BTD6 - Let's Play! - Vortex Boss Event & Daily/Advanced Challenges

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hello everyone i'm devon with true devon gaming and today we're playing another session of bloons have been six today we're going to be taking on the daily and advanced challenges let's start off with the daily challenge nature menki only by i'm not even gonna try saying that name uh yeah but by this name you can see who so this limits us to only uh natural monkeys or nature related monkeys of course open green foot makes perfect sense to ice monkey for well the northern various eyes all that stuff the middle path uh wizard monkey fire related okay the druid okay that makes sense well i would remove the bottom uh path through it in all honesty but the middle path and top path make perfect sense for nature related and then the farms and trump accents the village it doesn't exactly make much sense in my opinion but yeah uh let's do this like usual uh when we start one of these games when we start if we have the option to pick one of the heroes at the beginning we will reason for this is because we want to have the hero uh gain as much xp or exp as possible so replace him as early as possible what's happening said we'll start off now uh and how we usually do our daily challenges is that we will go for three challenges we'll go for beating the challenge for this one will be around 80. then the second challenge will be beating round 100 which means beating the first bad and then the third one we'll be seeing how far we can get with just these towers let's see how this goes we can now get our first of our what's it called uh banana farms and these bread pumps they have decided have to be at best the best version of these banana pumps are a three two zero so we're going to be getting a few of these a few of those yeah let's also check the villages okay we can get camera detection which yeah it kind of seems like that's important our character section is very weak all right okay acceptable there we go we got a 202 for our banana form and we're going to be increasing that bit by bit let's get that going for middle path over bottom part because valuable bananas actually increase the amount of money we get uh bottom path does not the middle pass first upgrade doesn't really matter to us so now with that out of the way we're going to be placing a farmer and there we go he has a much slower his range is much larger much larger than we need it to be so for convenience sake he'll do his job now let's put down ice monkey a lot of people ignore how useful a nice monkey can be including myself i usually do as well but just give it two upgrades on the top and immediately can pop both lead and camouflage it is very good though right now we are going to get close to our current limit so let's give ourselves a wizard here and give ourselves wildfire and might as well do uh monkey sense so we can have uh some camera detection as well and now we're going to be focusing on getting what's it what do you want to call more economy built up because these guys will last for a while so let's get next one let's place it as low as we can with time comes let's see what is your range around here so we can go all the way down to here this uh one let's just place another one just to make sure can we fit him ah we can't fit him down so i didn't place you correctly let's try that again and let's slow this down great they're going by oh no they're not open holes in the clutch there let's get you as high up as you can place you just below there now the both of us in range i would usually upgrade them but we're so close to getting this the banana plantation upgrade i might as well wait for it there you go okay oven is not holding up enough by himself but he's is bone clutch on his range let's go ahead and add in the next upgrade for ice monkey and now let's go upgrade when our farms and the next one all right i believe these guys will hold off for a while so we can focus on economy we should be able to get both these two ts3s before we have to do our next placement of the tower or upgrade of tower laser open doesn't have any camera detection which is a bit sad on this but we're not going to worry about that too much right now we'll probably add animal section to him once we get the what's it called the tree relay ability to let some ghost trees on the track because at that point we want to have a camera section for him to maximize our money earning rate okay so we have these are two tiers threes those are maxed out so let's get computer mint which can hit moab class moons all hit balloons become brittle take extra damage while frozen and lose camo properties we have losing count properties here and let's now add in a huge popping power as well and just like that i'm pretty sure this will be enough to take out a moab but i'm not trusting that to be enough so let's start placing down some druids placing all these down together for a somewhat obvious reason they can boost each other all right let me place you okay you call that big hey which one of you can freeze the water okay arctic wind we'll do this one will be one two three okay that should freeze this water here right it doesn't seem like it's actually freezing it that's a bit irritating but it won't be out of place with time comes power okay it is frozen and this one let's go bottom path with top two will go the same with all these hopefully all these will be able to boost you up to get full just like the maximum power uh druid that we can get we want the maximum avatar valve once we get these all to tier fours then we'll uh get ourselves some villagers up which just means how many more gorgeous would that we need one village here we need a few villagers see this one can get okay very clear let's go there there we go that one gets most stuff gives all of them camera detection and save up for this last there you go you called that big so far i'm pretty much ignoring what's actually going on with some monk frost doubloons just focusing on just placing towers and maximizing them there's very much else i'm doing we're going to try and maximize our economy right this second let's also put you can i put you here my please there you go there we go want to get you here we're going for a spirit of four speed also there we go we can get our tree building the mountains have no equal let's get ourselves more money this hasn't popped yet so let's get that yes and you don't have any camera section so so let's go place you here and get you some camera detection now we're earning money at a much quicker rate so it's going good saved up the mountains the mountains swallows i do not want to get your upgrade too early because they will just pop everything before they reach here that will mean that we'll be losing pops quickly or losing money so instead i'm going to go save up for everyone first are there any more space i can place villagers enough villages farms maybe uh it was technically worth it but not very this one was a waste i'll currently cover it but i just want all the ones that i but all the banana forms i've placed down actually within range of you and sadly you're not the mountains have no equal we shall endure this so we have enough to do some upgrades let's go with super metal first accurate we're going to have all these cfrs we're gonna get them all let's get all the ice monkeys somewhat towards the front why did i this one's supposed to be bottom packed and i believe what's the best one for you cold snap should be best because allows attacking of the lead blues i'll be getting camera detection from here so you know only gain is the light blue sir tier five ice monkeys acceptable the mountains ice market is going good and if we press this now we have the max the maximum level wizard monkey we can get as well so at that point with the monkeys done ice monkeys are done now there is enough to upgrade with so suit all the rest of popping power we're gonna get will be coming from the druids so let's just save up the money for those i should mention i do not plan on just placing a hundred or so druids everywhere my thing i'm gonna do is place produce to boost up the power of other druids right next to them so i'll be finished three tier five and i'll get a group of tier fours for each of them that's gonna be where it stopped because anything extra will just be for extra the mountains and yeah anything extra will be just actually it will feel like i'm just how do you say it it feels like i'll just be struggling for no reason diminishing returns and all that stuff strength be enough to get through the force we have to save enough for avatar bath as well and we're about to run into first the omg for some reason i feel like we don't need to worry about it yeah the balloons really haven't been getting passed obviously as you can see i'll hold off and getting the tier 5 dudes until after we finish the first part of the challenge which is just each round 80. all these mobile apps or they are the more class blooms they are bfbs which going so slow at this point they're being slowed down to being uh weakened to be made brittle they are having issues in the best part of it they can all see them can pop any type of load so that's doing good there we go not tone let's do the free play now to see if we can get past round 100 and immediately finally for this as soon as this ability is over the mountains have no equal i'll get through the force and there we go now it's going to have spread attack around acceptable and we're going to have to be picking up this more the mountains have because i believe that increases the amount of cash as well oh it also generates slides okay yeah 25 lives in one go if we did that earlier we'd have a lot more lives by now but again that seems going excessive when we eventually lose we're going to be losing our lives in one go so us gaining a few like 100 200 more lives would not matter because we'll be losing over a thousand in one go it's absolutely up here we have enough for upgrading you as well so let's get the avatar wrap fully holy mackerel avatar's ass like that now i know what you wanted there's still the top pass through to place comes power where will we place that oh we only got that spot picked out i don't think oh man let's turn off auto start so i can point out where placing it so in order to max out uh the abilities of the druid we want them to have all the boosts so we're going to be going with uh was in the range of open within the range of villages and having five other druids what's up so i'm going to let's go uh i am ready let's place it over here what's inside is where we'll have this one there we go important thing he's gonna be the one with the tornadoes you toss stuff back so putting him in the ability to actually reach the back is nice as well gonna go top half and he's gonna get druid reach as well and now we're gonna surround him the stewards [Music] let's start with this one let's see did that boost okay that boosted so we're going to do that for all these and then we'll continue [Music] the mountains have no equal we're turning auto-salt back on got them all upgraded and ready just need to save up 55 000 right here you're also gonna need to give him a boosted trial but he's not exactly attacked that one could cause trouble i believe at this point we have enough to get everything maxed out just by selling the banana funds which will then have no reason we could probably make enough money to fully upgrade you to superstore and then support you with five voice the mountains earning money bit by bit we need 55 000. 55 000 for superstore the mountains have no people okay there we go we have enough let's upgrade to superstore and now we have oh i was gonna say now we have maximum popping power but time to support you at this point there's no reason for us to have all these extra farms time to sell them i do not believe they have any effect on the amount of lives we get from disability so let's support getting you five of them there you go getting five poplus for each of the tier fives and you also need camera detection just i don't know if you actually do need it might as well give it to you anyway there we go bigger radius and grow blocker there we go you're a bus that you're gonna get because these guys are taking up the space where you can be buffed more over here i mean technically i could go ahead and sell uh this one you know actually let's go with that this guy is at 500 2 000 pops let's see if anyone's beating him yes and okay this is this time i want to move you over here the issue is moving here i always do anything where i see which blue or which tower got us most not pops and right now you earned the lead a large amount if you double this through it yes you double the mountain guardian okay this dude will overtake you soon is there a power that lets me move the towers let's see it doesn't look like there's any hours i'll let me move a tower without resetting its pop count and here's our first bad and round 100 it didn't even pass our first druid uh hey fisherdale again how are you doing today the mountains have no equal so we're currently doing uh the daily challenge of the day which is nature minky only uh we already finished maxing out our popping power there's well i don't go overboard when it comes to these daily challenges where you just place or you fill up the entire screen with all the extra towels so we only finished out two uh our first two challenges which is beat the challenge which was around 80 and then reach around 100 on the challenge the death last one is to see how far we can reach in this yeah earth swallows all the mountains have no people the mountains have no equal the earth swallows all the mountains have no people like this place oh we can't place one of those i feel like with the popping power we have we're gonna last for a while but we're going to lose and we're going to lose buried suddenly let's see the jewish are extremely powerful i'll be honest with that they will last us for a very long time for a single tower uh they will last us very long oh god call hello all right uh i'm uh in the i'm in this thing i don't know why my headset's not connecting i'm just finishing up the daily challenge right now the mountains have no people uh this is gonna be one of the biggest issues how do i sound you sound good oh you sound like yourself i don't know if that counts as good yeah yeah i was saying we do uh this boss thing this thing is i kind of used a tower i used like a one like banana farm thing to give me a head start on it and satellites yeah it's the power used one inch of power uh banana thing still only made it to tier three so i got a good head start on money it the mountains have not okay so i'm having an issue with this daily challenge right now nature manic only daily challenge yeah new game all right i'd get on my first shot oh no i'm i'm going round 109. the issue is that uh my super storm druid is tossing all the balloons uh specifically all the moabs and everything above that back off screen and they're taking so long to pop because they're constantly out of range of everything yeah but my usual thing is over the daily challenges and i'll do three challenges can i beat the challenge can i beat round 100 in the challenge and then how far can i get and at this at the rate this is looking it seems like it's going to be like hey uh you eat i'm gonna either get i'm just gonna be going very easy for a long time and it's gonna be like oh you just lost everything that's how it looks like it's gonna be i feel like i might call it soon just because of the fact that it's going extremely slow and i don't have to waste all this time on this all right can you guess out of all the monkeys or all the towels that are available which tower has gotten the most amount of pop uh what what towers are there there's the three ice monkeys the three druids and then the middle path tier four wizard monkey and then open green foot the hero okay here's the first how i play south is currently at 491 000 up so it was pretty high up there but you think someone's in the millions yeah i'll say this he is not in the lead and also i should say open green for is in the it's pretty much at the very front of the map so he's getting huh how much no i'm not doing that much for a satellite no thank you that way i'll do like two so what what uh what was the one that got the most pops oh let me check first seven seven uh of the ice monkeys the bottom passes in the lead at 71 000 which is losing to open by a lot then of the druids the first one checking is avatar wrath which is close to the front of the map at 778 000 at the actual front and causing a lot of issues with tossing them constantly back is the superstorm druid at 2 million and then at the very back of the map not being able to even touch any of the balloons is the spirit of force to it and he's in the lead at 2.4 million the spirit of forestry is the wonderly just because of the fact that he put thorns everywhere across the map and is constantly popping everything but the super storm i played says the last hour a century and he's placed now at the very front of the map so he's quickly rising up and he'll be in the lead very soon i'm playing a map on easy right now that i have to beat yet so oh which one maybe once i'm done with the jump uh some island one like there's like four little islands the mountains on this submarine yeah that one you have the as one large iron four small islands circling around them okay oh let me see if i can remember the name of it the mountains is i'm trying to think i'm thinking lotus island i don't know why i've i remember there's something relating to lotus and there is one that's i think low to silent but that might be the one i'm on right now instead though yeah yeah that's probably the one i'm on right now because of the styles on this so what could that one be oh okay look let's look it up the one i'm currently on is called lotus island the one you're currently on is called springs spring spring or spring stream maybe it looks like springs what's your favorite submarine my personal favorite is the middle path just because it's the only one that can actually deal with ddt's itself the bottom path cannot pop leads top path cannot popular it's that simple though middle and bottom path also can't deal with camels unless the other towers can deal with camels for it but just the middle path is the best one but not really the best one just the best one by itself the top path is the best for dealing with uh balloon rushes just a huge amount of balloons and it's also great for removing camo from balloons and ddts and then the bottom path is great for supporting all other uh support all other submarines the earth swallows all the mountains okay uh and contessa fortuna has a question i had a request so what is it what is your request so i'll be willing to try out someone else's game uh game developer suggesting if i'll be going to try out their uh power defense game okay i'll say yes i'm willing to try it out but i already made an agreement that i'll be uh doing uh what's called uh co-op what's it called uh a co-op boss event after this match is finished after this game is finished i'll be willing to try it out but has to wait till after i finish the boss event uh could you put the name of the game uh into chat so i can see i can remember it for when the advancement is done the mountains have no people we'll see if he's willing to try it afterwards i don't know because he's not huge into playing many games on pc in general swallows all the mountains i'm on round 123 i'm having no issue with this at all at this point but not moving forward in the slightest so i'm thinking i'm going to call it quits at 125. that's fine i'm just speed running to 100 at this point so you tell me when you're quick you're ready to jump into it and then i'll actually quit this or if that'll be it once you reach round 100 and finish that you get your insta monkey then i'll quit this and we'll do the boss event right now i have three submarines that are two three zero i got a dart monkey that's zero two four i've got a monkey village that's four two and i got two uh at least i don't have the only thing i have invented is that i legitimately just put down like maybe two three weeks ago all right we can't exactly put monkey bombs here i'm not really going to do it you should try once in a while just trying to beat maps without any farm or any additional income i mean beat all the way to around 100 like that they'll give you a bit of practice it'll give you practice for when you have to do chips if you do those okay this is round 125 and i'm seeing more z omgs going backwards than they are going forward no that's the ddt's the zmgs are the green ones oh wow we're green and black yeah i'm just spamming my ability so they got to be popped quicker they're not really a thread in the slightest that's for sure there we go round 125 we could probably go on for a very very very very very long time from this but we're going to be stopping here since we wanted to attempt the other things that we wanted we want to attempt the advanced child which to be honest i know how to do already and the uh then do the vortex effect so i'm going to do the advanced challenge next which will only take two minutes and then we're going to get ready for challenging the vortex boss i was going to say do you uh do that vortex one real quick but not the voice not vortex uh the advanced shot oh no he's about to do a advanced challenge or a stream and then we're gonna do the this boss challenge together which is gonna be very tough i said we do the boss challenge twice once with nothing just our normal stuff and then once with one advanced tower but it has to be random wheel oh i was going to just go ahead and spam a bunch of banks immediately oh yeah well i was going to say let's do one just see if we can at least be tier one with nothing except our normal stuff which we will not do just letting you know oh yeah i agree with that we're not going to be able to beat it like that i try i tried it four times earlier okay okay so now we're going to be trying the advanced challenge you got lucky or you have skill i did try this earlier today and was able to figure it out i think it was on try number four on the secondary attempt so i'll just recreate those attempts the first one i tried was a sniper at the top with full metal jacket and faster fires all you have to do is pop a moab the surprise thing is how quickly the mower pops i'm assuming the moab has uh its health diminished a huge amount but now besides that you need to be able to pop all these extra balloons and yeah that didn't work the second one i tried was again this side but i was trying to see if i can get a different path with it and to put simply you really cannot why did i place them here let's restart them okay let's do middle path this time you don't have to tell her twice that actually did better but did better than the first time i tried so yeah the sniper didn't work so the other option the second one i picked was google and i placed them up here thinking okay could we get to kosuke or can we get to balloon dissolver we could it could barely fit in and we can get bigger globs as well so maybe this will do it set too strong and saw it and then me it managed to pop the moab but once it pops the moab the ceramics do not have any glue on them so that will fail there and we cannot sell a towel and we're limited to one towel so we know that this could work the glue gun so then my fourth attempt i did was with the glue gun and place them down here place around here so that he can get hit the moab around here have the mower lose its health and then brake and then be able to hit the ceramics on the way back that's at least the plan so let's try that hopefully we got the right placement there you go it hit the moab stop and then we put them back on triple a i missed it this time i'm afraid you screwed up one cervic was missed but it should have hit this guy we need to get a slightly better placement i'm going to be lowering this guy a bit so now he can hit here as well so he can hit up here for this path here for this first ceramics and then you can still hit the switch again this time i'm almost guaranteed to get it so let's try this 600 so get it to 000 six yeah yeah i can't just do like two and some of it now yeah i could but it's not the best tier five by any means so and i'm i'm only playing tonight okay there we go we beat it that was honestly a very easy challenge uh so that was you got lucky or you have skill by magdale i don't think that was skill or luck it's just it kind of made it obvious that the guy's just getting moab had so little health that all you need to do is actually be able to pop a bunch of balloons did you choose since it seems like it's taking uh sean a bit extra time right now i'm going to see if there's another tower that could do this can take out uh yeah i don't have the room to it has to be on an island this is water can you take out four i can but somewhere but i got money from beating this i'm not trying to use it yeah but i'm also trying out submarines i haven't really done much with submarines before that's why i think i'm trying to get used to them i will see you very i don't know what top path is i have no idea where myself submerge is that a good thing uh if you have submerged and it's uh to tier three it will just any balloons that enter its radius will lose its camo but it will do no damage it cannot attack like that if you do it to tier 4 and you submerge it it will pop everything below a uh moab it deals a lot of about to be damage and while submerged yes while it's merged it will pop everything below okay uh one other thing to mention you want to go when you're doing the top pass you do a five zero two oops i did five i'm doing about to do a five two zero okay the middle path does not do any bonus effects to its attack for the top path so but the bottom path both of the upgrades say oh we also boost the ability of the top path right now i'm going to do the bottom path just bottom pass you know it has to be top of course yeah okay now let's try this whoa those guys came in hot okay this is not happening okay i lose so what round are you up to 91 okay yes so he's on round 91 so we just have a small bit away i'm using powers i'm not used to using so i don't know how good they're going to be so we're going to be trying to do like can this be done co-op yeah it says co-op oh there it is i saw it i clicked on the event itself and it didn't have any co-op options pop up but when you go into place social it pops up okay so i'll wait on this i'm on 94 and as of right this not a second i'm surviving hey [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that was scary yeah they were underdogs oh boy oh there guys stop [Music] oh boy [Music] that's it what just happened this that thing what is that ability what are you talking about that was insane splash damage first strike ability a devastating missile strike targeting the largest balloon on the screen plus splash damage stop it just legitimately i was going to lose and all of a sudden i didn't i'm gonna put some in the middle yeah i need to put something somewhere i'm trying to think what do i go with what are the purple ones like epic those are well no that's just uh they're considered uh what is it called uh magic so super monkey but the drink super monkey's not really gonna help too much like uh do i have enough to do i don't have enough to get to it it's not enough to get well no i know it's powers it's just i can't get this to your tier 5 because that's 22 plus i have to add all these up if i was going to do it i need this path right here do it build it up some more it won't have enough by the time i get to 100 um what can i go with it's not too expensive i might maybe do another one of these and put you here and do we'll go middle wait what are the arrows for first last close strong what it's aiming at so i'll just pop it up first um but look out here [Music] okay john you uh give me ready second all right what's up i'm 99 i'm just going for it nope i lost yeah i thought that was happening all right yeah i'll be ready okay i can but um i'm gonna join him for his thing now all right what am i do i have to join it or can you send me one uh wait before that go to your hero thing and tell me which heroes do you actually have oh heroes i have quincy okay wendell and [Music] okay and that's it okay of those i would suggest you go with benjamin for that's what i'm going this the reason for that is for whenever we whenever you do a boss event uh you want to focus on getting as much money as possible and the two best towers for that on the best heroes for that is benjamin and geraldo and you don't have gerardo so i have to suggest benjamin let's see that's 600 and send 750 as well okay okay so i'll create one boss event great match and want a message to me and discord sure because easier than me actually reading it out okay that's close okay this map is actually very convenient for us but the not convenient part is the fact that split in half okay so you ready yep let me actually update the stream info this time all right so this one we're just clean clean as can be and then the second one we use one i'd say one tower how about that okay all right uh i'll keep my auto start off so you can control the starting and stopping i got a free dart monkey so place it down yeah i got oh you also have a free uh glue gun if you want as well your choice of which one to use so whichever one of one you pick the dharma darn monkey did not really help me when i've been trying this challenge okay so i'm going to say let's go glue gun um but then uh afterwards camera right here okay you do on it i will go uh say dog monkey here so do you got one i'll go with the outfit make sure you have your glue gun is set too strong of course yeah should i upgrade to try to get cohesive or no just wait till i get benjamin as quick as possible uh i'll say save up for benjamin as quick as possible all right oh how do we check to send money and stuff all right do either of us have money you have 425 i have 425 uh i need to save up let's see it's 750 plus 540 which would be 1 290 is how much i have to save up before i buy my hero i mean how about you send me money after this wave so we get benjamin and then i'll start sending you money throw or is it more important to get yours first i would say mine first all right all right let's do because he will earn us more money and is able to actually do popping as well i'm gonna just do wave one real quick i would put auto uh auto start off i just turned it on since for the first like 10 rounds we have no reason not to have gone you just save up for benjamin and i'll save up for drought we still have uh road spikes at the end though okay actually you might send me the money for gerardo then okay i'll place him here and immediately welcome back get us this star put it underneath some money uh the frequency action figure every round it will uh become more expensive as soon as i place it down so it costs 750 at first uh and now i can sell for 822. so whenever i sell it it's gonna be for much more than i bought it for that's the purpose of it okay can you pop anything he pops the quincy ash figure does not so [Music] sending me money whenever so we could get the benjamin also yep benjamin cost how much 1080. okay when we reach the point that we have enough i'll send you it and after at the end this phone you should have enough there you go just in case you want to know uh selling the vacancy action figure will now get me one thousand four hundred you bought it for how much seven fifty i'm going to increase my popping power for a bit you try to get some farms now we can use up to 40. you got 20 i got 20. what is that in the top left corner under the money that's the red quincy action figure i mentioned which now is at 1 718. oh it's drado is the only hill that will allow you to get a tier 100 uh oh without t100 what's it called what path am i going you say which for banana farms uh i would suggest if you want the most not money quick kiss you do top hat if you want the most convenient for having a bunch of them you do bottom path you can decide based off that okay there got a crossbow or a dark monkey now and that should be enough for a while so we leave him alone we still need to get oh he has camo popping power we still need lead popping powers though i can leave all these along for now so my next thing will be getting what do you want should i put anything on the gold gunner or should i just leave it uh get him corrosive glue and bigger gloves so that he can deal with lids okay i can get my first farm place in the bottom left yes i am going to use one power to get myself a banana farmer so that he can actually pick up my stuff or my uh bananas for me that's the only thing i'm using though all right so if i sell the red quincy action figure now it's at 7 000. ah there you are why hello uh i would start i want a tier 5 if we can get that uh give me a second yeah put it on auto i'm just gonna save money i'm not gonna purchase anything okay ethan was just stopped by to drop off uh some drinks i left in the cooler i want to get my go-to when it comes to these both fence which is a tf5 sniper bottom pad oh yeah i don't think i've really done oh we just lost some live sir oh crap i'm turning off auto start as soon as we get to semi on that here that would be much better i have 6 600. should i start sending it your way or should i save it for something for my side i'll say yes send it my way if you want also uh i'll get some upgrades first i'm gonna need to get a decent amount more later so keep focusing on getting money let's go and see uh upgrade one of them to banana plantation though so i can't do it right now oh now i can okay this should be good enough to round 39 before the boss appears and technically we lost no lives because i have a mana shield thing that gives us that i just said you're 39. yep and make sure you have auto start off it is all right okay so what are we doing are you willing to put all the bets on the sniper uh how much money is that uh the first upgrade is four thousand that's all the next upgrade is elite defender at 14 000 and i'm going to be selling the vaquency action figure which is at 13 200. so it's going to get us enough for this and now it's at 2 100 left over i think should i sell my banana farm and try to get something or just stack up money and then do it i say let me try uh how much would you get for selling one of them the big one forty nine hundred and the little ones twenty twenty six thirteen never mind i'll sell my banana farm since mine and i'll get this there we go i gave my or gave the sniper camo detection just in case the vortex is uh causes any camo stuff because that's kind of needed and i i think we're good enough right now i don't ah there you are in case let's place this as well what what is that uh one of draw those things you can buy from a blade trap uh think of it let's just start it up and see the money and then i'm gonna get a wizard i'm gonna try to go bottom bottom route okay sounds good going slow-mo yeah yeah the blades have immediately dealt damage and the snipers doing good can you agree with that it's making it way too far away too quick okay so once you hit the skull it brings up this force field thing and jumps backwards a bit so actually if it jumps backwards like that a few times this might be easy enough to do now i'm getting my phone back oh well we bill we only beat him halfway and we haven't haven't gone across half the tr track yet so i think we're gonna do good for this unless round uh the wonder rounds brings in some moabs at the same time then we'll have some issues i got this guy out so that's okay well it is comparing to a tier five though so the popping power is increased but not by a human all right we're good we're good i'm gonna start putting more on my you can send farms money i got to put more on my farms real quick well i only have one thousand right now it gets me to a banana plantation okay hey that's it yes my friend i can't do that yet there we go we beat the first star level oh we didn't add any cheat stuff we're just grinding it up uh can you send me some money yes banana plantation myself yes my friend let's get a sharpshooter here yes my friend okay so he did good so we know the elite defender is a very good option and we can get two of them i have one you can get one as well we also what seems just we need high popping power it's more banana plantation sound uh guys okay i'm stopping at cuban airplane station for now the rest of my all my money i'm gonna be spinning towards uh putting stuff down for popping power you good with that yep okay let's go with this guy is always good to have one of you here this one's going to be um zero two five people going quicker thank you okay so we have five rounds until the next one comes up should i be saving up for uh tier five on the wizard or we should go with something else you can either do tier five or wizard we could say try to save up and put it all towards another tower like the spike factor i'm putting down or you can place your own sniper and we can just double up the power that we did the last time it comes up with it comes up to take off the auto take off okay how much money you have saved up already oh that's enough that's more than enough you can get it me get it up already quick uh sniper yep and we're going we're going to your bottom you see click on mine and see the path it has a 205 that's what i have is that one mom going yep do the same exact thing and then put a village next to it to give a camo detection as well there we go i don't need a couple k more but i'll get it probably next two waves what okay i'm going to do something neat uh you know uh jodo has a shop that lets him get a bunch of random items one of them is the fertilizer which as long as your farm is one of the ones that actually has bananas it makes it produce uh what's it called these are fragile uh it makes it that your farm will get more bananas quicker so i place it on one of them so that one should produce more you'll break it your body let's go one more round okay how much do you have i need 700. i have 186. okay i'll just send it to you just because yeah the thing i would be doing is putting down a farm with certain like how much does it cost to upgrade but it's 19 000 to upgrade when your farms use attack right okay then we do this sell the top left farm the top one that you have the highest one sell that one and probably seven is the wave stars remember there's something other ones too so i'll do it immediately okay so immediately yep as soon as as soon as it hits nineteen thousand just start on swap get the one in the middle one in the middle yeah because that's the one i put the fertilizer so it's already boosted good the boost stays for now so that's gonna be producing the most amount of money okay popping pal is going good still we're not even afforded he's already uh one of a quarter of the way down or about a quarter way okay let me boost this a bit can you send me some money okay there you go i got a alchemist that's going to be boosting the power of my sniper now dog try to be nice and let the dog stay out while mom no hey oh that's around 63 that just won five oh no we're still not succeed okay we finished halfway yes my friend okay we do not have the popping power for the moab right now that's the issue emcee i do believe we're going to be able to take out the actual boss but the other balloons is going to be an issue we're gonna be good there yeah i like the fact that it has actually stopped us around 65 because that's the round you're supposed to end with see blue oh what's the boss all right oh no it's exciting i'll be back in one moment yes okay there we go we managed to beat a tier two boss but we definitely do not have enough of anything i've been waiting for you bunnies are worth it yes all right you get one of these here ah there you are as well all right so uh okay uh you have how much saved up ten ten six i'm sending you all my money uh how much do you have now then fourteen five yes so you need nineteen thousand for sell the bottom one and uh upgrade the top to banana research all right got it okay now we should have very little money you focus you focus all your money on just getting more money for now so more farms yeah yeah that's fine so i have to keep uh at the end each wave will restart because so it gives me time to get the banana farms and stuff like that okay you go fast forward it but just make sure it's on auto stop okay i could popping powers nowhere near enough so i will say that that's a hundred thousand careful these are fragile buy it for you could you send me 300 thank you you get another pet rabbit all right sounds good and now let me check my send that extra back to you i'm saving up for nineteen thousand and fifteen thousand okay i'm gonna be saving up for a thousand five hundred two more times to get two more pet fabrics oh yeah let's see can i boost one of these there you go i boosted your uh tier four better research again yes my friend okay next one yeah yeah we're good to go at the end of this round i will upgrade one of the two whichever if it gets up to nineteen thousand great i will upgrade the one on the left if not i'm doing one on the right okay because i'm already at 15 so do i get the 19 it's a question there you go got three pet rabbits uh i'm at 18 do you want to send so i could get a path or you do not have a thousand i just spent 1 500 on a pet rabbit all right sounds good we'll start it off slow just so i can get the all right we're good i can speed it up okay i have something new oh you can get this for a couple waves okay oh i got another one of these to upgrade you what's up boosted another farm again all right i think it's time to save now i'm not going to spend more save for six ways and then purchase insane stuff i guess all right first let me place the down the fourth pet rabbit each one cost me 1 500. what do they do just watch it's a big ass rabbit oh no i'm going to start this at slow let's wait until something actually pops into jado's view fine get close oh we're doing too good right a second do you see what a rabbit is at the very front okay why is he now over there what are you doing he's jashing into the balloons and popping them crazy and his range is the entire track and he is very powerful well done my friend so we can do auto start again oh no ah just for a couple of ways once we get to like 77 i would say take it off and do one wave at a time so we don't have to run into it actually there's one thing you could do possibly you could sell your sweet banana research facilities and buy monkey wall street i don't know if that is the best financial answer but will generate lives and a large amount of cash and we can immediately start building up the banana research facilities again yeah wait no i can't i don't have enough to send all it to you but if you sell one other tower sell the village sell the village not the village not the the village that would have kept it up there immediately place whatever extras you have to farm again and you don't have to actually be picking up anything you don't have to pick up bananas near the monkey wall street so that's a nice thing also if they're in its radius it's going to yep it'll pick it up itself [Music] okay i'll press play now i'm trying to get this it's being very sensitive it's not allowing me to all right you can do it okay well done my friend quickly okay how much money did that earn you in that one round about 8 000. okay that's good for now can immediately use uh you can't afford it yet i was going to say immediately use all that sell the other two and get to research facility but guests can wait for a bit well we have four rounds before a big guy comes so i think we start working about popping power because this will not beat it guarantee it yeah we'll get to 79 and then at 79 we'll see what is our best option based off of how much cash hot g prime i think we would need apache dodge ship properly for it but apache pond would be a very big boost i'm purchasing that all right we need we need 45k next two waves which could happen could happen yes my friend yes my ah there you are why hello ready turn off the other side once again okay turned off out of sight [Music] oh cash money insipid executing hack okay how much you have i'm sending all mine to you first thirty two one okay how much does it cost to upgrade to apache prime 45 okay so we need uh 13 000 more i guess sell the three small villages the two small spot will give you that much yes okay then go with that i have 2 000 to spare okay for the 2000 spit get a alchemist put it next to uh your two towers at the the hello pilot and the wizard monkey and upgrade it uh bottom path once and then the rest all to top path all right as soon as you can upgrade it to position zero one two okay yep two zero one currently all right i'm ready to go if you are you want 171 or now no immediately spend all your money on berserker blue and then the next upgrade we want to get to 401 as soon as possible 5x of the last one yeah cash money insight oh and this one's moving i got it four zero one should i make it two no no it doesn't do anything extra all right what are we purchasing we gotta purchase something i got four thousand what are we doing five thousand the only thing i can think of that would benefit us would prob is not gonna benefit us long term it's possibly selling the monkey wall street and placing a uh different or spending all that money on the tower my guess and go middle path uh a two zero four and if you can get to the fifth one you can if you can't just tell me how much you need oh you said middle pack did you yeah eight did you say yeah two oh two four zero two four zero oh i just went i just went five okay that's fine that's good and keep it pointed at the entire time oh does it not doesn't need camo detection it does give it camera detection get a village there okay sent you all my money cash money inside the name okay yeah we got it oh that's halfway if we got to the mat up your money and you purchase something uh yeah send me the money what can i get for this uh of all these guys okay this is the best option i have hello let's go okay that's the best i've got just hit this ability every chance we have cash money inside the name you might want to take a look at this oh come on get better uh when he starts because he stuns all cows around him when he does that electric one okay send me money send me money there we go i got moab eliminator yeah df5 that can help and it's has much faster ability to cool down now oh we're so close come on come on let me let me hit it yes all of this ability is very good on for on come on come on come on yes oh ts3 has been popped autostart is off wow okay i'm gonna say this right now uh our snipers are no longer useful at this point so i'm selling mine which means also the alchemist at the bottom and the village aren't needed also this guy is it so i have 30 000 to spend i'm going to put it all towards the farm right now okay that's one time all right actually i was gonna say can i lock this guy you can have him locked pointing straight forward but i don't think that's a good idea since you now have him i think it would be best idea if i focus on money now oh so all right after i get my the two that i don't need to focus on picking it up at least okay but for this round i will have it locked but after this round i will not okay all right let's go i've been waiting for this way i did i need uh well done my friend you need to start it whenever yep uh can you send me money okay thank you yes my friend there's this next one would be a million plus yes there's no doubt on that i've been waiting can you send me money gun it's gonna constantly be asking that yeah but once we hit 95 i say stop purchasing that because when you sell it it's still not going to hit as hard i would say just save until 99. so you could do that next five waves and then after that just save and we'll see what we can get what cash money inside i should get this stuff done once again can you save me money just gonna do that each time okay so let me do another one here [Music] i say we do top round sniper what do you think we need something that packs a punch uh oh i got an idea of something but he first do this saving money again like usually all right let's start talking it out then what's playing we have just snipers around my plans right now is going middle pass sub the preemptive stripe since they'll just constantly be shooting out the uh missiles every single time a moab appears and that ability will be constantly hitting the what you wanna call it actually that's one option the other option if you double click on the sub you can go top path which reduces ability cooldown everywhere by 20 meaning we'll be able to use all the abilities we have as often as possible meaning the only thing is my my ability i have to keep dragging down to do i was also thinking what's the word actually if that's the case let's see does this work i was taking a flying fortress oh yeah that that is an option because it's never miss targeting okay sean can you check your powers look for a tech bot it should be underneath the one that looks like camera do you have one of those my power that has a big red line through it won't let me click on it the entire palace thing yep i can't even correct on it why the hell i do not know that's odd well my i just played techpot so it's constantly will be used a bomb shooter every single chance it has now the mobile eliminator you think we're going to never miss a fortress and just aiming at strong let's see how much money we have as long as we if we can afford that then yes all right well at 95 95 you're worth we're saving up okay so you have this wave and next wave 93.94 we should be able to get something plus i can sell my two little things next to me plus you can sell yours too because we're trying to survive this we don't give a about those can you send me money huh just under 3 000 all right last one of me doing this okay see i sold those this had not been well done my friend where's that genie bottle okay yep in that case let me do this so for saving up send me all of it and i'm going to be placing down a tf5 bottom path which requires so that doesn't work out no no can you uh just for now sell the alchemist that's only going to give me 4 500. yes that's enough that's enough there we go we have monkey wall street that'll get us as much cash possible and immediately let me send you what's left over you can play sound alchemist again and what path was it it was top path with one on bottom all right i'm good to go yep yes my friend yes my friend cash money in siphoning how much money are you at not about yet because this rounded barely went on do we have them in slow mo or just a little bit slower they announced them fast okay i got five thousand that found let me see upgrade to alchemists and then you're just going to save all right he's uh four zero one okay and now we're saving for whoa we'll be saving the only thing i'm going to be getting will be a monkey village towards the uh mob eliminator so that i can get him boosted a bit need him to have camera detection after all okay next one thank you i'll be honest it's going to be very very very difficult because without even having the boss we're going to have issues trying to get to the next set of rounds hell having issues just found all right uh we're saying oh let me get the let me get the plane at least at least start because okay make sure it's within the range of the village and the alchemist so if you can't get it with some ranger bolster okay or if you're going bottom path i say do a 205 that's what you aim for for the plane okay at least we're starting there we go so the next round i said next round is the round so all right so let me just send all my money to first i need 50 000. and i'm selling monkey wall street and send that all to you all right now so should i sell these two little guys and send the money to you yes definitely let's see how much is it about 40. okay 40 000 that can i get this i can't get that immediately but this one okay i'm going with uh tough pass sub to make it so that our abilities go and we keep on appearing quicker all right that is good when i go reuse my ability i'm going to tell you to slow it down okay before you just go and slow down i say slow down time so do you have to keep your thing your aim locked on that's perfect okay all right let's get the fire started see what else can i replace uh let's get down some parts cash money in siphoning the thing is i don't believe we're going to be able to get enough money saved up during this time it's out here of course to increase our popping power to a significant amount was looking better than his off we would that's okay once it saw 750 i thought we could give it nice okay oh there you are oh now it just shows what i can do yeah definitely need to keep up arms right now yes come on come on come on get me to 2000 get me to 2 000. let me get this our popping pile is slowed down because i ran like i kept on running out of the what's it called more eliminators because the limit to how many you can do per round oh well done my friend yes uh ah that just shocked my guy he's stunned oh that was extremely close we lost a few lives the are causing damage well done my friend clean up on seven yeah we got way farther than we expected yeah so i say we don't have to do the other way of it because i thought we were just getting smacked right there wow that's uh it's not bad yeah round 107. damn that was actually impressive i didn't know let's see that happened i was thinking what would have happened if we actually sold literally every single talent and put all it into i don't know what's how much money would we have if we sold all of it and put all of it possibly into maybe a super monkey temple or true sun god or maybe we go for if we had enough one of the uh paragons we would have to go monkey ship man yeah monkey ship is the best yeah but it's also expensive it is but it's not much more expensive than some of them okay well well i'm gonna call it i gotta be in work early tomorrow oh if you didn't know a dad tested positive for povet but was in work and i was like yo you trying to give it to me like so he's fine he's just uh not feeling the greatest obviously okay so yep all right well i will talk to you later good luck on the rest of your stream yep see ya okay guys so that was the vortex boss event uh first without any insta towers we meant to get to facing the tier four but we didn't manage to pop the tier four so managed to get to round 107 i think that was good uh progress first we did decent especially considering neither of us are extremely good players when it comes to this uh as i said i'm gonna be continuing this stream but i'm going to be ending the recording of bloon sound defense here so for those uh watching the video uh thank you for watching leave a comment below about what you want to watch next or if you have any idea how we should have taken on uh the vortex boss with that being said thank you all and bye for now
Channel: TrueDevinGaming
Views: 1,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, TrueDevin, TrueDevinGaming, Game Developer, Let's Play, Bloons, BTD6, Bloons Tower Defense 6, Daily Challenge, High Rounds, Livestream, Hero, Advanced Challenge, 100+, 2 hours, Co-op, Multiplayer, Episode 23, Boss Event, Vortex, Four Circles, Quarry, Lotus Island, Nature Manke Only, U Got Lucky Or U Have Skill?, Geraldo, Obyn Greenfoot, MOAB Eliminator, Super Brittle, Elite Defender, Energizer, Flying Fortress, Apache Prime, M.A.D, Superstorm, Spirit of the Forest, Avatar of Wrath
Id: dnBXsImWkNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 15sec (7515 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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