RCE ARCHIVE: BTD6 Engineer only!

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] all right [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] hello fellow Engineers I should say oh I tell you what rce is in bits today this is the music too loud by the way do I need to turn it down [Music] is it loud or is it okay it's okay we got a knife that's unusual usually everyone's like my ears everything I don't know if muted you nice to be cheers that you bastard you're too quiet so that means the music's too loud if I'm too quiet so we bring these down bring those down can you hear me now is that better why can't turn my voice up otherwise it will clip is that better yeah it's better I see I know I knew that was gonna happen anyway yeah I'm a mess today like throughout the day I don't know what's happened to me but my tailbone is just like a mess like I haven't heard it or anything but now it's hurting if that makes sense [Music] like usually when you like fall over and like hurt your tailbone then your tailbone hurts right but what if you haven't done anything why is it hurting well I Googled it apparently I'm like dying of like eight different things so I don't know who knows hey sure cheers for chair that's very kind of you sure two three four five to be precise um and oh we had we had a load of oh my ass my ass man why do I have to sit on a butt it hurts I have I've literally taken painkillers it's that bad can I can we get some like violins in the chat or something please oh Night Joy cheers for the sub 17 months you've been subscribed oh but you've just been trumped literally the second by Brie cheese my longest ever twitch subscriber I believe [Music] um thanks what's up and also in between that we had real Montana Williams thank you for the sub Dak guy 83 popped those balloons he says and Benoit Bulls Benoit is that is that right if I was British I'd be like Benoit Bulls how can it's Benoit oh my ass guys my ass really hurts I'm rce RC e uh f4j music addicts cheers for the chair dude that's very kind find the extreme that is not drawing my work um yeah we're it's Friday today Saturday tomorrow anyway um this game just updated with a engineer Paragon or something now obviously I've not played this game too much so I don't even know what Paragon is but I tried to have a little go earlier and I found out I need lots and lots of XP in the engineers um which I don't have yet so we're just gonna be like doing some levels with Engineers people that know this game are probably going to be like squealing at me um but you guys can teach me a little bit in the chat if you want to if you want a back seat go ahead and backseat I'll probably won't read it because I'm terrible at reading chat but um I would like to I should probably click on that shouldn't I it's really really wants my attention oh yeah and the other thing as well if anyone redeems a pet Paddy which they are doing I won't be able to redeem until the end of the stream that was a rhyme um he had his he had his balls chopped off so he's not allowed upstairs so he's shot downstairs um and he's got a cone of shame on it's very horrible poor little pup um Blaze recorder is that French blast recorder or is it just Posh I don't know I feel like I have to pronounce it how I did but yeah poor Patty or paddy number thank you for the for the sub please and Canard did you what the hell you just subbed twice apparently thank you to both of you if you're different people you're probably the same person it's probably just a thing but yeah poor Patty well bad he's got no balls um so yeah he's got he's got stitches in he's got to have all right so Paddy let me let me let's do some story time with Matt so Paddy is my dog he is a Labrador with a loss of energy he's about 18 months old I think um and literally this dog he doesn't stop running like you can go on like a three four hour walk like the Speedy runs at the start will be a speedy runs at the end he never gets tired he literally just runs runs and runs um and I've got to keep him on the lead no running at all for 10 days we're on day two we're on day two at the moment and even worse than that starting next week my girlfriend's going away for four days so I'm gonna have to do it on my own somehow um yeah good good times gonna be fun right anyway show against this I should probably oh we got we got that joke we have a dad joke now I've got a balloon one no baleen not a balloon what's the other thing this game has I got a monkey one uh what do you call a monkey who can't keep a secret what do you call a monkey who can't keep a secret a blaboon blab Boone get it blab blabber mouth hey all right all right let's go into it let's say for this present because it's been staring at me for ages what have we got oh we got a new tower the military monkey I know the darling Gunner is he what one what's his name there's a top Prada bottom one baboon yeah people are loving that sub also Tony mint fortnite uh cheers what's up and Jai one five one thank you very much Mr Watson 42 I think I said Miss Watson I might not done but thank you very much very kind to you um right we just saw not that monkey which We're not gonna be using because Engineers are the best we've also got insta monkey what's that mean does that mean I can just I don't know hey it means I don't need to like buy it it's just available uh but yeah we're we're doing all right in the engineer he's in support I think isn't he so we've pretty much oh have we okay yeah we've unlocked all the upgrades but we want this one this is the master builder Paragon thing um I need like yeah 750 000 XP I've already got 50 000 so that's what we're going to be doing today and I thought since we haven't actually played many levels I should probably just keep going through like the game like beginner on beginner or something I don't know should I let's let's go to the cabin should I do easy or should I go straight to medium I sort of want to complete them you will need banana Farms don't be an architect and not use the knowledge use the monkey knowledge all right what's monkey knowledge and where's Monkey knowledge let's go back is it this guy oh no monkey knowledge down there okay what monkey knowledge support oh look at this look at this uh so what does that do you farming Villages cost less that's pretty good okay we'll do that because we're going to be using the banana Farms probably aren't we so I've got three points so we'll sign that one and then monkey business discount increases by two percent or valuable bananas oh shall we give you valuable bananas [Music] nice and then can we do any of these ones I assume so monkey Banks can hold more money first banana Farm costs only a hundred less that's not a lot extra money then oh I need I need that one before okay to try to do this one requires at least one more invested in support okay I'm gonna have to steal that one then skill the right one it Buffs the engine oh does it it goes to Engineers later on does it yeah let's see where's are there any Engineers down here our cleansing foam okay so yeah we want to do that one boost done we have gained monkey knowledge um what does this guy want to say what are you saying our events I don't care about events I just need engineer XP let's go to the cabin try to do easy or medium what do you guys reckon bear in mind I'm like proper Noob what the hell is going on with my Prime I'm getting like doubled up am I getting doubled up notifications [Music] did you sub twice or is it just telling me you did either way thanks for the sub and if it's two thank you very much indeed yeah Rick Jude Rich JD that is uh you got insects yet on planet crafter check out today's video mate it just came out like not that long ago um it's all about insects so yes potentially potentially no spoilers a Jerry catcher bugger me sideways a lucky 420 Bitties that is very kindly and I oh my ass my butt hurts so bad yeah if those if people didn't join at the start I've gained a it's not bruise I've gained a painful tailbone I don't know what I've done um but yeah I'll try and stop whining about it easy or medium easy we've got one easy what did anyone else see always hard I could I could go hard the trouble is I actually want to complete these and I'm only using Engineers nothing else medium shoot them down uh use some monkey yeah I'll use I'll use banana farms and Engineers I think that's fair isn't it most people say medium all right you're actually I can do medium someone is being sensible saying start uneasy but you only live once right standard let's get involved uh by the way thank you to um a methus dragon um amethyst dragon uh engineering for life they say yes very much and lots of Vias latuvius latvius uh thank you for the sub very kind to you both right oh and then tall butter 70 gift in the sub cheers dude very kind of you right so we're gonna we're going straight in with the engineer down the bottom so I guess the best well that's not a bad spot in the middle there or is over there better I always want to like double up my engineer I don't know if the sentries will work on water oh I don't know maybe I should just go back another way I'm gonna go I'm gonna go there I reckon I think that's pretty good so can we upgrade you with anything we can do a larger area could be useful but uh ideally I want the Sentry because that sort of gives us like triple the damage I will run this fast as well because although I'm a noob no one wants to see that I'm not going to see that so another round that was fairly easy I think this like the engineer he's not he's just got like a little nail gun or something so it's not it's not the best but now we've got the Sentry unlocked things should be good I can just press space as well let's get rid of that so look he drops centuries I think he drops three at once so sort of means we get like triple the damage I'll go to settings and turn on auto start I'm a bit scared of what auto start I wanna like I want to place monkeys down and stuff where I need them yeah if you've noticed this before basically the different colored balloons means like how strong they are and uh as things go on it gets a little bit tricky I'm going to do the larger area because I know this one you get the the cleansing thing whatever it's called and that gets rid of like different types of balloons camo and stuff they would do that one yeah cleansing foam that's what I want as early as possible because I don't know when the camo cons I know most of you guys probably will know but hey look we got we got a red helmet that means we're like a hard hard as Nails engineer or something like that yeah we'll do this for a little bit basically no this isn't going to be a YouTube video whoever just asked that Zach Thor two three four oh that's a very nice rhyming name um this is sort of prep for a video so I'm trying to get 700 XP with my engineers so that I can unlock the Paragon because the power gun is like it's like a super uber upgrade or something and uh the engineer monkey it just came out like the other day yeah I got banana far next people do that we'll do that now shall we while we're here let's have a little look in the upgrades so we've got 14 000 XP now I wasn't really I didn't really look at the middle one I probably should 25 more cash per bunch or guarantees money each round and adds it to your total so do middle that's not very unlocked yet we'll do that a few times piggy bank all money generated by his farm is now stored in the bank when it earns interest fifteen percent I have some of that thank you Aussie Canadian live it's very kind of you I'm right I need to say thank you for some subs we've got e-tukes cheers for the Sudbury kind and new rad 0603 top even so for four months that's quite a long time all right let's uh let's unlock that one as well they're all unlocked sorted uh can I yes we can get the cleansing foam so what I want to do I think I mean tell me if I'm wrong I want to move that to like the start and that like that's where the foam goes which means when I start if any camo balloons get in there um they'll get popped straight away so I probably want another monkey at some point when I got 400 quid probably shove another one like back here somewhere or maybe up there don't he feeling like that's a pretty good spot I might go there and then as soon as I'll get a sentry gun on him and then we just keep on going I'd love 15 interest in real life yeah damn right when I was a kid actually Story Time with Matt when I was a kid um like my parents or whoever Southern family member gave me like a little bank account like with a tenor in it or something and I got the like I could see like the the interest and stuff the other day it was like that's a bit like 1990 1995 or something and yeah there were it was like over 10 interest what mad all right sentry guns on Yi and then he sort of uh defense should this first guy fail but oh look good thing we put them in they did get around that okay we'll keep going for a little bit with these two I might add a third monkey somewhere and then start upgrading these guys what if I shove I could shove another one there and then we'll Century him in a second and then that's probably enough to start like trying to save money I'm gonna make maybe this one a cleanser as well but first off always with the sentry guns so they really add up yeah a larger area on you E2 extend five Subs cheers dude that's very very kind of you oh yeah look so when they get a red helmet they they get a pencil behind their neck find their neck behind their ear that's not a neck Mount that's a knife that's definitely an ear but yeah I just want to upgrade this guy to Cleansing foam just because like sometimes you can like the first boom can release like say there's like a camo balloon behind it I assume it can release another balloon that also is camouflaged so I like to have a little a little double cleansing just in case yeah I'll be fine there it doesn't really matter where it goes and then that's probably it for the cleansers for now I might add another one later on just in case I want to get like a big boss ones are they cool like moabs on mobs moabs yeah I think they can release a load of different stuff the foam will cleanse oh the foam cleanses all the way through the layers so I literally only need one do I interesting um oh yeah the balloon traps that is a good Shout etukes yeah that is something I sort of discovered earlier so maybe I will add another monkey down here and we'll do a different path on him Maybe it's annoying that cars in the way maybe we'll just go I don't know there I'm struggling I don't know where to go we'll go there and yeah this one we'll do we'll do the bottom upgrade route which we haven't done on any other monkeys yet right because that's got a really good like bonus thing once you get down to it so first one is oversized nails that just put some Nails in them and then a pin same thing then you get a Double Gum which sounds cool but like you may as well have sentries because then you've got triple gun now but then you get the balloon trap which is basically like Ghostbusters you can get rid of the car how do I get rid of the cut oh I get rid of the car 500 quid do I want to get rid of a car what's that can I click on like all sorts of stuff oh there's an ax I'm chopping I'm chopping a log there's a bridge it's time for a bridge review do I actually have the music wait there chat I might have the music we can make this legit wait there uh where would it be where would it be did I download it I don't know if I downloaded it music library is it that one [Music] oh yeah something that's definitely something else that's definitely something that was my private folder actually actually sold it let's do it uh that was weird anyway right let's I've completely lost for three to four now um oh yeah we're saving up for the balloon trip that cost three and a half Grand so that will probably be a while um cheers for the cheer where when was that oh you cheered 300 Bitties that's very kind of e you didn't say anything so I won't read it out uh we will say we've got some questions let me let me make sure I don't miss any questions earlier and I didn't right what questions we got oh we got a would you rather for the duration of the year would you rather have a classic English Imperial mustache yes okay that sounds good or get your balls waxed once a month what why would I do that I mean they would be they would be smooth but um yeah definitely mustache I think you gotta remember I'm a YouTuber I don't really leave the house so yeah mustache for the win thank you for the would you rather wax to seal very kind and then 666 says how's paddy oh I'm making me a mod all right I'll make you a mod I do keep forgetting there's no way you can do it now can I like forward slash mod or something I don't know um Paddy's he's holding up okay he's he's actually pretty good to be face sort of got used to having a cone on which I wasn't really expecting I thought it'd like be really annoyed by now am I gonna make these guys faster Engineers just so they put out their things a bit faster especially at the start because there's always big bunches of balloons at the start I feel like that's a pretty sensible idea what are we gonna do with this one maybe I don't know maybe we'll just keep going faster engineering as well and then maybe just more monkeys or maybe I'll save up for the for the bananas I think this could be a good saving opportunity I can do forward slash mod can I all right forward slash mod and then oh that means I have to spell your name correctly bloody out let me copy and paste welcome to the new mod team are you mod did I do it right I don't think it worked I tried it didn't work oh yeah you could have sword okay it worked all right now I'll be read to a pickup 666 or she'll kick you in the head or something whatever mods do this thing to the average distinct distinctly average I thought it was distinctively but it's distinctly average thank you for the sub that's very kind of you been so four months as well that's quite a long time oh did you see that they were all camouflage balloons they had like little camouflage on them uh didn't get through my bubbles all right so Banana Farm time let's Wang one of these where can I fit the most ah how can I fit most of these I don't really want to go in the middle I'm guessing over over there is that good spot the bubbles are op and ships are even better lots of ship but we're just using Engineers we're not using any other things well apart from the banana Farms obviously I remember with banana Farms they give you money you can never see this game before you just gotta like Mouse over them I think um so I'm probably gonna go with the middle one now I know that I can get more value out of them I don't know what's better to do early on I feel like I'd say it's probably worthwhile or is it worthwhile just buying more bananas dummy I'm gonna I'm gonna run out of room so I can't really buy too many but at the moment the monkeys oh I was about to say they're coping fine that was a bit sketchy we might actually need a few more monkeys first should I solve one in there and we'll give you sentry guns I might shove another one should I get rid of the car 500 quid I don't know we'll be fine I'll shove another one there I assume that's good so I can't click on it I can click them centuries sorted oh man that was so many balloons look at many balloons wow I'm really glad I put that monkey down I might actually need another another engineer can we put you in there I might have to get rid of the car I might have to get rid of the car foreign double guns better than centuries is it it costs a lot more than centuries uh cause what is it in is it in the bottom one I think it's in the bottom one let me have a look yeah double gun without double gun and sentries then we're talking so you can have well actually you can have that one that one and then we'll give you double gun I reckon as it's so good apparently oh look at his hat wait what the hell put your hats black but on here it's yellow I'm confused let's give him Double Gum I might give the early one these as well because I feel like if you get the pin and stuff in early that damage will like go all the way through we've got to keep collecting bananas I keep getting is there no Super Monkey not in this game this is engineer only because I'm trying to level them up so I can get the Paragon unlocky thing uh K hammy ham cheers what's up how do you feel about Network architects I mean I feel like Network Architects like the IT architects they've sort of been lumped in I don't know how it happened but it wasn't their fault so I'll let them I'll let them off all right let's Wang another banana Farm in there and then we'll upgrade those two because there's not really any room for it anymore not in that area anyway I could maybe do some down there but I might need Engineers there now you can see all the balloons with the nails poking out of them they're actually working fairly well I think oh we got a MOAB next we got a MOAB uh can we upgrade any of these faster engineering at the start is that worthwhile potentially what have you got nothing much I might I might save up for the balloon trap at the end I feel like that could save us oh look at the big balloon was getting shot oh we got done we got done that time that was not good right so we definitely wants some more monkeys about all with sentry guns let's just go mental Center all of them up there we go all right speed it back up again sorry I panicked I panicked the next murabs are in round 50 okay we've got time to prepare I do want to increase my banana Farms as well if I do valuable bananas and then the bank a bank is good but it costs a lot try to increase production on you as well since yours are worth more that seems sensible and then we'll try and do the other one at some point nice bit of money there so is that the best thing to do the the top two the middle t the bank is only good if you want to continue past 60 oh right maybe we won't use Banks then because I feel like it's better just to fly through the levels I do want to see how far we can get but I was struggling Big Time bloody out let's get some let's get some more monkeys on the go can I fit another one in there we go sneak you in we'll give you a bigger area faster engineering will give you sprockets and I I wouldn't mind some Century experts about we need a fair amount of money for that weight tier three bottom is probably the best early all right that's what we'll do with this one then the marketplace huh um what should we do with you I don't think you need a large area I might give you Nails pins and a double Gump all right this is yeah going very much someone lied to me about the Boom he was it he was in chat that lied about the foam and you I knew I needed more foam I'm gonna do it now right so new monkey down I might get rid of the car it will cleanse everything it touches but balloons use up the foot oh so you need more foam because okay I understand I understand now can I I can't play many of them can I they're already upgraded oh I can't balloon trap you though so balloon trap at the end he will drop like a little Ghostbusters ghost catcher thing which means any stragglers like that one that did get through will be caught like down there are ceramic balloons easy peasy I I do need another oh God oh God that was scary I'm gonna make that one a cleanser I reckon so how do I upgrade you to cleanser was it the middle one no bottom was it bottom or middle I can't remember let's have a look it was it was middle it was middle I nearly made a grave mistake there it's a cleanser make you a sentry jobs are good and and I think that's a fairly good spot I mean I could actually move it to up there at least then these guys will hit it I don't know if it works on that might be please update damage what'd you mean what do you mean middle middle middle everyone said battle cheers everyone say middle um anyway let me just scroll back did I miss a cheer etukes cheers legit a few minutes ago sorry I missed it I didn't say anything I just did another one as well what did you say oh you didn't say anything good well thank you very much for sharing I do need the chair right now I'm pretty much out of my depth in this game oh I can get one in there let's do that Sentry larger area and then it might be wise to get a fourth cleanser and then we're sort of good for Clemson we definitely won't need any more playing surely ah there's so many blues uh they're going into the Trap oh wow I really I'm gonna save up some money and upgrade some of these guys big time right so do I get another balloon trap or do I oh you need Sentry that would help all right some of these early ones I can't actually do too much I can get the Sentry expert that is definitely a good upgrade I think uh there's not too much else I can do I guess we'll just keep upgrading you so large area faster engineering do good against moabs and fortify I hope that shouldn't be needed by that point so I'm going to make you a Sentry expert at some point there's the Moab see they get they get like done fairly early so surely there's no point doing the moabs down the bottom just up the top yes lots of camo ceramic balloons could wreck your day um I'm not scared not scared at all I will upgrade that dude and then this one should I give him a balloon trap probably should or should I just get another I might just get another monkey involved can I fit one in I'd like to fit one in there what about in there no there's no there's no good areas I guess I could go there actually and go go big or go home sounds good I'm gonna make him a super Sentry one that launches all the different types of turrets I reckon upgrading is generally better than buying more true but I do wanna I do want to fill the map as well because all my upgrades are really expensive at the moment get that involved yeah see Sentry expert once they drop like pirates that are better at certain types of balloons I think sorry Bloons not balloons someone's saying get rid of the car I really should get rid of the car Matt please win this is all my Paddy points okay shall I get rid of the car and put another one in there shall I early balloon trap all right I'll put an early trap in where was it that dude we need we need three and a half Grand we'll wait until we have three and a half Grand I do I wiggle my mouse to get rid of that we've got we've got extra bananas that give us money no not quite not quite this round all right balloon trap there it is it's in oh I seeing some stuff up isn't it love to see it uh life is awesome and take a break no the game doesn't want me to carry on playing apparently he's scared but I'm gonna beat it is it well I'm gonna chop some wood in your face game I feel like we're we're under control at the moment which is which is a scary thing to think in this game so I know as soon as you start thinking like that the game just like goes mental at you yeah I'm not gonna have 54 grand for a long time so who else can I upgrade there's no point doing the overclockers I don't think oh we can put oh definitely faster engine don't want to balloon trap up there probably not down here you could get faster engineering and a larger area is that going to be useful probably let's get some Sentry experts down there as well keep on going oh click on the traps for money how do I click on it I can't click on the Trap I don't know if I go I don't forgot money from it I might have done I did actually read that early I couldn't work out how to click on it Lee is it the bun good night oh did I just get something then was that bananas can I click the Trap oh you just hover over it and the trap needs to be full okay so I could upgrade you to have one and then just hover my mouse up there right get some cash easy cash now just like wiggle my mouse around oh man we're actually doing okay I reckon there is a MOAB there is a MOAB take him out monkeys man I don't even know what's going on but there's like big old explosions is it the cleansing foam maybe it is how many cleansing Monkeys do I have one two three four but there's five blobs of foam how does that work it has one blood there two three four five how does that work or is one of my is one of the upgraded ones a cleanser no why do I have five blobs of foam but only four monkeys that can blob oh they can blob two blobs at once that's a lot of blobbage that is a lot of blood how did I say you thank you to Vincent don't knock me bro or the sub I don't think I did and did I also miss no oh God non-asset another he's never going to read this anyways ha in your face I read it it may have been like 10 minutes late but I did read it um why are all my blurps that many bits I don't know how many they are I just know I'm trying to stop them being mental in my stream and I can't really hear them anymore so yeah I want blurbs to be like special occasion type things um more monkeys nah probably not who can we upgrade you faster engineering big area Century expert ask what we like to see should I invest in my in my banana Farms I wouldn't mind the piggy bank three and a half Grand though it's quite a lot are we on full speed no we slowed down I thought we slowed down yeah very sweet with the fart did pretty sweet are you always used to fart have has the price gone up on the blurbs I haven't I haven't fiddled with them since previously they weren't that much before were they two and a half thousand bits surely not have they gone up or were they always that much I don't know sell the farms and do upgrades last round yeah true all right let's sell them sell the Farms two and a half Grand let's upgrade stuff what have we got seven Grand that's not ideal I might get another balloon trap yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna go more traps so that's got one is there anyone else that could have one I don't think so we could give Sentry experts some people yeah maybe you can have it and then I think everyone's got it everyone's got it 600 squid we'll just leave that in the bank oh it's a big boy it is a big boy indeed and then that releases moabs and then a load of those easy [Music] uh nice we did it we got a monkey star or am I a monkey star I don't know but decent we get some stuff do I continue to replay does that get me XP chat if I have free play will I get monkey XP or do I just go into next level a lot lower XP oh so should I go on to the next level you get XP try round 63. replay doesn't give a lot not really if you want XP ghosts Next Level right we'll go to the next level because I do want XP I'm trying to get 700 000 with the monkeys what do we have now we're on a hundred thousand so we get about 50 000 per level bloody oh so next level let's go to the resort the blurbs have gone up by what sorry I have to look into that I'll add it on my list if there's any mods there that are in they're a Discord mod as well can you leave a note for me in mod chat saying check your blurps [Music] do hard what about oh on the last level or this level hard the trouble is hard if I don't complete it then it was a waste of time playing on hard gives a lot more XP yeah I'm only I've only unlocked the normal Maps I did one and three sorry I'll do the Quarry because I got to beat an intermediate lap flap map so yeah we'll do that first then shall we we'll do the Quarry and then we'll do we can do that on any so if we just do it on easy I don't want to do an easy because look he looks like a baby you're saying I'm a baby because I'm doing easy and intermediate Matt that's me um my card cheers for the sub just curious since you were a highway engineer note how long does it take to expand a highway that what do you mean expand I asked because they've been expanding one here for the last 30 years and they still have 40 to go on the contract what do you mean by expand how are you make it wider [Music] or do you just mean make it longer like you yes as in wider adding more Lanes oh yeah okay so adding Lanes to roads is freaking expensive um it's not well Yeah so basically like it's probably a Motorway right to say it's got like three lanes and I want to make it four like think about everything that they've built so like Bridges and things suddenly they're trying to squeeze more Lanes underneath like a bridge going over the top which means they're gonna have to make that bridge bigger like a longer Bridge which basically means they have to replace the bridge um as well as like pretty much anything else that was in the way like there's a reason in the UK they started putting smart move tweets everywhere smart moves weeds are like they get rid of the hard shoulder and they replace that with like a camera system that sort of keeps an eye on the traffic and if there's an accident it will close lanes and stuff uh super dangerous I absolutely hate them but yeah there's a reason why they're doing that because in the UK there's not much space and just the cost of like making Bridges wider plus it's just not possible in some places like where you got like a housing estate you'd have to like buy houses and demolish them and stuff yeah there's a reason they're trying to like make smart motorways um but yeah not a fan dangerous anyway distracted what are we doing easy should I do easy I'm gonna do easy because I want to get too hard right yeah no yeah so smart motory there's no hard shoulder they have lay-bys every few kilometers few miles or something so if you break I've only ever broken down in a car where it's instant so if if you timed it poorly you wouldn't be able to get to the lay-by do hard I won't be able to do hard don't be a person [Music] um right okay we can only use the engineer monkey remember the trouble with heart I feel like they come at you with the camos real quick right I feel like can I guess around there somewhere is best um I'm gonna just leave him to it I guess we wanna we wanna get the old camo stuff on him ASAP all right look I'm already losing hard it's too hard the camo comes earlier on round three already so we'll give them a larger area that will help oh God oh God we're gonna lose some lives I can tell do I get the Sentry before the camo I don't know I feel like camo will just ruin me I might do Century there's so many balloons coming there's so many balloons I'm gonna do Century oh Poo oh Poo come out save that money get the Sentry get the Sentry quick come on money it's so slow give me more money all right the century is done now hopefully hopefully I can yeah it's looking good it's looking good so we've got to get to this one ASAP we need the cleansing foam stuff but yeah basically going back to the old Smart Motors the UK government like went mental like every Motorway is going to be a smart one this is fantastic we can gain an extra Lane on every road for really cheap and then everyone started dying on them so I think they're getting rid of them now in the UK we're not getting rid of them they're not adding any more thank God but yeah isn't there an engineer type here yes that's what I'm trying to unlock you basically need to use the engineer monkey loads you've got to get 750 000 XP yeah and I've worked out roughly If I complete a level I get 50 000. so yeah hopefully we'll unlock that at some point and that's what I'm trying to do for my video I will be doing a video on the Paragon engineer monkey most likely right 920 quid come on come on game yes okay it's unlocked let's move let's move that up to there phew okay so we're good um I'm guessing I probably want another engineer pretty soon right The Lover's going this this is like a little Quarry is it was the level it was called Quarry wasn't it pretty sure it was is it worth spreading these guys out as well like do I put this one down there or do I just put him there I can chat top or bottom top bottom I can't go there because then I can't reach the top level top but more top I can't I can't go up there because look I can only reach one side oh we got some bottoms as well top top what up there that's pointless I'm staying here for now I reckon either there or there mid left what there surely you wanna I wanna cover as many lanes as possible get a polyp get up pull up so what we're saying we're gonna say top top which is somewhere up there which I'm not a fan of middle and then bottom I reckon between the river and the path yeah that's what I'm thinking either there or there top top and long range you reckon it will reach I'm pretty sure the range doesn't increase like that much and maybe maybe there maybe but then you're like like if I did to this one then you're gaining that lane that lane and that lane po ended top cool and that top was here so I'm going here I'm gonna go I'm just gonna cram these next to each other so I want one there I'm gonna get loads and loads of engineer monkeys down here I've decided now screw up gradient we're going mental I will upgrade I will upgrade right larger area for you decent I do need to make him a century as well ASAP quite impressed my little monkey team little monkey engineers all right sentry gun love to see it I need to upgrade to Pop lead I think that's what this dude does he's got the cleansing foam he will pop lead and camo stuff now I could always get another one doing that you are quite right maybe I'll do that with him as well cleansing foam is not a bad thing why don't you use your hair out because I there isn't a hero engineer is it I only use Engineers for I am an engineer well we've got a question we've got a question when do we get the YouTube apology video for vandalizing Paddy strongest shape um yeah I did but it's better for him in the long run isn't it This Crew having a dog that's like got nuts and can't use them all right do another one and you need Sentry and larger area as well a large area to start just so we can reach down there nice we're getting the sentries out what what does that cost 540 there we go there you go right now I feel pretty good I'm gonna make one of these guys the cleanser yeah that one so we need 920 quid for that that'll be a few rounds Matt is an engineer what were the other I didn't see that Paul what were the other ones oh architect 11 people said architect you bastards I've been nothing but nice to you guys and this is how you treat me oh zebra balloons sorry I just found a slurp him a drink right 920 quid more foam I'm gonna shove the foam I think there because my hope is no like when you get a train like that I don't want like my foam to be used up unintentionally so I think that's the best spot I might be talking bollocks but it sounds like a good idea right ish and then do I do another one or do I try and upgrade to a trap oh I've already I've already cocked it I wanted a trap I wanted a trap I'm gonna have to shove one down here with a trap instead did you hear that so that was Matt the architect cheeky donation thank you very much appreciate that but um that was a very very rude comment that bastard wow how do I attract these people I've been nothing but nice oh look we got the lead balloons Again mullered by my foam but yeah I want this guy to have that one and then he's gonna have a little trap down there my traps are expensive there aren't they like three and a half Grand it won't they won't worry too much about the Trap I probably do want the construction because we're gonna get moabs at some point soon we're on level 30. that's actually quite a lot but traps at the beginning yeah I will I'll get another one on the Trap that will have to be a fresh monkey though let's go with you yeah we'll level that one up to the trapper oh why did I do that one I should have done Sentry there's no point having the bottom two combo I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to get another monkey sorry if that's really annoying I'm gonna get another monkey for the Trap because they need Sentry I could go top top the thing is I'm pretty sure that truck moves out the way and then they come from up there as well so I feel like down here it may be better what do you mean top top for the Trap now I'm gonna go and go there for the Trap so that one that one and then at some point there will be traps at some point so Sentry gun yeah that's good oh God that was a lot of balloons that was a lot of balloons they're double garden and then the Trap 3700 squid that's quite a bit man needs a banana Farm if he wants to survive it is the strongest balloon monkey thing is it it's not really a monkey what is it it's just a farm three at the bottom left what the hell is a 203r is it like is it like two three I like it hey we got we got monkey knowledge we learned the sort of thing today now we're actually we're actually on our way to 3700 we might be able to get that track pretty soon uh there's a lot of balloons they we're doing okay though we are actually doing all right the end of the next round has two regrow rainbow balloons oh God that sounds terrifying um should I just try and wing it we're pretty close to getting a balloon trap sorry balloon trap I'm not used to saying it in one syllable balloon there we go we got the Trap there we go that's going to get us some money as well oh I love to see it love to see it well next round we got a MOAB we do have a MOAB shall we get some faster engineering on the gate maybe you with the faster engineering as well all right let's see did that oh God that didn't help that did not help oh we caught it we got a grand for that the Trap traps moabs did anyone know that I didn't know that um e-tuks I have to go now hopefully the stream is still going when I get back see you later mate thank you very much for the for the pities for it kind of you oh everyone's betting will I beat round 80 yeah trap for the win I might try and trap that guy before I buy anything else although sentry gun would be useful as well surely I don't know that's double gun and then we'll try and get the trap on the way we're definitely feeling monkeys along there though just not yet let's get the Trap first there's a lot of centuries in there there are a lot of centuries this is I'm feeling confident I'm feeling okay yeah we're not scared of rainbow balloons easy can we afford that almost please there it is we're gonna meet that guy a century as well nice and then it's probably time we can either upgrade these dudes to have like the cool turrets Century expert if I'm tempted to just put some more monkeys down there if I do one there Sentry and larger area a bit of that should I get another trap I plan to do another trap I'm liking the traps poorly architected battle plan I'm not scared I'll probably lose uh what is around 63 everyone's saying I'm gonna die on round six three I think isn't that like the balloons thing they make that level really hard sushimi cheers for the sub finally caught a stream oh we have I do have a question I thought we had a question but I've already answered that one right 1500 squid is it worth I might try and get another trap you know where where that is the question sort of feeling Maybe there because then that should go in the water if I give it a large area right I feel like traps are going to save my ass at some point all right we're saved up money I did the thing I don't like doing this guy doesn't have Sentry which isn't ideal but I guess that's why he's got two guns ground 63 is 40 Ceramics and three waves with a lot of lead so I might need I might need an extra white helmet dude oh his truck went there that's a bit annoying okay maybe I'll get another foam up just in case oh God oh God that was terrifying yeah let's shove off Pokemon right next to him so cleansing foam will make it shoot up there I reckon three foamers that should be fine yeah doing this round easy easy mate ish fish oh God oh God there's a big one you can you can Target it click the green button I did I did I moved it one step ahead um right can I sent you expert that dude that sounds good what about you do you want cleansing or do you want stuff American stuff sweet we got some good turrets on the way now nice I might even attempted to get more monkeys you know I am tempted you can name the Trap I can name the Trap honey I can name the Trap okay I want it down there because then all the ones rushing down the woods I know that'll probably make zero difference this just looks neater to me get a farm never I could get a farm there there is actually quite a bit of space to get a farm would you reckon chat should I get banana Farms or should I just keep going keep spending on monkeys yes everyone's saying yes okay no oh no you ever say no keep going oh I don't know no Farm engineer only traps in front okay I'll tell you what let's move let's move the traps in now we know how to move them so how do I put you at a trap how do I move his oh I do have to do it in game he hasn't got a button I can't move this one or is it is it what why can't I move his trap that is the dude with the Trap top left for only moves with increased area ah so that one's got an area so I can move it so I can move that up to there and that might get me some money I think I'm gonna get I'm gonna get another trap on on the goat maybe can I squeeze one in will that reach I think I'm better off going like that so we'll do large area get the Trap and we'll move it up there as well love it give me money oh man the traps are pretty good aren't they I'm liking the traps I feel like a Ghostbuster but like I'm I'm an architect buster I might I might shove another one somewhere come on come on Now update can't quite afford it we will be able to see you soon there we go decent balloons are architect confirmed yep you knew it was going to be a thing Julian 87 or Julian cheers something okay who and Jessica eh is that are you Canadian is that like uh Jessica eh isn't that a Canadian thing yeah I don't remember what they say I don't I know I have watched South Park I know I have Canadian knowledge thanks to it um right okay what are we doing what are we doing should I get I might get another monkey down here I just thought I just want to keep going up here I like I'm liking it up here can I get another one in there that's not going to reach down to one yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna shove it here instead next to that dude and you're gonna be century and the Trap when we've got the cash we'll give you the Trap shouldn't be too long we are racking up cash pretty quickly or just moused over that and got some extra cash as well I think decent right 58 easy let's give these guys faster engineering they haven't got it yet do you have anything no just wondering oh you can have faster engineering you better have the construction all right everyone's pretty upgraded it might be time for an extra monkey or two this is a big Moab around 60. and that leaks moabs then we've got traps that was easy mate easy all right I'm getting cocky now I shouldn't get cocky in this game you know what happens when you get cocky Danger um all right I'm gonna shove you there I'm gonna I'm just going all out on the balloon tracks the traps are awesome oh that's really bad I should have upgraded this area he is actually reaching up there somehow no he's looking oh he's not now you can only see the big ones I think they spill over the path but we've got extra traps all right this is around 63 this is the big boy one I probably should have prepped a bit more but um ah there's a lot of balloons there's a lot of balloons it's those ah they're so ceramic ones they're pretty crazy but honestly easy mate easy we got some monkey knowledge as well all right all the moabs all got some Hench murads they're quite strong we might need some more monkey Edge so another one there sentries and traps again shall I do yeah I don't need any more volume I don't think so we'll just make that one a trap at some point I'm hoping we've got enough foam that might I mean we got we only got three that could bite me in the ass at some point right there we go oh dear there's a big Moab oh no there's two of them there's two of them blooming out yeah that's a lot of balloons it's all okay though you know what's going on uh play some monkeys up top could do I don't like up there though because you lose you don't get the double damage so I'd rather I'd rather stay like in there because that gets doubled very Century faster I want to make you a Sentry expert don't think there's any point making this area bigger to be honest so I'll probably do the bottom ones yeah we'll make him a Sentry expert once we've got the cash and mouse over them do I get more coinage occasionally all right Century expert love to see it oh yes oh yes right my abs around 68 Burge decent now this is this is going okay I feel like shall we checked the old upgrade situation oh we've got like double the XP is that because we're on hard that's good we're definitely making progress um I can't really upgrade anything else unless I save like loads of money I can make that guy a century expert I think we'll do that I mean look at it he's loving life around 70 we've got a load of stuff rainbow balloons yeah we'll get another boat we're doing we're doing pretty well in my opinion can any of you get upgraded for a reasonable amount of money not really like I think these guys the overclockability is it's not really worth doing with the engineer because the engineer is only good because they have sentries pretty much well and the trap things thank you so yeah maybe maybe we'll get another another engineer involved I'm like I'm just hiring Engineers like anything if you did engineering at Uni you're you're all okay you've definitely got a job at my place um I think I'll do the pins again Sentry expert there it is [Music] Nigel is that snigel cop or is it sicko cot I'm going to say snigel cut I like that um cheers us up very fine he says monkey right so 400 quid I think we'll just keep going I do I own Sims yeah but I don't it's not a game that I play I wanted to do a video in it but like quite hard like I don't really know how it all works and stuff uh maybe in the future expect some weird experiments on Sims I like pretending people Architects and then just like punishing them is that weird it's probably a little bit weird right it's saying there's a load of balloons coming at me what surprise let's upgrade you to do top and bottom and then I feel like we've got enough traps Let's do let's do Century expert down there we haven't got any Sentry experts down there that's what you're supposed to do in The Sims instead of Cheers by the way let me let me find the link as long as I don't lose this game you know me and C top co-lab uh his video went up to date let me let me find it let me copy it without a time stamp go watch this after my stream or now it's me kicking seat up and his buddy Chris's ass he doesn't want my smelly viewers with good retention no I haven't tried TF2 with engineer class cheers for the donation by the way very kindly um is sort of on the do list I don't think it'd make a good video maybe we'll stream it though I know isn't let them meet level 76 but yeah we we played chess and it's not just chess it's FPS chess and basically sea top he's a cheeky bastard he tried it didn't succeed spoiler he tried to like lure me into a full sense of security he's like Matt would you like to play a bit of a bit of chess with me it's just normal chess um we'll load up the game and film the video it'll be fine and literally as soon as we start it turned to Blooming FPS game where I've got like a shotgun and a big head because I'm a pawn with no body yeah he laughed but he laughed last that's what I want to know it's probably Chris um level 77 we are on now that's a lot of moabs I'm gonna have some blue ones while the what are the red ones called big moabs boabs oh we've got 200 monkey money that's my favorite kind of money bfbs big freaking balloons is that it Bo abs what does Moab even mean mother of all balloons so fur app means father of all Blues BFB because our sea tops cry you embarrassed me in front of Chris he doesn't respect me anymore he never respected you I've seen your videos and the cream ones are cool this is oh my God zombie that's quite hard to pronounce I don't think we've seen any green ones today have we is that like a level oh God oh God that's not blue dog god we've cocked it we've cocked it balls damn you seat up he distracted me right why do we fail there did we not have enough we didn't have enough follow me stuff that we we need more foam so level 78 Pool Lake um well it doesn't matter because I just wanted the XP didn't I we got we got a load of cash so we restart or shall we just do another level oh this is a quarry I'm actually trying to do this one damn it I'm going to continue 400 quid I reckon although I do need the XP I may as well restart continue what do you reckon Jack restart or continue I mean it's not your money you're spending it's my money more foam required don't restart everyone else same restart okay we're gonna restart everyone's saying restart let's do it restart Angie you have to suffer what you mean I don't want to suffer why did you tell me that afterwards all right anyway we I think we have a tactic for the start it's basically get a monkey in and then press play those times broke Tower changed a lot yeah it did I like Rogue Tower good game I'll say not gonna lie I'm I'm loving this I can see why like people get addicted big time um we do need to upgrade you with a large area oh that was close did you see that did you see that clutch expanding thing oh yeah so the predictions sorry if you predicted that I would win I very much didn't apparently right so I think last time didn't we just do like I think I didn't bother doing that one I just got the sentries ASAP we're gonna try and try and do it as we did last time but better just with more cleansers I was distracted bloody seat up damn that guy so distracting so good looking and distracting uh have you played any saps since the new pack yes I think we did we did it in a stream fairly recently was it last time last last stream was a weird one I think or was it the one before one of my last streams we like stream like five different games are you sure what I wanted to play at the time it was weird um right okay we've got that we've got that now I need that unlocked and then the cleansing ASAP at least now I know I can put traps early on to get some bonus money right Matt I blame you for my timber-born addiction sorry I came as addictive hey I feel like every game I play is addictive I should probably come with like a warning sign on my channel all right how much do we need 920 still need a few more levels worth of cash right I reckon this one we should have enough cash to get the foam there we go we got the phone yeah so I wonder how like what the ideal number of bones would be in this because I think we had three last time oh look we got the backwards prediction you have to be a engineer to read that or something will map beat oh it disappeared we'll map beat round 80. but backwards all right we're going with another engine I'm going to try and cram these in as efficiently as possible I think I'm very ugly next to him to start so sentries and traps or you know large area and trap I reckon ice that's the gamble isn't it because with the large area I think these ones have to be large area so I can get down there as well but I think early on I don't want traps it's like a bit too early I need the extra Firepower of the Sentry is that sensible I don't know Century yeah I think that's sensible move the foot oh yeah let's move the phone good job foam up to that it's like it's just a fighting from the waterfall surely it's already foam there it spawns the trap on the closest track yeah but if I use if I use the old larger area it can be wherever I want it to be um I think I'm going to go for another monkey so you so it does a close one oh so actually that one can be a trap one right but I don't think I want trap ones yet get some Nails involved and some pins here we go and then I'll probably make him a cinch does the oh give him a Double Gum first does the Trap go on the closest thing then or just the one beneath if it's closest that's actually quite good hello Dina veed first time chatter welcome the Trap goes closer okay so that's pretty good then I won't need that one I'll meet this guy a sentry love it and then should I think I'll get an extra volume out this early on or do some deconstruction I don't know what comes first oh it's pronounced like dynamite dynavid that makes sense all right should I get another monkey involved or should I save up the Trap if I see you up for the Trap foreign balloons oh that was scary that's making me think I should get another foamer should I get another foamer first yeah let's get foam I want to make you a century as well I'm gonna I'm gonna fire me up first there we go and then we'll move your foam up there then we'll give you a sentry when you think about it this game's weird yeah you're right you are not wrong there I'm just pleased that like you can actually complete the game with just monkeys like just engineer monkeys because to me that is a hell of a selling point I'm not gonna lie I really want to save up for a trap now I think I think now is a good time Oh I thought they were eggs I thought there are little eggs coming along they're just white balloons more bubbles I could get oh God maybe I should get some more bubbles I'm so close to the Trap though I'm so close camos uh loads of balloons blades we're nearly there we've nearly got enough coming on one more round one more round get me the Trap get me in the Trap yes we have a trap okay so now I'm gonna do another Boomer there I'm gonna make this one large area so it reaches down there and then of course give this guy a century okay we've got the foam on that one as well that should do us for a long time at least until around 78 was it so now I can just focus on centuries and traps probably feel like a trap at the end would probably be sensible this was like a last resort one I don't want to lose anything early on and I sort of did that last time although there is a more upcoming sort it so trap is that one right all right come on Moab what have you got what do you got for me oh God oh God oh God oh God we've lost we lost so easily did I did I go too too early with the foam this time then because last time was like so easy what happened sorry if you lost your channel points uh what's my favorite German word I don't know many German words um what German words do I know I don't know if I know I only know like ishvil I know Rammstein song names that's about it nine yeah nine nine is up there uh oh sneak snigel cut is Swedish word for common gray sea slug and it's definitely not pronounced for the British accent um okay we're gonna we're gonna have to restart then balls how do I how did I up so badly this round does anyone know does anyone know what I did wrong what did I do wrong chat what happened um and do you like Germany yeah I like Germany I've been to Germany a couple of times the Munich sort of passing through on a ski holiday but I've been there large area you didn't I didn't use banana Farms last time either I got to around 78. all right we're gonna have to you went for high tech before you had tons of centuries yeah I think you're right I think I just got to go Century all out and then do the traps like I got I got too distracted didn't they so we're gonna stick with what I know and that's Sentry is the best then we'll add the traps later on Never Gonna Give You a bulky man you cheeky bastard is this live man don't doubt it me doubt it yes we're live we're live on Twitch this isn't YouTube wait why does the balloons popping sound like cheeks being slapped does it sound the same now I'm a cheek let's say what chat you've distracted me from my painful bump appreciate it Pinky now for those that weren't here at the start and are wondering what the hell I'm talking about I've developed a painful tailbone for some reason like I can't I can barely walk oh I know what it is I took painkillers before that it wasn't you chat sorry I was giving you credit for this it wasn't you it was blue man I took painkillers dude you chat try and take credit for my bump God bloody hell the CK cheers for the cheers for tier two yeah it's very generous of you sir very very kind yeah someone any mods about can you do can you do a pole am I gonna win this time I reckon I am I reckon I've got it this time all right we're going we're going for Century yeah last time I went Mentor with centuries didn't I where's the AFK how was the AFK how is the thing go 250 000 we're we're a long way off 150 000 that's a lot that is a lot I wanted to do a quick video on the new upgrade Paragon dude I've ended up playing this for like five hours today gotta get another one in can I squeeze one I want to do like uh that sort of pattern I reckon so we need to give this guy Sentry and larger area ASAP which is better to go with the first oh no we lost a balloon we lost a life how did that happen placement I guess you know if we can get this guy Century ASAP we should be okay there we go and then we just move on to the next monkey this is all we're doing monkey after monkey after monkey after monkey 500k to go yeah I know that's a lot spamming the top path is pretty good what the top top part do you reckon I feel like this is how are they getting through they're all getting three we've lost loads of light I don't know what's going on I'm getting worse of this game the more I play right larger area and then centuries as soon as oh God oh God they're sneaking through again we just about did it entry oh look at that we're losing going on chat I don't even understand how I got worse all right let's get another one down here you've got to defend the end mate by the way Paul says if I'll survive first oh dear yeah I mean maybe I could I could do the faster engineering is that one gonna help fortified balloons I'll do faster engineering actually that's pretty good because it also does yeah does the foam as well so yeah we'll have some of that faster engineering is pricey though 430 quid so now look they are getting okay it was going well uh no it's going well yeah I think fast engineering is pretty useful then well worth the upgrade yeah we'll make that one century and then I know the marab is coming so they probably want to do in as well don't they foreign now I think we're good for another monkey probably don't want the the what's it called the foamer yet we're probably good on foam keep going with larger areas and centuries all right here comes the camo I think we're fine with just the one formulate go on phone that that's it nice buckets from uh what the hell is this oh the sprock oh is that actually good okay so 620 there you go we've got some sprockets greatly increased Sentry and engineer yeah we'll have that on both then we'll have it on both have some of that faster engineering on this guy next as well noise and then it might be worth trying to get another Puma or do I just keep going with this this seems to be working centuries I might make this guy a trap monkey as well just Safety First that is quite pricey though maybe I'll do should I do the foamer first second flamer then trap yeah let's do that because we can nearly afford the foam area I'll do faster engineering around there as well I hope a lot crazy helpful upgrade so you're gonna have a trap it's the last resistance oh it's 50 50. I was watching Matt failed to convince you he's an architect I was 50 50. some of you still believe in me thank you if you do right Moab is on its way um we survived the map last time didn't we huh look oh that was scary that was scary uh we survived there right so you're gonna become a trap I think I want more monkeys shock Century larger area faster a bit of that all right here we go I think we're doing better upgrades this time balloon trap I probably should do that sooner rather than later it's like a last resort thing isn't it shouldn't take too long to save up we're making some fat cash that round die zebra balloons right come on we're nearly there we're nearly there all right trap at the end and then the next trap will be up there so if I can squeeze you in there I'm gonna make you a trap monkey uh probably with sentry gun all right now we'll just wait for the cash to come in and we'll give this guy a trap and then that should give us more cash nice keeper lowers going at level 47. I think we've done better than last time already right that was quite a close round and then at some point soon I'm gonna need another well actually I don't eat I don't know when to do another Boomer I don't wanna I don't want to waste myself on Boomers all right balloon trap early on that is eating them up given us money I love to see it should I just keep spamming those two Century double gun faster oh God oh God oh God that was terrifying this might be the point where I need more traps and more Boomers no I've never been around 80. we got to around 78 last time well not last time time before last yeah I have done YouTube I just haven't done it on history all right ceramic balloons could record date let's try and get another foamer in then it's a free shove you where's a good spot that will make you foamy McGee and then sentry gun as well and then I'll leave your foam actually I'll move it up to that that's three claimers I know that will get us to round 78 right and as long as I prep myself yeah you can backseat I probably won't read it I'll do my best if I see it I'll try and pay attention I'm just very bad at multitasking so we're doing we're going all out on traps now I'll ask Chloe what are you doing Matt okay we got we got a third Boomer then both Boomer didn't mean to do that you were meant to be a trap you're meant to be that one do you need some money go on money there it is we've got another trap um oh we got we got a would you rather question oh and I got another question I missed earlier as well bloody out say the would you rather quickly would you rather be an architect or have no job have no job easiest question I've answered all day uh the other question 12 minutes ago sorry I missed it um do you consider a geographic engineer a real engineer or do you CA do you coot us as fakers like an architect I do GIS as a profession the gis guy at my old job is it's a good lad so yeah I I appreciate you guys I'll let you have your engineer title um right let's get some more I think we just do that on bottom right just balloon traps now because the balloon traps do help or especially when they give us extra money that is lovely and then it's all about just trying to cram more engineers in it's literally like my old job Crown the engineers in the office can't go wrong I'm gonna shove that one there then the century should I get a trap yeah sort of faster or do I do I could do I do have quite a lot of traps I'm gonna go Century expert on this done because I did have some Century experts last time and I think it definitely helped I'm gonna try and get a few of those dotted about so I think you're going to be eccentrics but I might give you increased area this time actually and make you good against moabs because they are coming yes that truck's gone now so there's there's people coming in from the right Sentry expert there we go right round 62 the next one was a bit of a pain last time I think but I believe in myself I got you in there let's make your area bigger entries I don't think you want to make you a cleanser do we I think we'll give you sprockets and stuff I'll get some cash from the traps that is decent I do like doing that I gotta remember to keep doing that and it might be worth trying to get this bottom row in just I'm a little bit scared I have sort of Forgotten down here maybe I'll do another trap the Trap is like the last line of defense yeah I'm liking these extra turrets like laser turrets at the moment decent foreign ERS in as well oh God that was quite a lot of people upgrade the black helmets to Century X but are they the ones that can be upgraded let me just trap that guy first highest they can oh they can all be Sentry experts they can ask you I definitely did want some Sentry expert what about the red ones oh yeah so the Reds they might become foamers they might do I think I'll just do these guys into Century experts first that seems like a plan nice round 69 is it gonna be nice that's what I want to know yeah easy easy me sort of in round 70. we're getting close we are getting close to the danger zone now so do I do I stop cleaning these guys up move your foam over to that and then you will foamy you might just leave your phone there how many photos am I gonna need that is the question I might leave your phone over there actually can I squeeze another engineer or I can I can will the area reach down there if I make it bigger yes ish I think I think that's good um sentries yeah I might do big Sentry on that one I don't think I need another female will I more Point all right we'll do phone instead all right level up noise more monkey knowledge we've got quite a lot of foam going on should I do like bonus put him down there just in case I can't really I think there's anywhere else to fit anyone that's sensible should I make him a foamer and then shove it there yeah probably probably should shouldn't I so foam and centuries then we'll make your foam go there maybe another foam as well for this I can is that oh I can go really far oh I can go really far oh come on square is it where is it that we're gonna make this guy screamer as well so make key I'll make I think I'll make you foam that direction actually that looks good to me cheers dude very kind you might be in time to watch me fail again we're getting close to level 78 um we is social engineering real engineering question um I've never heard of social engineering sure it's better than architecture let's put it that way right down here another another trap do you think I feel like trap is probably sensible trap and Sentry or we don't have we don't have long left we don't have long left around 77. do I have enough foam I'm not even sure if I do have enough claim do I just go all out with foam actually uh there's a there's a lot of people coming there I definitely want to trap that was scary right so this was the one that killed me last time do I have enough money to get more foam involved is it worth like shoving one up here foaming like there if I move that to like there and that's like early foam right and then is it worth doing another upgrade or save money for a big trap 58 Grand I'll never say all that much a lot of people who have redeemed Paddy pets um he's downstairs at the moment he's not allowed upstairs because he's he had his balls cut off as some of you know um because he's got stitches and stuff he's not allowed to like go upstairs he's not allowed to like jump or run around or anything so yeah he's locked downstairs at the moment my girlfriend's down there he's not on his own don't worry but yeah I will redeem your pet patties afterwards he really likes a pet at the moment he's feeling a bit sorry for himself um all right let's just do this let's see what happens I feel like Sentry and faster engineering will get more foam out so it might work it's actually it's looking okay maybe that was I think that was wise map was that wise oh no here's a big map here's a big what was it called a b bring your own bottom or something of the big I know a big friendly bomb Big Friendly balloon big ones the traps yes yes chat we did it we survived there it is the next round harder it probably is um right what do we do now what do we do now do we stick with what we know do we have more traps I feel like more traps is sensible is this live I'm gonna do centuries and traps because we should be able to afford another trap pretty soon and that is our last resort there we go and then up here can I upgrade any of these to decent ones I think everyone's upgraded about that oh they're big boys they are big boys think you did all right they we did do okay gosh this is this has the zombie zombie oh my God so we do probably need some damage do I shove this down here somewhere maybe can I fit two in I think I can only fit one so we probably want sentries and well just sent trees up to the century expert and then what one do I go for what's what's better against good things increases sensory Effectiveness so maybe that one centuries of longer range oh I don't know I don't know I feel like range isn't important down there so actually if I do that that's quite a good bit of range right what do you mean rip I'm gonna survive I will survive sell all and get the trip so we'll get the double x trap is that actually worth doing does that trap the thing the boss thing no yes no oh everyone's oh no people are undecided do it no dude I should be able to kill the zomb thing I reckon he'll just eat the bus yeah what happens to the stuff inside the boss I don't know I don't know what to do I might just I might just leave it as it is it gets eaten extra cash it will get eaten YOLO I don't know if you guys are trying to trick me go with what you got I feel like that's more senseful like it got me this far right don't change a few people are telling me not to change surely this is more chance than selling everything right Maybe potentially um I'm gonna do that one and that one and then another monkey somewhere well actually have you oh no you upgraded what have you got a different color hat to everyone else why are they black and yours is grayish oh you got different middle one okay I get it I get it I'm not selling everything I believe in my team we're not a one-man team here we're Engineers we fight for each other so centuries right it's happening there's the zombie oh man it's it's looking quite healthy oh there you go we've done some damage we've done some damage come on take you down take it down yes boys yes boys um let's get that on sprockets yes in your face denyers not denies unbelievers what's the word unbelievers what's the word for not um what's the word for not believing it's just unbelieving but what am I thinking of Deltas Deltas yes doubters we did it we're a monkey star again we got 400 400 quid that's a rip off me uh sweet so what's our XP looking like now oh 390 we're halfway there I've played so many hours but the good news is I'm like I've unlocked hard mode right so we're close uh do do free play we can we can continue that level I think as free bait was it was it the cabin no [Music] oh we were in intermediate when we it was that one oh it's gone why is it gone I thought you could just continue [Music] don't know it's dead uh should we use our knowledge while we're here let's use monkey knowledge so we're trying to get to at one century turrets will last longer than normal that sounds good to me Boosh cleansing foam oh that costs money as well that's worth doing right cleansing foam can hit three more balloons before expiring yeah we'll have that we'll have that then the balloon trap can hold more stuff but I need to spend three more points in something else what's that one oh why'd you don't tell me that was the thing we could have gained XP way quicker definitely have that cool to Arms I don't know what that is oh monkeys oh [Music] I think are any of those oh monkey ports or some monkey Bank [Music] yeah I think maybe I will do that one that's 250 quid again though because then I can get one of those later on which is probably good cool right well I think we're going to leave that there for today because I am sweating this room gets really hot when I play games like this um but yeah shall we shall we get raid someone let's see who's online and I'm open to suggestions as well see it's almost shut up so we've shut up um I have we could raid my mate we've raid him a few times ttv's obsero he's playing gas station simulator which I absolutely love you should go watch my video on that if you haven't seen it yet um otherwise I am open to suggestions I Saab is he playing this What's this called balloons Bloons td6 oh yeah yes should we give him should we give him a read wait is he live yes I've just got an advert okay damn adverts we'll give him a raid we're gonna Raiden put and it's more balloons which I'm sure you guys will like so go give this dude a raid thank you for the subs by the way I I missed out Keebler 05 thank you very much and Flav Hector thank you very much yeah there's also some questions that I did miss I better read them before we go uh what is the meaning of life the universe and everything else is to engineer and then is your girlfriend an engineer no she's not she's a teacher actually yeah cool let's give this guy a raid thank you for joining if you did join um well of course you joined otherwise you'll be hearing this it's all bollocks sometimes bye guys peace love and engineer monkeys boy oh guys this is gonna be tights
Channel: Real Civil Engineer ARCHIVE
Views: 17,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 8sec (7628 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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