Crafting Every Smash Bros Character in Infinite Craft

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this is infinite craft a game where you can craft literally anything and yes I mean anything all you have to do is combine two things together and the possibilities are infinite you start out with four basic elements but as you start crafting you start to make more and more until your screen is filled with all sorts of things you can go from making a pumpkin spice Army to accidentally crafting the entire Donkey Kong franchise there's no end goal to this game because it truly is infinite so I decided to come up with a challenge can me and my friends craft all 89 Smash Bros characters in infinite craft well it might sound easy at first but let me just tell you that this was incredibly difficult you can spend hours of trial and error just to get one single character but nevertheless let me show you how it's possible and how we completed the entire roster all right before we start crafting the actual fighters from Smash let me give you a rundown on how we got started in infinite craft the game uses AI to determine what the two things mixed together would form for example combining water and fire makes steam combining fire and steam makes engine and combining two engines together makes rocket this process can go on forever now that we know how the game works the first thing we want to do is create game and this can be done by crafting fun and fight together in order to get fun we have to combine party with anything that can also be considered fun like a barbecue I also want to note that while we were doing this we accidentally made literally the biggest word I've seen in infinite craft oh no my God oh my God holy I'm scared you also can craft fight by combining two things related to violence like war and battle after crafting the two into game this is where the Gateway into creating the entire Smash Bros roster starts to get our first character Mr super duper Wahoo video game himself we need to craft Nintendo which is literally just combining game and Japan then by combining Nintendo and plant we get our first character for the challenge and the first character in the entire series Mario now that we have Mario we can use him to craft Super Smash Bros Itself by combining him with the word brawl and by adding even more Marios we can create smash melee repeating this over and over will make all five Smash games in the franchise which we will all use to help complete The Challenge from this point we start crafting all the easy to get characters like Yoshi which you get by combining Mario and lizard makes sense right if you combine specific words with the Smash Bros block sometimes you'll just straight up craft a new character some of them make complete sense such as plant making piranha plant duck making duck hunt and robot making Rob sometimes they don't make sense like for some reason crafting angel with smash makes Lucario and I'm not a Pokémon fan but I don't think that's an angel also apparently crafting Satan with smash makes Bayonetta which I guess makes sense if you think about it what you need to know is that some of these combinations don't make a lot of sense is Captain Falcon Canadian today I learned no he's American through and through after creating a few characters for some reason my friend Zach really wanted to get Donkey Kong so we ended up crafting King Kong and nendo together once we did that we combined two Donkey Kongs together to form Diddy Kong and yes if you're curious you can make the entire Kong family if you keep combining Kongs now that we've made these Kongs we've crafted 10 characters so far and progress is looking great moving on we got both Earthbound characters right after crafting nest with Smash and Cupid again I don't know why and Lucas by uh crafting nest and birthday smash I mean if it works it works and I don't know if this is any better but combining fish and smash gets you Pikachu I was trying to get inkling by the way even though Pikachu is a mouse and not a fish this is great because by crafting Pikachu and party we can make Pokémon itself and start making some of the Pokémon fighters crafting two Pikachu together makes Pichu and crafting Pokémon with smash makes Pokémon trainer but we also wanted to get the three Pokémon Fighting for Pokémon trainer as well Squirtle Ivysaur and Charizard combining water with Pokemon gets Squirtle and combining fire with Pikachu gets Charizard to get Ivysaur you have to craft Bulbasaur with plant and Pokémon and just combine two Bulbasaur together after that we started crafting some of the Super Mario characters as well crafting turtle with Mario gets Koopa and crafting Koopa with Mario again gets Bowser additionally crafting Bowser with smash gets Bowser Jr now is probably a good time to talk about one of our main strategies for crafting characters if we somehow can't craft a character through obvious ways the next best thing to do is to craft that character's original game we did this first with Rosalina because we were struggling to find a way to make her using Mario and space we were able to craft Super Mario Galaxy and that's allow us to craft her by combining it with Princess don't worry we didn't forget Luma either after doing the same strategy with we fit to get weit trainer and punch out to get Little Mac while we were in the middle of crafting we had the sudden realization that we had already made one of the characters Cloud I mean technically well since we wanted to be specific we crafted cloud with smash to get Cloud Strife and immediately right after we decided to make Cloud's best friend as well SEO so far we've completed about a quarter of the roster but we still have a long way to go as this point in the challenge I realized I was going to need some more help because there are some characters that I know absolutely nothing about like the entirety of Fire Emblem I decided to ask my friend Fire Emblem fan 55 to help me and yes that's his actual name he was born like that and I'm so sorry for him anyways beat I mean f Fire Emblem fan 55 helps me craft all eight Fire Emblem characters starting with Mar by combining love and smash melee next I accidentally crafted Lucina by combining Smash and devil and I accidentally crafted Roy by combining Marth and Lucina together you can craft Robin by combining Phoenix and Lucina and you can craft cro by combining Robin and Fire Emblem that should give you why is kro a rainbow CU he's according to fire Cannon it can actually should we go either way moving on Crafting dragon and Marth makes Ike which according to beat is the one Fire Emblem character that isn't a dragon to get the last two it was a bit of a long process but essentially we had to craft fire emblem Fates and Fire Emblem 3 houses which are the two games Corin and Bith are from this can be done by just combining fire emblems together until you get the one you want once we got all the Fire Emblem characters we started crafting new ones like crazy so I'm going to be quick when talking about them starting off we got Fox Falon and Wolf by crafting Star Fox with different things next we got the Belmonts by crafting Dracula and Castlevania with smash finally we got Ice Climbers with Avalanche and smash Sora with Kingdom Hearts and human and Mewtwo with alien and Pokémon we then decided to start crafting entire franchises from Smash to make things cleaner starting with the Legend of Zelda with fittingly the Zelda with Zelda we were able to basically make everyone combining her with Knight to make link demon to make Ganon and smash melee to make Chic the exception was that we had to craft link and Smash Brawl to get Toon Link and now we have all the Legend of Zelda characters except for one okay so for some reason I could not craft a young Link for the life of me so I promise I'll come back and won't forget about him probably next we used King to craft the two kings in Smash King K rule with smash ultimate and King DDD with Smash Brawl using King DDD we can make the rest of the Kirby Fighters easily crafting star with dddd to make Kirby and crafting Kirby with Smash Brawl to make metanite after that we tried getting the rest of the Pokémon we were missing like Greninja so we tried to craft him but ended up with someone else have you made ninja yet it what well now that we have samis albeit accidentally we can now make the rest of the Metroid Fighters combining samis with Smash Brawl makes Zero Suit Samus and combining Samus with evil makes surprise surprise Dark Samus we tried crafting Dark Samus with demon and Samus before but that gave us Metroid instead luckily we can use Metroid to combine it with smash ultimate to make Ridley before I move on I need to mention I got a few extra car characters as well I crafted Joker by combining Batman and joke and before you say this doesn't count because it's Joker from Batman not Persona it doesn't matter anyway because crafting him with smash ultimate makes Joker in parenthesis Super Smash Bros ultimate speaking of Batman I also got dark pit by crafting Dark Knight and smash together but for whatever reason I couldn't get pit or politana lastly I crafted Phoenix right I know he's not in Smash but I really wish he was and he's here to block the reset button just in case I accidentally restart like an idiot now we're over halfway done with the roster but things are starting to get more difficult so far we've spent about 2 hours crafting Smash Bros characters and I know this is going by faster than it seems but that's because I'm simplifying it all into this video but for the sake of this challenge we kept going we've gone too far for us to stop anyway moving forward we crafted Pac-Man using ghosts in game and then we used Pac-Man with robot to craft Mega Man we then decided to complete the rest of the Super Mario characters starting with Peach and using Peach and smash ultimate we made Daisy now we have regular Mario but what about educated Mario to get Dr Mario we had to craft unsurprisingly Dr and Mario but the process to get doctor was tedious we spent basically half an hour trying to craft medicine which after finally crafting marijuana and relief our dream was made a reality now we have Dr Mario but what about evil Mario Wario was also a bit tricky as well we made him by crafting War Weare in human but in order to do that we had to combine Mario and party to make Mario party and then combine Mario Party with garlic to make miname and then combine miname with Nintendo to make war Weare a lot of the characters going forward are going to take more time to craft than usual unless their hero who I made by accidentally crafting Marth and War which again if it works it works right after I crafted snake by combining medicine and lizard but here's where I should bring up a problem regarding some Fighters with characters like snake and hero their names are pretty generic don't get me wrong snake is an awesome name but in the context of infinite Craft You could argue we crafted snake the animal and not snake the metal gear C character this not Solid Snake so here's my solution to this problem it doesn't matter look that's just how they were named and if the block we crafted has the same name as their smash name we count it moving on we got some of the missing Pokémon jiggly puff and Greninja by crafting balloon with Pokémon and froy with Squirtle to get balloon you have to combine air with party and to get froy greninja's first pre-evolution you need to combine frog and Pokémon next we crafted a few more characters starting with banjo kazui and Sonic by combining musician and Sega with smash ultimate we then crafted the Animal Crossing characters villager and Isabelle by combining Animal Crossing with their own debut Smash games Smash Wii U and ultimate oh yeah I also got Steve in the most random way possible I was just throwing things together when somehow I combined billionaire with obsidian to get Minecraft and Minecraft with billionaire to get Steve I'm sure there was an easier way to do that but at least he's here now now we have started to reach the very difficult characters like shul and Pyro mythra since none of us know anything about these characters or even anything about Xenoblade trying to craft them took forever luckily my friend Zach came up with an idea what if we crafted the word Rex you see the main character of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is named Rex none of us know anything about him other than the fact that his name is Rex but if we can craft Rex we can probably craft a Xenoblade and Zach knew exactly how if we make a T-Rex and craft it with smash ultimate we can just get the single word Rex by crafting Rex and a fire emblem we can make Xenoblade and by crafting Xenoblade with Smash Wii U and ultimate we have made shul and Pyro mythra moving on the next two franchises we needed to finish were Street Fighter and Kid Icarus for Ryu we had to combine Street Fighter and cumin for some reason Ken was incredibly difficult and I actually kept crafting other Street Fighter characters instead of him you need to specifically combine Ryu and fighter to make hadoken and then combine two hadoken to make a sh yuken and once you have a sh yukin combining that with smash ultimate makes Ken next we needed pit and Pena unfortunately having dark pit already doesn't do anything so we had to craft Icarus with Smash Brawl to make regular pit and Kid Icarus Uprising with Smash Wii U to make patena inkling surprisingly was one of the most infuriating characters to make I managed to craft Splatoon squid calamari hell even Squidward and I still couldn't craft inkling no matter what combination I did it's like the game was purposefully trying to stop us from crafting her however thanks to the help of boom daau on Twitter we discovered that one of the only ways to get inkling was to combine Splatoon with darklink I can't even contemplate why nothing else worked except for that Mr gaming watch was even worse I haven't talked about him yet but we started trying to craft him since the very beginning of the game we tried using the word flat because he's you know flat but all that got us was flat zone which if you don't know is the name of the Game and Watch stage in Smash Bros somehow we crafted Mr gaming watch's stage before crafting the actual fighter of course boom TOA saved us again discovering that in order to make Mr gaming watch all you had to do was craft smash melee and Rob sure why not now with all those nuisances out of the way we're so close to the end we still have a bit more characters to craft but with how far we've been doing nothing can stop us oh crap young Link I kind of forgot for got about him this far into the challenge but don't worry we figured out how to craft him by combining ton link and Nostalgia we made young Link and finally completed all the Legend of Zelda characters yay we've come so far in this challenge we've crafted 81 characters so far and our screen is practically full of them all we've spent so much time combining things over and over and we show no sign of slowing down we will keep going until we craft the last fighter nothing can stop us here absolutely nothing and then my computer crashed yeah so after crafting Fighters for like 8 hours my computer decided to just give up but it's okay right well I did all of those 8 hours of progress on guest mode for Chrome so essentially none of our progress saved but like I've been saying it doesn't matter we will finish this challenge it's time to craft what I would like to call call the final eight these eight characters are the last of the bunch and presented challenges we haven't even faced yet regardless let's keep going the Mi Fighters are unique in the fact that they're not just Miis they're me brawler Mi sword fighter and me Gunner trying to craft these specific classes of me will be incredibly difficult how do we even make a regular me in the first place luckily shika blight on Twitter shared their own routes they discovered and was actually the first person in the world to craft the Mii Fighters here's what we need to do we need to trick the game into giving us a regular Me by making a fat me exercise yes I'm serious one of the only known ways to craft a Mei is to first start by making fit me which is the very specific combination of Wee baby and fit you once you get this fit me you can combine it with obese to make fat me and once we make the fat me exercise with fit the game turns it into a a regular Me by combining me into Smash Bros we can get Mi fighter and from there we finally crafted all three Mi Fighters me brawler Mi sword fighter and me Gunner next are the two remaining fighting game characters Terry and Kia in order to get these two we had decided that we needed to craft fighting game which we found by combining Street Fighter and video game we managed to craft the King of Fighters one of the two main series Terry is playable in but no matter what every time we tried to craft him we crafted kusanagi instead the main protagonist of kof we were stuck for a while until I remembered that Terry is the main protagonist of a different fighting game g mark of the wolves in order to craft Mark of the Wolves we had to combine SNK and arcade to make Neo Geo once we did that combining Neo Geo with fighting game crafted Mark of the wolves and once you combine that with Ryu you can finally craft Terry kazia was a bit easier we started by combining King of Fighters with Street Fighter to make Capcom versus SNK and by adding Street Fighter to that again you can make Street Fighter cross Tekken combining Devil with Street Fighter cross Tekken makes Devil Jin and then combining angel with Devil Jin makes Jin Kazama Kia's son then by combining family and Jin we crafted Kia and I'm going to be completely honest I don't know how we didn't get all of until the very end he was incredibly easy to craft combining Wii U and video game to make Wii U game and then Wii U game with plant to make Pikmin 3 all we had to do was make a Pikman game and combine it with Smash Brawl to make alar well congrats to him I guess oh yeah and then there's mman she's probably the most irrelevant character out of anyone on the roster no offense to any minman fans she's a side character of a switch exclusive game with the most generic title for a video game ever so as you can imagine she was annoying to craft we tried using Ramin and arms but we would make zero progress we even crafted springman the main mascot of mm's game instead of her but thankfully Ras bunny t on Twitter figured out that if you combine 2020 with smash ultimate somehow that crafts minman I don't know what that implies but I just want to thank Ras bunny t for not making me care any more than I had to to for minman but now let me introduce you to in my opinion the hardest Smash Bros character to make an infinite craft and our final fighter of the challenge you would think that crafting a popular Pokémon that's also a fire wrestler cat would be easy right well I did and oh my God was I wrong it's literally impossible to craft incinerar in any normal way we first started by trying to craft incin War's debut game Pokémon sun and moon with literally everything but that didn't work so then we tried combining wrestler with everything but that didn't work and so we literally crafted the concept of a fire type from Pokémon and combined that with everything but that didn't work every time I wanted to craft in cinar the game would somehow craft an entirely different fire type Pokémon what which one is that Arcanine Arcanine huge oh that's the big dog from Dog why did it make a dog out of cat and not the cat the game was literally like oh here's another final evolution starter fire type Pokemon that is it incinerar sometimes I think this game is just trying to mock me it's going to give you Charizard it's going to give you so it's even worse however my friend Fire Emblem fan 5 had an idea what if we combined Pokémon with Hawaii you see his idea was that in Pokémon Sun and Moon the game takes place in a region called alola which is based on Hawaii if we were to make alola we could probably craft incinerar and sure enough by combining Hawaii and Pokémon Sun we crafted alola but that wasn't enough alola kept making other Pokémon so we had to take it one step further and make a first discovery by combining a Lola with fire type we were the first people in the world to craft a lolan fire type and by combining a lan fire type with Super Smash Bros ultimate I am so happy to say that after hours of crafting after tons of characters combined and after my computer crashed we finally completed the challenge please it's going to give me Fire Emblem it's going to give you fire let's go let's go oh god god let's go I knew I'm going to cry yes yes and so me and my three friends Zach koru and Fire Emblem fan 55 finally crafted all 89 Smash Bros characters in infinite craft now we should speedrun no absolutely not that took three days anyways thank you for [Music] watching
Channel: thatsnomoon
Views: 360,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dgIWgimHrLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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