Beta Design of Pokemon Red & Blue | Pokemon Cut Content

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pokemon generation 1's development was a lengthy and rapidly changing procedure starting as early as 1990 by the title of capsule monsters many concepts and designs were made changed and even cut in the final game but one of these changes was much more of an aesthetic and thematic change this of course i'm referring to is the ever evolving beta designs of the game from trainers maps and even pokemon changed heavily to the final incarnations we have today so today on cut content we explore the beta designs of pokemon red and blue before we begin please hit the subscribe button and hit the notification bell too to further support us and keep creating new videos the beta designs as mentioned earlier started as early as 1990 and kept evolving till before the game released as such there are for the most part a minimum of two or three different designs for many of the elements of the game now at the very beginning the concept of a pokemon trainer and its relationship to its pokemon was very different while they were still traveling together and the pokemon were used to battle they were more tamers than trainers at this early stage this was because pokemon weren't treated as much like a pet-like fashion but much more as a tool of battle considering if one looks at this early art of red in a pokemart you can clearly see pokemon caged up and even in a bottle but this doesn't even go to the full extent of it as some pokemon trainers in fact used whips to tame their pokemon at this stage of development which if we start off i'd like to present a very early sprite of the player character red who unlike his final tame art carries a whip and appears very serious in the sport of taming pokemon while in the final game the only people to carry a whip are team rocket grunts cool trainers and sabrina all of which either treat pokemon more as a business or take the sport way too seriously while here in this concert part we see red even facing a trainer who is whipping his pokemon mid battle to do his bidding now while we have a beta version of an existing trainer here a number of trainer classes that exist in the final game in fact replaced older ones altogether which we'll look at now the first one is one called student which was replaced by cool trainer female the pose still looks similar but this one looks a lot tamer without the whip next is firefighter a class that in no way exists in the final game but the internal data shows this was replaced by the psychic trainer class and one of the most interesting ones is one called shinjuku jack which was replaced by the juggler class while this class is strange on its own as it looks kind of like a robot the strangest thing about this class is that it has the name of a real-life city shinjuku in its name now as many of you know the kanto region is based on the real-life kanto region of japan and celadon city is in fact the equivalent to shinjuku so it is possible that shinjuku jack was in fact faced in celadon city now there are two other cut trainer classes here which is hard to say what they are exactly for some believe this one might have been a beta brock as his design looks a lot like brock except his hair isn't so spiky while with this one some believe it might have been your rival's brother based on a naming convention but nothing is concrete now the most interesting of these finds is a cut gym leader known as yujiro the artist sugimori released artwork of his original eight gym leaders in the order that you were supposed to face them the interesting part is that brock isn't the first gym leader in this but rather it is eugero it is very likely that eugeo was to be the viridian gym leader back then and thus you wouldn't have to skip over the gym just to come back to it at the end in fact to further link this to viridian gym let's compare his sprite to giovanni's sprite they have an eerily similar pose an expression at that too while the inspiration is clear one might even think that they simply aged up yujiro into this yakuza mafia boss while i have previously shown this in another video going further amongst the sugimori gym leader photos blaine is shown with his beta design as an older military man a design that stayed even into the manual of the first games and even in the anime and going to the last of the beta's gym leader order we can actually see that sabrina was originally meant to be the final gym leader of the batch considering giovanni didn't exist at this point either now rolling back to red he has a second sprite it's hard to say why there were two different sprites in the beta stage for him but it could be his sprite changes as you progress through the game or it's just a part of the opening animation for the game also we even have a matching backsprite for both of these sprites too up till now all these sprites and many others that i plan to introduce come from a leak of pokemon red and green introduced by the helix chamber and so with that leech we got this overall sprite sheet that includes a character that we've never seen before in fact if we compare it to red sprite it looks very similar almost like it's a female variant of him now while i have covered the cut female trainer extensively in a previous video it seems disney gave us a lot more insight on this matter originally in the concept arts of the game we saw a lot of red going about his journey but one other character also appeared prominently throughout these concept arts her design in fact matches up very well with the sprite here only further proving that a female playable character was indeed a thing she did of course eventually get a redesign to appear unique from red rather than be a female red in this case but even that variation was scrapped until it reappeared in let's go remakes but of course you all want to see the pokemon themselves i imagine while i have previously covered cut pokemon in a different video that happened during the stage which i highly recommend you check after this video this covers the beta version of existing pokemon which can look anywhere from kinda similar to absolutely different let's start off with venusaur which at this point was actually called by ivysaur's japanese name fushigiso which may indicate that the bulbasaur line may have been only a two-stage evolution at this stage and in comparison to the japanese only red and green releases it looks a lot more shriveled up hilariously when compared to the blue version that we got here it looks as if venusaur just got healthier and healthier but moving to clefairy it had at least two beta designs the first of which having got more simple and not so cute of a design which by 92 and 93 started to shape to look closer to the final design the interesting thing about this first design is that its design really feeds into the theory of gengar being clefairy's shadow especially with the beta design more or less having the same pose and shape too with that let's move on to gengar which while resembling beta clefairy not having signature green is the first thing that comes to one's mind which adds a further simplicity that beta clefairy also had they both definitely diverged by 92-93 once they started coming closer to their final designs now another with their mouth altered is grimer who lacks his happy open mouth and looking a lot sadder here in fact definitely starting to cheer up down the road which while the 9293 photo is blurry as can be there also does appear to be some indication of a mouth here but the next major design difference is spiro which at its earliest stage looks quite pudgy in comparison to its final slim build and in fact looks a lot more like a real life sparrow with that build which i always found the name kinda strange considering how its final form looked much like spear resembling its real-life counterparts seal also had a beta form that looked more like a real-life seal with its flatter body and many spots on its body too seems a trend happened to go further away from real life animals here considering both seal and sphero change but also a lot like spiro scyther in its beta form had a much chubbier body and looked a lot less menacing too while carrying a simpler design i'd be curious how this would have looked as a caesar now we come to cloister who in comparison to its final design looks as though it's missing its outer shell where all its large horns stick out then we get to the poliwag line while poly world looks more or less like its final incarnation poliwag is missing a part of its tale now polyrat however looks quite a bit different having what appears to be a mouth here and sporting a crown that looks a lot like the king's rock it's possible that the king's rock was in fact conceived based off this design in generation 2 that led to the creation of paulie toad now let's talk about gyarados it's already made out to be a scary sea serpent here it's what fuels nightmares with its circular body mouth and sharp teeth while lacking eyes easy to understand why it was changed considering it looked like a mythical sand worm except in water coming to lapras in its beta design it lacked ears and in fact this exists beyond sprite form 2 as we have a piece of concept art and of course we have dragon ear who while it is a similar shape was one solid color as opposed to its dual tone as it normally appears it also has scales coming down its back too personally it's a form i quite prefer as opposed to its elegant dragon snake form that we got in the final game now the next batch are rather similar to their final designs but have some major differences to them first off is nito king who while his sprite had him with his back facing the player shows a major difference of his tail having horns running all the way down as opposed to his final design having horns stopping at his back then we have like a tongue who didn't have its stomach stripes and its tongue seemingly split at the ends and quite a horrifying manner and much like liquor tongue arcanine also lacked its stripes tentacle had a very minor difference if one zooms all the way in they would see that it has a tiny mouth as opposed to the final games version which has no mouth and then we have ryhorn and rydon ryhorn has a much simpler design lacking much of its sharp body and looking much less menacing while rydon simply has a normal horn as opposed to its signature horn drill like the final version but the biggest difference to top all these is the weedle line while weido looked quite simple in comparison to its final appearance its evolutions were entirely different pokemon pretty much both kakuna and vedro looked a lot more cartoonish in fact kakuna had two arms coming from it from the get-go and i'm not sure if beedrill at this point was a bee even but more of a ladybug or even a cockroach with four hands imagine having a bug and fighting type in first generation while there are other pokemon designs from the earlier stages most are more or less one to one to their final designs now aside from trainers and pokemon the other major element is the overworld of kanto the maps they designed come in five stages originally it was a simple concept loosely based on the real-life kanto region except there was a desert there too at one point seems the variety was definitely going to be a more traditional jrpg at that point but the next stage comes in this very simple map design of how all the cities and maps are to be laid out very similar to the final games except there is an island smack in the middle which i have covered extensively in a previous video that i highly recommend you check out after this afterwards we have the first in-game map of the overworld which looks very archaic the routes all have their numbers placed right into the map using tall grass as well the sprite sets were very different at this stage with the overworld looking more like a traditional retro rpg actually there even isn't in at this point the maps overall were very simple and not a single cave was round two future city was also a bit longer with a dock area and that island from earlier had its first and only in-game map here too which contains the same truck from the saint anne's out of bound map where you would supposedly get mew a few strength on the truck and lastly comes the map that precedes the final games map and it's using the final tile set at last some cities and routes are unfinished here or just not simply made in fact to represent tall structures they simply stacked one story's houses on top of each other saffron city especially looks odd as it appears to have this massive island in the middle and everything between fuchsia city cinebar island and pallet town appears to be solid ground in this build rather than long stretches of water that we got in the final game now to end this let's go to the very beginning with the title of capsule monsters as mentioned capsule monsters was the original title prior to the change to pocket monsters due to trademark issues and so we have this clean image of the logo which clearly shows off what would become a pokeball later or rather it was a capsule that held pokemon back then but when it became pocket monsters it received a new logo that is still different from the final games looks more in line with the final style of the game however and sees rydon was going to be quite the titular character back then too which is no surprise as it was one of the earlier designed pokemon and with five years of development and numerous changes we got an industry defining game made all through trial and error and launching a craze to the world while there are features i would have loved to have seen such as the female trainer or cut ireland the final game's end results are a masterpiece while the last pokemon gen 1 video was a while back it definitely needed to be revisited again to truly complete what we set out to do if more pokemon generation 1 content comes to light i'll definitely plan to cover it otherwise generation 2 is upon us so hit the subscribe button for our plan to be back with more pokemon and other games cut content too hit the like button too and comment below on what beta designs you like best so everyone thank you for watching
Channel: The Obsessive Gamer
Views: 81,880
Rating: 4.9173865 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Yellow, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Leak, Pokemon Unused Content, Pokemon Cut Content, Pokemon Gameplay, Unreleased Pokemon, Hidden Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery, Pokemon Datamine, Video Games, Pokemon Blue theme, Pokemon Gen 1, Capsule Monsters, Pokemon news, New Pokemon, Nintendo, Game Boy, Nintendo Switch, The Obsessive Gamer, Professor Oak Battle, pokemon red and blue lost city, Pokemon Green, Pokemon Unused Music, Beta, pokemon sword and shield
Id: QxTSx2T1m6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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