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[Music] welcome everyone to another episode of the Adept is ridiculous podcast my name is DK diamantes his name is bricky and you know what we do but before we do it if you enjoyed today's episode and maybe you want to support the podcast heading over to patreon.com adeptus ridiculous where you can get access to the Discord bloopers if they happen the $15 tier gets you access to all of our posters in crispy digital HD format the newest one is a DB Cooper poster as the host of detective ridiculous I am not biased at all go buy it right now wonderful adst ridiculous podcast patreon almost ruin that patreon.com adeptus ridiculous bricky has things to say I do I actually have really cool announcements going on today ooh we have some brand new merchandise what I know I know so it's April you know it's it's unfortunate today's April 1st when we're recording it but because this episode will be on the third we can't really make any good jokes that's true that's that's a tough one yeah nothing on each other's uh stuff but um it's you know it's good in the spring and so we have a bunch of new Floral products for it but specifically uh I I wanted to say that uh adeptus ridiculous is 15% off for the next week because we have the brand new items here it's a little logo te there's a crew neck and there's our our sweatpants that many of you have tried but um the tea is a brand new Tri blend style and the AC Cru neck is a brand new product as well and I personally think that they are our softest products in the entire store and but I can only say that out loud and so unless you test it you won't truly know hence the 15% off discount it is automatically applied do not worry no code needed uh but check it out it's a brand new Tri blend crew neck and sweatpants for the season nice little floral print on it and um yeah check it out orchid 8.com Link in the description I this is my first time seeing them I love it I especially love the the sweat pants that have the the skull and the ad Rick on them oh that's great I I really like the floral print we we found it I mean they look a little different depending on which one you get cuz it's all cut from like a big sheet and so they have a little bit of variety to it um but it's uh it's really fun it's you know it's nice it's it's got the floral you know it's spring it's h you know it's cool yeah yeah yeah last time I said I was going to buy them you yelled at me cuz I'm not I cuz I you could just give them to me but I'm I'm I'm buying all of them he's he's buying all of them I'm buying all of them uh why do you keep buying them it's like I don't know okay maybe I'll actually message you and get you to actually get me some free swag I I don't know we'll see we'll see I I live offered it every time and you like he hates speaking with me so much he would just rather spend his money than than ask me for anything ridiculous and you that is adeptus ridiculous and you know it Shy but I do hate speaking with that's fair yeah I do I do absolutely despise everything that you stand for that's why curio episodes are your favorite episodes and mine absolutely wellth episodes are my favorite just because it's a good time actually but they are our best episodes yeah um now all that being said you know I wanted to experiment with a little bit of the new design and everything like that which is very on brand because today's episode is all about it experimentation oo is it an is this an admech episode bricky no what no it's actually it's actually not nobody's gonna get that okay whatever it's fine don't worry I sent an admech meme earlier viewers and and he it's fine don't worry about it anyway uh I I have a quote for you oh no no no no no no you don't you don't it's April fools it's not actually a quote you're just going to be nice and and uh you know listen you you I I have a quote for you it's the top quote on for this character uh it's a character episode I'll give you that one I'll give you a little bit's call no oh my God it's I I got a quote for you it's a character episode I don't think you're going to get it anyway but we'll find out oh great thanks all right let's try it let's see also I have a little bit of the con crud right now so I'm sniffly and nasly I apologize all right if a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others he will die unthanked and unremembered if he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions his name will echo down through the Millennia for a hundred lifetimes infamy is always more preferable to how do you pronoun ignominy ignominy how the hell you pronounce that I don't how's it spelled i i g n o m i n y uh yeah I would I would say ignominy but I I don't know what that means stop speaking dictionary.com has me IGN stop speaking dictionary.com igny ignominy what the hell ignominy what the hell whatever okay it's infamy is preferable to not being known H I could see this being just some awful person in the Imperium but I could also see it being someone from chaos and immediately my mind went to um oh shoot he wears like a flesh coat um I don't remember I keep mixing his name up with Ferris Manis it's um oh [ __ ] name what's his name I can't remember his name but I know he does lots of weird experiments and and he's always wearing a flesh coat but I can't remember his name um do we do we give it to him sh his name I can't remember his name I think I think we have to give it to him he he he knows he does know I know I just don't remember what his name is I know that I always mixed up his name with like Ferris Manis it's like I I genuinely cannot remember his name but I I I know he does lots of crazy chaos experiments and he does lots of weird [ __ ] and and he wears a flesh coat and he's got like these like weird uh like doesn't he have like a lot of weird like green syringes that he does [ __ ] with and just I can't remember his name I'm sry shy I have to give it to him I I have to give it to him he he he got it I I have to do it I'm sorry I have to be the nice one here you you are referring to Fabulous B oh fabious B yes oh thank you for saying his name it was driving me crazy Fabius B himself the the Dr Frankenstein of the 41st Millennium yeah no you have I have to I have to give it to him Shai I have to he he got it yes he did get it basically sure I'll take it godam oh man I wish I could have remembered his name yeah yeah no you know godamn I I got to I got to be honest yeah you got it Fabius B um good old B man now I wanted to actually do a nice little uh change of pace in the opening this episode I want to say some stuff for our viewers um you know we're we're very much the the foot in the door podcast like very much you know surface level stuff yeah just kind of get you to learn a little bit about them but not everything um if you are a viewer and you enjoy learning or want to learn more about Fabius bile then I would recommend reading the books either fulgrim which is the his first appearance uh and he is a pretty Prominent Point but he also has a Trilogy of books the Fabius bile series it goes uh primogenitor then clone Lord and then manf flare apparently it's like up there with the night Lords Trilogy apparently it's it's really really good oh okay okay and then Jean father Yes just came out a few months ago that's him and bisaria call pitted against each other oh so this is a bellarus call admech episode you got the quote right and yet you you make me suffer like this this is this is the way I'm sorry this is this is my truth and so would appear but yes um but yes Fabius bil so I'll be honest you know as as I just said there are like five or more books that contain Fabia bile he has an entire Trilogy on himself so this is going to be super surface level information here I was going to say you so you had a hell of a time researching this cuz I don't think there was enough time this month to read five books and and compile all the information on him there are multiple primarchs with less lore than this guy wow yeah no I really like fabus B huh I will start with my excuses because I I have to I have to Prime people because the blow he's a yeah a little bit he's a loved character he's a very beloved character and after uh reading about him I kind of get it he's a f he's a fascinating piece of [ __ ] oh yeah I love how in every picture of him I've seen his flesh coat doesn't look that bad it's just like oh hey he's got a cool yellow coat and it's like oh hey there's the Emperor's Children pauldrons and then you look closer and it's like like oh hey that's stitched together flesh yeah that's a stitch together flesh goat yeah so that's awful Fabius vile uh Apothecary Chief Apothecary of The Emperor's Children also chaos Lord technically uh also known as the Clone Lord the primogenitor manf flare and the spider often the sper the spider is one of his more common nicknames but he refers the his arms and stuff that and I'm sure other other reasons oh yeah anyway so uh do you remember where the Emperor's Children hailed from actually you know this is really specific it's I'm G to skip this um point being The Emperor's Children obviously pursuit of perfection eventually going down the route of slanesh which was pretty obvious um full Grim Primark all that fun stuff third Legion but most of them came from Tera in kind of the European side of uh of the US um us I'm sorry oh my god bricky of Earth it's okay I I got I got what you were saying it's okay it's I got you yeah but but oh God but you still said it yeah I did I know what you meant but he's like I still said it though and this is going to be on the internet and oh boy so a lot of The Emperor's Children were hoyy toyy Nobles shocking I know but like a lot of their tan groups way back when were taken from that Hoy toyy area uh in the in Europe Europe the the areas of what Europe would be in Tera um now B started off a little weird but like not too weird um one of his things that he really liked to do was dress up mice like dress them up in funny elaborate Garb and have them duel each other um huh but sometimes they would disobey his orders and then the mice would like kill each other and that would make him really sad and angry what a weird kid yeah he's just a little strange like yeah that's that that is the childhood I would expect of someone like Fabius B just like this really weird like what the hell's wrong with who hurt you when you were a kid and he's like well I used to dress up mice and make them duel and then when they died I got sad and angry and it's like oh yeah you're crazy yeah he learned about flesh crafting a little bit from one of his family servants because you know nobility and stuff but his yeah his first few experiments were modifying mice to duel each other in fancy pancy Garb and then they would kill each other and he be like no why no why also even if you're a noble who teaches flesh crafting to a child 4 41st morning man just true like who even dabbles who even if you're an aristocrat it's like oh yes I think I'm going to teach this child the no of Flesh crafting what that's never a good idea stop the Hat okay you you know okay have you seen Twin Peaks uh I oh which one is Twin Peaks uh Lara Palmer Laura Palmer uh is that the is that the one that starts off as like a murder mystery and then it just devolves into like a fever dream of chaos yeah I've seen like the first bunch of episodes of it I haven't watched the whole thing though okay do you remember the the rich girl daughter who just kind of is like a total [ __ ] and just ruins things for the sake of ruining things vaguely that that's kind of the vibe I'm getting here is like he learn he learned flesh crafting because I don't really have anything else to do so let's make let's make mice kill each other or not kill each other let's make them duel sure you know you're a little bored when you have everything that's that's true that's why you often see like uh uh billionaire children end up doing like horrific crimes it's like you had everything what are you doing and it's like well I was bored nothing else gave me any pleasure in life cuz I could literally have anything I wanted and you struggle for nothing so anyway um eventually as he went through uh you know indictment into the into the Legion or induct me into the third Legion there was something that ravaged the legion known as the blight now I think we talked about this in the fulgrim episode basically a huge amount of that really early Jean seed was sabotaged and it made it so that a lot of The Emperor's Children suffered these horrible like tumors in their genan seed which would be cancerous and then kill them yuck that's a bad thing it's very bad it's very very bad uh and so this blight really ravaged the numbers of The Emperor's Children brought them pretty down low for a while and it's partially kind of one of the things that set them on the course of their pursuit of perfection because uh getting rid and the blight and like carving out all of the infected Marines a lot of the infected Marines with the blight were just kind of like outright executed because they were you know not perfect and sick and blighted um Fabius in was kind of going this whole thing of like okay dedicating his life to figure out a way to stop the blight oh wow yeah that's a that's a that's a pretty ironic um uh Gene failing that's that's for for the the guys that want to be ultra perfect it's like oh hey by the way your Gene malfunction is cancerous tumor and it's like o i mean that's not great for anybody but for the group that specifically wants to be perfect it's like yikes it it's it probably is part of the reason why it had them down that direction but it was yeah it was doubly bad because this is before they found fulgrim so there was no replenishment of the uh of the of of the Jean stock um so bile actually uh dedicated his life to fixing this blight and worked just entirely to find a C cure for it but eventually found out and was well he was able to find a way to test for it and find out if people have it or not oh and by finding a way out to do that they were then able to Cole the Legion of the infected individuals oh it wasn't until B himself found out that he actually also had the blight uhoh but his work at trying to get rid of it was so important he did what uh pro athletes do and borrow the piss from other individuals to show it to be healthy did he really was he just like ah I'll just borrow this clean sample and look everyone not infected don't have the blight hooray no like like literally he took healthy sample from dead comrades and stuff and used it to show that he didn't have the blight cuz to him he needed to survive to find a cure for and to continue his work his work is too important to die do you think that the Emperor's Children would have seen it that way if he was like let's let's say this is just Bizarro world and he's like I'm going to be honest and I'm going to tell the chapter that I am indeed blighted do you think they would have just like called him and killed him or do you think they too would have been like well he's the only one that's making any progress with this we got to keep him alive we have to otherwise so interestingly I think for the most part the answer would be no they would get rid of him anyway but eventually right they find fulgrim and then they can start making Jean Steed from fulgrim so in reality he's basically the only blighted person like left right cuz all the other ones have been called and killed by because he can test for it so he's lit yeah right he would be literally the only one left wouldn't he and So eventually like you know we're going to skip past a good portion of The Emperor's Children law right here but you know sonesh demon possesses fulgrim they eventually exercise the demon from fulgrim after the drop site Massacre mhm and at this point Fabius estimated he had only about a year left of life but he at this Point actually told fulgrim after they removed the demon from him like Hey dude like I I science is not working to get rid of this stuff you know it might be time for like some of the Arcane crap but like I got this problem with me and like am I am I not worthy to still survive like have I not helped make everyone achieve True Perfection am I not still totally worthy to be kept alive even with my Affliction from all I've have done I mean that's fair but it is also chaos fulgrim so I mean surely he must be like oh yeah well you know what that kind of sucks that you didn't tell anyone but I mean you are pretty important and you've made I I don't know so I mean fulgram was cool with it kept him up kept him alive let him keep doing his stuff um and and this is this is the thing about Fabius that I find just really funny and is a great bit of lore so this took some time afterwards figuring out how to do it properly lots of engineering and stuff uh but Fabius is a lot like Tren oh where Fabius is like constantly has around a year to live or something but he became a master flesh crafter and a specifically a master cloner so he kept cloning versions of himself with neural copies of his mind brain and memories so every time he would die or succumb he would just transfer into a completely new body and be another Fabius oh wow really so he is the flesh version of Tren because he's got an endless supply of clones that he just neurot and each of these clones is all are all blighted so each one is just like oh yeah this is another blighted clone you've got one year uh free pack ass he basically can't cure his blight so he just keeps on making copies of himself cuz despite all it's actually a little bizarre I feel like he should be able to like have figured out how to do it but you can't remove the Jean seed and like put a new one in it's just not feasible apparently like how even the emperor couldn't take uh the nails out of angron's brain right this is one of those scenarios so he just has a ton of various fabious clones so every time he dies either to blight or death anything he just goes so does he have a warehouse where they just get made on mass or does he just like wait until the last week before he dies and he makes one like how like is is there a factory that just presses him out or sir sir he is a scientist he does not have a warehouse he has a laboratory oh so sorry does he have a laboratory that just presses him out yes well I'm I'm sure like if you you know you see a clip of like an evil scientist walking down a hallway there's a whole bunch of giant container tubes full of things that's that is fabus bile in a nutshell honestly oh wow okay oh also I I I meant to ask this when when it was like oh yes he is he's the master of clones is he the one that cloned uh Horus at some point or something I didn't think you were going to say Horus uh but yes he was he's the one that made pseudo Horus and then uh abdon came and was like this is [ __ ] and killed it that is that is exactly what happened yes yeah good so you know after uh you know fulgrim came back and they were doing all this stuff a lot of this is during the fulgrim book I do believe where slowly and slowly Fabia started to get a little bit more you know wacky yeah little the thing with cloning right is like each each clone isn't per well is each clone perfect no it's not so much about the Clones it's a lot more about the experiments he was conducting oh okay it started to be like hey let's you know do some experiments to learn more about the Marines that we capture and our own Marines and the civilians and let's just keep on doing experiments woo yeah cuz usually in like sci-fi they'll be like oh yeah clone is going to get worse and worse because you're making a copy of a copy of a copy and it's going to be less and less perfect less and less like the original and all these problems are going to arise and I was wondering if maybe he had some sort of like a clone degradation um you know if if there is one it might be in it might be in like a book uh I'm I'm not not sure myself cuz I haven't read the trilogy but um I I mean I'm not quite sure there but yes as says he is indeed an Emperor's Children Marine so his Chase for like Perfection is constant um he was the one who helped create the lovely process of making noise Marines after the maraviglia uh concert oh boy what a fun time he specifically oh was it idolon Shai which one was the guy whose vocal cords he T he tore out and replaced it with like a Sonic scream yeah and had his like jaw distend like the size of a snake uh I mean that nois probably loved that though like I mean I'm sure he didn't love the procedure but the aftermath he was probably like I'm a rock star I don't remember it may have been idolon I don't remember cuz idolon is this like uber douchebag um of The Emperor's Children but he died uh with his head getting cut off and fulgrim reattached it to his body and revived him from Death did I say did I say fulgrim I meant Fabius sorry Fabius did that not fulgrim okay um yeah every time you say idolon that's like another name for summons in Final Fantasy games and I'm just like eidolons huh they're using summons it's the it's the Warframe for me oh that's right no that's right it was it was Plains of idolon right right right right right right right right right right right that's right shiver runs down my spine thing aains of idolon why bricky why would you bring that up right so so idolon um I I don't remember if he was the first noise marine or not but yeah fulgrim got pissed at him and then cut Idol On's head off uh and then his severed head was then passed over the the victory wine of the third Legion mixing its blood with the alcohol and then fabos was like hey how neat can I like bring him back to life that'd be kind of cool and then's like sure dude why not but now he's like a horrible he's not himself he's like a zombie now yeah I vaguely remember I I remember that picture specifically cuz that is a wild one yeah I I I I know we've talked about him in passing before but uh yikes that sucks that sucks zombie Marine yeah and and so you know Fabius with all of his elment and serving the third Legion his stuff just got a bit more based a bit more some more debauchery more and more which obviously goes along with the whole vibe of The Emperor's Children slowly entering the grasp of slanesh right okay um so uh uh fulgrim was like hey uh make me a clone of Ferris Manis so I can try to convince him that the heresy is a good thing cuz I killed him on Ison 5 right there was a small part of me that was kind of hoping you were going to be like hey make me a clone of Ferris Manis cuz I want to cut his head off again um cuz I just found it so funny the first time yeah it was just so much fun the first time and now that I'm fully chaos I just I want to do it again endlessly or something it's like wow that that would be a chaos thing to do right I mean so he did it and fulgrim tried to convince Ferris Manis and Ferris Manis in typical Ferris man's fashion was like eat [ __ ] Loser yeah I was going to say there's no way Ferris man is ever going to be like why surely you're right chaos yum yum y the the the man is as thickheaded is Dorn and so every single time fulgrim would cut his head off again and then and be like did he really he would kill him I'm I'm just going to assume it's the head okay cool and then he would do like another one and this happened like multiple times of like here's the new ferris here's a new ferris here's the new ferris and it never worked no matter what he did it never worked and that made fulgrim very angry so half of Fabius B's laboratory is clones of himself the other half is feris Manis clones because F just keeps on trying they were were right I'm sure he's given up by now so during the heresy itself like during the siege of Tera uh do do you remember what the Emperor's Children did when when everyone when per Robo and crew were attacking the walls and everything do you remember what the Emperor's Children chose to do weren't they off just like like killing civilians and [ __ ] yeah you remembered yeah look at me learnning yeah yeah they they were just like hey cool a complete massive population of just anybody I'm going to just kill them all and we're just going to go on a massacre and it's even crazier because uh this is also yeah oh yeah Shai shy made to the punch yeah um oh well they yeah they're chaos so they're probably not just killing them I mean eventually those people probably died but yes do do you remember what the Emperor's Children would do with with prisoners no but I can't imagine it was anything nice so bile in His Infinite Wisdom was like man what if what if we just like made drugs out of people oh no I what's that salmonella clip where he's like it's cool well if we tried it on people no oh no he made soilent greens his people he he rendered them into a base uh narcotic form and and and had all the Emperor's Children take it as like a psychedelic drug as like an enhancing drug he turned them into God knows what it was LSD cocaine heroin who [ __ ] cares he God he turned them into he turned them into Emperor's Children steroids yeah an and LS D and all the other things that would feel you know fun oh boy that's that's that sucks that's not great that's okay all right one of the more interesting parts of the uh of The Emperor's Children in in general is that a lot of their bodies have been adjusted so that pain does create pleasure like if you get like if you get hurt makes sense it feels good yeah as as as worshippers of slanesh that makes perfect sense yeah it's like how um The Butcher Nails would turn all emotions into anger and and non- anger made you angry this is just like hey ember's children here are you know I'm going to if you hurt yourself it's going to feel great and so also here's a vile of people snort that [ __ ] and they are more than happy to do it that makes that makes them a horrible fighting well not horrible but like a really good fighting force cuz like what it's it's like you hit him in the face with a flail and they're just like orgasming and it's like what the [ __ ] dude like what are you what is going on here like it's hard to stop a group like that do you remember the emperor's um the the slanesh uh the slesh what's the cated not cated the slesh guy from Lion Son of the forest who took their helmet off and their eyes were like enormous and their mouth was like triple the size it should be so they can so they could see and taste more of the world oh yeah it's it's things like there's there's a story I forget what the name of it was but it was it's a it's an Emperor's Children marim and he specifically like gouged and mutilated a a twin brother and sister and then impaled them alive to both of his pauldrons so they could always be right next to each other but never feel each other's like grasp ever again whoa just to like just like make them suffer and but particularly he like elongated his tongue really long and then impaled it to a spike on his chest so that whenever he would throw his head back in laughter he would stretch the skin and it would make him feel good why does that sound familiar I because just CU it's Emperor's Children Shenanigans that's true it's like oh yeah that's totally something an Emperor's Children would do surely I've heard of it before cuz wow holy hell man is and I'm assuming he's quite the laugher oh oh he yeah he's got a he's got a sense of humor he's he's a bit of a chuckle [ __ ] as they say as they say um yeah he it's it's quite something so sheesh anywh who uh these the things that the Emperor's Children were doing and bile was doing um you know his skin coat yeah so often he would make the skin coat and then he would have the still skinless victim and he would force him the skinless victim to carry the back of his coat like a bridal gown oh lovely wow what a great guy he's just what a cool dude you know yeah what a nice thing to do it's like oh hey here's your skin here it is look it's it's back on you hooray Jesus all right I mean hey it's is it as bad as impaling uh twin children on your pauldrons that are still alive h yeah I mean you answer me on that one it's a side grade anyway it's a it's it's it's definitely in the realm of wow The Emperor's Children Are a little um not little cooky yeah they're a little not right in the head um okay now I'm going to turn this episode into On's head though for a second did you know that Fabius bile doesn't believe in the chaos Gods what I know right how does Fabia bile after doing all this stuff and being an Emperor's Children worshippers how does he not believe in the chaos Gods so Fabius B takes a it's a little bit like how we talked about the night Lord books um it's it's less so that he thinks like okay the gods are cringe and all that kind of stuff he he just kind of doesn't believe they exist he thinks they're just Stellar this and that and and phenomena um so so it gets interesting because Fabius despite all of his [ __ ] despite all of his craziness does not believe in the emperor's children's like chaos Pursuit he is he is an imperial truth believer man mankind is the ultimate destined goal of the entire galaxy and his goal is to create the perfect human I mean that does fall in line with like what we've been saying about what the end goal for the Emperor's Children is in seeking Perfection right that that that falls in line with the emperor's children's end goal so that makes sense but a part of me is just like okay look I I get all that but how you going to deny the chaos Gods like I I could see it if he was like you know I just think chaos is cringe I acknowledge that they exist but I'm not going to pray to them I'm not going to worship them because G man that's so look at what they're doing to these people these aren't perfect humans anymore they're Abominations I could see that but just straight up not believing in him is kind of crazy so he's like the ultimate atheist in a way you know you know he like yeah he he just thinks everything can be rationalized by science in a way or or another yeah but the chaos gods have like shown themselves to to to exist right it's it's not like now where it's like they're very you know like they show themselves and they do stuff don't they so okay so like on Earth I can see how you would be skeptical but in 40K it's like well so it it's it becomes a bit more of an interesting uh concept as we go on through it but do you want to read Shai's thing it's kind of funny oh oh yeah yeah uh you feet of clay by Terry pratchet it has Golem atheist in fantasy world that has gods in one scene he says the gods don't exist one of the Gods immediately throws a lightning bolt at him from the sky Golem says that's not a good argument so okay so it's interesting because to to get back to the concept of Fabius Fabius has made a clone of basically every single primarch he went to ball and stole the blood of sanguinia which the the blood angels were not stoked about oh yeah I am sure the blood angels were pissed they were very angry yeah um but uh All Things Considered with with all of that uh the the whole stick that he's trying to get into is that he wants to recreate the Primark project that the emperor did or or maybe even recreate something like the emperor himself because he wants to create the the perfect humans the perfect bits of Humanity uh for a long time his Creations in The Emperor's Children and otherwise are surgically enhanced uh Marines I think he calls them like the teras or t tetras or something um but they're basically just marines that are the yin to the Yang of the primaris Marines of um the the Loyalists stronger better when these things got made did the Warhammer Community kind of be like oh I don't like that in in kind of the same way like uh I cuz I remember there was some Kickback against the primaris Marines right because it's like oh that's that's not a Space Marine right so the kickback against the primaris Marines were not so much that that's not a Space Marine I think it's it was more that it appeared that GW was phasing out the old models by replacing them with new models and the new models don't really have that um they're a bit more sci-fi than like fantasy Knight looking M and so people were like didn't want the new style kind of thing I don't much mind I I don't mind primaris but Fabius B making new Marines with his Wicked experiments is totally on brand it is it is and and and like you said as soon as you said it I was like man that sounds a lot like a primaris situation like as soon as you were talking I was like is that like chaos primaris Marines yeah like the the genan father book really dives into this with bisaria call um do you remember in the the great workbook there's alpha primaris or what's his name was it Alpha primaris yeah I think it was Alpha primaris and he was in a constant state of pain and and because he had he had like too much power or something yeah like B his I think the goal of that book is to get him get him and like use him to to screw around with stuff and there's a conversation between him and call where he's like call you call me a mad man you experimented on this kid for like 10,000 years what are you talking about yeah call calling bile uh horrific and whatever is a little pot Kettle uh yeah but call was also like B bro you're wearing a skin suit so there's a little bit there's a good back and forth there a go back and forth about it it's fun um but any any who um interesting argument however you're wearing a skin suit it's it's a good it's a good interaction uh the between the two of them but for the most part yeah bile like yeah your primaris Marines are crap you you know I could have done way better with them and he it does and he does doesn't he his his guys are better well his guys are better but his guys have problems as well um as all of his clones have issues cuz you know he cloned Horus and then abdon just killed him immediately but then there's also you know he's got he's got lots of various clones but he's trying to like clone fulgrim and he did it a bunch of times and then every time he was like ah fulgrim is probably going to go down the same path as before this is not a good enough clone then he kind of Chucks the the um uh Chucks the the baby with the bath water so to speak oh yeah all right gotcha yep but at the same time that's such a [ __ ] up phrase I know right it's so messed up but at the same time like like bile despite all of his stuff uh is very much a clean set forth like Imperial truth believer mankind is destined to rule the entire Stars oh yeah I was actually about to bring that quote up sh you or DK you want to read that b talking about the emperor unlike you welp I once walked the same ground as your idol I breathe the same air as him and I tell you this without lie or artifice he never wanted to become what you have made him he did not wish to be your God thing he abhor such ideals the slavery of your crippled blind Imperium would sicken him if he had eyes to see it I mean he's right he's absolutely right he is a million per right that's true so with his goal being like this he tends to not get along with chaos Space Marines either now you you run Fabius bile in a chaos space Mar Marine Army he is part of The Emperor's Children which are a traitor Legion but you could almost argue he's a bit more of like a renegade Marine he's kind of on he's kind of on his own yeah with like the way he talks it I kind of get it now as to why he wouldn't believe in like chaos gods and and why he seems more less like a chaos marine and more just like like you said a renegade Space Marine that is just still like oh yeah the emperor was great and humanity is so stupid for doing what they do and and I want to restore humanity and essentially the old Imperium like if the old Imperium rose up and got rid of this like God worshipping Emperor thing he I feel like he might actually just like straight up betray uh The Emperor's Children and just go back to the emperor I mean he's betrayed The Emperor's Children many of times already he's experimented on them well that's I figured that just a chaos thing I figured it was just like oh yeah I'm Fabius bile I do what I want I'll experiment on anyone that I want and it's like oh yeah well I'm chaos I'm Emperor children pain is pleasure for me so Stitch away doc you know a little bit a a little bit um it it's let him down some pretty kooky uh Pathways a lot of this again are in the are in the various books but he has one where he was being hounded by a bunch of harlequins and event came into contact with Tren himself and Tron was like bro big fan of your work uh I'm going to put you in my gallery now and B's like well now hold up what about I give you all of these Harley Quinn's chasing me and Sh is like all right bet and then you got to catch them well and then as the harle quins were hounding and and screwing with his ship his clone of fulgrim Broke Free and started using his like you know other uh experiments to fight off the harlequins and eventually famous was like God damn it the fulgrim again I thought this was the perfect one but it's clearly not he's going to go down the same pth before trason my bro my my boy what if I gave you a perfect copy of full grim and all of that for all of The Emperor's Children Jean seed you stole oh I didn't realize Tren had Emperor's Children Jean seed okay there I I think it's it's either alluded to or said outright that trason stole the original Jean seed way back when okay okay okay that's that's quite the prize for Fabius then he accepted it so trason has a perfect full clone fulgrim copy in his vault and he was given enough genan seed to make 18,000 Space Marines oh wow that is a lot of seed I almost said that's a lot of semen for some reason because seed but anyway that's a lot of Jean seed holy jumping it is the seed yeah I mean I guess essentially it kind of sort of is the same thing but like it I don't know it doesn't sound right when you say oh yes this is my Jean seamen like that's not that I don't I don't like that so I mean yeah but like well I guess it is different one of them is like a gland versus just seem it's fine whatever yeah whatever let's let's not go down this road let's just go right back to Fabius B he has uh a lot of Jean seed now enough to make 18,000 Space Marines and wow that is that is quite the load I didn't I don't know why I that that was good why I said it like that that not mean to say it like that but let's let's get the Fabius busy and it's full of jeans and it's fabulous it is a oh my God we oh boy get us back on track buddy Dean came and us back onto the trash we never went off the rails we're still on topic it's just uh it was was a bit of a bumpy area this is a very Emperor's Children coded episode as it should be as it should yes um so if you think about it all right so bile is clearly quite the mad man uh who who do you think think would also be a lot like bile what what alien race do you think would be like nice work dude um I I don't oh come on man cloners I mean maybe the um the why am I drawing a blank on the dwarf's names okay it's it's it's not the voton it oh the voton right right right right right right no the the jukari oh yeah the duari would yeah that I don't know why the duari did not pop into my mind at all it's okay it's the obvious choice the cloning part you did you did I do understand where you're getting at with that one but we forgot the pain in the torture part yeah yeah it it yeah listen shy you you got to give him some to keep the Hope up you know yeah yeah yeah what did they say the the the worst the worst thing that came out of Pandora's Box was hope is that is that what they say something like that it's like all all of the awful stuff comes out of Pandora's box and the worst thing that's left behind in the box is Hope because hope can often lead you to the greatest despair well anyway um yeah whatever so jukari uh found his way into the jukari Cog and all stuff there's this place called the covet of the 13 scars uh and B very much impressed them with his impro improvisational tortures that the jari coven was like you know what man all right come check us out come check us out's let's work together so with the aid of the coven bile chilled in comar off for a bit and he created uh something called the Tower of Flesh oh my God it is a living breathing Fortress made of the remains of those who had wronged The Coven in their prior lives and it hangs from the bottom of cro like a fleshy cacti holy [ __ ] it is a it is a sentient Tower of Flesh just dangling there with blood dripping walls wow like up until this episode I had thought I had heard like just the craziest stuff and now it's just like people drugs and flesh Towers let's go oh this is a this has been a wild ride so far but tell me more about the flesh Tower telling you more about the flesh Tower uh well I mean there's not much else besides the flesh Tower I I've told you the FLH Tower and it's just constantly dripping blood you said the insides are always dripping blood cuz it's made of humans um but uh for this the jukari was like all right you know what we will bestow upon you the knowledge of our flesh crafting in as a reward for what you've done wow I mean that's quite the prize for uh for old Fabius then cuz that is they they craft a little bit of Flesh over over there on kamra well unfortunately um it didn't last long uh B taught that same stuff that the jukari taught him to his fellow Emperor's Children tutors and and like like students mhm uh and then the 13 scars COV was pretty pissed off about that because you don't want to bring that knowledge to even more lesser of people so they murdered all of his students and then uh altered fabi's brain so he could never speak of what he had learned oh wow that's actually not as bad as I thought it was going to be I think they there was still some kind of mutual respect so they were like all right we you can never talk about what we taught you ever uh but we're not going to like turn you into a coat yeah I mean cuz it's it's the drari it's like oh yeah you slighted us and you told our secrets we're going to make you into a chandelier that we're going to constantly poke and prod at and you're going to suffer for all of eternity the fact that they just hit him with like essentially the MIB flash stick that made him forget not the worst that could happen I I don't know if they actually made him forget I think they just made so he can't speak of it he still knows still knows oh I I I think that this is a this is a probably in the book not 100% on that one okay so he just can't he can never teach anyone about it again but he can still do it himself specifically states that to ensure that Fabius himself could never speak of what he had learned so I'm going to assume that's the case oh that that does sound like yeah he can still do it but he just he can never talk about it he can never teach anyone or anything like that yeah so you know Fabius has gotten into some pretty pretty fun Antics in times um I don't know if fun is the right word it's fun for him interesting oh yeah fun for him for sure yeah yeah uh he's still off and about trying to make all of the best uh primarch out there he's trying to you know he's trying to get that that whole crafting going but the most important and interesting I mean not the most important but an interesting part of and the the thing to leave us off on is really his relationship with slanesh so yeah imagine that's a little shaky clearly what he's done slanesh is huge fan yeah definitely loves this stuff uh Fabius is like turbo atheist god can come down to him and speak to him in his face and he'd be like I must be hallucinating yeah it must be a hologram or something this is fake this is fraudulent uh and that's basically what happens whoa slanesh literally comes and talks to him and he's just like no this is [ __ ] so Fabius is clearly slanesh corrupted it is it is not it is not something that like he would ever say but it is very obvious that his enjoyment for all this stuff his pursuit of perfection uh I do have the full text Shy um all of that kind of stuff he is is very much a a corrupted by slesh but but tries to stay otherwise uh and I and I think that's kind of of the slight tragedy of his character is that despite the fact that he doesn't even believe in slanesh he is clearly under her influence at least a little bit yeah with all the experiments and the enjoyment he takes from it and yeah yep so there is a part where he is basically judged by slanesh and uh there's like a a pale gaze just kind of staring at him uh and the full text here I have is uh Fabius felt a flicker of unease as the pale gaze pierced through him his churon twitched as if it shared his uncertainty uh the quest questor's smile was like a scalpel grading on bone and he clapped again the world seemed to shake one by one the sensor feeds in Fabius B's armor went dark and his confines became stiffling the air felt still and heavy uh and just like everything just got really really overtaxed mhm and so this this was when sesh or you know a demon of SES was speaking to him and they literally said uh Fabius says who are you then name yourself I am the wetstone of Desire I am the asker of questions I am the questor and fabus responds with I've never heard of you sure buddy sure okay okay also I love the wet stone of Desire is like that's quite the name actually for slanesh so it it was a kind of like a moment of testing so to speak and of course Fabius is the way he is like I know my worth I know my crimes this court holds no jurisdiction over me but all during this time he's still kind of like panicking a little bit his heart rate is going really really fast muscles are straining mhm and so he looked up and it said something looked down it was not a face for a face was a thing of limits and angles and what he saw had neither it stretched as far as his eyes could see as if it were one with the whole of the sky and the fent above things that might have been eyes or distant moons or vast constellations of stars looked down at him and a gash in the atmosphere twisted like a Lover's smile it studied him from an impossible distance and he felt the sharp edge of its gaze cut through him layer by layer there was pain in that gaze and pleasure as well Agony and ecstasy inextricable and Inseparable and at this point he basically just like panics he oh sure who wouldn't yeah he tears his face away he starts pounding a bunch of tranquilizers into his body and he literally he literally just like wishes it away in his head he's like there's nothing there there's no there's nothing there at all there are no Gods only stars in the void no Gods no Gods no gods they they I I think therefore I am they do not so they are not the gods are for the weak and I am not weak he keeps saying as he as he pumps himself full of tranquilizers so he's having a chaos panic attack and he is just like drugging himself out of it uh PR pretty much WoW he was that such a descriptive scene of like what it's like to have slanesh judging you too like that's such a dope way to put it like that was so sick the the face of God was staring at him and he was he was pumping himself full of Xanax being like must have been the wind yeah that wasn't la la I didn't see anything God doesn't exist it was just the moon please go away please go away please go away I I mean yeah he he was I mean he basically plugged his ears and was like la la la I can't can't hear you can't hear you don't see you my eyes are closed can't see you you don't exist yeah that's that's crazy but the the actual fact that slanesh themselves has taken notice of him clearly shows that you know this whole time he's like yeah I've done all these horrible torture things in the pursuit of perfection and excess and I love pain and pleasure but I'm not slesh corrupted no oh surely not you know also it it it it speaks volumes to how crazy like his experiments are that slanesh would even take the time to do that like that is a chaos God that is taking the time to specifically like look at you and judge you because of everything slanesh that you have done like that's that's not a small thing like chaos gods don't just show themselves to everybody they don't just do that right no I mean you think of it like sometimes they do for example K there's the there's the statement that right next to uh K's Throne there's a pile of skulls specifically from k k yeah and so you know you have to do a lot to get them to notice you though oh yeah oh yeah araman for zch like you do you know tyus tyus sold out the death guard and he was handsomely rewarded yes he was boy did he get a transformation like much like araman I think like Fabius is trying his best to just believe that he will absolutely not you know go down this path but he is he is so damned slesh has taken notice of him specifically for his actions and like he is damned Shai says uh slanesh literally tells him in that scene you have committed crimes of such monstrous Elegance that even the gods themselves grow uneasy that's that's a lot that's a bigan for slanesh to say that is like B yeah I mean you you gave Dr Frankenstein 10,000 years and and and a a what's the word um a court with the jukari you know he's he's going to he's going to do some wacky stuff yeah oh man at the it's it's rather like fascinating that with like he's such he's such a contradiction he's such a hard believer in the Imperial truth despite what he's doing right but then he has a panic attack when the God he doesn't believe in looks at him shows up yeah and and then he plugs his ears and says la la la I can't hear you mhm it's it's a he's a wild character he's really fascinating I I was GNA say just from this little sort of foot in the door introduction to Fabius B I kinda I kind of love him uh like it's just he he's just this fascinating conundrum of pseudo hypocrisy that just is really interesting to hear about and all of his crazy experiments and his crazy thought process it's just he's so odd and unsettling that that's what I think is why he's such an interesting character is because he's clearly damned he's clearly he's not possessed maybe but he's he's absolutely damned but in a in a weird way the god like the gods that he doesn't believe in probably have his back I imagine like being a demon Prince for example being elevated to the rank of demon Prince is not really the worst fate you could ever have you become you know you serve your your God forever and for all eternity which might not be the most fun thing um but you basically become immortal you become an immortal demon with domain over your subjects and stuff like that under the god um you know you get promoted from from Layman to manager basically and you get to live forever I'm positive bile will become like if he just oh if he just asked would be like [ __ ] yeah dude hell yeah been yeah I'll give got the suit ready yeah I I'll give you super I which one do you want do you want suit a or suit B yeah and you know what you design the suit go at it like you've been you've been designing suits for you are the Men's Warehouse of slanesh with the suits you've been making he totally is see the difference NE Marcus of it's it's not Men's Warehouse it's Man Warehouse cuz he's selling skin of men skin yeah do you like if if Fabius bio was ever in Mortal danger even though he doesn't believe in do you think slanesh would save him because it's just like NOP can't lose you uh cuz you you do some fun work you may not believe cuz it's kind of like the devil right it's like oh I don't believe in the devil and it's like well you should cuz he believes in you um is it kind of like that where like slanesh would probably be like nope not going to let you die I'm I'm I'm going to shuffle into the Mortal coil and save you well first things first he would probably just go to one of his clones so oh that's true why what she would never need or they would never need to save him because he's got clone on clone on clone like yeah that's true and even if they offered it he would probably just outright say No in fact he wouldn't even have to say no he'd probably just say like oh huh weird a weird psychic phenomenon is reaching it hand out to my mind I must be taking too many drugs and then just die true well would would s just save him regardless because like slesh wouldn't want him to die right so it's like oh I'm not even going to ask I'm just going to swoop in Kill whatever is trying to kill him and then G get out I think it the gods don't have domain over real space you have to let them in somehow yeah there needs to be like a warp storm or like a warp portal or a warp area that's true they can't can't manifest themselves I keep forgetting that that like you can't have chaos in like real space like there needs to be warp Shenanigans happening for them to get through right you need something to bring them in yeah I I keep thinking they can just possess real space for some reason even though I've been told the contrary a many times well it's like if you have you know you have a planet that's covered in the horrible cancer or sickness and then everyone is praying for it to get better and then eventually nurgle like finds a teeny crack through all of that praying and sleeps in if if Fabius is doing this and he's just like you're not real there's no crack yeah there's no crack there's no way through nope so it's it's a it's a really fascinating like contradiction between him and all the things he makes uh I will say he also does have a Model A shy if you have the new model is old one oh he's got a new one yeah like in the last three years or so pretty recently oh snap how do how did I not know this CU we haven't talked about Fabius yet o well that's not bad he wow he's a lot more decrepit and old looking than I thought for some reason yeah the the models you know you can never perfectly get it but true man I love his like uh uh I don't I don't want to call him spider arms oh the Chon yeah those are so cool I love that [ __ ] yeah and honestly uh his model oh God his old one is terrible yeah it's pretty bad um it's it's a pretty fun uh looking model I actually really like him on the tabletop too I think he's super underrated um his his abilities are very very fluffy uh he has he has a feel no pain which is just makes him a little bit tankier uh he's got a special Needler pistol that that's uh specifically good against infantry and then he has his Rod of Torment which doesn't do a isn't like super strong or have a lot of arm penetration but does a ton of damage because it's a tormenting Rod um his little Chon on his back gives him a couple extra attacks and you put him in a in a unit and that unit gets an extra bit to their strength and their toughness because he has uh modified them yeah cuz he's pumping them full of drugs and and yeah yeah and then also oh go ahead what's what's his little dude do into that ultramarine is is is that supposed to be like oh yeah I'm just fetching the Jean seed out of this ultramarine that is exactly what he's doing oh that's what that's what a genan seed looks like oh uh maybe I don't know but is a surgeon acoi he's taking some stuff yeah yeah I was like oh hey look he's got a little guy shining his that's not a sword oh that's an ultra oh that's his neck oh oh yeah it just kept getting worse but uh the surgeon acolyte uh it also gives a fun rule where he can like get rid of a of a like a damage once per turn and then if Fabius dies on a two up he comes back to life with full with full wounds because um of his clones got clones yeah yeah yeah it's it's pretty great he he's actually really fun on the tabletop and he's not too expensive man I I I man I like Fabius bile this episode is has has made me kind of a fabus bile fan I'm bile coded as they say I bile is a he is a fascinating character he is different in a lot of ways um he's not so so you know very often in 40K everything is in extremes the the Imperium is a hyper no heresy therefore no one can be fun type situation uh and then you have your uh you have your chaos which are damned by the gods cuz cu no matter what with chaos you know no matter what they get they still will be you know waiting damnation at the end of the day oh yeah yeah yeah and so uh but but bile is like neither he's he's not a subject of chaos even though he kind of is kind of yeah but he does he's literally a gray area yeah just but well maybe not morally gray but no no no just gray in the sense that he's not really Imperium he's not really chaos he's just kind of in this weird gray at least to him he's in this gray area of I'm not chaos I'm not Imperium oo what am I ex exactly like I I believe in the betterment of mankind full stop but I'm getting there in some pretty awful ways and in doing so I've most likely damned my life yeah definitely so cool yeah I like Faus very dope very dope it's a fascinating guy uh as as we mentioned in the beginning of this episode fulgrim is his first appearance and then he has his Trilogy uh and then uh I believe the gene father is after the trilogy so um I think uh I think if you read them in that order probably is best all right um for those who want to learn more about Fabius maybe we'll we'll do a little uh we'll do a Fabius book club at some point he does seem pretty neat yeah he does I I think the books on him would be a wild ride before we end the episode do you have any um Shai do you have anything else in particular you want to mention about Fabius yeah sh anything you have huh sh he's pretty uh he's pretty dope he's got a cool what do you got to say Shai why what I I was what what's what's wrong with you yeah bricky wants to know if you got anything to say shy Jesus shy this is a genuine question she muted me hey she muted me she all right all right DK do you have any like uh do you have any [ __ ] Sean or busy jokes to throw before we end this episode you piece of [ __ ] uh nope I I I do not none none none that come to mind oh darn nothing no no Fabius Bill F fabulous fabulous Billy no no jokes on fabulous Billy nope no no fabulous [ __ ] sorry the faussy oh let's uh Hey Shai maybe hit that cut button huh no jokes come to mind Shai got it I I was I was wondering if if Shai got the emphasis on that and she did good for her [Music] Seaman [Music] n
Channel: Adeptus Ridiculous
Views: 131,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, wh40k, warhammer 40000, grimdark, tabletop, comedy, games workshop, lore, 40k lore, adeptus ridiculous
Id: 6wxhNree6fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 36sec (4236 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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