RCE ARCHIVE: My SAP addiction is back...

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[Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you hello fellow engineers and welcome back why is this why is it black where's the game there it is there she is hello everyone happy New Year and all that uh we're back 2023 [Music] oh man I had I had a weird Christmas slash holiday break uh how was yours any good yeah so we're playing Super Mario pets because they've just released a brand new pack and look it's called the Golden pack and look at all these animals they're all new pretty much um I had a little go today and it was like it was really fun so I thought yeah we're gonna stream this why not oh yeah so my my Christmas I was pretty good like I I did the whole up to Christmas day thing I ate Christmas dinner and then like that afternoon just started puking my guts up could not stop I mean it's weird because I guess for about a decade I probably haven't puked unless it's been like alcohol induced quite weird being sick like through illness very unusual not used to it hey it wasn't great and then I think I went probably about three four days without really eating because I'll just be sick every time I eat or drink um not ideal when you're about to go on a snowboard holiday for like a week so yeah I went like as a proper frail old man that hadn't eaten for a week um arrived and like to be fair I did all right like first day was pretty brutal because I pretty much hadn't walked in like a week I've been stuck to like the sofa of the bed uh did a bit snowboarding there wasn't a lot of snow um worst snow in like decades or something like two decades see I'm not ideal there's like three runs open out of like 180 or something stupid so probably like the worst time in my lifetime to go skiing not ideal but I made the most of it I had a good time and then and then on the last run of the very last day and at the very bottom of the run as well so pretty much like the last 10 seconds of snowboarding of the entire holiday fell over um ripped my stomach muscle my abdomen and literally probably like top 10 pains maybe top five pains I've ever had in my life bring me ripping muscles hurts um yeah and I had to like do the whole traveling home thing without a stomach muscle I couldn't stand up I couldn't sit down I definitely couldn't move luggage like I had to get my girlfriend to like get the luggage off the conveyors and stuff I could not do that um yeah I'm basically I'm an old man now I don't get 32 33 how old am I 33 I think I'm like 34 next week some birthday next week I'm old don't get old well actually do get old because it means you haven't died don't get too old because then well I'm not too old I feel like I'm too old you know what I mean I'm 85. but yeah um oh and then the day after we got home huge dump of snow like 30 centimeters one night 20 centimeters the next night yeah cheers weather no beds oh man couldn't make it up could you couldn't make it up still I had fun it was good I just felt a bit bad for like everyone that I saw over Christmas because I was just like miserable and puking that probably wasn't the best person to be around anyway thank you to Neo Morpheus 42 for gift and a sub yeah we had a question what would a house designed by a civil engineer look like okay imagine the best house you've ever seen and then make it better by adding like I don't know like a cinema room or something that would be the house Matt your stream notification did not go off in Discord screw Discord man like my this the Discord Bots are like broken um can I like how do I ping I don't know how to Ping people I don't want to Ping people yeah Discord Bots they're they're not good at the moment a sniggle cup it's Nigel cup I can't remember if it was sniggle or snigel that's just what's up Texas game Mom thank you very much for the sub parental let's go cheers what's up gaming Noob cheers very much oh you started the hype train a brood rooster 07 gifted two subs thank you so much that's very kindly yeah neomorphous 42 cheers keeps the storm thank you very much kovane uh chaos Julie get to five Subs thank you very much that's very very very very very kind of you uh White there averter and he said white Vera there I feel like there is like sorry if you're called Vera and you're not loud I feel like there is quite an old person Meme and then white I was thinking of like their hair white Vera sorry I just for something oh rectal scattergun that's an interesting name thank you for the sub very kind Auburn cheers for the cheer oh OBS actually tells me the cheer note now so I can read what he said well if it's not my favorite oh architect I have been sick for the last six days serves you right for calling me an architect that's Karma somehow pretty much gone now have a great stream Bud thank you uh chaos Julie 444 also gifted themselves as well no they didn't gift themselves they sobbed themselves imagine gifting yourself actually I feel like I've bought myself like birthday presents before so that's fine that's fine oh we have a dad joke redeemed a dad joke um how do you count cows with a calculator get it uh it's a new year the jokes have gone downhill oi don't boo me your knobs oh chat's being mean about my jokes it's a new year you got to be nice this year just New Year's resolution of being nice to Matt there you go We Gotta Laugh We Gotta Laugh out of someone oh you stupid bird don't you boo you know bed you're meant to edit this into something funny calculator that was quite a good one I reckon see someone liked it someone loved it thank you very much uh toasty nokiani I keep forgetting to sub or you've been sell for 19 months so you haven't been forgetting that much spam junkie cheers for the sub the suited bird let's see what he said he's been sold for 16 months I've like bribed him into subbing he's made so by the way my sweet 16 of subscribing oh I'm now going to start rebelling against my parents AKA you what do you mean start that's literally all you've done I couldn't edit this into something even if I was good at editing even if I was a god at editing not just good oh God um have faith in yourself I reckon you're you're better than you think you are you're not better than I think you are because I know you're terrible um I set a low bar for you and you still don't get above it anyway cry Nick one nine eight cheers for the sub now another question are you still able to boost yeah so my stomach muscle abdomen tear thing um for the last well since yesterday I've pretty much been like sofa bound like standing up I could stand up but like I was sort of bent in the middle like hunched over so I was really feeling like an old man I was like proper Hunchback like angry and you know you know well and just punched over obviously um but today woke up I'm like a new man I'm like a 23 year old again um it does still hurt like sometimes like I sneezed earlier I nearly cried but um apart from that I'm pretty much better I reckon I'm not gonna do any uh snowboarding anytime soon or anything stupid but I reckon I'm like I've healed or I'm healing so that's good listen you don't need to give us an excuse you lay around a lot you can just say you are lazy I felt very lazy I will say that like I couldn't walk pad I couldn't do any like I couldn't lift anything I couldn't even like hold a glass of water not that I had to get people to like feed me water if that's the thing um I did actually I suffered I I lifted a glass and drank for myself um but yeah I was I couldn't do anything I was used I was just like a blob on the sofa basically a moaning blob nothing worse really oh melted calipo sibi she's she's one of these January I'm going to go down the gym people give it a few weeks she'll be back she'll be back modding good luck Sammy keep it up I believe in you I love that it's I promise someone a gym sesh it wasn't yourself and anyway I need to say thank you to gaming and mert oh what does that say much revert uh thanks for free kind solar eff thank you and Andy La banani thank you very much cats don't bark that is facts right there they say boosh thank you very much enter Lucas cheers for the sub 17 months you beat suited bird so respect although it's quite easy to beat him in most things uh sir see sure kirth kether thank you for the sub very kind right shall we get into this um do you want to do versus mode should we try 64 player are you guys up for this I don't know if you do you need this thing to do it do you need the golden pack I'm not sure does anyone know someone that knows this game can I like play with everyone if you don't have it is that no whoa that was a very Reverb you fart such a poppycock thank you very much the most Riva re reverbed reverbed reverberated I don't know a fart in a Necco chamber thank you appreciate it um right okay let's versus I think I need to do that play against own pack so that's good right so then I create private I should probably check that again so pack same as host live standard loss but oh God life lost standard yeah packs same as host right I think that's good right everything that good yeah you I think everything there is good so submit then we'll put the name in so if you want to play along at home I assume you can use this pack if I'm using it say what shall we call this match um Matt is a blob Matt is a blob so create private so I think if you like go to join a game you can go private you can type in Matt is a blob and then you should be able to join and hopefully we will all have the new pack and we see what's like if you choose gold pack only gold pack owners can play oh really oh that sucks well we'll see how many joined there might not be too many I I was hoping that anyone could join this but uh maybe not we'll see what happens um if not we'll go oh you don't have it and it worked okay so anyone can join thank you so if anyone wants to play with the new packs you don't want to buy it it cost me like 10 quid um join now Matt is a blob anyway thank you to brood drewster 07 for the sub at night Joe cheers for the subway boost do you mean boosh why'd you say boost it's got to be a typo gotta be a typo uh Paddy has not been pet enough this year I'd say well they say that like since I've been like yo I am I ill I don't think I'm ill since I've been injured um he's been quite cuddly he's been like on my lap and stuff which has been pretty nice so he has been he has been stroked quite a lot or smoothed as the Welsh say yeah because in England and I imagine the rest of the world I know let me know in the comments actually when you stroke a dog do you call it stroking a dog you know like petting a dog we call it stroke or pet or do you call it smoothing I feel like smoothing is weird but like it actually makes the most sense because you don't want to like pet Against the Grain like pest in the wrong way that's not right is it but if you smooth it it sort of makes sense but I think it's just a Welsh thing smoothing stroking a dog sounds dirty no one says stroke or pet what do you say then suited bird stroking or fussing oh instead of pet okay so Americans say pet British people say I think British people say pet but as they also say stroke I say British English and then the Welsh they smooth they go on a 428 he's a Welshman I think he does stay smooth no I don't smooth or stroke my dog I pet my dog are we talking about canine stuff I think we say stroking in Norway there you go my cat died not that kind of stroke I'm a Welshman never heard of smoothing really interesting very interesting actually dogs and cats get scratches oh that's something else scratching is not stroking I don't think don't boost your dog no do you not boost your dog uh by the way thank you to saporia for the subway can't we apukapuka puke 777 so many feet picks oh someone had a good Christmas call me patch 3s uh cheers the sub books in unicorn thank you very much and always drunk to win well let's see if you can win by joining this gotta go and super awesome pets Matt is a blob we're playing with a brand new pet pack the golden pack um I'll probably start if we get to 50 4. oh no is anyone else still joining or are we good if anyone's like still joining saying chat otherwise I'm gonna start it in like a few seconds how are you enjoying the golden pack I played one round I didn't know what a trump it was and then I got destroyed by a trumpet so now I know what a trumpet is someone's still joining yeah there's uh there's trumpets now there's a few people still joining all right we'll give it a few more it's it's like a 64 player limit I think so we're pretty close to that maybe I'll just wait that's how I got my girlfriend as well we call a trumpet a oh nice there's lots of um lots of words for a fart like a Guff I feel like that's quite a British one um uh I can't think of any other words a trump that didn't come from the president of United States that was literally I think he was named after one in fact I call far Pio oh anyway we started we have started hang on let me um let me turn my music up right we have some music now apparently I don't know what I hear in the background anyway we've got to pick these so we've got a bulldog so her set attack equal to Health Plus One mate I tried to use the magpie earlier I didn't really know what it did uh chick monk I say what I was gonna get I'm just gonna get all of them we'll roll our snails were pretty decent to be fair and look faint gain a trumpet I might freeze that because I'm I'm intrigued by trumpets no actually I'm not gonna freeze that should I freeze the snails I might freeze the snails um so what order so if that gets hurt it gets good attack so replace shop food with one oh that's pointless that is quite strong I might put that at the front then Magpie at the back so spend up to one cut spend up to one gold and get it back now well I didn't get to pick my name oh I didn't pick my name and the wavy Rangers got a trumpet so I think when you get a trumpet you get a golden retriever dog appear with how many trumpets you have they've also they've changed the hearts things you now have five hearts and you only lose one per round now weird um right let's get another Magpie look I still got 10 coins so I don't understand up to one gold and gain it back next I don't understand what that means um replace shop food with one copy this I don't know what that means either all right let's roll we're running out of time but run out of time so magpie I can't snail their standard term oh that was stressful oh my goodness I'm live yes I'm live oh you have to have an unspent coin why does it say spend it literally says spend the coin oh I don't know I don't know don't don't rage map don't rage we're so early on there's no need to rage oh that is a strong dog that is a strong dog I think he's mullered me look at him okay that guy knows what's going on he knows the score we gotta defeat not good not good at all uh what is good tier 2 pets unlocked ah look we get our heart back now so if you lose one life and get to turn three you gain it back some reason so we're back up to five so we didn't lose anything um give one pet the egg I tell you what I might give that to the chick I don't want to do that I don't I don't know what the Chipmunk does all right let's get a snail in Let's Get that dog in do I want that Summoner level one pet from your current tier as a one one when I sell it don't think I want that we will roll oh there's another snail right let's level up the snail you got that I'm gonna freeze that what does a snail do so you give four attack to the friend behind so we do want that to be him because if he gets hurt he's good I see what I might do that because then oh no I can't freeze I was gonna freeze that you don't have enough time on This I Swear all right let's see what happens we've only got four animals not ideal this guy's gaining trumpets so I think he's gonna get a 3-3 golden retriever or something there you go see there it is there it is oh they got hard hats as well close round because he had hard hats Victory they decent right so we've got a sea turtle friend summoned if in battle give it plus three health interesting start of turn game one one until end of battle per extra gold a friend had faints okay so I want something that summons stuff do I have one of these no I don't I literally I don't okay well I'll shove you in oh the lizard does summon but it doesn't it doesn't like summon some it summons in front so if that gets hurt like a table comes out of it very strange um I don't know what I'm doing I don't know what I'm doing what do I do should I get rid of the Chipmunk I don't know what to do I don't know what to do um do I want trumpets I might trump it that dog why not I don't know what the trumpets do right there's another chipmunk I don't think I want chipmunk oh we got more cherries we've got a load of cherries going on yeah I'm going to try and do a trumpet build you know so I could Cherry up everyone to be honest so we'll roll twice more there's another snail but oh I might I might fire him next time as well oh another snail freeze that right we're going we're going snail build for some reason um I need I probably need to get rid of that to be honest I don't think it's going to be that good yeah brand new update on this if you're just joining um I have no idea what's going on I don't really have enough time to read anything either so I'm not too confident uh check out my dogboat boosh Boosh oh he died we got some trumpets though which means we're gonna spawn when we die now a dog super dog he's like Paddy's friend oh they've got a dog as well this yes we gotta win sorry if you were facing me there [Music] um Delhi Bean one two three chisel sub as well as smashy thank you very much and D4 dubs cheers for the chair I'll read what you said in a bit because I gotta do some stuff all right I'm gonna sell you look at that by the way the eggplant that's what it's all about so if I buy that I level up one of these guys decent and then I can sell you I can buy that one decent sell that and then maybe just buy two of those yeah the eggplant is a bit weird give one pet the eggplant but push opposite enemy one space forward on the start of battle so I think you just change their order I don't know how good it is oh big boy 777 gifted stead Subs stop distracting me thank you so much that's very kind of you um oh look thank you three trumpets I could get you involved then and then merge those snails so when you're hurt you set attack equal to Health Plus one so basically every time he gets hurt he does lose attack not ideal actually um I might put you there just for the Bands because that should level up at the start I think these two snails yeah at the start that gives two Health to him so I don't really want that snail to level up there's no point really decent right let's see what happens so that snail boosh we've got a strong dog oh no look at that dog I only got two trumpet dogs the mod come on yes somehow we're winning I have no idea how or why this is brand new pack that I haven't played before so it's a little bit confusing faint gain plus one gold on next turn could be good oh faint Summoner one two one groundhog so Osprey and that could work well I don't want to go trumpets and I don't want to go trumpets so oh I'll tell you what so was there a summon one no friend ahead faint okay I'll tell you what I'm gonna merge hang on I'm gonna freeze you I'm gonna give a cherry to you and then Gonna Roll oh look there we go so we shove you in so you got cut fish we'll shove you in as well we got a manatee let's freeze both of those because I'm not sure what I'm doing with them yet and then I'm gonna merge the two snails no I'm not gonna merge two snails I've got no coins left oh it's a magpie as well I might sell The Magpie next round if I'm honest I don't think they're that good what does an avocado do gain three gold on next turn but it costs three gold don't know why I do that right now yeah I might sell my Magpie if I'm honest because I'm not I'm not saving any coins not ideal uh cut fish give lost enemy ink it's got decent stats Manatee take five damage and give nearest friend ahead oh that's not that good what's that noise that noise isn't meant to be there is it anyway we got two level two snails so they propagate each other health and the dog at the back health means we are tearing up in your face golden retriever Boosh a bulldog beats a golden retriever nice that is another win [Music] um yeah so thank you to apocalypse for the 10 Subs that's so generous of you um and then it was Jester Exar for a sub and then Paddy Architects nightmare gif cheer in 10 bits 10 bits 100 bits um when will you play long drive uh good question don't know I've heard it's pretty good though um oh should I go trumpet build I'm gonna get rid of The Magpie this time it's a boost um ignore the weasel I don't think that's that good I don't know if I want the manatee either but I do want the Cuttlefish maybe we'll put the cost fish in I'll merge those two so oh so that gives six Health to what's behind summon three three two pigs okay gotta get a wolf involved as well now swiftly shove and does that hurt yeah that's hurt so I'm gonna shove that there 'll be three pigs so that's good do I have friend ahead faint so you're probably gonna go there you at the front what do you do faint give lost enemy Inc okay that's looking good I don't have much time left Let's Roll shove you on there freeze you roll again oh banana I definitely want a banana do I want that free trumpets I don't know I don't know what I'm doing I don't have enough time uh we've got another question what are they wearing I am wearing eight socks and a bandana right come on cuttlefish look at it it's a beast oh I got Millard not milled by a dog all right my dog is bigger than your dog though oh look at the trumpets they they've got nine trumpets that's a nine nine golden retriever boots ready for the pigs why do pigs come out of a what why do pigs come out of a wolf I don't understand I do not understand um right okay what we got next poison dot frog Brenda had faints deal three damage to the highest health enemy could be good um I might get rid of that Ox thing if I'm honest I don't think you're great if I buy you you should level someone up yeah nice then we'll get rid of you then we'll buy the dog and Chevy oh I missed shove you on there then banana that spawns a 4-4 monkey when it faints so shall I shove that on something maybe on the wolf at the back because then that spawns like four things decent um and then do I go manatee or I'll try to do poison dart frog friend ahead I tell you what I'm gonna unfreeze that I'm gonna put the Frog maybe at the back because that spawns three pigs and a monkey now so that will fill up all of those which might give him his hat fits quite well if I'm honest doesn't it oh Three Little Pigs and a wolf yeah that makes sense that does make sense I'm right 62 people still in it how is everyone looking donate we'll have a look afterwards um Mighty look how weak that team is unless they got like good Synergy I feel like we should be good what just happened there something went flying oh they they got loads of trumpets what what just happened I don't even know what happened but um yeah didn't get to see if my wolf combo worked anyway we we've unlocked tier five pets decent so we got another poison dart frog what is that the friend ahead hurt or give it melon perk and five attack it only works once though oh what is poison dart better um I'd say what I'm gonna put a cherry on you just to get some more golden retriever stats I might poison dart that well I really I really want to use an eggplant just because it's an eggplant but I know it's done it doesn't help us at all um Falcon Summoner three three level one copy of the knocked out pet if you knock out oh is that oh so if you kill something you get it on your team that's quite cool oh if you could get a if you get a strong Falcon that could be really good anyway let's roll a few times chocolate we need that oh that's good for my summoning flying fish give it attack and experience that could be really good yeah so what summons is it oh it's literally just the wolf actually I'll freeze it just in case I've got two more rolls um I don't know what anything is what's that I'm gonna freeze it because it's level five gain one gold on next turn works three times per battle how does that work three times oh before attack okay so if it attacks loads you get loads of gold got it holy crap we got a big one we got a big boy Tess gifted 10 Subs cheers Point happy 2023 um oh look I got some trumpets I have some trumpets boost oh that dog beat my dog can I beat a wolf and some pigs and a monkey I don't think so all right nice another victory um right okay so we got chocolate do I want to I don't know what leveling up a cuttlefish will do I can actually see can't I uh cuttlefish level two give the last two enemies Inc okay so what does ink do uh attack and ability deal three less damage oh that could be quite good actually let's do it so then we get the Patera daradon uh if it was a faint pet well that's a faint pet um it works twice okay so that's pointless for that any good faint ones I mean like I'd love to sub in six pigs but they wouldn't fit so maybe I won't use that one um friend ahead faint still okay nothing that good there if I'm honest Silver Fox don't think I want you do I want the Flying Fish instead of the poison dart frog I feel like I might what do you reckon guys says what are you doing you're distracted me all right I definitely want you no shark spindle trumpets oh no I want to save trumpets I want the thing don't I don't know what to do now let's just roll right there's another Bulldog I'll freeze you what's a potato I got I got no time I got no time cuttlefish freeze oh man this is stressful this is really stressful I should probably should have done like a test around before I did 64 player because I got no time to read anything anyway we are off against these guys Castle fish doing the business a little bit yeah come on snail no it's a big boy again what's going on Tess stop it get wrecked me a thousand Bitties are gonna lose I'm gonna lose he's got pigs well I've got pigs and a monkey in your face mate oh no he's got stronger pigs than mine oh they're way stronger than mine and his dog's pretty strong come on dog yes dog get in we won oh man Cottage um oh the doctor 606 sorry I knewish for returning or returning here watched a lot of the YouTube content great stuff thing for the content cheers dude glad you enjoyed Tess you gifted so much and cheering all the cheers and all tomato damage to the Last Enemy before attacking oh interesting um anyway Bulldog you go on there cuttlefish you go on there shall I flying fish I might fly in fish so tell you flying fish there what does onion move to the back in when in the front what why would you want that I don't understand or another flying fish decent um so the Flying Fish to the summoned enemies it gives attack and experience uh could be good for the wolf I've done about everyone else they well what is that Cobra I'm gonna freeze it and try and read it next time oh and a German Shepherd of that as well I want them all friend ahead attacks oh I don't know what I want I don't know what I want Cobra could be good could actually be good now the tasty muffins look at that background I feel like they know what they're doing and I really don't look how many trumpets they've got already that thing at the front is ripping through me oh no right come on Pig Hey where's the monkey there it is there it is oh it's a 60 let's hit point six shot my Pig's got wrecked the pigs actually got wrecked oh that's a big dog [Music] way bigger than my dog oh oh we lost our life that was our first life we've lost sort of we lost one early on but we did get it back um right pretzel I'll give that to probably you I think I want you to be hence don't I I don't actually know if I do is the Bulldog that good actually I don't know a friend ahead attacks so maybe oh that gives six Health behind that's quite good actually maybe I don't want these do I swap the snail for the cobra I don't think I want you I got no I got no room for you Alsatian sorry mate I might oh do I swap the snail that's what snail for Cobra I don't know I'll roll once more all bananas bananas I feel like bananas are better than cherries right I might give oh I don't know right let's unfreeze okay bro I've I've done that I've sacrificed a dog for a monkey is that wise don't know yeah I feel like the snail was good early on plus six isn't that much although this team does look a bit easier the big hands that's a big Outlook that is a big ant anyway boots oh no look at that snail hey why don't the monkey get left oh no I lost my flying fish I lost my flying fish super dog didn't last very long how's the horrible little slug creature anyway boots we won two pigs remaining noise all right only two people haven't lost lives yet oh look at this we're gonna level up boost what is that Gainer trumpet for each two Health this has oh [Music] trumpets are good I don't know what I wanted [Music] um I feel like I want the highland cow but I don't know where to put it do I just want to level these guys I like I like the wolf with the pigs get rid of the snail do you think it might be time to get rid of the snail Snail out Highland Cowan so yeah let's just try and level up what we have now so pretzel to you because that's two and two and then don't know about any of you guys piss of bread give one uh game 15 Health win her so that would be good on the Bulldog right because that'll give it attack yeah sorry Cherry you're being replaced oh I don't have enough gold they have enough gold um one more row let's freeze the pretzel catfish oh there's so there's so many animals I don't know what they do oh chat agreed that snail should go as well all right oh they've only got four they've only got four is that good or bad 16 blooming trumpets how did you get them oh they've got a cow as well oh they got a cobra oh go on dog go on dog all right there we go here we go monkey versus gorilla who are gorilla once massively okay we lost we lost oh look at that dog 18 18. right down to three lives not ideal um I feel like we have a plan mate so we're gonna give pizza bread to you so it used to be nice and strong now we'll then give a pretzel to you wait shut up bite Jake I didn't I did lose actually I was about to say I didn't lose but I very much did um I'm just gonna roll and hope I get something that I already have oh man this isn't what is that an oyster cell gained three gold pointless they're all chocolate we like chocolate oh and another whoa yeah that will level up my wolf oh and a banana I could give banana to my highland cow success that is Another Monkey and we love a monkey around here um yeah I need to I need to level up my fish actually he's a bit weak why do I have so much time now I was like rushing through that I got 30 seconds remaining yeah let me go see if I did I miss anything what did D for dubstate any plans to play satisfactory ever the devs mentioned during the stream recently and the community wants a bridge review um I have streamed satisfactory a few times it's one of those games though that takes like so much time like it's prop time sync and as a YouTuber you sort of you don't really want that for a game not when you're doing like daily content anyway I'm oh no no I lost all my pigs I lost all my pigs I definitely lost all my pigs now oh we've been shafted they're spawning a 39.39 Golden Retriever as well oh dear we can't compete with that we cannot compete with that I got destroyed by that guy or girl right good news we got some wolves oh and a warthog oh [Music] all right level you up Bruce I'll station nice am I going to give monkey to highland cow I'm gonna freeze the bull um I can't believe I lost all my pigs last round that's actually upset me did my Bulldog work with the pita bread did that give it extra health I didn't really see if I'm honest um let's send a turn anyway Joe thank you for the sad Titanic oh what is that look how big his head is bird of paradise spend eight gold give all friends one-on-one oh man I always spend eight gold do I want that to level up everyone I don't know I don't know what I want I don't know what I want yeah how many people are remaining oh I don't know we're into battle was that the last battle was that the last battle I think that's the last battle yeah I didn't mean to do that skip so now we're in the new battle sorry my bad I pressed the wrong button right the alert monks oh they look Hench they've got that bird as well the bird of paradise oh no that is so henched oh monkey what you got what you got for us monkey nothing oh man we're getting annihilated annihilated come on pigs come On Monkey boots space Oh we might actually might have this we might have this oh no I forgot about that dog oh we're in a bad place this could be it how many people are remaining well not that many not that many all right anyway what do we do here we need we need some health so let's wolf it up got another banana should I banana the Flying Fish just as a bit of a backup [Music] um yes I guess I don't think I can do much else all right there's another wolf freezer in case we don't die I'm not very confident though five friendly attacks still six damage to two random enemies oh that's quite good let's say well that'd be good at the back that would be good at the back oh yeah yeah too late too late anyway we got pita bread there's the Cobra as well probably should have kept the Cobra similar to the snake of the main game um anyway and return I think I think this is it I think this is it first time I see this game I must admit this is confusing you're telling me I paid like a hundred hours and I'm still confused oh we have got shafted by the tasty muffins that is a hint team come On Monkey oh no monkeys everyone got annihilated boosh right we took out the first it's got 41 health no chance yeah that's it that is it that was funny right a little bit so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven I came twelfth twelfth out of 64 eh not too bad right uh congrats to Bob Ross squirrel still five he hasn't lost a heart so fair play um yeah wolf ain't great is it and I should probably have a look at the pack actually see what would be good to go with because uh this shows you like everything so what did I get shafted by I didn't really see like there was so much going on I didn't actually see what was murdering me I feel like silk moth is pretty good but like it's not that it gives up to nine health Brenda it's all about synergies isn't it it's all about synergies [Music] oh your Bulldog didn't get the 15 Health from the from the pit bread didn't it is that because they got like one hit killed so I think if it got hurt it should have used it but maybe it didn't [Music] um do you guys want to go again should we start another round [Music] with the same pack so we'll call this one um three pigs so if you want to join go on private and type in three pigs he can play against me and other other viewers I think the trumpets if you if you just leave like if you gain trumpets throughout a round I think the the pet before your last one a golden retriever spawns with the stats of how many trumpets you have I think [Music] I think there's like other ones that like use up trumpets but uh yeah go on mate Joe I believe in you I have no clue what's going on when I watch so no way I could compete I tell you what I bet if he does play you'll like win now now he said that slurp a drink um shall I say we'll get to like 40 people there's still like it's like 12 people playing foreign please [Music] probably didn't work with the music in the background oh we're up to 43. yeah exactly it's about the taking part it's not about the winning said like a true architect [Music] do you like playing bass I like slapping the Beast oh Matt re-read that [Music] it's not about taking part it's about the winning there you go that's uh he's not an architect after all fair play fair play prove me wrong no it's about BC super Budd were you were you in that round [Music] I didn't actually see you in there favorite basis Davey 504 of course no I tell you what actually now actually are probably as a YouTuber but um the basis that uh db504 got into the job if you know what I mean birth rude I can't remember his name do you know who I mean [Music] it's official I'm hashtag not an architect congrats Charles Charles Birthright I don't know what his last name is it's like it's it's a weird word in the nicest possible way he's freaking sick at beastly honestly like unbelievable and I don't know if he's in the band I doubt he is I think he started as a uh like a Fiverr bassist oh yes Bertha do the roof aloof I was pretty close I reckon anyway always drunk to win cheers for gifting a sub 12 minutes okay sorry mister I was in the zone there and Charles CC thank you for the sub 16 minutes ago he was I need to not ignore my my followers sorry everyone I was in the zone though in the zone of losing [Music] rate the Seinfeld intro bass riff out of five four and a half I actually I don't I haven't heard it I don't think Seinfeld is like a thing over here I think we have like neighbors and Coronation Street and EastEnders obviously Godzilla cheers for the sub very convy as the guitarist and bassists my favorite basis is the guy from Red Hot Chili Peppers yeah he's good flea is it the old slap at the base would you mean you've never heard it you uncultured swine we have like I was about to say decent programs oh here we don't I don't know I've just never heard it I don't think it's like a British thing but I think is it probably has but I'm gonna say I don't think it's ever aired over here I just got a red hot Chili's hat for Christmas nice [Music] they're um I haven't actually heard their new album they released one the other month week didn't they [Music] how many instruments do you play I play guitar bass and drums I can like I can do you guess what the only tune I can play on piano is it's quite a weird one would be uh the only song I can play what do you mean two a bass is not a guitar they're different instruments they definitely count yes through the fire and the flames though yes um it's Tubular Bells you know the um the like horror dude was it from The Exorcist or something like that yeah the only reason I can play that is because um I had to play it like school or something I did a guitar cover of it as well got a certificate for that not bad year 9 music [Music] anyway 60 plate we need two more come on people two of you want to get destroyed by my golden retriever don't you surely uh it caps out at 64 unfortunately so we're not gonna get 69 yeah Rashi is the other one I learned as well but it's a bit boring that one one more person steamed Arrow oh yeah of tier three as well you crazy bastard sorry for calling you a bastard are you crazy person will you play as cheap labels I I tell you what if we can get a keyboard like app I'll do it I'll search for one now hang on keyboard browser now after afterwards we'll do afterwards I got animals pick right I feel like stay was decent early game Magpie was a waste e possum give one random faint pet in the shop oh I don't understand these right another snail I might silk them off something so I'll do that I'll freeze you then we'll end our turn I can actually pick my name this time so I'm gonna be the oh what would comedic pants look like would they be like crotchless or is that just weird is that not comedic is that just like sexy smooth pants I'm sorry I'm comedic pants oh there we go [Music] oh man it's so freaky there we go we were we were actually playing it there that was that was me on my on my keyboard in front of me hey cheers night Jake I'll give you my rendition afterwards oh has it broken don't say it's broken one person we're waiting for I hope it hasn't broken see what whilst doing that I'm gonna look for there you go Virtual Piano I don't know how to do two hands though oh it's got it does actually have stuff hang on we need right we need to battle we need to battle we must come back to Tubular Bells someone remind me afterwards oh it's a draw it's an early draw dude there was a comedic pants guy on America's Got Talent last year interested all right snail I reckon you go I don't know where I want you to go to what is that applied tamarin something about trumpets don't know all two magpies a goose shove a goose up there oh it made a noise um do I give an apple to something I'm gonna give an apple to the silkworm so that when friend ahead is hurt it gives them one Health so it could be good for something that does something when it's hurt if you know what I mean yeah we're still waiting for one person to get no one up all right comedic pants Oh versus the hard socks Battle of the clothing items what is that what is that a groundhog but oh the groundhog is ripping me up all right here we go oh no oh it's a draw it's another draw cannibal either socks equal pants yeah I don't know why their sock is hard that is gross oh look at the snails uh friends summoned if in battle give it three Health oh that would be good for a summoning build um so do we have a faint friend no we don't all right let's just stack some snails and what have we got there faint gain one gold on next turn okay so we can sell you and then you're better so I might get you but you're there friends some do we have a summoning thing yet I don't think we do do we no so tell you what I might just buy another snail freeze that oh God I'm running out of time oh there you go that is could have the lizard we could have the lizard because it's a uh it's a summoning and a hurt so hurt behind that one this could be a good combo this could be a good combo all right comedic Pants versus the nasty mushrooms that's what your comedic pants cover up right okay there's Carnage going on I don't even understand what's happening die snail all right they've got Trumpets on the gate which could hurt us or not look how strong that weasel thing is what even is it I don't know what it is we want it says oh it's a weasel nice all right let's do that and then we'll do that and then we'll sell that okay so that was a that was a good bit of stacking there so now we want I think we want the lizard there and the snail in front and then if I get rid of the goose we can put you at the back because that gives summoned things three health and this lizard it's when it's hurt it summons a 2-1 lizard tail so that will be a two four lizard tail and then when it's hurt as well this gives it health so that's good now the start battle that gives it health anyway so it's going to have lots of health so it should get hurt more without dying does that make any sense on my talking Rolex dunny um let's give a cherry to you because then we're gonna have a little what's it called the not Dalmatian the Golden Retriever how do we get Dalmatian modeled up with that um so we can see how everyone else is getting on how many people have oh man loads of people have five oh there's some people with three unlucky quite a few with five quite a few of the Bulldog interesting I'm talking like I know like what these animals do now I really don't but there's six six weasel at the front pretty proud of that the blatant bell towers all right come on Weasel oh they got a lot of synergy going on their thing just died at the front is it gonna come back but what even I understand what happened there's the tail so it's a 2-4 tail so weird it's got a hat on right tier three pets unlocked decent um faint remove five Health from the first enemy that's not bad hey Paddy all right boy hang on I Gotta Give powder a thing basket good boy good boy bad all right here we go right so what we're doing we're doing another cherry on the snail I reckon can you hear Patty like chewing away ASMR um I quite like my team actually I might just see it so lettuce that will hang on what tier are we we're tier three or any of my pets tier three the weaselers that will level up the weasel might give you some health spend 12 gold I have 12 gold you mad I think I want to keep my team as it is I might get rid of the snail at some point yeah so no point really doing the lettuce because I only get one one things let's roll okay more cherries I'll tell you what I'm gonna give Cherry to the lizard so I think we get like a six six uh golden retriever so not bad better than a kick in the balls as they say yeah first of all 69 cheers for the sub by the way I saw a one-legged man wait what I saw one legged man at the ATM he was checking his balance oh dear terrible absolutely terrible but quite good um oh I think we smashed this one sorry dog you are out of there cause look at this tape oh the tail got annihilated by the dog oh that was quite close we had our dog six nine dog nice oh look at that fish spend two trumpets to give the nearest friend behind plus six health oh that already gives it four oh I don't know what to do I don't know what to do two damage before attacking what now that's pointless roll oh there we go the flying fish is it better to flying fish than sea turtle three health or one attack and one experience I feel like the one experience is actually really good because I think it it does everything see I'm gonna get rid of the seater so controversial but flying fish is going in um enemy summoned oh that would be good as well deal two damage to one random enemy and get oh it's only two damage now I think I think the fish was better than what we had before I think uh let's roll there you go silk moth we'll try and level that up that to there one more roll freeze the weasel freezer snail cherries might leave the chair I could I could Cherry the silk moth I think I'll leave it though Bend one trumpet to give the first enemy ink hmm I think we're good I think we're good all right the bumbling baboons they look quite strong right snail is down decent big boosh boosh we're still alive you are not that is quite a henched dog I just threw an egg at me not ideal hey come on tail say oh die I need to I need to make my lizard a bit stronger um I think we've won still because our dog's pretty henched now yeah that experience really helps Ed Joe Franco the first cheers for the cheer what's the difference between an electrician and a chemist ask them to pronounce ah Union unionized right hang on sorry sorry I've just I've been interrupted because I got a all right we'll do that banana onto the silk moth I guess that's not too late is it oh Castle fish it's so strong I am going to ignore though I'm gonna do that and then just two rolls to try and get something decent look at that the double eggplant love to see it uh not really not like that you know what I mean um another oh none of them that good none of them are that good but they are good they're just not what I wanted if you know what I mean and turn see you later herbal dumps I'll try to have a nice stream thank you how long have we been streaming an hour and 15 minutes noise yeah we had a question as well are you full-time on YouTube or do you still work as an NGO I'm full-time on YouTube and I have been for like quite a while now like a year and a year and a few months so over a year so thank you everyone that supported massively appreciate it best job ever I will not like right boots come on snail Boosh look at us collecting trumpets the tail is so Random it's so Random another tail is coming out and he gets buffed up is I feel like the silkworm thing is like buffing it as well is that what's happening yeah I'm not well I am technically still a real civil engineer I just don't do it professionally any more you can take the engineer out the job but not the job out of the engine I don't know I'll let you be the job the job oh let you be the judge of that so friend a head hurts so does that mean not directly ahead oh no or is it just giving I think it's just giving I swear like the tales are coming out stronger than are they just three one lizards I feel like they're stronger than that don't know best roll anyway what have we got uh uh nothing great really oh this is great though this is great cone snail Boosh that's given us a fox so you could get up to three gold if we buff him could be good actually he might freeze that um weasel so if you faint tell you what I could oh look at that could get rid of the weasel should I get rid of the weeds again two gold on next turn but those I could gain three gold I assume more if I level it up because they'll be similar that's eight and eight I think it'll be a similar sort of range it'll cost me like quite a few coins though I've gone snail go on snail look at the Tails so yeah the tails are four and two so it's been leveled up by something I don't really know what Yes Monkey oh that's so good right we still gotta fight right with one of three people that hasn't lost their life yet decent yeah let's level up the lizard oh look there's the other Fox okay so we'll sell the weasel and then we're gonna Silver Fox it up because that's gonna level up as well let's give us a warthog give random friends one-on-one for every three attack this has all okay oh is that quite good I don't know anyway I want to freeze the banana and probably give that to the silver fox um before attack came two gold on next turn I tell you what I need to like make that stronger that could be some fat gold fat gold the that's not garlic that's onion it moves to the back when in the front I don't know why you'd want that there's got to be some situation where it's useful but not now potato take 10 less damage from oh any from abilities so not great yeah sea lion give friends so that just Buffs either side fire ant give this pet attack to a random friend well there's a lot going on there's a lot going on yeah the hard hats are good aren't they I'm very P I did actually someone made a mod for me um to have these hard hats but um then the game actually added them so these are legit now right I feel like my main attack is like these four the guy at the front he's just there for like I mean look at him he's cute many ways there and hopefully we can get some gold out of him as well if he can attack twice that's for gold quick maths um why is it stopped come on opponents why has it stopped it bear not have Frozen that's all I'm saying it better not have Frozen Should I ever look at how everyone else is doing but only two other people have five lives we're doing good they're only they only have four people in that team I think that monkey does something because they also have a monkey like if there's one less person yeah look everyone with that monkey only has four people I guess it's gotta be quite good because that person hasn't lost a life I'm worried this has crashed oh it spawns an 88 gorilla [Music] pretty good I'm really worried this is dead oh F4 refreshes oh does it all right go to the menu come back in okay return to main menu return to verses no it's dead could be dead I know I was finally doing good as well oh this game hates me um foreign is anyone that's playing this like playing or has it crashed for everyone I mean I'm willing to be patient since I am doing well it's crashed it's stuck for everyone oh what a bomb oh that's so annoying that's so annoying the comedic pants were onto something I swear oh oh someone's doing terrible they're like yeah let's just restart oh no someone else and Dom is are you and is that you a m n Dom yeah he's also a Fiverr he says we wait oh gaming merch of her you were destroyed by me that's embarrassing that's embarrassing um shall we all be winners that's I was actually on to a good team there um yeah I think we have to restart our Dutch chungus sorry parade um you've just joined as we've crashed game's dead it's a super Auto pets but they're just super stuck pets right now I think servers are actually brown bread so do we start another one a cheeky new one play Minecraft instead yeah I think this is it we're gonna have to um game tips pets with higher attack will trigger their ability before Oh interesting well I was actually doing I was doing so well though I hadn't lost a heart yet look I'm first out of all these people I'm first right okay I think if we all agree I won yeah I won I won yeah okay I won let's start again oh here we go again we go again chat we go again create private um I want thank you night Joe yes thank you very much well deserved I'm taking it back I'm not taking bow because my stomach's still really really is in bits but I'm mentally taking a bow and I'm earning this very long Applause [Applause] that ended quite weirdly yeah if you wanna if you want to play along um go into private join game I won I should put RC one because now you all think that you won I mean we did all win what's the point of winning if you're not winning yeah what's your most embarrassing moment what in life embarrassing mate I don't have many embarrassing moments because I'm like almost perfect um foreign ever ah that's a toffee actually [Music] just embarrassing moment I tell you what I sort of I have like a memory from like primary school I was probably really embarrassed that time now I don't really care because I was like a kid like whatever but um I remember being in PE and like we had to wear like we wore like a white PE kit so I had like a white little polo shirt and white little shorts um and we were sat in like the gym hall or whatever on the floor and then um like I think the teachers stood up we were all like sat on the floor and then like everyone's sort of like scuppered away from me like around like left a wide berth around me I was like what's going on I looked down there was like yellow on the floor like water I was like oh no I I went to like get away from it I realized I was like too late like everyone else saw it before I did when to like move away from it and then I sort of realized it was coming from me I'd wet myself [Music] yeah that was pretty embarrassing foreign [Music] physical education yeah I was 24 at the time not ideal yeah so I guess that was pretty embarrassing yeah personal trousers no not trousers Pittsburgh shorts is there a problem that's a great name by the way Sarah problem because I said Sarah problem but everyone heard is there a problem nice foreign PE and I peed and that's when I decided to become an engineer ah yeah I feel like like now I'm not embarrassed about at all but I imagine at the time I was probably like the most embarrassing moment I feel like kids always pee themselves when they're younger do they I don't know I'm trying to think of any other embarrassing I actually I should save that for another question I was your second most embarrassing moment I want to give you guys like free stuff [Music] no everyone's telling their P stories now see it's not embarrassing if like everyone's got a p story or is it it might be [Music] um 58 Players let's get to 64 players I reckon we can do it oh no you got all the questions was your second most embarrassing moment balls I literally don't know um it's weird that I say I don't know because I am like a person that gets quite embarrassed like I feel like when I was in like Secondary School like I'd always like you know like when you're embarrassed like you get like a red face I feel like I was one of those person oh I got another question what's your third most embarrassing move oh man foreign yeah I feel like blushing is like embarrassing like it's more embarrassing than the thing you're embarrassed about is that right is that fair I think that's fair another question what's your fourth most embarrassing me I don't know I don't even know what my second is oh now I'm embarrassed that I don't I can't remember my embarrassing moments I like engine in my brain to like remove the embarrassing moments oh I've got one um I gave suited bird a compliment once I was like I was really embarrassed about it for some reason I know I get pretty embarrassed when people ask who I edit I'm such a love that was pretty good though ah super bad suited bad right here we go are we going with snail again what's the possum do yeah let's get the possum let's get the snail let's roll let's get the the groundhog gains one trumpet early on that could be good oh that does have see I could give I could give that food and then not waste it because I get a free one back should I do that or should I trump it so one and one try one one trumpet could be better actually I'm gonna try and trumpet it up this time um we're gonna be the miss-shaped no we're not the submissive poets oh poet submissive I guess so we'll find out egg oh I should have got the egg team name I did Crooked hard hat unfortunately you can't you can't pick your name but not like pick it pick it it's like oh I should have put the snail in a different place although although I think we're good yeah super dog to the rescue we gotta win in your face [Music] what's in your browser's history no one should see that yeah it's quite embarrassing actually um spend one trumpet to deal two damage to a random enemy oh we could do that just play about with trumpets for a little bit so I could put you at the start and then that so I gain a trumpet and then I do too damaged I've run out of time run on time um that and then that I guess oh that was Carnage I I don't know if I did that right I don't know what happened there I don't know what happened um I need to oh by the way thank you and um am and then Dom thank you for the sub very very kind of you sir um let's hope we both do as well as we did last time in this round but I'm actually I'm doing okay I think still got five have you still got five I don't know I don't know I don't have time so now I've only got a minute oh gazelle Kane won one attack until end of battle per extra gold I could spend ten I could just not spend anything and be like Hench I could actually do that just not spend anything just get gazelles and don't spend money should I do that or is that stupid that extra I could literally should I do it I'm gonna do it sod it so I will stack the possums up right wait is that a faint is that a faint notice or so this is so it does sound crazy and it might work so buy one obviously this round we're gonna waste it [Music] um oppose do I sell that if so I sold the snail all right so that's gonna gain five and five both of them are I put that one at the front some reason this could work it sounds dumb yeah I agree could work let's see how much they level up wait what why is that five of what I thought I was meant to add five and five foreign level up now maybe it levels up now what what just happened what just happened okay I'm selling both of them I don't even care what they do that was such a waste summon one level oh man I've wasted this completely extra gold on top of the 10. do you reckon that's what it's meant to be oh so I could have kept oh oh I'm annoyed now I'm literally annoyed are we what tier are we in tier two is it I don't know I'll sell both of them next time um paint spend one trumpet as a lizard again well thank you three trumpets should I try and go trumpet build so we've got I feel like the lizard tail is actually pretty decent so do we have a faint yeah so let's sell you get you involved somehow this is a terrible team oh I proper this right we're gonna have a load of trumpets so it might work I need to I need to move you forward a bit oh what a waste oh someone someone's piped up first time chatter did I just win against RCA yeah I didn't know what was going on I got done by the game they used words incorrectly I thought it was going to be gold left over that it oh look at this guy with his backward caps that dog does actually look really cool and the and the groundhog oh we're getting shafted I've wasted a goat I'm never gonna win go on dog oh oh we're in trouble [Music] um this might be a short round [Music] right come on pied Tamarind oh look a snail oh no slug it's not snail slug one trumpet to deal two damage to two random enemies oh oh so if I had avocado those things up then it would be good because that would be six and six oh I'm an idiot I should have kept them right would that have actually been good um anyway I'm gonna sell you and then see what we oh hello enemy summoned oh so that summons two and I tell you what let's sell that what is what do you do faint give nearest friend oh that's good four and two that's all good I might get rid of the groundhog leave you there get a slug involved put you behind the slug what do you do spend a trumpet on something deal two damage okay this might this might work um let's make you stronger let's make you stronger I don't really have much Choice I've run out of time that was I was probably really bad we'll see what happens oh man honor just said you weren't good at this game I am good at this game did you not see last round I won I won the entire thing say oh look here we go here we go that is a strong bird that is a strong bird we got trumpets now we got a slug and this is where it's going to come into its own this build we spawn that slug and then that slug and the thing at the back is doing damage to everyone sort of and there's our dog we got a win in your faces in your faces chat even though I skipped a turn sort of um I might give an egg to that fish at the front just for the Bands there we go uh spend 12 gold and that ground I got rid of my groundhog didn't I yeah okay oh there you go pie Tamarind could use the flying fish oh should I flying fish my things no do I get oh that's like that's like five trumpets that's a lot of trumpets oh hurt gained two trumpets should I try and trumpet build how do I trumpet build this I have no idea how to trumpet build this um I should probably level you up I think I need to sell like the slug or that thing so I just get rid of that thing I'm gonna get rid of that thing and shove that in so that gets two and four and then when that's hurt yeah that's good that's good yeah I'm gonna go something like that that might be good I wasted the coin I wasted the coin we haven't really done a trumpet build so I'm intrigued to see how they work oh I know oh we take more damage now Road trumpet oh we don't gain trumpets if we faint not ideal boost come on come on oh that dog's stronger than my dog oh we lost no did we didn't it's a drawer yes we won little snail for the win oh that was so close that was so close all right tier four pets unlocked um do we want any of them oh friend faints gain one trumpet that could be good with the slug although slugs at the back all right I'm going to ignore that I'm gonna ignore that one um let's give a cherry to you I basically I need to make this guy Hench somehow because we are trying to get trumpets in a big way I just need to level up everyone um oh faint gain 50 trumpets that could be good like near the back maybe instead of that guy because what's that three two-ish maybe you're not the best I don't know oh you might be the best now level you up octopus by give a friends one and one oh I don't know what to do freeze you I might freeze you and then just buy a load of stuff what do you do faint game trumpets so okay okay we ran out of time do I sell the played Gibbon thing yeah this game's all about the trumpets now foreign we are we are doing like a trumpet build it's not usually Trumper trumpalicious because I like to call it but um we are going for it we got two trumpets that's too much boost two more doesn't matter [Music] oh and a banana we've got a cheeky banana um do I give the banana to the slug because then it's just yeah then it's just like a hardcore it's just spawning stuff for the fun of it right I'm thinking get rid of the pie Tamarind and then buy like these two just to because these are two damage to two random enemies at the end that good I don't think it is so buy that nice and we'll buy that nice then we'll roll and then we'll sell that and then what's the best one to go here and turn give one random friend from current shop dear is that level four so I think that would just level up my slug or am I better off doing a cuttlefish cuttlefish or baboon quick chat you got 25 seconds or the moth or I could roll I haven't seen baboon so I'll roll with the baboon oh then I could African penguin it oh I'll I'll save you the next time do that oh look there's that guy oh it's gonna freeze the oh I was gonna freeze the gazelle and then do the avocado as well oh you got the baboon so slug is leveled up it's like a it's like a reverse monkey isn't it oh they've switched my team I think that's okay though um we are strong we are strong boost in your face dog oh now it's a strong dog as a strong dog we're not safe oh we might be safe come on slug come on slug yes dog decent [Music] right so we're on to tier five scoop poops [Music] game party what let's try and level you up that is some more trumpets so do I sell the baboon for that now or do I keep it good because we got up to tier five right so baboon's useless so yeah let's do that um let's roll I guess so we'll sell you we need something just for one round basically so you're useless um because I assume that's give this pets attack to one is that give it or like replace it oh I don't know what to do I don't know what to do activate fate ability your nearest enemy behind so who you think I don't think I want to do that do I oh goodness oh goodness run out of time um what do you do spindle trumpets do I saw it we're going to spend all trumpets I don't know if I wanted to do that oh I should have I should have got that I should have got that the antelope hello Matt hello unexpected goose oh man my team got shafted there not ideal seven damage right is out is out I think we might be okay oh they got the wolf with the pigs that is a lot of pigs we're good you oh somehow I'm still in this somehow wow we got some we've got some stilts so you go in before attack spend six trumpets to gain a coconut perk that could be worth doing um another still faint so again there's six Trump yeah let's try and level that up oh nothing else to do um I might get rid of the nurse shark I'm a bit worried it's spending all my stuff little hot chocolate chocolate um All Right freeze chocolate let's do that and then we're gonna have trumpets for days afterwards uh do I want the nurse shark yeah the nurse shark did do 18 damage last round but it did it to like a random thing I don't know is it better than the dog would you reckon nurse shark or I don't think I want you shock in last position no I think because all the trumpets are gone if it's the last position because they get spent on the dog right isn't that how that works like if the if the sharks at the last and there's no trumpets left because the dog spawned I feel like dogs better but it might not be I don't know who knows someone knows I don't know get some trumpets we've got some Trumpets on the gate so 14 . so boost see it did it to the it did it to the blooming dog and it was already like dead I think I gotta get rid of that shark that shark's me good to unfreeze that sell the shark um right what can we do here probably nothing I'm going to level up you and see what the oh it's another one of those okay nine trumpets all the trumpets um or tell you what if I just have a little look so level two spend six trumpets to gain coconut perk well it works twice okay I don't think I want coconut yeah let's just keep rolling they see me rolling thank give random friends one-on-one could I could just gain more trumpets should I do that should I just shove one of those in getting some extra trumpets like why not sounds like a laugh to me oh I could do that spend eight gold give all friends attack I might get you next time if I'm honest spend one gold to activate by ability all right is there a buy bye bye bye bye bye oh oh Bulls are wasted three coins I wasted three coins can you name the pets sure if you want to I don't think in game you can whoa how did they come down you know jet packed in oh they killed my slug at the end and it was a monkey slug as well right we should oh man we've been slaughtered we've been slaughtered yeah we're in a bad place we're in a bad place that's a loss they are overpowered swimmers big time [Music] right let's sort this team out we can't take another loss we cannot take another loss should I sell this thing sacrifice trumpets for the bird of paradise so now I've just got to spend gold so I'll give it a banana um I might get rid of the egg and swap it for pita bread um because I don't know how to spend my money either way or can I just roll yeah I can just roll okay cool um I don't know what I want should I just try and level stuff up oh there you go decent I like that I may as well Apple someone hey what does tomato do uh nothing okay who should I level up a little bit probably you I think okay this could work this could work maybe I hurt going to Trumpets yeah so we're sort of we're relying on our dog I think but I don't know we'll see what happens The Trumpets They sort of they summon a when you get when you have four well when you're down to your last character you spend however many trumpets you have and they go towards a like a golden retriever who has those stats so if you have 12 trumpets it's a 12-12 golden retriever and but then there are like other animals that spend Trumpets on stuff as well so look we got two trumpets now every time this guy gets hurt we get two and this guy faints we get nine I think we've got 13 15 and then he spawns so that's 15-15 there he is um we got a slug and a monkey decent whoa that was close that was close oh look at this chocolate chock lot there's also banana I like I like banana I might swap the banana with that egg sounds like a plan to me uh who shall I chocolate then who do you want to level up next now what does a slug do so slug when it's higher level where where a slug there is oh so just more stats oh that could be good maybe should I give it to the slug oh yeah freeze yeah freeze that see if we get any other pets um we didn't well that's good they guinea fowl Breezy we spent the eight coins so they all level up a little bit oh there's a slug we can do the slug next time as well I'll hand you oh we could do that to level three so when that faints what does that give us 12 and 6 to the enemy behind Beast um oh man we got we got subs and questions sorry uh what do we have we have sub from real Montana Williams I've been so lost I've been so lost since they released the First new set of characters the RMA I don't usually play new characters by enjoying this packley bit different a leaf Devourer cheers for the sub three cheese 26 months yay sap she says um I think we got this one in the bag thankfully and then we've got a question do you have a favorite building or structure to be honest most bridges I like I like a bridge who doesn't like a bridge all right boost boost I'm Gonna Roll once just in case oh look it's the it's another chocolate and another bird oh what do I level up I should probably level up something right I'll do the fish oh the Seven Bridge is pretty terrible if I'm honest or the second one do you mean the the original or the newer one the Prince William Harry whatever it's called not a fan of that one Old One's pretty cool looking right okay I think this is our it's our team for now I wonder that fat bird is that spend eight gold I'll give two and two should level that one up really so yeah I think you get leveled up next because two and two to everyone every round is gonna be decent um would you rather question would you rather smooch tez for an hour sounds great or snuggle with tez for eight hours oh can I not combine I'd love to do both night Joe as a submissive poet can you give us some submissive though a submissive poem and well I'm not a submissive poet it's my animals that are submissive poets um so I can ask one of them uh Mr slug would you mind giving us a submissive poem same thing oh no that dog that dog's strong oh yes it's a draw it's a draw blooming out that was close [Music] I don't think the slug said anything sorry about Emmy right so bird goes in chocolate gets spent oh look at the dogs look at the dogs um shall I roll no another slug we got another slug boys and girls okay I'm gonna slug the slug nice two and two for everyone looking good yeah the next time we can level the slug up yeah I'm happy I'm happy I think we know what's going on we are slugging it up you are scamming your viewers shame on you how am I scanning them am I scamming them out of submissive poems I feel like he cops out on both of us what would well because I because I said I wanted smooch Tess and snuggle with him you're a Paddy point I don't I'm not I'm a I'm a man of numbers not words I can't do poems pick one all right all right all right I'm gonna snuggle with him for eight hours is that better is that better give a poem and buying oh yeah I didn't think of that one one zero one one zero zero zero one zero zero one zero one one one zero zero zero zero one one one one zero one one zero eight one is that good [Music] all right come on we got this oh that thing destroyed us what is that doing foreign he mullered us I don't even know what happened there we're not in a good place right okay okay oh man we're not a good we're not in good place right slug done right what do we do here what do we do it um We Roll and then do I have any level six animals I've got one I could give it one on one not ideal I think we just wrote we've got another slug freezer slug another roll nothing another roll nothing do I do the slug or do I try and get like another bird or another guinea fowl slug sure everyone's saying slug or one person said not slug are we all right we slugged oh because then we spent that okay decent two and twos all round all right let's end our turn oh man yeah Draco Dyers cheers for the sub dude all right look how weak they that team looks compared to mine better win they've got oh they got 26 trumpets oh 34. 40. I got two 42 40 something [Music] boosh right come on guys those are we've lost we're dead with brown bread we're out of it oh I feel like that bird actually let me down I don't know maybe it didn't yeah that guy that guy looked weak but um yeah I'll tell you what though one two three four five six seven eight nine ten I came twelfth again oh cheeky night Joe cheeky little farter um right well yeah that was supportive Pets the brand new golden pack yeah pretty good in my opinion I like Valance 43 cheers for the sub for a kind beat um quickly before we do anything let's just change and let's turn the music out I'll turn the music down thank you for the peeps keeps oh who I have missed who it was but thank you appreciate the poop scoops always um let me just how do I share my screen display capture all right there we go oh this is really hang on so I gotta work out what order to do this say Okay so [Music] um oh wait I can't I have to do a bit lower because I've got like all stops and see we're nearly there so oh I see [Music] why the wrong is it B hang on let me just B and I where is them there's them it's definitely M so [Music] doesn't sound right foreign [Music] I've forgotten it I tried YouTube oh dear emotional damage or is it is it C maybe it's I think it's that one isn't it there it is now this is really hard this is a lot harder than it looks thank you right anyways daddy yes Daddy indeed um shall we just the yes daddy shall we shall we read someone any suggestions I was uh I was opening twitch on myself I don't know where the game's gone the game's dead there it is there it is right who shall we who should we read you're out you're out tuned steam Barrow you try playing a keyboard on a keyboard now I'm trying to search for birthday again have you ever played a game called Tear Down yes check out my tear down playlist oh wow don't look at birthday don't look at birthday it's uh it's it's all boobs lots and lots of boobs uh anyone else I should I'll tell you what Nerd Cubed I love bit Nerd Cubed let's give him a raid I wonder if he's heard of me probably not I used to watch like so much nerdcubed when I was kid not a kid like a few years ago yeah go give them a raid um and I'll say peace love and super also pets thanks for joining first stream of the year um catch you guys next time bye now do the epilogue is there an epilogue [Music] a real civil engineer rated our Channel with 34 viewers I've literally just finished a game it's MC thermosis let's go [Music] oh there's an epilogue I'm literally at the very end point of a game oh it's so spoilers pick spoilers maximums oh so many first time chats oh my goodness oh my goodness we've been
Channel: Real Civil Engineer ARCHIVE
Views: 9,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: vPxSkIVGHq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 25sec (7525 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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