RCE ARCHIVE: That time I spent 2 hours on Shapez!

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[Music] you can't hear me can you hear me they can hear me wow could have been tugging away you could have [Music] well anyway i think we are done not done we are in that's the opposite i've done anyway hello fellow engineers we are we're having a little go at shapes io nice little rhyme to start our evening well my evening probably all morning i haven't played this in a while 87 days it's quite a long time uh there's been updates and all sorts apparently so i guess we just carry on with where we got to before so level 10. will i get to level 26 i doubt it uh right wow okay this is going to take some remembering not gonna lie i know what i did last time i say last time was a bit of a mess so i'm probably gonna have to delete a lot of stuff and just start again do i consider a software engineer as a real engineer um depends what their what software they're making to me engineering is like i don't know more physical stuff like stuff that gets built but i guess that's more civil engineering so yeah yeah i guess it isn't it is engineering i'm not shaming i just said it is engineering uh right okay so that's everything how i can't remember how you uh where was it down there or is that just all i need to make i can't really remember what you do is that stars what's stars ah upgrades yeah okay here we go so oh we need we've done those we need semi-circles which don't appear to be going up pink circles going up a key all right looks like we need some semis and quarter circles but i guess we should probably do the stars as well so i think let's well shall we i'm literally thinking should i just delete one whole side let's get rid of let's just delete this entire side because that is messy as anything and we'll probably go about what is going on there is that even doing anything no what the crap were you on matt right hang on uh how do i i can't remember how you actually i can't remember how you draw stuff uh can anyone remind me how do you actually no not that one oh down here oh i was just hidden because it looked like a bloody cause i was at the right scale sorry okay great all right we'll keep them going for now so let's work on these stars ideally over here so i think what how do we create a star again is there a star shape oh we could take them and stitch them up oh but there is actually a star there right i'm gonna just take this one as it would be easy so do a few of those we'll send them up what color is that made out of do you think oh hey i'm not that old very cheeky and that's where do we need to end up all the way up there believe me that's quite a long way isn't it well let's let's start doing some road i'm just going to do like a single one all the way up see [Music] how high oh that's almost high enough so we'll go right here oh i can't zoom out too far i was trying to zoom out just so it was a bit quicker audi wow okay what i'll probably do though is use one of those combiner things which is it in there somewhere uh t cycle there no i don't want any of that was it r to rotate i think that one and then my next road can go along there oh no not that direction not that direction i assume you need to build it in the direction you want d or do i just can i rotate that oh yeah okay sweet no oh god damn okay you do you do you can hold shift oh what does shifty oh what does that do oh does that just fill it in automatically that's quite a lot quicker what so to there oh nice okay that's cool uh so yeah essentially i need some color i don't know what colors we get we only have those three so i'm gonna guess the light blue is green and blue probably so let's get some green going so bung that down there and we want some blue so we'll do some blue from this side oh it's shift belt planner then you don't actually have to fill it in hmm anyway so color mixer how does this work so uh what was it tita oh no no yeah so okay right so i'm gonna have to combine is there there is blue on this side maybe i'll just do that actually just keep it all on one side yeah let's do that say we've got some color coming out there we'll take that over to here ish we got the green coming out let's just have a look the old i mean where was the combiner that one wasn't it so we'll bung that there delete you guys pop you in and then does the right color yes the right color comes out okay that's good that is very good so now it's a painter isn't it you can press t to put it on the other side uh what field i work in engineering i'm well i guess transfer i'm more of a highways engineer i specialize in drainage you know so that's down there i wonder in the best way of doing it should i do four or should i just do two because two is easy i don't know how messy to me this how long have i been going sorry i'm like reading chat in completely the wrong order how long have i been going has been doing this stream about two minutes maybe five minutes time goes fast when you're streaming i've realized all right so bung that there and we'll take this all the way up i'm not sure at the moment which is quicker so we'll just have to wait for that to build up like i'm not sure if the paint comes in quicker or those do so we'll see what stacks up first can you i swear you can like click on not that wasn't there a way to see like how fast something is it actually in here ah 0.6 okay so 0.6 that one the painter is 0.5 okay so about the same so i'm not gonna bother changing that but what i will do these are stacking up let's how fast are these that's naught point eight so i could almost get some color out of everything so i may as well just leave them built up it doesn't really i'm not lacking for space over here oh very interesting william ktm 94 ktm is that based on the uh motorbikes or is that just like your initials or something all right so i'm gonna what am i gonna do i'm not entirely sure what i'm trying to do oh yeah so let's just up the old hang on it took that long i was gonna say that hasn't gone up yet that's still on zero they've only just made it over there so yeah let's up this two four times then so wang those up i'm gonna peel off some blues i think because they are stacking up quite a lot what one was a split at that one so bang that there we've got blues coming off up here and but i don't want them to go up there yet oh doesn't really matter it doesn't matter we would take those underneath what was the bridge one was that the oh yeah that's not going to fit is it yeah okay so we'll delete those this is really a bit messy isn't it so let's well actually how did the mixer work again wasn't there a variant no there wasn't oh bollocks oh well so we'll do that this is a little bit untidy but bring that up let's go to there that's way too close idiot i just realized the bridges are a bit longer aren't they say was it painter painter shapes is a fun game i didn't play much of it well only what you saw in my first ever video because i was kind of oh i was kind of worried it's one of those games where you could just spend hours i keep holding click down and unfortunately i don't i'm not one of those people that has hours at the moment okay and then we can merge those together yes so now we've got twice as many sweet okay that's all looking good why well we've proper slowed down the old blues now i might just double that back up there we go so that should be sorted now i probably don't actually need to have double coming out i definitely don't need triple oh what's that noise subscriber oh listen to that song i love that song because you guys get to hear the uh the intro no i don't but awesome thanks barbarito barbarito what an awesome name for subscribing with prime you're actually i think it counts that would be my 15th sub point which means we get a newer moat yes and we need to well we need to decide what the next moot is if you have a look i've got i've kind of put them in the tier two and three thing just so you can see what they are you can either pick one of those two or or there is an ore or there's a bonus emote that we can add so let me know what would you rather the tier 2 the tier 3 or the bonus as the next remote for subs all right anyway so how fast are these going pretty fast you can i think up here somewhere you can see yes you are not the right person to respond although it would actually i would like to know what you're or when you prefer hiki army in case you guys didn't know hiki army is the guy that creates them head over to his instagram and stuff if you want to see his other work uh am i making one a second is that what that means or delivered yeah okay so one a second that's pretty good it's 800 seconds that's like 12 minutes roughly i don't know something like that so yeah i should probably up these then so i might do should i keep it all from the same side yeah we have space say make these go up we'll do that straight away take this i might do these ones down this side actually so won't go too far so we've got there we'll add a few green miners how do i do that when i had two yeah right okay so we need the is that the combiner yeah that's the combiner isn't it so one there for sure and we'll want another one like there no no yeah sorry let's i'm going to bring that one down i'm going to bring that one down to there sorry bung that in they need to be deleted this needs to split on the back we're gonna do exactly the same as we had on the other side pretty much so you come out go one more go underground i am real can you believe it i'm also bearded now sorry for people that like thought that was a i don't know if anyone saw my um community post but i think well i kind of not baited people but i kind of baited people and think i was making an important announcement let's combine those oh no that one what am i doing the color man that one right and then yeah wait actually that's backed up massively so i don't know why i'm adding all this i should just be adding more painters to the line really alright i'm going to hold fire on that end i'm just going to see if i can make this a bit more efficient so let's have a splitter how far let's let's work from the top work from the top so have that under there we want a painter oh another one golden piggy cheers for the support i see me guys did you guys see the notification because i don't think i did and i now i have two monitors i actually saw what you guys can see what the frick it should be there or is it just slow you did okay cool that's cool oh and you got the founder badges awesome cool glad it's working thanks for confirming i think my i don't know oh there's ah there's another one gifted oh nice one bray brie cheese so it's all happening sorry i'm really distracted now uh where what was i doing what was i doing uh we were splitting off so we can put a painter in with me yeah so paints are there split out the back i'm going to do the same on the other side just while i'm here see that there you want a painter but the other way around know you don't no that's too confusing for now i'll come back to that i will come back to that one at a time one at a time so they're coming out once we get painted and to get paint i'm just gonna literally just split this up i think because they're all backed up so swing those in there we got more coming out there we yeah sweet so we can just combine those back on boosh and again boosh sweet that seemed to work well i'm just worried that these are going to go a bit too quick now but if oh god they are slowing up hmm there is maths on here that i couldn't be asked to work out [Music] hey um lapiz that's uh what's his face recaptain you sneaking on the stream are you how are you bro have you haven't done a stream yet have you i didn't even know you had twitch if you have i have missed it apologies right so we're gonna need more bloody i might just take some from here because i'm not going to double that one up so that should fix this issue when is ksp next username checks out rocket rock rocket remedy or is it rocket remedy rocket remedy well i'm learning so many words so many pointless words but ksp i don't know i learned a lot yesterday but my head was hurting afterwards because i know this this might sound a bit stupid i guess but like as a senior engineer like my role is more at work is more like the management side of stuff now so i don't actually get to do a lot of learning new things anymore it's more like teaching junior stuff and like boring well not boring stuff you know what i mean so my brain's not like cut out for learning i think i'm working out so yeah yesterday was quite a quite an experience all right we're nearly there i'm gonna i'm just gonna leave that color and let's have a look at some upgrades that we need to do not that one that one so circles i think we can definitely do circles yeah we can just do them here and bang them on that conveyor belt for now so what do we want exactly we want bottom semicircles hey thank you for cheering no i'm not even going to try that one nor cozy cheers bro uh let's read this hang on a sec binging vids i'm glad a lot of people say that bingeable that's really like i don't know really a nice compliment for me uh college yeah stressful times it was college not gonna lie oh glad glad uh the old videos help out cause like that's kind that's partly why i did it to be honest because i did the same like i use youtube as my like de-stressor so it's nice well it's awesome to know that that is what other people use my videos for really nice like that's awesome thanks for letting me know ah level 10 where low 10. uh and thank you longer longer longer i will keep up the videos i love making videos did you guys enjoy today's video right how the hell oh we need rotators don't we oh can you do you can rotate the other way yes rotate the other way oh that was the wrong rotate t wait yeah so they should both be bottom ones now yes that's good so we'll put one bottom one on there get rid of you oh shit's in hell boys hey reed gifted nice one brick sorry i'm really i'm trying to shape right so we got we got those going down so that's one that we need what else we need something in half didn't we sorry i'm really distracted wrong button that button we need we need top quarters as well so what i'll do actually i'm pretty sure that one was top quarters anyway so i'll delete that we'll make that our bottom quarters i know there that way quarters quarters halves holy in a sock what is going on the subs gifts are flying you guys are really awesome to each other that's awesome to see nice one guys all right so rotate once and then rotate again right rotate again what am i doing so that just needs to be one rotate right which is a t so now we got our top so we can cut those in half but they're all the way over there can i can i flip this no that's really annoying so that's go over there bung that in uh brie cheese that was that gifted two row axle nice uh why did i just cut i did want to cut didn't i right i'm gonna bung all of this then onto a single thing bring it down there and then i'm just gonna bung that on the top one so now we've got both both uh shapes so we've got that one and we've got the opposite but whatever does that should go up that should go up over time do they actually make it down oh god okay cool i think we can leave that for now and now we've got our next shape so that oh god another one the gifts are flying there's massive bro moments the bromance in here is insane so much gifting have you played any action game since odd not since um action game yeah all right well the last sort of fps i played was a destiny 2. played that with quite a few mates or holy in a box shadow got one you guys are awesome oh brie cheese isn't a break well she is a bray but she's a she a brochi uh right so anyway we need to work on this shape now so i need what's the best way of doing this i've got that do i make oh no look look oh no oh two different colors okay so what i'm thinking then let's let's mine this we'll just go let's go upwards this might take a bit of thinking for me so we'll cut that straight away so we've got those we need to rotate them so let's rotate that that way yep and rotate that the same way so that's both of our shapes we need to get some green up there so i'm gonna burn that there yeah that's fine we'll go we'll just go straight up for now get the old painter ready we can change the side so that's one half sorted yes nice now we need our blues and we can take this strand i was one step ahead i knew what was coming oh too far uh oh golden piggy can you explain lurker points or purple spam do you mean like the um your highlighted message because i only found out what those were the other day or how you did them jubbly is the price too low then i'm i'm not too clued up on the old twitch so i just kind of left everything as standard most of those sends only a hundred 100 is not a lot i take it like 100 sounds like a hundred like that's loads all right we'll combine those with that one how many oh we need a thousand so we might have to do this a few times uh okay then we'll take that all the way down there should i combine that in yeah why not we'll combine those together there's not a lot of space on there i think to be honest uh we'll leave that for now it should be fine and have i did i do the wrong i didn't do the combining you idiot you idiot one's a combiner what one is a combiner can i not merge shapes like that what's the opposite of a is that one stacker ah [Music] see that one does that become the right thing now yes okay sweet stack it hype train i'm still very newbish as well as to what the hell hype train is but it sounds cool so hype train i think it just gives you guys like loads of cool emotes does it or something scam trade yeah all right so they're going but we're gonna need to double up the old capacity of that i think i'll just try and do that exact same thing is there a way to like select a load of stuff in a sock i knew that would happen is there an undo in this game please i thought i could like right click and select a load of area turns out you can't are you unlock copy and paste bollocks okay i think i should be able to remember it so t yeah i didn't actually delete that much stuff i don't think it's just that that that and then whatever that stacker was awesome okay panic over panic over right let's do all this again then i think i'm literally just gonna do the same yeah so let's dub we'll start all the way down here and we'll try and double up yeah so we've already got this so we can double up very easily because we need twice the colors going in so that's good let's get twice the color up here it's very easy we can just add a minor add a combiner thing so now these conveyors will have twice the color and stuff coming in which means we should be able to split them without any detriment i hope i think uh probably should work backwards though to make sure i have space so where do i want to take these as a question i think actually i might just bring the color over here and then do everything here so i'm not convinced on my space saving abilities so let's do that then we'll do that i don't know how far these tunnels go either sweet that's good that is good so you up there we will split this is a bit stupid actually splitting on then splitting off i should have just done it a more logical way but hey hey so you come around so we need well really yeah oh i guess we could do that we could bring that this way there you go need two so we'll do that power off what the that's my new monitor no what are you doing can you see that can you see that monitor power off message no you can't i think because i have two monitors the like left one appeared on my obs one would you like to disable automatic standby oh no i want automatic standby but i don't want it while i'm using it okay i've disabled i have disabled hang on right if i scream in a second it's because one of my screens is turned off don't send help i should be fine all right so we're gonna want a painter up here say painter how high i might do that a bit higher actually because we need to fit in a rotator another rotator we want a painter on the other side we want the cut thing and we're going to have a tunnel and then just that there sweet i think that should work once i connect those so we'll bung our stacker in there send this down this game is quite relaxing not gonna lie oh what the sometimes why'd you do that all right so you're coming i'm guessing this is going to be too full now there are still gaps i think we should be okay actually i'll keep an eye on it but we shouldn't have to keep stacking these right let's see what our next upgrade those stars are we making those stars currently uh produced okay yeah we are making those stars that's fine is there a way to see like what you're not making click the pin on the upgrades hmm what does that do hmm okay uh okay so we're waiting for one then i mean that looks really low i'm guessing we're not producing that so if we pin that what does that do oh now it's down here oh very handy so where are squares there's squares there i think that's a good spot so what do we need just a split one so we'll put a cutter shame i can't rotate that uh yeah we'll just well let's bring them together and then bung those together cool i think that should be those we can just leave that one running or should we do more i think we can add more to that conveyor belt for sure let's just do some more then because we need quite a lot so same setup combiner vertical straight and then another combiner right so that should keep it going i will oops wrong one i will turn that off the pin so that's going oh let's have a look at that one what the hell is that shape it's like a ninja star uh hmm oh there's a bit of it let's have a little look around and see if there is that shape anywhere just to save on the cutting up and stuff i kind of this might be wrong i kind of assume the further away you get from your main base the more weird the shapes get so many shapes all right okay yeah i think we're gonna have to make this one unless we get very lucky and find it randomly but no we're not going to so we're going to make it so what do we need we need these guys yes it's essentially just two of those halves so i think if we and there's red there so that's good so if we bring these down so you want a cutting thing and what does that make so we don't really care for those i might literally just bend those for now so we've got them if we split those into two uh that one yeah so we'll split them and then we're gonna rotate one side i think that's the best thing to do is so now we've got the two halves and we can just combine them together with the old stacker and now we just need to make it red and there's red down here so that's very easy yeah let's actually come over here a bit because then we can use a painter there and just bung red straight in is that the shape we want yes it looks like it but we're gonna need a crap ton i have a stream playlist or do i just listen to the game say kind of when i thought about doing twitch initially i was like yeah we'll make playlists and listen to and then like the other week pretty much they changed all the copyright rules so you can't i was gonna say you can't listen to you but you can't stream people's music that you don't own so what you're listening to now is the game music this is way too built up so i'm gonna have to make some more lanes oh god not that way not that way so what's the best way of doing this i think if we just literally do that we might as well just do at the end why am i doing it all the way up there bung that in right so let's just split everything say from that from that from that from that and i'm just gonna put these like all the way along with that work will that be exactly the same so that will come off there and it should go down yeah that should work so if i buy another one there and another one there so is that that looks like it's doing something i think am i right yeah i think so i think we'll keep adding more [Music] so one there one there one and one there i think i'm just going to keep doing that until this one kind of gets some gaps in it reacts all thinks i'm doing the right thing so that's good yeah i'll keep going i'll do i'll do one more i need a street i'm just trying to get this one down a bit i could actually delete that put that there and do another one just gonna keep doing this this should give us more yes so we got gaps in this one now so i think that's good i can probably delete that second line no i think well things are looking okay but we need to add the reds on so the reds were there oh god where do they join i literally might just do this as a new bit of road hold shift all right i'll have a look at shift afterwards i just want to bring that all the way down to about there bring that underneath bring that round that should come in a little filtered somewhere i'm sure that would be fine sure that'll be fine but we need to make a shit-ton more so i wish i could just copy and paste that and just move it down but i can't but i think we can actually use these so we can split them up go to settings and turn on multi-place multi-place does the same thing as holding shift but you don't have to press the button oh okay so let's have a little look at that settings um and doc there's a dark mode where's dark mood user interface no that's just normal performance now that's fine advanced i don't see dark mode anywhere what did i miss it dark the mood made of dark i don't see mode of darkness am i missing something multi-places oh yeah sorry it's the most place we're looking for right multi-places enabled general dark mood it was on it was a dropbox in ui settings all right game theme ah theme oh oh my eyes that's better do you guys prefer that as well oh this is way different oh god i'm gonna have to adjust to this is this better i don't know if it is actually colors do stand out more i feel like i might prefer light mode really what do you guys think this or the other one all right they're not backing up actually so i'm gonna do i'm literally just gonna do the same thing say let's try and replicate what we had so a cutter a bin one of those some spinners ah so this is this what that setting does i can just bung these everywhere without having to re-click every time if so that's very handy oh an upgrade is available let's go have a look once i finish this [Music] yeah it's very dark here actually so it's not a bad thing dark mode right now because my eyes were hurting especially as i've gone from one 25 inch monitor to 227 quite a lot of difference uh oh not that one no delete first all right so i think bring this underneath to reckon and then we'll add some color tea that side actually probably should i go way over here save some space now i can't be asked cannot be asked and then we'll combine those onto there right that was quite quick actually not too bad you started a safe file and you've overtake shut the hell up yeah we haven't got all these lovely streamers to talk to you streamers viewers well some of you might be streamers all right belts distribution and tunnels oh everything's faster oh god we gotta make the sun the sun okay we've got those going in so that's good so we can let's focus on the sun so that will take some time but at least we got some going the sun is level 30 oh so it's worth doing anyway i guess yes what do we need we need yellow circles where is that green green looks really strange in a no is that green yeah it's green how did you make okay you say oh god right so i need somewhere with circles and well what shape is that made from is it made from those yes okay circles and those close together so let's start here then bung those up bung those over there we'll bring them together oops right so let's just think we need the circles are fine this needs to be oh do you just combine them let's let's try that oh not quite okay yeah i realized i'll have to color them first i'm just trying to work out how to make the shape oh is it just if they are oh okay so maybe if we color them first it will be fine so what colors do we need red is all the way down there bring some red up red needs to be you paint that up let's delete that one so if i combine those with a yellow how can i make yellow quick let's blew up there we'll bring this blue down uh green green can be that one oh level 11. whoop ah sick so we can stack the old miners now extractors that's pretty cool we gotta focus on that anyway i'll do this one first just while we're here i don't like leaving things half completed let's go back uh not a painter how do i come no there's a painter yeah that's not called a painter what's that called a color mixer yeah okay that is the no that's not yellow what am i doing it's bloody red isn't it wait how do you make yellow is it just red and green or is there not a yellow i'm i'm guessing it's red and green but that would make like brown in my head look at the color wheel there's a color wheel where's the color wheel it's not in there i don't know look at the color mixer like oh in here huh red and green make yellow that's bizarre okay so we'll get rid of the blues i love how you guys just kept quiet about that by the way i know you did no you didn't sorry my bad i should have read chat right red you're coming down oh it's one off one off so have i just done the same thing no there was like the same colors coming out all right let's get rid of those blue ones bloody blue so that can come down painter bung you that way some paint coming in the side oh that's really i gotta fix that sorry that was bugging me right so we've got those so now we can combine these and they should stack word on the street uh sorry that one's stacker in it actually i'm gonna i'm just gonna do it one higher so we keep some straight lines going so what does this do bollocks oh is it because that's coming in that side right no one tell me i'm gonna try and figure this out so if that goes there yeah maybe that'll work okay so let's just put that up a bit if i bring that underneath under there bring you round what does this one do yes we did it uh and now we've got a oh all the way down here i thought i was like down here oops okay i have no idea how we get back to our hub then so that's what i've just made oh we can send we can send us that one i think so we'll go this is gonna be a right old mess okay this way go under there i feel like i don't know this is like so inefficient how i've set everything up or you can bring them on and that should go look at this what is going on so let's try and follow these just to make sure it doesn't get split or anything so it goes into there up to there around there around there and straight through okay so that's good ish yeah there they are they're coming in yeah it's going up now excellent right so now i think i'll just leave that as one because i don't want to overload and i'll focus on this one what the hell is that it looks like oh where's that symbol it really looks like something that i've seen before it's like half-life or something i can't remember but yeah we'll try and be over here because this is my new efficient area which is still efficient looking good so we got circles we've got blue oh okay so i need i think let's start here well let's do yeah let's do it down here actually kind of a bit more out the way but next to a blue so we will i'm going to try the old stacking up thing as well see how it works see the squares are coming actually let's split them straight off i don't know i'm going all the way over there so we want to split that into a top left corner so they need to be split again i may as well just do that that one oh no that needs to go to a bin first doesn't it otherwise it will block up if i remember correctly no not that way that way right first cutter i know you need to rotate it first okay so rotate it what direction that should work i think yes okay so that's the one i want you can go straight in the bin no not you guys okay so i've got that i need to combine that with a circle hey slay i didn't know you streamed well not streamed you're watching me stream but you know what i mean nice to see you suddenly in the real life well not real life this is still the internet but slay's like well he's been there from like almost the start of my youtube journey he's like commented on every single video that i've done so props to you man that's awesome like your proper spurs me on not gonna lie so thank you very much for every comment uh what am i doing why am i doing red what's wrong what what am i doing i need circles man circles right so this could get tricky i'm gonna assume i'm gonna have to cut a bit of a circle out a stalker yeah you need red to make white what oh it's white all colors i didn't realize that was white i thought that was just gray but it is white oh this will be fun okay there's a lot going on with this shape anyway what we doing so we're cutting i assume we need to like make semi circles and then combine into circles that's what we've got we got that which is good oh no we don't want that one why is that not getting cut oh because it needs to get rotated idiot so you go there rotate those that direction what's gonna come out i don't know oh nothing's gonna come out until i replace that right ready so we've got that's the one i want so i want you and then we can bend that side then you and then you can just get rotated twice yeah and then combine those together wait is it a stacker oh i don't know i don't know what i'm gonna do here what does stacking those do yes yes so then we can combine with those and hope that there isn't a direction that these have to face so what's going to come out yes it's the background shape and then we can just make that blue by using that one i'll tell you what we can up the old capacity here as well by doing that i think or maybe not i might do a bit i don't oh no we got the wrong thing i know that is right yeah that's right so we'll mine the crap out of that go in there so that's our background shape excellent so now we need circles and white circles so i think we've got everything we need here actually so i'm just going to bring circles i'm going to bring them around with the blues so i reckon that there that there oh no i don't i'm gonna keep them separate otherwise that would be carnage i think i do have an upgrade point thank you for reminding me uh what is it that one extraction is quicker sweet oh god i'm not even gonna look at that one yet that looks beyond me right now so yeah i did just realize that as i was stacking these nothing's going to happen uh actually do i want i want to bring everything up here don't i ah no not a new marker so i'm going to bring the reds over that way oh in a sock how did people enjoy my latest video today any good i'm sorry if i was kind of a bit worried people might call it like click bait because i kind of said it was polly bridge but it wasn't poly bridge shift oh yeah sorry i keep forgetting to do that it was the right form of clickbait good that's good to me didn't mean it to be like bad uh can we combine these colors that i don't even know i i don't know how to make white let's just get all these colors together first say bring you over it oh god that's a right mess sort that in a bit so i have all these colors only two can go in so let's try combine those combine those so now we've got purple well pink and yellow so what if we combine those white sweet okay um okay yeah but annoyingly they're kind of in the wrong place so i'm gonna i'm just gonna take that underneath and then i can bring the circles up this way so circles can come up i don't even know why did that bring these over here paint them up and now we have a white circle which we can bring our god do we have a white circle are these really slow because there's so many what is going on here oh no because i took the red away you idiot map yeah okay all right all right uh so you need to go up we need to make some space so that we can split the red so you come there and then reds are coming out here you can go round and then you can be combined i wish i could rotate that that's very annoying you come back in so now we can make yellow no not yellow white white circles yes okay and then the stacker i'm gonna guess everything's on the wrong side so yeah i think the white circle needs to go underneath so that can go there you can come round you can go up and that's our shape yes that's our shape so we can bring that straight up and then just wang that on nice uh let's just see if we need any of those squares because we might not anymore got enough of those and enough of that i might i might turn them off yeah it i'm going to delete them so i was only like a temporary thing i know you shouldn't delete in this game but you can just do green and purple green and purple so purple is oh you don't have to do yellow let's try let's see if he was right say will this work green and purple let's see if white will come out i never realized that no hippo lippo is that mo or mc i think that's mc oh yeah and that does kind of make sense that it comes out white i guess but yeah we don't need purple so that saves some space sick so we're not making a lot of them and we need to make a crap ton more hmm and this was very complicated so i'm not sure the best way of doing this i'm guessing we can have another painter for those yeah that seems quite sensible i think uh it's gonna have to go a bit wider in it so so another painter that way around let's put that there bring that underneath oh we might have to double that up as well tunnel all the way to there and combine those back on sick okay i think we've upped the blues we just might have to up the old things and the main thing slowing that down looks to be painters again so i think we might just be able to split that off bring some paint around here uh what's the best way of doing this do a tunnel from there do you think and then a painter there yeah that's good that should be good combine those bung that in although it looks like the white isn't actually very quick anymore we will combine those right so yeah we're definitely not making enough white so that probably wasn't the most clever thing to do so we'll make a new white station i think yes what's the best way of doing this i think we're oh it's kind of annoying because i put this in here now hmm i don't know where the best place to do white is anymore let's i guess i could just get rid of this painter and bring it under and out here yeah we'll do that we'll do that so do the blues and bring you underneath so we've got blue over there we'll do the same with red and we'll just go a bit wider bring the red underneath and then may as well just do the same with green so mix those two together which is that one mix those two together now we have white yes uh so because that's a bit stupid i'm gonna rather than that let's undo all of that so i'll just go straight now yeah and we'll take this under there um what's the best place of doing this so painter has that in the back that's straight up so like that sweet i think that's quicker i just need to keep an eye on the paint in the background it looks like it's fine and we've always got space to double up the color capacity so that's good question is do i keep making white although white seems to be backing up now we've doubled up i think we're gonna have to make more suns because that's 6k of those i can just leave this going for a while so where were the suns they're like down here weren't they yes hmm right okay okay i think so it's this combining process that seems to be quite slow so we'll see if we if we do another bit of combining and i'll pre i'm gonna take this off to the right come over here let's combine or split off some of you okay back in there and the oh is it stacking oh they need to be stacked the bloody other way don't they bloody game why'd you do this to me it's a bit messy but it's the right thing it's just a bit messy yes we may as well use up all this space so we'll stack you back on right sorted we've doubled oh now we've bloody run out so i think we need to up you and up the circles and now we're limited by the painters but i think we can add another one pretty easily so do that bring you underneath okay that's paint isn't it say paint in there you'll go down there to get put back in but first i need some more circles stack you together all right so that's doubled our yellow circles then we just need to double these which should be easy enough because we can bring those underneath with a tunnel and do a painter there do two of those pointing up one year in the back and then well pretty much just do that and there's no point in having that splitter you may as well just do that which is like why does that even go left that's really bugging me hi green monkey i don't know if i've seen you on the stream before but welcome and if you have i'm sure you were lurking it wasn't just i forgot all right so they're going way quicker now should we try an up anymore i feel like we're making way more paint than we need so that was quite easy to do didn't take long hmm yeah that's really bugging me as well i need to i need to sort that right okay yep let's do more let's do it a little bit more always more isn't it always bloody more i'm gonna do this in here so painter oh that was the right way there can you mind the segment you can't make the same one okay nice easy so that was really quick i don't know why i didn't do that sooner we can stack these it's really messy i wish there was like i wish i knew like a simple like a neat way of doing this there probably are like really quick like speed running tactics we can just quickly set up stuff i just hate that mine are always all over the place all right so anyway down here what do we have down here so yellow circles so we need to up those the yellow is slow though because yellow we have to make so let's do that bring you underneath and then split the red off may as well do it there [Music] combine u2 mofos and bring you together sorted i think we might still need some yellow i want this to back up see i'm gonna i'm gonna double up all of those as well and the reds where the reds coming from up there w up all right so let's do some more i think i want to take it from down here i don't know if it makes difference but it might be let's bring you up and around all the way underneath with a tunnel and then combine you circ and then i think i can just combine it into that one yeah nice so is this backing up at all yet uh what do you think about hosting polybridge battle royale that's a good question i've yeah aliens rock did say he wants someone else to do it didn't he i probably could i probably need a bit more experience at twitch if i'm honest to work out how it all works but um yeah i'll be up for it it's easy for my end cause i don't have to make a tip on myself trying to build a bridge so oh look we're getting the old yellow stack up now so we've got enough yellow but if we want to up this once more we still need more i think we do i think we're gonna we're gonna do some more circles oh crimson me man a thousand hello mate in a sock i wow hi thank you wow you like my beard it's a hell of a beard i'm sorry if you got uh like everyone else well did you read the community post to see the beard i'm sorry if it uh i think a lot of people as they started reading that paragraph they expected the worst for some reason yeah it was only a bit of fun and hopefully no one took offense i'm not offense but you know what i mean like shout themselves will not shout themselves that would be even weird what am i saying what am i saying do you guys like the rambling of like a madman because i feel like that's all i do most the time just talk utter nonsense oh look we're out of green we are out of green wait why is why is that on gray what the frig oh is it because it's a back oh the double ones gray what does stuff run out can someone that knows this game tell me why that one's like white and that one's grey or do they level up maybe not a clue they're different tiers well do they just like upgrade over time yes that's older okay cool interesting i'm gonna add some more green because that looks a bit cocked up in my opinion definitely like why is the green so slow compared to the red cause i swear the reds only got two yeah the reds only got two oh is it because i split it up stupidly how does that get split three three no i don't know not entirely sure i'm actually not gonna use that one i'm going to do there that's much better now we've got all the greens oh you need to replace it it's knackered is it huh well that's really white can't chain oh cause it's old ah so i don't actually need any of this all the greens oh yeah okay because i'm guessing i built this area oh do they do anything else or is it just they can't change and well chain may as well just make sure because it might be quicker new ones they're just worse yeah but what does worse mean does it mean it's slower or does it just mean they don't stack oh it's just a chain all right i won't go around replacing all of them then thanks for letting me know you're right a on a green coming down you may as well up that's a three and then oh what's the quickest way of doing this yeah we'll just go i'll take these up here somewhere oh god look ah what's my mouse doing night it's gotta be neat straight it lines take you underneath with a tunnel under there sir we'll split you off over here combine you two together and then we got some yellow question is there's a lot of yellow down there where's everything backing up now okay i'm gonna hold that thought i don't think i need any more yellow circles for a while these are all well backed up it's the combining process okay and i've got two combiners but i need more so let's i reckon we'll split you that way take you underneath oh you don't reach all the way that's annoying go to there underneath again so we've got yellow there what way round do these go yellow on the right okay that's good so we'll split that up above hi bronze one bronze one or bronzone bronzone surely i do know english i swear uh how does this work oh both in the bottom so i'll get rid of that stack em so that should be the right shape is it yeah some more suns awesome bring you up can i can only stack them if i make it a bit longer i may as well just stack them onto there now i'll stack them there i'll just do that delete those connect in sweet so we have upped the thing it's just we've got to wait to see if the circles go down and if the circles go down we need to keep an eye on the yellow and if the yellow goes down we may as well bring this down actually if i can do it neatly and combine you i think it might be better to combine you onto the main one like that can i not do that yeah that okay and we'll just combine you on there sweet okay that looks good bronze bros to the zone of night brozone frozone's pretty good actually you don't need a good pc to play this game and this game is like super cheap as well turtle gamer if that's what we're talking about sorry i'm reading the chat backwards again i should stop doing that right so that's good we got loads of yellows pretty much loads of circles so i think let's do it again let's do exactly what we just did i think we might have to go down this timely to bring you down under that way uh oh this is a bit tricky we're running out of space here i wonder can i do that actually no we can just yeah rather than combining you in i think we can just do this so come stack it last one stacker oh that's wrong around wrong way round uh oh bollocks that is annoying actually so bring you that way you're gonna have to go underneath which means you're really not in the right place i'll tell you what let's bring you down and bring you around i like that and then we can do a tunnel to there that makes much more sense so stack where's the stack that one now we've made more yes a thank you thank you sick okay now we need to keep an eye on what's not happening and it's the reds we need more red paint because we've only got one down there more paint there's really three why not oh the old yellow circles aren't going well it looks like hmm why is that it's cuz they're getting split i think it'd be better if they didn't get split if i'm honest can you like set these up so they only split a few oh upgrade sorry yeah i've got so many screens like pay attention to now oh we did that one we did the yellow yellow we did the green blue bullet so upgrade that bad boy right so we know we're making those we know we're making those are we making those i think we are definitely making them yeah that one's going to be a bull lake and then that's going to be a proper bull lake as well did the stream break oh yeah oh i'm down to zero viewers what happened it broke but it's back oh sorry if you all dropped out bloody ah back to normal viewers now don't know what happened there oh seriously cheers for joining man the screen is black is it still black been streaming for two minutes or two hours it says i'm streaming and it says my stream's been going an hour 44 two minute how random bloody stream oh let me know and give a few give a few minutes to try and sort itself out and uh yeah let me know if you don't see anything did anyone find this the code well i don't know because i can't tell if someone found the polybridge code because there's no way of knowing unless it gets like if i if someone redeems it and then i try and redeem it it won't work that's the only way that i know uh so yeah i don't know no one's come forward like all the other two or the other three poly bridge codes i gave away people emailed me saying i've got the code which is awesome but uh yeah no one's evolved me on this third one so i might do it's been quite a while i might just randomly add it to like a video description or a comment or something and uh yes if no one has claimed it then they will soon uh i've completely forgotten what i was doing as well one of these oh that that's the next level one isn't it we're nearly there on that that's going so slowly oh what are you looking up for the uh the tear down videos it split over three videos yeah so have you found three like parts of the code in one video i'm gonna make more red there's not a lot of red going on oh it's cause that one's at the front you dick what are you doing oh my god that's better i'm gonna up that you can see so okay i'm glad people can see maybe you just want to turn it off and on again turtle also turtle gamer are you the person with uh that strawberry profile picture the totally eaten a strawberry if so you haven't seen you comment in bloody ages but you might not be that person if you're not apologies can i see what level you have for conveyors you can if you tell me how to get there that one no not that one is it in there ah yeah no you're not fair enough there's someone who like when i first started youtube used to comment on every single video of mine but i haven't seen him in like months so just wondering if it was you but no worries how is it spirit does it look all right all right i think maybe i should work on this shape for now so because i think we have that shape somewhere don't we we made it fairly recently if we head over here oh level 12. copy and paste thank goodness i licked her there's a lot of turtle edge going on in this stream we're in the chat anyway licking turtles that's quite weird what part of them do you lick like the shell or the actual turtle bit is a shell a turtle or is that just a turtle shell always wondered that all right so anyway yeah where was that shape was it was up here wasn't it so there's the shapes we have plenty free which is good uh i'm gonna add that to the old the bar so we've got we can bring them out so you will be the chosen ones and we'll use the blue from up here i think bring the blue down say painter wham so that's the blue bit sword hmm where's the nearest circles there's some circles they're quite far away though there's one all the way up there i could just bring that down yeah sort it let's get some circles going i'm gonna do five in a line oh yeah was it shift shift so a bit further all right there we go so to make oh it needs to be white again bloody white okay thankfully there is all the colors there so we'll stop that oh so you want green is the easy one that just gets combined in but you want to mix blue and red so i might do that up here you know see blues reds oh no was it blue and red blue red green yeah they're all the primary colors all right have fun fair foot if not keep an eye out on my other videos because i will i'm gonna post the codes anyway at one point just to make sure they all got claimed all right so what am i doing i'm combining those so what color are you oh no that's not was it purple and green i can't remember how you make white again where did i make white last time uh down here yeah so purple and green that's bizarre to me okay that is what it is though so bring you down to there get the green out combine those two so is that going to be white yeah that is white okay so a painter goes let's paint it goes on there flip it how do i flip it was it t that's it i didn't need to flip it it was already right bung you in yellow freaking circles so now i need to bring these down here underneath and then to stack them together what goes on what like that i think isn't it is that our shape yes we need 23 000 holy crap all right we'll bring these down there 23 000 that's a lot all right so i think we can make more purple yellow freaking circles oh my god they are white yeah words bloody words bane of my life okay let's bring those out under there go left bring now let's just let's just do a ton of who's up there combine those bad boys yellow circles what am i on see it's quite it's quite i do find it quite weird doing streams because usually stuff like yellow freaking circles i wouldn't notice any of that until i come to edit i'll come to edit and be like what the hell are you on about yellow circles but now it's like instant taking the piss out myself uh hmm okay let's do i think we need to do some more yeah more purple i think i'm gonna go i'm gonna go left because left is different and bring you off there oops oh don't i have i have a combine e i can use the other one can i t t yes yes i've hardly used that one if you want to combine two things together oh is that the thing you're just talking about that one i literally i wasn't reading the chat i just figured that out on me well not figured out i remembered i assume that's what you're talking about the combine-y thing oh we've backed up big time now so we've got a lot of purple going on uh let's make some more white although the white has stacked up sweet this is good this is very good so we'll do another painter i think now where do i want to do this maybe just there and then go under that and then combine i like using i like using the other combine for some reason don't know why all right so i just need some white bung you in sorted and now the white's being used up really quick god damn it bloody game what's the quickest way i think we're always gonna have to go underneath aren't we no you know we're not that's stupid that's really stupid bung you there bring you up uh oh no no no no no combine you like that and then paint if i knew this song i would be singing it and you'd all be leaving the stream i got some more white now can you play trail makers at some point i do i don't know much about trail makers i've been suggested it many times so it's something i'm definitely going to look into trouble is as i keep saying i just have too many games i want to play and not enough time i need more white the joys of having a full-time job all right let's bring this up try and make some more white quick i'm gonna i don't know the best way of taking this i might just take it down this oh this might not be clever i want to try and go this way for some reason not a clue why it just seems like fun yeah and combine these right so this is clogged up now big time oh and that isn't at all uh so they're going straight through i wonder if i stack those whether that will help same for that one stack stack see they're stacked that wasn't much quicker really was it hmm quit job i would love to quit my job but uh youtube is the most unstable thing you can do and unfortunately i have financial responsibilities so until i've done it for a bit longer and i know sort of well what views are going to be what income levels will be is far too risky at the moment i would love to though maybe one day and then also i wouldn't be the real engineer i'd be the ex-real civil engineer or i'd be like ironic i don't want to be ironic right we need to make more of these oh i can try the copy and paste thing do i need to unlock it or did i unlock it i did unlock it didn't i is it one of these was it hold control must control no i'm too scared i'm gonna do a little test a bit over here it's not control oh it is control oh okay so i want to take all of you and i want to see copy oh hippolyta i'm i'm only going to be like a few more minutes so go see tyler if you want i am not going to be much longer so you probably won't miss much is what i'm trying to see let's bung you about there two of those bring you in oh and we got a new upgrade bring you down combined wait do we want to combine i think we want a new painter yeah i think we actually don't want to combine so on combine we're doing that i'll bring some paint down this is going to get really messy i'll bring you underneath so that's paint so painter in there connect you up oh no this isn't going to work is it there's not enough space i can bring these to the right so let's go that way a bit stack them together there you go got a bit more space now so now combine those together sorted and now this should be a bit quicker i think slash hope oh dirty spire he's been spyro spearow he's been watching without following disgusting behavior yeah i'll be the virtual engineer oh they would it be virtual i think it's just x let's see what this upgrade was mixing and ah thank god because that stuff is slow it's a bit quicker now did i miss anything in the chat there because i was in the zone for a second all right your punishment is i'm ending the stream but yeah thanks for joining me guys and that was just a little just a little revisit to shapes that's not a punishment that's a bit harsh you're meant to say no that's the worst punishment ever i want to keep watching you play a shitty game but yeah i am going to go now so thanks guys been a pleasure and nice one for like gifting subs and stuff that's really awesome of you guys a bit of a mental start to the stream as well but yeah let me know let me know somewhere i don't know discord or just say in the chat now what you want the next remote to be you see the tiered whatever the tier two one is whatever the tier three one is the next are motes for subscribers so i'll make either the tier two or the tier three one the next one that you can have or there's a secret one oh and it looks like you guys really want trail makers oh think about trail makers it's multiplayer yeah i'm gonna go now dinner is calling me i am hungry play with fans um dangerous but yeah have a good one guys thanks for watching me and uh i'll see you next time i don't know where next time will be i'm just streaming whenever i have a spare moment yeah peace love bridges or peace love and shapes see you guys bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer ARCHIVE
Views: 38,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PttlPVHpArU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 54sec (7434 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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