oh there you go right we love it up you love it up um by the way thank you to Noodle Boy 12. and those five minutes ago yourself sorry I missed it how's Patty he's good he's oh he's not in there anymore I thought he was sleeping next to me but he's he's not he's buggered off somewhere all right man we have a question curious as to what you wear so early in the day so what am I wearing I'm wearing just nipple clamps but they're not on my nipples um game two dashes gain a bit of attack speed or reduce cooldowns I feel like I might just go attack speed to be honest I don't think I think dashes there's yeah these all suck basically you're right damn but I'm doing attack speed oh God got a boss and I just lost a heart right so we gotta try and take this boss out how did he hurt me like that you're knob oh look it's health oh I've really killed him all right we've taken half his health down there's a lot of dogs on screen right now oh man thankfully all of our shots are like one hit killing all his little cronies hello fellow Architects why are you doing it now hello thank you for the donation that was very kind of you uh don't come in architect though you're not yep you're still going to be called a knob even if you donate if you call me one of those um right what shall we pick here we got the boss one I think shoot four times faster but deal three times less damage because that's an increase right or we could heal Dash oh shall we do that it's going to be fast it's gonna be fast that's a lot that's a lot of damage to lose so we're on 210 at the moment so that's gonna go down to well well under 100. 2.52 shots a second it actually go up to 10 a second oh okay and because they bounce this is actually going to be insane okay yeah that's that's good that I like that oh we need some damage we need some damage though we are not one hit killing anyone at the moment right take all these guys thankfully we don't need to want to kill anyone because we are shooting oh we have a 10 a second that is that's that's a lot all right so take a logos out we've got some red coins they're worth more than the gold so we've got to focus on them bloody hell that guy came flying it gotta watch the projectiles still all right we've leveled up we love that we need some damage we need some damage bad oh we could make our criticals do we're on 50 critical damage already or just a little bit more damage do around 70. would you reckon I'll go up to you I think we'll do damage it goes up to 74. that did four what how did that already go up by four we got ripped off in a big way I just I just took a hit does is it what I don't understand because damage is divided in three oh so every oh so even your increases only got both I thought it like oh all damage is reduced by a third I understand now I thought it was just like your damage at the time was reduced by Third oh man that sucks um permanently augments your damage by 30 percent oh could do that or we could just do that one I mean that doubles our damage technically so yeah I'm doing that pretty sure chat will probably agree with me and it doesn't really matter there faster because uh we're bouncing projectiles off everything so yeah we don't actually need we don't need more damage it's good this is very good all right here we go critical still hunch some more damage probably the one to go for here right I see purple I'm like I need purple I need purple but uh I think that makes much more sense because we got so many projectiles the uh the chances of doing criticals is like so so much higher than normal especially as they will bounce with everything because the chances of a projectile hitting someone is like super high or hit some multiple people at least it's just dodging projectiles all bloody up right nice we'll stay here for a little bit oh bloody I can't ah that goes really fast he's so fast why is he so fast I don't like how fast he is all right that's a heart that's a heart oh I literally can't stop oh man that sucked I go so I should have dashed why didn't I Dash I forgot about Dash um dashing through enemies hurts um doesn't explain okay we're gonna slow objectiles around me I think that will actually like save my ass a little bit because it's mainly projectiles out of it okay slows my projectiles as well though that's something I completely forgot about when I took that wallet look how slow my projectiles are when I first shoot oh so does that mean we're no longer doing 10 a second or are we at least it means like every projectile in here is going to be like when they bounce back like they're all going to be in here so ow I was going to say so surely I'm safe in my bubble I'm really not wow that was terrible okay we cocked that up we cocked that up let's never take that one again um let's let's retry that was terrible yeah I gotta remember that it stops your projectiles from being fast um it's okay we're back we're back yeah I think someone actually mentioned that like in a in a YouTube comment I mean hopefully I still got a few golden mugs because that's what I'm trying to aim for with these I'm gonna get 100 100 is a lot of nugs um what shall we do I think I think I'll do damage right just so I get the one hit kills like early on That's So essential because then we get loads of coins it's not one hit kill for that how do I let him hit me so annoying okay leveled up um are we gonna do the same thing damage and attack speed and criticals I feel like let's try and do speed but try and keep the damage on like one hit kills Maybe yeah I do need health because I'm I'm not a skill based gamer I'm terrible oh yeah if we can keep the damage on one hit kills and then just focus on speed I feel like that's probably the way to go oh gold it's gold why is it always gold uh bouncy projectiles we've got that not going to help much this early on but I bet I'm kicking the balls like and grab all that as a boss over that way oh man we need we need some damage I miss I missed the killing bosses quick damage from the last round see it take him down take him down focus on him oh I how did he hit me there I well dodged out the way oh right a track collectible some further away augments You're damaged by 20 but projectiles are slower do I want that slow projectiles is that going to make me shoot slower like if they're slower in the air does that mean they're slower at leaving my gun or do they just like stack on top of each other does that make sense should take the magnet one all right we'll take the magnet one um Eva gamer double MC cheers for the sub very kind slow projector was bad okay yeah we just won't ever do slow projectiles especially after weapon last time are so annoying um let's get more damage because it's a Bluey and that should save us a bit uh for later on I desperately need some help does anyone want to drop a heart this early on in the game probably not you're probably not meant to lose any health this early on I so I've done the one oh look at this Lee piercing or bouncing I'm guessing piercing's probably better right because then you got more chance of a double kill in a row yeah everyone's saying piss because they piss and then they bounce afterwards so we go Pierce yes like these guys I got a double kill there because it went straight through them bloody hell bloody out um right now we do we do attack speed right get that attack speed up so we can kill faster oh look at this look at this the piercing is helping big time right we've got a boss we've got a boss got a boss take out the boss take out the boss uh chance of critical by 10. well critical does more oh hang on July Space Engineers isn't that I just feel you can find a unique way of making it fun P.S I'm also a civil engineer smiley face all right yeah well thank you for the offer and thanks for the donation um I think I already own space engineers yeah it's just trying to get time to like play some of these games because YouTube working that algo uh it's hard to do it's hard to play like older games that I've already got a lot of content on them um I like to build anything to build anything like YouTube worthy you've got to like you've got to invest the time that's sort of what I meant not that it's like hard to learn just it's hot it takes ages to build something decent I like people haven't seen before um so we do critical damage percent or should I just do damage yeah critical chance good thinking chat right take that person out quick quick okay get that chest right what have we got what have we got oh bouncy projectiles I definitely don't want that one targeting deputies is how you lose the game as I've learned before I think we'll just do you bouncy projectiles oh yeah bloodied up why am I so bad at this I always forget that there's a dash button um all right we go again I didn't get any gold that time that's that's annoying I might add you I'm gonna go back I'm gonna change my character I I'm not feeling that Harry person did I get any coins I did get four last time let's refund everything I definitely want the four leaf clover twice yet and the lucky star once and then we got nine to spend so move faster and then area sounds good to me um shall we try this new mode nightmare Escape I don't know if you get like the yeah it was an architect score I don't know if you get um gold for doing this one but you start with a high with a high Bounty and it decreases over time and Knight only advances when you gain levels I have no idea what this means but level up as fast as possible to claim the highest reward shall we just try it let's see what it's about oh you do actually get in for me okay should I keep that one free or should I just go back to like normal for this thank you real Mickey yeah I think nakoto is my boy um shall we I'll just do this on normal for me I think see what happens space engines does take long time in survival but in Creative you can build lots of stuff really fast cool right so yeah look the Bounty is it started on a hundred thousand all their new enemies as well gotta kill rat people all right so with Makoto you want to get nice and close to him because uh he fires faster the closer you are this is like a Halloween mode I think so area cool down in critical chance now that they weren't the best options not gonna light all right get close different music on this one as well right oh what have we got over there your shots Pierce we'll take that oh what is that boss that's terrifying boss whoa bloody hell that guy's got a hammer he's got a ham out I got hit bloody out [Music] that's it that's it it's down he's down right okay what have we got oh this is scary gain some rerolls or shall I just do oh man what's better reduces your attack speed by 20. but your damage is up by 30. or enemies around you are faster but oh man that one or re-rolls but right yeah [Music] I think we'll do that one then come at me bro oh man the hammer like it's got like a new sort of attack never seen that before or what is that dude that's scary right attack speed or damage I think damage oh that's a lot of attack speed though be everyone's saying speed oh I would have gone damage I think I know there's a lot of Damages now [Music] Sia conkerk [Music] is someone saying health because I suck I did just lower my attack speed did I okay we'll take take it mainly because it's blue look how fast I am I'm so fast I'm not actually that fast until we get close uh Hammer Hammer break yeah there we go here we go yeah criticals attack speed or trance of criticals I'm guessing make their yeah make the criscoes do more but oh you knob you know whoa okay [Music] oh there you go took him out like anything mate see this character is so much better for me um makes your no projectile slower we're not having that drops Dynamite note yeah Collectibles from further away that sounds like my sort of thing I take out all of these guys Boosh oh look at that gained much more damage they're on 40 now that goes up to 70. that is what we like to see take out all of these dudes oh God there's a lot coming in there's a lot coming in there's a heart down there that is good um gain more damage definitely break me into detail what was that guy came in oh that was terrifying oh no I thought I was going to kill him I didn't rise off fast he jumped um when you say still periodically fire projectiles around you well every time I move I do lightning oh do I want to move or do I want to stay still I feel like move maybe yeah because I'm sort of moving towards people to get closer move all right most people say move there's a few Stills but we're gonna go move oh bloody up all right gain more damage or attack speed cool down don't care about cooldowns we're doing more damage there we go because I think the lightning is affected by damage as well like how much lightning we do I need to remember I have a dash I always forget to use it I'm gonna get that coin as well there we go not quite hot you know what I mean uh damage or speed I think keep the damage going that was a 10 increase pretty much oh God that guy guts right piss off me uh it gets faster all right there you go you got lightning because he was the only one on screen okay game three re-roll for upgrade choices oh slow enemies down I think that's what I want for this guy so now when people get close to me they'll go slow oh the lightning is op Fairplay I don't have to do anything now um more attack speed criticals do more or chance of critical maybe criticals do more or more damage maybe more damage attack speed I think just normal debt because Normal damage does my lightning as well remember critical chance a lot of people saying critical I'm actually I'm not throwing that many I'm gonna go I'm going to damage sorry chat I just think with the lightning that's like the better choice I mean look like no one's on screen because the lightning if that's one hit killing everyone I'm I'm a happy boy increase my area increase my health criticals do 150 more damage yeah let's do that I don't know does the lightning does that have a chance of doing criticals I miss shooting [Music] I actually don't this is awesome if I just keep moving gain more damage not even gonna look at the other ones right okay okay everyone's back on screen now everyone's back on screen I'm back to needing to lightning I mean needing to not lightning now I do realize how good the lightning was fair play um damage a critical chance for attacks bead oh I don't know maybe maybe I do critical now because we got 450 multiplier yeah I think crit chance I've got to try and get that up a bit I don't know just to make it worthwhile take out those guys whoa all right we've got a boss we've got a boss all right Chris goes to 100 or gain a lot more attack speed definitely doing that because it's purple [Music] now there we go bloody up to take him out take him out oh that is good when they get close they're mullered because they get they get slowed down in my aura as well uh dashing hurts um projectiles are slow death I'm not taking that one ever again slower projectile sucks foreign [Music] everyone and our CE if you ever want to play a game just message me smiley face all right thank you dude cheers for donation very kind of you enjoy your lecture [Music] uh Nickelodeon gift and five Subs cheers dude very kind of you uh you didn't you I'm pretty sure you died in the last 10 performers sorry about that foreign we also have a question as well I should probably read the question it is would you rather hey this isn't a wood rather question I don't have to answer this would you rather destroy angotopia or your current Timber born as colony I hope you don't I hope you actually answer because I don't want to scam myself and spend extra on Kate well that is the thing if you don't play by the rules I don't have to think of other rules I'm ah all right run away um I have actually destroyed endotopia on a recent mythbuster episode say oh I'm gonna do more damage uh so I'd probably go with destroying engines oh I like engine stop really maybe the Beavers we can just do another season of Tim one has got me um I'm gonna gain a lot more down so 130 up to 150 that's decent attack speed away all right run away myself decent right do for critical damage that's up to 550 oh God all right there's a big old range attack I didn't know that new enemies to learn oh God I was big as a big area damage you see that see how I used my Dash I use my Dash are you proud all right attack speed cooldowns more damage critical charts I think I'm gonna do critical chance just because our critical is pretty high oh God there's two there's two bosses two bosses uh they both do area damage uh all right we've got one we've got one what have we got from him Target deputies don't really oh no oh no we're on DVD slower projectiles oh what do you reckon chat this one's hard I need your help for this one I wish there was a rock here too that game was so annoying I could Target deputies but like later on it mullers you Dynamite Target or none but you can't just do none you can skip them guidance is that that one yeah is that one uh okay I guess we can I guess we can do that one it just makes it like really hard to dodge enemies okay let's give it a go uh run away gain a bit more attack speed more move speed being a bit more damage I think agreed damage yeah because look the enemy's like running towards me and I'm just focused on this dude not ideal what's the blue one oh gained 10 cent attack speed if I don't get hurt that's pretty much impossible but uh let's give it a bash I'm sure I cannot get hurt for six minutes I think to get the full effect there's permanent increase as well so pretty good okay let's get the lightning back while I collect some of these oh yeah the Lightnings were not one hit killing anymore we've got to get our damage up so more damage yeah there's still not one hit killing oh no actually is the lightning one hit killing now I think it is it no it isn't it isn't the lightning might have critical because I swear it was one hit killing some of them [Music] but yeah those guys running towards me there they're actually they're pretty hardcore we're not killing them in one hit with our with our meme attack so gain more damage again I guess very very very very very all right Rob then we let the lightning do a bit of stuff a lot more throwing [Music] nice oh man they're getting they're getting harder I need I need like a decent damage increase now oh a lot more attack speed yeah we'll take that it's what are we what do we got oh this one it changes so it's quite hard to like read what you're on but oh when people are close we absolutely Muller them ah not those two though yeah I was hoping like it was fast enough I could stay still I just checked then it's not fast enough I'm definitely gonna gain armor that protects us and then I guess a bit more damage right it's always good damage take him down take him down I gotta get back to the left that's where all the things up oh that was close to that was close all right now we're good now I think we get all that Bloody skull nearly got me that was scary they're getting so close do we do do we keep going damage chance of critical because that goes up to 25 so that's one in four rather than one in five [Music] uh messy nurse cheers this up what do you call the percussions missing pet b a b flap oh dear crit chance you reckon chat all right we'll do that because our critical is actually ah there you go do you see that nearly that nearly milled me because we had a deputy on screen so I wasn't shooting where I thought I was going to be shooting hard bollocks I just took a hit I've got the chest late we've got the chest um oh projectiles slow enemies or increase our attack speed but we're less precise we saw about the part of the game where being less precise shouldn't be too much of an option um or do we slow people down projectile slow enemies yeah okay we'll do that we'll do that yeah I was trying to get to the point where I one hit kill most enemies so that's why I thought that wouldn't matter but um we do we well I assume we've got a boss coming up on this mode I've never played this mode so I'm not sure if there is a boss but uh oh god let's try and get out of here I've got to get back to all these coins coin bags down there nice take him down take him down oh God oh that was risky uh more damage or more critical chance think more damage up to 200 damage now I feel like that's a nice round number and that might mean something it probably probably won't I just think like maybe enemies have 300 health but I think their their health like scales doesn't it as you scale like can I please have money over here why don't I leave all this behind oh God oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh look at the end of these take them down take them down oh I only move if you have to oh bollocks sorry it didn't actually get hurt right we've got the boss I just did you see that I just got hit [Music] um I guess gain more damage for this as it's blue right go grab a heart I don't know what this boss is gonna do oh it's just that boss week oh God oh God oh God there's a lot there's a lot of enemies there's a lot of enemies ah oh I got hurt I got her Dash okay right it's down it's down yes okay we're good oh so there's only that's it there's only one boss on this mode at the moment okay I will continue and we'll carry on playing we've got one two three four five six oh it's going up and up we got eight gold coins I need to get to a hundred so if I carry on playing do I not get any more gold coins is that what this is saying does anyone know because I want more please go for more attack speed I will don't know okay well they're all down let's see what the chest had in it chat died always wanted more you don't get more for continue oh really all right never take that one that caught me late earlier dashed for a hundred percent or dash for damage I think we'll do a hundred percent criticals because now everything's critical so everyone gets one hit killed lovely jobly oh God oh God oh God there's so many enemies all right one hit kills one hit kills George The Protector oh I was I was sketchy I was like silent there I was pretty scared uh criticals do a bit more yeah I think because we're going to be dashing I mean I could just Dash and then not do not worry about criticals but I don't know actually that is quite good should I do oh there isn't critical chance here it's just critical attack or because that that basically gives me like more time with 100 critical could be could be worthwhile man chat is like completely split I don't even I don't know I'll do dashes I think Dash is worth it nice they're always good when your election get canceled I mean unless you want to learn but um yeah and enjoy the stream then and share some donation very kind uh oh that did not hit me that did not hit me shut up game oh man all right dash dash use those criticals Matt all right dash and then create everyone oh I was hoping I could just like Muller them back with my criticalness oh man there's so there's so many all right I need I need something good oh that could be good shoot four times faster but three times less damage yes right surely yeah no wait do it yes oh God it's rce welcome Karma Simplex first time chatter yeah chat saying yeah right we're doing it whoa oh that was awesome uh criticals do 150 something more damage yes please because oh my goodness say hello to my little friend indeed right and if we if we Dash first they're all criticals as well [Music] oh I love it love it right we've got to get our damage up now they that is the only thing oh that's that's fun that is fun or a chance of doing critical that could be yeah I think that's worth doing chance doing criticals because if that goes up then all these hits will be better although if I Dash is 100 so they're all critical anyway now I got hit would I get hit by oh God that's why it's so hard to see with the objectives coming at me because they're like under any under enemies under enemies get it right Matt okay we got him to take care of thankfully we focus on him so he does just get mullered oh I think we're gonna do bouncy projectiles right the well actually was that as good I don't know I got hurt straight away I might raise should I raise my health here just so I don't die or should I do damage I'm gonna raise my health because I'm all right that's it that's it take it down right dash criticals then it's run out to Dash criticals foreign get enough dashes that they just don't run out then we should be quite good for like crowd control I mean alternatively I can just get my percentage up to 100 that would be fun this character is definitely the best by the way I absolutely love them like screw the original character the uh the Archer lady Sarah Sarah uh I'm getting hurt getting hurt right arm see that is the downside as soon as one of those come on screen that's what we're looking at oh here we go I think we've got a pong we got a pong ping the pong pong the Ping um thank you by the way to John padfield for the subway country sorry it was eight minutes ago I just seen it um a bit of a drink as well and thank you to hoffen for the sub and hexy for the Hub The Hub both your names were hers H's so I got I got confused um yeah let's pong it up and then all criticals do more or a bit more damage I'm thinking a bit more damage Maybe just normal damage so I only went up by three that is terrible so yeah later on in the game they really suck is it because I'm over 70. no because earlier on it did like 20 like an increase by 20 damage now it's like nothing did I take a did I take the Third like reduces your thing by a third did I take that this round is that last round can't actually remember come on Pong come on pong you gotta bounce off the screen right here we go here we go let's gain a lot more damage so now we're up to 80 yeah that's not a lot of damage actually out damn area damage come on Punk come on Punk bounce off the screen ah so many enemies uh oh I'm looking at that guy I was wondering why I wasn't shooting at the enemies it is risky oh look we've got Koi Koi u-w-u h oh triples your shot permanently but reduces your attack speed by 40 now because we've got bouncing and have we got piercing or is it just bouncing I think that's going to be like way better um but I could heal for dashing it has 30 seconds of the cooldown though so actually I don't think I want to do that we're doing this one triple shot all right let's thin the crowd let's Dash first and then from the crowd there we go there we go Dash into the coins I've just gotta watch the old your projectiles coming at me oh man we actually I mean when I Dash My criticals do take everyone else but normally we we're struggling a bit to do damage so I've got to get my normal damage up I mean or just make my trance doing criticals a lot more either way we're sort of struggling a bit I think the dashes are saving me right now so that gives us a 100 chance of doing Critical Hits but only for like a second hour I just got hit by a projectile grab that up oh oh no wait wait we've got a boss we've got a bus that is the downside with the triple um way harder to kill a boss because only like one line of projectile hits them not great I think we gotta do that it doesn't matter if we're less precise right what's that one attack speed 20 all damage by 30. oh what do I want do I want damage if that's 30 and we're on 80 does that still get all right here you go then people that know this game I think I took the upgrade where my damage stuff is like a third whatever so will that one actually be better I does the 30 get cut in third as well oh I don't know bead or I feel like I need damage your projectiles are 100 faster as well I think I gotta I gotta try the middle gotta try right I've done it I've done it let's see how the damage works I think it's working they're flying across the screen I can say that much out definitely still need the critical hit so all right lots of money bags up here let's go level up we need some or we got damage we got bounce so add some bounce let's add some bounce any any damage ideally right they're not getting very far on the right I will see that go go go go go take him down take him down all right nice now go get the coins make space get the coins Dash round three criticals okay I need I need a bit of piss I think so they are wow they're getting close to me oh I should have I should have dodged that one hang on there's a chest in there what has this got in it um it will create an explosion when they get hit oh or Dynamite before I die I don't think Dynamite's actually very good but gaining gaining a dash is good I don't want to do that I think 30 second Dash cooldown will kill me now I'm not doing Dash Shield yet the 30 second is way too much I need the critical hits I think I think middle because with dynamite I don't need as much damage and I'll just get confused I think it's like their Dynamite so I'm doing this one it's so ready enemies um right gain a bit more damn I feel like it's not a lot of that I wish it would tell you like the numbers so I could like work it out a bit Matt look look at what you've been sold for 13 months let me know cheers dude that's over a year always crit chance yeah the thing is I I'm I'm pretty much dashing most the time so I'm I'm sort of always at 100 sort of sort of so damage could be better I know I can't resist the purple I'm not doing purple one of those two it's got to be one of those two crit chance all right we're doing crit chance we've got to wait for the old dashes to come back anyway uh I think yeah there I took damage and then everyone exploded back so that's pretty good all right let's go get some coins yeah that's that's quite good actually everyone getting out the way oh man are you many enemies all right let's get some coins that's that way then Bush oh it does smash through them with the criticals um I definitely need more damage or should I increase that let's just see what damage goes up by so on 108 I have a feeling it's only going to be like free or something but went up to 12. 112 what the hell my damage is like going up and down what's that all about oh there's a boss on screen that's why there's a blooming boss I might hear each time I gain a level or gain a dash area damage and dash yeah I think that's what I need now because then that gets people out the way and I still get the critical stuff all right I don't know if that's not very good actually that was not very good oh I need I need some damage I think we're losing the battle at the moment we are losing the battle hey come on I just need a gold damage I need some gold damage I might take the cooldown I know controversial but I'm just thinking my dashes will come back a bit better yeah damage is needed all right come on come on criticals oh God the criticals aren't even pushing them back anymore come on run away come on run away criticals oh that's so ready ow man I'm getting I'm getting a bit mullered I'm getting a bit mullered oh God I need some I think that was a boss I think that's what happened um fire projectiles when I take damage or dashing through oh that reduces cooldown yeah we'll do that one then no I need I need to get some health all right there we go there we go right we're back we're back there we go there you go back to about two projectiles as long as I stay near this health I think we're sort of okay uh so many enemies take him down oh damn area effect damage all right watch the projectiles man oh bloody oh I can't even see what's going on okay now I'm taking him down take him down all right we got we got quite a lot of dashes left so that is good I think I'm gonna stick with the going around the outside approach now oh no there's a bloody there's one of these over here oh he took him down I think the chest is in the middle somewhere is that the chest that might be the chest or did it level up I think that's a chestnut gluttony so for that one you get 10 damage for every bit of Health you have I'm gonna move slower though and I sort of do need to move but soda I've done it I've done it oh do I gain more dashes or more damage maybe the dashes what do you think chat Dash a lot of people saying Dash it is shiny you're right it is shiny yeah let's go with it it's now out it's just more chance that I'm doing Chris well just more amount of time we're doing critical damage foreign right we're in trouble we're in trouble get back to the health get back to the health ah you see that projectile there we go there we go all right go take this guy out there we go oh okay okay fires projectiles when I get attacked could be good deal area damage when I Dash uh when projectiles should be destroyed yeah I would do that one screw you oh man we're we're in trouble we are in big trouble come on credit scores even the criticals aren't killing them now oh we're not good it's not good it's not great it's really not great now yeah I've just I just got to run away constantly and thankfully there's still some parts about it's not going to be that many for too much longer at the back nearly out of dashes run away oh God I think we're out of Hearts now oh man we're in trouble I think this could be it could be the end let's go grab that heart let's try and take this guy out no we're down we're dead we're doomed we're doomed [Music] all right well back to menu let's see how many coins we have now uh a banana rifle cheers the sub and which week thank you very much all right that was the that was the new thing how many we're only up to 37 we need more um I think we're gonna do what's better of these last upgrades and that's chess I think upgrades are better right so yeah we'll do that up to 30 percent and then we'll just do that one cool all right so I go back to normal mode and I think I'm gonna try and keep the old infamy level up and we're doing a Toco again for me three because I'm trying to get I'm trying to get more gold basically I need the gold shall we do a different sort of build this time maybe I mean I want to try and survive all the bosses and stuff foreign but um all right damage early on you want the one hit kills lovely yeah I'm just trying to get gold basically because I want to get that new character Roger unlocked so whatever whatever build we do it can't be it can't be too out there I do actually want to win still um we could try and go like area as you've got a purple there or we could try and do crit you've got 1699 gold or 169. I think you meant 169. nice typo yeah should we do area we'll try and do an area build this means early on we're going to be a bit weak but later on we could actually be pretty good uh ideally you want to aim for the garlic but like it's completely random what we're gonna get um critical chance I guess oh man we got we got some hearts dotted about that's unusual all right grab a load of coins Dodge out of there I'm definitely gonna rush over to you because you're a knob throwing projectiles uh critical damage or just normal damage I think let's go critical as it's blue may as well all right we've got this guy piss off me ah I I remember I can Dash I can Dash he's down he's down he's down nice all right track collector attract collectiles attract Collectibles from further away I think we'll probably do you that well that one gains us a health actually now I do collector [Music] um by the way Mazen two minutes ago thanks for the sub we got years Kia bolt yes I have I'll never say your name right yes Kiel boat but just I'm butchering this and but thanks for gifting five Subs very very kind of you and then Nigel caught cheers for the sub dude the middle one is two things rotate around you and apparently block enemy projectiles basically they do nothing I don't think they're very good foreign could be silent why who knows um yeah that's the tracks okay I'm gonna try and head back up because I know I've got some I've got some coinage up there I'm gonna go this direction we've leveled up nice oh gain much more attack speed okay we'll have that because it's gold yeah basically just getting back to these coins this is my safe space [Music] holy poo in a sock dude [Music] oh she is an architect dude bugger me sideways man 26 gift Subs thank you very much man I did not deserve that based on how I played today uh dude thank you so much super super kindly I see you in uh Alex's streams quite a bit as well fair play holy cow says Quinn exactly by the way hope train is on 69 no one else donate that's the best percentage uh gain a little bit more damage or I think critical chance right we are still one hit killing aren't we here we are we are oh five percent that's a lot this early on in the game take out gingerbread man nice right so criticals do 100 more damage getting some attacks media I think criticals more damage never a bad thing we're going for area this time though we haven't actually we haven't got another area upgrade since that very first one uh kind of disappointing aren't they oh that's I forgot how like good this is when they get close um oh oh what do we do here maybe the armor I feel like I'm I need the armor I'm not very good at this game getting some re-rolls or the dash middle it's middle or last I think well I'm terrible so I think I'm gonna go middle all right we leveled up oh there you go we gotta we gotta do the the area right but see I told you that's why I took it oh I just got hit again foreign I might do some damage now so 50 that goes up to 60. I don't understand like why later on in the game you only get like three oh bloody oh that's close that was gross so you get like 10 now unless it is just the third it must just be the third thing gotta keep an eye on that um oh I want to do damage but I said with do area so we're doing area BCF areas like the best one we've got to take it I think that's the rule right I ran the wrong way like a knob such an architect sometimes I got a bus let's take the bus down oh 10 yeah we'll have that we're on 25 chance of doing critical damage now all right he's down what has he got for us please be garlic I don't know when we get garlic actually is it just a boss reward or is it one of them if you take two damage to the right Hill I should probably take that one um I'm gonna take that one though and hope I don't get hit this is the I gain like a load of attack speed if I don't get hit for ages there's a blue icon where it's not blue yet it's great at the moment in the top left like below that Shield icon basically if that if that gets to Blue which I think it does after two minutes then um I gained some permanent attack speed always good now let's get some more damage we're up to 70 damage that's better uh did I did I lose all of those hearts by the way I don't see him anyway I'm guessing I used them up already not a deal so let's just oh no there's one down the bottom there is there is one so yeah we'll stand near this so oh here we go bouncy projectiles or attack speed I mean there is critical chance but surely one of them is better pick gold it's really gold then bounce bounce bounce all right we'll make it bounce look at all that oh yeah I know when the plate goes absolutely mental oh God oh God now here we go took him down that was actually pretty quick to be fair I'm liking that um all gain all projectiles yeah getting all projectiles when you eliminate a deputy I think we'll take that because that will that will help us although our area is quite big maybe I don't actually need that one it could have been a waste I got to get back to the heart back to the heart here are areas like huge at the moment once we get a an upgrade that shows it should be good 40 bigger okay we've got nothing to show for that at the moment it's just picking up projectiles that will actually be good like once we get something I mean ideally like the garlic but I'll take slowing enemies down not slowing projectiles down though as I've learned no idea that affected your own projectiles that sucks right we really need some more damage we are not one-shotting anyone right now get the butt face yeah we've got two hearts we've got two hearts on the board and it's good there we go gain more damage let's take it still not one still not one shotting we need some more damage ideally get out the way butt face why do they have a bot for their face it's really weird devs have some weird fetish for their characters models all right take them all out take them all out come on come on oh here we go oh no no no no no I need a lot more damage oh all right chat please can I have this one can we go a lot more damage please oh everyone said oh they're on my side Chats on my side for a change you can't deny go oh I can't deny God surely we can do damage I actually need the damage I've gone damage I don't care I I actually want to win I need the coins remember oh a little one with one shotting everyone now what's our damage 105 decent even like the big boys well maybe not maybe not the butt faces but most people as one hit kills and with the bounce that is awesome taken down take him down Jonesy kid 17 cheers what's up dude very kind of you um criticals I guess 150 more damage well they own 550 oh that's not bad it's not bad at all you may have to try and get the critical percent up oh God oh God all right that's that's how you do it that's how you do it you dodge the other side and then do that right um permanently raise your attack speed by 30 but half shots less precise yeah we don't need preciseness so we have speed yeah that's way better that's way better nice oh that's what we want as well one more choice for object selection now it just means like more chance of getting a good one essentially well hang on hang on listen what has been your favorite game you have played on the channel so far other than poly Bridge I tell you what one of my favorite games that I played um video did absolutely terribly follow What a wicked game that Storyteller game that I did like the other week it's like a little puzzle game where like you sort of tell a story by sticking stickers in a book or something uh watch the video it's actually it's bloody awesome like it's I don't know it's just such a cool way to think about stuff I definitely like that game oh man I love that story yeah it's good really good I definitely recommend it if you if you haven't watched that video yet oh we've got area do we go area I did say I would but then I am trying to get further I might actually do damage 105 that goes up to 115. oh the the uh [Music] the accuracy wasn't helping us there I don't know if you saw a guy who's like proper dodging all of them proper Matrix Style um okay what'd you get here Shields area damage Dynamite I don't know actually they're all a bit terrible should I just do the shields just in case they might help they don't really help but they might do see I still got hit I still I was testing it there and I still got hit so not great but I feel like projectiles like the only thing that hits me in this game really at least till later on ah so it could be worth it probably won't be oh so 10 chance or a lot more damage or well just no just more damage and a lot more attack speed 3D criticals yeah crit chance chats with me chats with me I think we're gonna try and get out to 100 but mainly I just I need something to do with all this area I've got the biggest area known to man I'm doing nothing with it all right here we go take all these guys out watch The Lemon skull lots of um lots of hearts in the background which is nice to see more more attack speed five percent chance of the criticals or a bit more damage I guessing attack speed on this one just because it's purple because I'm not going to take any of those two it's just one of those two I guess I think I'm gonna go I'm gonna go purple so hopefully oh that does seem quite a bit faster yeah especially when we get close it's like actual in-game sound effect that was take them all down nice all right loads of hearts in the background I'm loving this I could actually could try and go for something like if they get the upgrade something where like I don't have to move I feel like this is quite a standy still sort of build come on we got we got a gold at the end bouncy projectiles do they actually help I'm not sure they actually help God oh everyone's saying gold oh there's a lot of crit chance people bounce they do okay apparently they do help so we've got them we've got them I could use the uh the pong now because I feel like most my app most of my things are going like off the screen now ah you bloody dog skull bastard so annoyed crazy through your head the wrong direction I'm gonna take them all out take them all out how close are we to an upgrade we're quite far away actually oh now close oh actually easy easy what do you want about Matt and look at look at that a lot more damage I know we should go for that one but a lot more damage they're on 135 damage now and 35 so one in three are doing critical damage which is 550 multiplier out I did just get Hitler uh not I think my shots are less precise right ah ah I literally ran into one there I wasn't really clever yeah they're not preciseness is or lack of accuracy should I say better way to say it it is a bit annoying sometimes all right here we go here we go we got the sheriff so this is the big dog I was hoping I could just Miller him oh you got another upgrade oh there's a gold bouncer at the end as well I don't think I need that much bouncing do I do it I mean Chris cool damage everyone's like it's shiny it is shiny I don't think I need more bouncing I think don't think just do it oh I don't know chat I don't borrow I think critical five percent is a lot of fine we're doing bouncing no I don't have a dash I don't have a dash I thought I had a dash okay let's just clear those out a bit uh uh [Music] is that the boss one right that's the boss one they're down they're down that was scary that was pretty scary oh here we go then slow the enemies down for uh the bounce helped a bit yeah I think it did slow enemies down in our huge ass area or for all that one I mean 10 damage for our health we can start taking the health upgrades oh everyone's saying slow that's ten percent they oh everyone's saying slow okay we'll slow enemies down fine we can see how big our area is now pretty big if I say so myself it does sort of me though enemies take ages right get to me I'm gonna say fly like that Ginger well it's not gingerbread man he's like a ginger rock man this is actually this has made the game quite a bit easier now this slowly down thing there but where's all my hearts gone by the way I should probably go find them shouldn't I so are they left I'll go left for a bit and we'll see what we find it's a couple of coins I guess follow the coins where'd they all go like I wasn't moving because I wanted all the hearts in the background right there's actually no Hearts here so we've gone we've gone left and we've gone up so I'm guessing nothing there so we'll go back down I'm not seeing anything now I just got hit that was stupid all right let's just grab a chest where did they all go I don't know where they went oh we could we could grab that now or gained 60 critical but deal two times less damage so we'll be up to 95 percent 95 percent I think we gotta do it and we then we just need five percent and then every one of our hits is critical all right let's try and dash find those hearts again he wouldn't have got deleted with oh hang on this is that a coin down there there's a skull there's a skull in the background I don't know where the Hearts went I didn't use them all up did I oh no that's annoying is there an edge of the map to this game does it leap around again or have I just lost all those hearts now they've got to be somewhere right oh look at this look at this gain much more damage so 68 up to 82. which obviously most of our attacks are critical so they get a 5.5 multiplier struggling to hit the boss out come on take him down all right there we go there we go um right I need to say thank you to CR creedmaster three oh I can see a rainbow up my window sorry distracted thank you creedmaster 3. uh not relaxing thanks for the sub very much hello fellow engineer and sheddy4 thank you very much um whenever you dash kit oh I don't need that dashing hurts people your projectiles slow down any enemies they touch I think that's yeah that's what we're gonna go for right decent um I need to find my heart I don't know where they went so I keep looking for them chat like surely I'm gonna find them eventually if I keep moving right I'm Gonna Leave coins behind if I do this but I want to find my heart I don't remember there being any any gray ground so does that mean go left perhaps I'm so confused I used it all at the boss did I I don't remember getting hit that many times maybe I did I feel like there was like 20 hearts on the ground um oh we got we got some purples criticals do 150 more damage yes please that's up to 700. now oh I didn't see I didn't see that object oh all right kill them all what does the mole give us oh shoot Goods got to take that I think got to take that that is a top tier upgrade so that's doubled our damage output essentially it does mean I have to sort of get surrounded though I've got to get in the middle of the action so we're shooting forwards and backwards through nice okay this is going good I I miss my heart I kind of use them all the boss I refuse to believe that I did get hit quite a lot but all of them surely not what do you reckon chat have I lost the heart should I just try to stop going on about it um oh there's the final five percent I could do that I mean I could also make my area bigger last crit I saw one two area because it's 20 percent all right I'll do crap we're on 100 crit now so easy maths now we don't have to we don't have to think about five percent it's just every shot is doing critical damage yeah so now out I got hit so now I guess we just focus on actual damage and critical damage don't worry about the chance the area I'm not too fussed on like even with the onion because I haven't been focusing on my air I've been doing the critical think the onion like or garlic whatever it's called is that onion in this game or is it still garlic I don't know but I think that depends on like your face damage which is pretty laid out right now 82. oh that's close that was close damn moles damn moles all right critical 150 I'm guessing that's better than more damage still up to like a thousand percent surely I don't know what the actual figures are for how much a damage upgrade does it'd be nice to see devs all right Lots we're gaining a lot of Hearts now I'm happy again I like seeing Hearts everywhere just gotta keep dodging out the way of all the bombs or the lemon balingi projectile people the gingerbread men get back get back oh yeah this is actually this is going pretty good I think we're going to get the other boss soon I'm not exactly sure when it happens but it would be nice to get my damage up for that um so I guess 100 more damage that's 950 extra damage on every single hit because we're doing 100 chance of critical all right there we go here's the boss he starts up here so you've got to get nice and close and just do that to him see you later mate nice oh that was quite easy let's continue oh we can see how much gold we got as well please be lots of gold five I already got five I'm on infamy level three as well really anyway let's continue building let's see what we got oh lots of purples hey each time you dash take one damage but permanently gain 10 damage I think we're gonna take that as an extra 100 yeah that's an extra 100 so we'll do that as we got plenty of Hearts we swapped ten hearts for a hundred attack basically I reckon it's worth it I should probably increase my health at some point though I will say that yeah that were on 88 damage now so if I Dash we're on 92 damage so once you get another dash out I should probably try not to get hit that would help see an hour on wait 98 oh it's because did I take the third damage thing that's not 10 damage game it's lying to me oh God ah I keep not paying attention it's all my own fault I can't blame anyone all right so 98 Aaron let's take oh what do we do here critical is 100 or did I raise my health Maybe or the bounce I don't think I care about bounce do I have 60 chance and I is 50 damage oh so I only gained five that's annoying health or crit you need more Health yeah should I take the health I think your health is probably sensible all right we're on four right take that guy out first nice we kill bosses so easy yeah not doing that one oh I could I could heal for a dash because then I don't actually lose my health is that how that works does anyone know that like will I not lose my health or will I still lose it you know okay everyone's saying that it's okay so now I can do that twice so that's 108 damage right now that was a nice little increase yeah it just takes ages to get my dashes back absolutely in trouble but I'm not in a rush to increase my damage I don't think I'll just do it whenever go grab a load of coins it's a lovely teach out all those guys right pad dy's come to see her late he's biting my sleeve so I'm playing one-handed ah bad oh dear Paddy oh paddy oh he's got me Steve he's trying to pull me away from my computer hey Pat y he's up on my lap oh pad what are you doing what are you doing I'm streaming Patty are you coming on my lap are you okay hang on hang on my lap now man you're so heavy oh he's not the puppy used to be he's not the pup he used to be he's a full-sized dog but no one's told him that oh trouble is now Pat I can't I can't play with one hand how he's biting me Daddy rather be right loads of pets dad good boy good boy good boy there he is right we're back we're back chat oh that dog that dog um do we do range or do we do probably attack speed right my dog's name is Paddy he's got a YouTube channel um Let's do let's do a tax speed because it's gold all right so just Miller everyone yeah look at all the hearts down here this is nice there's a mall guide to kill mullet him straight away oh look at that look at that your next shot deals two times damage oh divides your attack speed by two though is that worth doing I don't know actually maybe that one's better projectiles are 100 faster should I do this one instead far site get your whole family YouTube channels real mum yeah should I do I'm not doing the target that's that's asking for trouble I'm gonna do Far Side yeah first one they still oh actually you stay still oh so one or three chat what do you reckon I'm just gonna have a slurper drink you spam Spam The Thing One or three all of them all right most people saying one even some first time Chatters the same one okay we'll go one stay still uh oh I shouldn't have stayed still there there was Dynamite at my feet no one told me that like on fire the projectile oh there they go there they go okay that's that is quite good actually we're well on our own now all right let's go let's go grab some coinage we need to keep dashing as well so that is a 10 damage increase well not it's five percent now I think but nice oh 150 more damage remember we've got 100 criticals we're doing criticals every single shot so yeah 1292 damage every single shot now uh looking good I'm not gonna like I feel like critical builds are actually insane like I always seem to end up going critical when I do well we are only on a 60 000 Bounty we're not doing that great Matt calm down mate calm down all right what do we do here um area damage when I Dash I definitely don't want my projectiles to be slower do I but do I I think I just did I just take I may have just taken a increase my projectile speed 20 damage we'll drag it at three or four right or because you have huge area oh is that how it affects what everyone's saying for all right we'll do four and try to try it out oh yeah it is it's the entire area okay that's cool and am I still waiting to not get hit for ages I think I am to uh get my attack speed up is that like the second icon on the left I think oh I just got hit I was looking at it oh lots to choose from here shall we go with criticals again they're on 1200 damage I should probably start working on the base damage now I can't be asked you the maps in my head but I know somewhere around like 1500 percent and a hundred damage is when you want to start doing your normal damage again I don't know I did the maths in like my last video right off camera is very very sad but uh I can't be after it now out oh bloody all right there we go we we're up to 132 damage I'm not sure how many more times I can actually do the um the dash thing to increase my my damage I'm not sure it's that many more times attack speed by lowest 20 yeah I think I'm gonna do that one so 30 more damage projectiles are 100 faster so one three two damage up to one seven two oh okay that's good that's pretty good that could do with working on attack speed again now um or do I just do the area so I do attack speed or area all right we'll do area we've done area I'm trying to get close to people so I can throw more projectiles because it really does clear the screen that's beautiful once they get going oh donation thank you listen thank you third can you do a video on the game Warlords Britannia and if you like it make it a series please Warlords Britannia I've never heard of that I'll I'll try and check it out at some point uh thank you very much for the for the kind words and donation um I can't believe I got your name right how random unexpected uh your shots come back to you and gain five piercing now I think if I do that I'll lose my bounces right so is that worth doing I feel like with my area that might actually be worth doing because like my area is like my safe Zone they bounce after too slow look how shiny it is um yeah all three is a really good ones to be fair like that doubles my damage essentially would you reckon chat two or three two or three don't take two I feel like some people actually know the game but I'm not sure who they are who do I trust sheriff gun there's a good name you're right um I think we'll go we'll go with this one right Double R double our damage essentially not in not in value but um oh what do we do here bounce foreign I don't think I need the dashes anymore I'm not doing dashes screen dashes dashes are for architects it's one or three cooldown what do I have that's cooling down I don't know what I have that's cooling down fifth set more is not doubling well I can't remember what what context that's for number three my Lord all right we'll do that we'll do number three areas bigger I did say this was an area build I mean it's not really but it's meant to be um to be fair no one can actually get close to me it's just the projectiles I gotta watch for that gingerbread man did we're doing 3100 with every single hit and we're doing like over 10 a second that's a lot of damage people are getting close though how are they getting so close I think I need more attack speed right I should have taken the bounce I think and perhaps I should move to actually go get the coins that's probably sensible isn't it so I know he has a load of coins down here oh there's a boss there there is a boss there eat some of that you know or do we do gluttony now how much health do I have do I only have like normal health I can't remember but do I do that one if you want to just Farm up Roger you should you should Halloween mode Kill Boss and restart every win did give you eight to nine nuggets depending how fast you win already okay well maybe I'll do that um for now though thanks for the donation by the way I appreciate the advice gluttony slow kills you last run yeah I might have done but this time I'm like I'm safe in my area like it doesn't matter if people get close right everyone's saying four they all right we'll go for we'll go for it um critical damage 100 or raise my health or attack speed I did say a taxi now I saw that more damage 100 more damage everyone is getting rather close though I will say that I gotta collect coins give me your coins please people this guy is a beast by the way it's fair play to him he's out he's doing all right I oh I just I hadn't been hitting ages and now I got hit now I'm annoyed I've got to go get the coins down in the bottom left I reckon yeah there we go there we go oh God there's a lot of enemies there are a lot of enemies thankfully as people get closer to me I I threw my projectiles quicker which is pretty good it's still it's pretty sketchy though I'm not gonna lie I'm not exactly enjoying this I don't feel I don't feel comfortable and there's a boss back there as well go the bus go the bus go the bus go the bus go the bus there we go all right oh what is that still 40 area damage oh is this the is this the insane one this will make the screen go mental I think I gotta do it overnight I've got to do it yeah everyone's saying too okay goodbye frame rate you've leveled up straight away um base damage or just Chris that's critical as I reckon yeah I think this does an explosion on like when you get critical damage and because all of my shots are critical um it's just it's just out it's just beautiful it's good to see isn't it I just gotta watch out I gotta try and see where the projectiles are the ones coming towards me I mean ideally no one can get close because they just get milled I just I gotta go collect coins at some stage though so we go up here there's a load of coins up to it I've got to go down to the bottom coin there we go quite like in that upgrade not gonna like oh someone's throwing Dynamite at me it's a bloody it's a bloody boss take him out take him out oh we're doing a lot less damage now that's the trouble the bosses are good I think this is what we wanted for this build right yep I think it is we got the onion so now if anyone comes in they're in trouble um shall I do I do health or do I increase my damage I think just damage right it's a bit boring but this oh this is this is quite fun feeling quite Invincible at the moment I think it's just bosses that could mirror me we got you can turn off explosions in the pause but oh can I I know I can turn off the the like figures I mean it's actually it's running okay at the moment there aren't too many enemies um chat if you get annoyed with the explosions though just tell me and I will turn them off for you oh yeah Dash do I am I still gaining damage no I'm not there's no point in dashing because uh I just I go out of my area they're stuck at 130 damage right there's the boss there's the bus all right there we go so I think I want more damage so one three four oh that did not go up by a lot that did not go up by a lot at all I love the explosions all three pixels were um what do we do here I could actually is it worth targeting deputies now because I'm just I'm spraying everywhere right no you don't I'm shooting out my ass remember I could take the lightning two and four I mean I'm not really gonna take down although it does give me some health foreign okay we'll do lightning I don't actually I don't move very much though so Lightning's a bit pointless in my opinion all right all my only movement is like dodging projectiles essentially and trying to get closer to people I'm trying to get coins I guess do you want to get friends I can't even see if the Lightning's hitting anyone uh so many enemies I took I took damage I took damage all right this is a this is quite chaotic die everyone the explosions are so so cool oh do you see that that was a good Dodge that was proper Neo Matrix it'd be proud of me I could turn off the explosions and see oh let's try and take out the gingerbread man oh make my air even bigger remember we got garlic now we need full screen area well there you go this goffle this coffee oh by the way I missed I missed a couple of Subs uh folds skull Shen 69 which is the sub very kind and Shadow storm one hi Matt only two hours late well I'm glad you showed up I'm going to increase the area we'll try and get full screen garlic as well out as well as the Carnage that is this we've got another upgrade oh we gotta add that surely orbiting projectiles as well that's better than a re-roll right yeah opting projector all right they'll take your ball before they get going but I think they will help okay there's a lot of hearts in the background as well so I'm I'm fairly confident we can last a fair amount of time I feel like my computer might die before I do if that makes sense my name is pronounced the thick oh God I can't read that now I've got I gotta Focus I gotta Focus all right actually not focusing seems to be doing okay I do I I've got to keep moving to get coins though that's sort of my main downfall I think all right boss at the bottom boss at the bottom and it's a projectile one so we've got to dodge the projectiles now I took a hit I took a hit that's all right it's right there down they're down decent decent um oh bouncy projectiles I assume every bounce is just another hit and another critical hit and therefore oh actually protectors bouncing opposite direction do I want that I might just want re-roll because they bounce in the opposite direction so is that bad I would rather piss wouldn't I warlord Britannia can found on Steam well everyone's saying best to get as far in level as you can pressure LOL okay I'll check it out I'll check it out thank you for the recommendation uh thanks for the donation very kind very very kind all right so do one yeah this happens one time then about yeah no I just mean the projectiles that bounce now do so in the opposite direction which could mean like the projectiles just come back so it could ruin me it could ruin me bomb is Max three puppet projector okay so it won't it won't necessarily explode more I don't know what to do I might just do the re-rolls because it's safer so I do the re-rolls I feel like it's safer I don't want to ruin anything take the dash now I'm not gonna Dash I won't be dashing I'm doing rerolls sorry chat it might be boring um critical I think more critical 100 that's 1500 so I think we want to work on our base damage now just with some quick maths oh man oh people okay okay shall we have a look at turning off explosions we'll see how that affects things so we're doing explosion explosive damage but uh we can just see what's going on a bit more I might out out I might actually have to turn off yeah I'm gonna this has got insane already I'm gonna have to turn off the damage all right that's better we can't see what damage we're doing now but look at the frame rate look at the frame rate it's back it is back oh this is way easier to see what's going on right there's a boss over to the left and it's a bloody projectile one so we'll try and take it down oh God oh God oh God Miller it Miller oh something just hit me but that was that was fine that's fine when your projector is still critical damage they piss well that's every single time they pierce indefinitely Or just once or and you want me to find out I guess oh has that cocked me has that cocked me yeah they're not I don't think they're bouncing anymore they're just going straight off screen have I cocked myself potentially they're just going straight forever I think it's maybe better oh God oh God we need we actually need damage we need damage in a big weight thankfully there's loads and loads of Hearts over here oh man I may have to like switch to being like a surrounding sort of build rather than being stuck in the middle I mean or I could just make my area bigger I think damage right now dashing does not increase my damage anymore I maxed that out quite a while ago yeah think damage so one three nine and remember it's not just that 139 increase like three or four it's uh the multiple because every attack we're doing is critical so base damage is actually quite a big increase or bloody bloody elk I gotta take that boss down we gotta take him down now all right take him down take him down take him down so many gingerbread man all right come on now come on take him down take him down yes okay we got him we got him um [Music] oh I don't think I want that one perhaps that gain One Max Health as well yeah we'll do that so if we take damage we like fire load of projectiles not a bad thing but I mainly just need more damage myself I feel like speed is okay it's just the actual like it's a lot of hits to kill anyone I think projectiles are like everyone's getting so close there's not a lot of breathing room in the middle here how's our Bounty looking out we're on oh nearly on 300K not not great but not bad I guess oh not that Frost oh God oh God yeah if you're just joining by the way we are doing explosive damage um I just turned off everything to help the frame rate now right not many hearts left over this side boss is down he's down he's down there we go back left where the Hearts are oh what's the purple one reload all your dashes at once dashing uses all your slots in succession I don't think I want that do I have three ribos yes I do let's re-roll so what have we got dashing through enemies could go with that projectiles are slower but 20 damage increase could that be worth doing now slows all projectiles around you oh yeah so projectiles let's not do that now one or two okay I think we'll just do we'll do one I mean I could re-roll again should I re-roll again I think they're all too lots of people saying four I feel like slow projectiles could Miller me that's the only thing maybe I'll just maybe I'll just heal or that one reduces Dash code I don't actually need dashes do I let's re-roll let's see what we got oh here we go here we go I might take gluttony I think gluttony could be it could be time because I don't really need to move that much and 10 for each bit of Health I'm doing it 10 damage increase or way more we're on 208 damage yes now gladly will not kill me so basically every time I raise my health my damage goes up by 10 so up to 222 now here we go this is how we get back into it out I did just take some damage there because I'm slow now look how big I am like ah I'm so slow I might have to dash around the projectiles now that's the only thing all right get them back get them back oh there's a boss as a boss oh no it's a mold one it's a mole run all right take him down take it down uh dynamite dynamite now take him down right he's down he's down oh we got pong we have pong I'm not sure on most of my projectiles going to the edge of the screen I think they are so yeah all glory to pong here we go here we go yes now we're doing like damage to everyone on screen not just the people nearby but everywhere oh this is good this is glorious this is glorious ow I just took one in the nutshell my area is also huge it's like nearly top to bottom screen I just got to get the whip so many enemies on the left and it's minted see I think our projectiles they infinitely like go through people so they're always going to bounce off the screen so perhaps I want to do some attack speed as well now keep getting hit all right take out the out take out the boss now we got the boss I need damage and speed wouldn't be a bad thing in my opinion he's down he's down he's down he's down there okay there we go all right please be good [Music] um yeah I think I'm too I'm too scared to do that one just the bouncing in opposite direction thing sort of freaks me out a bit so I re-roll it's my final re-roll what have we got oh that's not great it's not great um game of Dash I guess yeah we're getting the dash Never Gonna use it but it is what it is God damn there's there's a lot of there's a lot of enemies we're all getting rather close right now all right level up again we have leveled up so a bit more damage or attack speed I think damage so two two up to two two nine whether that helped don't know oh man everyone's so close yeah there's so many gingerbread men flinging themselves at me uh go Away Big Boss Man oh I'm like surrounded by men this is not where I want to be context well still no still still a true story to be fair [Music] might take the rerolls that's only for the for the level up upgrades I think those rerolls so it's massively gonna depend on if we just get bad Falls whether I use them no there's really there's not a lot I can do here I'm literally just stood here like sort of occasionally dodging projectiles mainly just getting mullered by everyone it's even trying to dodge out the way of stuff there's like just someone else to walk into there's so many enemies right there's a boss as well oh it's a projectile boss that's annoying that is annoying pushing back Matt we're eating through the hearts as well it's not great not great just trying to stay out the way of the projectiles easier said than done it says enemies everywhere all right another chest another chest shall I I feel like I should just take this one out shall I see what happens there's no point dashing I'll just Dash into people I mean I can try it but look I just I've got explosive dashes I didn't know that get back okay I didn't know that get back thankfully there's like hearts everywhere oh man I need the hearts I need all the hearts oh I need some help I need some help and a big weight um I don't know what to do I guess we just stand here and we hope I have no dashes try and take that Frost down oh we're getting milled we are getting absolutely mullered thankfully all the hearts are like in range because we've got the big area I think so I don't actually need to be too close to them come on nicotate I don't know what his name is just come on man you got this right that boss is down that boss is down there we go so I don't want that right because then I'll lose my pong it looks good but I don't want it um I don't think I want that do I reload all your dashes at once dashes use all your slots in succession I don't think I want that and then whenever you take two damage I might just take that one everyone's saying three isn't that bad I just lose all my dashes dashing uses all your slots in succession so I just constantly Dash that's terrible I'm doing one on the off chance it helps it probably won't I'm not even sure whether to bother trying to get out the way of projects all right we've leveled up we've leveled up um I mean I could re-roll and try and get a legendary shall I could take more damage I'd rather get a purple or gold I'm gonna re-roll they're so rare now they're not really that one here we go here we go bounce one more time or increase the area I don't think I need the area but there is purple damage so I'm going to go purple damage so if we got full health it's 244 damage yeah that's before the critical stuff oh man like Dash get a bit of space get back get back there's enough for me to go around what's up bouncy oh we're coming up to 500 000. I doubt we'll get that far but I only want me to find out I guess the hearts are diminishing rapidly and I actually just get around people is it worth staying out here give myself a bit of breathing room maybe not I don't know I don't know I mean we are doing lightning damage remember oh man we are not killing anyone we're in trouble we are in big trouble should I just stayed in the middle look how long it takes to kill anyone it's ridiculous all right let's just stand here and try and do some damn I mean it's it's not going great is it it's not going great all right let's just stand let's just stand here let's see what happens it's good I go out the middle is it I don't think I'm killing anyone that the bar's not going up damage all the weight all right thank you for the donation I mean I guess I am doing oh frame rate frame rate I guess I am doing like uh [Music] the garlic damage all the time it's just I'm not really killing anyone I'm getting further and further away from the hearts foreign still or do I keep running there's so many enemies it's ridiculous ah I don't know what to do I don't know what to do yeah what do I do hello I don't have any dashes I don't have any health either I think we're in trouble I think we're actually in trouble oh there's a lot of Hearts here all right let's stand still sort it oh damn Dynamite mole man oh I just want an upgrade give me an upgrade oh look they're proper swamping meat I'm trying to stand still and just see if I can kill some of these bosses we killed one deal 50 more damage when things are when you have less than 50 I won't have less than 50 health because there's Hearts everywhere but I guess that's the only thing to go with Dash get get away get away foreign there's still loads of projectiles on the screen Fairplay all right let's just stand here I guess and see what happens again oh we're not doing a lot of damage we killed a boss late um hmm I might give myself 20 percent that it doesn't matter how fast my projectiles are now because they're screwed right I'm going three I'm going three more damage 20 increase no it's not enough it's not enough wait are there any hearts anywhere on the map uh I don't think there are any hearts anywhere I don't have any dashes left all right there's a heart there's a heart come on damage no it's no good we're dead we're dead we're brown bread oh pretty decent though 465 000 bounty um let's go back to menu oh man that was crazy that was yeah that was a good run that that was all right did the job let's go into the black market we've only got 42 coins I need a hundred right anyway we I think we're gonna go we're gonna go um shall we raid someone um and if you don't if you're not if you're done with twitch right now my video is just released my today's video so go watch it um it's settlement survival remember that game it's back so yeah it's literally released like three minutes ago and but yeah I will be doing a birthday read if you're staying here and you want to watch it later so let's search birth date um oh we got I sort of know do you guys know ped Quinn says it's his birthday apparently 30th birthday uncapped sabathon yeah if you know of anyone's birthday let me know as well penguin no pedgren give him a raid say happy birthday from RCA unless you're gonna go watch my video then watch my video and enjoy it anyway cheers for joining guys that was fun um I should probably actually go do some work now because that was a lot of procrastination but yeah peace love and bounties cheers for joining guys say happy birthday to this dude it's his birthday bye I'm pogging thank you very much how do you share happy birthday Reed are you guys familiar with player hey new people you guys for Familia
Channel: Real Civil Engineer ARCHIVE
Views: 27,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: du_9DyQO1H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 32sec (9392 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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