BTD6 - Let's Play! - Vortex Boss Event & Daily/Advanced Challenges
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: TrueDevinGaming
Views: 1,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, TrueDevin, TrueDevinGaming, Game Developer, Let's Play, Bloons, BTD6, Bloons Tower Defense 6, Daily Challenge, High Rounds, Livestream, Hero, Advanced Challenge, 100+, 2 hours, Co-op, Multiplayer, Episode 23, Boss Event, Vortex, Four Circles, Quarry, Lotus Island, Nature Manke Only, U Got Lucky Or U Have Skill?, Geraldo, Obyn Greenfoot, MOAB Eliminator, Super Brittle, Elite Defender, Energizer, Flying Fortress, Apache Prime, M.A.D, Superstorm, Spirit of the Forest, Avatar of Wrath
Id: dnBXsImWkNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 15sec (7515 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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