EVERY Taunt Origin in Super Smash Bros.

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every character in smash has three taunts and sometimes four taunts and those taunts gotta come from somewhere and so in this video we are looking at every character's taunts in super smash brothers mario has the same taunt in smash 64 melee brawl and smash 4 which is his groton now this is a reference to mario gaining a super shroom and growing in size in the classic super mario brothers games the pose he stands in during this taunt also mimics the pose of his 2d sprite with both arms to the side for his side taunt in both brawl and smash 4 mario removes his hat and does a sort of spin with it which is a common pose in many of the mario games usually at the end of a level or completing a mission but the earliest reference to this is probably in super mario 64 when mario returns to peach's castle after successfully collecting a star mario's down taunt in brawl smash 4 and ultimate has him twirl around in the air while facing the camera this animation is a 3d replica of mario's death animation from the donkey kong arcade game and ultimate mario's up taunt is no longer the big boy animation instead he hits a thumbs up pose while facing the camera which is similar to various art that he's had done by nintendo and with the introduction of cappy and mario odyssey mario's side taunt has also changed but in essence it has the same concept involved mario now throws his hat cappy's eyes appear and then he catches it and puts it back on and this is obviously based on the new mechanic that mario has in odyssey unfortunately none of donkey kong's taunts really seem to come from anything his up taunt and his side taunts are kind of just basic monkey and gorilla behavior and his down taunt which he's had since smash 64 just kinda speaks for itself in smash 64 link hits a pose popping one foot in the air and readying his sword to attack this pose could be very similar to the pose that he does in zelda 2 adventure of link which he does right after hitting an enemy with his sword in melee this taunt was changed link now puts his sword and shield away and brushes his hair back not really a reference he's just kind of fixing his hair and admiring how pretty he is in brawl in smash 4 link's 64 taunt returns as his downtown link's up taunt is taken from the victory animation from twilight princess which is the game that this iteration of link comes from link does this whenever a boss is defeated or he learns a new hidden skill and saitan has linked summon navi who flies around a bit while link admires her before she returns to his pocket now this kind of breaks some rules because twilight princess link has never really officially interacted with navi but i suppose this could be a reference to the wii version of twilight princess where the cursor was made to be navi but this isn't exactly link and navi interacting i mean story wise the fairy never comes up it's just sort of a zelda way to implement a cursor into the game all of link's brawl taunts stay the same in smash 4 as well but in ultimate he has one change his side taunt now has a new animation where link holds the master sword out in front of him and the master sword glows blue like a charge up this animation comes from one of the recovered memories that link collects in the legend of zelda breath of the wild throughout all of the smash games none of samus's taunts really have any kind of a reference she's sort of just aiming her arm cannon or saluting but she never really does anything specific to a game or reference that i can find the exception is sort of i guess her side taunt where her arm cannon goes into its zero laser formation but even then that's not really a reference to anything it's kind of just one of the configurations that her arm cannon takes if anything it's just a reference to her final smash and unfortunately yoshi really doesn't have any references either he'll wave to the camera and say yoshi or he'll act like a dog and chase his tail but other than that there's really nothing that he's done in a game that could be pointed back to smash in smash 64 melee and brawl kirby faces the camera and says hi now this isn't really a specific reference to anything but it kind of just matches kirby's overall behavior he's very much the kind of character who would wave to the camera and say hi and brawl of course he gets two more the first is uptaunt which is a short portion of his victory dance from various kirby games the full thing would obviously be way too long to be a taunt unless you could cancel it like bayonetta's but kirby only does a short part of it in smash kirby sciton sees him spin around and strike a pose while this is another typical kirbyism this is actually very similar to the animation that kirby does when he's selected as a fighter in the original super smash brothers his taunts from brawls stayed the same in smash 4 and largely also stayed the same in ultimate with one exception his uptau no longer has the dance portion with it in ultimate he kinda just poses and then a little star pops out and then it's over it's a very very quick taunt and in my opinion it is likely because they wanted a really quick taunt that you could use to get rid of one of your kirby hats if you needed to in a pinch in smash 64 fox does a pretty generic pose where he crosses his arms and looks up at the sky i couldn't really find any reference that this matches the closest i could find is this art from the original star fox which kinda has the same energy as this taunt but the pose itself is very different in melee this taunt was changed to be a literal taunt where fox taunts his opponent and gestures at him while saying come on again there isn't really a reference here brawl keeps this melee taunt and also adds two others the first is his up taunt where he says here i come while charging up his firefox move and for his side taunt he tosses his blaster in the air catches it and puts it back these stay the same in smash 4 and in ultimate although ultimate has him say slightly different voice lines with let's go for the up taunt and come at me for the downtown pikachu's smash 64 taunt has actually lasted all the way to ultimate it's had different animations and slightly different variations but for the most part it's the same pikachu faces the camera will wave and say pika pika this isn't really a reference to anything specific but pikachu does look at the camera and say his name a ton in different media for the pokemon company being the mascot for the entire thing pikachu's additional taunts from brawl also remain consistent all the way to ultimate pikachu charges up with electricity for his up taunt which is usually the first half of using thunderbolt or thunder in the anime his down taunt has him roll and curl around on the floor not really a reference to anything but man that is adorable luigi is another case where his 64 taunt makes it all the way to ultimate he sort of have shrugs while putting his hands behind his back and very shyly kicks the ground this doesn't really have any kind of a reference to it but mostly just comes from luigi being the more timid and shy of the mario brothers while also being overshadowed by mario who gets all the cool adventures in brawl luigi's up taunt has him doing a variety of poses in a very quick succession and while these poses all seem pretty generic all but one of these can actually be linked to a pose that luigi has done in the past first he flashes a peace sign or a v sign and luigi first used this when he gets a key in luigi's mansion next he does finger guns which is just a standard cartoony pose and the only one without a real reference third he puts his finger to his mustache a pose that he did on official artwork for mario and luigi partners in time next he crouches down on the floor facing away from the player which is the position that he takes when he gets a bogey in mario golf and finally he has a sort of shocked pose which comes from luigi's mansion and the art done for that game for his side taunt luigi kind of planks which is something that's original to smash he kind of just falls flat forward and then pops back up however this was originally a victory pose he had in melee before it was repurposed as a taunt this is also what luigi's render from smash 4 is based on nessus smash 64 taunt has survived all the way to ultimate his famous okay now i've seen people online say that this is based on the menu and earthbound playing an ok clip whenever they hit ok on the menu but personally i'm pretty skeptical on that it kind of seems like a stretch in my opinion it's simply a smash original taunt that sakurai thought would be cute moving to brawl's expanded taunts ness's side taunt sees him holding out his baseball bat and down taunt has him channel some psi energy that he twirls around neither are really references to anything other than weapons or abilities that ness can use in his home game like much of captain falcon's moveset his famous shobia moves isn't really a reference to anything from his game series and seems to be made up just for smash this is another taunt that has survived all the way from the original game to ultimate and in brawl he of course gets two more which are ironically really close to foxes the first is uptaunt where he charges himself up with fire like fox's is a reference to his firefox move captain falcons is a reference to his falcon punch move his side taunt makes him hold out a hand and gesture for the opponent to come forward saying come on ironically this is also similar to one of fox's taunts and is smash original these two newtons from brawl also made it all the way to ultimate and the final character jigglypuff in smash 64 jigglypuff faces the camera puffs up a bit and says the only word she knows how to say this taunt is maintained in melee but it gets a bit of an upgrade where she will first twirl around and wink before puffing up and saying jigglypuff next is her saitan where she twirls around and strikes a pose at the end now this is just speculation on my part but it may be a reference to how similar kirby and jigglypuff are not only does kirby have a very similar taunt to this one but jigglypuff also has a kirby sleep hat as one of her costumes and jigglypuff was built off of kirby in smash 64. so it could just be a kind of meta reference to jigglypuff and kirby having very similar puffball designs and her down taunt has her completely deflate and flatten out falling to the ground this comes from the fainting animations from the home console pokemon games first seen in pokemon stadium for the n64 but also being as recent as pokemon battle revolution for the wii in melee peach spins around poses with her finger near her face and says sweet this is likely based on her victory animation from super mario rpg when you win a battle with peach she'll spin around strike a peace sign and wink at the player while smash has her hold up a finger rather than the peace sign the rest is pretty spot on for this taunt it stays with peach all the way until ultimate now being moved to her downtown also in ultimate a heart appears next to her face which is just meant to fit her character more as she has hearts a lot of other places in her moveset the rest of peach's taunts from brawl and onward could very well all be smash original but loosely based off of other peach material for her up taunt she pulls out her parasol and twirls it while saying sweet peach is often depicted with her parasol even being a part of her moveset but specifically in super princess peach one of her idol animations has her spin parry the parasol in a very similar way while smash has not used perry at all for peach and her moveset it was at one point considered based on unused textures that are in the game and so it's very likely that this animation was inspired by super princess peach and lastly is her saitan which has her dance back and forth with music notes around her singing this is most likely original to smash and is intended to be the truest form of a taunt as it has become infamous as one of the most disliked taunts in all of super smash brothers bowser really seems to have gotten the shaft with regards to his taunts as they really aren't taken from any kind of real source material bowser's depiction in smash is very much meant to emphasize the reptile or dinosaur part of him much more than the cartoony side that's seen in the actual mario series starting in melee bowser throws his head back and roars like you'd expect from a dinosaur or reptile type thing he keeps this as his up taunt all through the series though starting in brawl he also breathes out smoke as though his fire breath just can't wait to burst out his side taunt has him bite at the air five times reduced down to three times in ultimate again not really anything that bowser has specifically done but it's just more of a reptile behavior and lastly he for some reason jumps on one foot and acts as though he's gonna fall over for this one i just don't have any idea i don't know what this is referencing if it's referencing anything at all and at most it's just very close to his teeter animation but i just i really don't have any idea why this is in the game the ice climber's taunt in melee seems to be entirely smash original they both hold out their hammers as though they've successfully conquered a mountain and a howl of wind plays behind them most likely this just stems from how an actual mountaineer may behave since the ice climbers may be the character in smash with the least amount of source material to pull from their up taunt has them placed their hammers down and jump in the air which is a reference to their animation on the victory screen of ice climber though of course missing the flag and there's two of them instead of just one their down taunt has them jump around in a circle which could be a reference to their home game where the entire point is to jump up non-stop but more likely it's just a cute taunt designed to match the cute design of the ice climbers sheik unfortunately seems to be a little underwhelming with all of her taunts in melee she pulls back and raises her hand to her face while exhaling this taunt stays all the way until ultimate as her down taunt and it's pretty much exactly the same the entire history of smash in brawl and onward her up taunt has her pop up onto one hand for a handstand and for her side taunt she pulls out her chain and stretches it out in smash 4 chic side b was changed to burst grenade rather than her previous chain but the taunt ironically stays basically the same with the only difference being a twang sound effect at the end none of these taunts are particular references to anything smash's design of chic is really meant to emphasize her ninja attributes and these taunts just fall in line with that kind of mindset representing her agility and her precision as a ninja zelda's melee taunt has her bring her hands together as if she were praying zelda has often done this pose throughout her different incarnations and young zelda from ocarina of time specifically does this during the game so it could easily be a reference to that however this taunt changes in brawl and it stays in this new form all the way until ultimate zelda still brings her hands together but instead of praying she takes it into her own hands and she summons a ball of fire this is based on her side b din's fire which is one of the goddesses spells in ocarina of time this taunt was also one of zelda's victory poses in melee which was then repurposed to be this taunt in brawl and beyond her up taunt in brawl and smash 4 has her reach for the sky with a little bit of a sparkle at the end of her fingertips this doesn't really have much of a reference at all other than the fact that zelda is a magic user in smash and in the wider zelda franchise in ultimate this has changed although the general idea is pretty much the same she has magic emitting from her hand but rather than reaching to the sky she sort of just waves it out in front of her and poses at the camera and lastly is her down taunt which has her waving in the direction that she is facing i couldn't really find anything that linked this specifically to the zelda series around brawl's release since that's where this taunt came from i couldn't really find anything that was linked to the zelda series specifically so there definitely could be something that i just totally missed or it could just be a smash original dr mario is pretty well known for his taunts but not really in a good way he starts off strong with his original melee taunt where he tosses a pill up into the air and catches it this could very likely be a reference to dr mario where dr mario himself tosses you the pills that you line up in the game though instead of tossing it to the player he simply tosses it back to himself in smash in his big return in smash 4 he gets two new taunts that may as well be idle animations just for how lackluster they are first his up taunt has him grind his shoe on the ground now this could be a reference to his animation in dr mario where he taps his foot on the ground but this sprite really doesn't seem to be grinding his foot in any way and for his down taunt he bumps his fist against his shoulder now this is something that i really couldn't find any kind of connection for it really just seems like a basic animation that they gave him pichu debuted in melee and he is one of the rare cases where he actually has two taunts in a game where everyone else has one taunt and it's all dependent on which direction he's facing if he's facing to the left he jumps up and down and says pichu while looking towards the camera if he's facing to the right he rolls around on the ground while also saying pichu both of these seem to take inspiration from pikachu's behavior because both pichu and pikachu's taunts have the same energy to them and it makes sense because pichu is the pre-evolution of pikachu pichu's right taunt may also be where brawl pikachu inherited its rolling around taunt from in ultimate both of these left and right taunts are now split off into individual taunt no longer based on which direction you're facing but instead which taunt button you're pressing and of course in ultimate he gets a new third taunt which sees him charging up with electricity just like pikachu but then he falls backwards with spirals in his eyes this is based on the fact that pichu can often damage itself from its own electricity as evidenced by the fact that all of its electric moves in smash cause it to take on a bit of percent its eyes turning into spirals is a reference to the pokemon anime which often portrays a pokemon fainting with the exact same style of eyes falco's taunts in general don't really have specific references to any game or scenario but they have more to do with falco's general design in smash and in star fox as a whole falco is the coolest member of team star fox and his taunts are meant to reflect that in melee he spins around and scoffs at the opponent in the japanese version he does the same spin but says one of two phrases this taunt returns in brawl and stays with falco all the way until ultimate but the voice line is no longer exclusive to the japanese version as he now says this voice line in different languages in the international versions falco's up taunt has him play hacky sack with his reflector before catching it while saying piece of cake while this taunt can be a callback to falco kicking his reflector as part of his down special both debuted in the exact same game and they're likely just another way to differentiate falco as the cool flashy fighter and lastly is his side taunt where he holds out his arm and says a voice line unlike his other taunts this taunt actually has a different voice line in each game and brawl he says don't try me in smash 4 he says get some and in ultimate he says come on in melee martha swings his sword raises it up and says which roughly translates to everyone watch over me or everyone please look at me this doesn't specifically have any kind of a reference though the end of the taunt does kind of look like the end of the critical hit animation from the original famicom fire emblem and the phrase that mars says doesn't really have any reference though it could potentially be based on marth being the leader of his army this taunt stays in pretty much all smash games except an ultimate where the animation is cut short due to the game's overall faster paced taunts he also speaks english in the international release of ultimate saying keep your eyes open though he says the exact same phrase in the japanese version his up taunt and brawl onwards has him pointing his sword to the sky with a sparkle on the tip this is also based on his critical hit pose but it more accurately matches the critical hit animation from fire emblem shadow dragon a ds remake of the famicom game in brawl and smash 4 this taunt doesn't have a voice line with it but in ultimate it does he now says this is it and lastly his side's haunt from brawl through ultimate has him swing his sword briefly before placing it in his sheath the actual animation of this taunt doesn't necessarily have a reference but marth has had official art done where his pose matches the very end of the taunt so this could just be a 3d reimagining of this art young link being a growing boy pulls out a bottle of long long milk and drinks the whole thing before wiping his face while not necessarily a reference to a particular moment in the zelda series lonlon milk is a staple item in the zelda series and first appeared in ocarina of time young link's first game young league drinks this down in one but it's actually supposed to have two helpings meaning that in smash he should really be gaining 10 hearts back if we're following the real rules this taunt is also the longest in all of melee having a huge gap between games young link returns an ultimate and keeps this taunt but it's now substantially shorter with young link chugging it all at once rather than three big gulps for his upton and ultimate young link raises the kokiri sword into the air which seems to be a smash original because of link's breath of the wild upgrade in smash young link has instead inherited his former saitan navi flies around while young link admires her and she then returns to his hat however unique to young link is the positioning of his hand on the fairy which is a clever nod to this artwork done for majora's mask while the fairy in smash isn't the same fairy as the one in this art the pose is definitely intentional ganondorf's first taunt is a sort of fusion of different aspects of his character from ocarina of time with a bit of a smash twist thrown in as well he spins around sort of tucked into a ball and then he stretches his limbs out quickly while laughing in ocarina of time the final fight with ganondorf involves him hovering around which is where the anti-gravity aspect of this tongue comes from whenever your window to attack him is over he raises up and does a similar pose to the meleton smash just seems to have added the spin to just give him a little bit more flair this is yet another taunt that has survived from the beginning becoming his up taunt in future games ganondorf's side taunt has him punch his fist with a pulse of dark energy this seems to be a smash original and it's probably a reference to the warlock punch and how he has all of that power inside of his one fist and lastly is his down taunt in which he pulls out his sword and admires it before putting it away while not strictly a reference to anything the actual sword matches the design of ganondorf for brawl and smash 4 ganondorf is the twilight princess design and so the sword he pulls out matches that game using the sword of six sages that was used to attempt to execute him in ultimate he returns to his ocarina of time design and while he's never specifically wielded a sword in that game a tech demo at space world 2000 shows ganondorf in a sword battle using this exact sword this also isn't the first time that this space world sword was used in smash as it was also used for one of ganondorf's victory poses back in melee next up we have mewtwo's taunt which has him spin around and laugh with later versions having him slightly rise up in the air i can't really find an exact reference to this mewtwo has plenty of animations where he rises up but none of them really match the smash taunt exactly i'm more than willing to accept that there's an animation of his that does match this i just wasn't able to find anything right now his side taunt in both smash 4 and ultimate has him charged up with dark energy which is a reference to his portrayal in the pokemon anime and specifically pokemon the first movie lastly mewtwo strikes a pose at the screen and dark energy pops out of his hand there is countless art of mewtwo hitting basically this exact pose so this taunt is really just a 3d representation of what this would be like and then of course they add a little bit of dark psychic energy just for some extra fun the pool noodle boy roy himself leans back for his taunt screaming with his hand outstretched while the prepubescent shouting is unique to smash the actual pose that roy hits is a 3d imagining of one of his sprites during the battle phase of fire emblem the binding blade though he didn't get sent an invite in brawl roy returned in both smash 4 and ultimate and in that time he grew up bringing with him a much deeper voice for his up taunt roy holds his sword up above his head which is potentially a reference to a moment in his game where he receives the binding blade and his saitan is basically the same as his up taunt but more around his waist than above his head while this pose is pretty generic and is likely original to smash he shouts i won't lose while performing the taunt which is one of the victory quotes that he used in super smash brothers melee and lastly we have mr game watch for his taunt in melee he simply rings a bell the physical game in watch units had a basic alarm system built into its clock and this is the sound that the alarm would make in brawl he gets two additional taunts one of which is exactly the same as melee's except instead of holding it to the side he holds the bell above his head this has the exact same reference and it's literally just a different pose but it is fun to spam them back and forth his down taunt has him do a small jump which is possibly a reference to any number of game watch games where one of the action frames has him jumping but this jump was short-lived as in smash 4 and ultimate it was changed to have him sit on the ground and puff out some air this is taken directly from one of the frames done in the game and watch version of mario brothers meta knight was the first character that was added to brawl so obviously that's where we're gonna start his up taunt has him twist up inside his cape before untwirling breaking all sorts of laws of physics this also serves as his entrance in smash but both are actually based on his exit animation in the kirby series which first appeared in kirby's adventure but has had other appearances throughout the series meta knight's side taunt has him twirl his sword around before pointing it forward and saying fight me this is a livelier version of the pose of meta knight strikes at the beginning of several fights against him in the kirby series though it was most likely given the extra little flair thanks to the translation to 3d his down taunt has him flap his wings in a rather menacing way this is potentially another example of smash taking a pre-existing animation and expanding on it with a more flexible medium in kirby's superstar kirby has a chase sequence where meta knight flies after him and the animation at the beginning of this could be seen as the inspiration for his downtown pitt's design in brawl is largely original as his only games prior to this were an nes game and game boy game with the few cameos here and there so his overall attitude and demeanor in smash are largely based on sakurai's vision for the character a vision that would eventually bring him to make a new entry in the kid icarus series after brawl's release pitt's uptaunt has him spin his swords above his head and say the fight is on while largely original to smash the voice line could be a reference to his trophy in melee more specifically the flavor text which questions whether pitt will ever fight again pit saitan shows him swinging his swords while saying you're not ready yet this taunt is also used in two places for brawl first pit's reveal during the e3 trailer for brawl has him hit this pose and he also does it during a cut scene in the subspace emissary mode lastly pitt's down taunt has some sort of rise up with his wings open not much of a reference other than to him being an angel and acting sort of angelically and now if you guys will indulge me really quickly i am within shooting distance of a quarter million subscribers which is just an insane number so if you guys are not subscribed please be sure to hit that subscribe button if you want to see more of this kind of content and with that let's move on to zero suit samus zero suit samus became an extension of samus as a character but she had her own full moveset before eventually becoming her own fighter as far as her taunts go i'm really hesitant to say that i think that they are all smash originals now i'm not incredibly knowledgeable about the metroid series so i can definitely stand to be corrected but based on my research that is what i could find that all of these are kind of just built for smash specifically the concepts behind every taunt either show off her plasma whip which is one of her primary weapons in metroid as well as in smash or they show off her agility and speed something that's heavily expanded on in the metroid manga which is considered to be canon in the metroid series following that we have wario who is designed to play up the gross man archetype in his moveset and behavior uptaunt has wario laugh at the camera so hard that he seemingly unhinges his jaw and has to put it back in the right position this taunt is likely smash original and could probably be referring to how wide wario can seem to open his mouth in his neutral special saitan sees wario shake his butt at the camera likely meant to be a taunt in the literal definition of the word as well as a reference to wario's waft and his affinity for farts down taunt has him doing the w sign with his hands while saying both the voice line and the hand pose are common things that wario does as a sort of catchphrase slash symbol that he uses for himself but wario is also unique in that he has a fourth taunt if he is actively using his side special the bike and presses any taunt button wario will effectively do his down taunt in a special pose while still operating the bike the only difference besides the bike from this and his actual down taunt is that at the end he picks his nose very briefly for all three of snake's taunts in both brawl and ultimate he hides inside of a cardboard box this is a reference to his home series where you can hide in or under a box as a means of avoiding detection from enemies while it is a little sad that all three of his taunts are the same thing there is a slight difference in each and i do mean slight and it's all to do with timing uptaunt is fastest saitan is average and down taunt is slowest next let's tackle the newest fire emblem rep to brawl back when there were three total in smash and only two actually in the game let's look at ike first up is ike's upton where he holds his sword in front of him and kind of charges up i guess this could be a smash original or a reference to ike sybee where he charges up to launch forward next is his side taunt where he sort of readies up his sword behind him this comes directly from fire emblem radiant dawn as ike has the exact same pose as his battle star animation ike's down taunt is a bit ambiguous but it could come from a couple of places first it could be pulled from his battle start animation in radiant dawn as well where he begins the fight with the sword already in the ground it's kind of the opposite but it's still potentially inspired by this it could also be taken from this very depressing scene but now let's look at the pokemon trainer and their pokemon because pokemon was so strictly sprite-based for so long a lot of their behavior comes from their portrayal in the anime rather than any specific point in the course series of games in brawl the pokemon trainer will taunt alongside the pokemon however these are fairly generic with the trainer simply pointing his arm in the same direction as the taunt button that was pressed smash ultimate keeps both the up and cyto animations for the trainer making them slightly more lively but mostly the same the down taunt however is changed from the stomp to more of a victory pose the female trainer has effectively the same poses as the male trainer they're just tailored more to her personality she raises her pokeball for her up taunt does a similar fist pump with her hand for her side taunt and she jumps up with her hand in the air for her down taunt but now let's move on to the actual pokemon starting with squirtle squirtle's up taunt has him do a backflip and pose after he lands which comes from his entrance and idle animation from pokemon stadium it's just made a bit more brief for smash next is his side taunt which has squirtle's spin on his tail which may have actually been inspired straight from the anime may received a squirtle and it eventually evolved into wartortle and it would love to stand on its tail and so this may have been pulled straight from the anime lastly is squirtle's down taunt which may be inspired by either withdraw or rapid spin from the anime which ash's squirtle has done on several occasions in ultimate all of these taunts are pretty much the same they're just made a bit more expressive as well as a little bit faster due to ultimate doing this for every character across the board but next is ivysaur who unlike squirtle and charizard doesn't really have a large role in the pokemon anime but its pre-evolution bulbasaur did for its up taunt ivysaur shakes its bulb and leaves which is a more animated version of its entrance animation from pokemon stadium its saitant sees him stand on his front legs and walk around before rolling over back on all fours a smash original and its down taunt has it pull out its vines and spin around this could also be pulled from the pokemon anime as pokemon like bulbasaur have been shown to play games with other pokemon using their vine whip vines and just like squirtle all of these are retained in ultimate and they're simply made a bit more lively charizard's personality in smash is also largely designed around the anime and of course the most screen time we get for this pokemon is ash's charizard his up taunt has him face to screen and flap his wings while roaring which is again based on his entrance animation from pokemon stadium his saitan has him face to screen while extending his wings outward now this is a pretty generic charizard pose but it's one that he has definitely done in the anime lastly charizard stomps the ground for his downtown several times in the anime he's seen stomping the ground from different angles as a means of conveying how big he truly is and as a result this taunt could very well be a reference to that in smash 4 despite charizard becoming a standalone character his taunts remained unchanged but that does not apply for ultimate which has some severe changes in ultimate his up taunt has him stand up tall and puff his chest and wings out now this one really stumps me because it just seems out of character for charizard the best that i could come up with is that maybe it's an in-game reference to ridley's taunt that's very similar i'm honestly not sure i just don't know what this one could be about so if you guys have any ideas i'd love to hear them down in the comments his saitan has him quickly fly on the spot and land with a stomp and a roar i want to say this taunt was inspired less by the main pokemon anime and more from the charizard that's seen in pokemon origins that one was designed to just be tougher and scarier and this taunt really feels like it may have had that special series in mind and lastly is his down taunt which for some reason is just his old up taunt move to a different button but like the other old taunts this one has been revamped and while the reference to pokemon stadium still remains it's been made much more menacing with the camera shaking and the shock waves coming out of his mouth when he roars next let's move on to the second donkey kong rep diddy kong yes it took that long to get even a second donkey kong wrap for diddy kong's up taunt he throws his cap up into the air and then catches it back on his head this is a reference to donkey kong country upon completion of a bonus room or the defeat of a boss diddy kong will celebrate using a similar dance throwing his hat in the air though he won't catch it on his head therefore making brawl diddy that much cooler next is diddy's saitan where he holds his hands out in this weird pose while making this awful shrieking noise i can only guess that this is a smash original meant to have diddy sort of strike a fighting pose but do it in a very monkey-like way finally is diddy kong's down talk which has him dance while clapping his hands over his head i couldn't find an exact reference to this so it could just be another monkey-like behavior but this could also be inspired by the victory dance that diddy kong does on the overworld of donkey kong country it definitely has a similar energy and smash may have just built upon it because they had more than 10 pixels total to work with next is lucas the second rep from the earthbound mother series for his up taunt lucas falls over on his butt and then gets up this isn't exactly taken from anything specific though lucas does fall over a fair few times during the events of mother 3. this is more likely to be inspired by the timid or clumsy personality that smash gives to lucas which in turn is inspired by the beginning of mother 3 where lucas has that same personality but then through the events of mother 3 he gains all sorts of confidence and his personality changes for his cytaunt lucas pulls out the rope snake and shrugs at it before putting it away this is entirely original to smash because while the rope snake is a part of mother 3 it actually belongs to duster and lucas himself never uses it down taunt has lucas channel some psi energy using his fingers followed by a downward swing of the hand this is smash original and it's pretty generic it's basically just giving lucas a taunt that shows off his psychic abilities just like ness has next we have the hedgehog who almost didn't make it into brawl it's sonic sonic's up top seems to be semi-original the flip done at the beginning doesn't really have any origin but the pose that sonic hits at the end is one of his trademark poses which originates from concept art for the first sonic adventure game next is his side taunt where he runs in place and yells out the now iconic you're too slow the actual motion is based on the super peel out which is a special move that first originated in sonic cd the voice line is original to smash though and it's a reference to simply how fast and cocky sonic can be however smash 4 and ultimate change this voice line to instead be sonic speed and finally for his down taunt sonic does a break dance while saying come on step it up and in smash 4 and ultimate this is shortened to simply be come on like the previous taunt the voice line is a smash original but the dance is a bit tricky it's very likely that this is original to smash but sonic generations does use the same animation for one of sonic's victory screens but the interesting thing is that sonic generations didn't begin development until 2009 which was a full year after brawl actually released so it's very possible that the sonic generations team liked this animation and they borrowed it from smash but it's also possible that sega provided the brawl team with a potential animation and that's why we see it in smash as well as in sonic generations but that's really all speculation on my part i really couldn't find any information that points one way or the other all of king dedede's taunts are original to smash for his up and side taunts king dedede poses with his hammer in a menacing way his down taunt however shows off his more playful side where he does a dance in a circle while patting his big old belly these taunts capture the different sides of king ddd's personality both as a villain and as an ally rather than referencing anything specific from the kirby games but next let's move to mr spaceman himself olomar oh yeah and alf for his up taunt olomar jumps up and down a few times this could have been inspired by olimar's animation for when he collects a new part for the ss dolphin in the first pikmin game though the taunt in smash is much more animated and lively than in his home game saitan sees olomar roll around on the ground before getting back up which could be a reference to the animation where olimar lays down and is carried back to the onions by the pikmin and down taunt has olimar swing his hips around which is a smash original olomar and alph both have pretty basic character designs so the number of animations that can be done are kind of limited but from that let's move on to the newest pokemon to be seen generation wise in super smash brothers lucario lucario's up taunt has some sort of flex upward and growl while blue aura surrounds him aura is sort of lucario's whole gimmick it's a spiritual energy that all living things give off and lucario himself can detect and fight using it it's also the source of most of his special moves so a taunt where he charges it up just kind of makes sense for smash but it doesn't really have any kind of a specific reference that i could find likewise lucario's side taunt doesn't really have its own reference either but it's rather another pose that simply utilizes lucario's aura down taunt has lucario ready up into a fighting stance which could be a possible reference to lucario being a fighting type despite aura seeming very psychic that never really made much sense to me we're winding down here real quick we've got the last three next is rob rob's up taunt has him spin his head and arms around this is a similar animation to the one that he has in mario kart ds where he again was a very surprising character on the roster saitan sees rob face the camera and flash his laser eyes a reference to his neutral special robo beam but both this move and the taunt are likely references to the optical sensors that are designed as rob's eyes on the actual toy it would receive light signals in order to execute different functions for rob downton is based on the actual raw peripherals movements though they're vastly sped up as the real thing was you know slow would probably be an understatement but now let's move on to the newest link in the super smash brothers franchise toon link who was a representative of both wind waker and the then recently released phantom hourglass for up taunt two link conducts using the wind waker and strikes a pose in the game wind waker tune link uses the baton to perform all sorts of actions but primarily to control the direction of the wind at the end of the taunt a little jingle plays which is the same jingle that plays in wind waker after the successful conducting of a song unfortunately the movements that he does in smash don't actually match any song from the wind waker but you know it's still a cute little tongue cytant has link just kinda stare around a little bit now this could be a reference to wind waker where toon link would typically stare around at important landmarks or items but in smash 4 and then in ultimate this taunt receives an upgrade where toon link is staring around still but it's actually at a ferry that's flying around the design for this fairy is pulled straight from wind waker just like toon link is and as for the origin of the taunt it could have easily been made as a parallel to the classic link side taunt just to match and finally is downtown which has toonlink furiously swing his sword before tiring himself out now this specific animation is likely a smash original but it does match the energy of the hurricane spin which is an upgraded version of the spin attack and wind waker with that move toon link will spin around constantly for quite a while and then he will be rendered immobile because he's tuckered out from all that spinning and finally we have the last character from brawl wolf o'donnell wolf's up taunt has him arch his head back and howl because well he's a wolf for side taunt wolf does a triple kick while saying what's the matter scared this is actually a smash original and it's meant to match wolf's cocky attitude in smash ultimate the general speed of taunt has been sped up and as the animation from brawl is quite long it's been adjusted to be a simple hand animation on top of this the voice line from brawl has been changed to have wolves simply say are you scared and similarly to uptaunt downton has wolf get low to the ground and snarl another behavior that is distinctly wolfish villager was the first character announced for smash 4 as a part of the reveal trailer for the game villager's up taunt could be a smash original but it's possibly based on any of the happy emotions or reactions from the animal crossing series they just made it a bit more animated and a bit longer to fit well as a taunt saitan is the shrunk funk shuffle the player can learn emotions from dr shrunk in animal crossing new leaf and happy home designer and after learning every emotion we'll receive the shrunk funk shuffle as the final one downtown is also smash original but it could be a reference to either villagers down special which has him grow a tree and chop it down or the frequency at which the player can pick up sticks while playing animal crossing as they are the most common item next up is mega man the second character revealed pretty much right after village mega man's up taunt has him ready his arm cannon and strike a pose now i feel like i've seen this somewhere before but i just couldn't find anything on it so i'm inclined to say that it's smash original but i could very easily be wrong it could be a reference to a piece of art or an actual pose that he hits in a game i just couldn't find anything the same can be said about his side taunt i'm inclined to say that it's smash original but i could very easily be wrong there's just so much mega man content out there but downton has an exact reference and that is his entrance and exit animation in the mega man games this usually happens when he enters a stage for the very first time or leaves it right after defeating the robot master and it also serves as his entrance for the match in super smash brothers next up is wii fit trainer like a lot of wii fit trainers moves the taunts are based on actual things that you do during exercising uptaunt has her stretch in the half moon pose saitan is a cross body shoulder stretch and down taunt sees her sit down and stretch out her legs during these taunts voice clips play where they're explaining exactly what they are doing just like they would in wii fit next up is rosalina and luma who was a shoe-in for smash because she is simply one of the most popular characters for the mario series in recent memory upton has both rosalina and luma spinning on their axes which is similar to how planets rotate out in outer space or more closely to rosalina the way her comet observatory will also tend to spin but both side taunt and downtown are certainly smash originals they both involve her wand in some way which is something that she always has on her you know that she always keep that dang on her next let's move on to little mac who is the first character ever to get upgraded from assist trophy to fighter little mac's up taunt seems to be smash original but there is the chance that it could be a reference to little mac's punch animations just seen from the other side he's not exactly punching with force during the taunt and the reference would be very loose at best but it's still possible saitan is a reference to real life boxing with little mac tightening up the tape on his boxing gloves tape is used in real life boxing as a means to prevent injury to the hands or wrists so it would make sense that little mac has these around his hands and wrists and lastly little mac does a flurry of punches for his down taunt he does something similar in his punch out for wii victory animation but it's more likely that it's just original i mean it is just punching next let's move on to the pokemon rep for smash 4 greninja greninja's up taunt has him strike in upward pose this pose comes from one of his attack animations in the mainline pokemon games starting with x and y saitan has him shake his head from side to side and as a result has his tongue flail everywhere with saliva flying off this is smash original and it's just meant to emphasize his giant disgusting tongue down taunt has greninja strike a pose with two water spouts spraying out of his hands i don't think this is a reference to anything but it's super cool and it can actually be used offensively very very rarely now i'm gonna go ahead and save this all some headache here and say that almost all of the me fighters taunts are completely original to the game as the fighters themselves are completely original there are however two exceptions the first is sword fighter's downtown which is pretty much just the link's downtown and the second is me gunners upton which is just taken from samus's downtown everything else is brand new and fairly generic next is palutena and i'm going to hazard a guess that all of hers are original they're all simply meant to emphasize how graceful and angelic she is but they aren't specific references to anything because darkpit debuted in smash 4 i'm gonna talk about his taunts now since we're on the topic of kid icarus both his up and down taunt seem to be smash originals with him literally taunting his opponent as you would expect from dark pit however side taunt is very similar to his and pits neutral errors in smash which are references to the buzzsaw attacks that can be used in kid icarus uprising but when it comes to kid icarus i am just not very knowledgeable so for both palutena and dark pit's taunts i could very well be a hundred percent wrong so if i am please let me know down in those comments oh boy it's time for pac-man now this one is going to be a doozy pac-man's up taunt is called the namco roulette which has him summon a different sprite from a variety of namco properties likely because it would be quick and easy to license these because of how close nintendo and namco worked on smash together smash for 3ds and wii u both had console exclusive sprites contained for this taunt but smash ultimate consolidated them together into the full taunt you could say for pac-man and so i'm going to be using the ultimate footage for this reason so here are all of the sprites in pac-man's upton and their references galactic is the player's ship in galaxian turn to blue is the appearance that ghosts take on when pac-man eats a power pellet throughout the whole series king is from the shooter game king and balloon the player's car from rally x a maze racer the player ship from galaga the playership in bosconian a free-roaming shooter puka the common enemy in dig dug solvalu the playership in the shooter xevius andor genesis a mini boss also from xevious mappy the main character from the platformer mappy top cup a monster from the puzzle game libel ravel hypership a secret fighter in gapless the sequel to galaga gill the prince of the tower of juwaga a role-playing maze game clovis the hero of the dungeon crawler dragon buster runner the player sprite from platformer metrocross which interestingly runs on the same hardware as paclan packett is a friendly alien from the shooter bara duke red baron is the player 1 character in the shooter sky kid valkyrie is the main character of the famicom game valkyrie no densetsu donchan is the mascot of the taiko no tatsukin series a series of drum based rhythm games now those were all from smash for 3ds and wii u pac-man on top of this gets two new ones in smash ultimate hiyachi mishima the major antagonist of the tekken fighting games and the prince of all cosmos the main character from the katamari series and that is the most complex taunt in all of smash covered now quickly let's look at his other two taunts sai taunt turns him into his classic pizza design from the original arcade release going left and right before turning back to normal lastly is down time where pac-man stares up at fairies while a jingle plays with music notes the fairies that appear above his head are from pac-land and the jingle that plays is an arrangement of the intermission theme from pac-man i could not find anything on robin's taunts they all kind of just look original now again this is another series that i'm not entirely versed in so if something is wrong and i am incorrect please let me know down in those comments next let's talk about shulk from xenoblade chronicles shulk's up taunt has him strike a pose and hold a hand up while saying now it's short time in xenoblade chronicles reign will often say now it's rain time so this is a reference to that quote simply catered for shulk the animation is based on shulk's animation while having a conversation saitant has short grab the monado on his back do a fist bump and say i'm really feeling it when shulk's tension level increases in xenoblade chronicles shulk will save this line down taunt has shulk pose with a monado and say this is the monado's power which is one of the lines shulk can say when he uses the activate monado talent art in xenoblade next up let's talk about bowser jr up taunt has junior jump on the edge of the car and breathe a puff of fire which is a smash original seitan has junior twirl his hammer around bowser jr doesn't specifically use this hammer but the hammer bros definitely do however on this taunt for each of the koopalings they will instead twirl their respective wands around which originated in super mario brothers 3. lastly down taunt has the character go into its wheel form and pop a sick donut yeah this animation is largely original but the concept of the clown car becoming an actual car originates from the mario kart series first in mario kart 7. duck hunt having very little source material to go off of has largely original taunts uptaunt is original where the dog dances on his front legs and the duck is for some reason pissed saitan is the classic chuckle for the dog while the duck kind of just chills and quacks next to him and down taunt has the two of them do a little dance together which is another smash original now we move on to smash 4's dlc characters which are far more cut and dry in terms of their taunts references first we'll begin with ryu the first rep from street fighter ryu's up taunt has him tighten his headband up a bit which is also a taunt found in street fighter iv likewise his side taunt where he gestures towards the opponent is also taken from street fighter 4. lastly is downton where he slams his foot down while striking a fighting pose which is instead a taunt found in street fighter 3. yeah i know they've really changed that last one up on us next we have the ex-soldier cloud hailing from final fantasy vii cloud's up taunt has him spin his sword around before posing with it on his back taken straight from his victory animation in final fantasy vii side talk comes from the spell casting animation which is also from final fantasy vii and then there's downtown where cloud leans on the buster sword while scoffing at the opponent this is more original than taken straight from a game though it matches cloud's attitude perfectly next up is corin who comes from fire emblem fates uptaunt has koran strike an energetic pose while their head turns into its dragon form this is taken from the critical hit animation when korin performs dragonfang in fire emblem fates side taunt has korin swing their sword out in front of them which is similar to coryn's battle start animation also from fates and down taunt has coren swing their sword over their head and strike it at the ground which comes from female corin's victory pose and the final character for smash 4 is of course bayonetta the dance bayonetta does for her up taunt is the long taunt that she can do in bayonetta 2. saitan has bayonetta spin around before pointing her guns out the quote she says while doing this is her dialogue from her short taunt while wielding salamandra in bayonetta 2. and finally down taunt comes from the dance that banana does right before fighting the very first joy in bayonetta 1. so first off is her upton which is a 3d imagining of the pose that she strikes in her official art for fire emblem awakening this pose is also the source for her render that is used in smash for 3ds and wii u her side taunt has her sheath her sword while saying i cannot lose this is probably smash original or perhaps it's a reference to marth's saitan which is incredibly similar and by extension is a reference to lucina being marth's clone and lastly is downtown which has her put on a mask briefly before taking it off this mask helps serve a major plot point in fire emblem awakening where lucina first appears as a masked swordsman named marth before revealing her true identity inkling's up and down taunt both come from splatoon and splatoon 2. during multiplayer battles there are signals that players can use to communicate with their teammates uptaunt is based on the command or this way signal while downton is based on the booyah signal saitant however seems to be smash original with the inkling firing their weapon in a literal taunting manner following inkling is the big boy space pirate ridley ridley's up taunt has him rapidly flap his wings while roaring a simple reference to ridley's ability to fly and previous portrayals of that seitan has him spin around and end with a claw swipe which is probably original to smash however the pose ridley hits at the end could potentially be derived from his render used for smash ultimate it could all also largely be a reference to ridley's side special lastly is downtown which has ridley stand upright and tall before hunching back over in an interview prior to smash ultimate's release sakurai said that this taunt was one of his favorites as it showed just how big ridley truly is so i honestly don't think it is a huge stretch to say that this down taunt may actually be leaning into the ridley is too big meme as we can see that they were totally okay with referencing it in his reveal trailer next up is he-man i mean simon belmont from the castlevania series starting off is simon's uptau where he holds the vampire killer above his head which seems to be a smash original which is simply just meant to be an epic pose it also could have been designed to parallel richter's uptaunt which we'll talk about specifically in a minute saitant resembles a pose that a very different simon belmont strikes in castlevania judgment the series very first fighting game and down taunt has simon whipped the vampire killer on the ground referencing the opening to castlevania 1 and super castlevania 4 where he does the exact same thing now we'll talk about my personal favorite from ultimate's base roster king k rool king k rool was given the same treatment as bowser or donkey kong where rather than being a strictly cartoony character some of their taunts and sounds are based more on real world animals for example k-rool's upton this has him snap his mouth multiple times referencing the fact that he's designed around crocodiles it's also very similar to a taunt that bowser also has next up is saitan where he slaps his big old belly this is meant to emphasize k rool's belly armor passive that he utilizes throughout most of his moveset as well as in his counter finally this taunt actually activates k-rool's super armor as well and finally is down taunt which has k-rule stomp the ground personally i think that both side and down taunts were inspired by japanese sumo wrestling slapping your belly and stomping the ground are both things that are done in traditional sumo competitions k-rool's body shape probably reminded the smash team of a sumo wrestler and so they took that direction when it came to his taunts next up is the adorable isabel who first debuted in animal crossing new leaf all three of her taunts come from emotes that exist in the animal crossing games uptaunt is the greetings emote taunt is the delight emote and the short dance she does for down taunt comes from the complete emotion in happy home designer now from a dog we go to a cat and we look at the wrestler cat incineroar from pokemon sun and moon uptaunt has incineroar point to the sky while his belt glows in a similar manner to his revenge countermove saitan has incineroar pound his chest and raise a fist and down taunt has him kneel while holding his arms out all of these mostly seem to be based on incineroar's wrestler personality and the showmanship that goes along with it i took a look through incineroar's animations from sun and moon and i didn't really see anything that i thought looked super similar so i feel like it just being smash original is a pretty safe bet and that finished up all of the uniquely numbered fighters in smash ultimate but now we get to talk about the echo fighters who debuted in ultimate i'm going to present them in the order that they are on the character select screen which means we'll start with dark samus dark samus first two taunts sort of just emphasize her evil faison monster personality she floats up and spins around just like she does in her typical moveset and she sort of glows with evil monster energy downtaunt however could be an interesting reference dark samus kneels on the ground and holds her arm cannon upward in a sort of ready position while samus strikes a similar pose in her taunt for melee the kneeling part makes this most likely a reference to metroid 2 return of samus for the game boy next we'll move on to the very first echo fighter revealed for ultimate which is daisy daisy's upton is exactly her official smash render but both of these are probably based on original artwork that was made for mario tennis for the n64 it's just sort of been adjusted for modern day daisy because that daisy looks very different saitan has her spin around and hold up a peace sign which is smash original but it matches daisy's personality perfectly and downton has her place her hands on her hips this comes from official artwork of daisy that's been used in several places including her super mario amiibo but which first debuted in mario kart 7. following that is kron like his daughter lucina krom's up taunt is a 3d pose based on his official art from fire emblem awakening forsythe taunt he holds out his sword in a ready-up pose i couldn't really find any reference for this so unless i get new information i'm just going to label this one a smash original and lastly krom's downtown has him twirl his sword and while the exact animation isn't the same the style and energy definitely kinda match his victory animation from fire emblem awakening ken is far more straightforward than most of the other characters on this list coming from another fighting game series with its own set of animations the smash team could pretty much just snag the ones from his games that they liked and remake them for smash his uptaunt is the very epic thumbs up ken which references ken's win pose from street fighter alpha it also happens to confirm any and all true and 100 real leaks saitan is very much meant to match reuse perhaps to emphasize the fact that ken is ryu's echo fighter which was a point that they touched on very heavily during his introduction in the final smash ultimate direct and lastly is downton which is one of ken's taunts from street fighter 4 as well as his intro at the start of a brand new match and last but not least is richter who debuted in castlevania rondo of blood also known as castlevania dracula x richter's up taunt is a direct recreation of richter's pose from rondo of blood's box art his side taunt is based on art that can be found in the official rondo of blood guidebook and lastly is his downtown which is based on a cut scene found in rondo of blood piranhaplant's uptaut has it go very rigid and move up and down a clear reference to their first appearance in super mario brothers for the nes they've since become far more animated moving in a variety of ways in the later mario games but this is the way that they behaved in their very first debut syton is a smash original kind of similar to bowser and k-rool's taunts which is just meant to emphasize the big mouth and the sharp teeth that a piranha plant has and lastly is downtown where piranha plant spins around and strikes a pose i personally think that this is a smash original but i suppose that you could make an argument that says that distant is based on old art of piranha plant i'm honestly not 100 sure next we'll move on to the first official fighter pass fighter fighter number 71 joker from persona 5. first let's look at upton where joker strikes a pose pulling at his glove this is a well-known pose and is used multiple times in smash including joker's final smash because it comes from the pose that joker strikes at the end of an all-out attack in persona 5. during this taunt morgana appears saying looking cool joker morgana is one of the party members available in persona 5 and the line he says is a potential voice clip used during battles and yes it's become quite the meme saitan has joker point his gun forward while holding his knife underneath this pose seems to be smash original and it simply shows off joker's two main weapons in his moveset morgana again appears laughing while his eyes turn starry morgana's eyes can turn starry throughout persona 5 as one of the potential headshots used for the game's dialogue boxes and lastly is downton where joker strikes a pose facing away from the camera while morgana hops up in the air this pose is very similar to art that was made for joker's appearance in catherine full body another atlas game even though catherine full body was not released until after joker was released in smash the game itself was announced before joker's announcement for smash so it isn't too much of a stretch to say that sakurai could have seen this art during any of his consults with atlas and decided to use it as the basis for one of his taunts unique to joker is arsene who can potentially be out at any time during a match and who has his own animation for win joker taunts arsene strikes the exact same post from his official persona 5 art unfortunately regardless of taunt arson only does this single animation but i think it's cool nonetheless next let's talk hiro the 4-way character representing the dragon quest franchise while there are 4 different models on this slot the taunts all remain exactly the same so even though i'm only showing the default costume everything applies across the board hiro's up taunt has him surround himself with a pink aura before it ultimately bursts this is the original animation for psycup which first debuted in dragon quest 8 journey of the cursed king psycho is an ability that increases tension which is a mechanic that allows for multiplied damage during battles psycup is also used in hero's moveset but it uses a totally different animation saitan has the hero hold his given sword straight up over his head this happens multiple times throughout dragon quest 11 and it's kind of just a trope for sword users in general and lastly is downtown where hiro sort of stumbles backwards while a slime hops by the slime is the mascot of the dragon quest series because while everything changes from game to game the enemies and such remain the same for the most part and the slime became a fan favorite that eventually turned into the mascot while this animation doesn't necessarily have a link to something specific i think that it could potentially be a reference to how dragon quests one through eight had random monster encounters as the slime suddenly appears and the hero looks very shocked about it dragon quest 9 and onward implemented for the most part monster battles that are encountered by seeing the monster in the overworld next up is banjo and his best pal kazooie starting off is upton which i believe is the only actual reference to banjo-kazooie nuts and bolts in this entire character banjo stretches upward while kazooie sticks her head outward this is based on an idle animation from nuts and bolts on the xbox 360. next up is saitan where they strike a pose with banjo going to one side and kazooie going to the other while they both look at each other smash definitely took its liberties with this one because this exact animation never really happens in any of the banjo games but it's based on the pose that both banjo and kazooie hit in the very beginning of the opening sequence of the first game lastly is down taunt where banjo bows twice while doing his iconic this comes from banjo kazooie in two different places the first is when banjo and kazooie collect all 10 jiggies in a given world and the second is when they open up a note door inside of grunty's lair next let's move on to terry just like the street fighter reps terry's taunts and animations both come largely from his long library of games we'll start with his well-known hey come on come on where he gestures with his finger which is based on his intro pose and taunt from fatal fury 2 and king of fighters 94. saitan sees him stand up straight and taunt with his hand and is based on his victory pose from gado mark of the wolves though terry has a very very different design in that game lastly is downtown where terry takes off his hat and spins it on his finger which is based on the match start animation from both fatal fury 3 road to the final victory and real bout fatal fury not much more to say there it's pretty straight to the point on all of those references and last but not least is bilath from fire emblem three houses for biteless up taunt they sweep their sword before putting their fist to their chest this comes from the victory animation used by bileth in three houses it also serves as one of bilal's victory screens in smash ultimate for saitan bileth holds the sword of the creator app the animation itself is original to smash as far as i can tell but the two potential quotes both have references let the lesson begin is bylaws critical hit quote while stay focused is when bileth is selected on the battlefield and lastly is downtown where bileth whips the sword around their body which for the most part i can only conclude is smash original for her up taunt min-min spins while performing two kicks ending by striking a pose all while shouting out in chinese this taunt is taken from one of minmin's victory animations from arms and also doubles as a victory animation in smash as well the pose that she strikes at the end of the taunt matches the pose that is used in minmin's official artwork for arms which is also the artwork that's used for her fighter spirit min min saitant sees her perform some tai chi movements with her arms before striking a pose commonly known as the crane stance which is incredibly common in chinese martial arts this pose is also one that she hits in her official render for arms which is also used as her non-fighter spirit from ultimate's base game this pose being inspired by chinese martial arts lines up with min-min being of chinese descent she also just says the word ramen during this taunt which is an odd thing to say in the middle of a fight mayman's down taunt sees her swing her arms around before she finally strikes another pose while her arms are kinda doing their own thing her feet match up with the swallow pose which is another common pose found in chinese martial arts steve's taunt sees him jump twice while his arms move this taunt was inspired by a common greeting in minecraft where players will sometimes jump up and swing their arm as a means of communicating the hand movement in the actual game is a punch but when it's done without holding anything in that hand it kinda looks like the player is waving for his side taunt steve pulls out a stake and eats it in minecraft food is essential to keep your hunger up and thus your health up so players will often eat food in moments of peace in order to bring their health back up likewise a player might do this taunt during a moment of peace in a match there is a gigantic list of consumable items in minecraft but smash keeps it simple with just having steve eat a steak using one of the most common food items that can be found in the game but fortunately it doesn't heal you at all in smash which is a good thing because steve really doesn't need another advantage over other players lastly is his down taunt which sees steve crouch three times while looking towards the camera crouching in minecraft is known as sneaking which has the player walk slower lowers the sound of their footsteps and prevents them from falling off of blocks but you can spam this resulting in something similar to the taunt that we've seen here in smash while sakurai said this taunt is something of a greeting in minecraft i think we all know that it's actually a tea bag which is meant to be a means of taunting your opponent rather than greeting them sephiroth's up taunt has him literally taunt the opponent performing a gesture that beckons the enemy at him while saying come after me in japanese which seems to be largely a smash original it just kind of plays up on sephiroth's personality for his side taunt sephiroth poses up with the masamune outstretched ready for a fight this is based off of sephiroth's battle pose from final fantasy vii which is found in a couple of places like when he was a temporary party member and in the final battle against cloud this pose is known as the kasumi no kamae a stance used in kendo which is a japanese martial art that focuses on the sword with kendo literally translating to the way of the sword this taunt is also the inspiration for the render of sephiroth's alternate costume which is also kind of tied back to the final battle against cloud but the render has of course been significantly adjusted for the sake of space because his sword is comically huge and finally sephiroth's downtown has him turn more towards the camera while darkness surrounds him this pose could be seen as similar to the pose that sephiroth strikes in the scene after he destroys nibbleheim in final fantasy vii while the darkness is just kind of a general reference to the darkness that sephiroth is often associated with pira's up taunt has her turn away from the camera and wave while rex teleports in behind her yelling out go pyra this taunt was simply another way to include rex in the move set wherever possible so the origin is fairly smash original however the animation that rex does is similar to his animation when performing a blade special in xenoblade chronicles 2. for her side taunt pyra leans forward and sparks a small fire in her hand while saying you'll get burned this animation is performed during a cut scene in xenoblade chronicles 2 and also serves as one of her idol animations and lastly for her downtown pyra poses with the aegis sword while fire surrounds her and she lets out a battle cry which is a smash original tom mithra's uptaunt is similar to pyros where rex appears to cheer mithra on while mithra waves to him rex will instead shout come on mithra but the animation holds the same reference as pyrus for her side taunt mithra holds out her arm while a burst of light pops from her fingers and she says prepare yourself the animation itself is meant to mirror piracy with the fire with light being the element that mithra is capable of wielding meanwhile the quote that she says is one of the random quotes that she can say while using photon edge in xenoblade chronicles 2. finally mithra's down taunt sees her turn away from the camera and strike a pose with wind blowing through her hair and clothing while saying think you could take me this pose is a smash original just meant to give her a cool stance that matches up with her personality fairly well however in english the quote that she says could actually be based on a fairly popular running joke for xenoblade chronicles 2 fans early versions of the game had voice lines for the ardanian soldiers that would overwhelm the player being a bug of sorts that would allow many voice lines to all stack on top of each other of these lines from the soldiers was think you can take me so i like to think that this is actually a reference to that bug which became incredibly popular online i'm unsure if this reference holds up in japanese where mithra instead says i'll show you my true power but for english that's what i think the reference is kazuya's up taunt has him cross his arms and grin towards the opponent which is something that kazuya just kinda likes to do being the edgy boy that he is he's seen doing this in various artwork and was even touched upon in his smash reveal trailer as well for his side taunt kazuya performs the demon's wrath this was a combo introduced in the tekken series in tekken 4 and ordinarily requires a four button input in order to pull it off however for smash sakurai wanted to include it and felt that inclusion as a taunt was a nice middle ground it's only one of a handful of taunts in the game that can actually deal damage and ko lastly is kazuya's downtown where he sort of charges up before briefly transforming into his devil form and roaring before going back to his normal appearance this transformation appears a number of times throughout the tekken series from a pure transformation such as in tekken 7 to a transformation through the form of a tag out in tekken tag tournament and last but not least we have sora sora's up taunt is unique in that it has three different animations that cycle sora will cast three spells stopka aroga and kiraga in the kingdom heart series stopka will freeze opponents in time and kuraga will obviously heal eroga has had two effects throughout the series either shielding the opponent by surrounding them with air or using air as an offensive attack to whirlwind opponents all of these taunts are purely cosmetic however having no function on any players for his side taunt sorta spins his keyblade out in front of him while grunting this is similar to one of his possible animations for winning in a battle in olympus coliseum's tournament in kingdom hearts 1. and lastly is his down taunt where he jumps up while raising a fist in the air and shouting here we go sora most recently does this animation in kingdom hearts melody of memory when successfully hitting star mark notes in a song this pose is also used for a render of sora created specifically for melody of memory [Music] you
Channel: Aaronitmar
Views: 65,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Smash Bros, Smash Bros Ultimate, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Smash Ultimate, super smash bros, costume origins, Project M, Third Party, Super Smash Bros., Smash, Smash Bros., Top 10, Character, Alternate Costume, Costume, Origin, History, Palette Swap, Alternate Palette, Character Skin, Alternate Skin, Smash 4 Modding, Wii U, 3DS, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Aaronitmar, Persona 5, Joker, Datamine, Leak
Id: N8lO0n8RgsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 25sec (4525 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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