Ranking Your CURSED PC Setups

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nope no no my name is schlatt and a couple days ago i tweeted out asking you guys to send in photos of your pc setups and wow every single one of them was worse than the last i'm not even kidding what dirty ass pillow jergens the switch on are you jerking off to sun tzu the art of war dude yeah these setups were embarrassing hilarious and downright scary at some time so enjoy and stick around till the end for my own setup what the [ __ ] he's got no no no no oh no that is absolutely foul [Music] what the [ __ ] is that that is the last computer artesian builds ever built that's the last one they shipped out hey schlatt this is my this is my gamer setup hey man my chair pc my desk no he's got a [ __ ] dump truck and i mean thank you thank you for sending that in before we go any further you guys know the drill by now it's time to fulfill a contractual obligation today's video is sponsored by opera gx baby if you're like me you really care about your computer just like anything important to you you have got to get it out with the right tools for example couple weeks ago i was driving down the highway with my newly stolen tesla i put it in autopilot and i went to sleep but 15 seconds later and boom oh my god the thing ran into a family of five and killed everybody all of them killed all of them all of them dead dead dead all of them just like that because i was using the wrong tool for the job boys all this to say that if you're still using google chrome what are you doing may as well be murdering five people on the i-14 never open up task manager and see how much ram and cpu the thing's using your pc fans ever start blaring up because you got two tabs open you ever vomit a little in your mouth because you realize how uncustomizable and ugly your browser is let's fix that boys opera gx will change your life and i'm not even kidding you already know about the built-in cpu and ram limiter that keep your things on track you already know about the built-in twitch discord spotify integrations to make sure you're never tabbing out and you already know that it could put any web page into dark mode but did you know that all of your chrome extensions are compatible with it did you know that you can import all of your settings all your browsing data all your cookies everything into opera gx and act like nothing changed did you know that it's got animated wallpapers and an exclusive jsla theme guys now is the time to make the switch now more than ever you can download opera gx today for free by clicking the link in the description and i promise you you will not regret it thank you so much to opera gx for sponsoring today's video and enjoy um so here's my setup i have i have that and then i have what do you mean by i have that what what is that supposed to mean it points the camera to some a completely indescribable apparatus on the desk i have that just get some setup i have i have that that who sent this one in schlatt you want a tour of my jesus [ __ ] christ you've got the turbo mouse pad a pen uh a a nice keyboard oh a bit of a oh oh oh oh he's watching his own videos he's he's just got his own video up on the screen are you bothering me like you did every day of my [ __ ] life two years ago my camera oh is that the camera i recommended you buy a very expensive camera for a very let me guess you got to let me guess you got the elgato key lights um this is [ __ ] sick by the way if i i'll show you how this works what i press this [ __ ] is that uh yeah and he just clicks for me uh for when i get lazy i mean you know me my fingers get tired being this successful i hope you give my setup a an s tier if you don't that's okay that mouse is actually scary what is that [ __ ] it's got a [ __ ] lcd display on it who the [ __ ] makes mouses like that mark rover made him that oh jesus christ there's another case of mark robert doing charity for children um my gaming setup that's crazy that looks exactly like the attic in my house um there's no dead body in there come on bro there's no dead body there's nothing back there that that that figure no it's nothing promise you know what's up welcome to mtv cribs we got the theater chairs with the with the monkey okay game cube got the coca-cola fridge we got the can of beans beans with the monkeys on them got the shark people with the with the phone and the what and then uh there's the pc yeah yeah thank you so much [Music] dude glosses over the [ __ ] lk water fountain that was in every school ever with the phone and he's just like oh yeah and that's that's my computer that's the that is the [ __ ] drinking fountain okay so this this is my computer it's very good it's it's only the most modern stuff what the [ __ ] now you got the uh beautiful keyboard you know bro the latest you are not you are not still on windows 98 you know so very good you know you've got games [Laughter] it's cool man listen i respect the roller coaster tycoon i don't judge anything else i don't know what else is going on over there that's sound though listen to that listen to that [ __ ] you know it's uh it's very good come on come on now come on now strange strange vibes here you know what this reminds me of this reminds me of like those [ __ ] ai generated images where you think you know what certain things are then you look in and you're like what is actually in this photo and i can't even tell here i got my windows 2000 professional tablet computer what is it what is going on my amazing sandals and i can operate the computer with my pencil here along with the amazing setup i have here we have the player favorite game tf2 that is the most giga chad video i've ever seen holy [ __ ] the dude plays tf2 on a windows 2000 professional edition and he plays it with a [ __ ] pencil what the [ __ ] is re oh wow you're checking every single box man every single box the five dollar amazon rgb lights that are just taped onto the wall and end abruptly fantastic bro you oh you all the all the the 2014 minecraft youtuber acoustic foam keep out gamer at play battling enemies defeating end bosses oh another classic move a stream deck xl with most of the buttons completely blank at least there's no rgb mouse mouse pad let's be real there's so many good ways to light up a room this is just the worst way it's just the worst way what on [ __ ] earth is this this is the most college dorm room [ __ ] i've ever seen in my entire life yo he's got the wireless monitor look at it wirelessly transmitting the computer christ you want to know it's you know what you want to know what sucks i don't doubt that this is a real photo from this guy i don't doubt it this is a completely legitimate setup i know this is his christ what is this what what the [ __ ] is that [Music] oh come on that pc is barely breathing i don't even know if it is breathing just like this dude's wife anyways next one it's me schlatt's editor wheat skins editor i make his i make his videos for youtube he said he was gonna dock my pay if i don't make this like set up i did not i did not say that it is impossible to dock zero dollars that is as low as it goes all right so here it is the uh the the main attraction you know i got my keyboard here i got my mouth and then and then down here is um this is those are two basically the beatings living breathing animals to the left right there my artesian i mean i have a rough idea you know i'm in watson street austin i think no he's not eight seven one oh four is no he's not set in one of these books you're not in awesome he's not there he is not my editor is not there i promise you he is very happy he's a very happy editor uh this is my this is my gaming session what on [ __ ] earth am i watching did you film this on a [ __ ] motorola razr from 2005 my monitor is right there i cannot is he pointing to things with a brain hello what on [ __ ] earth is this [ __ ] lemainburg ted cruz lamannberg ted cruz are you [ __ ] kidding me and a [ __ ] i didn't even see this before you're [ __ ] among us popper hey hey big t owner of otk here you do not you do not own otk however if you asked politely i would probably give you half of my equity just because of how handsome you are i got a couple of votes on it so if i get the grand prize that'll actually be sweet so let's get right into it there's no grand prize as you can see here oh [ __ ] wait is that a naked man on your monitor santa claus talking to baby jesus on top of the rig as is normal with any setup got a picture of my father right here i don't know if you can see that yeah i don't know how to tell you this but your father is josh it looks exactly like him got a knife just in case oh [ __ ] you never know man classic uh we got some tax information [Music] thanks for sending that in i'd like to have a word with your father though [Music] oh you're kidding me this is not you you this is not your setup man oh god you people are [ __ ] up that thing i bet that thing works too i honestly do not doubt that he uses that thing ratio ratio he says oh man he's trying to ratio me on my own stream that's crazy that's crazy that's so awesome let's count let's count 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 you've given me 210 and you're trying to ratio me who got [ __ ] in the end nice pad too by the way hey the setup so um i am running on windows xp and that is because i have this [ __ ] ancient dog i haven't really seen a reason why i should replace it as i don't really need uh to play any of the new games like gta all that you know you can get a console for that kind of [ __ ] right a pc it does what it needs to do so now the keyboard um i don't have a keyboard at least not at the moment and i definitely could have gotten a keyboard yo what up slat it's whis here to show you my setup this is where i do all my streaming all my gaming a little bit of disgracing the lord uh tc rocking the 5950x the 3080 ti you've seen it before it's very clean wallpaper reactive to the mouse you love to see it um speaking of mouse pad this is a triple xl mouse pad with a charging mat under it rigged it together with cork board for a smooth feel holy [ __ ] mousepad itself is completely saturated with my oh my god that is actually so [ __ ] smart please do not scratch cells and fluids oh keyboard [ __ ] sucks you know these things suck not a huge fan of this guy got a couple of fidget toys here [Music] i forgot about that over here on the knickknacks side of the desk you got it so [ __ ] cool composition journal this is really important i keep this kind of gaming i write down all of my dark thoughts and feelings in here right because as a man i was taught to bottle up my emotions and not let them hurt anyone or distract them from what they're trying to do because my worth is only based on what i can provide for others and my feelings will get in the way of that but as you should because you know what men are supposed to do they're supposed to hate their life and die on the job this is a concerning one i i know exactly the type of person this person is this is the girl who only on their tic toc feed they only get like organizational videos like of middle-aged women putting things into tupperware very slowly and putting it in the fridge and it's like why are you putting the cereal into a clear box it already has a container oh my god you're right that is a fursuit that is a fursuit on the bottom there's a [ __ ] fursuit there oh jesus christ wow okay okay adam genesis with the nice little set up here oh oh funko pop detected next one are you using a shotgun mic to talk to your friends on discord like at like a shotgun mic that you plug into cameras it's got a reflector for the light but there's no light there's no light oh look at the doggy there's not a single thought in this dude's mind he is just lost in transmission a nice little workshop setup though i [ __ ] with it i [ __ ] with it oh wow this is a lot to digest i am pretty sure this is an ikea shelf whose left side was removed to become a desk this is supposed to be be tilted on a rotate on a 90 degree angle then it will be serving its actual true purpose jesus he's got a can of marmite in the background too you need to seek help at least he's got the moon at least the [ __ ] moon's floating no no that's not that is that is not that is not a viewer of mine this is no this is not real don't [ __ ] say ukraine set up bro that's not no why are so many of you why did so many of you default to that no no no what is this what is the what is the 14-inch monitor doing here you got among us which is a thing of cigarettes and then 10 [ __ ] monster cans why do you have the cans there if you're pouring them into a glass just throw the cans out yo oh my god that's [ __ ] this is ludwig's roommate here we go what's up schlatt uh what would you ask me to take a video of his setup heard you're doing like a little setup review right now so i'm just gonna get in here so i asked ludwig to make a video and his [ __ ] assistant is the one who records it in no less no less in 360p that's as high as it goes he recorded a video on behalf of ludwig in 360p why is he shirtless why does the dude not have a shirt on so if you guys want to see how i uh how a household streamer name does it you know okay that makes sense i looked on the desk and it makes sense why he's not wearing a shirt so this is the setup you know we got the triple monitor uh you know there's this is the the command center as it's called you know we got a custom keyboard uh deodorant we got racks on racks you know how it goes bro you just got a stack of of one dollar bills at the desk they're just down here you know it's a custom case it's pretty pretty hype um and some light bulbs so this is the this is the the 10 million dollar man ludwig that's the streamer of the year the streamer of the year doesn't even show up to his own record his buddy asks him to record a little thing for his stream and he sends his [ __ ] assistant who streams valorant all day to do it his little wannabe streamer assistant okay it's a little oh dude oh oh big red flag if i see this in any one setup you you have a that is bad that's bad it's bad you got the five dollar amazon strip lights somewhere and you're just not showing them to me not a bad setup though you got i mean you got the triple monitor set up quadruple up there in the dior sauvage jesus christ is that my cat what's he doing there how'd you get him [Music] [Laughter] not bad no dude no no no this one isn't real right four water jugs holding up a used cardboard box with a laptop on it connected to whatever the [ __ ] this thing is that what do you work at what do you work a nine to five at a jp morgan why the [ __ ] why why is this your setup when you have a hue play light in the corner this thing this thing alone is like 200 bucks this is the average j schlatt viewer they got the [ __ ] spoon from the king batch video how'd you get that oh god here we go let's play a fun little game called count the drinks on the desk that you've been unable to throw out he's got the charlie from dunkin donuts oh half drank powerade oh half drank dr pepper he down the starbucks frappuccino what is this what is this what is that one is that a root beer in the back and is this another half drink dr pepper what inspires you to to drink this one halfway and then open another one and drink the other one halfway is that mug he's got a can of mug thanks for buying the youtubes though dude the only redeemable thing about this photo is the dog he looks very polite and also very tired like he's like he's tired of your [ __ ] shrek the third just sitting there offer xbox 360. no no no no [ __ ] xqc setup everybody why why why are you putting me do i did you edit off the eyebrows who sent this one in oh doc colin this is doc colin my mod i need a room full of mirrors so i can be surrounded by winners that is so so ironic coming from my mod.collin he's got his elgato capture card that doesn't work classic look at that the google home he's being listened to 24 7. oh look look his mommy bought him a little hand sanitizer at bed bath and beyond that's so cute keep modding my streams and stop trying to be someone yo uh what's up schlatt is that song tour [Music] um so this is my setup tour no my oculus rift right there um no index there um i have my monitors set up three of them uh got my go xlr with my um what is it what is it [Laughter] thanks thanks for that what's going on guys welcome to my setup tour oh this is this was sent in by isaac of course you know we got my first monitor has a 144 uh megahertz of that's not [ __ ] estrogen it's it's loaded my galaxy what's going on what is going on here a little [ __ ] in the back i don't know what it is no something's up um you know we got my keyboard here [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] no dude i mean guys thank you so much for coming to my setup oh you know the light up mouse pad is everybody in my audience getting sucked into buying a light up mouse pad this guy does i just got the dream now it's bad it's a dream mousepad i'll take it over that over the the former oh again not only do they have this one they have the even bigger sin you know the 15 buck projector with the green lights that that people who don't want to even try decorating their house for christmas put up and just shine it at the house and it's just a bunch of green lights finally at long last here it is boys this is my entire pc setup this is where i get my work done on a day-to-day basis and so i'll just give you a little tour around it shall we first of all the background people ask schlatt why you do the black background it's because this is work i have a different setup at home that is much more cozy and that's why you'll notice there are no like knick-knacks or anything going on here nothing fun except for uh maybe my big sack of monkey nuts here when i'm here i'm getting work done and that's how i like it microphone got the hale pr40 love this thing has not let me down once also i think it looks way cooler than pretty much any other microphone anyone uses this is where i record uh gameplay for things like sleep deprived and the weekly slap in terms of audio everything goes through this thing this is the go xlr it's been this been my go-to setup for a while for audio up until recently it was really the only choice you had if you wanted to mix audio live it's like a streamer and stuff i usually would use a buckling spring you can see i have uh this is the one i would usually be using but it is too loud for most recordings so i got to go with this razer black widow but yeah pretty simple i'll have a full list for everything here in the description so you could go through there also if you want to see like a full tour of everything like an in-depth tour let me know and i'd be down [Music] you
Channel: jschlattLIVE
Views: 12,443,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jschlatt, jschlattlive, jschlatt livestream, schlatt, livestream, twitch, jschlatt twitch, jschlatt livestream highlights
Id: gViXj5Nkh5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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