RCE ARCHIVE: SAP with custom rules!

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[Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] ers how's how's the music is it loud I feel like the update made it loud too loud or not too loud let me know um yeah how's everyone doing anyway all right um we're back in Superior pets today couldn't couldn't help myself it's fine I'll get nice um yeah I guess while we wait for people to join let's just do a cheeky bit of Arena what should we do stay on Golden pack for now um let's go with a couple of groundhogs and then hope for a monkey oh um let's do it let's do a snail okay we're gonna be the pouting posers perfect sorry I just spat on you uh the Bamboozled step family oh they look pretty strong actually I think I might be screwed it although dogs to the rescue no we're screwed now by the way thank you to our blue loads of people sub already Nemo saint hang ghosts ghosts made of ham or handmade of ghosts uh consulted psycho thank you very much major in capsules scrub um oh there you go there's the monkey there is the monkey that we want so then just someone at the back probably a possum and then stack the snail end of turn job's good and I probably shouldn't have uh kept the snail there oh well live and learn uh I am the bobbiest pub cheers for the Sun great name uh zombie baby 87 mystery RC yeah it's been a while it's been a little while I think oh that was a cheeky win there love to see that uh zavendi which is the sub and remix gaming remix Zed gaming even I Mr Zed the ax threw me off uh cheers what's up uh oh I've got my heart back as well uh that guy 83 cheers what's everyone doing have I really not streamed for that long everyone's sobbing milkwagon cheers this up Dakota wolf one two seven nine cheers boy or girl you can get go wolves right yeah appreciate you can um right so movies to the back that's probably where you're better I do want to level one of those up oh I can level the possum up oh that's not bad that ain't bad is that a faint friend oh none of them are faint friends don't really want to sell that until we get a faint friend uh so what I might do if I oh should I stack them and then yeah I'm gonna suck them stack them get penguin Freezy and the turn that's probably silly but we'll see what happens uh Draco Dyers cheers for the sub and the drip drops is that a band are you representing a band if not you should definitely sounds like a band name oh we have some hit points at the back oh that's a big dog though it's a draw it's true [Music] uh tired koala uh you started a hype train I know we've achieve the level three hype trade Bloomer now thank you everyone uh by the way there was there was a dad joke in there I've got a very good pet one line lined up um although technically in this game I think it's a crocodile anyway uh what do you call an alligator in a vest an investigator get it is it a vest it's an alligator is investing okay never mind um all right what we're gonna do here is oh it's bad it's bad I know it's that right I need I need a I need a faint pet so I can sell you I mean I should probably sell the Penguin and get you on the team anyway because you're probably one of the better things about squid do I want to give a squid two and two I don't really I don't really rate the squid I'll tell you what though I should probably turn on achievements and see what pets you want to go should we try and like level one up just while waiting for people to join uh Scuba Steve 911 choose the sub very kind of you should I go for it I swear I've like never used a fish a fish is a squid I can't even say it that's how like un uninvolved I am shall I shall we go for squid squid build for the win uh spend one trumpet to give first three enemies Inc that sound good because it'll be you'll be a big old squid as well so if I saw that it's a 7-4 squid and then the snail is going to make it a 7-6 squid nice okay I'm gonna give the Apple to the squid we're going squid build now I want to move you to the back though and then I could roll but is there any yeah actually I'm looking for a groundhog or a snail I guess oh there's another squid squid belt I can't I don't have enough money uh shall we freeze I guess we'll freeze keep rolling oh there's groundhog for next time and then nothing else right Ableton it's the squid games squid should go towards front yeah you'll probably write that my bad although the front of my team's quite weak so we might lose it fairly quickly uh or not our squid is gonna take him out boosh yes we still lost though squid sucks why did you guys talk me into doing the squid yeah the monkey stole the trumpet because that only produces one now it produces two um but now I'm also selling it so goodbye now I am going to get the Osprey though which will summon a monkey and then I'll get rid of I mean a groundhog not a monkey and then I'll get rid of the monkey and then fully commit to squid games so we'll have that temporary do I want that knockout activate faint ability um I'll tell you what actually we could if I stack those together we could try and do that see this guy is pretty buff yeah because it will have the health yeah I'm gonna try that I'm gonna try that I think we'll freeze that I will freeze the two penguins I actually quite rate the penguin uh next time I might sell the snail once it's leveled up because then we get something of a higher tier as well okay it could be good be good uh the slippery hedges right they've got a big Weasley thing at the front is it a ferret or is it a weasel I can't remember um oh they've got a big old moth as well this is not good [Music] oh that's another loss this isn't going well I don't rate the squid anyway Roberto 8087 cheers for the sub cabbage sandwich uh cheers see Scott I reckon Scott um right let's uh let's just level that up so again 50 trumpets yeah not too sure I might should I get rid of the snail now if I get rid of the snail I can go hard on penguins he'll do that gave those the sort of the wrong ones I wanted to give that one some help there we go and get rid of that and then we still have you at the front because you get us Two Trumpets now they don't actually need trumpets but may as well level you up I guess to do that temporarily end of turn I'm not actually keen on this team in the slightest absolutely terrible but it is what it is Dicks cheers for the cheer choo choo he said my name all right come on why what's with all the big teams what's going on and uh powerfly I see a question have I tried hard mode no I haven't yet what what is hard mood I assume it's hard but I don't know why now by the way I'm definitely throwing this because there's enough people here that we can we can play versus now I'm definitely not just bad at this game uh right so actually now we'll stick with this we'll stick with this here you go in um yeah let's roll right there we go so we've got one of you which is good and then we got the other squid which is very good oh I'm a cat makaki McCook I didn't mean that didn't mean that I don't know what happened there uh oh could be good I don't actually have I ever used one of them where are they tier five no I haven't we could we could lose the squid the terrible squid and maybe go with that what dragon chat Should I stick with a squid or should I add a macaque to the team what's this that's my no okay I'll leave the squid I'll leave the squid let me know you should should this little guy join the team look how well he wears a hard hat that's what I'm saying like compared some of these but like what's that guy doing that is not safe that's a hat Under a hard hat it's not safe uh what's your other question would you rather fly oh would you rather fight a thousand tarantula sized paddies wait tarantula says that's big but it's not big compared to a paddy well Walnut paddy-sized tarantula I don't I think I'd like which other one I choose I'm just like crawling into a bull and just accept my fate terrified of spiders well tarantulas so honestly doesn't really matter I'm gonna die at the end of it I'd probably fight like a large one because maybe I can like kick it in the nuts or something a thousand though they're paddies oh they're a thousand paddies oh yeah I'm going for a thousand puppies sorry I completely misread that yeah a thousand poppies do I have to fight them oh do I have to fight them I don't want to fight puppies okay yeah I'm just ended my life would I rather would I rather die by a giant tarantula because I'm not gonna win or would I rather kick a puppy I'm I'm gonna die so yeah yeah I could love them to death but it's a good show despite this Have Nots course ID how do they make baby spiders um right right are we are we just sacking that off it's a 12 12 which is better than like Uma team I could get rid of the Osprey yeah don't read that oh why'd I get rid of it now I'm an idiot I'm gonna give it a monkey as well oh no I need I need to get rid of two people don't I but I need trumpets okay well we'll see what happens that wasn't too bad because we've got him now so that's something maybe yeah don't fight puppies that's the hashtag to live by uh oh we would have lost that anyway look at the size of that team why am I so bad at this now oh yeah look they've been our dog will save us all right it's okay it's nearly over isn't it the squid ink does their attack and ability does three less damage um so yeah not not a lot basically so I think we'll do that shall I get rid of the I'm gonna get rid of the vulture I know I spent a bit of time leveling it up but pointless in the end and then oh eats food swallow the left most oh that could be decent so if we give that some food that will eat the macaque that's not bad I think I don't know how it works does it like always stay in its belly let's see let's feed an egg then it's eaten that does that only happen once oh I don't need them oh oh no yeah I've just realized you only get at the start of oh no you only get at the start of the round not oh no oh well this was a write-off anyway let's let's just let's just end it actually let's just like where's it where's the exit the Scout a bit I saw this we're doing verses which sounds menu delete right we are doing versus we're gonna do some custom rules um I've been I had a little go on Discord uh with some some disco the other day blooming out labradog 69 a tier three they're late to the stream well you better get in this if you if you're a sap lover labradog uh get involved um so get your thing up ready uh what we're gonna do we're gonna do yeah play against don't even pack I'm gonna make sure my pack is the original um and that's cool this yeah I did I did read quit so we're going to create private we're gonna call it Rage Quit [Music] am I can't play but he does like watching that's right then um yeah and we're going to do custom rules so you've got to like you've got to have self-control here you can't cheat you just gotta like try and do it yourself because I can't control anything I can't even kick the cheaters out but what we're gonna do actually I probably should have showed you before now that I saw it okay we're just gonna do we're allowed [Music] three pets so when you go into battle you can only have three members of your team they can be wherever you want you can only have three if you have four if you have five you're cheetah and we will shame you um no you actually you'll just get ignored I'm not even going to mention that she the cheaters so yeah if you wanna if you want to play along make sure you just have three-man team [Music] everyone got that [Music] three team members in your squad are the Suited bird there he is I'm gonna do custom rules AKA make sure I win yep I've uh I've been playing this constantly so I know every trick in the book yeah so so you can have you can have like things that spawn things you can have well two macaques if you want well you can't really because we're in the the normal pet pack six man team confirmed no shut up that's cheating so yeah if you're joining now reman team only don't have more than three people in your team um I'm gonna start with 50 players I think that's enough so the um we could only have three we can have any three I mean at the start you can only have three anyway really uh so I'm gonna do I think I'll do the ant and then the and what's the author do you give one random friend okay let's freeze the otter do a roll audio go two waters I think though for now I'm gonna do cheeky Pig and then also we'll save that otter for next time oh I went to the ant anyway so then we'll end our turn pick our team name and we are gonna be the uncertain siblings so yeah if you're playing after this round you can only have three members of your team don't cheat did you specify the three pet limit to avoid the uh no shark exploit um actually I got beaten by that we did this other rule which will do you like in a later round assuming this one goes well um and yeah there is a way to beat it Mr powerfly beat it himself oh man that is a big pig oh it doesn't matter they got cheeky win okay so this is where it gets interesting so I can add like another otter like for now but at the end of my turn I've got to make sure there's only three in my team if that makes sense um so I am I am going to shove that on there because that's going to give him one on one or probably sell the pig for the beef oh I don't know actually because you're gonna give oh I don't know let's let's just roll okay there's another Pig so I was going to stack the pig and then gonna honey you're at the back it's a little bit cheesy but it is what it is so let's hope that everyone is playing by the rules three-man teams so who are we up against we're against the naughty sausages so they've got double mosquito oh they wiped out my pig like it was nothing then we've got our mosquito versus B at the end that was a cheeky draw all right decent let's just have a little look we're there were there any cheaters looking good oh there's one Geo not bad uh everyone else though apart from you you know you're bad most people I'm very proud of you two cheaters out of everyone good work people right let's oh I want this one I'm gonna put this one in we're then Gonna Roll nice okay so there's an otter we'll shove you on he gave that to the swan so we'll sell you now then we've got five coins I I wouldn't mind another Pig just so I can level it up I think I'll move you to the front Pig no Pig oh bum okay we're gonna do I sacrifice our life in favor yeah I'm searching for a pic oh there you go two ants we'll have two ants and then I'll freeze the steeping pill as well he's got a fine Pig oh there's a swap decent I don't know why I'm going I don't know why I'm going Swan build I just I see a swan I just can't help myself bit of extra cash in it all right so the uncertain siblings are against the shiny whales oh that's a dolphin that's not a whale pig is getting slaughtered look at the look at the hit points on there I should have put 10 lives as well actually just so it lasts a bit longer anyway let's level up the ant s who would do that oh we got a dog not sure I actually want a dog if I'm honest um I'm gonna do that and they're gonna roll then if I get oh do I sell the pig or do I just stack this one I think I might just stack the swans for now double Swan could have been fun though I feel like I need to last a bit longer you could punish the cheaters by making them either that would be a little harshly you love your job really right right yeah we stacked the swans all right let's see how the other teams are looking um so quite a few people have full lives have they just gone for like I mean the top person that's who I just faced wasn't it yeah they went all out hit points everyone else though not tea but okay he's got two ducks I don't know why I find that funny uh what else we got going on quite a few Ducks going on Duck gang Cricket horse combo always a good one still cheating I see you know you could just sell two of them and then I'd probably forget that you cheated uh lowered down okay there's only there's only one cheater left decent so the other one the other one bent to the walls wolves bent to the rules um who I need to think like long term what's coming up turn off achievements as well anyway we are battling for now the Jolly streamers it's me I'm a jolly streamer there's the horse Cricket gank this could be quite sketchy you've got a big pig but yeah we've just got annihilated got annihilated that's why you try and build Synergy unlike me um oh that is pretty decently we have a snail ready to go the thing is I feel like I want like the rest of my team like I was gonna get rid of the ant I was gonna get rid of the pig so I don't really want to get a snail in there yet so I think I'll freeze that and then roll oh it's another blooming Swan there's another blooming swan okay let's shove this one in oh bison wouldn't be bad if I can level up the swan okay I reckon let's get the Bison in and then snail that's five Man team yes I'm aware then we'll sell the snail and then do I I'm not gonna peel the ant yet I don't think I'm gonna sell the pig yeah and then I'm gonna Apple the swan is that is that wise I mean I could I could buy the kangaroo I could buy the kangaroo then Hill the ant do I want a kangaroo I think I do I think I do let's kill the ant where's that gonna go to the kangaroo okay that's that's not bad actually that's not too bad we need to get this one level three though because that moment early bison pretty pointless see he's all he's all Angry there he tried to level up but he couldn't um by the way average Jacobin subscriber uh cheers us up sorry I missed it 10 minutes ago all right so what's going on here that is a big duck duck who will not beat Swan mode yes kangaroo for the win we finally got a win took a while uh hmm okay what do we do what do we do here so that only gives the oh no that is that's not that's not a lettuce that is a salad bowl so that gives one and one to two I'll tell you what do that we've got 12 coins to play with these days not bad I could give honey to you because that will help the kangaroo oh I'm I am quite weak to Dolphin so let's roll and see if we can make our kangaroo any bigger ideally with a kangaroo I mean I could buy an otter and then sell it that's sort of like a cheap Apple isn't it yeah I'll do that don't know where it's gonna go oh to the kangaroo decent okay then another roll for another Swan not bad another one okay nothing that good if I'm honest so end of turn we need to we need to get the swan leveled up yeah let's have a look how the other teams doing this guy's just leveling up his otter oh he has got a he's invested in a elephant in Dresden oh look at the that could be quite a beast the horse seems pretty good in a three-man team at least early game oh a deer and a big old one of those puffer fish look at that two-man team cheetah what a cheater he's only got a two-band team [Music] right here we go then the moist shirt out on the decking that needs a bridge review Bridge review no it doesn't because that oh that pad's gonna hurt me oh man there's a lot going on in their team thankfully we got to the dog so I think that is a cheeky win check out the big kangaroo at the at the back as well okay right so now we shove the swan in wait I missed there we go I could get rid of the kangaroo in favor of something else if I'm honest what are we turn these off so we are tier four what do I like the look of what do I like the look of here I'm not sure kangaroo is it if I'm honest is hippo it I feel like with a hippo because there's only three man teams not actually that good it just could be good against like the horse teams but I feel like they're gonna get bullied in a sec anyway see I think I'll leave that let's you've always got to get an alternate cheeky little water and then I I just need I need the swans I need the swans probably not worth doing the Otters but I have um oh I'll tell you what canned food actually decent in this because I'm gonna be changing my team up pretty soon and I've got extra cash so I might just freeze those there isn't chocolate uh what's wrong one there isn't chocolate yeah no there isn't so I'm gonna freeze those um would a whale would a whale be decent nah well it's not good so you end the turn we've got to get the swan leveled up yeah I'm sorry the bridge review never happened it was a bit of a tease the bridge of eMusic is um it would get copyrighted on my archive YouTube channel because I've only got the license on my main Channel but oh that's a big team that is a big team ow my Swan I think we're in trouble here [Music] the squeaky packages hopefully that's squeaky clean um that hurt quite a lot so let's canned food twice oh I think it I might bend off the kangaroo if I'm honest shall I should I swap it as a dolphin decent oh I don't know I really don't know I feel like going with the Bison I've sort of shot myself in the foot as well I might sell that literally no point at the moment it's still level one so I sell that and go dolphin parrot or is there anything is there anything better I could parrot I mean oh skunk Maybe I feel like I want parrot because I want something in front of it whether it's a dolphin I don't know I'll freeze it oh there's this one I knew this was gonna happen all right let's freeze that let's do that so I'll do six damage to the lowest enemy could be good do I lead with this one I might put a swan at the back foreign Foods we've actually got some stats down there so pretty I'm not in the worst situation I'm probably gonna lose I won't like yeah is cheetah still cheating or is he yeah still cheating what a shame I love that they're on they're on three so they've been they've been absolutely ass whooped by some legit players it's a good work guys uh the attractive beat oh that's quite a big team they've got a bison at the back and their bison gets leveled up that's a loss that is a loss I might be out of this pretty early all that trading I did for nothing right there's there's the two swans I'm gonna do it and see what our oh oh okay we've got to get rid of oh what okay okay okay how can I maximize this if I put you there do I want the parrot or shall I just try Rhino I mean it's a 710 already that's not bad shall I get rid of these two I think I'm gonna do it I think I'm gonna get rid of that get rid of that I might freeze the rhino and do two rolls yeah I could have parrot flight the trouble is now maybe I should maybe I should oh what do I do chat should I should I put the parrot back in or should I go the right I just feel like 710 is actually not bad like seven ten I mean maybe it is maybe it is bad at this stage bird says parrot flight fine sorry rhino we're doing that we're doing that oh crocodile got to do crocodile for the for the joke earlier although do I want that with a I don't know I don't know what I'm doing I think this could be a loss this could be it this could be the end use the squid all right ready we got okay we got one two oh he's got one Health look at that though look at the Flies everywhere that is what we like to see fly gang that was actually quite risky that wasn't it wasn't great I'm not gonna light do I just keep the one flight and shove a crocodile in eight damage to the Last Enemy I rate that yeah sorry parrot you've gone now crocodile goes there and then we'll do that give them all one-on-one twice lovely and then oh a cheeky cow that's your cheeky cow let's shove that in and then who do I buff up I mean it doesn't really matter does it I guess I just do I do you just because I can and then we sell the cow we've got one more roll and then yeah we'll end our turn I feel a bit more confident now oh and I saw one in the chat just beat the cheater good work just be the cheater here's garbage at this game nice all right I feel like because what's that three we get three plays so one two three so we've maxed out the fly so I think I think this is fine I don't need to what I was thinking like do I need to add a honey to that or anything do I want to swap please actually yeah I'll probably I'll probably swap what's on those but um but now I've been just trying to get my team a little bit hencher because one life pretty scary that's a nice place to live all right uncertain siblings against the overpowered computers oh no that's got a lot of Health okay okay this could out see ow no we got chillied we got chillied he had one Health damn squirrels all right good work whoever just destroyed me um I'm sorry everyone else I'm I'm out very early uh we'll have to do another one uh so we need the same three-man teams again um where's it's in Pro isn't it so yeah in here shall I shall I do more lives the customer was run will do 10 lives just so we last a bit longer life lost standard all that stuff standard yeah submit that um One Life sudden death that would be like the shortest thing ever [Music] right just say that everyone knows the rules I think yeah I know you're still I can't wait for you we'll just be sat looking at this for like 10 15 minutes we have to do another round I'm sorry though he's still playing uh we'll call this three pets Max so everyone knows three pets Max 15 lives that's a lot of lives yeah we've got we've got 10 lives so it should last a bit longer even if you do bad like me [Music] and then after this we'll do um we'll do another thing which is a bit more complicated in explaining so I'll probably have to explain like in a game so I could show you do a hundred lives more up to 40 people ready blimey can you not cap the pets allowed yeah so we'll do that we'll do that later on this time it's three pets Max [Music] um but I've got I've got a good one for the next game so if you want to join just go into private the code is three pets Max so everyone knows the rules don't be an architect and cheat right as we're at 50 I think we'll start again yeah cool right so that's not let's learn from last time so we learned that cricket was actually quite good um perhaps we'll roll tell you what docs weren't bad either were they ducks have quite a lot of Health I might freeze the offer for later as well um freezer honey yeah maybe maybe let me b b because it's a um right so right I'm going to do with the most realistic one there the most descriptive because because I think that's me um and let's let's start let's game up so remember three pets Max don't go over hi Jacob welcome most accurate name thank you I'm glad you all agree we are the hot streamers wait it did say streamers they're not like Steamers right because that would be something very different and horrible it is streamers please yeah it's you against the offensive failures oh Cricket is gonna rip through them oh no we lost how did we lose against that okay not not the best start but get the otter in nice so the otter um let's roll oh another Cricket another duck another duck another cricket I feel like that's probably a good layout oh then we got a horse horse is good early on so I might I might stick with that and then I've got some honey as well what does selling a duck do give Shop pets plus one Health okay we're going up a tier this time so that could actually be decent um oh we've got a question hey our CEO watch your YouTube for lunch at work the Brits have daylight saving yeah so I've had quite a lot of people oh no I've done five feet oh I'm so sorry I'm an idiot I'm an idiot I've cheated cheated oh I didn't just have to win that I'm so sorry [Music] oh shame Shame Shame oh what a not bad I'm so sorry whoever I just played I literally right let's let's shave the cheetahs please be another cheese set lesbian I'm the only cheater on site and the oh I'm the only cheating pose all right okay I'm a knob head I meant to I meant to do that before the end of my turn I completely forgot I'm sorry um oh I'm sorry that's really that's really bad right sell the duck so they've all got their health we're then gonna buy you will buy the tarantula we'll stack them before something bad happens um do I want the ox I got I got so much health I got so much money I mean not health all right I won't I won't use all my money sorry I'll freeze that so yeah I will I will oh I'm such a knob I'm so sorry anyway it is what it is very dirty cheat oh look at that big duck should I have kept my duck big Maybe I've got a win got another win I do I legit feel really bad about that oh man right do I keep the crickets I mean I probably don't want the ox actually friend yes oh do I no we'll keep we'll get rid of the ox so get the otter in sell the otter um is it worth there's hit points going on a lot of hit points at the back I might meet bone the horse yeah then just wondering do I stack the spider or do I have two spiders I think I'll shove it there for now we'll do oh there's the other Cricket okay so we'll freeze that we'll stack the spider because then next time we've got a level three something and I might want to freeze the honey with this team actually all right it's one more roll freeze Yota for a bit of one-on-one now probably not what's that noise oh shame oh shame no I've been shamed shame oh so the crit I can't sell the Cricket now um it's unturned mate there's a lot of Cricket going on here oh I got shamed I can't actually believe I did that especially after the abuse I gave the last person oh dear love it love to see it right so who are we the hot stream yeah we're hot but we're not very intelligent anymore that's the thing it's usually one or the other can't have boy oh it's dolphin he's just wrecked my cricket okay we've still got no it's not okay oh actually that is okay what are the odds of that that was pure skill not like skill all right okay we've got tear that dear pets so let's Crick it up and then oh I don't want to wail or do I want a whale oh maybe I do want to do I want a whale should I shove a whale in like behind I feel like it's only good with a deer and the chances of getting a deer like slim to none yeah I don't think I want the whale I know I do want it it's like it looks good I think it will hurt me because yeah there's no point at the moment um do I stack the cricket or do I try and find another tarantula or horse yeah I think I should probably do that first say oh stop giving me crickets all right there's another horse definitely want to level that up this ain't going great again somehow oh we do have seven lives we've got 10 lives so we should last longer right is this skill yeah uh such a knob all right let's have a look at the other teams so oh there's quite a few trenches about this time am I yeah anyway I was I was answering the question about Daylight Saving um so in the UK Daylight Saving is two weeks later than USA this time so American people that watch my stuff at lunchtime um we're now an hour later but I think this weekend it changes so you've only got like another week to wait and then our clocks change so sorry about that awesome like the dolphin does nothing that is a loss I know it's a draw it's a draw yeah daylight savings is really done not a fan of myself um anyway what are we what are we doing let's roll that I think I'm just trying to I'm trying to get like a horse essentially oh come on where all right there's another tarantulae yeah I'll stack it up I'll stack it up we got a dolphin I mean what's wrong with me today we got a penguin good for stacking but probably not ideal for this team yeah I don't know I don't know where dolphin came from if I'm honest not a Glee um I think I might just I might just roll it I feel like we're doing summoning build at the moment say oh sheep a sheep could be good I could swap the cricket for a sheep next time right yeah I think we'll freeze that we will freeze oh there's a USC State without daylight savings how random I didn't know that I always find it weird like long long yeah I guess long like wide countries because they've got different climb zones so you could be like on one street and the time's different like a few footsteps away oh that guy's got a deer that's what I wanted oh you wiped us bad that is a legit loss we deserve that for earlier cheating all right tier four pets so this is where we we could actually change completely here we could burn off this entire spawning build um oh yeah I'm tempted by a skunk I think we're we're gonna do that for now and maybe give it the Honey because that's pretty much it's pretty much a sheep right yes probably not um oh there's another there's another spider do I wanna say what I do actually want a parrot behind the skunk [Music] I should probably switch away from the horse I'm gonna yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna sacrifice it so we'll do that and then if I meet bone with a parrot maybe or shall I just spider up now I think we'll meet bone I don't know oh I don't know what do I do I feel like I'm I'm sacrificing a few lives early on for the great good let's just roll and hope we get something decent we're gonna need you next time um so Bruce Bruce I might freeze that because if we if we get a pill that could be very handy could be why only three units because we're doing a custom game with just three just three um things definitely no one cheating [Music] um we got destroyed by a hippo that is the trouble with my spawning build not very hippie proof yeah but yeah we're doing this on purpose we're getting we're getting rid of the spider screen spider um okay so let's shove you in let's I'm not gonna snow yet I feel like I want oh we got double snails we've got double snails oh okay I'm gonna I'm gonna have to double snail I don't really want to level my house on it fine so snail another snail then sell with a snail I mean that's made my thing completely pointless but if we yeah do that I feel like we're gonna keep those deep we'll we'll just change you I mean I wanna I wanna pill you really [Music] yeah we'll see what happens we'll see what happens not to the skunk's got to go I like the skunk when it's like level three it's insane because it knocks everyone down to like one hit point is it I mean I probably will change my team at like tier six Maybe yeah tier six there's some decent pets in tier six yeah for now I think we'll keep that I'd love like an alligator tier five crocodile whichever one it is that would work well but yeah I I guess we just gotta lose some lives fairly early on this ain't gonna go well I'm pretty sure although out oh I think we're good oh no we're not good let's draw we'll take a draw we will take a draw didn't lose any lives so that's fine right tier five pets here we go oh another skunk all right let's get the skunk in and then do I want a cow now I think I'll freeze the cow do a cheeky oh I've got double cow I've got monkey as well okay so let's double count so am I just beefing up the skunk I think I am that's what we're doing uh then if I saw you get another one might freeze the monkey just in case but ah there's the pill that we need oh this is our this is our team this is our team We're not gonna have enough cash to do what I want to do next I might have to say goodbye to the monkey yeah I know I know it's scaling but I don't think it's worth it I'm gonna need I think I need attack oh I do I do I keep the mug I can never decide chat help me do I monkey or do I not monkey because it will level up my skunk lose the monkey okay everyone's saying lose the monkey right so oh there's another do I need another one yeah may as well what is going on I need to scale oh now you tell me I've just unfrozen the monkey you're already a cheater may as well embrace it oh I can't believe oh they got turkey oh this could be scary that is helpful that is not helpful turkey level 2 turkey as well that is decent um yeah so what we want to do we want to get you guys in just so we've got some space um I think I'll should I pill you now yeah may as well so now you've got melon I'm gonna shove yeah shove you there stack those up add that one oh I think I'll freeze you and we'll try and get another pill for that as well um what does the level two skunk do 66 okay so this round will keep that next round I wanna add like some snipey thing because we're going to be lowering the health of stuff yeah but that copies as a level two which is decent so we're going to be losing 60s well 33 of the highest enemy Health there and then 66 of the highest enemy health with that one so that one's 33 on its own yeah so 33 33 then 66. this could be quite good actually the double skunk depends depends um oh yeah chili would be quite good actually if I'm lower in health of stuff no I didn't have my turn sorry everyone I was waiting for me there's me cheating again trying to get extra thinking time right the perfect balls oh look they have some hit points not anymore you don't uh they they still beat me though all right here we are though tier six this is where everything changes potentially so oh there's cats as well it's all it's all it's all going off all right screw screw the mammoth I think unless what are the chances of getting a pill though slim to none probably yeah let's shove you in and then tiger I mean I've got I've got a Parrot so I don't really need a tiger I'm tempted to put the cat in just in case I get food I think I'll freeze you and I'll I'll do the parrot yeah there you go we didn't get anything that we wanted really so let's do that and then a good melon the parrot just so it's safe yeah we'll Mel shall I melon or shall I shall I roll I could roll I will do that since there is a melon may as well use it okay okay I wanna I think I want to give the middle skunk if I if I keep a middle skunk I think I want to give him a chili because if that's level three and that's level three two of them will be down to one hit point so a chilly in the middle could be decent that is the plan anyway we'll see what happens move the first skunk back one do you reckon it might lose its melon armelite I don't think I thought the parrot does level two it doesn't do like extra so it's worth having parrot behind level one skunk isn't it that's how I thought it worked anyway oh melon saved our ass there I'll tell you that yeah let's just have a look at the power I'm pretty sure copy ability from the nearest bit ahead as level two yeah so there's no point having level two in front of it I think well it doesn't really matter I don't think does it matter no I'm not sure don't know anyway oh not the best food actually just double yeah I'll roll that oh I'll tell you what though oh it's all kicking off now all right we'll get the cat well stack a skunk get the leopard and then we'll get the cow and then we'll buff up the leopard and then we gotta sell the cow then we gotta sell the cat and then we got two more rolls oh there's another skunk decent and then the question is is that what I want to do do I want to do seven damage twice or do I want to do 66 health twice I don't know what's better oh there's a cat for next time I might freeze out the next time um or what's better what is better oh no because it will do 14. so we'll do two different because it does level two remember oh wait but it's it's its own health and its own health is only nine yeah what do you mean I was about to cheat again quiet you in chat laid down pipe down right the Suave baguettes they got some hit points I'm glad I moved the parrot there yeah look at that look at that we might have a chance here we got draw we'll take a draw right okay um so skunk goes in not worth getting the cat unless we got good food I mean there there's pizza so is it worth pairing I think I made I may as well just roll for another leopard there you go there's another leopard give everyone two and two yeah I think I'm just going to keep rolling for like better food oh there's a chocolate I think we'll take that then there's a skunk for next time as well okay [Music] the job is I don't know what order like these do their attacks is this skunk first or is it leopard first hopefully it's skunk for is it just is it done by hit points or no the cat doesn't do double chocolate sadly so the cat's just there for like late game scaling so I think that's all I'll be doing putting cat in scaling getting rid of cat abilities go in order of highest attack okay so skunk goes first then presumably the leopard goes first second okay that's fine we can live with that because I want skunk to go for I want parrots go second really because if they're down to like two health and one Health sorry then that's a one hit kill uh spooky sister cheers this up very kind of you right oh look at that look at that so I think that's an easy win there yeah cheers sorry the hungry Scouts you gotta wait for another meal right okay so let's let's Gunk on there oh there's another cat freeze you for later we'll shove the leopard on there as well and then just level up the leopard foreign yeah why not then we'll roll do I freeze the pear I feel like I'm better off waiting for pizza that's two random pets two and two I think I'm better off rolling I'm better with rolling freeze the pair you reckon I still have a waste of three coins it's depend well we've hardly said any pizzas maybe it's not a waste I think I'll freeze one yeah all right I've frozen it I've frozen it [Music] uh we need to think about the order of this as well at some point uh so skunk reduces one enemy down to one Health so that's good then you do eighth damage to two random enemies I'm just not sure if the leopard would go first now I could donate they both got 16 so they know what one will go first now yeah hmm we'll have to see we will have to see yeah Matt zamo cheers what's up freak out by the way he speaks this said thanks for your fantastic videos and keep up your awesome singing oh yeah so a poly Bridge 2 video has just come out now which means there's a new song uh make sure you go watch it after this or go watch it now if you want um oh that was a draw that was a draw um oh dragon oh what do I do now because there is a cheeky Little Ant there I'll stick we'll stick with this so give that to probably the cat to make sure no the whatever that is skunk let's make sure it goes first right and then sell the boat hope it doesn't go on the cat or do I oh no yeah let's do it I went on the blooming cat stupid cat right so the cat freeze a pair one more roll nothing that good I may I don't know I don't know what I'm doing with the parrot cat is very good at scaling yeah should we should we do that yet eight damage to four enemies that will do keep it like that yeah I do feel like that's probably but I feel like this team's not as good as I thought it would be that's the only thing oh I know someone's connection is bad sorry dude yeah so the leopard does yeah it would use its own attack you're right so it would only do like four I doubt it rounds up yeah we really need to buff that parrot I mean just in general like nine seven is probably really bad at this stage of the game oh blooming turkey oh we didn't take the turkey out this could be bad oh no it didn't oh yes we took the I think we took the the deer out so the whale couldn't eat it a few fuel okay shall I think we'll buff that up because that's gonna be worth doing right do another roll oh there's the pizza please don't go on oh no oh I was gonna say please don't go on the blooming cat all right so the cat then we'll just do that for now I need to buff the lemon power up why did it go on the cat someone's on the toilet right now nice have a good poo oh thank you the real the the real thank you for that first time chatter comment no I can get this the real its grips Grizz it's Grizz the pretty bad at this yeah anyway let's look at these teams so oh they got a 50 50 that's a one one against me or a 50 one anyway uh it's quite a lot of 50 50s in the top everyone that went with a bison and stuck with it early the thing is they are sort of stuck with their like tier one tier two pets not the best um not many leopards about there's a few down the bottom people that have sacrificed lives no one cheating though so congrats everyone I'm very proud of you all do as I say not as I do it turns out oh I'm such a knob yeah that's the right night Joe all right all right all right we're against the domesticated soup oh that was a decent hit that that was not bad at all another win right okay so we've got no caps this time so oh we do have another leopard I'm literally thinking nah just keep stacking the leopards right I was gonna say should I get rid of the parrot I don't think I do I don't think a d uh no point of any of those all that there's another leopard we will have that so that's nearly level three where I think it does 50 attack damage to three random enemies which is the entire team that could be good so I think if I get that 50 50 the most it will do is 25 but if I had two leopards well or a parrot and a leopard that were both 50 50. doesn't that just wipe their team does it I don't know believe it does that could be good loses to melons oh yeah yeah melon is 20 extra hit points basically isn't it and yeah to be fair How likely is it I can level that up to level 50. well two of them the parrot as well the parrot's so pathetic I need to I need to buff it up I didn't see a cat that round on unusual with that interesting I'm quite pleased with my skunk though oh about seven That's How likely it was good to know I'm glad you did the math there right the chunky dumplings oh look at that so the hippo went down to one health because the skunk and then the leopard hit it seems looking good now this team is looking decent uh that would be good if we had a cat I might freeze that where are you cats oh there's some chocolate okay let's level up you boost now one more roll that's no cats there's no cats I guess we'll just give them one [Music] I should probably give my leopard something although I feel like he's not really it's not been involved the last few games wonder if everyone has everyone started like changing to like more late game stuff yeah we got snakes snakes could be really good um yeah some people level three cat that's like the easiest way to level up your team fast I might regret not doing that actually because like look everyone's team like actually the monkey's quite low I was gonna say everyone's got like big numbers apart from me thankfully I can bring them down with these two but yeah not looking the best I feel like I should have like shortened the time of these later runs as well we're doing a fair bit of waiting someone's got level two cow that is sick that's so good I love a cow yeah monkey is hard to buff he can't buff himself can he or can he alright next time we'll see who's got the funniest name and I think we'll we've probably lower the lives I didn't realize how long 10 lives was oh that was quite good you can't deny that although oh that shark is getting buff at the back he's got steak as well oh nearly nearly got me that um oh pizza pizza pizza pizza I need a cat for that give me a cat give me a cat oh a double Pizza okay parrot take a parrot I really really need a cat Loop really need a cat oh come on game where's the cat [Music] right okay let's let's have a look who's got the best team the concerned Bulls oh the fishy pants crib uh any other good ones a bloated shirt stormy babies I feel like most babies are like stormy at some point in their lives Suave baguette I love like a posh baguette I'll tell you that um what is a pronk they don't know what a prank is is it like I feel like it's a metal like stabby thing was that just the noise one would make don't I don't know it's not like a plonk at all it's like a pronk uh the blatant eruptions the untouched sausages I'm sure that describes a few people and the burbling socks yes right let's move on let's be fun right oh this is big team looks like [Music] did we do enough at the draw it's a draw tell you what if I just like honeyed the leopard we would be laughing there uh where all right there's the cat finally okay so you go on Double Pizza yes not to the cat oh I haven't got enough gold oh that was short-lived um I feel like it's worth just rolling trying to get another cat so annoying so annoying I need to level up I really need to love I attempted to get a cat in my team but I feel like this I've got I gotta keep this right so yeah where did we get to the burbling socks where are they they're here uh oh we got a cheeky chick oh and we got eight we got a sub as well so operator Viper cheers the sub oh I met zamo 13 minutes ago thank you very much and then cheeky cheer he met after the recent uploads what is it like being the Songbird of Our Generation oh no look someone's name is RC sucks oh I wish I didn't see that one um I find it quite bizarre that um people actually enjoy the singing like you're proper like you like you love pain people that watch my Polly Bridge videos and but yeah I'm enjoying it like I know it's really weird because like I'm actually quite good on instruments and stuff but I'm not doing any instruments I'm just doing it all with my mouth which is like my weakest asset like because my body completely ripped my beard thick Lush my height pretty tall mud oh that's a loss that's a loss uh be a mouth pretty overrated I guess uh should I put a snail in is there any point might as well for bands and you have some of that guys um yeah I feel like I'm just waiting where is it where's the cat all right this is getting ridiculous now there's literally oh come I need a cat next time oh please I might just I might just bin off the cat idea sell monkey by cat I don't even are you asking us a question for your team not for my team I mean cat's good for scaling this game's is taking the mechly like I'm the chance to get an account I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go Pizza I think and then if I get a cat I can cow it yeah I will I'll just buy the pizza I didn't even don't level up that time with a yeah just one one snails pathetic really yeah that's true when I do buy a cat it just eats the food greedy cats how did you get the hard hat it's just a you spend your points on it I think it doesn't cost actual money as far as I'm aware it's in like I think on the main menu there's like a customization button if you go in there the more you play like you earn points every time uh you can spend it on that all right we're against the grumpy chick monks oh they've got the oh yes we took down the badger which decimated their team oh someone thinks their team can't lose anymore well we'll see about that because we are doing some leveling up for a change oh I still want a cat do I wait for a cat for these two or should I I'll just use one shall I so two yeah okay that's good to do that so you well still no cap who let the dogs out they ate all the cats milk the parrot yeah I was well yeah I do need to because then we can move the parrot to the bat I feel like having three leopards is probably the way to go like sackhoff's Gunk completely Maybe oh I don't know I don't know actually would you reckon would you reckon is a better thing to do all leopards let's probably just stick with all parrots for now because that's hissing all three of them so if I'm getting two of them down to one Health that's gonna wipe out both of them right so yeah we just need to I haven't seen any chocolate I guess I froze some pizza for like 10 Rounds but if we get chocolate or a parrot we'll level the parrot up and then I think the team's actually quite good because we've only got to take out one enemy who will have lost like 10 Health so we can easily do 40 damage between our team it just depends on like if they have summoning or and melon armor actually have melon we might be screwed I think that's why skunk is better though because I think Skunk Works through the melon is that right nice sorry soup that was my win say all right pizza then uh sort of sushi them as well oh there's another cow there's the chocolate that we needed oh there's another leopard I don't actually want that leopard now do I Can I stack that on there for like an extra one-on-one probably could probably no point um double cow next time yeah let's end our turn so how are the enemies oh they've got how have they got 50 50 put them in one of them already I assume from the seal somehow oh look you've got skunk with the chili as well not bad I feel like my team should be better than most of these oh look at that one they've gone all out all out cats and not the crappy cats that I couldn't get the decent ones yeah that could be a good theme I feel like though my skunk could work better Maybe if I just shove a melon on who's yeah shove a melon on my leopard I definitely need to level up though why I need three pets because we are doing custom rules so everyone has three pets because no one cheats no one cheats at any point of this right oh we're against the fishy pants I've heard about these guys yeah oh that's annoying that's quite annoying oh look at that though look at that the triple cow okay I feel like it's Gotta Go It's gotta go on this guy right oh do I do I stack them I think stacking is the way to go right all on the cheetah another one because this one's like level oh there's the cat yeah cheers me yeah nice geese show up at the end finally no bed I mean I could have actually I could have got away with doubling that up but probably no point considering that's at 40 48 already I'll just save that for next time so anything I want there not really there's another cat freeze you for another round [Music] lemon cats man all right good news is leopard getting stronger bad news is still nowhere near strong enough I could chill you I feel like all I need to do is make it survive a bit more I think melon will actually be better how many people are left oh yeah so the people going out are generally the ones that like can't snipe very much I love that thing the cow is nearly level three yeah so most people are 50 50 now although actually you know there's quite a lot of people that aren't 50 50. there's just a lot of 50 50s about oh here we go I feel like this is the one I cannot beat yeah look it's wipe my team it's wipe my team even if I was 50 50 I would have been okay trouble is I'm not um right okay let's shove you in I guess if I'll do that oh there's nothing going on toys what's that two and two for everyone I guess so next time so you cat CH that's four and four for everyone yeah that's not bad it's probably worth freezing yeah that team was pretty brutal I did I did have a feeling that's probably gonna be up there I think mine could beat it if I got it up to 50 50 I just I doubt I'll be able to in just three lives we can add four and four to all these but that's about it I'll have to see what happens oh it takes so long it takes a long run turn 25 yeah so next time I think we'll do slightly shorter rounds or less lives shall we just go back to six and I'll just try and like get good leopard only next time come on come on okay we finally got the next battle yay okay so we're against the almighty astronauts they have some hit ask the cow gang one it's a level three cow now nice it's a draw annoyingly actually draw's not bad we'll take a draw anyway cat goes in please don't oh stop giving it to the cat oh why so annoying um in the turn and then we have to wait another minute and a half for everyone else to do their team yeah if you ask throughout the game hurry up please I know that some people are still trying to like sort the teams out so I can't I can't rush too much I think cheese is definitely the way to go I don't understand how you leveled yours up so quick uh this person's doing very well as well because they've got like two cheaters essentially and because that's a tiger that's why it's better than a parrot because it's only taking his attack into account so the 50. so it doesn't actually matter that it's only got a 31 whereas with the parrot like in my team if I had that behind the cheater I'd only be doing like 12. oh I can't believe it's gonna take till the end of the round and look like hardly hardly anyone's actually done still like I can't imagine like what people are doing like surely this late in the game there's like not much you can do it's just get food and cats although how many people maybe there's like only 16 people left or something anyway the over excited pillucks oh there we go down to one hell that's what we like to see finally a win it's been a while um don't rate any of that really oh there's the melon for you that could help and then we just roll I keep oh there's a cat that's cat freeze cat do I freeze a sushi but the cat is two and two that good I mean like yeah I guess I guess right now I'm trying to like go a bit slower because I let people pick quicker now up to 14. how many people are left there's one two three four five ten 15 16 17 people oh there you go yes yes everyone bead running finally the concerned Bulls right okay that not bad we can take him out yeah okay that's a win that is a win okay now we get the cat we do that yeah of course it lands on the cat and then we pair the is having 50 50 better no I guess we'll get the power up get the power up sell the cat and then see if there's anything worth freezing cheeky cow and a third and let's hope everyone else is still up just speed running this waiting on little three people oh and Paddy's come in you're right boy he's dried out a bit now it's been absolutely stinking date so he's been wet and muddy all day so I've had to clean the house lots of times silly dog you're such a good dog Patty you're a good boy you're a good boy yeah I've given I'm redeeming all the pet patties now give that boy a butt scratch from everyone good boy right the swerve baguette oh so the rear two are down to one Health oh oh that's quite tasty that I wasn't expecting that uh is it worth snailing probably not but I'm going to all right is it worth should I just pair that so it's up to 50 health yeah yeah let's do it then oh actually I'm Gonna Roll just in case there's a cat okay there's another cow which probably means there's not gonna be a cat so let's do that and then we'll give that to you sell the cow cheeky wrote nothing that good maybe freeze that end of that all right we're guessing to the point where we're close to 50 50s on the skunk parrot's still a way off could take a while you've only got two lives how many people are left now so five 10 15. so two went out that round blooming out so I feel like this is who we're competing with really I just hope I don't I hope I don't see some of the top teams I could have chillied the leopard yeah maybe I should actually because now it's the 50 50. before I was trying to protect it but now it is a 50 50. okay no a double leopard will still destroy it though that's the trouble because there are a couple of double leopard teams in there um right so let's do that to you cheeky roll that again cow and then you go on shall we anything good a chocolate oh there's a cat we'll have the cat [Music] so did any go out that time so 5 10. 14 yeah so one person went out last time the helpless pranks you might be in trouble they got 50 50s all around they have no decent abilities though really they all just do their like normal attack yeah that oh look that top team that's they've they're transitioning they've realized that all-out cheetahs probably the wise thing to do they're sacrificing lives but probably worthwhile oh this could be dangerous as well the turkeys because the turkey is still there I don't know how this is gonna go [Music] just about just about that was sketch [Music] okay oh there you go all right cat can go in cat will eat the sushi because it's a blooming knob head yep both times cheers cat cell cat and turn oh excess gold roll free Scout enter oh like a machine hey our skunk is 50 50 now by the way pretty decent power is a whale and then I guess it's I don't know what do I do do I swap when the parrot gets to 50 50 do I swap it behind the cheetah because at the moment the parrot's going last which is not ideal for like ending teams I want the cheetah to go first really no I mean sorry I want the cheese to go last skunk should now fire before leopard yeah oh yeah oh is that what's happening yeah I do I sort of forgot that I got the skunk it had 50 Health but not 50 attack so it was going after the leopard therefore not actually doing anything decent oh it's random between the two oh okay so if they're both on 50 it's just random apparently all right here we go then oh it's the baguettes I think they've ruined us last time yeah so we need yeah we need the I'm tempted to do that I think I might I think I might rule Pizza all right go on the parrot of course it didn't of course it didn't okay fair enough all right you go on you go on sell you do you think this is better chili on the left yeah chili leopard would have tried that round Fair shall I keep it like this though because I don't think there's any point in having everyone down to one Health we kept saying it shut up chat you know I'm bad at multitasking so that's gonna do what is it 50 hopefully it will round up and it'll do 20 damage to three people oh well see what happens the trouble with uh chili is that team will kill me that team will kill me I'll be good against the other ones for those two will kill me how many oh there's actually quite a few chickens or Crews oh there's a lot of okay I didn't realize that there's a lot of oh there you go look that's the guys first isn't it oh yes love to see a bit of that peace oh nice oh yeah that's the guy that's top the guy that's switching um do I Apple the parrot no actually not sure there you go oh get the cat in first um yeah nothing too good okay oh Pizza Pizza I know pizza's gonna end on those two but you gotta do it you gotta do it I don't I don't think chili I would have lost the last round if I had chili I think and then I would have been out the game I feel like defense is the best form of attack chat really wants me to go for chili but chat would be looking at a main menu screen right now in my opinion I might be wrong because there's well there's not many teams left I don't know how I've hung in this so we've got five six seven eight nine oh this could be a win yeah that's a win that's a win decent cheat I did she I can't say I didn't cheat yes the parrot got it okay that's good look there's a chili I'm skipping it I'm sorry uh Sushi just so it's got 50 health and then there's a cow what does that do oh it's only one attack so two attack oh there's a pair okay so next round if we survive we'll have 50 50s across the board [Music] oh and then we might be well it ends what the stream when does what end person asking when does it end the stream or the game or what yeah I know we're on round 35 now Thrifty mental it's just a case of is my team better than everyone else's I don't know life when does life end oh yeah if we can oh I don't know if I don't know if this team's good enough I don't know yeah people that haven't watched today's video it's a banger by the way it's a carrier on the poly Bridge to bonus worlds yeah and I go back you know you like the first I did the first video and like no one had uploaded the gallery stuff because it was like Early Access now I go back and like look at all the first level replays as well uh some caucus in there by the way all right okay here we go then who are we against no I'll we do we'll do one more round after this I reckon oh look it's those guys we should have this yes oh yes if I had chili we wouldn't have done okay so you have that and then sub cow in you are now 50 50. get rid of you and then I don't even we just stand on turn right shall I just I might just freeze like loads of cows yeah I like cows so we'll be cow gang [Music] I could just put a fourth animal in to guarantee that I win I mean I won't so if you guys won't oh here we go so that's the fully maxed out team versus my fully maxed out team which is gonna win oh they want balls GG prove me wrong um so yeah turns out all out cheetahs is better blimey even with the melons I was surprised by that okay not even close well that's good to know for next time um yeah so shall we do we'll do one more round I'll do less lives but for this one I want to show you like what we're doing we're gonna do you can only have two different types of animals so for this first round I can do I can do that so that's two different types of animals does that make sense there's not two animals it's two types so next round I could like add another duck add another duck I could have four ducks and that's fine so yeah five slots just two different types of animals everyone happy with that two species of animals yeah okay um so let's let's get out of it so we will do it versus I'm going to change the change the number of lives let's go down to I'll show just go let's go back to standard shall we [Music] how do I get no customer was off there we go so it's just stand of rules I think right so we'll call this to species I think that's how you spell species is it looks really wrong now [Music] if you want to join go go join [Music] I probably should have done the um a different pack or something shouldn't they two spices right it's a 64 player um okay so pigs pigs and Ducks I'm going for don't know about you guys I'll freeze you for later though oh I might freeze you as well yeah freeze both of you sounds dumb but I think it's worth it um yep that's our team name oh do I turn off same pack oh no did I actually we'll have to see if I did we're gonna have to back out because that'll just be Carnage I thought I always I thought I wasn't a custom rule I thought I was just like a I don't know see what happens you have a magpie oh that's not good sign all right so three three crickets that's decent yeah beat me oh only five lives all right so let's just see yeah there's ah sorry there's all sorts of pets shall we back out shall we start again would you reckon chat I'm cool with it yeah yeah we're back out okay sorry everyone we're quitting that I'll do it properly this time um so versus mode create private so you do have to have custom rules on so pack same as host but you change lives to standard life loss standard duration okay so that's fine yeah we all agreed sorry rce is an idiot [Music] and anyone joining we're doing two species you can have any number of pets but you can only have two different species of pet if that makes sense [Music] yeah so you can have you can have like five of the same animal or you can have just one of the same animal you can have two different animals like two different species of animal you can have any number the boss matter yeah so in this example we can have the mosquito and an ant I can't have the fish because that's different species so you can roll and then okay we didn't get any so I'm gonna add the otter but then I'm gonna sell it don't worry just to get the cheeky bit of hit points and we'll then roll okay this is gonna go really badly I think oh I'm not the moist sausages anymore oh let's be the oh you did 64 people joined that quickly let me know yes a bus is a species let's be the perfect whipper snappers no the hungry Gibbons the hungry Gibbon yeah I'm not very confident about this team at the moment so who are we up against the unsubtle melds they've got double ant and a cricket in the middle [Music] um oh I've got hit points so oh it's a draw it's a draw foreign I might I might honey up one of these like may as well oh here we go some mosquitoes I can do that team of mosquitoes one damage to everyone I think I'll put that one at the back so yeah you can only have two different species in there so you can have as many pets as you want um oh I should have I should have Frozen the beaver really should have Frozen the beaver because things like that are actually quite good because you can just buy them then sell them again so we're against the oh no the beaver fish gang [Music] we might be okay we've got a cheeky win we got a cheeky win there they look strong but they weren't all right tier two pets are unlocked um oh do I stack up the mosquitoes I lose three damage and three pets I might pill the amp and get some fish oh I don't know what to do um let's freeze that anyway Let's Roll okay there's another mosquito I may as well shove that in although oh there's an otter I wouldn't mind the nutter should I sleeping pill nah I think I will I'll tell you what I'll tell you what to do that we'll buy you then we'll sell you and then we got a few more rolls let's just try and find oh I was trying to find like another animal that I wanted I probably should have kept the the extra mosquitoes in hindsight but don't know extra stats might help two and twos not the best cheers oh what do you mean the architect will win you're playing are you oh look at that mosquito gank oh nice cheeky win and then I had us cheers for the sub very kind of you um right okay what do we do what do we do here I guess we go with you [Music] oh why are you buffing up my Ants I don't want to buff amp cheeky little frazz winding me up um yeah I don't think I'm gonna go Hedgehog I could go Hedgehog build it would be fun I really could actually I might I think I'm going to yeah sleeping pill you [Music] shove you in I might have to stack up some mozzies at the front so if I just apple one of you then they should all have health yeah okay that's good that is good I mean if people are wondering what we're doing we're doing you can only have two different species so if we have a look at this we should see oh that person you're cheating wait Bamboozled noses you're cheating you've got three animals you can only have two different species of animal so what are lots of crickets going on look at the otters love to see it oh they've got a they've got my my team pretty much but hedgehog at the back lots of fit oh and a dolphin look at that Evolution right in front of your eyes nice lots of uh lots of different teams going on this stage of the game let's see how the Hedgehog goes he's gonna do oh no it's not great it's not great oh they got some hit points instant regret I think that's a loss oh no it's a draw no it's all oh I didn't see the honey that's the loss yeah I'm regressing going Hedgehog already uh there's another one of those right okay I'll tell you what what I might do I might actually lose these now so stack them up oh python oh bison I'm quite close to having that work actually oh I was oh I don't know what to do I was gonna shove like loads of Bluefish but a bison could be better what do I do should I I'm gonna do I'm gonna need the more humorous one I guess it's probably efficient I might freeze that for like okay that's gotta go sorry mate we're going for oh look we've got another one that's on Free's replacement oh look at this okay this could be good freezer garlic as well I think okay let's see just what happens here it's gonna be Carnage but next round we're gonna have four blowfish so what what they do so that does two damage for everyone and they do two damage when they're hurt so we're gonna be doing n damage if I can like yeah there's that oh that's just a one random enemy isn't it okay it's me Bluefish isn't the best actually Bigfoot hustles cheers for the sub dude all right let's see what happens here oh that's good A little bit of oh yes you silly mosquitoes so I wipe their team oh no I still lost oh that's annoying um a bit of garlic would help okay let's shove those in garlic one of you oh there's another blue picture blue fish for days okay so what sort of teams do we have going on oh three horses and dolphins that is a peculiar combo seahorses I guess now that's the person who I just faced I think wasn't it mozzies and a sheep early sheep there you go oh they got two sheep sheeps sheepie sheep gang yeah actually that's probably the way I should pronounce it that's the sea people uh one of the last five life people so they're buffing with a with a giraffe not a bad way to be to be honest um I feel like I'm the only one that's gone with like a stupid we have to see what happens did anyone oh no it's gone out yet there's a few people on their last lives or maybe they did go out all right they got hit points no I think they're still in I mean I'm on three lives I can't really talk and I can't see this going too well we'll see what happens I'm hoping I come against more mosquitoes right but uh let's see what happens so the Hopeless aliens oh 4v1 this is gonna be what is going on I don't even understand I think all that's happened is I've lost how did One Beat four oh dear right um well let's shove you in and then shall I stack up I feel like stacking up is probably best oh crocodile oh an early Croc I do like an early Croc it might be time to get rid of the Hedgehog or a Croc I know we're not going to do damage to ourselves but uh I feel like I'm actually Gonna Keep The Croc do I Apple it stage oh there should be some pairs about so I think we'll roll there we go as a pet freeze that I dearly want ideally want another blue fish so I shove that in are you dumb like they're not gonna do anything really are they is it better just to stack them up should I level three I can level three Blowfish now should I do that what round are we on so we're on turn seven yes we could get okay I'll leave it like this for now I feel like I probably should stack but we're gonna we're gonna leave it we'll see what happens it's probably a mistake site oh yes yes mosquitoes I think that should be a win surely surely I was gonna say I was gonna say right okay that worked out well so now I'm gonna stack these and hope we get another crocodile that's a monkey oh oh okay let's just throw oh I don't know what I want to do now I definitely wanna do I want the croc or do I just leave the do I just have the blue fish and then put a monkey in there is a deer as well yeah what do you mean dear whale a monkey how can I have two species I don't think those two are it combine the whale deer monkey I can't I can only have two species um oh I don't know what to do okay let's do I keep the crocodile eight damage to the last enemies good right oh that's a lot oh do the deer do you reckon during the day is worth it dear Eva right let's stack right we're doing we're doing crocodile 100 um shall I keep those tea and buff up one of those great I don't know what to do with the dip should I freeze it what wait what do I what do I do unfreeze the monkey okay we'll get rid of the monkey no that was that was after Panic oh look they've got a deer oh it's gonna wipe out my Croc no isn't yeah it is oh scary okay tier five pets that is good so we say goodbye to the Bluefish now right Humphrey's a monkey are we definitely getting the deer in I feel like I should pair him just so we're a bit safer from Splash damage said oh we got a question sorry about that rce why don't you play on fast mode uh because there's no point really it's only saves a few seconds most of the time it's spent like waiting like for other people rather than waiting for the attacks I like to see what's going on a little bit and wow there's a for us question as well hang on um right am I am I doing the am I doing the day I don't know if D is worth doing two and three I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna monkey it I'm sorry we've we've gone with monkey and I can honey the monkey as well right just in case it dies that might save us oh we could hang on what what we could get early melon should I do that next round I may do that next round uh anyway let's let's just roll okay there's some chocolate not bad oh I'm looking at the skunk again I probably should steer clear bullet there you go two and three to that because I'm doing 16 damage with those two remember as long as teams are quite small although this one oh look at the look at the skunks now now oh that's annoying okay you really need another member of my team I'm not gonna lie um or maybe this will actually help because that's now got melon armor so I might just I might just roll try and get another Croc oh there's another monkey I'm gonna shove Another Monkey in right I think that's the right thing to do I think right maybe potentially I don't know we'll see SN it's our last life so we're gonna have to hope how are the other teams looking oh they're all like filled up oh they've got a cat malnourish Matty [Music] um oh by the way thank you to that AC Slater for the sub four minutes ago and John to DNA yeah and then there was a question from France 14 minutes ago he's probably gone now but he said well I see a certain architect playing some sap wonder if he'll become an engineer one day is that a question otherwise pet Patty it's pet Patty question it's gonna say that's not a question damn architect me and frazz have a uh love hate relationship um I'm not convinced I'm gonna survive this if I'm honest we could because he's going to get buffed quite a bit he's going to get four and six so oh wait has he already got it oh no he's already got it okay at least the elephant's gone and get rid of that okay that's a win whoa that was sketch all right CS6 pets this is where it gets real um I'm what does or just leveling up the monkey do four and six is it worth leveling up the monkey and just having one I don't know let's throw okay we got we got the chocolate now we have the chocolate what does leveled up Croc do um eight damage to the Last Enemy triggers twice yeah I'll do that instead jelly attack is the best form of Defense you got some cats as well I am wondering do I sack off the monkeys in favor of cats that's probably way more worthwhile right yeah two cats rather than two monkeys I'll keep them like that for now yeah his crop his big Croc at the front the thing to do as well with the melon armor or do I move it to the back for a bit of safety what's everyone else done most people have the big boys at the front okay let's see what happens it's 24 25 and it has melon armor let's see what happens let's see what happens so oh they got some hit points in there there goes my melon armor not ideal get rid of you get rid of you we can take out a lot of hit points and then it's just please yes we've got to win we gotta win cheeky B at the back oh there's another Croc love to see it okay so now we sell the monkeys for the cats right get rid of you two annoyingly there's no food so it's probably worth safetying I think it's worth doing that bit of safety I'd rather be safe than sorry so we'll go with that how are these other teams looking s could be really good in this that is so excessive like that one's got a mushroom on it as well oh that's crazy oh that's nasty that is nasty there are three monkeys buff oh I'm pretty sure King Arthur's hippo is gonna be was gonna have 50 Health surely because we're looking at last round remember uh you need to move your fly to the back do it do it now do it now oh they got double worms there's so many people one Health oh no look the leopards are back the leopards are back like what the frick they have four oh my goodness oh Buffalo or bison whatever they are right okay first yes okay that's a win that is a win if ever I've seen one [Music] right now we are good for the level up oh look at that do I go with melon late am I oh am I better off using melon armor or should I just keep scaling I don't know yeah I do feel like melon's decent I can't freeze it because I I'm gonna melon because if I don't get anything next time I'll be kicking myself so we'll do that yeah look we've got nothing so now we're a little bit safe I might do three rolls for some good food here's a salad bowl good food debatable I mean there's there's a leopard down there I'm tempted by the leopards I mustn't I mustn't is a sellable good three and three it's not terrible but yeah oh there we go there we go we've got a cow we've got a cow the trouble is we can't really get a cow involved very easily there's some can you hear Paddy barking there's some pizza do I do I go with cow actually yeah but my girlfriend's just come home so pad goes like mental he does like stupid high-pitched box squeals he's a silly dog hey do I do a cow because I lose I'll likely lose attack see what happens anyway the flexible sausages they have some hit points we might lose this we took out one of their team [Music] oh we're in trouble we are in trouble no we're done we're done that is me out of there uh congrats everyone else that carried on the flexible sausages still with five lives but yeah that is me done um and as the girlfriend's home I should probably go now anyway so shall we raid someone who shall we read any suggestions [Music] is anyone playing suit party pets [Music] there are people oh actually sub optimal when you just weren't they number one in our thing [Music] I'm pretty sure [Music] was he streaming is he streaming in yeah he is he is right we've got to read them then so the guy that was first um is who we are reading foreign cheeky boy but yeah you can carry on you can see what happens so um yeah go give this guy a raid anyway guys I'll say peace love and animals go watch my poly bridge video later as well bye guys [Music] we don't go against like any of the crazy top teams I'm hoping will just be okay through [Music] teams I'm hoping will just be okay for a bit but I'm kind of worried now that we could start losing hey thanks to the rates real civil engineer welcome everyone man that's a lot of people I'm in his Lobby doing my best to win I'm my Strat is to go for a cat can to get a 50 50 shop we have a level three bison to scale the other by
Channel: Real Civil Engineer ARCHIVE
Views: 4,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: P6EbQUswwt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 24sec (8304 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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