Ranking EVERY Item in Super Smash Bros Ultimate!

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the Super Smash Bros series is known for its large amount of content in the form of its characters stages music and so on one aspect of the series that is often overlooked though are the items that's because a lot of players including myself prefer to play with them off but that's not to say that they aren't a good addition to the game in Super Smash Brothers ultimate there are just over 80 items that come from the several franchises represented in the game with all of them turned on they can cause a match to quickly become chaotic as many of these items are quite powerful however not every item is as powerful or as fun to use as one another so today I thought it would be fun to rank every item in Super Smash Bros ultimate from the worst to the vast now how am I going to be ranking each of these well I mainly just want to look at how fun the item is to use that means that generally stronger items will be higher but that won't always be the case as some weak items can be quite fun whereas some strong ones can feel quite lame to use hopefully that isn't confusing I should mention that this list of items comes from this screen right here items exclusive to characters like Rob's gyro won't be included also most of my experience with these items come from my speed runs of ultimates classic mode so don't be surprised if that affects my opinion a bit but with all that said if you enjoyed this video May make sure to leave a like And subscribe to the channel and let's jump right into our worst item I hate this stupid mushroom okay okay number 82 the Ramblin mushroom or whatever this thing sucks basically when it spawns it'll just walk around the stage if you accidentally attack it it'll put a mushroom on your head which may not seem bad but it actually reverses your controls not only is this thing headache inducing but people can also pick up this item and make the mushroom spawn in your head that way on top of that remember how I said most of my item time comes from my classic Mode speedruns well not only is this next to useless on computers I mean they're not just gonna start slipping around all over the place but the item is effective on me because I do slip around with it on my head this is the absolute worst item to see spawn during classic Mode run that has made me irrationally angry just seeing it I'm sure most of you are just gonna comment skill issue and you're right but this is my list and I really just don't like this thing but alright from here on the list is probably going to be a bit more of what you would expect 81 the healing field and while we're at it 80 the healing Sprout these are smash original items and will heal any player that is either in the field or has the Sprout attached while I don't have any problems with healing items I mean we'll see quite a few later these have one crucial issue the fact that it heals everyone sure the person who picked it up can place the item in a more advantageous spot for them but considering the healing field stays around for so long it's not unreasonable to believe someone could just run up to it during inspiration additionally since these will be spawning in item matches standing in one spot is a really bad idea since you lose the chance to get items from Elsewhere on the stage so while these are definitely much less frustrating than that mushroom monstrosity these are probably much more useless 79 the smoke ball have you ever seen a piranha plant main think they're so clever by using their smoke cloud to conceal themselves doing downbeat while this item is basically that gimmick but for any character its usefulness varies based on what character has it equipped but let's be real this isn't really that helpful at all in the chaos of an items match this just adds a slight bit more noise and just isn't that exciting so I think most people will agree it belongs pretty low 78 the blast box this one may be a bit controversial but I just don't really like using this thing it basically acts as an explosive that will explode when attacked well that may sound fine it's way more durable than it should be meaning it takes forever to explode since you can't really throw it at anyone either everyone can just step back yeah it explodes faster when exposed to fire but that's far too little to save this 77 the motion sensor bomb this will stick to any surface and if anyone touches it it explodes well certainly the most usable item we talked about so far this is a similar flaw that the healing field did the fact that it kills anyone now obviously the one who placed it will have the advantage of knowing where they did but if anyone is paying attention so will they I will say this does have a slight Niche use in the training mode where you can place it on the ledge to practice snapping to it instead of going above but since this video is talking about items and matches yeah this is pretty underwhelming 76 the yunira this comes from clue clue land and when thrown will stick to a surface and extend its spikes while it does have a few Niche uses it's generally pretty easy to avoid since it's small 75 the back Shield this comes from the Kid Icarus series and puts a shield on your back while this is definitely the most useful item we've seen so far it's also just not very exciting remember this video is about how fun I item is and this being purely defensive doesn't make me super excited to see it I'm sure people will disagree but I've just personally kind of man on this item also coming from categoris we have 74 the laser eye this will consistently shoot out small energy balls from its eye this is really just a minor annoyance but it's made even more pathetic by the fact that it can actually be turned around by attack so opponents could just stand on the other side that isn't attacking 73 the black hole this will pull all opponents and items nearby toward the center of it this can leave opponents pretty vulnerable to attacks but there are two major downsides here one people are still active while stuck in the black holes so they can just dodge secondly since this will also pull in items as well the person stuck can basically get free access to a very powerful item the black hole is still somewhat neat it's just got a lot of flaws holding it back 72 the banana this is our first item that can actually spawn even with items turned off of course that's what Diddy Kong's down special so this is an item everyone is pretty familiar with it will cause anyone who walks over it to comedically trip well this is certainly a powerful tool in the competitive scene in terms of items this is actually on the weaker ad getting a chance to attack your opponent can be helpful near the end of a stock sure but the other items are just simply a lot more exciting 71 the Freezy coming from Mario Bros this will encase anyone in a block of ice that comes in contact with it it's basically just another stun for a free attack item but I like this a bit better than the banana because the ice effect is much rarer than the trip effect 70 the pow block also coming from the Mario Series this can be used three times and will damage anyone that's on the ground when activated while the multiple uses are nice I feel like it's just a bit too easy to avoid I don't think they should change the item at all considering this is basically a one-to-one recreation of how a padlock works but as an item in Smash it's only really okay 69 the sand pack this is one of the most famous smash original items this is the poor thing that gets beat up in the Home Run contest while him being in that mode is obviously really cool I'm not considering it for the list in the normal smash mode you basically just beat it up to get items which is kind of hard to do in the chaos of an items match the items it drops can be pretty strong though so I did decide to bring it above the last few entries speaking of item containers 68 the container now this is technically a group of items consisting of the crate rolling crate Barrel capsule party ball and grass now why these were all combined into one I have no clue since some can act quite differently so you know what let's really quickly do a Super Smash Brothers ultimate it's all containers ranked if you enjoyed this video please make sure to leave a like subscribe six the crate it's very basic by the barrel it's basic but round for the grass I like how it's a reference to Super Mario Bros 2. 3 the capsule it could sometimes be an explosive which is funny to The Rolling crate it saved my speed run one time and got me a world record it's also fun to stand on top of and finally won the party ball the reason it's my favorite is because it could sometimes sound like five of bombs which is very chaotic hopefully that satisfies all you container fans 67 the rocket belt this lets you fly pretty much forever which is nice for recovering but it's really not that exciting of a night up the rocket Bell also takes away your character's double jump which makes doing aerial combos with his super annoying it's definitely more of a help than a hinderance but having a downside isn't really something I'm looking for in a good item 66 the bumper okay realistically this should have been a lot lower but I do have a lot of fun using this basically anyone who touches it will be bounced away it's not really strong and it affects everyone which should mean it's bad but I don't know I just kind of have fun comboing off it 65 the fire flower this is probably the most okay item in the game it just spits out fire in front of the player at a constant rate it does a decent amount of damage but isn't anything crazy I'd probably like it less but come on I'm the Mario guy and it's a Mario item I kind of have to like it 64 of the fairy bottle this will heal the player of 100 sounds pretty good right like the Zelda series this won't activate until after you've already taken the damage so at any point before then you kind of just have to hold on to it which is a bit of a hassle plus several characters can kill well before 100 especially with items on so having to wait till that point to heal can be a bit rough it's still good if you get to that point though so I think it still works 63 the Deku nut this also comes from the Zelda series and I was honestly going to put it lower on the list at first this could be used to stun opponents like a shield break though only works if they're grounded it does also have a timer for some reason so if you don't get rid of it quickly it'll explode in your hands I don't really feel like that was necessary so it brings down the item a bit but the sun use is pretty helpful 62 the raygon this is also just a pretty okay item it deals a small amount of damage but the lasers are pretty quick to shoot it's not the most exciting item ever but it's certainly worth picking up if there's nothing else 61 the boomerang this comes from the Mario series and is another pretty simple projectile I'd say the boomerang is better for two reasons one Mario and two it could be hard to dodge because of how Wild Leah flies having a match with just boomerangs on it's also some pretty chaotic fun alright let's do our three remaining healing items really quick 60 the food 59 the maximum tomato ERM is actually the maxim tomato shut up in 58 the heart container these three just heal anyone who picks it up and while yes that is of course very helpful it's not very exciting or fun which is the main thing this video is based on it can cause some fun scrambles to pick up though so I'd say it's worth placing them around here on the last 57 the soccer ball this is one of the most unique items in Smash is it's actually not one you pick up rather you attack it and it'll go flying towards your opponent but no picking it up thing can be a bit hard to work with but man doesn't feel satisfying to actually hit someone with if it was just a bit easier to use it'd likely be a bit higher but this is still pretty solid 56 The Killing Edge somehow being our one and only item from Fire Emblem this is pretty much the most basic battering item in the game does decent damage and is decently quick but it's really nothing special the double damage sound effect is pretty great though so I will give it that 55 the Star Rod this item comes from the Kirby series and I've honestly never really been the biggest fan of it sure can shoot out a star automatically making it more interesting than our last item but something about this just makes me not like it as much as the future battering choices it's still iconic enough to be an item and I am glad it's here but maybe I could just use a bit of a damage buff in the future 54 of the superstars sticking with the star theme we have one of the Mario series most iconic power ups this makes anyone who picks it up completely Invincible now at first this sounds really good right well it is but whenever it's in play it just evolves the match into running away until it runs out so it's honestly kind of foreign if this also gave the person who picked it up a speed boost similar to accelerado on hero then this would be a much higher placing item 53 the drill if you hit your opponent just right it'll carry them off the screen completely it's a bit tricky to do that though but luckily the handle for the drill also acts as a pretty strong throwing item as well from this point on the flaws in these items are definitely getting to be much smaller 52 the rage Blaster this is basically Lucario if you turn him into a God as your damage goes up the damage you deal with the gun will also go off that does make it kind of to use early into a stock but man is it fun to use when it starts getting more powerful 51 The Beehive and 50 the cucko these will both swarm whoever gets hit by them which will deal constant damage and can open them up for attacks while far from the craziest items they can still be quite fun to mess around with I'll put the cutcos from Zelda higher as they're a bit more iconic than the Animal Crossing beehive but both are still fun to use 49 the curry so this basically does the exact same thing as a fire flower from earlier but there's one major catch instead of acting as an item you pick up this is actually a food you eat this leaves the fire in front of you and allows you to do a tax while it's active again it's not the craziest or most powerful item but it can definitely set up for some pretty deadly attacks also I didn't know this before getting footage but look at Pac-Man's eyebrows after he eats a curry it's just gross 48 the super Leaf this gives anyone who picks it up the ability to float like Peach and Daisy to be honest if I was good this would probably be much higher because giving any character the ability to float is insane but sadly I don't feel like laughing super Leaf combos if anyone does though and thinks this is the best item fair enough I'm sure you could probably do some really cool things with this most people just use it as a basic recovery installing tool though which it works great for but the float combo potential is really what brings it up so high 47 death sight well it spends most of its life well I don't think life is the best word well it spends most of the time being a basic battering item it eventually gains the ability to instantly KO opponents the percentage required is different for if it's used as a smash attack or tilt but it's generally between 70 and 100 while it is cool for that percent range it's kind of lame for the rest of the time so it's just kind of an average item for me 46 the timer this will slow down opponents leaving them very open for Combos and deadly attacks this can be extremely fun to try and use while people can still Dodge during it there's generally enough time to still attack them afterwards sadly in my classic Mode speedruns this item is completely useless since slowing things down is generally not what you want to do in a speed ride and normal smash matches though this is great so I have to give it credit there 45 the fake smash ball and 44 the poison mushroom now I know some people are going to heavily disagree with these two but let me explain these will both actually hurt the person who uses these either dealing massive damage or making them tiny I just think having trap items that look like really powerful items is a cool idea yeah yes these do technically suck to use as they actively hurt you but I think their addition is a fun one so I couldn't bring myself to put them lower they're also both very well implemented looking similar enough to their main counterpart to possibly trick people not looking closely 43 the sticky bomb this is basically just Mega Man's side special but turned into a night off explosions are cool so I like this 42 the bomb chew ticket from the Zelda series this is also an explosive item that goes along surfaces while it is small it can be pretty fast making it definitely a fairly solid attacking item 41 the green shell this is a pretty standard throwing item dealing a solid amount of damage if it comes into contact with someone this does have the additional functionality of being able to be jumped on which is a neat little reference no way mirror show jump 40 Mr Saturn this is another one of the few items I could spawn during an actual match this time he can be rarely pulled from Peach's down special that's kind of weird considering he's from Earthbound and peaches from the Mario series but regardless this guy is a pretty interesting use being able to instantly break any shieldy touches in a normal match this is almost always a guaranteed death let alone one with items so it's safe to say this is fairly powerful of course if your opponent knows how to play around it then the effects can be nullified but just having a Mr Saturn can cause people to Shield less making them overall more vulnerable 39 the metal box this makes anyone who has this equipped heavier and fall faster seeing as this comes from one of my favorite Mario games I like this quite a bit and I think it was well implemented the metal effect is also cool to see on every character Steve is especially funny to look at the fast falling thing can be a bit of a downside but I do still like it regardless 38 the screw attack this turns anyone's jump into samus's up special not only that but you can actually act after the attack as well which can lead to some pretty interesting combos it does make certain standard combos slightly more difficult but overall I still have a lot of fun messing around with this thing 37 the bunny Hood this comes from Majora's Mask and won't boost the speed and jump height of anyone who wears it this could be pretty powerful especially in an item matches it lets you more easily reach items that are farther away it does make short hopping to hit grounded opponents more difficult but it's definitely an overall upgrade 36 Bullet Bill this pretty much works exactly how the item does in Mario Kart turning the user into the bullets and launching them in any direction they choose the knockback people hit with this item receive is very powerful making this item quite deadly so sadly the deadliness goes both ways as you can easily kill yourself by overshooting that does make sniping far away opponents a bit more exciting though so this item is still a lot of fun alright time to run through a few battering items 35 the beam sword this is another item that can appear in standard smash matches is what I would say if they didn't remove it in melee and brawl Peach can pull this with their down special being your by far rarest pull that only a one in 768 chance in melee and a 1 480 chance in Brawl I'm not sure why they removed it because this is honestly really fun but anyway the beam sword is just a pretty powerful and long-reaching sword it's also based on the lightsaber from Star Wars and since I like Star Wars well I liked five of the main movies I guess the others are kind of somehow Palpatine returns well I like lightsabers so this is cool 34 The Ore club and 33 the Fire Bar these are both much stronger battery items which can easily lead to early kills or clubs from Kid Icarus and is able to spawn in a tornado personally though I prefer the Mario Fire Bar which shrinks after a few uses that's probably just Mario bias speaking though 32 the lightning coming from the Mario Kart Series this will cause every one in the match except the one who touched it to shrink while this use is extremely powerful it can actually backfire rarely it can cause the person who touched it to shrink or it can even cause everyone else to grow instead of shrinking while it can backfire I don't really know it's not like it can in the Mario Kart Series so this seems like a weird thing to implement while that definitely makes the item worse I still think it's overall worth picking up because the reward is very big if it's successful which is most of the time 31 the steel diver coming from the franchise of the same name this turns the submarine into a gun which is already a pretty cute idea the gun is also very fun to use as well shooting out many Torpedoes in front of it but moves slowly at first before gaining a ton of speed which is pretty interesting to work with it's not the most powerful item in the world but it is still quite fun alright on to our top 30 which I think are really the items that everyone will be scrambling to collect as soon as they spawn on screen these are all extremely powerful and for the most part some of the most fun items to use in the game starting off we have 30 the Beetle and 29 the Galaga these will both grab onto an opponent and drag them up into the top lasso of the two the beetle is probably the most powerful but I like Galaga just a bit more because I think the changing background is a really cute detail 28 the special flag this is one of the absolute most powerful items in the game giving the player who used it an entire extra stock it's not as free as just picking it up though instead you have to hold the flag over your head for a few seconds until it gives you an extra light this can create some very intense scenarios where everyone tries to stop someone from using it I'm not sure if I'd call the item necessarily exciting by itself which is why it's not at the very top but it's still certainly good enough to place this High 27 the gust Bellow I'm sure by just uttering this item's names several character Mains have just begun having heart attacks it's okay this item will create a massive gust of wind in front of it easily pushing off anything that gets in its way for some characters this item can very easily kill them at zero such as Ike chrom and others with mediocre to even pretty decent recoveries if this was a power ranking this item would be near the top of the list but I just can't really bring myself to move it up higher than this more than any other item in the game this one sort of feels like cheating there's seriously nothing some characters could do against this so it doesn't really feel great to kill with I'm sure people will disagree but to me this probably is the most overtuned item in the game 26 the Franklin badge this one is nice and simple just reflecting any projectile that comes in contact with the person wearing it while this would already be powerful in normal smash matches this is made even more powerful than item battles since the majority of items have projectile properties the only thing holding this back from being higher is the fact that it's not as exciting as the other items higher up and attentive players can avoid its effects 25 the banana God this is one of the funniest item Concepts where you shoot out a deadly banana and cause a pretty high damaging explosion to anyone it contacts as another small bonus you even get the banana peel after the trip at people this is certainly one of my favorite items added to Ultimate 24 the launch star this is probably the least powerful item in the top 30 but it more than makes up for that with how fun it is to use just like in Mario Galaxy this will launch opponents caught in the star in the direction it's facing this can only be a pretty powerful KO tool but it's also a lot of fun to use to extend combos mastering this item feels super satisfying I really like it a lot I still think Mario galaxy is the worst 3D Mario don't get it twisted 23 the staff this is another Kid Icarus item and it will shoot out a horizontal beam across the entire stage and the farther away the opponent that gets hit is from the user the more damage a knockback they'll take its Effectiveness greatly varies based on the stage as larger stages will make this significantly more powerful sniping people from the entire stage length away is always a lot of fun so it's safe to say I enjoy this item quite a bit 22 the lipstick this is another battering item but it has the additional effect of adding a flower onto anyone's head who's been hit this will deal constant damage until the flower eventually falls off sure it's not super complex but it's a great item regardless 21 the pitfall just like in the Animal Crossing Series this will allow you to set up a trap anywhere on the stage if an opponent walks over where you placed a pitfall they'll be be buried into the ground and left open for an attack what makes this better than some of the other stun items you mentioned before is the fact that once it's placed it's completely invisible making it very easy to lose track of oh additionally this is a special use for anyone who hits in the air as it will actually act as a spike this is my personal favorite way to use the item while it's definitely challenging it just looks so cool hitting someone out of the air and sending them straight downward alright our next four items are different explosives being 20 the x-bomb 19 the hawk Tate 18 the bomb and 17 the smart bomb each of these all work a bit differently but the concept Remains the Same the x-bomb is my least favorite of the 4S it's definitely the weakest but it more than makes up for that and the sheer range the fire pillars reach the hot tape produces a massive explosion though it is after a few seconds giving people the chance to escape a bit it does have the additional benefit of carrying people up to the Blast Zone by itself though which is always funny the bomb is pretty much as basic as you'll get for an explosive which means it's pretty great finally the smartpa bomb is my favorite since it has a big branch and lasts for a while meaning it's very easy to catch people with it or simply knock them into it all four of these items are some of the most chaotic in the game which I really appreciate 16 the Daybreak this is the first of two items that require three pieces to be collected I always thought this was a cool gimmick as it makes players even more desperate to pick up the items to stop people from getting them of the two I definitely think the Daybreak is a bit Lamer just being one massive laser beam but it certainly got the power to justify Landing high on this list oh and it's also our final Kid Icarus item I really did not realize how many items came for this franchise 15 the blue shell this works exactly like it does in the Mario Kart series flying over the player that's currently in first place and eventually striking them in a massive explosion this item is really powerful in the context of Smash because it takes no effort to aim whatsoever and the payoff is enormous if the player who's in first place uses it it'll even go for the person in second place instead meaning there really are no downsides here dodging it can be tricky and if someone decides to just hold Shield that's begging for it to be broken yeah safe to say this item is pretty dang good 14 the hothead this may be a bit controversial but I really like messing around with these things they'll stick to and roam across the stage just like bomb juice the interesting gimmick about this item though is that after being attacked it'll grow it could reach a Max of about three times its original size making it very very difficult to avoid the bigger it is the more damage it'll do as well so trying to power this thing up before throwing it is a lot of fun it has a nice balance of do I want to throw it now so my opponent doesn't have time to stop me or do I want to fully charge it up with the risk of my opponent possibly picking it up before I can throw it first that Dynamic is really interesting to me so I'm a big fan of this item 13 the warp star like in the Kirby series grabbing out to this will send you into the atmosphere at lightning speed however after a few seconds you'll come crashing back down in a massive explosion what makes this item so interesting is the fact that you can actually control where it lands but aiming is extremely difficult since you can't actually see yourself that makes every hit you get with this thing feel way more satisfying and the power behind its explosion certainly helps 12 the Dragoon this is our other collect three parts item and it's very understandable why once all three parts have been collected you'll fly off screen and we'll have to aim at Target at one of your opponents while it can sometimes be difficult the range of the Dragoon is pretty big more importantly though the reward is enormous as it kills at very very early percents the collecting pieces and Target part of this item are both so much fun that I had to land pretty high up here 11. the bomber wow three Kirby items in a row funny how that turned out remember how I mentioned my classic Mode speedruns way earlier in this list well this is just about my favorite item to see appear in any classic Mode round this acts like the special flag from before where you have to hold it over your head to activate the difference here though is that instead of giving you an extra life it produces an extremely deadly explosion not only will it kill pretty much anything it touches but it has a massive range as well making Escape very difficult I like how this opens up another sort of dynamic do you run away from the explosion and get to safety or do you run in to stop the explosion to use the bomb for yourself I love these little risk rewards scenarios and I think the bummer is fun fantastic at setting those up 10. the Beast ball this has quickly become a fan favorite ever since its introduction and ultimate essentially when you throw it it'll teleport into a direct hit on your opponent not only is this obviously very powerful this is one of the most fun items to try and combo with in the entire series I'm not really that good with it myself but there are a ton of videos using this item in creative ways that it'd be a crime of me to place it outside of the top 10. 9 the super scope this lets you shoot out either quick but small pellets or a massive charge shot that deals a lot of damage yeah this is pretty basic but it didn't need to be complicated it provides for a very threatening projectile weapon based on its damage output so I'm always willing to pick this up ate the hammer and seven the golden Hammer these two are among the most famous items in the Smash Bros franchise these will have whoever picked them up constantly swing them around and anyone who's hit by it will basically die if they're above 30 or so the range is pretty big so it's easy to rack up several kills with either of these two when they spawn in the golden Hammer even allows the player to hover if they match the jump button for some reason the unique animations each character gets while using these are also fantastic they're a lot of fun to look at up close sadly though these two items can actually backfire which prevents them from being higher the normal Hammerhead can fall off giving those without the hammer a very powerful throwing weapon and the golden Hammer can just stop working had it not been for that these would have moved up a bit more but top 10 is certainly not bad 6. the Home Run bat here's another extremely famous item this will have anyone who uses it charge up for a big swing and if they're able to hit anyone it's a one-hit KO yeah safe to say that's pretty powerful sadly though the charge up can take quite a bit of time so it can actually be pretty difficult to hit not to worry though as this is one of the most powerful throwing items in the game this is one of the most powerful throwing items in the game dealing a massive amount of damage to anyone it hits Additionally the swing can also reflect projectiles activating automatically if one comes in front of it funnily enough that means you can basically get an instant swing if you know someone will shoot a projectile in your face so in that scenario it can actually be a lot easier to get kills of this than it may seem 5. the super mushroom you eat it you get big any attack you perform with this will become extremely powerful meaning it's very easy to get kills with this while it's active now you may think this will cause me people to just run away like with the Superstar which is certainly will but with hitboxes this massive it'd be hard for anyone to escape for long so yeah this is easily the best item to come from the Mario franchise for the Pokeball three the assist Trophy and to the master ball all three of these items summon characters or Pokemon from smash's several different franchises to help you win the fight these have easily the most depth out of any items in the game with there being over 114 different characters of Pokemon these can summon many of these are extremely powerful too rivaling even some of the most powerful items we've mentioned so far the excitement of opening up one of these to see what you might get goes completely unrivaled by anything else which is why I love these three so much but with so many different possible characters some were bound to be worse than others well luckily I already made a ranking video for all of them but for those of you who are too lazy to go watch that here's that video sped up to be like 10 seconds long I'm sure this isn't controversial to say but these three are easily some of the best items in the series okay this is gonna be the most anticlimactic ending for a video ever number one is the smash ball obviously not only is it usually an extremely powerful attack but it's also personalized to every character making it feel even more special to use I also ranked every Final Smash so here's that video in 10 seconds as well the way the item itself works is pretty cool too though requiring people to break it open using attacks but yeah sorry if this is a bit of a lame ending but come on there's really no other choice for the best item in the Super Smash Brothers series but anyways that's it for this video do you think the healing Sprout is the most interesting and complex item ever added to a video game and hate me for ranking it low let me know in the comments sorry if this video comes out a bit late I've been very very busy as I've said but this semester is about to wrap up so I should be good to go here soon but anyways dry bones for Smash and I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Odyssey Central
Views: 110,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super smash bros ultimate, smash bros ultimate, smash ultimate, smash bros, ssbu, super smash bros ultimate all items, smash bros ultimate all items, ranking every item in super smash bros, odyssey central, nintendo switch, super smash bros ultimate items, super smash bros items, tier list, smash bros ultimate final smashes, smash bros ultimate assist trophies
Id: J5KiXC6PokE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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