I made the worlds most powerful soccer shoe

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hey you go on today I'm answering the age-old question of if I put a gun on the bottom of my soccer shoe will it make me better at [Music] kicking all right the real reason I'm making this is I got a new tool a milling machine and of course the first thing I want to make is a gun but I'm Australian and they won't let me so I figure this soccer boot is a good middle ground and if you don't know what a milling machine does it was one of the first great machines invented by Humanity that grinds grain into flour the mine is pretty good at that but it also uses these multidirectional cutting bits to cut metal in any direction you want Alex Alex hang on you aren't Milling yet you're dreaming you still need to get it off your Ute and buying big machines is very easy but moving them is the hard part which is why I put off getting a milling machine for so long long and after 6 hours of pushing pulling cutting into my tray and regretting that I'm not a cooking channel we finally managed to get the milling machine on the engine hoist and onto the stand and I really did consider just keeping this 500 kilo machine in the back of the Ute and then traveling Australia making a mobile service for kids that need guns and their bicycles fixed but to do that I need to learn how to use it first and in order to get accurate Cuts I first need to line up this Vie so it's completely perpendicular with the Milling head and to do this I'm going to use this dial indicator and I'll let you in on a little Machining secret you touch it on this side and then make it zero and then you run it all the way along the vice and then you just turn this to zero and now no matter how wonky your Vice is it will always read as being straight and now I can start and I'm going to use this band saw to cut the metal down first and here's another hot Machining tip for you place a spring under the band saw to soften the fall of Parts when they finished cutting okay now my part is hidden somewhere within this metal block sorry this metal block and it's time to take the first cuts which at first I was excited about but then I learned that Milling is mostly using these things to constantly make sure your parts remain Square every time you move anything around but luckily my milling machine also came with this digital readout that makes working with the machine so much easier all I need to do is type in what I want and then the machine does all the work [Music] one [Music] [Music] okay I've faced one side but now discovered something pretty annoying about Milling it produces and throws the sharpest metal chips out of any of the machines I own which makes being Barefoot in the garage very fun that is a good one and after an hour of cutting I now have exactly the same piece I started with except it's flat then I just cut out some chunks with the band saw while I worked out what I'm actually doing now the plan is to have a shoe and then underneath I have this mechanism which slides and there are rounds in the back that will get squished when the ball hits the front of the mechanism and then they go off blasting this hammer out the front into the ball so I tied up the side parts and then drilled some holes and even though I have a digital readout to tell me exactly where the middle is my holes are still off center straighter than they usually are though next I made the hammer which is going to make contact with the ball and I'm going to use this spear gun shaft for the Pistons which is made out of super strong steel and then press fit it into this block and press fitting is just a fancy way of saying that I'm just going to hit it really hard with a hammer until it squishes in and hopefully stays in there and doesn't fly out and kill me or any passerbys whose families might sue me but I got ahead of myself and forgot that I wanted to cut some grooves into these pins to put some O-rings in so that way I'd get a nice airtight fit in the barrel but before I could put it in my lathe to do that I forgot again and hit in the other pin but that's actually a good thing as I already get to do my first test and see how fast the blank rounds get the hammer flying 3 2 1 okay now with some rounds in it while I cower behind this wall [Music] is that loud and I got 26 M a second but that was only with one round going off which is not fast enough it's only 55 M or 90 km an hour so I did it again this time with a tab welded on the end to squish the rounds [Music] better and I set off both rounds but the chronograph wasn't on I wasn't and before I go any further I need to know how fast I can kick a ball so when you look it up the fastest kick ever is 210 km an hour which is pretty impressive considering how pixelated this man is and now [Music] [Music] me and I can kick a soccer ball at 28 m a second or 100 K 63 mph which is is annoying since I'm faster than the device so far even though I'm Barefoot and didn't have a run up so my plan now is to make a back plate that holds in the shells and stops the gas from escaping out the back and forces it all down the barrels hopefully increasing the speed and to do that I started by making a slot in this piece of metal and when I'm using a cutting bit like this to take Material off the metal there are two ways to do it the more dangerous way called climb cutting where you push the material into the bit in the same way it's spinning and the safer way is pushing the material into the bit in the opposite way it's going however I usually forget which way I'm going so I found it's easier to just break a bit to let me know I wasn't meant to be going that way and I'm not sure why I look so stressed while using the mill but it's probably because I expect things to snap off and hit me at any moment okay slotted piece done now I just need to make a t-shaped firing pin to go in that and I'm going to do that using a piece of tool steel which is the hardest metal I or anyone in the world has in their garage so hard that it removed all the teeth on my band saww without scratching the metal when I tried to cut it I had it in there for 20 seconds and there are no more teeth left on my P and my milling machine didn't like it very much either and eventually after 3 hours of slow horrible cutting where I was only taking a tenth of a mil off at a time while the machine was screaming in my ears telling me to stop I eventually cut out this firing pin which after cleaning up will go inside the slot f ah why is there a spider in there okay after another 3 hours of Milling I got this firing pin which I tapped some holes into and now it fits nicely together now I also want a way to hold the hammer in and I'm going to use magnets so I cut a slot in the device and then attempted to cut the magnet which I wouldn't recommend doing in this way as I snapped it and now the mill machine is covered in a beautiful really abrasive magnetic dust that sticks to everything nope I have an idea oo okay it's time for a test with this setup and I'm hoping it's faster than the last as the gas shouldn't be able to escape out the back and also the hammer is held in which should increase the pressure you hear me screaming going just that one just that one then come help me you do a normal stream yeah normal stream I'm fine just that please work three 2 one and that was awesome to watch on the slow-mo you can see both rounds going off and best of all no gas escaped out the back the chronograph is reading 259 m a second or 600 mph which seems way too fast maybe that was the speed of the gas escaping around the hammer but I'm just going to say it's a success 10 times faster than my foot now I need to make the boot for that foot and I'm going to use this one this is a very special soccer shoe to me my mom bought it for me when I was 5 years old and I played every season of soccer with them at first I wasn't very good but eventually last year I grew into my shoes and now I'm all [Music] right and I started by bending this piece until it fit around the shoe and then welded it to this plate then I welded this piece on top and then welded on some spikes and now if I stop now I just have a great way to climb trees then I need to work out how I'm actually attaching the device to the shoe which is why I decided to cut off these tabs that I spent so long making and instead use this linear sliding rail which will save me some space and weight then I attached a stopper at the end so hopefully when the front of this makes contact with the ball it slides back hitting the stopper at the end which will push in the firing pin setting off the blanks which will shoot the hammer out of the end but I don't know if this change will work so I tested it out three two one nice okay now I can put it on the boot so I permanently welded it on but I still don't have any idea if just the impact of the soft soccer ball will be enough to actually set off the rounds which is something I really should have planned for a little bit more same with my life although my online business was easy to run and more organized but I can with the sponsor of today's video Udo thanks to udoo you've got an all-in-one management software platform that simplifies day-to-day management of any business with their Suite of applications you can track project progress deadlines budget resources and collaborate in real time focusing on Udo CRM application it is a comprehensive customer Centric tool that helps you manage all your business needs with it you can easily track your leads manage communication with clients get accurate forecasts and close those money-making sales Jerry yeah close that de right now using the cband view each opportunity is presented as a card with all essential information in the front each stage provides an overview of expected revenue and you can easily drag them from one stage to another like a board of sticky notes when talking to your client about pitching your business and closing those deals you can send 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which is really good well I thought I did until I watched the slow-mo and on that attempt I had the carriage loose and just the moment of The Swinging leg set the round off before it contacted the ball so I tried some more with no success and I think there are two problems the impact on the ball on the front of the hammer is not transferring into the rounds which is weird because if there's a gap on the carriage it's able to get a run up and then it is enough and also the firing pins are not very good so I abandoned all my hard work making this t- slot firing pin and just put some welds on the back and then sharpen those into points which will squish the rounds that didn't even work but it still didn't work but then I started thinking about that shot that did work when the carriage slammed back into the firing pins and I thought there would be no difference if the ball hits the Hammer with the carriage already resting on the firing pins compared to a loose Carriage but there obviously is so I'm going to try something janky and put a toothpick in the rail here which will keep the carriage Away From the Block but then hopefully the impact of the ball will snap it shooting the carriage back into the firing pins who he opened the door out that was awesome that looked great until I watched the slow-mo and I got another premature ejaculation but at least I managed to do a trick shot while having it so I upgraded the toothpick to a bamboo skewer and gave that a go and I finally got it to work and the chronograph told me it was going at 28 m a second or 110 km per hour the exact same reading my foot got so it looks like it's time to put it on my foot and see if I can beat that but before I do I'm going to use someone else's leg which I put the boot in so that way I can see if the recoil will just shatter my shin bone and while I'm doing all this and marking around with blanks I'm obviously being safe and I'm always keeping it unloaded while putting the shoe on and clamping this slippery bone into the visce which is why I don't have a hammer-shaped dent in my knee from when it didn't misfire when it slipped out of the vice and slammed into the floor so after letting my hearing recover I decided I am not going to test it on the cow leg bone as it's way thicker than my leg so it wouldn't even be an accurate safety test but I am I'm going to try one more thing to make it go even faster which might just destroy it at the moment these Pistons aren't airtight in the holes but I can put wding down there to make it move a lot faster so I put these in which should make an airtight seal and that was a lot louder and blew the whole thing up oh the ball bearings came out and didn't even give me a faster speed so I tried again the ball is completely deflated and I popped the ball and I also bent the square tube which is really good to know as my shinbone definitely wouldn't survive a blast like that but at least the boot is working is it legal to use on a soccer field no is it legal anywhere in the world hey M yeah no yeah I just wanted a bit of legal advice cuz I've essentially made a shoe with a gun on the bo but it does look pretty [Music] cool so now I still want to beat the fastest kick ever but I'm also trying to beat the record for longest goal in soccer which is 96 M which is why I put this goal 97 M away also I didn't bring batteries for the speed measurer so we're mainly going for distance I think there is zero chance you're going to get as that goal I think there is zero chance you can kick that far and get into the me yeah you or just me not on the FL I don't think I can do that nice oh yeah ick it get it anywhere near he's going to fall into that hole right there right go pretty good so as long as it kicks further than that then it's then it's a superum device I'm very good at K like am I standing in front of it why don't stand in front of it what is wrong with you imagine selling this to some of the top soccer teams in the World Imagine sing to The carola Blasters Carol the blasts it's a perfect name it's a perfect name well we can if it works we can pcture it to them loaded probably should have put this in before you're putting the trigger in now while it's loed okay trigger's in I get you okay you ready yeah three 2 one wa [Music] yeah that actually went pretty far yeah that worked really well almost as strong as me the first shot went all right it went maybe a little bit further than my kick but after looking at the shells they broke at the back so a lot of the gas escaped out the rear and not down the barrels so I tried again with a lighter kick need to not stand in front of this while I'm pting putting it in that fires out now sh filming 3 2 1 it's not near as loud as it was at home in the garage and that kick was way worse so I'm not going to get the distance I want so I moved the car closer and now I'm going to take some free kicks from around 30 m away and for some reason Alexa agreed to be in the goals are you [Music] ready 3 2 1 the great [Music] sh the great sh that was perfect woo [Music] yeah I'm like I don't want to be and that one worked really well the ball traveled 30 m in just over half a second meaning the ball was traveling at like 45 m a second which is60 K or 100 mph which is 40 km faster than David Beckham's foot when he drove his car into a pole and it's also 3 km faster than his fastest ever kick off his okay my turn whenever you're ready are you ready 3 2 1 hey Alexa this is why I do videos and it's pretty inconsistent I think it depends on if the rounds break at the back or not and how good my watering is and we did a couple more shots but it only got worse two one oh hey do you all want to go in front of I'd love to all of you boys and then and you can pull the thing as well if you want okay everyone doing it [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah yay and overall this shoe did all right it's probably slightly worse than my normal foot kicking a soccer ball that's much harder also if there are any cops watching this video this whole thing was just a dream thank you so much for watching if you like that please subscribe and check out some of my other stuff
Channel: I did a thing
Views: 3,621,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Sfpr_S8nVLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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