Dark Fantasy Colony Builder! - Gord [Demo]

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everyone want about here and welcome to gourd uh I'm assuming that's it I'm thinking of the actual plant but it is a dark fantasy RTS base Builder I'm curious to see how this goes it's giving me their billions Vibes but not really Valencia Groove under my roof my campaign to unite the south is almost over as we speak my son is directing our Army against the remaining forces of the Southern resistance once we're done there we shall take the North it's filled with all sorts of vile creatures but also rich in the gold that I need only a few barbaric tribes are desperate enough to inhabit these lands as my Stuart you will have one of them at your disposal the tribe of the Dawn secure the golden root before our army arrives I'm misery Edwin will watch your progress fail me and you will face a fate much worse than any of the Savages you've ever fought before as a very Witcher style intro the tribalodon was always a humble community of Dabo worshipers their Elder Bogdan is neither a warrior nor a strategist when the colanthians came with their threats and Promises they had no choice but to obey they agreed to guide them through the lazatian forest hoping for peace and survival it's a very Witcher Style universe and opening and music I'm assuming it's probably a major influence no wonder our King chose you for this mission you're more than worthy of this sting land oh we're in the right place where is that me cold coward who calls himself my Lord I am Bolton Elder of the tribe of the Dawn I will guide you through the lisatia woods but if I may where are your warriors [Music] the king's forces will come when the time is right until then we are your new Masters as pledged my Lord My Tribe will follow the orders of the king steward they are your people now I trust you will take good care of them we will if they do their do they find a place to set up a cap yes sir our Scouts have found a good spot for our first gourd a nearby Pond should provide enough Reeds and food to start a small settlement I really like the stylization for the characters upright controls settings play pause normal speed fast speed move camera rotate zooming in my Lord please order our subjects to move we should follow our Scouts footsteps we are not safe here and here you can see all of your living subjects with detailed information displayed on the portraits such as profession uh profession icon health bar at sanity bar and current modifiers select a subject it's like uh switch selection between okay reach the marked location I don't know okay so we don't have the advisor that was my main question let's just head over here [Music] unfortunately the character portraits are I think just literally their their face in 3D it's fine wolves those are the bodies of our Scouts there isn't much for us to bury but it seems like one got away with dabo's help he'll find his way back to us okay minimap gives you a top-down view of the surrounding terrain with all kinds of interactive objects the census view provides you with additional tactical information about your surroundings including highlighting enemies and interactive objects displaying sanity and Faith okay there's a lot of stuff here I'll try and make it work gain some gold could mere wolves kill our Scouts these foreign Lords won't work us to death uh okay the camera has kind of an interesting acceleration to it starts slow speeds up quickly combat enemies can have multiple attacks special abilities and Buffs so I may attack the closest subject of others focused on the weakest you use strategies subject professions items and strengths uh oh you strategies subject professions items and strengths to Prevail in battle unfortunately we are not particularly well suited for fighting wolves poor people and the Wolves just immediately get ready to be used herbs with medicinal properties oh I see let's walk over it actually looks like we're fine all right cool okay let's just run up here and start building our our city figure out what they actually can do later we've reached the Paul and our Scouts told us about it is indeed a fine location for a gourd we have access to water reeds and other resources here but first let's build a palisade these wooden walls will be the main defense of our new settlement okay panel shows the upper Mount reservaces ah let's see wood reed food play iron and gold also shows three main parameters gold Gorge growth Gord sanity and gord's faith okay each subject's basic upkeep is food prevents them from starving heavily influences their sanity which will be introduced later gold is required by military professions which is introduced later clay and iron are for upgrading structures also later the action menu gives you access to three things construction population and incantation the construction menu through the construction menu we can build new things population menu provides you a list of your subjects there's also a new birth progress bar so we can get more population slowly and that'll be later building progress pick the available structures from the command menu place it okay cool okay so for starters start building building a palisade [Music] uh q a to rotate the Palisade okay so in retrospect I'm going to rotate this up here is there a way uh puns cannot be near or inside okay it's gonna be a bit lumpy I think there we go like I said bit lumpy should be fine I like the dragging of nodes that's kind of a neat system okay name of our gourd or let us suggest one gourd perfect so build a palisade what else can we do we've got a bunch of trees in the area wait oh no we actually do have a decent amount of wood saved up I'm slightly regretting putting my gate here good the Palisade Will Keep Us Safe now we need to think of how to make use of the resources we have oh Donald fool this is just a minor stop on our way to the Cartographer he's waiting for us with instructions on how to reach the gold don't want to grow roots in this dump my Lord I promise we will move on as soon as we have fortified our current position for now I suggest building a lumber mill a forager's Hut and a battery lumber mill does sound useful fine then but be quick about it Stuart okay so build a lumber mill let's see anyway easy to line it up yeah got it what else can we do can't do anything with that can we build anything else the answer is no lumber mill and lumber mill only I put my Gateway over here with the expectation oh gosh it's like leading right into a rock okay professions determine what adults can and can't do to switch a subject's profession order them to a relevant structure with the available work slot their gatherer they'll automatically begin Gathering if the desired resource is available in the visited part of the map so we need a somebody wheat fire farmer [Music] okay Scouts foreign worker I'm just gonna put them on the lumber mill for the time being [Music] okay there's our Scout we might as well have our Smith and our I'm assuming this is a hunter [Music] well we're probably not gonna have wheat mess around with here unfortunately I don't think I can do anything else so I guess we're just gonna start Gathering wood where's the gate okay so the gate doesn't exactly go out into the midst of stuff but that's fine [Music] okay so we need a forager's Hut before I can do anything with that but we'll have to we'll have to wait until these characters are done with the palisade Wall but I mean it makes sense okay londonerville has been built it's gonna just take a little while let's speed this up a little bit because I think they're just going to hit trees I wish it would let me work on other things in parallel having to wait specifically for the characters to finish with the lumber mill is a little on the Rough Side but we've got it okay so we have a thatchery that's used to process water cane into Reed [Music] I'll just put it there yeah I probably should have put the gourd a little bit further south to give myself a little bit of wiggle room maybe my guys can get around to the outside of this we'll see ah bonfire there red herbs and torches and some other things we could gather the deposits [Music] I'm just gonna have both of them work on that for the time being I only have five people so I'm just gonna pick whatever hopefully I can add another gate at some point to this because it'd be quite nice if I specifically had um like an extra door here I doubt I'm gonna get attacked on this side personally I almost kind of wish I could actually uh have an open back so that my Palisade opens up to the water um with like walls that kind of extend into it so most enemies can't go that direction boost or all question mark I guess it doesn't matter that much what is this positive modifiers Staying Alive access to Torchlight enough food my health others Health flare for fighting negative modifier unable to explore oiling blood access to Torchlight okay well sanity currently isn't a thing that we have to worry about I hope [Music] I suppose you people are used to starvation but I am not Stuart order these peasants to bring me some food sire if I may our people had some rations saved but we will run out soon we really need to start Gathering food okay subjects need to eat hungry people lose sanity quickly who can be obtained by certain professions through trading and found by exploring the level okay so we have a couple of things Thatcher forger height freeze kind of in the way we've run out of storage space for our wood we need to build or upgrade a storehouse okay let's have these two characters stop working on wood for the time being I mean yeah if we're if we're maxed on wood let's just have Bogdan work on that instead building and upgrading more versatile structures raises your gourd's growth reaching a certain level of growth unlocks new types of structures and allows it has more subjects yeah because if we're if we're capped on food then we we might as well go ER okay no we do we do have two uh for captain on wood we might as well go just absolute nuts on food thank you for providing us with food even though starvation won't make us bleed it will weigh heavily upon our subject's mental state if we neglect their sanity they will flee our rule in subordinates like that should be punishable by hmm in calandia we would give our soldiers some wine to calm their nerves before the battle my Lord we don't have wine here but we do pride ourselves on making a great drinking Mead need you say that doesn't sound too bad however the basic comfort of staying within the range of a Torchlight helps a lot in our sanity regeneration our Scouts can provide light to everyone venturing outside of the Palisade but I would recommend to build both amitery and Scouts Tower yes yes but let's start with the Meadery shall we okay there we go sending the level 3 anxious next level 500 the Gord sanity represents the average mental health of all the subjects under your rule it affects the pace at which new children are born most common gourd sanity influencing factors food supply Torchlight healthy Meadery burials subjects in darkness wounded subjects subject loss and Military not paid cool to recover sanity and avoid experiencing mental afflictions try using yellow herbs or a Meadery and also stand in light or near carvings kill enemies or receive rewards in quests or trade-off choices okay well first and foremost uh storehouse ah growth level 3 though for that one we might look at the meter rate do we want to just put it here it's pretty small I'm gonna put it along this edge here it's a little harder to get into but I might be able to jam another thing in this area I don't know how big my palisade Wall needs to be nor do I know how much I need to worry about space in general also gonna have one of these characters go back to lumberjacking I think [Music] Rock was maybe a bit of a mistake but whatever foreign I'll have them work on the meter and then I'll have them go back to lumberjacking or maybe I'll have them make need because I don't even know how many reads we're going to need All Things Considered I absolutely screwed up with this placement unfortunately the bird's eye view did not really count very well for rocks but at least now I know to look out for for the next time I just wish I could put more doors on personally it allows you to spot enemies in the Eternal Darkness it also prevents your subjects from losing sanity make sure they don't stay in the dark for too long okay you are going to build Scout Tower because I think she was our Scout prior our source of food has been depleted okay maybe we'll put the food away now it looks like we've got at least a little bit more not that I'm feeling particularly limited by food here okay I think we're going up insanity I think we're going up Insanity rather than down all right old man I know that hygiene isn't your best suit but don't your people ever wash Stuart and I could use a bath yes of course my Lord our Balia is constructed in a way not only to provide hot water but also make the best use of our healing herbs to regenerate People's Health huh heard that Stewart order them to build it right away okay subjects health regen regenerates slowly over time if you need them to heal faster use a Balia red herb hermit surfaces or an incantation so Balia seems to just be a um okay so we need some more of that doing we're gonna need more wood how do I build torches [Music] do we have anything else [Music] um [Music] they gave me some some of that the main thing is we're supposed to be putting torches places wrong profession [Music] let me see creatures patrols management professions uh Torchlight okay [Music] FirstLight is provided by Palisade uh Palisade bonfire's torches and points of interest I see so Scout just carries a torch I see ooh I guess the real answer is we're gonna have my Scout just follow them around because they'll just carry torch Torchlight with them our source of food has been depleted I mean we should probably have some walls stop at some point but we need Reeds too outside just have them stand here because that should be enough hopefully enough at least for a little while otherwise we could just have them chill too oh wait that's how the Meadery works if a person's looking uh starting to look kind of insane I just bends them to go drink for a while that's amazing and really funny okay let's just have them be here hopefully Rodan here's polos [Music] and then what uh who polas holas is a specific like monster type Maybe the only thing I can immediately think of can I get anything else no I'd like a storehouse but I think we're gonna need the Balia first decision making Messiah I don't know what that dude was foreign [Music] hoping I could kind of jam that in there but alas we'll put it in this corner if it'll let me okay it's the walls yeah so wald's starting to look a little bit mad I think I might have him hang out and get drinky for a while [Music] looks like food just kind of regrows regularly so we don't have to worry too much about running out they all just have him do this I think next time I play this I'm going to Center the uh resource Gathering Huts directly next to the entrance whereas the Scout not so much though yeah because I can I can just get his sanity back up we might even wouldn't have reordered join him our source of food has been depleted there because both of them are looking kind of iffy and this will solve that problem and then I'll have reorder finish the bath and then we'll go from there because I mean we don't even need it that bad let's see if Bowdoin is doing great plenty of reeds Boca volas yeah fine what are these names okay as soon as he is done and then reorder so I'll just send it back out there okay I think he's done for now so let's let's have him finish the hot bath this is neat I was expecting a little bit more like defense and I know there's going to be creatures we have to fight at a later date uh we already fought some wolves but I mean like weird Frost werewolves with wings which like question mark don't even know what that food has been depleted kind of thing even is [Music] okay so what else we have we're getting there in terms of wood our sanity is looking great I think we're about to the insanity is hopeful wow actually we're doing great there where's the bath okay assign a subject to the ballia I guess she ain't doing anything in the moment honestly I'm not even sure if the Torches are really worth it we should search this area of the forest maybe with dabo's help we'll find the Scout who fled from the wolves okay finish a personarian campaign mode once the last mission objective of a given scenario is complete you'll automatically transition to another scenario with all your subjects the settlement you've built is going to be left behind well that's unfortunate I wonder if I get to keep all of my resources probably not let's go up here and see what happens because if it's if it's gonna be uh Warcraft style where we don't even get to keep our stuff then it's probably better that I just rush for my objective not even think about it too hard yeah I'm seeing wolves [Music] our source of food has been depleted is this all of them yeah we only have five okay they just leave the resources behind that's what I was hoping for huh why the wolves have a dudny cage what is he blabbering on about I can't understand a word he claims he was attacked by the wild Folk people in the forest but they have never attacked us before unless they were provoked clearly they had a change of heart he says they're walking towards the votenga river west of here I fear that they may raid Our God our cartographer was supposed to be west of here as well we cannot lose him let's move all right you led your first steps of our uh the first steps of our people in these hostile forests we built a prosperous gourd and rescued our man trapped by Savages we need to repel the incoming wolf uh wild folk raid you want to continue sure so do we have a new new Mission presumably used to live like wild animals and although they can be violent Conquest was one of the many human things they despised nonetheless they became more aggressive recently and attacked the tribe of the dawn's gourd I wonder if they are doing this to praise velas before the start of every scenario you get a chance to know your subject's bio strengths and weaknesses experience levels ex items Etc once you get a sense of who you'll get to manage uh it's best to provide each with a unique name okay so we have new recruits we can only get six um starting professions Scout sanity Faith strengths fast and forests weaknesses lazy oh but that's only speed what else do we have item slot excellent torch a limited experience I mean it seems like bringing my past characters along uh is best because yeah they they level up oh predisposed to food I will have to take a look at these because each character has their strengths and weaknesses martial artists but fears pull laws who the heck is palazz I have no idea therefore exploring bad at fighting or for fighting again unable to explore loves winter boiling blood okay so we want to probably Nix her here's combat fast and forests a movie we take those two out and find some better people pacifist slow recovery zealous I mean that's fine big spender gold consumption oh and then handyman but cannot gather food that's fine grab those okay and I'll have to make sure I have them for whatever their predisposed roles are so we are going to be bad at trading and Mining but that's fine the wild folk they've attacked our gourd hurry now or there will be nothing left of a home it's a Gates enemies have breached our defenses if a palisade section gets destroyed or if an enemy gets inside gourd is considered breached while this lasts your subjects will focus on fighting enemies and won't be able to use any structures whatever breach happens time is automatically put on pause please note that you're still able to issue orders during a pause I don't think we have anybody else in here but it looks like we start with the defaults gourd well the wildlings are uh pretty weak dear God so much destruction those Savages dared to destroy our King's property sire this is unusual the wild folk are not our allies but they were never desperate enough to raid a fortified gourd some things changed that doesn't matter you old fool they will pay for their insolence of course sorry but now we need to focus on salvaging whatever's left of our structures we can repair the damage and clean up the rubble and reuse whatever we can okay structure damage and repairs can be repaired uh with enough resources everything will be can be repaired okay so we gotta go fix the breach first unfortunately it seems like mm-hmm until that breach is fixed my people will not do anything what is this Rubble [Music] all right so it looks like we've lost at least an amount of these I'll just have my characters fix up all the available buildings first because we don't have that many supplies so there's our Palisade gate do we have any others no feels like this one's bigger than my last one as well okay hold up so reorder right population idle group one two three all [Music] let me check these characters stats again that's feedback what I want to know is what a character is good at here I might literally have to give these characters the most insulting names ever like literally woodman1234 thank you based on what they're good at I mean sure oh clearing up the rubble at least isn't too bad [Music] okay so while I'll do work on that I mean at this point we might as well have my characters just do their thing as we'll clear up the remaining Rubble I don't think we have too much else uh so if I go on to advance we should probably get a Meadery down I don't think it really needs to be near any of these but maybe it's not a bad idea but we should equip our subjects with proper weapons to better prepare for what awaits us outside of our walls let us build our first military structure okay professions can be split into military and non-military professions military professions deal higher damage and feature higher Max Health better armor however they require additional payment in Gold providing them with such payment prevents their sanity from deteriorating okay have him work on that I'm still gonna get that Meadery down first and foremost okay we also have like a fishing shack and some other things but I figured the Meadery is the easiest way for me to have consistent sanity here because even if my characters start losing it I just put them on the drink uh in the drinky spot for a while and then we'll go back to being reasonably good I mean I don't know I don't even know if there's any downsides what's over here I told about this for some reason no idea what else we have food's good yeah it's mostly just waiting for the lumber and everything else to roll in unfortunately I spent most of it on the Meadery still not regretting that decision oh you know what I know why Everything feels glacial I'm on regular speed let's fix that this is not as hard as I thought it was going to be I was worried that this is going to be one of those games that would um very much punish you [Music] poor I want to say playing slowly I mean yeah very much that that I like games that very much let you take your time I'm sure eventually we are actually going to have to uh worry about you know enemy attacks and so on and so forth and I'll have to hustle a little bit but it doesn't seem like it's one of those where it's like it's nighttime creatures are coming to kill you but you're also starving and it's like I've played enough of those games and these kind of more complicated Town Builder City Builder types uh work better with a slower slower Pace in my opinion [Music] good let's see can I build a torches special additional Gates and then carvings okay so they actually boost our they boost my settlement level but I don't know how by how much [Music] like 50 of pop it looks like yeah not strictly super worth it foreign if I want to go that direction I think I'm kind of fine [Music] food wise we're looking good let's see dude I want to build the X pit maybe I don't have too much of a choice on whether or not I'm going to build the ax pit [Music] I'll put it here oh that just gets rid of the stones [Music] uh maybe not I don't think we're gonna need the ax pit anywhere near the front so there we go let's do that [Music] who do we not need right now the problem is I've got two Lumberjacks two people on reads and two people on food eventually we can have them do other things [Music] it's tough because I'm gonna want more lumber eventually we will hit the upper limit and we won't need to gather more as long as they don't get attacked maybe it's not a problem I should probably hustle it at some point maybe grab Odin or just one of my one of my characters at least and send them out and say hey work on the axes I kind of wish each character could have a temporary military profession as well considering they're going to be in combat and Gathering kind of often unless we actually do need like a a full military [Music] presence just in general like maybe the later missions are going to get much more common combat oriented and much more like dangerous and so we will need to have a reasonable amount of troops the problem is it seems like my pop cap is 10 which is yeah I don't know I'll have to think on that one it seems like Bowden can hold like 62 so it must be the higher your skill level the more you can carry I do really like the idea of being able to care odd oh we've got wolves but we might have another character okay hold up thank you and fortunately I don't remember which ones of these characters were good at combat either go work on this we've got wolves nearby and I think we want to get some axe men and unfortunately we don't have much for gold yeah we might as well have one or two dudes Built For Fighting [Music] I don't see any kind of character information that would let me see would it be this ah here we go confession forests oh lazy so they're exactly not the character clear for fighting [Music] what is this new birth it's a boy a child is born [Music] makusha's Grace shines upon her settlement glory to the Divine mothers blessed us with a child and praise thee all pray to all mothers who bring life into this world for without them our people could not continue it is a boy we have a Babbage [Music] it is Zorn there and a child let me take a look at Zorn where for the food production hates autumn fair enough okay it's a reorder you're gonna be my ax boy [Music] okay and we're gonna have him do the same thing good enough let's search for the Cartographer he was supposed to lay out the best route for the gold Transportation especially across that damn River my people have seen this kalanthian a couple of times supposedly he has surrounded himself with traps be cautious when you approach his heart [Music] I think of the full version of this okay so it does look like we Are Burning Gold over time so let me double check yeah oh unskilled at fighting martial artist here's the one the boat Bowden we should also uh equip we'll just have two characters built for fighting at the moment well you bring quick I wish I yeah I mean it probably won't be that big of a deal and maybe we'll just be able to get enough gold but I almost wish the gold was based on a per kill basis I'm just gonna send out my my two best fighters our brother is being attacked [Music] okay their sanity is worse as a result of that that's unfortunate what are these sanity regained from yellow herbs good to know wrong profession they have an AV attack useful you guys gonna open this there we go oh okay keep your people in line why did he flee the poor soul already suffered so much seeing a body mutilated in such a vicious manner you would think that living here made us indifferent to such views but it always takes a toll Marion mines are weak [Music] no sire judging from the robe I believe this is the Cartographer you were searching for cast Lambs ah forget him we need his Maps search the Hut such this cage Search Everything man that dude has such a useless walk the distinct feeling the guy's Gotta Die at some point in a cutscene afflictions as the subject's health drops to zero physical Affliction can be healed with a hermit oh so death wipes does it say where to cross the river I believe it does my Lord but the marked route requires crossing the nearby swamps it's a very difficult and dangerous area you dare to question the expertise hey we're going follow the plan Stuart we've wasted enough time okay the way across we might as well grab some help he's a couple of my characters were a little little biffed there getting some gold hurts my stamina here we go unfortunately my ax boys are not the best no I mean they're pretty good at fighting let's be honest here what is this I have no idea all right I guess shall we there's a treasure chest hold up oh it's here okay items can be found in many places chess okay so we got a wolf tooth necklace um I got two characters was it Bowden wolf tooth necklace rare attack rate minus 20 percent subject with any experience level three I'm assuming cutting experience is good but is he actually good at fighting all right that's a good sign also fighting I had him on food production that was a mistake well how wounded are they lightly not overwhelmingly cops can be anywhere Life Spring okay can't use at the moment thank you I think I think I'm I think I'm instead going to go home briefly remaxed oh we are maxed on some things well it's a good time so we could also get an archery range whoops gold statistics oh gosh okay let's not press that button again for a while we need a Balia hmm what else can we build while we're here tour house but we can't do that burial ground edition of that or we could get some carvings just stack them in in spots gonna have them work on that actually these you guys just go hang out in the bath for a while [Music] laughs oh he was also injured vanity is looking a little bad [Music] okay so I want to take a look at these characters this one is our better Explorer and I had them doing some cutting what about her also cutting okay so my my two Cutters are fine what about you so predisposed for fighting zealous and work driven so honestly while they're a good fighter I might as well just have them getting food because we'll never run out [Music] okay he's he's a fighter he is a good Explorer fine for cutting [Music] the walls he's really good at exploring and that's it Fair player for exploring unskilled and fighting and yeah bowdens or other fighter [Music] the one problem is even while they're relaxing they're still burning sanity I guess the other thing I should probably do we should probably get a archery range we might as well just take a couple more people we should probably also have some uh so bald come out as well I'm gonna care too much about exploring or explorers over the course of this game hey like sure the sanity boost is nice and could work in groups but dunno it just doesn't it doesn't seem to be terribly practical better to just stick the characters on the Meadery for a while because wherever they're getting that Mead from it is bottomless check okay sanity is fine it's Odin Odin's HP is fine [Music] okay sorry for fighting unskill dude we want to have the walls kind of oh let's see oh she's done just give up on those reads for now we aren't super maxed out so it's not really worth it yes let's just wait until Riordan's full health and or reorder I'm just gonna send him and Bowden out he actually about there oh he's almost just a little bit more yeah they might as well work on that my other Reed boy wait no he's bad at fighting oh my other read boy I'd recruited for combat oh and Zoran just aged up unfortunately he visually changed pretty dramatically here he's also a very good fighter zorin I know you just became an adult time to go fight and die for the cause I believe in you good timing on that I guess I have to keep an eye out for treasure chests I wish there were like more easily marked on the map [Music] all right yeah it seems like the full crew is uh a lot bit more powerful now having having one Archer that can keep attacking the entire time seems like a really good idea all right grab those that might be the end of the mission you don't just stand there help me it's our main character oh she's got a lot of HP I was wondering if we were gonna get a hero unit Whisperers can use powerful Magics called the incantations which vary in nature each use of this divine power cause Faith triggers a cool down okay open the incantation menu fracture oh I hope I don't have to see another one of those you saved me those Savages got what they deserved they attacked our gourd and killed our people but you you are not from around here I am not I've been a traveler since my Village got destroyed people call me links uh is that because you have one on your shoulder I am Edwin and the misery of King Isadore II of calanthia it seems we share common enemies what was that thing you just did to these Savages Forest tricks you pick them up if you live here long enough but how come Savages are a concern to such fine Lords as you and who are you old man I'm Bogdan Elder of the tribe of the Dawn humble servants of Dabo Davao the defeated god of the sun watch your tongue witch I've lived long enough to recognize forbidden magic when I see it helping you is a mistake hold on Old Man undeniably a new friend has some skills and a grudge against our enemy I would suggest we join forces and welcome her into our settlement I wouldn't mind a hot bath but sir you yourself keep reminding us how dangerous these lands are well we could use every Pair of Hands especially Hans as skilled as these to deal with those threats until the kalanthian troops arrive couldn't we uh yes sire very well then Let Us carry on through those swamps and across the river there is supposed to be a very nice settlement there are you sure you need to go that way of course we're sure woman following the map drawn by the Royal cartographer it's her well I think I already got rid of most of the filth on the way here but beasts monsters and wild folk living in those swamps drained my Powers almost completely a beasts and monsters building a temple and assigning somebody to pray in it would help me recover much faster and believe me you will find my Powers useful in those swamps ahead I believe that we read it's safety of us our subjects is of utmost importance let's build this Temple of yours first no one is to enter the swamps before that May the gods protect us I can take care of that Elder you just have some faith is that the mission it's like Frozen on me well I mean that's one way down the episode I think it's loading the end but maybe it's totally locked up on me one way or another I'm actually pretty impressed I thought this was going to be a little bit more of like a horde survival Beast Builder uh but it seems to be a little bit more of a survival RTS uh which I guess I was kind of close to describing the beginning of this oh there it goes all right so we've got Temple oh I guess we're not actually done with the mission if we want to I'm still gonna end it here though I think we've seen plenty and I'm I'm having a good time with this it feels solid oh good I can actually like zoom in and look around I don't know what loose stones are gonna get me there's also apparently a treasure chest here which is something I need to go looking for more often oh Phantom gold which we desperately need considering we've got a lot of characters uh not currently suited for it well one way or another uh sorry we have a lot of characters burning our gold and we're not getting any more but uh I should mention that gourd is available as part of the steam next Fest at least for a little while longer hey we have yet another babbs nice okay and they're the portraits gets smaller to account for the extra characters that makes sense uh let's see unfortunately I'm I kind of wish I could like just d profession them so I don't lose any more money uh well whatever it doesn't matter but yes like I said part of available is part of the next Fest if you guys want to try it out yourselves I will have a link in the description below and if you like the game in any way uh make sure to wishlist it it helps the game a lot as it'll rank higher as both part of the next Fest and also just on Steam in general if you guys like this video in any way shape or form leave me like helps more than you know and if you want to see more rad new games every single day then hit subscribe because I got tons to check out and show off with that said thanks for watching I'll see you next time
Channel: Wanderbots
Views: 8,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wanderbot, wanderbots, Gord Preview, Gord Let's Play, Gord Alpha, Gord Beta, Gord Demo, Gord English, Gord, Gord Ep 1, Gord Quick Look, Gord Review, Gord Letsplay, Gord Part 1, Gord Playthrough, Gord Walkthrough, Gord Guide, Gord Early Access
Id: SAqySifWf_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 14sec (3794 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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