This is why CIRCULAR HIGHWAYS are the best for traffic...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to all quiet roads four seven four three i still don't understand the number i really need to investigate why why that number is there but i'm pretty sure there weren't 4 742 previous versions of this and this is a sequel in a very long standing game series but if you haven't seen this before it's a very fun traffic management game but we have got three stars on both london and new york and now we are heading to france to try and sort out their traffic problems no but first i'm just going to head back and see how my how my leaderboards have got on because hopefully since i played this last time a few more of you have tried this game out because it's not the most well known game and oh no look i'm one off being nicely ranked on the leaderboard damn you people above me oh yeah and london i think i've gone from like fifth to 184 okay we'll ignore that let's go let's go do paris so here we are in paris oh that's a very strong shape paris is it always looking like that don't know but if you haven't seen this before it's sort of similar to mini metro in that you have these white shapes which are sort of the destinations and then if you wait long enough there you go we have a bit of traffic so that blue person there they are circle they're in the office towers currently they want to get over to this the housing there's also a triangle in the middle this is if you hover over it this is a business i like how all the shapes have been incorporated into the words so a triangle is the tip of the eye does it have a word that probably has a word a little blob it's probably not blob or tip but uh right anyway so if we start drawing you can see there is a grid that appears and we just gotta draw some roads now you'd probably think it's the simplest thing to do it would be to do that sort of thing which is fine you can see your traffic that it does start coming along here but then you gotta think about this is a town or is it a town this is a business we've literally got cars driving through this person's office um so i might think sort of early game let's bypass that and then we can just do like a junction say like that much better much more sensible yeah we now have a triangle down south of the river on the eiffel tower side so i think what i'm gonna do i'm gonna connect you over like that and i might do the same for the square although that is gonna take two bridges you can see we've got five bridges but bridges in this game they work a little bit differently so they count the number of tiles that you cross that might be okay so as you go across there that's one bridge piece that's two bridge pieces i think we do just about have enough to get up there and the reason i've done that is so that say a square appears at this triangle they don't have to go all the way through the circle past triangle they can just they got a direct route which is lovely okay next up i'm gonna quickly connect over to this triangle by the way have you noticed the the cursor turns into a hard hat peak engineering this is yeah and essentially we're just trying to get a high score as possible without all the traffic jamming and if you look in the top left we've currently got 53 journeys made we've got to get to 100 and then we unlock a load of new tiles and stuff but your score only counts if all your roads are quiet hence the name all quiet roads you will note it will probably happen here if we try and pay attention to this junction you'll probably see the old google traffic colors appearing so look as that as that guy gets held up it goes orange if they come to a standstill it goes red completely and if it goes red your score doesn't count you've got to try and fix it as soon as possible right so we get a reward because we've hit 100 journeys made you can either go for 15 road tiles and six bridges or 10 road tiles and 10 highway tiles so i've gone for the highways because i i do want to think about getting my motorway in fairly early and by the way down the bottom left there all your pieces you can actually trade these as well before you click this button here these sort of show like all the going rates so we can trade three normal road pieces for one fast bit of motorway we can trade seven row pieces for two bridges etc etc but i think the first thing i'm gonna do i'm gonna put a roundabout in this is a roundabout i can shove it there and that should hopefully keep this moving a bit better because it is it does keep going orange and then i'm going to think about bypassing this circle because it's going to have all the squares from these four villages on the right the three circles and the triangle and whatever that's going to be another triangle they're all going to have to go through this housing estate so we're going to build a bypass and we're going to destroy a tree sorry treat but first we got to choose a reward so i feel like bridges are going to be pretty useful in a bit because there's a lot of river going on so i've gone for that i'm now just putting my bypass in well and the game really wants me to look at this triangle up there okay okay okay game now what i might do actually i could reduce the amount of traffic coming through this by connecting both of those guys up because then hopefully only the squares will be going left out of these two circles yeah right let's select the highway and let's upgrade this road so look how much faster they are moving now we're gonna take that as far as we can and then i'm gonna shove around about there as well no it's too close that's telling me it's too close hang on all right so there we go perfect we've got our motorway that goes all the way across oh and we get a new reward now this time we're offered our first pickup trucks these are quite unique in that they allow you to literally pick up traffic you literally tow cars away so if your traffic starts building up you can sort of use them to like clear it up a bit but i feel like it's a bit early for that so we're gonna we're gonna keep building and we also have a triangle down here we've got to get involved so we'll connect you up there what way are the circles going okay they're going back that's good that is good although could i make these circles bypass around here can i get around there or it's tight it's tight hey no you know i'm stupid game i want you to go around the outside okay the game won't let me do that for now i think i gotta wait for the map to expand once i got those rows we're bypassing the square so hopefully any circles from here will go around that way yeah my sort of aim here is to keep all the other circles because these these are houses remember i sort of want to keep them on like local roads and keep everything else on this main highway because that's sort of like what we do in real life we don't really have houses that go straight onto motorways but businesses etc they they sort of do sometimes maybe occasionally so let's go from this triangle basically over into there and then can we upgrade that with motorway the entire way yes we can nice and we can shove around about there as well and then i think we're pretty good and top left we're nearly at 500 points which means another upgrade to pick from okay quite a simple choice here do i go 20 normal roads or 10 highways as we know the trading rate is three of these for one of those i'm definitely going with these oh look we've got a hospital it also means the map has expanded quite significantly as well so let's delete those and i'm now actually thinking is there a better route for this motorway i think really i've got to go to the hospital so yeah let me just do a little bit of a re-jig i'm going to delete this bridge i'm going to delete all that and then going to bring this motorway down quite significantly and cross the bridge there and that's going to go down to the hospital and we're going to keep this guy bypassing going around that way we're going to connect there with a roundabout and then bring these guys up there as well with a roundabout on that junction okay so once this all clears we can sort of see it's all working out we do need to connect this square upload so i think third bridge over here and an extra roundabout in there then you can see there's a bit of traffic but i think that's just because everyone's waiting to get to square i think once it sort of clears we should be good i probably do want an extra way into square i might come off this roundabout and go up there oh goodness we got another hospital down there well actually that's quite handy a hospital down there because it means we can take some of the hospital traffic off the main road so let's connect this over this direction i was also thinking if i connect these two roundabouts together hang on we got a reward we got a reward i definitely want some more roundabouts so we'll take those yeah if i connect these two roundabouts then all the squares coming along here they should just go straight across let me just upgrade that to a faster road nice oh god we do we've got carnage down here the thai fighters aren't happy i think we'll take this piece we haven't used this piece yet it's basically a bridge that allows traffic to cross over so i'm going to shove that there and then i'm going to shove around about there no i'm not because it's too close okay we're going to have to go closer to the eiffel tower i was trying to avoid that but um game says the eiffel tower must have a road right next to it right okay so there we go i think that's pretty good now we have a bit of a problem top right that is an airport that's going to get a lot of traffic so we got a couple of options we well we definitely want to extend the motorway up there but the question is how do we do it it might be best to come off like here like the middle of this motorway sort of or do we do like a ring road the trouble is we've only got five motorway pieces so we probably want to trade a load of those and then take this up there as directly as possible i am trying to avoid trees as well because i'm nice oh we've literally run out of motorway that is such a long way right over on the left i see i see a lot of traffic look at that so i think we definitely need a roundabout there no it's too close okay what if we do that now we got a round out there that should free up a bit of that traffic i'm sort of thinking what if i try and make the ring road out of normal roads now oh wow this is getting busy you can see how much airport traffic there is that's because everyone from this side if they want to get to the airport they got to go through every single junction i really think a ring road would be useful so let's just build a normal road for now i feel like we could cross the river here and then just head up this way am i gonna have enough bits of road to do this or we are running out first sorry tree so we got something like that we do have a junction up here now so we gotta be a bit careful we could put a roundabout in but we've also got this a cloverleaf junction so this just allows every direction to like not give way at all because with a roundabout you still got to give way so ideally we want these everywhere actually we can see how much do these cost to trade but first we've got to choose a reward let's go let's go boston one i think right so trading we can't actually trade for a cloverleaf okay that is that's quite disappointing not gonna light so we're just gonna have to wait but look we got loads of motorways now so i'm gonna speed up over to there and then we've got to think about how this ring road is gonna work so i'm actually i'm actually thinking we get rid of what we did there and we go since we got that circle over there we sorry bush we can come around like that perhaps then we can connect to that roundabout connect that roundabout into the square and then connect this guy over to there with a roundabout oh we got we got traffic over here what's good oh i forgot to put a roundabout in there that definitely needs a roundabout that's on our motorway system and at the moment you can see all four of these they're all going through the triangle to get anywhere so it might be worth instead of this layout instead of going through each other what if we delete all of these roads we then sort of have like in the middle a road that comes around here goes into this roundabout and then we can just split off going wherever we want so you want to go to housing you can go to housing if you want to go to triangle you can go to triangle if you want to go to that circle go to that circle we'll round about it all up uh no we won't we just run out of roundabouts right hang on we've we gotta trade for a round about what they cost 10 roads for two roundabouts that's a rip-off we need it though we do need it so there we go hopefully that will ease up the congestion that we've been having down here oh and we've got we've got a little circle up there so we'll do that with a roundabout and then we'll think about upgrading this road along the top to be our ring road motorway ah but first down the bottom look got a pentagon it's a school that's a very terrifying teacher i think it's meant to be a graduation cap on her head actually anyway she's got a very strong draw line that feature but uh we got to connect this onto our motorway network now what i'm thinking we do have a roundabout up there what we could do is come across this in a bridge and connect into that roundabout and then we can make this this circle perhaps also come off the roundabout as well we'll see how that goes i might want to take some of these over this way because oh when did that square spawn there when did you spawn there mate oh man look at the traffic in the middle that is not good everyone's trying to get to the pentagon and what are these by the way i have no idea what that is first off we've got a reward i'm going to take the roundabout one because i know they're quite valuable oh it's a one-way road i was wondering what's going on everyone's just crashing into it i put a one-way road in the wrong way right okay so it turns out they are one-way roads i wonder where they would be useful oh wow zooming out we've got we got a circle down there what are you doing down there mate blooming out are you gonna have to ruin our nice number of road tiles to get this guy in i think it might be best perhaps we just bring him across you can just go through the hospital not ideal but it's temporary solution for now we got major traffic carnage up here we need to we need to do something i think a cloverleaf there and perhaps another one there as well just to keep these moving a bit faster and can you see the the traffic move along here is a lot quicker than coming down here and this is where most of traffic's going so i'm gonna upgrade this to motorway because that should free up the actual main motorway all right nice looking good we've got got a circle over there i literally i might take you through the triangle what is the triangle again it's a business yep you're going straight through that guy's supermarket this thai fighter is like oh i might get some groceries on my way oh look in the blooming uh yellow spawned right there what are you doing man he spawned on the ring road right down here we have a triangle so i'm literally just gonna connect you straight up i'm not gonna worry about a roundabout for now i don't think hopefully that road would be quiet this isn't nice down here though i need to try and sort this so all i want to do here i want to connect these two roundabouts up without connecting the triangle i don't think it's possible like i put that in press play and it does that so what we might have to do is maybe delete that delete that and then come out that side and then we've just got to keep an eye on is the traffic getting to this square okay it could get a bit clogged we'll keep an eye we'll keep an eye all right meanwhile oh goodness we've got we've got a stadium look the symbol is the m of the stadium we're gonna do two things i think we're gonna bypass under here and then we're gonna come down to this stadium whilst going up to that circle on the same junction and then we might cloverleaf it and because we have lots of motorway i'm gonna upgrade this road to a motorway yeah we're putting big investments into the roads right now oh and we've been rewarded so 25 bits of road and five bridges or ten bits of road and seven motorways i think the top one is more valuable each motorway is only three bits of now i'm trying to do the matter i just i just cut i've taken the bottom one actually it's easiest less to think about right we gotta i think we've got a motorway this road down to the stadium that is gonna be busy and then oh look at all these stadium goes yeah we're gonna have to we're gonna have to try and motorway all of this road we gotta speed them up we've got 15 left we might actually be able to complete the ring road finally across there across there there we go i think our ring road is completely motorwayed so hopefully this would be good oh i've just noticed over here we've got a cheeky cheeky circle who built a housing estate there right best way of getting that in it's probably just a roundabout off this so pretty much like that that should be fine oh bottom right what a oh it's a triangle it's a triangle oh god oh god whoa whoa whoa that is that is a bad road okay i should not have put that there look at the traffic was all that traffic produced by this circle bloody hell right i'm thinking maybe we should have come off this cloverleaf junction and gone that way instead so let's just delete that so any new traffic has to go up hopefully this will clear it's not ideal why can't i buy a cloverleaf oh great now we got a circle down there as well i'm actually going to take that one into this triangle because it looks like there's not a lot of traffic down here i don't know how this one got so much traffic so quickly yeah let's just forget that ever existed i think i think we're back on track the back control oh no there's a triangle down here i forgot about this one all right let's rejig that to do a bit of that i reckon i mean i'm honestly thinking about making this a massive ring road like round the outside proper m m style uh what do we have here okay i think we can probably get away with doing that with a roundabout yeah our aqr score's pretty good 4800 oh yeah look down here down here is not good at all i think it's ring road time so basically we're gonna come down here destroy that bush we'll connect that up with a roundabout and we're going to cross the river and link up with this so hopefully that's not close enough we can't put around about no that's good but around about there and then i think we're literally going to cut down this way around the back of this hospital roundabouts everywhere oh no look this one's also connected because it's so close we're gonna have to take this one around the back and then we've just got to motorway up this outer road to encourage people to use it so i think we'll start this end coming along to there and i hear a lot of traffic what's going on what's going on okay a couple of things i'm noticing a couple of things i'm noticing it might be worth taking these three onto this outer road just because this middle one is so busy with airport traffic so let's take you over there shove a roundabout in and we'll think about destroying that bit of road so we're just trying to reduce the amount of traffic going onto this middle motorway uh another way we can do that is this pentagon currently the only way to get to that is to come down the middle so it might be worth once we pick our reward of lots of motorway going down the bottom and connecting like there so now we sort of we have options i think in fact this is an area where i could do a one-way road people only go to the pentagon so no one's coming up here yes that's why you use the one ways look you can see there's a few cheeky tie fighters coming up i don't want you guys coming up here so we're gonna one way this so you can only come down yeah those two thai fighters they just exploded but that just alleviates some traffic oh yeah i like the one way i like the one way yeah there's so much traffic over here though what what are we gonna do about this it's airports oh and there's stadium traffic i forgot about the stadium that's what we could do we could just come off this cloverleaf and connect into the stadium there although this is this is starting to back up badly now we have we've at least cleared this road because that's just airport traffic i think that's backing up as well because up here is slow so if we keep that fast that should alleviate all of that a bit uh yeah that sort of fixed it all the colors are gone aqr score six thousand so let's keep putting in some motorways along this ring road and perhaps along here as well which means we need to do some trading so let's just trade we got loads of normal road 149 so let's trade a load of those that we can continue this down to the hospital and this square i do need to sort out this square i'll tell you what i might do is anyone using this bridge oh there's some squares coming from over there okay what i might do i might delete this and then have people come off a different roundabout so we've got this sort of layout now there's a lot of traffic coming through the square though maybe i want to make that one way so that's into the square only oh god oh god what's going on up here okay that's really really backed up what i might do i might take some of these guys like up what if you come up to that you join them we wang a couple of roundabouts in and then disconnect you from the south end so hopefully that gets sorted soon as soon as that red goes our aqr score matches with our actual score and only your aqr score counts at the end so you got to be careful so we're literally just waiting this pentagon to be let out literally no one's letting him out he must be driving an audi or something there you go he's three which means the red has gone and our aqr score matches our main score until the next bit of red there are some little bits of red poking about and there's there's a lot of traffic here there is a lot of traffic not entirely sure how to fix that maybe if i i just need clover leafs and i don't have any i mean i could actually connect this to the cloverleaf would that be more sensible anyway let's pick a reward oh look there is there is the bulldozer that allows you to completely demolish one of these buildings oh man down here is not good down here is not good at all question is where would be worth demolishing what building i'm not sure i definitely i need to get rid of this triangle onto that connection though it's slowing things up way too much but if we just move that away from the river a bit and then do a bridge over that way i got no bridges i got no bridges hang on we'll swap seven roads for two bridges please so we can continue that shove around about there that should free up some of these i think i might have to trader load a road for these pickup trucks and then i can use this with the world's smallest menu why is that so small i can turn away all the red vehicles so if you look at the red vehicles on here if i press this button boosh they're dead which means if we press play again everything gets moving again sort of right next up i think we definitely need some improved motorways so shall we try and finish this ring road if we do all the way along here all the way along here along that bridge up to there sorted we've got fast roads everywhere now and the thing is this is this is clogging up still quite significantly and it's mainly because of this road i think it's too slow what if i replace some of this with motorway i'm just trying to get people off this roundabout faster i don't know if it's working really oh man it's not good it's not good we've got we've got absolute carnage over here all right i think we're going to use my bulldozer to delete this building this housing estate you're dead now i can then get rid of that roundabout which is always good but look down here we we're we're clogging up so much right so what i'm thinking we we separate these up into two different junctions so down here if you want to get to the pentagon come off there so hopefully splitting these two up it should clear traffic a little bit i think as well we could also put like a bypass in for the squares so if we say squares you can literally cut across there i am stadiums so stadiums and squares come across that road we can motorway up oh no game over what'd you mean game over oh i didn't even see oh game you should have given me more warning i didn't know what was happening you got to pay attention engineers need to pay attention oh that's that's annoying but we got we got eleven thousand i feel like we definitely could have got well over thirteen thousand i was on my way to fixing this maybe potentially yeah but let's go back to the menu and see how we've ranked uh we didn't we didn't quite get in the top one hundred i mean with my 13 000 score i reckon we probably we could have got a nice score there we could have got a nice score oh you can see how long everyone took as well my time was 30 minutes even though i've been recording for an hour does that mean i paused it for half the time i was playing oh dear and another idea we got beat by a castle of glass literally the most useless castle you can ever imagine anyway guys that was aqr4347 no 4743 the numbers so random it's quite hard to remember uh next time we've unlocked rio so let me know in the comments if you want to see that boost the like button if you enjoyed this video as well it lets me know you want to see a series if you just want to keep it as a one-off but enjoyed that i will catch you guys next time peace love and all quiet roads bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 280,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games 2021, new simulation games 2021, new strategy games 2021, rts games 2021, puzzle games 2021, new puzzle games 2021, management games 2021, mini metro, dinosaur polo club, casual game, minimalist, city planning, highway, traffic control, real engineer, highway engineering, rce, all quiet roads, aqr, mini motorways style game, mini motorways similar games, all quiet roads 4743, aqr4743, aqr 4743
Id: pUfUmEQWnC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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