Ranking ALL 271 Taunts in Super Smash Bros Ultimate

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there are a lot of taunts in super smash brothers ultimate each of the game's over 80 characters get three of them tied to either up down or left and right on the d-pad contact is small gestures meant to help express your character's personality and of course taunt your opponent with so many taunts though there was bound to be a quality difference between them so today we're going to be ranking all 271 taunts in super smash brothers ultimate there are several qualities that go into a good taunt its uniqueness how well it expresses the character and how well it acts as a taunt keep in mind that this video is just my opinion and speaking of which i know a few others have made videos similar to this but i don't think anyone has done a straight list format like i plan on doing in this video so that way there's reason to watch everyone's videos outside of just their differing opinions and trust me mine differ quite a bit since there's so many things to rank here i won't linger on each individual taunt for long most will likely just end up being a brief sentence or two at the end of the video i'm also going to average the placings of each character's taunts and then rank all of the characters based on their taunt average but if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like and subscribe to the channel if you want to see an even larger ranking than this one then at 100k i'm going to be breaking every moon of mario odyssey but without any more delay let's just jump right into ranking every single taunt in super smash bros ultimate now i'm also going to be splitting this video off into tier so that i could put tier list in the text so i could more easily organize my thoughts which means this is the beginning of our bottom tier so what's the worst taunton ultimate well that would have to go to dr mario's upton i have always hated this thing for one simple reason it looks like an idle animation you know what no even some idle animations look better than this if you did this in a match no one would even notice and this isn't even based on anything from dr mario either like what is he even stepping on so yeah this easily gets last place for having no origin and just being incredibly boring now these next two may be a bit controversial but i really didn't know what to do with them so snake has a taunt where he hides inside a box pretty neat stuff it's even able to hit opponents but actually all three of his taunts are just slight variations on the box this is an absolute waste of a character's taunts and while yes none of these individually are bad having nothing but this taunt is pretty terrible so what i decided to do is place two of them down at the bottom and place one of them where i actually think the box deserves to go that way snake's average taunt score isn't way higher than it should realistically be so snakes downtown will take 270 and his uptune will take 269. 268 dark samus downton this just looks exactly the same as her crouch with barely any difference if you did this to me in a match i'd think you're just crouching 267 charizard upton pokemon trainer is an interesting character there are actually 12 different taunts for them that i have to rank three for each of the pokemon and another three for the trainer himself so of those charizard's up taunt is easily the worst i mean what is he even doing 266 benja kazooie upton this is a very similar to dr mario's up taunt where it looks like it could be an idle animation this is a little bit more distinct though so it got the edge speaking of dock 265 dr mario down taunt this has the same problem being what looks like an idle animation also can i just say i hate that this is his downtown but his stomp is his up taunt like it definitely should be the other way around but whatever 264 donkey kong saitan it's another case of basically an idol animation in fact diddy kong basically has this as one of his 263 donkey kong upton our final idol animation looking taunt for now this is definitely the most distinct but really it's not great and our final bottom tier taunt number 262 lucina downtaunt i have always disliked this one yeah the reference of her mask is cool but it's really empty feeling since she doesn't say anything maybe if she got to keep the mask on after using the top this would be much better but as it is now i feel nothing towards it whenever i or someone else uses it and that knocks out our bottom tier let's move on to our low tier taunts 261 pit downton pitt just barely was able to scrape out a bottom tier purely due to this being tied to the palutena's guidance easter egg who is that purple guy i decided against including the taunts from palutena's guidance snakes kodak etc since it's stage dependent but i thought somebody would be mad at me if this was in bottom tier so i did move it off other than the easter egg this is the same problem of being far too quiet like lucinas 260 me got her saitonned this feels very weak overall and also prepare for a bit of a streak with arm and fist adjusting here 259 little maxiton this only barely got out of the idle animation curse by having the voiceline by doc lewis honestly he carries all of mac's taunts but sadly he only says something every once in a while if he said his voice line all the time max taunts would be significantly better 258 richter downtaunt prepare yourself very similar to mac though richter has the edge as he always says prepare yourself sadly though this is one of the most basic taunt lines but it still helps 257 mega man upton too idle feeling but i like the animation a little bit more than the last few you know what i've already said the word taunt over 50 times and i'm getting kind of sick of typing it and i'm sure you all are getting sick of hearing it so from now on i'm just going to say what direction the taunt is in anyway 256 wolf down this just looks really weird the animation is distinct which is why it's about the last few but it makes wolf look really stupid doesn't help that the noisy make sounds just as dumb 255 me brawler up animation is distinct just nothing special 254 by lithup this is kind of similar to the weapon adjusting ones we saw before but the small bit here at the end does help to stand out even if it is only a little 253 olimar up you can recreate this just by jumping who cares 252 pokemon trainer side this is another pretty basic nearly idle one 251 bowser jr side this is bordering on idol like though i do think it's unique enough to stand on its own 250 greninja's side similar reasoning to junior i think the animation here is worse but the sound green engine makes does make this a bit more distinguishable 249 cringe up a lot of characters have spent ons and this is easily one of my least favorites if you know me you could probably guess why 248 ivysaur up this spin is super basic as well though i do like it a smidge more than the last one 247 me gunner down like wolf this one just looks kind of stupid but it's not nearly as bad 246 fox side this is quickly approaching idle animation status but the animation is kind of neat looking so it got a small pass 245 squirtle slide this is another spin though i do think him doing it on his tail adds a tiny bit of squirtle flair to it though not a lot 244 duck hunt down this is another one that looks kind of dumb but it's at least a very distinct animation 243 bowser down this is one of the dumbest looking taunts on a character that's supposed to be pretty menacing for some reason my brother actually likes this taunt personally i think he's mentally insane hoping to get a replacement here soon 242 villager up nothing terribly exciting about this one especially since villager's other two taunts are much better 241 rosalina's side again another pretty uninteresting one it actually makes sound though so it got the edge over villagers 240 bowser up this features bowser snapping a spine in order to let out a roar i think this looks kind of dumb once again 239 sheep down it's just really nothing special 238 bowser jr up this isn't anything crazy but it's a neat little animation just don't do it with any of the other koopalings oh poor poor iggy 237 me sword fighter down this is just a worse version than 236 link down i've never really liked how this animation looked i can't really put my finger on it as to why i just think it looks a bit off 235 squirtle up all right we're definitely starting to pick up the pace here this is certainly an acceptable taunt but still nothing all too special 234 simon down the strike on the ground feels weaker than it really should otherwise it's fine 233 me swordfighter's side the animation here is pretty neat though still fairly basic the miis are definitely hard characters to work with since their animations need to apply to a ton of different possible characters so them generally being lower is understandable 232 terry down [Applause] compared to his other taunts this is easily the worst the animation is fine but once again it's pretty quiet 231 mithra side repair yourself this is our second prepare yourself taunt and trust me it's far from the last anyways i think mithras is on the weaker end since well i don't really know i guess i just don't like mithra much 230 me brawler's side fairly basic nothing else to really say 229 ridley's side this may be a bit low for some of you but i just really have a hard time seeing what he's actually trying to do here is it bad no certainly not but it's just nothing great t28 ivysaur psi this begins our trio of handstands it's mostly pretty basic and ivysaur falls down like a loser so this is the worst 227 duck hunt up another handstand but they don't fall so it's a bit better 226 chica easily the best of the handstand simply because hers looks the best and fits her character best as a ninja 225 lucario side i don't have a problem with this in concept but is it just me or does he have way less impact than he should like i don't know just feels like lucario isn't really putting in any energy whenever he throws this one out 224 daisy down works fairly well as a way to taunt your opponents though it is still a bit quiet and low energy especially compared to her other two 223 olimar down the spin here is kind of funny but again nothing special 222 yoshi up this is just inferior to his tail chasing one later so it took a big hit because of that 221 rob up similar reasoning to yoshi a decent top brought down a bit by having a significantly better version 220 king dedede down another spin though i like this one a bit more because penguin 219 olimar side him rolling on the floor does make this a bit more unique but still not anything i'd call necessarily good that means that olamar is our first character that we finished covering all of the taunts for does that mean he'll have the worst average overall though not necessarily so let's keep on moving 218 min men down these are some pretty basic poses though it works well with her unique arms 217 me brawler down this is going to be a lot lower but then i noticed that it kind of looks like he's doing the whiff and since my comedy is ruined i moved it up 216 captain falcon up this one is infamous for being just really mediocre compared to falcon's other two taunts that are fantastic genuinely if i ever see you doing this instead of the other two then i hope he goes straight to prison or gets sentenced to death either one anyways i did think this one was still fine so i moved it up from being borderline bottom tier but it's on some thin ice 215 piranha plant down it's another spin but i just like how happy he looks after it's done so it can help him move it up 214 ice climber up well yeah a hop is nothing special this is actually something taken from ice climbers so it has to move up at least a little 213 corn side i've made my choice you know what while we're at it 212 corn down are you ready and to 11 corn up my path is clear corn is just a boring character and all three of his taunts suffer because of it i don't feel anything towards them but i move them up a bit higher because i'm not ready to be executed by fire emblem weebs yet 210 bileth down try me in 209 by left side let the lesson begin i'm sorry fire emblem fans please have mercy well anyways that's it for our low tier so now we're moving on up to the low mid tier to await diddy kong sai the posing here was always weird and the sound was as well but i can understand why someone might like it 207 swore aside it's a fairly basic top but the animation here is simple and clean so i like it 206 meta knight down his voice line is a bit too quiet here but the animation is solid enough 205 crown down it will not fail basic fire emblem taunt but i like crown more than those other two mistakes 204 falco's side come on this is one of the many times to have the characters say come on this is definitely one of the weakest the animation just doesn't really leave much of an impact 203 chrome side come on similar to falco though i do like the animation here a bit more 202 rosalina down this is another fairly basic one the luma spin is pretty neat 201 min up pretty basic nothing much more to add 200 mr gamer watch out and 119 mr gamer watch side i like the sound effect that goes with these two though i'm not really a fan of them reusing the exact same idea twice to be fair there may not have been much to go off of but they definitely could have thought of something better than repeating the same one twice 198 lucario down this is just a fairly basic pose the animation is solid though nothing notable 197 greninja up same deal with lucario though i do think it fits greninja's character a bit better 196 incineroar side same deal as the last two but the posing with incineroar definitely makes the most sense 195 diddy kong down the clap is a good concept for him but the animation does feel a bit low energy honestly would have preferred if they just use the no contest clapping animation for this taunt because the clap here is honestly pretty funny 194 wolfside are you scared i like the idea of this taunt but the animation is too weak and the voice line is way too quiet for some reason 193 hero side this basically looks the exact same as his up smash so maybe you could trick someone into thinking you're doing that but it's really not that helpful oh yeah and now we're going to be on a long streak of characters raising their weapons into the air so get ready 192 ricked up it's time i think it's funny that this is basically just his render but other than that it's nothing special 191 simon up i like his slightly better than richter animation wise i'm definitely much more of a richter fan but it seems like simon definitely got the better deal with taunts overall 190 pokemon trainer up all right i think the animation is solid but nothing extraordinary 189 pokemon trainer down brief break from holding things up taunts but this one really isn't much of a quality difference from his last one so they make sense to me back to back 188 roy up this one just has more energy than the last few 187 young link up this one is above roy because i'm biased and like youngling better what are you gonna do about it commenters i already said that i'm biased now you can't even point it out to me in the comments like it's a bad thing all you could do is cry about it go ahead cope seethe mauled even oh yeah the ranking upper quarter 186 pit up come on his come on voice line while basic helps us stand out from the last few 185 sora up i was legally obligated by mickey mouse to put this one on top of the other racing weapon tons due to him cycling through different spells but with that we've reached the end of our little streak there 184 sonica i like the posey does after the flip but the sound he makes always sounded weird to me not to mention his other two taunts are significantly better 183 and sonora up the posing isn't too special but it fits him 182 dark samus up the animation isn't really that crazy honestly i just find it kind of funny looking though in a good way unlike wolf's monstrosity from earlier 181 ivysaur down the animation of him showing off his vines is pretty cool nothing special but i do like it 180 diddy kong up i like the animation but it's too quiet to really leave much of an impact 179 rob's side i like the animation but surprisingly it's nothing too special 178 min side you can sort of use it to fake out a grab but other than that it's nothing special 177 ike side prepare yourself a basic prepare yourself taunt but i like ike so he gets to move up a bit 176 robin tsai prepare yourself same exact quote but the animation is a bit more interesting 175 robin down you're not ready similar animation but the quote is unique so it got the edge 174 inkling down another one i like but it's nothing special 173 inkling side i like inkling's expression while doing this but other than that it's nothing special honestly it would have been really cool if the ink shot out from this taunt would actually stick to the opponent making this one of the few taunts with the hitbox 172 inkling up the animation on this one is a slight bit more interesting to me 171 villager side i really like this being a reference to the shrunk funk shuffle but it being silent just doesn't help it stand out much in a match not to mention how the dance is already sort of low energy oh boy time for another streak of similar taunts this time they'll be simply showing off their weapons 170 pyra down animation looks kind of wacky but the fire effects do help it a bit 169 link side pretty much the baseline look at weapon taunt 168 ike up it's the same as lynx except he lets out a little scream so it's better 167 ice climber side the animation and sound they make make this a bit more interesting than the last three 166 nest side the only reason i'm putting this above ice climbers is because it's kind of fun to loop it and using it after getting a kill with his forward smash is absolutely perfect just what if referred if it had some sort of noise that's the end of our brief weapon streak though there are still more taunts like this later on 165 rob down this is pretty much a better version than his uptaunt as i like the way his arms spin more rapidly here 164 mega man side animation is cool just a bit quiet 163 bayonetta side similar deal to mega man though this has a more in-depth animation 162 you myth her down her having a voice line really helps here apparently it's a reference to some line said by some characters in xenoblade 2 but unfortunately i'm not a loser and thus have never played xenoblade 161 joker down joker's animation isn't quite as good as say baoz but the ending pose is definitely the best plus morgana actually saying something does make this taunt a bit more memorable 160 samus side i was considering putting this with the weapon showcase ones but i did find the animation here to be a bit more interesting 159 villager down the animation here is really good it gives off the impression that he just doesn't care about taking your life at all sadly it's just really quiet but the animation definitely brings it up quite a bit 158 little mac up solid animation not quite as good as the last entry but it's still decent again though this will sometimes feature a voiceline from max coach doc lewis if he said something every time that this would have easily moved up to the next tier but as it stands this will be our last entry for the lower mid tier and thus we begin our true mid-tier honestly all the times from this point on are pretty solid heck even some of the ones in the last tier were as well it was really hard to rank all of these if you couldn't tell 157 cloud side the sound and effects are cool but the animation is just a bit weaker than i would have liked 156 hero up a sort of similar power up taunt we're going to be seeing a lot of these types of tots coming up though they're decently broken up so i hesitate to really call it a streak 155 me sword fighter up i don't know why i'm just a really big fan of how this animation looks 154 marth op this is it not exactly sure what makes me like this one more than the other hold weapons upward taunts i think i just like his voice line better than all the other ones but yeah it's still pretty decent 153 bandit aside unique animation but i'm just not a huge fan of it personally 152 pikachu up another gaining power taunt though i like him screaming his name along with it 151 nest down the animation is pretty cool it's just not horribly memorable either 150 zelda side the animation is pretty solid nothing much else to say 149 mewtwo side i love the purple effects and mewtwo is one of my favorite pokemon so that clearly helps despite that though 148 goes to lucario i just think the animation is a smidge better so he got lucky this time 147 lucas down realistically he should have been placed right next to ness but i don't know the way he strikes his hand down makes his animation have a lot more power behind it even if the concept isn't anything terribly unique 146 pichu easily one of my favorite power up with energy taunts however there was a huge missed opportunity here pichu's whole gimmick is of course damaging himself so if this taunt damaged himself as well that would have easily shot this up to being high tier 145 samusof similar to lucas this probably should have been placed much lower but the force of which she moves her hand makes this animation have quite a bit of power which i really like 144 incineroar down another fairly basic pose but it definitely fits on incineroar and is easily the best of his three 143 peach up the voiceline of her saying sweet helps a ton here it makes this top feel very mocking of your opponent which peach excels at doing 142 daisy up same reasoning as peach though i gave this one the edge because it kind of reminded me of christmas isn't a week 141 squirtle down great use of his shell which he surprisingly doesn't use in any of his other taunts 140 jigglypuff's side i just really like the animation on this one nothing much else to say 139 yoshisai the animation here is better than the last one and it even loops into itself incredibly well 138 joker side the pose is neat and the sound morgana makes is kind of funny 137 banjo-kazooie's side the animation is fine but what i really like is the ending pose 136 palutena you shall be purified the animation and voice line are quite unique and fitter pretty well pretty solid one here 135 pikachu side originally this is going to be a lot higher it's pretty good for being well a taunt and it fits pikachu well but listen again and see if you can tell why i moved this one down so much if you couldn't hear it the last pika gets cut off a smidge too early that makes this really weird and now it annoys me whenever i use it it was fine in the other smash games so i don't know why they had to ruin it here 134 steve side yes i like minecraft i'm biased hey by the way smashdev's team just as an idea steve should totally heal himself when he eats the stay that'd make the smash community enjoy steve a lot more i'm sure honestly i'm not even sure why people hate him now steve is awesome 133 meta knight oh honestly by itself i'm not a terribly huge fan of this one but on meta knight specifically this can actually be used to fake out him using dimensional cape due to the animations looking somewhat similar which can lead to some funny situations 132 fox up let's go similar deal with meta knight though this time this obviously looks similar to his up special i like the animation here better so fox will get the edge 131 zeros who sam is down the animation on this one looks really cool but the voice line never really fit for me maybe she says this in metroid but i've sadly never played the games before so i wouldn't know 130 chic side honestly this is probably way higher than it realistically deserves but that string sound makes me laugh every time it's just such a funny sound to me 129 we fit trainer up let's get a good stretch and 128 we for trainer side stretch those shoulders i like the voice signs of both of these obviously fitting the wii fit trainer's character nicely 127 me gunner up i just like the animation here though it's a bit quiet 126 samus down same idea as me gunner though the animation is a bit better 125 ice climbers down the spin is nothing too special but it loops pretty well 124 bowser jr down the animation on this one is pretty good and just like the meta knight and foxton we talked about earlier this can work as a fake out move as well this time for a side special 123 daisy side yeah i really like the animation ending pose and voiceline at the end this fits it easy pretty well honestly the only thing keeping this down is the fact that spinning taunts are so common 122 roy down it's hard for me to explain what i like about this phone exactly i guess it's just a really enjoyable animation 121 king dedede i like this one better than some of the other weapon displays taunts as he just looks incredibly triumphant when he does it which definitely fits his character and helps this taunt 120 king dedede's side i'm honestly mixed on which of these two i like better but i gave this one the edge because it's a bit more unique 119 king k roll down just a really solid animation 118 ryu down this is just a better version of the last one the stomp has a much larger impact and makes ryu seem all the more intimidating 117 zelda up the animation here is fun and my brother calls this the disney channel taunt which i thought was kind of funny 116 king k roll up 115 bowser's side and 114 piranha plant psi these three are all a series of chomps which i think fits each of the characters nicely i gave the edge to piranha plant because of his smirk at the end but they're all pretty solid 113 charizard's side i just like the way he flies around here nothing much else to say 112 lucy and aside i cannot lose the animation on this one isn't anything special though the voice line is pretty good 111 crumb up come at me 110 fox down come at me and 109 lucina up come at me all of these say come at me so they're pretty similar 108 sephiroth up sephiroth is the same as the last few but he says his voice line in japanese so it's automatically cooler 117 ken down bring it on conceptually this is the same thing but this one has a more unique voice line to bring it on which definitely helps this one stand out 106 wario side fits his character but i just enjoy his other taunts more 105 little macdown not only does this have my favorite animation of all of max taunts but this also features my favorite voice line from doc lewis as well again would have moved up if he was always there 104 simon's side just a really clean animation 103 ganondorf up i really like that this showcases his hovering ability and it fits his character perfectly 102 dark bit side the animation here is great and the voiceline is pretty good as well 101 we fit trainer down let's stretch our leg i like this better than her other taunts as the animation is obviously much more distinct with her getting on the ground big number 100 pac-man down another sort of going on to the floor taunts but i like this one more due to the sound effects and it fits better as a way to taunt your opponent making it seem like pac-man just doesn't think you're much of a threat at all 99 palutena down ready when you are the animation is somewhat weak but the voiceline here is great perfect to start out a match with or just generally be toxic 98 richter psy i'm just a really big fan of the ending pose here it's a bit quiet though and our final taunt of true mid-tier goes to 97 lucas up it conveys a smash character very well and the animation is perfect for him it's just not that horribly creative i still like it but i don't really think it deserves to be much higher than this kicking off our high mid tier we have 96 hero down it's a good reference to the iconic slime from the dragon quest series 95 tune link's side this is conceptually pretty similar to the last one however i like toon link's animation a bit more 94 kazia down the animation not only looks really cool but it can also be used to make someone think you're using one of his moves to turn him into his demon form like his up special or neutral special 93 greninja down this is one of the very few taunts that can actually deal damage to your opponents i always thought giving that property to this top specifically was kind of weird but it's nice to have this detail here regardless 92 robin up let's tip the scales this is a pretty iconic voice line for the character at this point and it's unique as well 91 banded up if you need to learn how to talk to a lady ask your mum this has what i'm pretty sure is the longest voice line for any taunt the animation on it is pretty in depth as well so i like this one 90. isabella and 89 isabelle's side there's just something so disrespectful about how isabel politely does both of these actions yeah they aren't the most insane animations in the world but they're pretty fitting taunts 88 yoshi down the animation on this pawn is pretty solid but what i find funny about this one is that it shifts yoshi's hurt box really far into the z-axis so stuff like this can happen [Music] 87 metro up and 86 pyra up this summons in rex and while he's annoying he's generally fine here pirates is higher because i find her less annoying 85 cloud down i think the animation on this works pretty perfectly after getting a ko though it is a bit quiet for me 84 pichu psi the animation is just really cute on this one 83 lucas psy i always thought this one was pretty funny it's a bit quiet but the animation is perfect 82 peach down continuing her streak of some pretty disrespectful taunts while her animation is nothing special the voiceline can really irritate someone which i think is perfect 81 sora down here we go honestly i'm not even sure why i like this one so much i guess i just like how happy he is 80. duck hunt side animation is perfect for a taunt but come on this really should have been a copy of his nes animation it's still good which is why it's high up but it definitely could have been better 79 zero suit samus side the voice line fits her well and the animation with their whip is pretty cool 78 pyra side you'll get burned the animation and voice line are pretty solid 77 is a bell down i just love the animation on the dance here she just looks so happy to have just murdered someone 76. steve up considering how many times everyone who's played minecraft has done this exact same thing i'm really happy that i got in as a taunt it's nothing crazy sure but i'm biased so i don't care 75 kazuya up while the animation isn't too dramatic his facial expression makes me laugh every single time the way he just looks so proud of himself is perfect 74 link up the animation on this is just very clean nothing much more to add 73 youngling psy i love this reference to this piece of artwork from majora's mask the animation in the game is really nice looking as well 72 mewtwo down i like how he stares at the screen to show off his psychic power it's once again nothing too special but i'm a personal fan 71 ganon side he looks 100 confident that he's about to destroy whoever his opponent is and it fits him perfectly i also like the effects they put on his hands 70 dark pit uh and 69 dark pit down both of these are fairly similar the animations on each are solid but the voice lines here really sell it 68 charizard down another sort of intimidating taunt i like this one a lot since it just fits being on charizard but what i'd like even better is 67 ridley up the sound effect on this one is phenomenal really makes this even more scary than it already was 66. marth down keep your eyes open the animation is nothing too special but i've always been a fan of the voice line here it's pretty unique and fitting as a taunt 65 ryu up come on another come on taunts but i really like ryu's line delivery here and the animation is more unique than the others are making me a fairly big fan of this one 64 pikachu down the animation is incredibly well done and not having the voiceline cut off is a huge plus 63 dark sam aside animation is really good here the way she lazily floats around with the blue particles makes this one stand out a lot 62 tune link down this is the exact opposite of the low energy spin from dark samus but that's what makes it so iconic and funny this fits toon lake's more expressive personality perfectly 61 meta knight's side fight me another sort of take on the command taunts but the unique line here really makes it stand out i've always liked mennonite's voice and smash as well so that gave this a huge boost 60 roy sighed i won't lose and 59 marth's side i won't lose i think this type of line works really well as a taunt it's especially good after making some sort of huge comeback and evening up the game again i play smart tire since i like his animation a bit more than roy's 58 king k rool side i like how this displays his belly armor really fits the character 57 sonic down come on probably our five billionth taunt to say come on but the animation here is just far too good for me to pass up maybe if the line was more original it would have jumped up a bit 56 kirby side sure may just be a spin but it goes on for so long that it loops perfectly into itself and can be chained into any of his other tans so i'm actually a pretty big fan of using this one even if it's only a starter that leads into the other two 55 falco down hands off my prey in 54 falco up piece of cake the animations and voice lines are pretty perfect here for falco and work greatest taunts 53 luigi's side this is a pretty iconic taunt for him even being used as inspiration for a smash 4 render it's pretty wacky which fits luigi the loser pretty well 52 kirby up great reference to probably kirby's most iconic pose and it doubles as a pretty good taunt as well 51 mr gamer watch down the perfect taunt to use after taking a stalk animation and especially the sound effect are great here the top 50 begins with shulk up now it's short time this has become a pretty iconic taunt at this point i never quite found it as funny as some others do but i still like it 49 terryside the animation itself isn't really that original but the voiceline here is definitely pretty unique making this one stand out to me speaking of standing there 48 ridley down realistically should this be placed this high no it's pretty quiet and simple all things considered but just saying ridley stand over all of his opponents is just so funny the way he stands too makes this even funnier definitely a really good one 47 jigglypuff up the animation and line delivery are really good here i especially like when she puffs up at the end and for a final taunt of the high mid tier we have 46 zeros who sam is down animation isn't anything too special but the voice line is fantastic for taunting your opponent you could definitely get someone to rage quit using this and now it's time for our high tier starting off with 45 mario down fantastic reference to mario's iconic death animation the way this one plays out is also just super funny to me and works in so many different scenarios i think this fits best whenever either you or your opponent sds as well this is a death animation speaking of a reference taunt none is more in depth than 44 pac-man op every single time you use it a different sprite from a namco game will appear in pac-man's hand while sure the animation isn't anything too special and it doesn't work quite as well as a taunt i had to at least respect the amount of effort that went into making each of these different sprites appear they even each get a special sound based on the game they're from 43 ganondorf down unlike the other display weapon taunts this one is a display to ganon himself it looks almost as though he's looking at his sword after he just massacred someone with it i'm going to be honest me writing that description made me move this up like a hundred spots 42 sonic side sonic speed obviously the way it is now is great though if it kept the you're too slow boys lane from brawl this would have easily been top tier 41 wolf off the how sound effect here is so incredible the animation is fine but the howl brings us up to high tier alone 40 ryu side talk is cheap like the last one the animation is decent but the voiceline here is fantastic it's a really unique one and great to use against anyone who keeps complaining about how they're playing bad because their controller is drifting or because their shield did not come up or because someone broke it to their home or whatever reason what's even better than this one though is 39 ken side get serious the animation is smidge better and i like the line here just as much 38 pit side once again another pretty toxic one though this one is more so and i just like how pit delivers his line more 37 tune like off obviously they had to give him the wind waker somewhere and they use it perfectly here the animation and sound effects are great i especially love how it ends with the pose from wind waker's cover 36 young link down this is pretty similar to the last one though this time it's referencing lonlon milk instead i just like the concept of this one better i am a bit sad that it was shortened by so much i mean it used to last for like three years in melee but regardless i like this a lot 35. pac-man's side it would have been a crime if one of his taunts didn't represent the classic look and this absolutely delivers with sound effects and all 34. mega man down well yes it's basically the same as a stage entrance this is still a unique taunt concept and used only on mega man so i like it a lot 33 mario size g i wonder why i like the taunt referencing super mario odyssey it's definitely not because it's my favorite game ever made or anything no that'd be ridiculous you all in your conspiracy theories get out of here anyway 32 wario down really good animation and perfectly fitting for getting that dub 31 shulk side i'm really feeling it and 30 shulk down it seems like liking the monado's power taunt is his best is a bit of an unpopular opinion personally i think it's the most fitting line but the others are great as well 29 steve down i mean this had to be here it's just way too iconic crouch spamming is the most popular form of minecraft communication so it would obviously have to be here yeah that seems right 28. palutena side her laughing at you in this taunt is just super disrespectful making it absolutely perfect as well 27 sephiroth's side i've always loved the pose of this one which is based on how he stands in final fantasy vii 26 carry up hey come on come on and 25 captain falcon side both of these are my favorite form of the sword of commodons purely due to the line delivery on both of them 24. sephiroth down this is the absolute best taunt to use after getting a spike i mean come on he just stares down into the abyss where he just sent you can't see how anyone could dislike this 23 peach side probably the single most annoying taunted not only in ultimate but the entire series since this is a video about ranking taunts that's actually a good thing so keep it up i guess 22. luigi the way he just jumps between the different poses is so funny and unique the sound luigi makes is great as well and each individual pose fits his character perfectly they're all even based on different poses from the mario series really happy with their creativity here 21 joker up looking cool joker the quote looking cool joker will live on it infamy forever and i for one am all for it twenty piranha plant up an amazing way to reference their classic appearances and the sound effects really go a long way in making this the perfect taunt for this character 19. wario up i love this animation so much and the laffy does is so good as well 18. pichu down even with wario's funny animation i think i like peaches just a bit better he just looks like he's enjoying your misery so much here 17 wario yep this is the one unique taunt i decided to include basically if you taunt with wario while he's on his bike he'll do this i decided to include it since it can be done on any stage as compared to palutena's guidance taunts and whatever else if you ever get a kill while doing it then there's nothing else that can really top it and our final high tier taunt goes to 16 banjo and kazooie down i decided to limit the top tier to the top 15 so this only barely missed out but this is still fantastic there's really no reason to ever use banjos with their taunts because of this but that's enough delay let's get right into the top tier kicking us off here we have 15 ike down there's no other way for me to describe this other than it's just really cool i mean snapping his weapon into the ground after a game just goes so hard 14. cloud op i'm a really big fan of how this is animated it's based on the victory animation from final fantasy vii and yeah this feels pretty victorious 13. mewtwo's this might be a bit high for some of you but the way he mockingly laughs at his opponents as he spins around makes this another one that i absolutely love it really adds to mewtwo's character 12. jigglypuff down this is one of the most unique taunt animations in the game it references her being a balloon pokemon and the sequence as a whole is phenomenal 11. snake side we already saw this before so here's where it would actually be placed 10 mario up yeah this might be a bit too high for a lot of you but i don't know i just really love this one a simple thumbs up just fits so many different situations and mario does it perfectly although we do also have nine kenob while i like mario's animation better ken's little yeah sells this one for me not to mention it has also become a meme because it's always beside totally real leagues look at this one i just found eight dr mario's side i have just always loved this animation it's been one of my favorite taunts ever since i started playing the series and thank god because dr mario really needed a good taunt after whatever the heck his other two were seven causey aside this is another one that deals damage but this time it actually does quite a bit and can even kill i really like trying to combo kazuya's whatever this move is called into it six zelda down i mean come on this is the definition of disrespectful her waving away her opponents is made even better by the little laugh she gives out as well plus you're already annoyed because you're fighting against zelda so this just adds to the annoyance even more fantastic taunt but now we've reached our top five starting out with five nasa okay this is one of the most iconic taunts in the series well honestly all five of these are the animation of him facing down the camera and nodding is great four kirby down for a similar reason to nest i love the animation here this is less so annoying and more supposed to be a happy little greeting but using this at any point aside from the start of a match can really annoy your opponent it also fits kirby too well with him being naively innocent oh and i also love looking back at my ancient smash 4 videos and seeing me playing god awful just to taunt my opponents after the asd three donkey kong down best facial expression out of any taunt it's not even close i have no idea how donkey kong is the only character with a taunt like this but maybe just because they already perfected it with him there's never not a good moment to throw this one out and of course donkey kong is inherently a funny character anyways 2. captain falcon down soviet moves i mean what is there to really say about this taunt that hasn't been said before it's the most iconic taunt in the series it's even got a second animation for it if you're looking away from the camera i love the animation i love the line it's just perfect but of course well maybe the most predictable number one of all time luigi's downtaunt the animation by itself is perfect for him like even without the thing that makes it special this already would have been a high tier taunt but this isn't the most infamous taunt for no reason see it's also one of the few with the hitbox but not just any hitbox a spike and an insanely strong one at that there is nothing more disrespectful than landing this move on your opponent in a match sure kazuya can kill but luigi's murders it only has two active frames meaning your timing has to be absolutely perfect but that's what makes the legendary moment you hit it all the more exciting now wait just a minute we aren't done if you remember at the beginning of the video i said that i'd be taking every character's average placing and then rank each character in order for overall best and worst taunts the larger the number the worse their taunts generally are i'm just going to have each of their scores scroll on screen so we'll go through this pretty quickly honestly the list here wasn't too terribly surprising overall i didn't expect mimbrawler to take last place but i knew he'd be low since all of the miistans are mostly pretty generic it was also funny that we got a few tied characters like krom and england as for the characters at the very top everyone there makes total sense we only had 28 characters with an average taunt ranking under 100 so i considered those the high tiers from there we had an even smaller amount that had a score less than 50 only 5 characters in fact those being wario kirby shulk mario and of course luigi taking the number one spot on both the best overall taunts and the best taunt list i may definitely prefer mario over him but just this once luigi gets to say he beats mario just this once but anyways that's it for this incredibly long video do you all think greninja's head shake taunt is actually the greatest in existence and hate me as a person for ranking it so low let me know in the comments honestly i was surprised by just how much fun i had putting this list together if you did enjoy this video make sure to leave a like and subscribe to the channel so that i can make more videos like this in the future but anyways dry bones for smash and i'll see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Odyssey Central
Views: 273,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super smash bros ultimate, smash ultimate, super smash bros, smash bros, smash ultimate tier list, ssbu, smash ultimate all characters, smash ultimate all taunts, super smash bros ultimate all characters taunts, ranking all taunts in smash ultimate, smash ultimate taunt tier list, odyssey central, smash ultimate dlc, smash ultimate 271 taunts, every taunt in smash ultimate, all taunts, all taunts smash ultimate, smash ultimate characters
Id: KBzI9O0bn14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 46sec (2506 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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