Things YOU hate in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

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oh boy this Sora costume looks awesome I'm gonna go select it [Music] man I hate this game I'll take forever to load training mode has no good options two links hit sounds are disgusting world of light is boring and worst of all dark pit holds a staff in his render even though he only uses it in his Final Smash okay on a serious note I don't hate this game it's one of my favorite games of all time and it's changed my life for the better but it's not perfect every game has plus and Super Smash Brothers ultimate is no exception some are legitimate issues like how you can't play on hazardless stages in training mode for some reason and others are not that important for example Luigi's 8th alt has a differently colored L on his cap between the render and the actual model like it's dumb but it's not a big deal you know that said it's still fun to complain about inconsequential stuff like that joke's face was made really ugly in Ultimate compared to smash 4 but that's not gonna stop me from either playing him or mentioning it anyways I made a tweet on Twitter asking people what they don't like about this game and let's just say I got a lot of replies like uh like a lot of replies originally I wanted to make a video where I just go over stuff I don't like but people gave me a lot of interesting things I never even considered so I'm just going to be focusing on that for now besides most of the things they said I agree with making this Sweden and then having to read hundreds upon hundreds of replies to took a long time and honestly kind of started hurting my eyes and giving me a headache luckily that was easily fixed by popping on some blue light blocking glasses from GMG performance after that I was able to read all that negativity no problem I look at screens a lot in my day-to-day life when I wake up I checked my phone for an hour or so then I get out of bed only to start my computer screen for 14 hours a day if you're like me and you spend a lot of time in front of screens be it from playing games watching series or even working from home you've undoubtedly experienced trained ice because of too much device usage and that's because screens emit something called blue light this is exactly why a lot of devices have those night mode settings that give your screen a yellow tint which helps but it does look pretty bad and doesn't actually get rid of this blue light that's why I've been a big fan of GMG performances classes lately they block blue light without hindering my vision at all here's me actually wearing them on a live stream I did last month there's seriously a big helpless someone like me who already has pretty weak eyes if you want to try these glasses out now would be the perfect time because for the next 48 hours when this video videos uploaded they're having a big 40 discount that's almost half off select fast and check out these Amazing Blue Light blocking glasses with a special link at the top of the description they have two different models to choose from the other one looks slick as hell also but as you can see I don't have a nose so this is the model for me thanks again to GMG performance for supporting my channel and now let's get on with the video so yeah like I said I'm mainly going to be covering the stuff people pointed out on that tweet of mine so I'm going to be going through these rather quickly because there's a lot to talk about starting off with every Pokemon not having their shiny form as a knot which I completely agree with for those who don't know every Pokemon in existence already has a recolor in the form of an extremely rare shiny form and wanted to know it Smash Brothers is a fighting game where characters always have multiple alternate costumes to swap between and for some reason out of the 10 playable Pokemon only two of them have an actual shiny old Shiny Pikachu is just more orange instead of yellow he has two alts where he becomes a slightly darker tint than normal but definitely not shiny PQ doesn't change color at all in any alt which honestly makes it pretty close to their shiny form because it barely changes anyways Jigglypuff gets green eyes which none of the Alps give them Lucario doesn't even have a yellow alt which is what the shiny out makes them Granger has this alt which is painfully close to his shiny but actual shiny green she doesn't have any yellow parts and has a red tongue instead of orange like there's all this clearly inspired by shiny which is stupid at that point why not just literally give him his shiny form as an alt due to shiny just has a green tail and eyes this alt is kind of close to it but that's more yellow than green if you ask me also shiny Mewtwo doesn't have a different skin color besides their tail which this alt does and sinner actually does have it shiny which I mean nice it's pretty ugly but cool that it's there and then Pokemon trainer is a weird case besides their default alt obviously all the costumes have a unified color between the three Pokemon this one's white this one's blue it makes sense but ironically one of these actually is a shiny can you guess which one well it's this one yellow Ivysaur it might not be intentional but that is 100 shiny Ivysaur the bulb is yellow the skin is yellow greenish the spots are darker and the leaves remain green shiny Squirtle and Charizard iron in the game though with Squirtle I kinda understand it it's just slightly lighter with a green shell not that noticeable especially from the front but Charizard is honestly really stupid shiny charizard is far none the most famous shiny form of all time it's a very drastic change and it's a black dragon with red wings that's awesome again it makes sense for there not to be some kind of shiny hunter costume since all the alts are supposed to have a unified color but you can't deny that this as a concept is really neat and again it's really dumb that besides incinero the other Pokemon don't have a simple shiny old moving on from that I don't like that after all these years we have no rematch option yeah that would have been nice people already don't like that after every match the character you last used doesn't get safe then you have to reselect them and God forbid you use the notes because you're gonna have to wait for that to load all over again every single time a good way to remedy this could have been a quick rematch option maybe on the results screen if every player held on the x button for about 2 seconds a new match on the same stage with the same rules characters and all to its start I really don't have much more to add to this it can be that hard to implement I mean rifles of Aether has an instant restart button right in the past menu and I think it would save a lot of time in Smash especially for players that don't play a lot of different characters they changed meta Knight's Final Smash after they added Galaxia Darkness into an actual Kirby game yeah so for those who don't know Galaxia Darkness was meta Knight's Final Smash in Brawl and smash 4. it didn't have an origin at all in the Kirby series and was completely made up for smash after Smash 4 released though a Kirby game called Planet robobot came out featuring a mode where you play as Meta Knight and in this mode you could actually perform his final smash from brawl in Smash 4. It has the same name he does the same thing it's his final smash so they made it an actual canonical move in the Kirby series neat and then they gave him a completely new made-up Final Smash in Ultimate essentially undoing what they did in robot speaking of Kirby a complaint I got a lot was that modern Kirby is barely represented and also that almost all Kirby content comes from Superstar specifically and this is just flat out true Masahiro Sakurai the creator of Smash Bros as a whole also created the Kirby series but he actually stopped working on Kirby games a long time ago with Amazing Mirror being the last Kirby game he had any involvement with which released in 2004. most Kirby games that currently exist released after Sakurai left the series and this leads some to believe Sakurai has a bias towards the games he worked on and thus chooses to almost exclusively use content from those games in Smash you might not believe this but Kirby's Final Smash King dededy's Final Smash the Squeak Squad remix from brawl and the last 12 seconds from the boss theme medley remix also from brawl are the only piece of Kirby representation that comes from games that Sakurai didn't work on yeah every single stage every item every music remix besides the previously mentioned and of course every character originates from starfrider filmed Kirby games even though Mark's boss fight and unique gourmet race mini game in world of light coming from Superstar there are of course some spirits and non-remixed music tracks in Ultimate that come from later Kirby games but those are just png's and existing music tracks ported over not really anything to get excited about quite silly considering a lot of fan favorite Kirby games are of ones that came out after Sakurai left the series like Return to Dreamland and the afro Mansions Planet robot to name a couple I absolutely hate how you aren't able to use the switch's built-in screen capture and aren't set first to use the replay system uh yeah tell me about it this is weird the Nintendo switch has a built-in video capture feature which lets you record up to 30 second clips and it's really useful for sharing cool Clips online some games don't support this feature and smash ultimate is sadly one of those games this forces you to use the replay system found in the game and that itself comes with some flaws such as not being able to get rid of this annoying menu entirely during the countdown and having no basic media player functions like fast forwarding at all on top of that is just a lot more work if you want to share a cool clip online this way this is effectively the reason why I stopped making character montages early into smash ultimate's life I just didn't like using the replay feature in this game most of the Mario stages are level 1 of whatever game they're representing so you end up with a lot of grassy planes in little variety not to mention there is no Bowser's Castle stage yeah that is stupid Super Mario is the face of gaming there's no denying that Pokemon may make more money but that's also anime card games and a bunch of other stuff the Mario Series has countless games with an unreal amount of creativity in it if you look at the series as a whole there's roads in space made of rainbows an Ancient Forest literally inside the dream world an entire Kingdom made up of food cooking utensils and pink lava and yet out of the 18 Mario stages in Smash Bros 13 of them are just the first or main area of the games they represent pretty much every single one of these stages origin game has a way more visually interesting area in it 3D Land could have been a sweet and cookies themed stage Mushroom Kingdom U could have been a haunted poison swamp stage golden planes could have been a golden airship high up in the clouds and the list goes on but instead we just get a bunch of grass I get wanting to make the stages recognizable from their game of origin but come on look at this these are all different stages we don't need this many variations of the same idea it's extra insulting that Smash Bros for 3DS had a rainbow road stage that didn't make it to Ultimate for no real reason at all but thank God we got 3D Land am I right and yeah there being no Bowser's Castle stage is weird it's iconic even outside the main Mario series and I mean the Paper Mario stage has a transformation that makes it a Bowser's Castle area briefly but again that's only a third of the whole stage which in its base form and Omega slash Battlefield forms is you guessed it a grassy plane they need to make Fox cuter um okay I mean I think he's pretty cute I guess grayskill DD still having a colored Hammer ruins this otherwise Perfect Skin yes thank you I've been saying this for years now King Diddy has some pretty fantastic alts at least in my opinion however while I think this one is a cool idea I really do not like the execution it's meant to be a reference to the monochromatic display of a Game Boy screen which is where the Kirby series and DTD got its start like that's a cool idea and I gave the exact same alt to Kirby but looking at these two alts next to each other like this yeah there's a clear issue and that's the fact that DD's damn Hammer isn't also a great skill it really couldn't have been that hard to also give him a great skilled Hammer right I know that in the game's code for most characters they use the same exact model and textures for their weapons across all their alts which is the case for DDD but not for everyone like inkling their weapons change color per alt so why not also for this one deter deal when Kirby pulls out his hammer it also ruins the illusion but there I really don't mind because he's not constantly holding it unlike with DDD I mean it's right there in the render fully colored and all where is olimar's voice why is he mute this uh I kind of disagree with this one so only one actually speaks in the Pikmin games when you switch to him in Pikmin 2 he says his name he can make sounds when he gets hurt and he actually fully talks in the cartoons of Pikmin 3 albeit in a fictional language [Music] and yet olimaran smash makes no sound whatsoever and I think that's understandable because well [Music] yeah each Pikmin already makes noises I think it would have been a very annoying to fight in Olimar and having to hear him scream while also having to hear every pick when he deploys yell with almost every single attack here's a quick mock-up what's going on [Music] great Oliver impression right but yeah I think that would have gotten very annoying very quickly oh and if you're wondering Alf also talks yes how it's been three games and Ganondorf is still just a captain Falcon echo in Disguise well actually it's been four games and uh I completely agree but I've had a video Brewing on why Zelda representation as a whole sucks in Smash which This falls under so I'm just gonna go ahead and save this discussion for the future so uh subscribe to catch that video eventually thanks only one Sonic remix criminal yeah I fully agree so the Sonic series only had one remixing brawl and there it made sense because he was insanely rushed and put into the game very late in the development they probably didn't have time to make more and then when he returned in Smash 4 he got zero new remixes and again in Ultimate he also got zero new remixes meaning that in all those years of Sonic being in Smash there's still only one Sonic remix the reason this is so baffling is because Sonic music is some of the most iconic and beloved video game music of all time and I don't think anyone would disagree with that you know why does Mega Man who's been in two Smash games get 23 remixes while Sonic who's been in three Smash games gets one remix I'm not saying Mega Music doesn't deserve it but Sonic music deserves it more in my opinion and yet he still only has one anyways I cannot stand how characters like Dr Mario and Isabelle are not considered Echo Fighters but somehow Ken is a lot of people complain about Echo Fighters actually not necessarily on the concept itself but how it was executed I'm not going to sugarcoat it Echo Fighters are a mess we have seven official ones and I would personally argue only krom and lucida are well made as Echo Fighters and then again Lucina was a Smash 4 character these two completely share the same moves that as their non-eco counterpart with only one exception and yet they play completely differently they're more so easy mode versions of Marth and Roy and yet they aren't simply weaker copies of them that have no reason to be used or for The Originals if you're good with them Ken is a really well made character but it's just weird to categorize him as the same thing as the Asian Richter those two are literally the exact same as Peach and Simon while Ken plays almost completely differently from Ryu it's kind of an insult to say he's the same thing game design wise as Daisy honestly also I really don't see the point in Dark Samus personally with Daisy and Ricky you can make the argument that they have a wildly different personality and that's why you would pick them and while that's technically also true for Samus and Dark Samus it's kind of hard to appreciate that in Smash when uh they don't talk Samus doesn't talk and neither does Dark Samus yeah she floats and stuff but she plays the exact same and it's kind of lame especially considering she had completely different moves when she was an assist trophy back in Smash 4. but I don't want to stay on this topic for too long because honestly it could be a whole separate video so let's just move on for now they removed Smash 4 Omega pirate ship okay you guys want to see something stupid here's smash Force Omega pirate ship and here's ultimates talk about a downgrade of the century oh my God I get that they made every Omega form the same exact shape and ultimate and I think that's a good change from Smash 4 but did they really have to neuter the charm of the stage on some of them Omega anathe is another example where I think the Smash 4 version looked better like where's the drugstore signed man it's pretty interesting to see how many different things there are that people don't like about this game but do you want to know it was by far and I mean by far the most common thing people complain about well Sonic of course like no no no no no no no no no no no no no no geez I get it well you know what they say nobody hates Sonic more than Sonic fans I swear to God if I have to see this image one more time in my Twitter mentions I'm gonna lose my mind anything you can think of regarding Sonic and ultimate people don't like about it the most common complaint being that he has no personality which I agree with I'm not a huge fan of Sonic games but everyone knows what his defining character trait besides his speed is that being his attitude it's pretty much the main thing that set him apart from Mario back when he was introduced in the 90s I mean this image really says it all doesn't it Sonic had a uh a lot of issues in raw but one thing they got right was his Idol animation he looks annoyed that you're not controlling him at the moment which is the point while he didn't invent it the original Sonic the Hedgehog series was pretty much their first games to really introduce the concept of idle animations to the world Everyone Knows by now that if you don't do anything for a while in Sonic CD he gets annoted you and jumps off screen making you lose to life very much reinforcing his cocky and short-tampered attitude and I mean they got this right the first time in Brawl where he looks properly pissed off now look at ultimate he doesn't even look annoyed he looks like he's just waiting for his three minute instant noodles to be done and I mean yeah then removing the incredibly Infamous you're too slow Pond and replacing it with Sonic Speed is dumb I mean it's a taunt it's supposed to taunt the opponent saying Sonic Speed is more just a weak brag I guess another thing people justifiably hate about Sonic and smash is his moveset I mean ball ball ball ball ball ball ball ball those were all different moves even some of his animations are just balls forward roll back roll jump double jump I mean those make sense but you can't deny that if you're playing as Sonic you're essentially playing as a blue sphere half the match the reason this is the case is because he was infamously very rushed in raw like I said earlier so to save on development time they just made most of his moves ball attacks he had even more of them in Brawl believe it or not that's not a good accuse at all for him to still have so many ball moves though ultimate came out 10 years after brawl and there was even a game in between them the fact that down special and forward special you know special moves are still essentially the same it is ridiculous make forward special to fire Shield Dash or something the weak Sonic representation extends past the character by the way in my opinion having only one playable character doesn't count as having bad representation but this the this is bad representation the two Sonic stages in Smash are Green Hill Zone and Windy Hill Zone this is the same damn thing pretty much every Sonic game ever has Green Hill Zone or a variation of Green Hill Zone as the first stage the opening level of Sonic Lost World is Windy Hill Zone AKA that game's version of Green Hill Zone why that's perfect for Sonic's second smash stage wouldn't you say look I'm just as sick of seeing chemical plants Zone in Sonic games as the next guy but you can't deny that it would have been a way better fit as Sonic's 2nd smash stage than just Green Hill Zone 2. it's essentially the same problem as I described the Mario stages having earlier people also just don't like how he looks but that extends to the rest of special smash ultimate if you ask me visually speaking I think Smash 4 is a way better looking game than ultimate I mean look at the lighting differences between the two games as Battlefield stage or a female robin spatial expression in this Victory screen or the color yellow in general it's all washed out but that's a conversation for another day there are lots and I mean lots of other replies I got that I'd love to talk about but I really didn't want this video to get super long so maybe if people like this kind of video enough I can do a part two later down the line let me know in the comments if you'd like that or if you don't care let me know what you don't like about the game like I said I love this game but damn it's got a lot of small things to complain about I mean I kind of already did that twice big shout outs to write the Yoshi Gorka giant firing coal quote is cool the game DD lyric facts 1 Sheen for the win Sylveon 700 super Pick X line the chef milk and frogs the flying fire noso and the rest of my awesome patreon supporters fun fact these people already know what's to come in the near future for my channel so if you'd also like that info you know where to go thanks for watching and I hope you have a splendid day bye bye foreign
Channel: PJiggles
Views: 425,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PJiggles, PJiggs, PJ, Super, Smash, Bros, Brother, Brothers, SSBU, SSB, Ultimate, sonic, kirby, meta knight, king dedede, complaints, pokemon, costumes, graphics, ugly, echo fighters, disappointing, the, hedgehog, zelda
Id: U6jnNrnn-Vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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