RCE ARCHIVE: That time I offended the entire world in Geoguessr!

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[Music] right hello fellow engineers how are we doing am i live i'm always confused whether i'm live i've had an absolutely shite stay at work not gonna lie i've literally barely finished rammed some food down my throat and now let's offend the world geo guesser so following my what was it the ah solar smash wasn't it yeah so following solar smash some of you are quite offended with my geography knowledge so i thought well i don't know what i thought i thought i'd listen to you guys and we'll do some of this i haven't played this before well add one little go just to see how it worked but uh what do we do uh explorer mode someone can you guys like help you everyone plays this stuff don't they apart from me ongoing games am i in an ongoing game let's have a look no i'm not mode explorer i don't know if i want to do that do i browse maps world ah thank you wait where's browse browse maps ah world okay so if you haven't played this game before it's well let's have a look so start game it basically drops you in a random location somewhere oh my god what this looks like a watercolor what is this quality and essentially you kind of have to try and work out where you are and then place yourself on the map and the closer you are the more points you get i got a lucky first one this one's easy is it say well my first thought so try and find a sign there's a sign what the frig does that say says like but dwarf what let's see if we can read that saying what the hell oh what's that i thought i was stonehenge for a second can you imagine well it's possible you can end up anywhere all right let's keep going i kind of want to keep going till we get to some good quality areas but i think unless you're clever the main thing to do is just sort of look at buildings and signs that's my tactic anyway what do you guys think summer in central us yeah trouble is that's quite uh it's quite a lot of mappage there obviously the closer you get the more points you get oh my god this is a very straight road uh oh there's a tractor is that a giveaway i think and what side the road they driving on the right side being the wrong side definitely the wrong side whoa oh that's quite an old tractor as well this is like is that better i was going to say it's better quality now but i'm not sure if it is kind of i need i feel like i need some music in the background is spotify still illegal or can i spotify i think twitch is still banning people isn't it what is this this is just like the longest straight road there's no features oh they what's that just wondering what sort of car that is looks i don't know looks america oh i could play polly bridge music that's a on hold that thought hold that thought that get out of that no you're looking at my files i know what you guys are like and let me let me find my music careful with copyright indeed i think polybridge theme tune is finally although blatantly be humming which is never good poly le bridge come on oh is that loud that's quite loud for me [Music] there how does that sound you want more volume let me know if you want more volume guess antarctica ah look at the love thanks hickey yummy why is highlight so much because people were abusing the crap out of it and like i read all your chat anyway so why do you want to highlight well i say i do i don't read all your chat not when i'm playing like proper games what is this place it's like dirt roads turn it up a bit i will turn it up a bit how's that let me know if too loud or too quiet everything's potato quality am i meant to give myself a time limit or is there a time limit bit too loud all right i'll turn it down a tad is that better it's too loud i'll turn down a bit more then [Music] how is the volume now it's not loud at all i i i reckon we'll leave it there read the so do i miss a sign [Music] i'm pretty sure i can't read signs here like the quality is so oh ooh oh yes is that a side there's one there there's one there where's it gone i swear there was what oh god oh god what's happened let's get out of it right we're at a crossroads there must be a sign and someone said there was a sign there's one there is one nearly let's go backwards how are you meant to read that atom right i'm just i'm gonna skip this one this is stupid unless i keep caning it i went backwards go go go let's just cane it down the road until we get to that's still potato quality doritos sign oh yeah was thinking i don't know enough about countries obviously but i feel like that was a sort of sign that might have a kangaroo on it so maybe we're actually on australia it looks a bit cloudy for australia all right let's just cane it for a bit and get somewhere a bit more interesting the flag in the bottom left puts you at your starting oh okay is that where i need to end up or can i be anywhere what's the furthest you can travel has anyone done that can you like travel the world literally in geo guesser oh that was a sign there was a sign on my side there [Music] maybe we can read that oh what do you think that says no no crossing on cro he's gonna cross there we're in the middle of no oh no passing zone does that mean you guys recognize that sort of sign because that's batshit to me [Music] i'm guessing we're in the states aren't we this is not the best map i'm gonna show you just gamble it's gotta be somewhere cloudy so i'm gonna go lower higher half i'm gonna go middle shall we do that should we move on is this one crap this one is crap isn't it [Music] all right let's let's see what do you guys think mon nebraska montana what do you mean [Music] nebraska's there wyoming montana so we're in that sort of area all right let's just bung it in the middle because that's a level not gonna lay that's pretty close 178 miles holy i think that's really really good like wow and it was actually oh not quite nebraska south dakota fair play chat you know your stuff [Music] all right hopefully this next one ah oh it's gonna say a bit more quality you don't think it is what is this am i playing on like low settings [Music] how am i gonna edit i'm not gonna edit this one this is a stream only you lucky lucky people [Music] what the frick is outside is that like a bus stop like a rainbow bus stop the length yeah it was the length of two whales actually what else is quite small when you put it that way [Music] all right come on signs where are you does that have anything that's just a garage not a lot going on street sign i've committed to this way now we'll have to find the next one [Music] oh my god this has got to be another us one because it's i swear the road so my sore thoughts as a reasonably untraveled british guy this road looks similar to the last one so like the middle line is all yellow and half dashed which is weird so probably the same sort of place second clue bloomin potato quality ah [Music] herbster i honestly thought that said nebraska at first half dashed is passing zone only one side yeah why is it yellow though whoa that's cool bridge hey we're by the sea oh no is that a c looks like a lake maybe that's a clue [Music] if we where were we before so nebraska that sort of that's a river so he could be by a river no it's not really a river that is it [Music] down there definitely is some sort of water course thing i'm gonna guess all those signs are just gonna say normal stuff we need to get to a junction junctions are where useful signs are [Music] as well as buildings but it's all potato quality like what we meant to do with that i feel like we've got a good score going as well i don't want to it up [Music] uh hmm for sale how is this such bad quality what the hell a spur what a random name i don't know why that's funny this is definitely america if you ask me gotta be and like it's all like past proper like farm building that you sing cartoons and stuff like the color scheme we are in america i think we're same sort of area as before let's have a look any other i'm thinking maybe around well actually when you zoom in there's quite a lot of water yeah we're not up there maybe like near one of these lakes [Music] imagine if it was that flaming jewel that would be too much of a guess right zoom out i gotta place a marker there just in case just in case it was but i need some sort of signage we need a junction because we're not gonna be able to read anything oh definitely america yellow buses you don't see them anywhere else i don't think d i don't think so [Music] hmm right come on let's get to junction i'm just going to cream it down here i'm not sure like should i be playing this on my own or should i be taking hints from le chat i don't i don't feel like it's a bad thing taking hints would you rather play it together [Music] because you guys seem to know where we are let's have a look then this will just be like a learning experience we all play together so we're in herbster where the frig is herbster am i that blind let's zoom in a little bit there's a lot of a lot of watercourses in here i don't think my plan would have worked wrong state oh wind oh you know yeah my bad right i don't even know what that is so i'm gonna say it's on the right so there it is nice herbsta now where does where's the boundary how's that river okay all right let's zoom in i can't believe i was looking at the wrong state i want to do it why why is it so is this like a popular place i haven't heard of it not gonna lie see even when i know where it is i've literally been told and i still can't find it is that no that's michigan okay so down there down herbster where are you wait what's that line is that a different state oh michigan goes around sneaky very sneaky [Music] right i was gonna say let's look for straight roads but i think most roads in the us are straight so let's look for herbie areas we need to zoom in further oh god that's pretty zoomed in i don't know where the limit is that's a trouble [Music] it's that river definitely hmm zoom in on the north all right we'll go up to the north i can't remember where the boundary was all the way up there okay i know it's near at least one bit of water [Music] and we weren't on a big or maybe where i don't know what a big road is go past all the water [Music] and where that's our limit [Music] is that far enough in do you think beavers lots of water looks like a highway but not an in-state i don't know what an interstate is i'm guessing it's like a big road and we're on a medium road i'm thinking i need to like find a sign i feel like herbst might be way too small [Music] let's find a sign let's go to a junction and at least tell us like some other places there might be a really big one might be a big clue [Music] hey there's a junction oh it's a shitty junction that's not a junction that's like someone's access [Music] interstate equals motorway oh interesting okay so like they're divided down the middle like one set of traffic goes one way the other side goes another way with no well as a barrier or their split i'm guessing an interstate i'm learning learning oh look at that that's a proper truck wait what was that is that just one of those no passing signs i know it's a swervy swervy arrow sign okay [Music] let's keep going [Music] everything's a bit hard to read isn't it do they not have google street view over like what i honestly thought even the very first google street camera was better than this [Music] all right let's keep oh what does that oh it's blurred out why is it blurred out bump why did they blow bomb belt why did it just say bump as well oh is it hump no that's a b i think in the uk like we actually show what it is we don't have words bump yeah it's just like it's the two boobs isn't it our signs are better boobs are better than the word bump it's probably easier from the spawn really should i go back that's quite a gamble i've been we've traveled some miles i could go back to the spawn and turn around though all these junctions are piddly little things with no signs [Music] what do you think chat shall we go back to the er what you can't even read [Music] what is this there's probably some kind of hint i don't know i don't think that's how it works is it or do we just go back fine people are saying go back so we're going back [Music] so i think i went that way so we're going to go this way that's where we went wrong must have been oh god it wants us to go back there's no like road numbers or anything we just well maybe should i just right there are some really really long ass roads i feel like they would have a number on me well that's quite a jump what does that sign say it's gonna be a random yellow one isn't it no passing by or something [Music] boobs are better than bumps you can't deny that [Music] you can go like 50 miles without a junction oh my god that's like a quarter of the uk [Music] yeah i'm i've learned i think triangle signs pointless there's those ones which i think are just like a private or some sort of i don't know nonsense sign trade boots for the win god i love a road boob and if you think of them like that you tend to drive over them a bit slower a bit more gentler because you don't want to hurt a road boob what do you mean the only signs would be left because we're on the wrong side of the road we'll just look on that side now what's that one wait what why is that on that side that's on the wrong side of the road or is it for people that are overtaking and they see that i'm like oh it shouldn't be overtaken because it's for these people oh yeah it's the end of an overtaking bit see i know signs there's a flag to go back where you start i've already gone back to where i started this is it uh right i think we're just going to go in the state because this is terrible if if there's some quality and i could like read a sign i feel like even if we find a sign we're not gonna be able to read it [Music] yeah i'm looking over that side for signs don't you worry [Music] but like even if they're back to me i'll be able to see the back of the sign but we're not going to see a sign unless there's a junction anyway really there was a sign there that's that was a nonsense sign uh oh my god it's just miles of straightness like i've never seen a road like that let me just get out more triangle sign right i think we're just going for the state oh i thought that was a big junction then what does that sign say oh i think that might be oh is that a road sign could be anything south 13 let's have a look i'm guessing i want a sign or a road that's pointing south and it's numbered 13. it looks like there's different shapes that signs are square [Music] i don't feel like we're on a big road i reckon it might be one of these circle ones so 13 [Music] i think that's a good clue don't you [Music] hope i'm hoping it's not one of these white roads because that will be a pain two i'd like roads in america like in a logical order probably not anything roads anywhere are really it'd be nice if i could find like like eight i'm like am i close that's close to 13. [Music] i'm just working side to side because it should be vertical oh 13 13 [Music] that's it that's got to be it i'm gonna click there right now we gotta find [Music] where this is is this a big junction [Music] okay so sort of a like an offset crossover so let's see if we can find any of them on this road so where does it start oh god it's bloody long it's bloody long oh god it's so long oh no okay it stops it stopped holy in a sock that is a long-ass road i feel like we can ignore the sort of built-up areas [Music] and just try and find a crossroad like these ones could be they're the right angle what is going on here who did this like like the original roads we only do nine degree bends we only do 90 degree bends and then modern day came along like nap straight down the middle straight down the middle love it but yeah i think we could be one of those ends it looks like there's a shop there i don't think we near a shop so maybe i don't know maybe we're there there's a cafe though i definitely haven't seen a cafe well let's keep going oh i can't go down one of them can i no i think they're too small i can oh what does that say oh what does that say uh there probably is a road number on these roads but i don't think we're gonna be able to read it i don't think i can go down that road let me go up there i wanna go up there yeah i can't go up that one some reason [Music] is there a directional sign to tell us what is down there i think that is a big ass trap how many whip you got enough wheels mate he's got all the wheels sorry uh [Music] 13 north okay so we're heading north which would make me think i feel like that was the first crossroad like we could be all we could be anywhere we could be anywhere who am i kidding just checking are there any other junctions that are that sort of wonkness you may as well check we may as well check because these are all square could be that one hmm this road is the longest road i've ever seen in my life have we gone out of the state yet oh my god no i didn't realize we're so zoomed in look how square the roads are it's like a grid what oh that's insane i'm learning so much right 13 goes over there then there all right i think 13's kind of died is that the end of 13 i'm worried because it says 13 there does that mean it goes right okay so it's somewhere along this route i reckon [Music] i reckon we'll keep going this way so we're heading north [Music] that's i do know let's try and see it could be milesy oh yeah herbster what a shout that was fair play who was that who first said herbster was that hippolyta dipping so on 13 we're looking for herbster [Music] uh i should probably start at one end i feel like i'm is this the bottom end thirteen okay this is the bottom end right let's find the herb of stirs cranberry lake [Music] park fools butternut uh where's 13 gone up there okay so herbs there's a bloody tiny place unless 13 keeps going does it [Music] oh god it goes up here guys it goes up here herbster herbster we found it right so do i go back to the start and then press it so i feel like we've traveled quite a way it says north and south though i really want to try and find that crossroads dragon is like there so we're heading north aren't we say i feel like we can't have got too far oh that was that i reckon that was that thing i don't know it could be anywhere actually could we definitely haven't gone to herbster because that looks actually built up like there's shops and stuff i reckon we're one side and i know we went north the trouble is i don't see any sea well what is that that sea is that the river i don't know what lake superior all right that's good enough is that good enough you need to mark on this oh do you where you started [Music] oh that changes the game i thought it was like you can just go to somewhere you know and then click it [Music] alright let's go back to start then so i think we started this direction let's just see over this hill there's any clues in front of us no yeah okay i don't know where somewhere we're like there [Music] shall we shall we stop there shall we see how close you are let's guess we're guessing that was pretty close that was bloody close damn nice work guys ah so maybe we're in herbs you know when we first went and i saw that stuff oh that was the town we went through originally where i was like the farm stuff awesome cool unfortunately that was a really potato quality so come on quality let's have something with readable stuff oh look at this it's crystal clear oh look at the sky there's so much quality right so first instincts where would i say i am oh i don't know they're driving on the right hand side so it's not like australia or anything because i think they drive on the left do they hey what side do i drive yeah i drive on the left right what is that sign oh come on okay no overtaking oh here we are signs oh okay so we're looking some sort of spanish language maybe [Music] so maybe south america maybe spain itself we got the triangle well diamond shaped signs i don't think spain's very hilly so i think we're probably more likely south america sort of [Music] i'm gonna read chat and i are they gonna say oh no i think they agree with me i was worried there'd be some very offended people that's portuguese not spanish well they're quite some they're like original countries are next door it's a right ballpark i'd say they got reno's right looks like a town down here any signage for us to read [Music] oops went a bit too far what does that say uh i don't think there's any place names on that no i'm not going to try and read it nah about over this side [Music] no i think that's a bust they have such good quality though fair play [Music] right to the next built-up area what is going on here look at those fences let's look oh maybe it's gonna say it looks like an orchard i think it's just a big-ass house oh what's this what's this sayo i'm not so ram i assume this place creates ceramics or is that a place i don't know portuguese so what i don't even know what countries speak portuguese apart from portugal it's gotta be like one of these ones right portuguese i think like chili peru i think they speak portuguese maybe [Music] all right it's brazil brazil okay [Music] pretty close [Music] say louie do you think that's the place [Music] is sayo right sarah is probably completely wrong isn't it [Music] oh the other speaks spanish and only brazil speaks portuguese okay i did not know that say so [Music] just wonder if there's any pattern to where the sayos are pronounced are pronounced are located so louise that's pretty good oh it looks like an islandy type thing right that might be quite easy then [Music] ooh petrobas [Music] now as a motel the palace motel and ultra gas i don't feel like we're near the sea though at all that sign doesn't necessarily mean it's in that place but let's have a look oh god it's actually i kind of forget how big places are to zoom in uh it's not near the sea so maybe no not clearly i'm gonna keep just keep trying to find another oh there you go there we go oh proper signs nova russ says i went too far i went too far no very orlante [Music] all right let's just let's do a little tour around the edge for like nova stuff i don't see any nova stuff so maybe we're not actually up here maybe i didn't zoom in far enough [Music] i'm going to see what this sign said because this sign looked bigger [Music] oh really come on google [Music] what are you doing man google that's naughty is it google or is it the game nova russ house oh and there's a hospital okay i don't know how big a nova place is should i zoom right in and see if any [Music] sure it's going to be on like that sort of scale no i don't think we're too built up right right i'm going i'm going for this scale and we're just going to scan around quickly so nova russ us oh god there's so many places on this map i don't i feel like it's a bit more less built up [Music] scream if you see it anyone [Music] i feel like a hospital we're not gonna be able to see unless we zoom in even further [Music] maybe we keep going oh nova republic [Music] all right so i gotta stay this sort of size any other nova's about hmm okay right i think we should go try and find some other clues to nova rest us nova kratos kratos kratos [Music] yeah i don't i don't know i just feel like we're not in this place unless we're up here let's keep going we can find some more clues what does that say [Music] um now uh todd reggio regia it's not anywhere close oh interesting okay hence we're finding more clues [Music] oh god there's a lot of potential clueage around here which is always good to see and i don't feel like i've offended anyone too much yet [Music] yeah so it is we're in nova races rasas rosses but i don't know where that is what the hell is in the back of that truck uh more petrol stations [Music] all right so no i think i'm just gonna because i know where we are but i don't know where we are so i think let's try and find another sign hey this is a big ass area like look it goes on for miles like buildings everywhere all right so here's a fairly big junction so you'd expect to see some signs there's some signs all right what do we have here hospital cretius [Music] okay we knew about krattius already no signs that way i know this is an older one whoa this is way different it's a roundabout and that's like cobbled let's go back to the future oh it still is a roundabout it just has signs now oh there's a sign there what does that sign say i miss that one this is almost impossible yeah oh it's not it's bloody traffic lights what do you reckon do you reckon that's close enough or we keep going let's just find one more junction oh let's see what that sign said where's it gone it's behind that bloody tree was it i swear there was a sign a second ago maybe i'm talking about oh no there it is there it is all right what does this see aranda um i don't know what do you think [Music] i completely misread the san luis thing yeah it's not close the ocean oh god it could be anywhere they i thought it's got to be like something near san luis surely no what was that big town i was just in called it was like sam i've forgotten already that's not good that's not good i think it's around here anyway it's gotta be let's click there [Music] pronunciation isn't my strongest point especially in languages that i don't speak [Music] i feel like i'm already at french [Music] bonjour oh yeah nova russell's good shout i feel like that could be this sort of text height but i also feel like we could be looking anywhere if i misread that original thing stop going small scanning scanning scanning [Music] you think san luis is good what do you think guys do we give up or do we keep going we we're pretty good with our last one we're like three points off top score [Music] my french is very born get it french uh well unless we see some more signs i'm not too sure where else to look it'll be oh oh i thought that was a big old sign then all right let's go up here let's go up here there's so many good ah so blurry so many good songs on the poly bridge soundtrack not gonna lie well this road's a bit dodging it not the best all right that looks like a big ass sign you've got back to back ones oh it's gone behind me okay so we know about nova russos it's big because it's in blue blue means big surely but pointing this direction i can never remember in the uk i think they do is it most important first or like the biggest place first or do they do closest first i can't remember it's been quite a few years since i designed a sign [Music] uh i need to make rock covers for all of them if only you knew how long that one took i would love to but uh yeah effort oh thanks guys i'm glad you enjoyed it i did really enjoy doing it i'm not gonna lie hey are we trying to find where we started or just where we are currently i always forget that hang on as my stream has my stream died i feel like my stream might have died [Music] can you hear me apparently i'm pushing zero kilobytes second let me know if you're still there anyone [Music] i think we're dead [Music] oh it's gone green again bloody i actually caught it that time what a dick where we start still there you're back it died didn't it i could see in the bottom right my like kilobytes per second thing went down to zero mother luckily new computer soon so i'll at least be able to find out was it the computer or was it my internet it shouldn't be my internet because my internet's pretty good most the time what is this [Music] a capital du crush crush crochet a capital dot crush crochet no it's either my internet or my computer i'm hoping it's my computer that's quite a cool little entrance thing still doesn't get me anywhere closer to knowing where we actually are i got a it's got to be a big place but brazil was a bloody big place as well casanova born jesus was that bomb oh no bomb jesus don't bomb jesus please oh god [Music] what are we looking for again nova races i i don't know i'm gonna call that it's around here yep i'm guessing hold on hold on no i'm guessing i'm guessing 260 miles oh yeah i don't think we would have found that oh there's craters crateaus so how big was it [Music] ah imagine if i just looked at like that scale i would have found both of those i don't think that's too bad though thank you whoever said brazil and well we were quite close san luis sayo luis i don't know all right play next round so we got we got two more left have we yeah this is the penultimate oh that first instinct that silo is america again oh and that that's another giveaway surely they don't have them anywhere else julie i think i had a water tower oh my god okay if i were to guess it would be like i don't know actually i don't actually know too much [Music] idaho or utah i reckon it's one of those t just from this just purely guessing but let's have a look at this sign state route 41 oh london hills farmington what a who came out with that it's like we should really give this place a name uh what do you think well there's only farms here i don't know how about farmington genus sorry there's a there's a road sign there's all on there state route 41 i would like to think they're state routes [Music] what do we think does anyone know is a state route one of these blue ones i'm going to look for a 41. [Music] that could be one of these state routes are smaller all right i won't bother looking at them then but state route 41 we'll try and remember that i think we should probably head to it as well because then we should intersect with a bigger road there's so much farms whoa this is cool look at that water tower oh it says something on it it might say the place name go around this corner a bit and there's a sign there as well what's that sciency spoon river [Music] i feel like the watertown might be out of range i don't think we're gonna find spoon river either it looks small [Music] farmington is find the state and then find the state route logic and then find farmington right another knox county i've heard of that i've heard of that someone must know where that is oh my voice is cutting out knox is that like illinois knox county is it near kansas knox it's no expect what do i say illinois where the hell is illinois oh illinois i could be pulling [Music] knowledge out of my ass here knocked like sorry i should stop saying knox county is a thing isn't it surely or have i just have heard of it being [Music] british [Music] the music sounds fine at my end i have fought not i swear knox county is a thing of course this thing is just on the sign it says it does say illinois does it let's go back let's go back if the music's out of tune i'm going to hit stop and play because it's probably my computer like melting all right stop we have silence no music let's just give it time to catch up and i'll hit play again it just says knocks counting all right we're going back we're not going back i mean let me know if the music is back in tune hi pie head have you heard of knox county before i swear i have no [Music] i was in tune for you fair enough why would you i don't know why wouldn't you i thought everyone knew about knox county apparently i'm on my own the second it said knox county isn't see that's i have that knowledge too knox county is in illinois [Music] it's not just me someone else has now said ah said it can i make that bigger oh yes oh yes haha yes right illinois where the hell is the limit of illinois there how far down does it go or into that bit all right keep an eye out for knox county it's in the middle someone says [Music] uh why have i heard of knox county but no one else has i'm gonna have to google that later uh what the hell oh someone's pasted oh my internet's died again i'm sorry did it die did everyone cut out why are you still there keep going north [Music] i'm in kentucky have i gone too far oh no out there okay [Music] are you guys still there i think you're still there you're still chatting oh there's a lot of knox counties oh bollocks okay but someone said they saw illinois on the sign there's only one in illinois napaville right right we're going to keep we're said to be farmy and this all looks really built up what is up with these roads are they roads or are they grids they can't be roads can they no they literally are what the frick is the whole of america's gridded that is mad please go back to the sign all right we're going back to the sign to the sign it was quite far back i think wait or was it that oh god no i think no it was it was way further back i remember that cornfield there's only one corn field in knox county what the hell was that butterfly i'm not getting distracted right here we are so knox county knox [Music] knox knox knox no no [Music] i don't think ah illinois il illinois we're in the right place 116. i wonder what that means 116. 116. nah surely not surely not is that what it means 116 that's that's 116. i can't be yet can it [Music] let's just keep going along this 116. just in case there's a knox county come on knox where are you [Music] man 116 is a long road remember i have to go back oh back to where i started bollocks yeah you're right i don't see knox county which is a bit annoying let's go the other way oh it goes a long way the other way okay let's keep going this way then [Music] oh my god how long is this i think this is the end of the place illinois is it oh no we're only in the middle of illinois gladial 116. does it end up oh it's over here here we go walk the plank road [Music] hannah city [Music] all right farmington we found farmington [Music] oh we have world class all right make that i'm just going to drop that there wait let's go to farmington i think farmington was the other direction was it wait i can't remember where he came from we came from down here spoon oh yeah let's try and find spoon river is that spoon river oh it's not going to be labeled is it or is that spoon river [Music] ah come on man it's gotta be one of those i think spoon river is that all right let's keep going down here [Music] like yeah we'll return to the start so this is where we started what does this sign say so state route 41 so i assume one of these maybe the [Music] how big is a state route is it these little white ones [Music] yeah we found a sign that had il and then it had 116 on it as well and where's farmington is there so he could be over this side state route 41 oh there's 39 and they're not an order damn it why are they never in order [Music] so i'm pretty sure this road was go to the right you reckon down here is it oh what does this sign say london or the post office look at that culvert nice little box culver there i want another one over there sorry drainage coming out fulton 116. okay so we're pointing east i don't know if that's useful so far oh we're 14 miles away from farmington nice in the east so farmington 14 miles this way so what's behind us london mills which is right so that should be north london mills is there [Music] i think we've got to be close to here somewhere so if behind us is east that's west but london mills is right [Music] so i reckon we're there that's got to be bang on where we are is it let's have a look yeah it is that's the exact rate because look at that layout we are we are exactly there we found it so now i've got a spawn well i got to go back to where i was so we've got to go all the way this way uh was it down that one oh it let's return start okay so we're down here say to the next junction and down we're there we are there guess it's happening yes we did it yes good work guys oh yes penultimate round that was beautiful oh we're 21 yards away i should have clicked better sweet right next round it's the final countdown no the final one not countdown whoa water whoa oh and we're right by a sign park aquatics that looks a bit french doesn't it oh no a caterpie no maybe it isn't no that's not french or is it now that's like that's spanish is it uruguay we're in uruguay oh yeah two easy boys too easy and sorry if there's a if there are any girls there might be guys okay so we're on the was that the coast was that a lake could be a lake oh it could be a coast [Music] wonder if i can read that what does that say no i can't read that all right we'll keep going up so i feel like this has got to be like the capital if that's the uruguay national tourist information like surely that's going to be pretty or could be near an airport maybe let's have a look what do we have here [Music] okay here's a question and what is the capital is it bronis aries no that's somewhere else in it it's not argentina no that is uruguay so we could be there there's argentina yeah i thought it was is it what what the hell are these lines they're not country lines are they i am confused is that the capital of uruguay then i've never heard of montevideo [Music] right let's i think we need to keep going maybe in the other direction although what what does that say oh there's loads of stuff on here blimey what is this place bella union oh road names road names right so road three eight one where's three i'm sticking near the coast for now it's gotta be a three somewhere three okay there's three and we're by the coast or maybe what's at the other end maybe we're up here i don't know i really don't know i feel like it's a lot more likely to be this lake all right so what else we got on here 90 let's try and find a joke with 90 or 18. so three three three okay there's no junctions with those numbers it's a bit annoying where we are is probably not the cap it doesn't look very capitalist is it capitalish is that a word i'm not saying any of those junctions 18 sorry try and find where 18 is so three goes all the way up there i can't even see 18's all the way over there what i don't think 18 clashes with three maybe it's a smaller road 90 i don't even see a 90. i think there might be smaller roads i feel like around there let's keep going or should i look at the place names his place names are better at it i feel like that could be huge though salto has big writing can we see salt so salto [Music] so salsa is there that's near the end there's salty so i'll leave that on what bella or young or what's at the very bottom [Music] our young is there young's all the way down there like i don't know like where are we on this map are we there or are we over there [Music] i feel like if we were further down what's this road this road's 25 which is that junction like i don't know if maybe we're actually on that bit hot springs so was it 24 and 25 yeah 24s bloody huge road we're around here somewhere i reckon somewhere which i think is pretty close considering we were near waterloo so maybe we were [Music] down here i feel like that could have hot springs so say granny [Music] all right let's let's keep going i think there's so many signs so much information like what is this road how did how does someone end up here like it seems really strange there's all these signs how salty salsa was on there wasn't it [Music] wasn't it young oh yeah that's salty so sort of that way route 3 is straight ahead [Music] so maybe we were well i don't know i don't know now this is quite a funky layout though i wonder if i could find this road i should know this there's a damn what yeah what does that sign say that's a big mofo sign oh my god [Music] that's all it says on it wow a really famous dam in uruguay i don't think i know anything about uruguay apart from louis suarez sort of sort of grande it's a huge dam i lit i know like one damn i think that's the hoover dam and i know of another dam the one in golden eye damn knowledge not my best something i need to work on although geography i got straight to uruguay that's an accomplishment isn't it there's a water park let's go to the water park [Music] all right there's a lot of sort of going on so i think actually we're probably up there there was saucy [Music] it was like yeah around there so where's water there's there's some [Music] it felt like a huge bit of water [Music] it wasn't it wasn't a river it was like uh i don't think we're on road three either are we [Music] rest [Music] rep repressor repressor okay yeah and go back to spawn that's a ton of water oh and i can't [Music] that's the end of google maps i can't actually go in that direction all right let's buy a railway line i wonder what's down there it looks like it goes across maybe that goes into a different country [Music] there any roads that cross [Music] stop laughing at me look for some water that looks damned that one i wanted to know what dand looks like the uruguay argentina border maybe there's like i feel like we got to stay on road three near salty [Music] maybe down here [Music] maybe it's like battle of the things and we're like we're actually there oh no because there's there's land on that side or does that railway go onto the bridge i can't tell if there's like a river down there or if that's just all land the music is banging isn't it god i love polly bridge but that is a lot of water we can't go that way so or maybe it's i don't know there's no railway lines can you even see railway lines on google maps [Music] i don't think you can actually uh hmm you think it's another country now i would be in uruguay we're at the uruguay tourist center whatever so where does three go if i go all the way down down to there could it be there no it's not it's not down there yeah railway oh you can't see row okay the trouble is i don't know if we're on road three or should i try and find the aqua park i don't know what do you think guys i'm sort of not sure about anything i feel like we're closer to sorto than anything [Music] oh i found it i found it we're there we're there oh yes oh yes do you believe me it's there ready oh thank you thank you thank you gotta love winging it 21 yards i think that's exactly how far we were away last time that's quite random surely that can't happen like ever well it just happened i did take my time so yeah why we couldn't go over there is it's a different country and i'm guessing argentina is it yeah maybe argentina don't allow google in see look how close that was that's pretty good nice sweet well that was geo guesser and that was actually a lot of fun i might have to do one of these again two perfect scores i think i've redeemed myself from what's it called what are you on about about this damn is that the dam that is the dam is it is that down [Music] the saw too granny yeah that was a great suggestion but as i was saying i feel like my geography isn't that bad when chat helps me how would that not be a damn i don't know if the levels are the same oh is that why i couldn't see down there because that's really am i allowed to just browse i want to just go back in you got lucky what do you mean lucky i smashed it me [Music] but yeah i learned i learned a few new countries i learned some driving highway stuff those so yeah thanks guys uh what am i going to play next that's a very good question what do you guys want to see next back to poly bridge new games tear down thing is i've got my computer yeah i've got a raid right let's do that who shall we raid my uh yeah we're going to raid araleth he's my mod well my admin in discord and he's playing counter-strike let's raid this up i think he's talking in crazy netherlands language he'll be funny uh green button raid do you have to do it in twitch i'm in obs please press the green button oh view summary sorry we were very this area for world i thought that'd be a bit more of the world ksp oh god that game's terrifying that's decent points isn't it that seems like decent points i don't know how to raid people i don't know does anyone know i don't see the raid button anywhere oh no don't i i know i type raid forward slash read here and i gotta find out what aerolith's name is uh how the hell do i find that out [Music] so i don't think it's just straight aralith he's like yeah that's it yes all right so we're gonna try raiding then so raid and uh let's see if he swears at me in his language or if he speaks my own but yeah he's talking yeah you will be talking dutch but let's see if he swaps to english it might be the peer pressure the peer pressure but yeah thanks for joining me guys um hopefully i proved to you i do know you a little bit of geography when i have 30 people helping me yeah we're going to raid so i'm going to press enter and see if it works [Music] oh we're going in see you guys bye [Music] we're good bye bye everyone peace love and globes [Music] whatever
Channel: Real Civil Engineer ARCHIVE
Views: 2,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ij6feI6txgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 2sec (5402 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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