What is the BEST Possible Pokemon Type Combination?

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make sure i'm recording i am all right cool   real youtube is to study the type chart which  combination is the strongest of all so there i was   reflecting on my youtube channel and thinking  about what kind of content i wanted to make next   i remembered that a while ago i had done a  video where i ranked all of the pokemon types   individually and that people really enjoyed it so  i thought to myself what if we took this one step   further what if we asked not which type was the  strongest on its own but which two types are the   strongest when combined before i jump into this  video i would like to ask you to subscriber if   you haven't already uh only about one percent  of my viewers are subscribed and it breaks my   little heart anyway with that out of the way  let's talk about how to tackle this question   hello so i'm interrupting the video to bring you  the announcement that today's video is sponsored   by manscaped for anyone who doesn't know already  manscaped is a company that specializes in razors   that are useful for uh not just your face  to say the least i am a man myself who of   course uses razors manscape was kind enough  to send me their performance package 4.0 so   i got to use some of the products in there  i tried out the razor myself personally and   i shaved my beard trim my beard about once a week  and i could definitely feel the difference in   quality between this and what i was using before  i've always kind of just bought cheap electric   razors and then kind of used them for probably  a bit longer than i should and so yeah i'm a guy   who needs to use razors and manscaped is one of  the best in the business for this specific niche   so if this sounds interesting to you and it seems  like something you might want to use for yourself   you can get 20 off free international shipping  and two free gifts if you use my promo code in   the description and also pinned in the comments  down below thanks again to manscape for sponsoring the first thing i wanted to do was to set some  criteria for myself i wanted to know the best   possible type combination but this question is  hard to answer in a vacuum i decided to start by   making some assumptions first we have to consider  what is strongest both offensively and defensively   this means that even if a combination has a ton of  resistances it might not necessarily make our list   we also won't assume anything about the coverage  of the pokemon themselves aside from assuming they   have usable stab moves of whichever types they  are defensively we'll consider the weaknesses   resistances and immunities of our combinations  offensively we'll look at individual types that   can be hit for super effective and consider  shared not very effective moves lastly there's   a few things we won't consider at all since  this is a theoretical combination it wouldn't   make much sense to consider a metagame as that is  an extremely fluid concept additionally we won't   consider these types when paired with abilities  so stuff like fire and steel with levitate is off   lastly and this is probably obvious but we  won't make any assumptions about the stats   of these pokemon so now that we have our  groundwork laid out where should we begin   well to me it made sense to take a look at the  pokemon that had the strongest types individually   primarily steel fairy and dragon i next consider  types that are very strong in one aspect at   the cost of being less well-rounded such as  ghost types offensively with these types as   the starting point i began considering potential  type combinations this is where things get a bit   interesting as some of the combinations i found  to be strong were not exactly intuitive some   types that are some of the worst in the game on  their own actually become quite potent when paired   with the proper corresponding type one example  of this is the bug type which is notoriously   awful on its own but actually has really nice  defensive typing when paired with the steel type   additionally combining two mediocre types or in  this case one above average and one below average   type could also create some powerful synergy  my favorite example of this is poison and dark   on their own neither of these types stands out too  much but put them together and even a pokemon with   only one weakness a handful of resistances and  decent type coverage one thing i noticed when   going through this process was that the types i  thought might be the strongest pairings were often   one type that's shown defensively and  one type that was stronger offensively   if i had to take a guess as to why i'd say it's  probably because of diminishing marginal returns   i now had a decent idea of where to start i  created a list for myself of every possible   combination that i thought could be in  the running and began to whittle them down   in the end i created a top five list but before  we jump into that i'd like to give some honorable   mentions first steel and dragon this combination  combines two of the strongest types in the game   and has a boatload of resistances with only  two weaknesses and immunity 9 resistances and a   built-in check to the fairy pokemon that dragon  types typically struggle with you might expect   this combination to make the list however despite  being great defensively offensively i didn't think   this combination had enough going to justify a  top 5 placement dragon is a great type in hitting   things for neutral but one of its major weaknesses  is the inability to hit opposing steel types   which this combo doesn't improve also most players  use steel type pokemon in part to gain a defensive   tool against the fairy type which you lose when  you combine it with dragon there are two notable   steel dragon pokemon already dialga and doraleon  and though they have their niches in vgc from time   to time they're both often underwhelming for  reasons that are at least in part due to their   typing i'm going to give an honorable mention  here to nearly every steel type dual typing here   because defensively steel is one of the absolute  best types you can pair another type with steel   grass ghost water flying and bug were all dual  types i considered when i initially made my list   despite them not making the cut steel is probably  the best type of pair with any random type my   next honorable mention goes to a type combination  with incredible offensive potency which is ice and   ground there were a few combinations i considered  for this spot ghost in fighting and electric and   ice for example i settled on ground and ice  here because the coverage is especially good   ground types struggle against grass and flying  types and ice types failed hit fire and steel   which ground covers defensively this combination  is rather weak in large part due to the ice type   but it's still a good pairing even given the  number of weaknesses if your goal is to do damage   i mentioned this one earlier but our next  honorable mention goes to poison and dark   these two combine to provide four resistances  and immunity in exchange for a simple two times   weakness to ground on a pokemon with good stats  such as alolan love this typing can be very strong   however it failed to make the list because  offensively the coverage is nowhere near as   impressive our last honorable mention goes to  water and ground a very popular combination   while these types combine to provide resistances  to fire steel rock and poison in addition to   an electric community the four times weakness to  grass is a bit severe especially given both types   are resisted by grass having a water type that is  immune to electric attacks is strong and having   a ground type that isn't weak to water and ice  is valuable as well so this typing was probably   the closest to making it onto my list with the  honorable mentions out of the way let's talk   about the real heavy hitters coming in at number  five we have a typing that will look familiar to   anyone who's played competitive pokemon ground and  flying no no no no no no no wait wait wait wait   wait wait wait land versus typing is especially  powerful ground is one of the better types   offensively in the game and there's only three  types that resist it grass bug and flying by   adding your own flying typing in you get super  effective damage against two of those types and   a neutral attacking type against the third flying  on the other hand is resisted by electric rock   and steel all of which ground a super effective  damage against there is no individual type in   the game that can resist both ground and flying if  your opponent only has one type you're guaranteed   to be hitting it for at least neutral damage  additionally you eliminate ground's weakness to   grass and flying sweetness to electric and rock  with this combination the reason ground flying   isn't higher up on our list is because that's  where a lot of the magic stops you're still weak   to water which is never good and unfortunately  in exchange for this potent offensive pairing you   receive a four times to ice having only two  weaknesses isn't a bad thing but four times   weaknesses can be debilitating so flying in ground  settles in at a comfortable fifth place finish   our next type is another one that will probably  seem familiar if you followed pokemon during the   last few years fairy and water this pairing  most commonly associated with tapoffini   is strong both offensively and defensively adding  the fairy typing to a water pokemon only adds a   poison weakness to the existing electric and grass  ones and you're able to boast six resistances   and an immunity in exchange the specific risks  the specific resistances are often types that   are popular too with fighting fire water ice dark  and dragon all seen play in most vtc metagames   offensively water is actually quite strong having  only three resistances in water grass and dragon   with fairy typing you hit dragon for  super effective and the others for neutral   fairy is another typing with only three  resistances in poison steel and fire water allows   you to hit fire types for super effective damage  and the others for neutral damage lastly the   types this combination can deal super effective  damage against are some of the best in the game   fire ground dark dragon rock and fighting water  and ferry are an extremely well balanced pairing   that allow for strong options both offensively  and defensively coming in at number three we   have our first type that doesn't actually exist  at the moment in the games fairy and ground   offensively this combo is just so brutal ferry and  ground individually are two of the strongest types   in the game when it comes to doing damage and  when you consider that all three of the types   that resist ferry are hit for super affected  by ground you can see why these two types work   so well together in 2016 and 2019's vgc formats  the most popular restricted duo was xerious and   final dragon in large part because they were so  incredibly threatening when paired together nearly   every pokemon most people wanted to use to check  xerneas would themselves be countered by primal   groudon not only that but in combination these  two types deal super effective damage against   8 of the 18 types and i would say 7 out of 8  of those are popular picks while they do have   four total weaknesses this combination also gets  four resistances and immunities to both electric   and dragon to be honest i kind of hope they  never actually make a pokemon with this typing   in our number two spot we have another typing  that doesn't currently exist ghost and normal   this might seem like an odd inclusion at such a  high spot at first but let's look a little deeper   ghost is a really interesting type offensively  only dark and normal can resist the attacks   defensively it only has two weaknesses ghost and  dark additionally ghost is the only type that   has not one but two immunities normal at fighting  normal on the other hand is arguably the weirdest   type in the game it has one immunity to ghosts  zero resistances and only a weakness to fighting   when you pair these two unusual types together  you wind up with something interesting remember   normal's weakness to fighting well ghost is immune  to that and remember how ghost is weak to other   ghosts well normal is immune to that what you end  up with is a pokemon with three immunities two   almost useless resistances and only one weakness  to dark where this combination shines however   is in the offense ghost is one of the absolute  best types at hitting things for neutral damage   making it very difficult to switch into remember  the only two types that ghost is resisted by are   normal and dark pairing ghost with normal allows  neutral coverage against every single individual   type with no overlapping resistances this is a  type combination that can really shine offensively   and with the most resistances possible on a single  pokemon could also have use defensively in theory   we've made it to our number one spot before  i reveal what i think is the absolute best   possible pokemon type combination let me know  what you think is going to win it all in the   comments down below ready alright let's talk  about the best possible type combination in   pokemon here we go it's very steel probably  not super surprising fairy and steel were two   of the types i put in the s tier on my typing  tier list and they work together extremely well   defensively these are two of the best types  in the game you get nine resistances and two   immunities with only two weaknesses you also  get one of the best offensive types in the   game fairy paired with the single best defensive  type in the game steel weaknesses to fire and   ground aren't ideal of course but with such  good defensive typing it is very manageable   steel and fairy do not have perfect offensive  coverage they both struggle to hit steel and fire   types however steel and fire share a weakness to  ground giving some direction for partners typing   something interesting about this type combination  is that there have been three pokemon that have   been legal in vgc at one point or another who have  this combination station mall while and clefty of   these zeshan and malwale have been arguably the  best pokemon of the format at one point or another   with station being the best restricted  for parts of series 8 and series 10   and while being the most popular mega evolution  at 2014 worlds and even seeing use in 2016.   even though kolefsky has a lot of things to be  desired i actually used it twice at regionals   and managed to finish in the top four at one of  those now to be clear zaishan and malwa have a   lot more going for them than just their typing  it helps that their abilities make their attacks   do unreasonable amounts of damage that being  said i think it's absolutely fair to say that   their typing was a large contributor as to why  they are as good as they are and that's my full   list this is actually a lot more difficult than  i anticipated to make but it was a lot of fun too   if you want to see more content like this  let me know in the comment section down below um world chip difference baby you
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 684,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, twitch, twitch streams, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, pro gamer, gaming, gamer, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, type, pokemon type, best pokemon type, pokemon type tier list, wolfe glick pokemon type tier list, best pokemon type combination, type chart pokemon, type combination pokemon, dual type, new pokemon type, wolfe glick hacker
Id: 8DQyRktcG00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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