The Bloom | Retreat From Bohdanivka. The Collapse Of Netailove's Defense. Military Summary 2024.04.7

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hello my dear friends you're in the military of sum Channel and today we will discuss the situation in Ukraine on the 7th of April of 2024 today we have a lots of very interesting updates so let's start and first we're going to talk about zaparo Direction hon zapar Direction uh the ukrainians conducted massive missile strike and drone strike in inadar the area of the nuclear power plant a significant number of drones the ukrainians used for that purposes and as a result of strike they were attacking the the area where the the the people and the workers of the power plant were eating or something like this and as a result of that attack few let's say employees of the power plant were lost their lives so it's not a very good situation of course we see another wave of escalation from the Ukrainian side now the Russians will be forced to redeploy additional air defense systems on this direction when talking about zaparo itself we haven't received lots of updates from the territory according to information we have the Russians managed to improve a little bit their positions let's say to the northwest of virbo nothing special just another few square kilometers captured by the Russians uh also the Russians published some videos of counter artillery duels as a result of counter artillery strikes the crans lost few multiple launch rocket systems that's very likely the crans were using let's say to attack the Russians during the battle for aboa nothing special no changes on the ground the same story we can see in the vicinity of Rajan and stor and probably today the 7th of April is the first day during the previous few months when the Russians haven't attacked haven't published even a single video of let's say faap strike in the vicinity of stor now we are moving probably to the most important areas and first we're going to talk about South Dan Direction the area between mov Constantin the Russians reported that they finished the preparation of the foot hold to the north of POF let's say in the area of this farm so everything is ready to let's say cross the kashachi river and to start offensive operation in many directions during the previous days as we discussed the Russians were clearing this area uh the Russians destroyed few machine gun positions the Russians discovered and destroy a few mortar positions of armed forces of Ukraine and the Russians also published the gations of those strikes for example on this video we can see uh the Russian reconnaissance work they managed to discover the Ukrainian mortar hidden position and after that as a result of artillery strike or counter artillery strike that mortar position was destroyed if we increase the number of updates just for one day we're going to see this icon on this video for example we can see the Ukraine machine gun position and the Russians discovered this machine gun position also as a result of counter fire this position was destroyed if you uh I would like to point your attention that as you can see uh the Russians published lots of videos between ugar and Pavlov of how they destroy were destroying a small targets not like tanks not like uh fortifications strongholds not counter artillery duels with let's say m777 H or op paladan the Russians were destroying small points small points but very useful points when talking about repelling of this or that offensive operation because machine gun on this interception of Roads is was something very not pleasant for the Russians if they tried or had let's say attempts attends to attack further or mortar position to the north west of of pavlovka that could be used by the ukrainians to stop the Russian offensive and now all these small points were suppressed by the Russians and the road is completely cleared for further Russian offensive and uh right as we received the reports about the finishing of the preparation of the foothold before further offensive operation we received significant number of geolocations from Nova MF itself so the number of dations from no mov itself tell us that very likely the Russians answered the final phase of the battle for no mova uh because they're try to synchronize both directions either no mova constantina and pavka ugar so that's why by the time the Russians finish ugar preparation the Russians are about to finish nov mov battle significant number of fpv drone strikes significant number of destroyed Ukrainian Soldiers with drones with a babaya god drone drones with fpv drone bombings and so on lots of geolocations and very likely very likely this week obviously we're going to receive additional updates of additional Russian progress maybe the Russians will capture completely no mka maybe they will just take few more streets and few more buildings further in direction of Constantin OFA also during the day we got lots of videos of counter artillery duels another batch of Ukrainian artillery systems warehouses and mortar positions in concentration of forces were destroyed as a of Russian multiple launch rocket strikes in direction of ghav ilka elav ofka so this is let's say the main Ukraine logistic C right now the concentration of forces the main operational reserves that ukrainians use let's say to redeploy if something went wrong the ukrainians use the area to through bagaya to send forces to ugar and along the kashachi river not kashachi along this River further to Constantin no mov so this is the main concentration area there is a forest very useful place to hide equipment tank and so on so that's why the Russians are pretty focused everything is about to be finished before the beginning of the next stage of offensive operation further to the West further closer to kuraha and even further kurava the Russians also discovered few Ukrainian positions uh uh some let's say base some training center exercise let's say fields and as a result of strikes that positions were destroyed and very likely the crans had some losses so we we see a very heavy very big activity of the Armed Force of Russian Federation on this direction now we're moving to korovka uh we discussed already in the previous update that very likely in the morning we were talking that very likely the ukrainians managed to restore uh the control over the southern part of Nova mov about today we can make 100% conclusion that Ukraine is control enti korov without even a single building under Russian control today we got additional gation from the ukrainians from the Russian side how the Russians were bombing and attacking the southern outskirts the southern Edge positions of armed forces of Ukraine inside of korovka the Russians discovered few fpv drone operators positions that were destroyed as a result of artillery fire The Source some sources reported about the Russian attempts to attack along the railways but yet we haven't received even a single gated confirmation of such so very likely those were just speculations uh furthermore the Russians continue uh the effective counter artillery duels another batch of artillery systems of the Armed Force of Ukraine were destroyed to the west north and to the west of korovka and to the west of gorva few artillery systems uh some tanks some positions some hidden positions uh of m777 hober so everything is according to schedule now we are moving to the North in direction of vajana and Pera probably the most interesting and the most important area and uh just just to remind you that a few days ago probably two days ago the ministry of Defense of Russian Federation reported that the Russians managed to establish complete control over the village by the name of fan so that's why we changed the color of the area and that was the edge positions of the Russians later we got few updates from the Ukrainian sources uh from the Russian sources as well how the ukrainians were trying to Counterattack the Russians in na street but those attacks were repelled by the Russians the ukrainians having significant losses where those who managed to survive after those attacks were forced to fall back and today we got geolocation already from the Ukrainian sources from the Ukrainian side on this video for example we can see the movement of the Russian personnel carrier who was let's say moving along vadan uh to the Western outskirts of The Village at some point the Russians managed to cross the area and then the Russians landed the Infantry we can count even the number of soldiers that were around 1 2 3 4 5 six soldiers exactly in that operation the Russians landed and started clearing the trenches uh the ukrainians when they discovered the movements of the Russians start bombing and attacking them heavily with different types of weapon and according to information we have the ukrainians the Russians managed to uh save control over the positions to dig in deeper and to improve the Russian foothold further to the west of vajana so that's why we have adjusted the map and currently the Russians as you can see have established additional control over additional positions and the most important the most important the Russians managed to answer these tree lines so this approximately The Edge Russian positions on already n Direction so we see that uh every single day we start receiving new the titles of New Towns of new Villages and the daily summaries um even the months ago we maybe somebody uh didn't even know uh the town of nilava and now niloa is going to be probably the most important town during the next few weeks and for example if we calculate the distance between the edge Russian positions possible positions of the Armed Force of Russian Federation and the first buildings of Nala the distance is less than 700 M so it's let's say to from uh to the southwestern direction of course there is like a vadana river there is like water barrier very likely the Russians are not going to cross the area but uh anyway they can establish some certain fire control over the road between T and the p in P this will allow the Russians to is they let's say complete the finishing of P battle but the most important Russian things that they managed to achieve is that the Russians answered this Forest obviously they were sending additional reinforcements during the day and now the Russians are able to move further along the tree line further to the North and then to the West in direction of the road between Yas of K furthermore the Russians can continue moving further along this the same tree line and to get as close as possible to brovka from this part so the Russians managed to get a very important area now they will continue under the cover of the trenches and the tree lines on the direction and we can say that even from this perspective from these positions the distance to the main Supply Road between N and yasova is around 1.5 kilomet so the battle for this part of the foot cold is about to be finished furthermore I'll remind you the just few days ago we were talking that the Russians managed to destroy the bridge in DNA River and to cut um um this umka Village in two parts the northern and the southern parts so basically we can make a conclusion that Y brovka is already appeared in some kind of encirclement because most of the roads are under already physical control fire control or some of the roads are no longer exist to to destroy it or damage Bridges or some infrastructure probably the only way how the ukrainians can support their forces in yasn brovka in this small artillery pocket is to send forces let's say through the Western from through the Western Road let's say from ptie this one then to this Residential carova Water reserver area and then probably through the fields uh further to the east in direction of yasn brovka so this is probably the only road that ukrainians left for the ukrainians to support their forces in yasn brovka but even though the Russians have already established some Fire Control even over these territory on this video for example we can see another Ukrainian Max Pro that was moving in the area the Russians as a result of recan oparation managed to discover the movements of Ukrainian personnel carrier and as a result of let's say artillery strike that carrier was destroyed so these these only let's say supplied road is already under complete Russian Fire Control so we can say that this area is also on the complete artillery Fire Control and uh the day of this area are numbered and they every single minute every single day is getting closer closer to zero so this is the situation for area and foothold furthermore the Russians continue the successful counter artillery duels and as a result of another artillery strike the ukrainians lost another artillery system that they were trying to hide somewhere in the vicinity of mova as a result of cnop of of course that system was destroyed so beIN as you can see we don't have a lots of gations but the gations we have a very important and very interesting first we have some dations from the Ukraine inside they continue to be more precisely the forces of 47 smack andiz Brigade continue bombing and attacking the Russian forces in the eastern part of beIN and the Russians from their side published also very interesting video from uh let's say the road between berichi itself and let's say Nova bahmut ofka and then a so one of the main Supply rows that's still left for the ukrainians on this video we can see the Russian fpv drone heading and attacking the abandoned Ukrainian Max Pro somewhere on the supply Road a few important things from the video this is like International Max Pro and this Max Pro was damaged and probably destroyed by the Russian fpv drone strike so what is important and what is interesting from this video first of all uh I would like to pay your attention to the main window of Max Pro of the driver window this is driver window and if you take a look at the bottom right corner you can see the uh signs of the bullets so as understand the ukrainians for some reason decided to abandon this Max Pro and as you can see the doors are open so the ax Pro was abandoned during this road and the thing is as I understand uh the Russians do have already access for their sabotage and reconnaissance group group uh to for to establish control or they have already established control over this Supply road so if we return back to the map this is the supply road that ukrainians at least were using to support their forces and to support the resistance in bichi and as for some reason somewhere in the middle of the road the Ukrainian Max Pro was abandoned and later destroyed with fpv drone strike and we have signs of the work of Russian sabotage and reconnaissance roup so very likely once again the Russian do have possibilities to send forces exactly in the area and to stop and to attack the uh let's say light Vehicles armored personal carriers that are moving from no bakut to so this video first of all confirms uh that the Russians have already established probably fire complete fire control over the road and ukrainians are no longer able to use this area all these updates all these geolocations confirms that within the next few days very likely the Ukraine or those who are still in in berichi will be forced to fall back and beichi will fall and the Russians will capture this territory as well uh there are still Ukrainian positions in the west Western part of the village uh this area probably is covered with a gray Zone over with the fog of War because during the previous days we got reports about the Russian control over the territory that later didn't confirmed by by no by any resource so this is the situation for ber and simonov very interesting video with got from Nova kalinova area if you remember the previous configuration of the map you uh would say you remember that the line of combat contact on the on this direction was going along the railways and now we see we have adjusted the map and according to gation gation that was published um according to video that was published by the ukrainians the Russians managed to establish control over the farms in ukrainians are saying that they were fpv droning the Russian forces inside of the Farms so we don't don't know and we don't have video where how exactly the Russians managed to capture the farms uh very likely that was another sabotage and reconnaissance group that they managed to cross the fields and to answer the farms and to force the ukrainians to fall back from the area and now the ukrainians were forced to start using drones to force the Russians to fall back anyway despite the how exactly the Russians captured this is significant progress and as you can see according to uh this Farm according to the location of the farm the Russ are on the outskirts and the first buildings of Nova kalinova and we're talking about tiova Street and sadova Street uh currently I can't tell you for sure whether the Russians are planning to launch a rush attack towards this Village the main reason of that is if we take a look at the video once again the what we um can't can't see on the video is complete absence now what we can see on the video is complete absence of trenches and fortifications so very likely the Farms used to be in the gray Zone that neither the Russians nor the ukrainians were able to control but as a result of some offensive operation the Russians captured now they need some time to dig in deeper to prepare some fortifications some long-term fortifications to bring additional reinforcements and after that very likely the Russians may try or try their luck to attack Nova kalinova with the purpose to cut the main road P between atina and let's say New York and T aeration so and this will allow the Russians to move and to attack probably in the very near future k a from the east from the area that the ukrainians didn't expect the Russians don't expect the Russians can use for offensive so very interesting situation we'll follow this area now we are moving to bahmut arum's Direction Where We also go to lots of different updates significant number to be more more precisely and the most important updates are coming from bagdanov we have a lots of mappers have up updating updated their Maps uh some Source are saying that the Russians established complete control of bagdan of some sources are saying that ukrainians just left bagdanov and Russians currently trying to let's say take under control by clearing the area step by step but some Source are saying that the ukrainians start running away under under the Russian pressure so many opinions but let's try to understand to figure out what exactly H is happening in bagdanov right now and uh so to understand this first we need to add one line uh this is the line I'm trying I'm planning to add so uh this is uh something like a barrier like a border so everything that located on top left of this yellow line is Ukrainian positions are Ukraine positions and these positions are located on the hill and the Russian positions are located in the lowland currently I can't tell you for sure the distance the differences between the heads of these two let's see positions and maybe 50 m maybe 20 M but anyway according to information we have the ukrainians on the hill can see and can observe the bagdanov like uh as if there is no problems and no barriers at all so basically we can make a conclusion that if we summarize everything every single map or every single update from the ground currently the Russians establish control over something like this in bagdan or about to establish control as soon as they finish de clearing operation in this part of the village uh the ukrainians once again abandon their positions not let's say as a result of damage as a result of losses they basically abandon their positions to the hill and now they try to control the Village from let's say batter positions and using significant benefits of this area uh I can't tell you for sure for how long the Russians are able to hold bdan ofka obviously the Russians need to continue offensive further because without taking under control of these Hills the Russians will suffer significant losses every day as a result of Ukrainian fpv drone strikes and as a result of Ukrainian mortar strikes so they need to move further but to do this uh uh first of all and it's better to attack this area from behind of this Forest because this is much more better positions to attack but once again the ukrainians during the previous uh few weeks when they realized and understood that chavar is going to be the primary target for the Russians have redeployed significant number of fresh forces on the area and the most important the ukrainians redeployed the forces of 93rd mechanized Brigade fresh forces uh they redeployed them probably from kin Direction and the thing is that the Russians have already reported that as a result of redeployment so an elite unit of the Ukrainian Special Forces and the 93rd Brigade of the um Ukrainian Armed Forces was destroyed in chier after a strike by Russian Aerospace forces to Fab to 500 PS hit the building in the technical school in which the Ukraine Armed Forces set up a fire safety operation so uh they have redeployed of course the Russians discovered that and as a result of attack that position was destroyed furthermore the ukrainians continue concentrating forces not probably in the eastern part but very likely in the Central and the western part the Russians of course see everything and they start attacking the ukrainians every single day when talking about chavat itself the Russians continue clearing the cretion with fpv drones on this video we can see babay Yaga the fpv Drone entering chavar and then start bombing the crinian soldiers underground we see more artillery strikes in the central part and Aviation strikes in the same area so as you can see the Russians are using not just infantry artillery the Russians are using s25 significant number to more precisely like Wave by wave 225s are bombing and attacking decan positions in the eastern part in the central part of ches y so a lot of waves every single days a lot of flights and of course we see complete absence of any air defense and any resistance from the Ukrainian side the Russians are flying above chat itself and no resistance from the ukrainians so the situation is difficult and very likely the ukrainians will be forced to fall back but for now they will try to hold the area as long as possible because until the ukrainians are able to hold kalinovka and the northern part of bogdanovka the longer the longer they can control the eastern part of chavar but as soon as they lose bagdanov and kalinovka we can start even counting days of the Central and the western part of chavier and we are not talking about the foothold from this Eastern black towards kichka and now we are moving further to solidar direction we have some updates from this territory as well the Russians continue clearing operation in the vicinity of rovco with fpv drone spots as you can see uh starting this month we stop receiv receiving any updates from rova during the previous three weeks we got almost two three updates per day and now we stop receiving anything very difficult to understand um why is why the thing is happening like this maybe the Russians maybe that was special operation from the Russian side to force the ukrainians to redeploy some reserves on this area and since the ukranians did that the Russians moved further to other direction can't tell you for sure the sources reported about additional Russian progress along the railways towards wika and that the Russians managed to capture additional 200 M borov the Russians continue offensive operation for now during the previous 24 hours of 48 they haven't conducted even a single ground operation they were bombing and attacking the discovered Ukrainian positions those that ukrainians revealed during the previous days of special military operation and very likely the next few days the Russians will make another attempt now we are moving to the South and tyy to the southern C's Direction Where We got significant very interesting details and updates and today I made a conclusion based on the gations we received that the situation on this direction develops obviously in Ukrainian favor but and not in Russian favor the ukrainians during the previous 24 hours during the previous weeks managed to redeploy significant number of fresh brigades fully blooded brigades first to repel the Russian attacks and probably maybe to even start some counterattacks now we have on the direction the forces of 21st mechanized Brigade we have the 18 slaviansk Brigade of National Guard we have 71st Jagger Brigade we have 95th Air Assault Brigade that was redeployed from DDF direction we have the forces of 60s Brigade mechanized Brigade and we have significant number of forces in CRI Forest the number and quantity of soldiers which is unknown due to the let's say forest and that most of the forces are are hidden so what did happen during the previous 24s I believe you already know the Russians made another offensive operation trying to penetrate the Ukraine defense belt with significant number of armored vehicles and the some let's say Pro Ukrainian sources counted the level of losses of the Armed Force of Russian Federation just on the line and just on the line the Russians lost uh probably uh some of the armored vehicles were damaged some of them were destroyed some of them were abandoned but they were around 31 armored vehicles so now let's discuss in details the attack that the Russians conducted during the previous days and that was very interesting I'll share with you the details about this attack so as you can see the Russians were using significant number of armored vehicles tanks personnel carriers more tanks maybe five or seven tanks and additional personal carriers and um as you can see when the Russians reach this part of Ty Direction they where they ukrainians start bombing and attacking them with fpv drones and as soon as the ukrainians start bombing and attacking first the Russians stopped for some reason uh maybe they start making decision what to do next whether to move further or to turn the Convoy and start heading back to let's say kmin forest at some point the Russians decided to proceed to move further and that was probably their biggest mistake as you can see just take a look in this video this is the newly created cemeter of Russian armed Vehicles just on this small picture we can count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 up to 20 armored vehicles just on this video and so what is interesting in that what was the most interesting part of that attack I'll try to explain to you so this attack of course was repelled on this video we see the Russians abandoned their tank and start moving and running away so what was the most important and interesting part of the video this episode exactly this episode was the most important and the most interesting just let's pause the video and I would like to point your attention to this construction on the head of the tank of the tank so this is the tank as you can see and this is something green on the top on the towel of the of the tank so what is this and according to the ukrainians uh they're calling this let's say equipment like SAR uh electronic warfare equipment or in English let's call it like King electronic warfare equipment uh as I understand based on the title uh this electronic warfare equipment was created by the Russians and according to them to some technical documentation this electronic warfare equipment should have suppressed and destroyed uh every single type of drone that exist and was created that probably would be created uh for many many years um ahead so that was like um one of the the rarest and very expensive uh let's say uh equip equipment that the Russians established on the tank the tank was in the head of the Convoy and the main purpose of that tank and that equipment was to suppress every single Ukrainian drone that the ukrainians could use to attack the Russian Convoy but when watching this video we see that the this equipment maybe uh didn't work maybe the ukrainians found a solution maybe some Engineers when they established the equipment did something wrong maybe they uh let's say turned on let's say wrong Batton or something like this but we see that this equipment didn't work and basically the entire Russian Convoy was destroyed by fpv drones uh that should have been let's say suppressed and jammed by that equipment so that was the main thing and after the ukrainians destroyed the Russian Convoy a few more ukrainians some soldiers of course um moved to this area because um at first they didn't realize that they destroyed that King electronic warfare equipment but when they realized they sent some Recon sabotage group and the ukrainians evacuated that tank with that equipment later the Ukrainian sources published the photo of that equipment and that equipment was to tell the truth damaged and destroyed by the ukrainians by fpv drone operators so the ukrainians didn't had didn't have anything they didn't got anything but anyway we see that a very very funny situation if we can call it like this so anyway what I'm trying to tell you is that the situation is getting worse and worse on this direction the ukrainians concentrated significant number of forces if we increase the numbers of days since the beginning of March we see complete Ukrainian superiority with fpv drones and all these things all these updates are telling at least me that very likely very likely the ukrainians during the next few weeks if the situation continue develops the same way if the Russians will not find the solution if the Russians don't find the solution how to solve these problems of the foothold the ukrainians will start counter offensive and because the Russians are pretty exhausted on the direction already and ukrainians do have some chances to restore control over these positions just it's of course it's my opinion and um I'm not telling you that this exactly what is going to happen but something tells me that the next few weeks the ukrainians will Counterattack on this direction and the Russians will be forced to fall back uh to K and the de brova area so let's follow this area and obviously soon we're going to understand what is going to happen there har during the previous 24 hours the Russians conducted significant number of Aviation and missile strikes drone strikes a lot of explosions and the sours on the ground are saying that the Russians destroyed the last let's say uh energy facility equipment and the harf is not going to have electricity and have let's say normal work until the end of uh this year we have few videos of explosions the results of the strikes as you can see more videos and so on and today the sources published very interesting picture of the use of Internet so as you can see on the 22nd of March when there was the heaviest attack we see the complete full of the use of internet and before that we see the stable work of Internet after that we see a very big problems with Internet and just I would like to point your attention the further we're moving to the right we see that the situation is getting worse and worse and the author of this video claims that this picture shows not just the problems with internet but also it shows that people stop stop using internet um the further we are moving from the 22nd of March till the 7th of April which confirms that ukrainians start leaving harkov because they understand that they are going to be no normal life anymore in this area and we have few updates from KF itself uh as we discussed According to some military Experts of the western counts uh by the end of 2026 the crans will lose additional 20% of the territory so and zilinsky continue telling everybody that Russia by before the beginning of June is going to mobilize additional let's say 300,000 people but zinski says that this is not the final number maybe the number is going to be much much higher and that's it for uh this video military sumary channel reminds we condemn any violence in the world thank you for watching subscribe to my channel put your likes Jo my Patron and have a good day bye-bye
Channel: Military Summary
Views: 204,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: war, war in ukraine, war in ukraine 2023, military map, map, map summary, map analysis, military map analysis, civil war, ukraine vs russia, russian war, conflict, war conflict, analysis map military, military summary, Bakhmut, Avdiivka, Uhledar, Vuhledar, Marinka
Id: I3LdpCNxfxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 9sec (1989 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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