RCE ARCHIVE: Engineering my way into the sky!! Trailmakers!

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[Music] hello fellow engineers happy friday friday i hate people say that i say it myself i hate myself uh how are we doing i see a pet paddy thank you sir and joe knight i've i've got to just say what you just put on the discord now genius why didn't i think of that my ksp video that i just went out it was a bilf bridge i'd love to fly god damn i missed that one i should have used that i should have used that love it anyway we're carrying on with trail makers today we're still stranded in space i thought we'd head on over to the old volcano sort of area uh apparently there's loads of like flying stuff so we can get into the air and oh god what's that oh i built a submarine last time didn't i i was subbing it about yeah i thought i'm in the mood for a bit of flying after today's video so yeah let's head on over to the are you stranded in space if you're on a planet that's a good point stevo that is a very good point i guess i'm not stranded in space i'm stranded on a strange planet with floaty stuff but that's where i want to get today up there into the sky what is that oh smoke uh yes i need to head i remember someone's saying in a previous stream overthrow the volcano and there's loads of like well there's loads of good stuff for flying so i think we'll fast travel to that one your portal 2 series makes my head hurt you're telling me man i think to be honest that's probably the last the last portal video i'll do because i think it's just it's just it's too hard to follow like it's hard enough trying to work out myself but i think it's really hard to follow so cheers triple plays that's very kind of eat um right so lava can mean one thing burning in a horrible mess but i remember a few episodes ago a few streams ago i got these special like wheel things and they're not wheels so let's go to the build mini i can't remember how you play this b for build um i might swap snake dog out with something a bit more normal maybe like one of those ones i think i'll do that one the big boy can i just drag that in yes delete existing yeah then i'm going to swap this with some like larvae stuff i got these like wheels last time that aren't wheels i don't know why i keep calling them wheels they are or are they where yours oh they're not even in wheels where are they then they're like hovercraft things balance no tubes they want a tube lift i would have put it in lift to be honest but no it's not a light it's not a seat what the hell is it did i dream it oh propulsion there you go hover blocks so we'll get rid of these wheels see ya see ya see ya see ya bye bye bye right and then i'm gonna lace the bottom with hover blocks if i can yeah so i think one in each corner oh wait we're not attached we're not attached how do we attach them oh they go all okay we'll get rid of that nonsense then and we'll put them on the very front leave it that way down one do the thing with the stuff please that's my aim do not worry uh so that's attached now let's uh let's move this one uh how'd everyone find today's you're video the ksp i cannot believe i could not work out i was meant to add bloody steering things why did no one tell me i thought like the wings had built-in steering things no one tells me anything these days all right so forward god how do i move my like i just click on it so that way right that's attached i don't have enough power cores blimey how much do these take oh i don't need any of these engines i'm just realized because i don't have any wheels see you later engines i'm pretty sure with you with these hover blocks we've got to [Music] have some sort of like jet thing in the air all right so let's just see once i i don't i don't need a spoiler should i bring it on there i'll put it on there what is that it's my magnet okay let's just see if this works to start with uh yes it hovers so hopefully the lava won't get me oh god i can't steer and i'm just falling down what's the worst that could happen oh we're spinning we're spinning there's not a lot of friction with these but it's okay we do we do hover you just have no steering oh look he's he's trying to he's trying to stare can you see his head it's like lean left lean left lean right lean right uh so yeah now we need to add oh wait i can't build on lava god damn how am i gonna get out of this i've just been told i can't build on lava me um well that was a cock-up let me build how do i reset can i do backspace i'm stuck on the lava uh does anyone know how i can actually get out of it what instruments do you play love the music video i play everything you saw in that video guitar drums bass i started as a guitarist did like four years like in a band and stuff and then i was like order this now i'm gonna give drums a bash and then i've been flicking between the two ever since i'm literally stuck this is this is the rest of the stream now enjoy everyone we made it into the air technically we did make it into the air because we are floating have you ever played astroneer yeah i've dabbled in astroneer like when it first came out played it with some friends co-op very good fun uh i'm literally stuck this sucks oh oh i can i can fast travel can i fast travel back to that i knew that i knew it was possible right to build so now i need to come up with a weight of moving in certain directions or i might have a tail fin maybe my tail fin will steer me but basically i'll use these raw jet engines and obviously i'll make them face backwards so what what ends the jet end i think that's about right i'll put one there and one over there and then rather than this spoiler i'll try and put some like tail fins in or something because that should steer me holy crap that is huge that is perfect perfect and i'll wang two of those on trouble is i won't be able to break that's what i might do i might put some jets facing forward yeah that could work i'll put some jets facing forward oops where'd that go what the hell oh mom rotates uh how do i get off rotate it all right so that should allow me to steer wait is that symmetrical yes i hope but i won't be able to break so propulsion jet engine at the front i can i think i can like map this to a different key do i want two or one bit i should probably do two for me i'll only die otherwise right lovely so now i can configure and rather than space i think i want oh no i want backwards so s that one configure s and these ones i'll put on w nice and that might allow me to steer i'm not sure how well tail fins will work uh but if not i could just potentially put jets facing outwards i'm not really sure if that will work though let's let's try this for now so oh nice oh yeah we don't we don't have much steering oh god oh god oh no okay i really need the side jets build boom that was close that was very close so some side jets are required so one there and i'll copy that one over to there rotate move you that way i i'll leave it there i'll leave it there and that could actually work could being the main word here so configure that to and if it shoots that way to d is that right and that one to a yeah we won't be able to rotate i'm hoping the tail fins might help me rotate the tail fins probably won't do anything now but like it should rotate if i use like back and left or forward and i think you'll be fine it'll be fine your audio is very distorted is anyone else's distorted sometimes windows updates and it up my mic like big time nope good audio is fine excellent eh let's carry on oh then yeah why did that one go red i don't see they blow up okay so they're quite difficult to turn around actually so i might have to use my brain just sort of it's working it's working now oh no now it's not working repair all right yeah let's just cheese it sod it alright slow down slow down then annoyingly my magnets like behind me i am never going to line this up what is this hmm is there a better way do we think this is pod racing all right let's turn the magnet on ready oops it's to death all right so we're quite well lined up actually oops all right ready ready ready yes we got it we got it now where do we take it that is the question see i can rotate a bit it's just it's sort of like ironically it's sort of like steering on ice i think but it is white it takes a lot of concentration oh oh right everything's backwards now so what was that wait that one that one all right hold there oh that way oh no left front out come on left ah there you go sort it clean it clean it no we ran out we ran out oh yes we did it [Music] i can't believe that actually worked we got a wedge wait that's not gonna help us fly what's the point of that uh right shall we try and go up a bit i might swap just for now there's something with wheels um how do i map this again map tab oh no that's an actual map i want to map it map it is it just how do you swap vehicle i can't remember i kind of remember they do i gotta save this one somehow wow i got there in the end i thought i did quite well there obviously not oh yeah so click on it save [Music] save as um dancing on ironic ice save right so let's change then i swear there's a way is it template no there i'm not sure i literally can't remember how to shove it to a letter yeah what is it all left oh same space our space is toggled and all left is hold it down interesting all right so let's swap to something with wheels i think number two this is like a slow-ass thing but it can get up steep steep hills pretty well and i want to head that way i think so we'll head up here dancing on irony i think i did that area last time well not last time a while ago how do we get over that it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll all right this is the old sludgy mud but our big wheels have no problems with that it sounds great oh look at that light come on flying stuff where are you hang on sort of head in the rock maybe i go all the way around so i want to get up to those ones how do i move this map donny unknown oh there's a load of unknown salvage that i completely missed anyway we'll keep going around here see where we end up yo how was it going well there's some coins up there i don't care about coins screw the coins oh is that a square hey gate we found one straight off it's a large cannon oh i think this is where i struggled last time yeah i flew over to there and that's where i found the glitch so i want to stay on this side let's sort of get over there somewhere maybe up this gap so where is that that's up there that looks very steep we might be able to make it not i might have the spiky wheels i can't remember oh it's looking okay they go on son six wheeler for the win all right here we go i feel like i'm like a spider hey older god how are you doing you beautiful bastard i'm van dandy or something that a british person should say how are you sir you could um right around here doesn't seem to be any down there which is a bit disappointing they're all up i can't really see your way up unless i go that way or maybe back up there i'm pretty sure that oh no i can't even turn i literally cannot turn on this there let's go down we're going down i swear i haven't been around here before what's anything good on that lava can't see anything no i thought there'd be more around here if i'm honest someone told me on a previous stream there's loads of flying stuff although look a new checkpoint that means there's got to be some good stuff around it nice checkpoint thank you i do like the uh the old dust in this game all right let's reverse into this just a nice easy one oh drag racing wheel i'll have some of that thank you noise right so we are down here oh there's a whole like new area okay oh so that's a special can you see like the top right of the if you look there that's a rocket part so i need that one just like to my left and up there she is it's an explosive one so these red ones you've got to be very very careful with them you've just got to slowly slowly be gentle with them otherwise they will explode and it's a power court [Music] all right it will probably spark quite a bit but as long as they're gentle it should be fine uh so yeah if you drop these there's always a respawn button which is very handy this power cord is replacing just hold down backspace i think it is and uh it resets to where it was many times i've knocked salvage pieces to places i didn't want them to go i'm surprised there's nothing down there very surprised right we'll head up then should i check the map again okay yeah we'll just go up we'll just explore for a bit first lots of steep hills around here the six wheeler is the way to go oh look there's a big one it looks like the sun all right we'll go over there in a bit then let's just explore around [Music] anything up there can't see anything oh there's one there's one what are you reverse into here a wedge wedges are like the architecture of pieces i don't i don't care for wedges there's something better up here it's got to be boy who did a prediction you bastards oh it's a heavy weight block that sounds useful all right we'll take this back i think i can probably just nudge this one down and then follow it oh no i thought it might roll more it's definitely not rolling i want to give a nudge go on yes let gravity do the work people that's what it's all about meanwhile i'll go grab these they are some coins [Music] that's not going to get very far is it damn you heavy weight block you are a heavy weight block oh no my back wheels fell off all right let that go come on i should probably repair as well i just want to nudge this off oh no we're upside down let's repair there's not enough space to repair are you kidding me don't be done game just let me repair oh game don't do this to me there we go okay right i just exploded my magnet that might go in on its own accord oh it's going off the edge isn't it it's going off the edge come back i know we're good we're good we'll just grab that one right i've turned into a massive ant now with a big butt i missed it i missed it get your ass in there son there we go there we go that heavy weight block that might help us with the old submarine edge uh anything else there's oh that one's on a pokey rock i could try and get that i'm a bit scared i'm gonna head over this way so go right and then up the hill so i think through here yep straight through here weight blocks are great when you need to keep balance when carrying something oh yeah that's good good shot i haven't thought of that right what's this one is it a bloody wedge it's a cone almost i don't know actually maybe i do want a cone i was about to say it's just as useful or unuseful as a wedge it's unuseful a useless useless i know english oh wow that's quite a drop that i'm going to take this one back just because i was thinking i could make like oh no you say that joey i was thinking i could actually make like boobs so i want to cater to everyone not just the dung lovers among us it is a bomb this one they're quite right oh i went too far get in there we got the cone all right i'm going to quickly then take advantage of the cone oh there you go the weight block increases mass vacuum moves your center of mass to keep your balance i love it i'm going to get rid of these and i'm gonna grab i'm on tubes currently where's right no not frame just blocks or is it aerodynamic our cones aerodynamic no where the hell are cones what's a cone is it a tube a cone is not a tube is it a cone is a tube you're talking me right and what i want to do with this is give my car like boobs out the front there one there and one oh now i feel i do need to do the strongest shape and that's tiny that's tiny uh what else do we have where where where was i in a cone was a tube wasn't it that's not good aerodynamic are they like half cylinder type things what about one of them i can't shove that on its side uh so that we'll do a trade we're doing a trade people and this is just for luck like you know how like some cars have like i don't know like an eagle on the front or a jaguar this is this is what the rce car looks like it's all right let's let's carry on oh should i do the back i'm gonna leave it like that i'm gonna leave it like that yeah it's tomb raider's boobs right oh i haven't we'll start connected what are you doing over there angie all right we better save this uh save save i've got unused power cores so actually i should probably add some more propulsion i i really haven't come across a lot of propulsion yeah it's a bit disappointing oh no i moved my thing oh yeah we'll shove that behind copy it to there oh we can still add more engines bloody out another one oh man this is going to be fast as anything now copy a load down there all right there you go we've used up all of our power cords right so now i will save and then we'll carry on as we were oh that's a good shot yeah if i get another explosive one maybe i will add a hinge to that magnet so i can give it a bit of rotate anyway oh look how much quicker we are we're not really that much quicker i think we are a bit quicker yeah we are we're way quicker actually look at the dust trail i'm so fast right then what do we need to find yeah i only have those engines i haven't found any others yet that's a lie i did find the big mofo but chat said it was crap and i couldn't get to uh it what's around here you can see a bit of coinage not a lot else so there's one above me there and one above me there there's none like down here that's disappointing yummy thank you all right so if we head in here maybe that will allow us to go up what is the uh prediction in the chat by the way i completely missed what it was it's it's usually about me like dying don't tell him all right yeah don't tell me we'll just see if i do it it's not build a dong because i've already sort of done that why am i struggling to get out this hill so much now no i lost a ball or a boob whatever it was yeah yeah a knocker i lost a knocker i want that big ball look how bright it is i've got my own bright big ball screw you break big ball i've got my own i probably should put my boob back on me just for aerodynamic reasons okay right can i get up that there's a bit of a hill there out yes i can the joys of six was a modular wing that will help us fly for sure i want to see what's over there firstly assuming i can get close enough i want to know what it is oh my god that volcano is huge by the way i have no idea can i oh i can't see what it is i kind of see what it is hey brie cheese oh my god i agree you might be the first person to have a gold hat six months thank you so much for the support by the way that's super kind what my wing fell off well that's convenient yeah thank you so much look at that gold helmet that's when you know you've made it um right this is a big ass mo face but oh god oh god i can't steer i can't steer i don't know i don't know the best way to get it over there actually we're going down it's fine it's fine the game's telling me to repair and then saying there's not enough space to repair not this again there you go right we might have to engineer a way out of this but i'm going to try brute strength for now yes power power yes i'm gonna try and get ah my arse has a lot of momentum wait don't clip that oh god i really just want to drop it over this hill [Applause] just build a death star that would be a sensible way see three g's all right drop you have a good day at work if that's such a thing uh oh i don't want to drop down there because i might die or could i could land on that rock i'm gonna land that rock i've got enough wheels i can't die with this many rules ready yes front flip land it yes oh and it's still going in the right direction you beauty mats i'm getting the hang of this game now now i'm just playing rocket league come on get in there son they're gonna spin look at the guy all right i'm gonna magnet just the end i don't want my words to take all the credit sup wow super hero wow quite an athletic ball that's what she said drop her in ready oh no give her a nudge we have a wing people we might be able to fly uh i did try and fly before though and it did not go well all right let's repair so i've got my thing back on the front yeah lovely shall i build a plane i feel like this is a really good runway because we got like a little lip at the end what do we have if we were to not make it just a huge cliff okay i reckon that's fine i'm gonna go back here i'm gonna build a plane i don't have propellers yet so it might just have to be like rockets but that sounds way more fun right i might already have a plane i do have a plane it's called popparoo for some reason yeah yes delete the existing vehicle i think so all right so this was my last plane which didn't go very well but now i have a modular wing so what's that one that one's a small modular wing so now i might have all of the lift that i need so i'll do i'm literally just gonna should i delete them or should i just add i might just add i'm gonna make a biplane with proper wings some modular wing oh man this is a big boy oh wow okay i'm excited now can i like can i tube between them or something let's have a look let's see what happens uh tubes can i want to sleep because i'm not a monster i don't think i can connect that to the top of a wing that's disappointing but what i can do because i'm pretty sure you can do that on this game it says oh oh god no i don't want it a different color sort off just keep copying this to the end oh god why is it it's on like a different grid system oh well let's do some tubage just to connect them so i could do like oh god there's so many pipes do an elbow tube off that an elbow tube off that yes look at that right i'm literally just going to link them with tubes because i'm pretty sure the game doesn't take like length into consideration thankfully um so let's rotate that that way and then move it oh and then move it that way and then just some straight tubes in between so we've got a tube there yes and then another tube wait once it's in and another tube in there cool and then i just copy that to the other side so hopefully i can do like that sort of thing copy and then rotate and then move it over that way very slowly and off camera where we can't even see it oh god i'm moving it all over the place yeah it's over to there right lovely that's connected delete that and then just copy the wings and we've made a biplane oh bollocks no we haven't cause we didn't start in the middle are we fine i'll be fine i'll just um how long is that oh it's not long enough i'll just copy some tubes in there it'll be fine trust me i'm an engineer modular wing more like modular wang all right can i add some more engines because i am a fan of the jets i was thinking i could like sort of put them on different buttons to try and get a constant bit of jettage yes jet edge is the technical term ah missing some power chords let's get rid of a load of engines where's my remaining power cord button number oh up there 17 sweet so copy that that way and yeah what i'll do i'll have the outside ones configured to yes base audi and then those ones configured to a different button maybe like w w so then i'll drive along and these ones will be going they might explode then in the air i can just space it you won the gamble what was it what was the gamble then uh will rc do a knob joke in the next 20 minutes i assume that was wait i was tricked i was tricked i was tricked i was tricked that is not a risky bet but apparently it was a risky bit because i didn't see it um i'm not sure what's going to happen here but i am going to hit save because i'm confident i don't know how i'm going to steer it either is there like a oh tail fins tail fins screw the get rid of that i don't want headlamps i probably don't want as many engines to be fair but whatever so aerodynamics we want a big ass do we want paddles no that's for water i was thinking rudder wait is that for water as well i don't know so if we put two of those next to each other that sounds good that's a thing isn't it i've seen planes like that before surely this is going to go great right segue to ant i think that's what i did wasn't it i got space and w alright say this again save i don't know why it's called puffery let's reverse a bit oh god this has some speed actually uh where am i flying to let's let's plot a course first so we're going to fly off this cliff where do we want to get to into the volcano maybe up to like space i don't know i do want to see what all these ah and i don't want to see what that one is actually let's just see if we can fly first let's not get too far ahead all those people with ocd yeah sorry unsymmetrical win wings because i forgot to start building in the middle anyway we are off oh we are well up oh no we did we did a backflip does this count as flying did that count hmm to be fair i wasn't really trying to no i need horizontal stabilizers okay what's a horizontal stabilizer that is the question horizontal means flat so a smaller well like a tail wing do you mean i could just copy some of these and shove them there hang on i can't why won't you oh i won't sit on that okay apparently that's fine is that what you mean yeah okay so that might might help us i probably need like proper controls and stuff so what are these configure to can i oh no there isn't a configure oh do these not steer have i done the same thing as i did in bloody my kerbal video earlier i've just got wings that don't steer so what if i put tail fins on their side has kerbal taught you nothing uh yes right i tell you what then i'm gonna get rid of those i'm gonna take some tail fins wait i can't even configure them come on surely that should move that's got like a flap there's usually a configure button like that oh oh no wait i've worked our way it's the seat i need a cockpit one i'm pretty sure might be wrong that could be a thing they this could solve everything and it could ruin everything but let's see if this helps all right so that's connected in he can just about see out there through the gap and we'll connect that together with some blocks a bit two by two in there copy that copy again rotate rotate and right now can i configure these no bollocks how's waste time use hinges oh hinges yes so i could hinge the entire wing that sounds like a disaster wouldn't happen i wonder can i like hinge from my things over here so maybe if i deleted that i need to hinge my top wing i think get rid of that and i'll copy that a few times oh what's going on copy copy copy copy right delete that let's let's get some hinges going uh mechanic we've got trailer hinge large hinge steering hinge it says they're perfect for wheels but i reckon they're perfect for wings can i zoom in please thank you thank you game all right so i'm thinking if i delete that wait no that's not gonna work is it how can i get i can't get something to tilt forwards and backwards from the side can i or can i it's gonna have to be like a really strange pipe system let's delete what i could do i feel like this could work if i rotate it that way and then move it to like there this is going to be the most bodged plane you've ever seen in life it's going to be beautiful and then we'll copy one of those to there and rotate it that way yeah this is gonna work this is actually gonna work and then we copy that to there rotate and then i just copy another one so there and rotate that could work if i do the same on the other end that could actually work right hey pickly you made it to a stream nice one yeah so if i just i don't even know i'm gonna go to the other end have a look so i want delete that delete that so i've got to grab another hinge do the old rotate bobby i can't remember what way around it was so it was red on top green on bottom i think if i do the same it should be fine red on top green and bottom sorted all right so then a corner piece is this gonna work i think that's what used to be placing your bets on this is too complicated you ain't seen nothing yet and yeah i'm sure there probably is a better way of doing this but this is this is why oh god hang on this is why we should let engineers dabble in different types of engineering you want oh cheers dre for the cheers very kind of you you want each side of the wings to rotate opposite directions opposite directions then it will twist wait uh you want a wing at the back that rotates as one oh yeah maybe yeah good shout i was just doing like up and down edge i wasn't doing steering i was going to do steering another way uh oh god yeah i'm not sure what to do now how can i get like i don't know we'll try this for now and just see if it does do you up and down and if i get up and down sorted then we can modify to make it steer proper so yeah copy this wait yeah i think i actually want that to be one further that way so we need a straight in the middle so i'll copy and then i think we're nearly done down rotate you ever seen a plane like this before i hope not i really hope not uh okay let's see what this does so yes so you can see my left and right should give us lift and down diff what's the opposite of lift down the lift right annoyingly though left to go down so what is it left to go down no rights go down left go up what is this all right left up oh it really likes growing up i think that was a partial success so now we can try splitting it in the middle now stop counting my deaths so if we if we get back in the builder so if we split this in the middle i'll just go sort of in the middle and to have four wings on either side yeah this is going to kill people that have ocd um how can i connect these so that they do still twist do i have a trailer hinge yeah i think i want that between them right so a trailer hinge in the middle so that spin like 360. i don't know we'll see so we'll add a block in there a nice aerodynamic block ah i moved an engine bollocks on deep and then you go down and then i copy you to there and then over what side do you want to change i think i want to change that side so i just want to grab that and probably just rotate it like that is that right i have a feeling this might be very sensitive but so left oh no oh god what is that hinge doing yeah that hinge ain't the right thing i'm not even sure if you can do this i might have to do two separate like systems you can do it thanks for the motivation i winged it and that's not right so i think i need to do what i've got at the end in the middle annoyingly unless there's like another oh god i'm really zoomed into the wrong thing all right so you've got to go my friend so what do we need we want not balance where was it what did tubes all tubes allow me to lake tube about probably not mechanical trailer hinge was a bust so yeah another steering hinge i think so we'll move that up we'll move it that way and then we'll rotate oh no i'm gonna have to do the same oh god damn i'm gonna have to do the yeah that thing's this was red on the bottom and then i'm gonna have to connect it like down there or something what could i i could connect to the engine [Music] hey cheers knight j cheers what's up that's very kind of you i had no idea you weren't subbed oh you're worse off john two month streak nice you got you got the stubble going on you got the stubble going on uh how do i delete that go away there you go right so i need corner tubes where are you corner tubes you go in there rotate like that yes so then copy that over to there just ready for the next one copy that over to there also ready for the next one so that one needs to be that way round you need to be that way oh that way around lovely and then i just need to connect these to the body i could actually just get rid of some wing in them but now i'll tube it down so i'll do uh what shall i do the corner tube on that one this is going to be really unsymmetrical and it's going to annoy everyone you're gonna love it it's that one there i think some tubes across just straight style oh god okay okay rotate nice another one of those please copy and then this one i'll do should i stick with the tubes i haven't used any of these it's like a double elbow edge yeah that's exactly what i want so i want it that way round and then oh maybe i don't want that yeah sorry i'm gonna i'm gonna do it really annoyingly because i love annoying people so i'm just gonna do like bat tube mess so rotate that it copy that this way rotate that is anyone annoyed yet is anyone annoyed and shove that ah not copy wrong one that one there ah right that might do something sorry yes yes my beauty my precious that could be good that could actually help me steer um the only trouble is there's no way of doing them both at the same time so i can't really go up or down but i guess that's what the rear is for so what i'll do i will add well it's going to get really complicated even more complicated i will add a hinge onto a corner so i'll get a corner ready i need a steering hinge which is in propulsion no that wouldn't make sense mechanic to steering hinge and try and keep this fairly simple so you go that way around corner goes on there yeah like that and then i'll just do like a little modular wing on the end if it will fit can i copy onto that yes then we can like make that something else so we can make that what do i want so that's going to make me go up and down so s hang on oh this is confusing so the back goes down that would be s yeah that would be s and that would be w this plane is beautiful thank you sir it's very kind v and i just need the same on this side but opposite so let's copy that [Music] hey you salty old sloth no i'm not swearing at him that's his username cheers for the just the prime it's very kind of you hang on so that one's got red on top so i need red on top so just rotate that way you saw the old sloth love that i love that sound as well pixley gaming it's decent in it i'm quite annoyed because i like never get to hear it apart from when people sub and i only get like the first few seconds whereas everyone else they get to hear it like hey it's it's sub-zero how's it going luke my boy he turned the big 3-0 the other day but yeah i only get to hear like five seconds of that song whereas you guys get to hear it like all the time in my like starting now thing uh so yeah i've changed that to w have i done that one ws ws so i probably need to change that jet from w to something else because w make me go down so maybe i'll change that to shift i think shift could be good so you are shift and that one there you are shift right we've got some sort of steering now so yes the back end is flapping all over the place and we've got left and right are they set up the right way yeah i think they are i think they actually are just space and shift okay here we go place your bets people are we gonna fly press left and i'll tell you left that's gonna make me go right isn't it it's gonna make me go right should i swap them i might swap them yeah i'm gonna swap them because i do actually want to survive this might surprise you so actually i could just rotate them can i so i'll do that so rotate rotate so now left right yes i think we're good you feel old luke uh welcome to feeling old it's sort of working i keep again what the controller they landed i landed i didn't land i can't believe this worked this is like the proudest moment in my life i'm not even exaggerating i built a working plane from scratch oh my god if i could curb like this who the thought this would be easier than kerbal to make something fly don't like cheers for the cheer i earned that one i actually earned that one all right question is can we get up a volcano inhale ah why okay okay well we landed and we didn't die okay we died we did die but we're back and now i know it works we can actually aim for something so i'm gonna i don't know if i do volcano a bit scared it might be a waste of time i don't think plane wings are meant to be that squeaky um or should i try and get up there i do want to see what's up there i'm going to try and get up there right it's really oh god why isn't this going very well i know my wings stopped working my wings were not doing what i turned them to they should have been right that was a fail but this time ah okay it's pretty finicky oh god there's a cliff at the cliff all right i think i'm going to add a load more jets so i feel like there's not quite enough power so if i copy like and do any how many engines do i need i can probably get rid of that one that one that one that one maybe two under there why doesn't your camera keep behind it i don't know that's a good question and one that i cannot answer i think actually i might have been doing the camera myself manually oh i need i need more power cause if i get rid of that one right we'll get rid of that as well right this could be better don't hold me to that what should we call this this is like come people need a name i need a name i think you got rid of much oh yeah i forgot the weight we're doing wait weren't we big bubba the janky plane call it robert love that robert it is um yeah weight could be an issue now i've completely cocked up my balancing thing that's what i might do i really don't even know where things should be going this is gonna be for a bit i can tell let's try that all right come on robert we got this paddy mcdick a lot okay oh and i could put the tail fins on rudders as well like on hinges oh yes a bit more power in it oh yes [Music] oh this is way better we're reaching for the sky oh we're actually gonna make it i don't want to get too cocky but i think we're actually gonna make it [Music] i knew all i needed was more power oh god oh god hang on hang on oh no oh no get it under control matt get under control we've got to point down there you go right now we've just got to find the rest of the level oh too much power there's too much power right okay all right hold it just hold it can we land this i might try and glide yes yes we made it we actually made it um a bit annoying there doesn't seem to be any sort of platform up here uh oh god okay how do i get these down do i literally just drop them down see you luke have a good one you too my man dump them in the ocean yeah then i have to do the whole thing in one i was kind of looking forward to exploring but oh well right we could dump them all that's going to be a hell of a mission they where even are they let's see are they even worth getting oh logic gates i know right okay let's let's make this a number four is that right yeah so robert goes to number four and then let's change to this one i guess actually you know i i've got i got a better one i've got a better one what do we have we have like a massive scoop one somewhere yeah this one the green mile the classic i can probably get rid of it so i'll get rid of it steve darm thing we don't need that anymore we can scoop all these up in one go ah turns quite fast we got a logic gate we've got didn't tell me what that one was okay we've got i don't know what that one was either okay it's not gonna tell me what any of them are is it sod it right push them off the edge break oh distance sensor all right tell you what they are now speed sensor oh they're all they're all like clever stuff that i'll never be able to use an angle sensor oh wait why did that one respawn or did i miss that one oh no i think they're dying down there i swear that respawned i'm gonna have to bring him down on my own that's not gonna go very well now i knew are they all gonna respawn i don't know how long it will take for them to get down if i look away oh my oh they are respawning oh bollocks i'm literally gonna have to drag him down i don't think i have the capacity to do that maybe we should just carry on flying for now and see what's on the other platforms shall we do that salvage death count um right then let's swap to our plane it's not enough space blame me what do you mean there's not enough space let me stupid game what is going on i can't change my plane i'm gonna have to do a mid-air one hi black hole brian how's it going it won't let me be a plane i could make a ball back that's a good shot i just don't know how i'll get it down because i can't get down there no chance magnet on a plane i can only take one at a time with a magnet all right i'm gonna have to jump off the edge swap into a plane and then try and fly all right ready there we go we did it all right we're back we're back oh look there's a platform there i think we're literally just falling for lx that did not go well that did not go well can we yes we got a plane back up here ah it's really hard to stare i gotta time the bloody jets right when they run out space there you go now we're good now we're good there's a lot to think about doing this sorry if i don't talk very much should we do it oh shhh should we do a flyby of the volcano see what we were missing earlier is there anything good up the top i'm good i'm worried the warm air might put me off a bit it worked surprisingly well they i am loving that all right anything good no not really i didn't see a lot i want to try and get like a new a new checkpoint teleport you think i did see one at the top oh god why why now i can't see your name i'm gonna have to look off screen why do you have a name i can't pronounce very easily t-rex oh t-rex nice love it here's the brain that's very kind of you although i do not appreciate the timing i think i think i survived it's fine i want to explore these properly are there any checkpoint things we can knit doesn't look like there is no there's no smoke up here at all [Music] all right let's spit fire we're nose diving what is that oh god the wind look at the speed 220 miles an hour banging right right i think we're back under control now i might try and get on that platform to the left oh god right can we land on this yes we got it and carry on i am well trusted myself how the hell did i do that oh t-rex love youtube glad to pick up your live stream nice cheers man you just caught this best thing i've ever done in this game so you you timed it well you timed it well um [Music] chuffed to bits yep probably a british and british oh i'm struggling without the extra engine oh god oh god that went wrong i went wrong land it no all right where does this take us to okay we're back at this one so i did lose an engine somehow i want to try and get on to there's another checkpoint that i saw oh god we are just i feel like sometimes the wings don't work properly yeah look can you see the cot they're not working as intended why not [Applause] [Music] cj coots frisky name cheers the prime that's very kind of you and notice it do you have a club that you root for in the premier league yes and no so i used to be a bit of a hey guys she's working now i used to be a bit of a swansea spur because as when i was like union swansea um they just got into premier league so it was pretty pretty good timing to support them um i'm pretty anti liverpool just because like the guy sitting next to work loves liverpool uh no other reason so i like and support them in a way all right where was that oh it's over there to the left to the left all right here we go i'm well impressed with myself i don't know if anyone else is quite build this from scratch if you've just joined i sorted out the steering myself to jet edge myself my hands are like sprawled across my keyboard but uh a bit more look at the landings i can be beautiful beautiful all right let's get in that one all right let's not it now matt let's not it now repair into that one and this might be the final checkpoint oh my hat my left hand is in absolute bits it's in some very very strange positions trying to press all these buttons at once but we made it up to this place which is completely new to us okay i think we need to get some speed to try and knock that down or or because it is a bit sludgy here i think is it sludgy still confused how it works yeah me still confused why it worked yeah so let's just go let's go with the speedster this thing will knock it down oh god no this isn't fast at all oh we made it what are they truck wheels only got two okay all right let's turn into the big mofo just push it off nice as long as i don't die here we're good we are all gravy people we're all gravy rocket league getting more power that's what it's all about wait two all right get in there get in there yes we got a truck wheel nice where that's are we on the map ah the forest plateau why have i never been over here before i guess i just didn't realize it existed or something so we've got two bits of salvage oh there's a there's a good one we'll try and get that in a bit that looks like we have to go all the way around and under that bridge so maybe we'll get that one first to the right was it to the right yeah so there should be one just over the brow this hill oh there she is oh no oh no right this is where we're gonna use a hinge on the back i reckon so we'll take the old magnet off for a little bit we'll grab a hinge because i'm getting the hang of like this mechanical crap now we will how does that work we'll rotate you that way shove a magnet on and hopefully that will go high enough it might not they but we'll configure that to be i don't know like shift and um sounds good oh we can really ramp up the angle we'll do full angle all right so if i do shift oh yes yes let's turn that on relax it fell off well the truck was a good are they maybe oh oh it's a motorcycle wheel oh nice oh then i can actually build a motorbike can i i think i still need a motorbike seat or something which i don't think i've unlocked yet but nice you've got the wheel say we're heading down to the left a bit it nods yes i do oh it actually looks like if it drives this way it looks like if wally was like a vehicle anyway actually the one you're going for is hard or is it that's what she said come on [Applause] all right we'll have some of that hey let's road runner oh it's a power core this one as well alex why can i steer my brain's all in reverse hang on hang on let's get that in the middle come on let's line it up there you go right said fred can we get back easily i don't know if there's going to be a slope up or whether i just have to try and cane up here i don't know if i have enough yeah i definitely don't have enough power for that once you get this can you jump into the volcano [Music] i don't know right it doesn't look like there's much of a way out here so what i'm gonna do we're gonna we're gonna go back to trusty old snake dog say what do you want that one number one because snake dog is a beast and i have no doubt that sneak goggle glass there oh bollocks bloat snake dog is it f all right snake dog is a bit underwater annoyingly i swear i had like a sub seat in it have i got the wrong snake dog i might have the wrong snake dog let's go back i think this is the wrong snake dog can you believe that yes people have seen older streams know all about snake dog oh no that is a normal snake dog i've got amphibious and sob dog maybe i think i want sob dog to be honest yeah let's try this one so i've got to go back to it annoyingly i'm actually reversing here all right so we'll turn her around now i'm driving forwards [Music] uh i could just go this way to be honest what is that road runner doing oh no we've grounded we've grounded come on stop dog you got this we're gonna grab some coinage on the way because we're greedy thank you and then we're going for a dip sub dog for the win get some more coins yes mate sub dog is op snake dog is op sorry just said that in chat nice sub dog all right so where is i'm gonna get those coins as well i'm addicted to coins i'm a bit scared i might sink a bit too much oh god oh god we're sinking we're gonna have to do the old-fashioned dolphin jump onto dry land it'll be fine though it'll be fine yeah just got a stranded whale myself onto land oh god right i'm gonna need more of a jump oh what the coins do yeah they give you like cosmetic crap which i haven't bought any of yet so i don't actually know what they look like all right good work sub dog we got more coinage and now oh uh we're just gonna reattach and we're just gonna have a little a little look on the map and just see where we wanna head maybe we could go to that one yes we'll go behind me and go around that and then straight through i reckon yeah i think that's the best one all right come on stop dog i'm going around that i think yes it might look like i'm upside down it's the untrained eye but this is how i intended sob dog to work it's eel dog it's very impressively like just that it works i'm not like picking it up trust me i'm not big in this crap yeah i feel like pretty much all of the like objectives on this i've sort of like winged it i'm sure there's like people that profit on like decent submarines that actually work more engines i've got like mine on the top they're all out of the water but oh no we're about to ground we've gotta get to deeper waters there we go oh we're the right way up now that's no good i am a dolphin uh right one second i'm just turning around there we go we're back on track and we're heading to that one in the middle of my screen at bluish light to drop this off what'd you do in this game you've got to build like different vehicles to grab can you see that thing that says power core that's like a random bit of like salvage and they're spread out all across the planet and you've got to take them back to like those blue glowy things and when you do you unlock like a new part so this one is a power core the power cores allow you to add more engines as you can see at the moment i've got like nine little scuba motors on the bottom so once i add this i can add another one if i wanted to why don't you just put engines on the top because that's not how i roll joe this is how i roll upside down in the middle of a swamp now right now we're here and i'm gonna swap to this beast uh and we're upside down that's better you can see all my engines on the top of this one i've got an absolute load of them you can also see i've got the symbol a symbol that everyone knows me for some reason i don't know why people think i'm so obsessed yeah but anyway where am i taking it up there so i'm just gonna get my magnet on boosh connect and we'll just drive it up and then that's another power core in the bag ready yes that's what i'm talking about this power core is required for your spaceship uh right there are there is a couple more over there so i might get my old sub dog back on oh no this is just snake dog we're sticking the snake dog for now snake dogs pretty quick especially when i i don't know why i mapped the engine to the jet engine i've got six unused power cores on this one do you reckon we can get those coins as well i'm in the money-making mindset today entrepreneur love it all right swear where they are to the left way to the left oh drifting drifting hold it nice right come on snake dog the only downside of snake dog it likes to jump and if we go underwater if our like seat goes underwater and we fall out it's really annoying so i gotta wait for it to settle with it and just keep a knife oh god it's getting a bit bouncy i could always go back to sub dog but snake dog was the original can you run out fuel no there's no fuel there's no fuel all right what is this one it's just a little wiener one it's a cone we've got another coat oh we can have bigger boobs yes i've been waiting for this moment all right oh there's another one over there as well director i can attach it to the front bollocks damn you snake dog all right snake dog is no good here i'm gonna have to switch to sub dog where are you sub dog uh i tell you what they i would love to get another magnet and try and get both of them at once so i'll do that now i think i'm gonna shove that there and just copy one next to it these magnets they take a power core as well torpedo bra that's what it's all about all right so grab the cone is our left one and then hopefully we can grab that other one with our right one although they were actually the wrong way around this is i'm driving forwards right now look at the power of sub dog hey what is this what is this a spinning oh is that so i can make helicopters i want a helicopter i'm capable of making a helicopter i swear i made a plane earlier it's very impressive right um can i proper just make sure that's on the left that's definitely on the left now can i attract this one this wiggle wiggle yes all right now we've got them both now we just need to sliver you know let's sliver this way we're going to slither down into the sea what is this this isn't going very well oh that's actually quite quick i will get to see just be patient just be patient snake dog living up to the name quite right i could put a jet engine on it that means rebuilding and reconnecting we just have to be patient very patient come on here you go i've got gravity on the side now we're good we're good crab whip crab rape right and now we can just flip upside down here we go all right perfect and now we'll just head back to that thing two in one stop dog for the win that's where was it i think it was down there wasn't it this is such a botched way of doing this oh god i went the wrong way come on yes [Music] speed we're skating in the boat okay just a little pit stop the whale has just joined in am i doing a good job will you should know what is this oh god what is this right tip over hip tip tip we're bouncing right there we go we're back we're back we're back on track we're not back on track no no who lacks i'm doing a good job thank you that's what i needed all right we have to repair we're gonna have to try and connect these again brick's sake sub dog oh connected instantly all right i'm actually driving backwards right now i'm gonna try and drive forward i love how he's too proud to design a new vehicle i'm not proud it's just the best vehicle ever made sub dog do not ever dis sub dog come on sub dog what are you doing man this is not going well this is actually not going well all right here we go here we go we're back under control now we've got the speed again way better oh this is actually way better right up there i gotta go up now i've got to go up now come on come on left yes yes come on sub dog you got this you have got this i've seen you do more impressive things than this come on sob dog i'm wondering maybe i can swap now for the right way up and i think our power will be a lot more because i'll propel his wedge to be underwater if i can just line up with this come on stop dog you're embarrassing me all right we're gonna do that and the other one are you me my magnet snapped off [Music] all right we got that one i just need to connect the other one to my left no my right magnet there you go we got it we got it now we got it now i missed it there it is she's in she's in all right now we can cane it through here drift drift whoa speed come on stop dog come on stop dog all the way oh no not all the way i said take a run up take a run up all right i'm gonna swap to the big boy now he's gonna take the credit for this one mainly because i need to make his boobs a bit bigger they're a little bit small so he actually really needs this one so we'll just do hang on hang on we'll do that just a bit oh we've got both of them we managed to get both if we can get up this hill are you mother all right a bit of a run up but we do have both oh no we can't drive that way bed come on like doing one at a time one at a time who am i gonna raid today i don't know suggestions people who shall we raid when we're done anything exciting going on in the streaming world right before we do anything i've got to make my boobs bigger goodbye cone goodbye cone where's the ultimate cone there she is yes yes this is what we've been waiting for people there she is that's literally tomb raider from ps1 era riolu raid again was that the guy that called me rc what a bastard right with our new and improved boobs we should be able to just wang this up that was right oh look at the power right i really really want to see how that works is it like a helicopter somehow a block that can spin around quickly so if i shove that there and configure so s and w oh so it our speed up please speed ten i think i'm making a helicopter by the way i reckon so what way does it spin it's just faster and slower is it i don't know what does advanced d delay duration whatever don't you need like a red rotor tail to do an actual helicopter oh god helly oh i do need to do that right um so we're gonna grab a snake dog we're gonna get rid of that jet because we don't want that we're gonna just put the magnet there for now i know it's not it's not it's not the best place in the world um probably get rid of all these because i don't think we're gonna go in water maybe i might leave i might leave four of them uh add a few more engines do they need engines the server thing i assume it does and then i'm gonna shove a block like that and then we're just gonna wing it literally wing it oh max sorry i didn't see you there how's it going bro although you're off see you bro sorry completely missed you i was in the world of helidog yeah so lift and drag we want modular wings i don't know what way it spins i'm going to guess the other way i'm going to rotate that all right so copy should i just do like a mini blade or should i do i'll do fairly big all right get out of that you can see inside uh somebody's anus uh rotate is that gonna fit oh it doesn't fit it doesn't fit i'll tell you what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do i've seen helicopters like this before in lego i'm pretty sure this is a thing if i do if i do that two of those and then i'll just do the mini small modular wings there yeah i think that looks good although that's facing the wrong way you want to be on this side so i want to rotate these two ah and rotate that one nice and then copy that one right so that's sort of a helicopter but i do need the arse end so what i was thinking is just like copy that maybe uh rotate that way and then that way and then maybe move it to the left copy that once maybe another one i don't know how the red rotor works i could use a pipe i'm trying i'm trying to rush so uh where was it propulsion it's not propulsion there it is so do i want this one on a steering hinge oh no it's just power up and down isn't it i think it's just power up and down it doesn't matter too much so then turn that into a mini propeller somehow that's gonna hit the floor big time maybe there might be okay don't i do not know copy copy and then small modular wings oh that's whoa hitting the floor okay yeah we're gonna have to move all this afterwards then so i assume it spins be nice to know what way it spins oh but i wanna i wanna change that to let's configure this first before i it up so a and d so d will be oh no i want that to be a that's b d wait full power no that was right a yeah i think that was right i know what's going on i have no idea what's going on i built a plane earlier they say i might be able to build a helicopter they're not complicated at all let's now copy that to oh so there copy that to the other side and then rotate that one right and then we just have to move all of this out the way and not the wheel not the wheel so what wants to move can i just i can just do that down right that could be in the right place ish so we'll copy that and that's connected that is connected right how is this gonna go not a clue sorry i've missed all of this what did i miss what's going on i was in the zone i need to save this first because it's the maiden voyage of helidog do an accent is back is it oh hang on it's not moving at all oh no i've done it hang on i've done it the wrong way around they spin a different direction than what i wanted so [Music] you need to be [Music] s and w basically i just i put my blades on the wrong way around so that one might be wrong as well but we'll see we will see i might take my wheels off as well look at the tail thing guys right should we just cane it and see what happens i could do with a better position to do a run up can i increase i think i did increase the rotation speed i know there isn't a rotation speed i think it's just number of engines oh god yeah helicopters are harder than planes turns out all right let's let's go to somewhere high up i think if we have eight on our side i think i forgot to add the engines actually is it is it a bird is it a plane it's hurley dog all right so where was the height was it cooled can i remember where that high one was rosewood doesn't really tell you where they are i did one that was like way in the air the ocean oh yeah it was above oh no not that one was it that one that one thank you all right i'm gonna add a load more engines because i think that could be what powers these i'm not entirely sure though does anyone know am i completely off uh where is where is it ocean negate so if i add a load of these oh god i can add so many i can add so many i know i gotta keep them disconnected otherwise you won't you won't turn right that's all of our power cause then i don't even know if these will work but we'll see oh no it doesn't at all oh dear come on power power no well that was a fail oh maybe if i jump up there that's a bit more of a ramp isn't it oh there's a thing over there as well god this is very hard to steer all right ready power come on faster we need more lift yeah helicopters helicopter hard oh i could do longer blades uh let's let's go back hop there first oh no but then that's going to be in the way all right let's let's raise it up a bit we will grab like all of that move it up by copying we can just stack all of our engines there yes that'll work fine and bung you on top all right this might be tight but whatever one two three four five yeah one two three four five one two three four five one two three four five all right save this bad boy helly dog has been upgraded i could remove the wheels i could remove the wheels i'm gonna remove the wheels right then oh i should not remove the wheels right there we go we're on we're on flat land now spin eh all right let's let's let's reset oh man you give to the sub tonight but i love it thank you very much very kind of you how's it doing my man i'm literally stuck on here you might need somewhere flatter all right here we go here we go oh bollocks it almost looks like a really cool helicopter that's crashed maybe i should have kept the wheels on oh god we're going off we're going over we're going over it doesn't appear to be we're just gliding now we're literally just gliding i'm being a helicopter yeah hey i did a helicopter i can't believe it the blades are too heavy oh really i reckon let's try and get let's find somewhere flat no that's no good that is no good at all yeah my my bottom wants to spin all right i think this could be a bust oh they go we're flat we're flat now we can just wait for the speed to build up will the speed build up how much time you got guys yeah i feel like the helicopter dream is over i'm pretty sure then engines don't do anything however no they're not over in the slightest i've just remembered i think these engines do shittle so we'll get rid of all of them i've got the best idea ever you're gonna love it you're gonna love it right so we'll grab some oh what are these what are these oh that's all the cosmetic crap doing that we don't want that we want proper engineering pieces so you and that wants to copy right so that's all good what's a way we can add speed are you thinking what i'm thinking jet engines on the bloody end i'm a genius i'm actually a genius ready right so i don't know how many i can have i'm gonna try and do two on each and then if we have any power cords left we'll add some more but i can't see how this can fail really just quickly build all of these oh god oh god and if i've done this then literally i reckon i've conquered the sky today and the sea has been conquered before snake dog oh we don't have enough power oh we got we got some magnets doing all there we go right so how do i i think two buttons and i do all the outside ones as yes basically the fake goose here's the frame dude it's very very kind of you it's a left shift and space exactly how the plane worked oh no we've already got one we've only got one there what happened there got a copy oh no oh i've got loads of i got bloody these things under here i can add way more i can add way more delete delete delete delete i've got an engine on the back doing something all right so grab you copy i got three on that one now cool what one did i only have one on this one oh i can't have three i'm not i'm gonna keep it symmetrical otherwise we're asking for trouble aren't we so that one needs to be shift right now we're saving this as snake dog no helly dog helly dog helly dog save the only concern is that i think that's going to do all but we shall see put legs on the bottom i kind of like how it is because i can just go into the c and i should just be able to float it's like a c snake plane let's see if it works come on then guys let's see if it works oh god um great start absolutely great start let's repair we're sort of off i think this counts and that i can spin left and right just spinning and i never can't spin left very much i can spin right though oh no maybe not we can go up oh god oh god yeah i can spin sometimes if i time it right we don't have too much other sort of movement though although i reckon i could i could steer it quite easily but that oh god my eyes my eyes for that you see where the stack of green blocks are if i put like a hinge i could do like a double hinge yeah yeah okay okay oh wait i can't build here can i we're in the air um how do i land i can land in the sea that's a good thing if you do say you were to run out of fuel you can just like glide to safety let's try and keep it straight oh no that's wrong wait that's the way i want can we keep it straight and i think we can we're always spinning whoa i'm spinning as fast as the blades [Music] that was a weird trick all right let's just slow down a bit oh nice it does actually work quite well i've definitely got the up and down sorted oh we bounced off the water can we land in the water uh yes we have landed in the water oh god we've been dragged up right then let's fast travel back up there and this let's just try this double hinge idea just to see if it works so i think the tail fin is a bit of a bust that does naffle if we get rid of that and that maybe another one i'm not sure but if we add mechanical so i think we could just do a large hinge rotate it that way move it that way and then just copy that and rotate it like that and then if we just configure these so if we want to go forwards that would be that one so we want forwards w yeah backwards s and this one if you want to go left a i know that's left and then right is d that could work you need landing legs believe just believe people all right ready let me just get the timing sorted so we've got constant lift yeah the only trouble is i am going to be spinning quite a bit oh god my tail got collided with the rest of me wow i've made fireworks has anyone ever made fireworks in this game before that's good that is literally carnage and it's still it's still flying i think that's the most impressive thing i'm trying to work out what's actually going on i don't know all right i've turned everything off off oh we've we've caught our back end yeah we're cooked we're absolutely cocked we literally can't get out of that oh well at the fireworks so many sparks that's awesome right what i can do i can actually move this down a bit now so i'll shove it down there i don't even know can i limit how far that goes in here oh i can do angle yeah so maybe i want to set that to like 12 or something and maybe i'll do the other one the same as well so configure 12 ish i don't know why 12 i just picked a random thing oh i could do a jet for propulsion that's quite a good shot but um so i was thinking with this one i could set that to rather than a and d that needs to be something else like maybe i could do like a jewel steering type thing like two-handed so we'll save that all right let's just get the timing right [Music] all right we're spinning quite a lot we are spinning quite a lot can i stop it can i stop it alright there we go okay i've stopped it i've stopped it it's flying straight at least it is flying straight the question is can i then steer so if i were to yeah i don't think i have enough like weight like can you see that light as i move and my blades sort of stay upright but uh either way i'm still quite impressed myself considering i'm a bridge man and if you've watched my ksp video today i'm not the best out flying [Music] but i think we're doing right i think we're doing right but i'm going to call it there today guys um thank you very much for joining hope you enjoyed um hope you enjoyed the fireworks show as well who shall we raid give me a suggestion i need their exact username thing i want to do someone new i think who deserves it the bronx any other we've got one vote for a lot of people i need i need at least two votes [Music] i found a new favorite channel just in time for the end of the stream oh sorry droid go check out my youtube there's loads of stuff on there right the prank is good we'll give him a go then i'm gonna have to get off so raid the brink sorry jelly boy say raid the brink right thanks for joining everyone uh assuming i've done this correctly if you want to you will now be raiding the brink i'll catch you next time peace love and helicopters i conquered the sight the sky you know it you know i did see you guys have a good one bye you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer ARCHIVE
Views: 18,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: rwOpyhM9tQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 45sec (8745 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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