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as an employer why shouldn't i be able to hire teens for free what else are they going to do during the summer months me hiring them for free and maybe me receiving a stipend from the government for doing so means that i am keeping teens off the street keeps the crime rate down and prevents drug addiction in the future ah these kids are also getting experience i am educating them out of my pocket yes i was fine today for not paying my staff a wage and yes i am pissed ah what a great choice what would you rather do hang out with your friends all summer for free and do no pay or work for some rude guy for free with no pay everyone my name is jacob walker choosing biggest where we're going to be looking at beggars who are choosers people who want free stuff they don't get free stuff because nothing's free you don't get things for free apart from this video and leave it a like enjoy it samsung akg vl5 smart speaker george says will you take 50 quid it's for my dying grandma at note well money ain't everything yeah okay it's 80 quid and that's my nan's pension for the whole week tell her to look for a cheaper speaker then bro is paying his nuns pension for the whole week on a speaker i'm not trying to be rude or anything but if your nan's dying then why does she need a speaker i refuse to date a man if he can't afford to fly me to greece or dubai true yeah bro i'd love to visit dubai it sounds like such a nice place went on a few dates with this girl where i picked this girl up every time and i paid for everything including zoo tickets and a high-end restaurant she was upset i asked her to pay for a sandwich on the third date yeah i see what your limit is my ex paid for everything for four years straight i'm not gonna get with a guy worse than my ex i can do better than that oh oh no oh no messaging jacob for a fridge for a hundred dollars will you take 60 uh not right screw you then cry me a river no thank you girl at least i don't have to draw in my eyebrows the frig yeah well at least i have a fridge all right i'd just like to confirm uh it was not me that that was buying the hundred dollar fridge i would i would pay a hundred dollars to be fair i'd probably be like yo can you do 90. 60 though for a fridge i don't think so jacob no makeup artist needed not paid this saturday morning i'm an actress shooting some headshots this saturday i need a clean and nice look like playbills actors basically i propose a collaboration and credits on instagram and facebook oh wow credit on instagrams and facebook wow my brother likes to make large sum bets and things i'll just pull out of my savings to help pay his dues uh what did you bet on i'm actually all good lol i don't need any are you meeting us for lunch tomorrow i believe so and then later so i might need that 2k after all i lost a bad bear any chance i could pay you back in a month actually any chance you can make it 3k jesus it's actually a problem don't gamble never gamble if you want to watch other people do it just know that it's fake money and it's enjoyable to watch that but don't do it taylor gs mini for sale 500 oh would you do 400 oh uh yep deal when do you want to pick it up oh 300 can you give me a lower price because i'm a girl females make 70 cents for every dollar a man makes oh in that case 450 because girls get out of speeding tickets aha make it fast alright let's do versus my clan versus your clan okay also why did you leave because you guys don't buy me a 10 gift card like you say wait when did i say that like today ago can you buy me one and help you get to herrocks dude you going to buy it even i don't spend money in ff are you serious but just buy one gift card for me please bro i don't have money how old are you i'm 14. okay what what is even going on here i'm so confused 15 for call of duty hi is this still available yes okay is it for xbox one yes ma'am okay is there anything wrong with it no ma'am it works fine okay can you delivered oh unfortunately i cannot i apologize okay but i stayed by blank school i can give you 20. i mean i don't even have my license the dmv has been packed for months so i haven't been able to get it ok well is there any way you can uber i will give you 25 i'd be spending more money taking an uber than i'm selling the game for it's okay but i am willing to give you 25. yeah let me see what i can do when i'll get back to you okay sounds good just let me know all right for sure it would cost about 35 to get there and back okay because i can only do 25 in cash right now please can you i really want the game yeah i understand unfortunately i'm not mobile so it's not like i can go over to you okay well can you please just do 25 and i will buy it from you today okay but how can i get it to you you can drop it off please i don't have a ride ah uber please it costs 35 to uber okay well what about a taxi all right let me check okay yeah same thing it would be like 30 bucks okay so you can do it for 25. no i would spend more money getting the game to you than how much you would give me for it okay fine it's okay then bye finally finally what i don't know what was so hard for you to understand that i don't have a ride and that i'm not going to spend more money delivering the game than you giving me money for it honestly i don't think that that person was a choosing beggar really i just think they're an idiot like just a complete idiot like like do they not get the concept of driving there costs more than what they're making on the game so why would they do that it's not like you're doing them a favor by buying it so no hey i see you're a small business feel free to send me some things and i can put your business on my stories all right before you message a small business asking for free stuff maybe you should make sure you're following them first have a nice day do not be this person we get messages like this all the time but this one took the cake if you don't follow us or haven't supported us for more than one second then do not message asking for free stuff ah let's give blank a shout out for belittling my 13 year old step-daughter and posting her private messages to try and embarrass her very unprofessional behavior i do not recommend this business to anyone and by the way there was no credit they they blurred everything but some verified woman was like yeah sure i'll expose my daughter hi i have collected several electro vinyls made in cpu and other labels would you like me if i propose you a mix uh no thank you well screw you people thing head mounted but who the freak do you think you are crap go screw disrespectful crap excuse me i politely declined by saying no thank you i don't appreciate this kind of aggression yeah well i repeat it again you a human waste go frickin goodbye you are without respect frick you and your freaking channel goodbye all right sweet uh okay good i'll need you to get started and i want the job done by the end of the month due to my present condition in the hospital recuperating from lung cancer surgery and i want the job done before i am back hope you can get it done oh my condolences for your present condition but the end of the month is in two days and i cannot start until the contract is signed i won't be that much right how much is it oh he wants a website with just 40 pages never mind google review summary all right let's check out this nail salon oh the one star review kim the owner judged me full price no no full price what they didn't give me 90 off how dare they that's right next time i go into a supermarket and they charge me full price for my items they're getting a one star review i'm sorry it might hurt your business a lot because my reviews definitely do anything but you know if you charge me so dumb i'm a photographer a potential client reached out inquiring about my raids had a few exchanges to find out i'd not be working with this person ever so hey came across your website an instagram account and i really liked your work have been wanting to do a bordua shoe are you available sometime soon hello thank you for your kind words and thanks for reaching out i'd very much be interested in doing the shoe not a lot happening due to covid so have a pretty open availability on the weekends great what are your charges um i have a flat fee 350 for the whole session oh wow okay that's definitely a lot more than what i was expecting a friend of mine recently did one for free they call it tfp something hmm yeah tfp shoots are more so of a collaboration usually up and coming photographers work with models for free for portfolio development purposes i used to do that when i started with photography but not anymore it's ah that's a bomber yep sorry so let me know if you'd still like to do a shoot and i'd be happy to discuss some ideas thinking but what's the lowest you'll charge well i guess i can slash off 50 bucks hmm i'm located in squamish and it's so beautiful up here will you be willing to drive up well if you're located in squamish then i'm gonna stick with my 350 asking price we'll have to make a special trip and go to cover for the fuel surcharges also the provincial authorities did announce a covet travel ban for the next 30 days so we'll have to schedule for after once the restrictions are lifted but you just said 300 bucks two messages ago and now you're jacking it up again well yes i'll be traveling 45 to 60 minutes each way for the shoot so i gotta cover for the additional time and the fuels doesn't work for me then and what's up with people being snowflakes the government is telling you not to move around and you're eating it up live a little you're not helping your career by being a slave to the government oh wow well thanks for reaching out for nothing definitely won't be working with you ever and i'm very happy following the rules and making sure people around me are safe screw you ah right back at you miss come on just live a little just pay the full 350 right just live a little if you like that video you want to see more like it then click on screen right now and maybe you'll enjoy one of those as well hopefully nice yeah subscribed
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 61,816
Rating: 4.9792356 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Id: FeFuAFM_Lao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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