Only 1 Tower to BEAT Round 163 in BTD6!

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i'm a very simple man it's the name that did it for me old macdonald had a farm you gotta play old macdonald had a farm so we have a hundred thousand dollars on round 40. so it's really really fast and the health isn't crazy but our abilities are pretty much non-existent so why a hundred grand though and we can't go with the cool guy right yeah no no so we're not gonna be oh my god because it's super fast like i read that but it didn't like coop in my head is that even the right word and so i was like what's going on here so what if we go with the top path and we don't even have that you're just messing with me creator we can't do moab assassin but the eliminator right so we can just immediately zap it but then we have crazy fast ceramics there so what i'm thinking is this guy and we could just get lucky maybe one two three eight shots and it still didn't even pop it so that's not gonna work let's go for it let's go for it no not the elite sniper either i'm so curious to what this could be like because anything i'm thinking of is gonna have an ability for the most part and we're just not gonna have time for it and this one like no way right it does have more health so we're gonna have to do something along the lines of like maybe blopping it with this guy no he can't even blop it with that guy oh my gosh is it gonna be the dark knight we have to like shift him around no cause the ability's stupid i was like is that gonna be it and it's definitely not it aircraft carrier with hot shots so then we can rocket it open one two three rockets no no no no no i am curious to see if this can even pop it open i feel like it just so fast never mind it shot like twice that's not gonna work what has an instant ability we don't necessarily instant ability right we can push it back with this or is that not gonna be fast enough why would i put on strong like there's other moabs or something it can't even push it back it's so fast i'm thinking spike balls with smart spikes and put it on close because then we got five of them right there right that could be enough but it does have more health didn't even open it didn't even hurt it i guess malstrom maybe no because it's not going to regenerate we know that so we shouldn't even be using anything with an ability but here i am using things with an ability because that's the way i choose to live my life i'd say sentry expert but knowing this guy and how how bad he is you know how bad he is he's gonna take like three hours to place these things down so it doesn't even matter so then i must question this one here because it's really good tell me we can at least break it open have we even broken the moab open yet yeah yeah with like the bomber and or which one did we break it open with we don't even have bloom's master apples like oh we could use him okay this guy actually has an instant ability could that be a solution here and i don't think any of these matter at this point but we could just blast it no we should just call him the chaser because that's all he did i don't know why but it's a fifth tier so you might as well go for it he should have like a passive thing where he just slows things down on his own that was gross i mean by far the closest so maybe we can just like blast it and then okay okay hear me out now does this guy do something similar to the first the first thingy so like what i'm saying is can i hit him like once twice and then no okay you know what i was going for like the first strike on the bad if you wait for it to have enough health it just goes away what about absolute zero is an instant but you're we're talking like crazy yeah no way we'd have to wait for it to reach look how slow that is i could literally leave and and just leave and just leave and not come back honestly none of these guys will do um we didn't try oh we didn't even try this on avatar did i just skip it just didn't even look at him just yeah not you buddy okay so maybe we can at least break it open can we oh no we can okay so how about here instead no knockback and we'll go like this now our range is like inevitable and our range is a lot it's not going to be like trade empires or canon ship that would be silly we already tried the heli we didn't try support why would it be support chinook no but what about like moab shove that could be gross and work we'll put on follow mouse and maybe if i just sit there and just like hold it oh goodness me is this really going to be it no no because i suck does it does do it forever but then no no no because how am i going to possibly stop those let's try this again okay he's on pursuit it should be fine oh my god you're so bad do i really have to do everything myself i feel like this could be something but i'm just not getting it like i suck so maybe like okay so we'll just put it right here i think this is a better spot for it no it just doesn't want to hit so it just it just sucks come on dude shove like you're a moab shove you know come back here where are you going i just realized we do have more fifth years and like a lot of money why don't we just bomb blitz because it sucks because it's awful because it doesn't work because it can't take down one moab all of the above all right how about you big dog you got this if you come on the map somewhere okay right here pretty close but pretty bad i want to say jug or not but like why oh no i was almost beat myself up here i was like primary expertise okay let's do a mental scan real quick of all these towers see what we missed here glue fifth tier won't do anything bottom path boat won't do anything alchemist is it something in the glue am i missing something with the glue oh my gosh super glue super glue does that work like that yes oh super glue stops everything i thought of just moab class oh my gosh why do i always use the ice guy when i could use this guy like in chimps is this gonna hold everything i can't imagine this actually working no joke it was glue the worst tower in the game was the answer the entire time i mean i guess it's cool to see but oh my god i'm gonna slap myself are you guys ready for this it's one tower on round 163 and as you know round 163 is just stupid crazy fast and there's way too much going on so the first thing i would think off the top of my head is gonna be the dark champion but we have nowhere near enough money of that not dog champion legend of the night the second thing is i'm thinking is i want some pizza i'm hungry and the third thing i'm thinking let's just try some stuff out can we go for the no they blocked off the top and there's no way right like are they any weaker or anything that's the ability cooldown right so it's gonna be an ability tower i would imagine no way this guy just gonna wreck it like that oh that was actually pretty cool he was taking those leads down pretty awesomely what about something like balloon cineration like that could be pretty awesome would it be better for something like that would you want it here or would you want to go on like bigger one we are taking the fortified away but that's not gonna cut it but what if you went bigger so you put it like this and like that instead because then it's gonna hit everything right is that how that works but then the fortifieds are still way too much for us and i just wasn't paying attention those were camo right no they're not camo so this guy might just actually take him out on his own no my gosh they're that big they're that strong okay so then we will go like this since the ability cooldown rate's pretty crazy we can probably just take some stuff out with this guy just wait for to go around zap it maybe just better timing no no that's not long enough at all so then carpet of spikes we can shoot out that first one like that hit that first one again and maybe it'll regenerate by the time those all pop they are popping so it is taking them down at least it looks like it is but no there's not enough time for that one this guy's been killing it lately but there's not a chance right like there's no chance he could take down like the leads yeah if he's struggling on leads and the ceramics are just gonna be terrible and they're fortified and they are okay they are camo ceramics that makes sense that's why we couldn't beat them before and does this guy stand i would imagine none of these are going to stand a chance it's around 163 it ain't just some messing around stuff here so then i'd like to try this guy because he's been killing it lately the problem is that it's just not gonna be enough time huh no oh no that'd be so cool though that would be so cool so what if we start him off here to where we make that part a little bit stronger would that matter at all or probably not what we can do is use the little second ability but that would just be pretty bad at this point he's getting a lot of pops i'm proud of him it's just not the answer who else agrees that balloon exclusion zone should just ran should automatically pop lead like for that much money it should pop lead it doesn't matter what path what anything that thing should just pop some some lead i mean come on do we have enough for this one oh my gosh we're four thousand dollars short i know we can take out lead but those ceramics are going to be another thing coming of course glue but we don't have any camo for the glue ice but we can't break him down any further you know bomb blitz could do something right because by the time it comes out maybe he can just get it down to one life because you know i'm thinking that right because all we need is just like one to take away and we're good to go what about the flame one but i don't think this will work because it only shoots that ball that pops camo right yeah the whole tower itself doesn't just that one little ball we i guess curiosity killed the cat but that yeah that shouldn't even be anything to be curious about that was garbage now what about going with this one and that one huh would that work maybe no no not even a little bit i mean this guy is pretty good right i'd rather put him up there but i feel like this is a little bit more room no okay we'll try this one no way oh my goodness okay so this one we can wait right to the very end right to the very end right now oh my god that is the slowest ability i've ever seen in my entire life well now we know to press it yesterday for it to drop to the bottom so wait for it to hit right here this time i like that there we go so that's just one but now we have more coming hurry up hurry up hurry up oh that actually felt like it could work so let's wait right for that rush of ceramics to come out so like we'll wait for it to go and now we should be good oh it's like endless okay it doesn't stop i was like maybe there's like a little bit of break into it kind of like on round 63 but it looks like that's a big fat no i have a feeling this guy can work because of the camo so like once those come out we can go like this and use the ability because it can see camo but that's not gonna cut it um i would say glive lord but he's been being a big booger lately and not doing what he needs to do so like you'd feel like he can but then he oh no maybe just the perfect i just happened to get the perfect spot the first time heck yeah that's what i'm talking about well there you go there you go i have a feeling there's more than one answer to this solution because i was thinking about this guy and i'm like the fire phoenix is actually really good and with that super cool cool down super low cooldown and it already being relatively fast i don't see why this wouldn't work as well and then we can go for a twofer maybe even a three fur no i don't know of any others that would just work out that great we tried them all if you figure this out you're smart well clearly i really hope that's a joke i imagine it is but i hope that's a joke it's like when they say are you smart spell it and you're like smart no it's stupid you big dumb idiot it's it i t we got two monkeys on round 74. 28 000 uh i don't even know what round 74 is it probably isn't fun okay it's a camo regen ceramics so with that said i'm going with my guy that i did earlier and they're not gonna let me they're gonna make me not do that that's not cool but what we can do here is go like this and blow them back and what will that do oh we can't see camo oh my god genius come on genius you got this okay there we go so at least they're not like the bad guys anymore but we'd have to do it that way so i'm thinking we'll blow them back and get a wizard and we can't get shimmer oh my goodness okay so we gotta get something that's camo and good the only thing that like reveals camo is gonna be like distraction oh well you have counter espionage maybe that's a thing so like put him here and go like this i guess just go the hole just go the whole distance camo strong and then what we'll do is we'll get the win wizard that's not gonna work that's clearly not gonna work but i wanna try it like you never know maybe no you're so bad you're so bad you're both so bad you both belong on the bench i'm benching both of you we have jerry so that's probably something and we have a lot of money so i would imagine it has to do something with him and what does he have with his shop when you bust them up like that we have camo and fire and stuff so honestly like couldn't we just do this and like wouldn't this handle most of everything on the game like isn't this guy just like stupid broken like that's it right okay no like like we can't just be completely crazy here we don't have to like just think that it's just gonna fall into our laps but this will make it fallen no we don't have overdrive now you're just messing with me so what tower can we boost up with our boy geraldo and make this awesome we can go with like turbocharged boomer with improved rings and our boy jerry right because then we can go like all the way up like that one i don't want to spend that last dollar though that's not gonna work and then we'll get sharpening stone camo heck might as well go pickles and then some glue like glue like that and then one of these oh shoot why not one of these two and we might as well get a totem i mean what else can we do here guys this has to be pretty good this is like what are you doing oh good golly gosh that thing's terrible okay well just wait for your buddy to get there no you can't see camo i'd have to like camo boost you i have to camo boost my my fake mouse drum i mean this guy's pretty bad oh we can't even alk buff him we can't even outbuff him he's pretty he was doing all right though so if we gerraldo him right if we go like i don't know what we would even get besides like pickle juice at this point pickle juice and some of these why not that can't see camo they can't see camo i mean i could get more money here and then buy some more stuff but what good is that going to do just like pop in some stuff there no he's doing all right like i'm actually pretty i still i think the elite sniper is probably my top like three favorite towers right now he's so good even with that little nerf they gave him we don't care we're still buds so we need that fire how do we get the fire one okay not yet not yet so it's level eight and we get flame fire and who's naturally just gonna be the strongest so we can use them and get flame fire not oh laser cannon's pretty good sniper would be the best of course maybe bouncing bullet but no ice is bad and that one's bad i mean this one was decent but you still have to get camo on it so i was able to get two fires one on geraldo and one on this little what do you call this thing win blast thingy and oh geraldo can't see camo though huh and they're still gonna be regenerated oh no that's not a good idea that was a stupid idea like it sounded smart in my head and then it just was really bad now hang on a second i have an idea here if we go like this and we get him to that cape okay where the heck's the cape cape is six right okay so now if we buy the cape and put him here now do we get all the upgrades what the heck what the heck does this even do besides not work oh cause we have all the that's not a tower what is it telling me here only minor tears and it is so what's all right guys tell me what the heck's going on here why we were getting like locked out this way it's messed up i kind of like this and we'll have the regrow thing on so it turns it off any crits i forgot how good his crits are okay if you know what we're just trying to get past the ceramics watch us have some crazy like a big fat bfb or moab but if i hope this is it oh it is no no there it is there's the bfb guys we knew it we knew it by the power of gray school just pop this thing if we can get all the ceramic fortified's before no no no because you're gonna start shooting at the bfb you stupid monkey you stupid stupid monkey why can't i sharpen this guy he doesn't pop lead i'm forgetting like everything about this game is it because he has like he's just we'll do knock back then so now we can sharpen you now we can camo you heck we'll even pickle you why not and then we'll glue everything too because we can and we'll put totems down too that's good we're good to go well why not use it if we have it you know i mean like let's just put some of this stuff down too he's doing it he's doing it really well not not bad at all no but should i leave it on last or like close probably huh we want close first and close why can't they both be on first is just straight beyond me i feel like it should be more of a strategy thing that you choose like yeah i can put it on first and last if i wanted to but if i want him to use both arms you know what i mean okay but this looks like it's gonna be it but you guys let me know because there i feel like there could have been a lot of other solutions if i would have not just been bad i'm a sucker for the names today and this one's make my love grow it kind of makes me think of like back in the back in the day there's this television show called the power rangers and uh this bad guy or girl or girl rita her name was rita and she'd go make my monsters grow and then they'd get really tall and they'd fight the megazord none of that matters but the point being is that that's what made me think of that's why we're playing this right here so it's around 39 1500 regrow rate balloon speed is 232 percent that sucks so does the regrow rate but we'll see what we got here um i want to say druid grow like this you know i could put it on the track but why but i could not also put it on the track what an idiot okay let's put it right here and we'll put it right here and we'll put it right here and we'll put it right here there we go so it is deflation we don't get more money but we have enough to get like hard thorns on that guy oh and that guy i like it this is for sure the answer i can now sip buy coffee oh yeah there we go that was a one-shoter guys i don't think i ever do that why is the background of my challenges black it's a broken and if you enjoyed that then i know you liked this video where we try to take on some of the craziest tiles in our contested territory can we succeed gotta check it to find out
Channel: Dabloon
Views: 622,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloons td 6, btd6, bloons td, bloons, bloons td battles 2, btd battles 2, btd6 chimps, btd6 challenge, tower defense, strategy game, dabloon, dablooon, btd 6, bloons td 6 mod, modded bloons td 6
Id: QaaI8gN95BM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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