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with the word of god in his hands human  being wherever his lot in life may be cast   may have such companionship as he shall choose in  its pages he may hold converse with the noblest   and best of the human race and may listen to  the voice of the eternal as he speaks with men   as he studies and meditates upon the themes into  which the angels desire to look he may have their   companionship he may follow the steps of the  heavenly teacher and listen to his words as when   he taught on mountain and plane and sea he may  dwell in this world in the atmosphere of heaven   imparting to earth's sorrowing and tempted  ones thoughts of hope and longings for holiness   himself coming closer and still closer  into fellowship with the unseen like   him of old who walked with god drawing nearer  and narrow the threshold of the eternal world   until the portal shall open and he shall enter  there he will find himself no stranger the voices   that will greet him at the voices of the holy ones  voices who unseen were on earth his companions   voices that here he learned to distinguish and  to love he who through the word of god has lived   in fellowship with heaven will find himself at  home in heaven's companionship education page 127   paragraph one when i first read this i bowed my  head and thanked god for ellen white's ministry   what a powerful statement simply written  but powerful if you want to hang out   with those who live in heaven  right now do it through the word so that when christ comes being in his  presence will not be something strange   you would have already accustomed yourself  to his presence by spending time in his word   you may choose the best to be your friends  noah moses elijah by fellowshipping with them   through study of their lives this is not some  fanciful expression this is absolute reality   god is good and all the time psalm 100 verse 5  for the lord is good his mercy is everlasting   and his truth endureth to all generations  and let me say again as i said before   the truth of god endureth to all generations  but one day error false teachings will cease   along with those who are stubbornly living their  lives by error when adam not adam cain and abel   brought an offering to god in genesis chapter 4  verse 3 and in process of time it came to pass   that cain brought of the fruit of the ground an  offering unto the lord and abel he also brought   of the first links of his flock and of the  fat thereof and the lord had respect unto abel   and to his offering but unto cain and  to his offering he had not respect   there's a very serious lesson for us your  offering is pleasant to god only as you   are pleasant to god listen to the words and the  lord had respect unto abel and to his offering   but unto cain and to his  offering he had not respect   christ object lessons page 316 paragraph two  every act is judged by the motive and the motive   comes from here and so one day god will destroy  error along with those who persist in associating   themselves with error is there anyone present  physically who is not a seventh-day adventist   anyone present right in this building anyone  you're not a seventh-day adventist all right   i am sure we have guests online thank you very  much for connecting with us may the lord bless   you and i mean it from my heart may the lord  bless you torrentially for taking time to   fellowship with us we're honored by your presence  and we hope you've been blessed by the past   two weeks i again greet all little boys and girls  who are watching or present god bless you god will   bless your little minds he really will god has  a special place in his heart for little boys   and little girls and babies because he had  a son he has a son who was once a baby and a   little boy so god loves children eloise said god  is pleased when children give themselves to him   that's what he is very pleased when children  give themselves to him and in a certain sense   we are all children our subject for this  evening practice makes perfect what did i say   practice makes perfect as always as my sister  said please preserve reverence where you are   make sure these things are turned off  mine is and so that god is not disturbed   we pay more reverence to human beings than we do  to god you walk into a courtroom you dare not you   can't even take this in with you when i go to city  hall in my town you have to leave this in a little   locker you can't take it in even if you took it  in you cannot be in it in the presence of a judge   you cannot sit in a courtroom chewing gum  in the presence of a judge and if you're a   man you can't sit there wearing a hat on your  head that judge will put you in your place you   understand you can't go to the supreme court to  argue a case wearing jeans are you following me   and you can't address him as good morning  how are you guys doing you can't do that   are you with me and god complains in malachi  he said offer he said you bring me lambs and   sheep that are polluted offer it now to  thy governor will he be pleased with thee   then why do you offer to me we treat god the way  we do not treat human leaders and god has taken it   for years perhaps god is most badly treated  in the church i can understand god being   badly treated in a casino or bar but  god is badly treated in the church   may the lord find in this church a  people who love to give him reverence   fever number two while i'm speaking pray for me  and say lord put your words in that man's mouth   jeremiah 1 verse 9 then the lord put forth his  hand and touched my mouth and the lord said unto   me behold i have put my words in thy mouth ask god  to do that for me please and number three think   think closely think prayerfully ask god  what did he mean turn it off in your mind   be microscopic in your examination because  little things mean a lot remember the kingdom   of god is like a grain of mustard seed so is  also the kingdom of satan by the way you take   a little of it and you leave it unattended it will  destroy your life you take the mustard seed of the   kingdom of god and you water it with the word  and it springs in the tree of life either way   they start small our subject practice makes  perfect let's pray father in heaven thank you   we cannot thank you enough i think of the  words they got in psalm 34 from verse 1   i will bless the lord at all times his  praise shall continually be in my mouth   my soul shall make her boast in the lord  the humble shall hear thereof and be glad   o magnify the lord with me and let us exalt  his name together father to the best of our   ability we exalt you we praise you we bless  you you are a good god you're loving god   thank you for your love thank you for being so  long-suffering with us their god because the   long-suffering is the lord is salvation father  where we've offended you forgive us dear god   you have promised and you don't lie if we confess  our sins he's faithful and just to forgive forgive   now father be particularly merciful to me because  my task is to deliver your words help me to do   it with a conscious desire to glorify you and  to be a blessing to your people whom you love   put your thoughts in my mind put your words  in my mouth fill my heart with the humility   of jesus christ and strangle my carnal nature  into submission bless all those listening   bless those online whatever country they're in  bless them right now wherever this program is   entering into a home bless that home right now  dear god and a special blessing on the children   bless all guests who have connected touched  them father in a very generous and special way   now father i commit this service to your  glory help me i pray please in jesus name   amen let's go to genesis 2. we read 16 17. then  we'll go to genesis 3 we'll read from verse 17.   our subject practice makes perfect 2 16 17. it's 7  20 i'll release you by 8 o'clock is that excessive   is that okay all right do you have genesis  what chapter did i say reading what verses   and i read from the king james version of the  bible and the lord god commanded the man saying   of every tree of the garden thou must freely  eat is eating something you do yes or no   yes okay god says you may freely eat but of the  tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt   don't do that don't eat of it for in the day thou  eatest thereof in the day you do that you'll die in this verse we see that  what we do can lead to death are you with me what we do can lead to death let's  go to chapter 3. god is talking to adam verse 17   and unto adam he said because thou has hearkened  unto the voice of thy wife is hearkening to   people something we do yes or no yes because  you listen to someone else other than myself   and has eaten of the tree is  that something adam did yes or no   yes of which i commanded thee saying thou shalt  not eat of it curse is the ground for thy sake   did adam do something yes  what was that he disobeyed god disobedience is something finish my words you do well turn that coin around and what will  i what am i about to say obedience come on   is something come on finish it you do yes we know it originates in the mind we know  that but let's go to how god created adam and   eve as we continue with practice makes perfect  go to genesis 2 or stay and go back to genesis 2   let's read verse 7. you see creation of the  physical level has spiritual lessons that's why   jesus spoke to many parables he drew lessons from  creation because it was christ who created and in   creating the earth he placed spiritual lessons  in creation and he used them when he taught   genesis 2 verse 7 and the lord god formed  man of the dust of the ground and breathed   into his nostrils the breath of life and  man became a living soul question for you   how many things did god do in that verse  according to the information in the verse how many acts did god carry out in that verse  two name them he formed a man was the other one   he breathed into his nostrils  now stop he formed him first everything necessary to live god made and there  was adam lying there but what was he lifeless not   dead to die you must live first he was lifeless  are you with me god had to do something else he gave him life and the bible says man  became what describe a living soul for me does the living soul breathe does the heart  of a living soul beat yes does blood flow   in the living soul yes then adam began to  what yes he began to give me a smaller word   no smaller words just two letters he began to do  something which was then proof that he was alive if on your way home tonight you see a  corpse lie or body lying on the side of   the road you'll pull over particularly if  there's someone with you and in order to   determine if the person's alive  or dead what will you look for is the chest rising and falling if  you have a mirror in your purse you   may put it up to the person's nose is it  causing a fog what are you looking for   what do the nurses call it the  medical professional vital signs vital signs are evidence that someone is alive and the lord god formed man of the dust of the  ground and there he was perfectly formed lifeless   having a form of godliness but denying the  power thereof that applies to so many of us   we have a form of godliness a  perfect form no power no vital signs listen to the brother of james for as the body  without the spirit is dead so faith without works   is dead also faith is only faith if it has an  expression it is the expression that verifies   the life of the faith it is the breathing and the  moving of the heart and the flowing of the blood   that tells someone this person unconscious but  alive because he is doing something okay the same   way faith without works is dead you've got to do  something righteousness without obedience is dead as a matter of fact righteousness is obedience let me pray father as i move into the next segment   move with me in jesus name i pray amen  i want you to go with me to isaiah 1. our subject practice makes perfect we have  seen that if you're alive you must do something   if there's no doing you're dead it's not enough to  have a form of godliness adam had a form but god   had to breathe the power of life into him many of  us have a form of godliness no power no life what   book did i say isaiah what chapter one let's  read from verse 15. and when you spread forth   your hands i will hide mine eyes from you yea when  you make many prayers i will not hear your hands   are full of blood now read verse 16 with me if  you have the king james version what does it say   wash you make you clean put away the doing of your  evil from before my eyes finish that verse for me   cease to do evil now give me the first statement  in verse 17 learn to do well stop learn to do well it does not happen by osmosis doing what's right must be practiced  practice makes perfect one of the reasons   why we have such a difficult time growing  in grace we practice sin we don't practice righteousness we practice theft with god's money we practice  sub of breaking by breaking it we practice sloppiness by  always coming to church late   we practice these things in preparation for heaven now you tell me do you need a phd  to realize this is absolute rubbish if you're preparing for a physics  exam do you study geography what do you study physics   what country are we headed for the new world  a country wherein dwelleth righteousness ii   peter 3 13. then what should we practice  come on tell me righteousness it is simple   you cannot practice sin in preparation for  the kingdom to come bible commentary volume 6   page 1072 paragraph 2 saints in heaven will  first have been saints on earth amen elsewhere   el white writes our first day in heaven will  be no different from our last day on earth we have to practice and so we  go back to isaiah chapter 1   uh verse 16 verse 15 end your hands are full of  blood 16 wash you do something make you clean   it doesn't mean you can forgive your own sins but  do what's necessary to acquire that forgiveness   do something make you clean put away the  evil of your doings from before my eyes   cease to do evil isaiah under the inspiration  of god's spirit tells us stop doing what's wrong and verse 17 learn to do well learn  it sabbath keeping must be learned   lot of seven adults don't  know how to keep the sabbath many of us are not taught as a little boy  we were taught what's appropriate what's   not what's suitable what's not we were taught how  to welcome the sabbath and how to bid it goodbye you were taught get your clothes ready before  sabbath that's why there's an entire day   called what preparation day then the sabbath  must be important an entire day to prepare   people must be taught little children would keep  the sabbath if they are taught and so isaiah tells   us isaiah verse 17 chapter one learn to do well  then he gives us examples go on with verse 17 seek   what judgment relieve you judge the fatherless  plead father widow this is doing righteousness   it's not just sit down and look holy you have to do it this is not salvation by works this is obedience to god seek judgment relieve the oppressed judge the  fatherless plead for the widow these are things   lord who shall abide in thy tabernacle who  shall dwell in thy holy hill he that walketh   uprightly and worketh righteousness and speaketh  the truth in his heart he that backbiteth not with   his tongue nor doeth evil to his neighbor nor  taketh up a reproach against his neighbor this   is psalm of 15 he who does this thing the psalm  ends shall never be moved this what you do the   question is by what power yes the power of jesus  christ the effort is yours the power is christ   but some christians look to christ for both the  effort and the power and that will never happen god can't confess your sins for you you confess  god won't speak to your employer and garnish you   his tithe as the government does when they garnish  your wages he will not do that you must do that seek judgment relieve the oppressed judge the  fatherless plead for the widow then your heavenly   father says come now let us reason together if you  don't do these things how are you a child of god   learn to do well practice right doing ella white  writes in the mind character and personality   volume 2 page 601 paragraph 4 that which at  first seems difficult my constant repetition   grows easy and right thoughts and actions become  habitual how you missed it let me say it again   that which at first seems difficult  righteousness seems difficult for a sinner what am i supposed to forgive my enemies yes am i  supposed to love my enemies yes pray for them yes   try try you do it once it's easy to do it twice   and am i right that which we venture to do  once we're more apt to do again are you with me   that which we venture to do once we're more  apt to do again paul writes let it not once   be named among you as become a saint it goes  with righteousness and sin the sin you do once   you're likely to do again the righteous  act you do once you're likely to do again that which at first seems difficult  by constant repetition grows easy   and right thoughts and actions become habitual as natural as it is to hit  back someone who slaps you   by practicing righteousness it becomes it can  become natural to do what restrain yourself it works on the negative it works on the  positive practice not shouting at your children   unless you can show me where  god shouts at the sinner practice not criticizing your wife's cooking practice complimenting her even if  she looks like she just came out   of the salvation army practice complimenting her and it becomes a habit mind character personality volume 2 page 601  paragraph 4 that which at first seems difficult   by constant repetition grows easy   and right thoughts and actions become  habitual go with me to psalm 106. we'll read verse 3 of psalm 106  while you're looking i'll pray   father in heaven please restrain me i  pray keep me conscious of your glory and   the blessing of your people in jesus name  i plead with you amen psalm 106 verse 3. do you have that blessed  are they that keep judgment   finish that verse and he that  doeth righteous how often is there an exception to that verse no let me read it again blessed are they  that keep judgment always trying to do   what's fair and honest and he that  doeth righteousness at all times not only on sabbath at the office where you work if you're supervisor you're righteous in the way  you deal with those who are your subordinates   religion is not something you do in church  religion is a lifestyle eloise says business   and religion are not two separate things they are  the same she also arrives it is essential to do   the will of god when building a building as when  engaging in a religious service if you're building   a building you must think of the will of god as  verily as when engaged in a religious service practice come on makes perfect that's not  my view go to the great gospel commission no   let's not go there yet should i go there father  which one all right the great gospel commission   matthew 28 let's read from verse 18 our subject  practice makes perfect 20 minutes to eight do you have that matthew 28 reading from verse 18. all right and jesus came and spake unto them  saying all power is given unto me in heaven   and in earth go ye therefore and what teach  all nations if you have the king james version   baptizing them in the name of the father and  of the son and of the holy ghost keep reading   teaching them to what observe come on all things  whatsoever have commanded you teach them to do   what come on give me my favorite word teach  them to do what obey now who said that jesus teach them to obey obedience is righteousness   why will some people burn in hell go to second  thessalonians chapter one we'll read verse eight   let's read seven and eight of second thessalonians  chapter one our subject practice makes perfect and   again i thank those who are online watching from  whatever country may the lord bless your country   i really really mean that we thank god for modern  technology that allows me to enter countries   without a passport uh god is good what do you say  yeah ii thessalonians 1 7 and 8 unto you who are   troubled rest with us when the lord jesus shall  be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels   in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that  know not god if you have the king james finish   it for me and that obey not the gospel of our  lord jesus christ they do not obey the gospel come on in come on in god bless you go to  first peter chapter 4. first peter chapter four do you have that verse 17 you know this verse very well if you have  the king james version my version read   with me what does that say for the time is  come come on that judgment must begin where   at the house of god and if it first begin with  us what shall the end be of them do what do not   obey the gospel of god so is the gospel of  god in 1st peter 4 is the gospel of jesus in   2nd thessalonians 1 8 same gospel because  all things that the father hath are mine all thine and mind and mine are thine john 17 9-10 the gospel must be obeyed obedience is  merely the expression of righteousness we must learn to do what's right we  must be taught and our instruction   manual is the word of god both testimonies  there are many churches who call themselves   new testament churches but jesus said if you  don't believe moses you cannot believe me now go to second timothy chapter three second timothy chapter three verse three verse sixteen you all know this verse  very well one of the first verses i had to learn   when i became a seventh-day adventist a long time  ago do you have that all scripture is given by   inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine  for reproof for correctional pause take a breath   read the final statement for  instruction come on in righteousness how many times have you read that first what is  instruction in righteousness now for you to have   instruction you have to have at least two people  who are they a teacher come on i'm a student the teachers the pastor the elder whoever  conference president this the pupils are   the church members or someone who wants to  come to christ instruction in righteousness because the devil gives us instruction  come on in sin there are two instructions   either instruction what to do right or  instructioning what to do what's wrong   god tells us we get instruction in what to  do that's right instruction in righteousness teach them it is profitable for doctrine if someone  offends you in the church what do you do   well there is instruction in the bible matthew  18 15 moreover if thy brother shall trespass   against thee against thee go and tell him  his fault between thee and him alone if he   will hear thee thou has gained thy brother  but if he will not hear thee then take with   the one or two more that in the mouth of two or  three witnesses every word may be established   that is instruction in how to handle conflict  in the church this is righteousness in action   if someone hurts you and you go to the person  to discuss it that's righteousness in action you know in the world people  practice conflict management   in the church and the bible  practices conflict resolution   a boxing match is conflict management the  referee says you can hit this way you can   kill him you can bloody his eye and i'll manage  this violence god's system is conflict resolution and this is the instruction don't go and  gossip call your friends text them talk   to them on skype go to the offending person after  having prayed first and say i need to talk to you   you're my brother in christ you're my sister this  is what you did and this is the effect it had on   me you borrowed five hundred dollars you didn't  pay when you said you would as a result i whatever i want to resolve that that  is righteousness in action you go to your friends first  that is unrighteousness in action the bible says you and the offender   first because sin should always be  handled in as narrow an area as possible if that doesn't work then you  widen the circle of intervention   you bring one or two more  not all your family members that one or two more should wisely be a leader  of the church are you with me if that doesn't   work then you go to the church step come on by  step instruction in righteousness church members   on their own most unlikely to learn  righteousness they have to be taught   that's why one of the qualities for  leadership is he must be apt to teach my brothers and sisters isaiah 1 17 learn to  do well let's look at the behavior of the flesh let's go to galatians 5 we read 7 19 to  21 we look at the flesh galatians 5 19-21   our subject practice makes  perfect 14 minutes to eight   let me pray again holy father i'm coming to the  end continue to speak through me father restrain   me let me be humble but bold and compassionate  in jesus name i appeal to you amen galatians 5 19-21 the works of the flesh are manifest which  are these adultery in other words manifest means   what obvious you see them you know as a carnal  person by their fruits come on you shall know   that fruits marine behavior the words of the flesh  are manifest which are these adultery fornication   uncleanness lasciviousness idolatry witchcraft  hatred variants emulations wrath strife seditions   heresies envyings murders drunkenness revelings  and such like that's the behavior of the flesh   and it comes naturally one sinner may not do all  of these things that's not necessary he or she   just needs to do one but that sinner is capable  of all those things verse 22 but the fruit of   the spirit is love joy peace long suffering  gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance   notice how that verse ends against such come on  there's no law now think we looked at two lists   give me one word to describe the first list   disobedience the second list obedience  give me two different words first list   sin second list righteousness all right  notice how the second list is described   against such there's no law against  that second list what does that tell you listen to me you must reason if there  is no law against the second list and   the two opposite lists what does that tell you  about the first list there's a law against it there is a law against it how can we say that differently there is  no law against righteousness because right   the law itself finished my words is righteous  are you with me the law doesn't self-destruct but there's a law against adultery fornication  and cleansing the whole sorry and sordid list   and jesus says if you love me when that  answer is too long give me one word obey you see i have to hammer home the word obey  let me tell you why just listen to this   verse no need to turn romans 8 7 because  the carnal mind is enmity against god   why is that for it is not subject to the law  of god neither indeed can be when you come to   christ that's why we come as big we have to  learn to do what's right yes you convert it   you're justified but now your day-to-day life  must be a learning experience as you unlearn elohim tells us god took moses into the wilderness  and for 40 years he moses had to unlearn   all he learned in egypt in order that  he might qualify to lead god's people   he had to learn the righteous way not by  killing egyptians but by simply obeying god nobody the devil told god in job  chapter 2 verse 4 skin for skin   all that a man hath will he give  for his life and that's true   we protect ourselves our most precious possession  is life but consider this sin threatens your life righteousness preserves it you hurt yourself by  practicing sin you save yourself in a certain   sense by practicing come on righteousness  righteousness is salvation sin is destruction both are expressed in the life the reason why is very very essential to practice  righteousness is because we're born with a sinful   nature we're not born with a righteous nature are  you following me we are born with a sinful nature   that's why god told the israelites don't mingle  with those tribes they will take you from me he   didn't say you will draw them to me they will take  you they will turn your hearts from following me let me deal with an unpleasant subject father  help me to be sensitive as i deal with this   in jesus name amen there is no  such thing as boyfriend evangelism oh mommy he's a nice ball yeah yeah no why do you tell your little children don't play  with those people if you've got a 14 year old boy   he's hanging out with other 14 year old boys who  smoke and rob grocery stores what will you tell   him because if he continues the next knock  you here on the door will be houston police   because that's the natural condition of  a person so when we're converting now   we have to learn are you with me  to do us right we need instruction   because righteousness is not just something  you think it is something you do yes it   begins in the mind but faith without works is dead  righteousness without obedience is absolutely dead and so the final chapter of the bible revelation  22 14 blessed are they that think about his   commandments is that what it says blessed are they  that do his commandment when the rich young ruler   came to christ in luke 18 what must i do or shall  i do to inherit eternal life jesus says why call   is thou me good there is none good but one safe  god thou knows the commandments that's what jesus   said you know the commandment and he listed a  few not one of them was ceremonial by the way   you didn't get there people always argue well  the ten command no no not one of the ones christ   listed was ceremonial because ceremonial laws take  no one to heaven a righteous life is an expression   of the ten commandments not the ceremonial law so  he listed only from the ten commandments he didn't   have to list all the young world knew what he  was referring to christ said do that and you live but you do it by christ's power my brothers and sisters practice  makes perfect practice right doing let me close it yet something just came  to me go to first timothy chapter four   for those of you taking notes god bless you the other is not writing i suspect you're  writing in your head so god bless you too okay well you have to be nice when  you're in a strange church you see   all right first timothy chapter four do you  have that all right we'll read verse eight when you're there say amen for bodily exercise  come on profiteth little but godliness come on   is profitable until all things having promise  of the life that now is it has benefits now   and come on of the life to come godliness and  righteousness are no different they give you   benefits now and the benefits extend into the life  to come godliness is profitable unto all things some of you may run a business  run it on biblical principles and god will bless it you know  what the bible says about joseph   and his master saw that the lord was with him  and that the lord made all that he did to prosper   the lord this is entirely different sermon let me  squeeze it in quickly when you give something to   god are you with me god becomes responsible for  that thing ah you didn't hear me you're just nice   people so you say yes but when you give something  to god he becomes responsible for that thing   and so the bible says in genesis 39 3 and his  master saw that the lord was with him and that   the lord made all that he did to prosper  the prosperity of joseph was god's doing   because the lord was with joseph give  god your life and you live a blessed life   because no one knows how to manage your life like  god are you with me he created life he can manage   life even when joseph was in prison you read from  verse 20 to 23 the lord blessed all that he did   in prison and that which he did the lord made  it to prosper verse 23 of genesis in prison god   prospered his hand why because the lord was  still with him give your life to god please many of us give our lives to god this way  you know this is the world this is god   oh we were in the world where we take off  one hand from the world and give god one but   we can't let this one go because we're so custom  we can't let this one go and god's let go let go total surrender because god does  not share the throne of your heart   with the devil if you surrender to god 99.9  you've got to tell me who controls the .01 the devil and that's all he needs mind character and personality volume  one piece thirteen paragraph three   satan takes control of every mind that is not  decidedly under the control of the spirit of god   that's a proper response satan takes control   of every mind that is not decidedly  under the control of the spirit of christ desire of eighties page 466 paragraph  three every soul that refuses to give   itself to god is under the control  of another power he is not his own   that's why a half-hearted surrender to god is  no surrender as i close practice makes perfect   can you not make a decision tonight  starting tonight practice righteousness the instruction manual this in  other words then we have to do what study and there's a very valuable  inspired commentary on the bible   what's that commentary called the  writings come on level and white the conflict of the ages series  condenses everything get ready for heaven   in second peter chapter 3 verse 13 the bible  says nevertheless we according to his promise   look for new heavens a new earth come on wherein  dwelleth right that's all there is in new heaven   let's practice it now second  timothy chapter four verse eight   henceforth is laid up for me a crown of  righteousness what kind of crown do you get   righteous crown how is the country described  righteous wish the lord the righteous judge   a righteous judge gives you a righteous  crown and admits you to righteous kingdom acts 17 31 because he hath appointed a day   into which he will judge the world in  righteousness the standard of judgment   righteousness the judge righteous the  crown righteous the country righteous   practice righteousness destruction manual the  word of god the commentary eloise writings let me give a public plug  to ellen white's writings   it's not popular in the church anymore that's  criminal behavior in my humble estimation   as verily as the ancient jews killed the  prophets god sent by disregarding illness   counsel we virtually kill her but let me appeal to  you humble yourself and read what she has written your thinking your life will  change you're in a courtship   read messages to young people you're thinking of  starting a family read the advertised home you   want to sir you think of getting married out with  this home start a family a child child guidance what's our subject you took too long to answer what's the subject how many will try that by the grace  of god can i see your right hand   ah god bless you god bless you stand up with me when jesus came to john to be baptized john  forbeed him saying i have need to be baptized   of thee and cometh out to me but jesus rebuked  him saying answered and said unto him suffer it   to be so now for thus it becometh us to do what  fulfill what baptism is an act of righteousness   the person who baptizes you is carrying out  an act of righteousness having said that   is there anyone now who will finally make a  decision i need to get baptized because i'm   convicted to do you've not yet made that decision  and you need to make that righteous choice   in this final presentation may i see your hand  if a hand is raised online contact the closest   seventh-day adventist church or write us we will  give you the information a decision to be baptized   a righteous decision if you're shy tell the  pastor when the service ends just before i close   when god gave a dream to pharaoh remember the  dream seven fat cows seventh in seven good ears   of corn seventh in joseph explained that he got it  twice as evidence it was established by god so god   confirms now you confirm to god you will begin to  practice righteousness can i see your hand again   let's see the confirmation keep your hands  up father in the name of jesus register every   upraised hand in this building and online help  us to practice righteousness beginning right now   let's get our instruction from the instruction  manual of the bible and enlightenment from that   the commentary by your servant ellen white bless  us fathers we practice in preparation for the new   world help us to practice with the consciousness  that the power to carry out the principles is the   power of the indwelling life of righteousness  jesus christ himself because he is our   righteousness bless us let an angel escort every  vehicle traveling let that angel guard us tonight   let what we've learned the past two weeks go  with his father let us build on that knowledge   save all of us when you come don't lose one father  if necessary the same way the angel grabbed locked   by the harm and the arm and pulled him out of  sodom if necessary father grab someone by the arm   and pull that person out of hell save us god  save us in jesus name we pray let god's blessed   people say amen and amen god bless you god bless  you let me publicly thank the pastor again for   the tremendous honor to occupy the sacred  desk you have treated me very very nicely   hebrews chapter 6 verse 10 listen carefully god  is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor   of love which you have showed to his name in that  you've ministered to the saints god accepted your   kindness to me as having been done to him he will  not forget you may you never lose that sweetness   don't lose it continue to be sweet because the  country where you headed is a country of sweetness   god bless you and may god admit your children into  the kingdom before you god bless you god bless you new i gotta lay down this world i gonna take it  up to my jesus i'm gonna take it over to my jesus i gotta lay down this world i'm  gonna take it over to my jesus   i gonna take it over to my  jesus and i got a good news i got a sleeper in the ghost  kingdom and a lot of good news   i got the sleeper in a ghost kingdom another  good news i'm gonna lay down this world   i'm gonna shoulder up to my cross i'm gonna  take it over to my jesus in a lot of good news i got a robe up in a are gonna take it over to my jesus i'm gonna  take it over to my jesus and a lot of good news i got a harp up in a god's kingdom i gotta lay down this world i'm  gonna shoulder up to my cross   i'm gonna take it over to my  jesus in another good news i got a savior in the god's kingdom gonna shoulder up to my cross i'm gonna take  it over to my jesus in another good news   i'm gonna roll up in the gold skin dump i got a good news good news good news we're thankful for the things that have been  done these past two weeks and i do believe   that we all know by now clearly without any  share of doubt that this salvation is free   this salvation is free but to take the salvation  rather take this gospel throughout the world   it requires money it sounds really really  good if it doesn't jingle but uh if it is uh   in paper form it does go a long way and  at this time i would like for us to uh   to give our offerings at this time for for this  evangelistic series and if you have anything in   your pocket please leave it behind so god's work  can continue to be done without any interdiction   at this time let us pray for the  deacons to collect our offerings   heavenly father were thankful for  the words that have been spoken   they are humbling and they are also instructive  dear lord in the things that ought to be done   we thank father for pastoring escape  who has come over to bless us this week   we have heard the words this righteousness dear  lord we have to do it and we are asking in this   time that you bless the offerings that we're going  to give bless those father we're not going to be   able to give anything tonight but maybe they  will encourage each one of us to continue to   do that which is right and we're asking whether  to take care of each and every member that is   here in this church today bless those father who  are online grant them the question father to give   also because this is the first step in  making sure that we show obedience to thee   by doing that which is right at all times this is  our prayer with thanksgiving in jesus name amen so so so my there's an end to everything there's an end to sin there's an end to grace maybe at  least the extension the close of probation   there's an end to our health there's an end to our  youth there's an end to our life nothing that we   have go on forever and that is something that  we we as children of god ought to be aware of   there's an end to this series we have for the  past two weeks have gone through this evangelistic   series and god has been with us and i think it's  also symbolic as we come to the end tonight that   the grace that is extended by god will one day  come to an end we call it the close of probation   we just don't know when that will be just as  though we don't know when our lives will end   and so tonight as we come to the end of our  evangelistic series and the a revival in the   hearts and in the home and online it is my prayer  that we will take the word of god seriously that a   change has been made in your life in your home  in your work in your relationship with god and   if you have not yet surrendered to jesus that  you will choose to do so there are a few persons   who have been talking with me about making their  decisions for christ and we are in conversation   and the evangelistic series will contin i mean  the reaching out to individuals to lead them   to christ we will continue to do our part but this  evening for this series with pastor randy skeet it   has now come to an end i am inviting my elders  here we will not send him off without prayer   from the houston international church so i'm  inviting all the elders and the pastors to quickly   join me social distancing here on the platform  and we're going to end as we began by praying over   pastors gate so pastor skeet can you join us in  the middle the elders will form a circle six feet   apart around you you're gonna be here for us on  the altar as we again send you off with prayer   let us kneel in the presence of god and  wherever you are kneel with us may i ask   the saints here to stand please stand where  you are and just raise your hand forward   as a symbol of faith uniting with us so  that god's grace will extend from you   to the man of god and that he will go with  our prayers god understands we have tonight   our first prayer will be given by elder  mike and then i will pray mike you can it's about faith lifted to heaven as we pray let us pray heavenly father a  loving god our savior our king   eternal god we come to you this evening amen   now thank you for the series thank you for  all the teachings you've supplied to us lord   open our hearts that they may be we may  be fruitful lord on your teachings lord   but thank you for your servant masters keith  thank you for bringing him safely to houston   keeping him safe throughout the storm and  even today he's able to deliver the word lord   thank you for using him in a mighty way provide  for his needs anything that is lacking may you   supply as he travels tomorrow lord keep him  safe continue giving him power strength and zeal   to serve you lord so that others may be saved  as well all this we ask in jesus name we pray   and lord we just start a little longer in your  presence we thank you for taking us through these   two weeks of evangelistic series thank you dear  lord for leading through your son elder dancers   who guided us through the book of revelation  under your grace led by your holy spirit   lord we have heard and in the second week thank  you dear lord for sending and leading and speaking   through your man's servant around this skeet  for you sent lord are you allowed an ice storm   that came through this week and roads were  blocked people froze power was removed   water broke in homes people lost their  lives but lord you stayed the course with us   we don't know why you allow it and what you want  us to learn but lord we ask you to reveal it to us   and we thank you dear father that you kept your  man servant focused in the word thank you dear   lord for those who work in the technology of  our church that the message went online and the   listenership increased and today we are having  a good day good weather lord as we come to this   we give you thanks for being good to us so lord as  you go now with your son your holy spirit continue   to plant it strongly in him give him a double  portion of the holy spirit as you gave to elisha   bless his home back there in michigan take him  safely to his dear wife we know she misses him   and we pray dear lord that as you continue to burn  through him may the word you promise that the word   will never return to your void so i want to thank  you lord as we did our little part you did your   part so thank you dear lord for the friendship  for the exposure for the interaction and we know   that you'll be coming soon we're looking forward  and it's my prayer tonight that randy skeeton's   family all those that he labored with and labor  for along with the houston international church   and all of us will be saved help us to be obedient  we pray in jesus name amen thank you very much   my elder thanks for coming pastor we're not  finished with you yet you can join us down here   all right thank you very much saints for being  here just staring a little longer pastor skeet   we have to take you from off the altar now  and put you among the fellowship of believers foster on behalf of our members houston  international sd church members we would like   to thank you we create we appreciate your time  here greatly thank you for making the time to come   and teach us all the lessons that we have heard  tonight i'm sure everyone here and online or bless   so we present you with books and gifts for  your lovely wives and chocolates hopefully   she likes chocolates and so god bless  you and your family and your life as well thank you very much i say that with all the  sincerity i have thank you and again god bless   you in all that you do god bless you and i hope  to see you again but if not you know where we   have to meet make entrance into god's kingdom a  priority above everything else because that is   god's will for you god bless you and i hope to see  you again my pastor god bless you super abundantly   god bless your dear wife the pardidi who put  me a family who picked me from the airport   and taking me back tomorrow thank you because i  get lost like it's my spiritual gift i really do   so they're not i'm not joking i get lost  in my house so they're taking me back and   i'm grateful for that god bless you all of you  especially the young boys and girls god bless you yes with the word of god in his hands every human  being wherever his lot in life may be cast   may have such companionship as he shall  choose in its pages he may hold converse   with the noblest and best of the human race and  may listen to the voice of the eternal as he   speaks with men as he studies and meditates upon  the themes into which the angels desire to look   he may have their companionship he may follow  the steps of the heavenly teacher and listened   to his words as when he taught on mountain  and plane and sea he may dwell in this world   in the atmosphere of heaven imparting to earth's  sorrowing and tempted ones thoughts of hope and   longings for holiness himself coming closer and  still closer into fellowship with the unseen like   him of old who walked with god drawing nearer and  narrow the threshold of the eternal world until   the portal shall open and he shall enter there  he will find himself no stranger the voices that   will greet him are the voices of the holy ones  voices who unseen were on earth his companions   voices that here he learned to distinguish and  to love he who through the word of god has lived   in fellowship with heaven will find himself at  home in heaven's companionship education page 127   paragraph one when i first read this i bowed my  head and thanked god for ellen white's ministry   what a powerful statement simply written  but powerful if you want to hang out   with those who live in heaven  right now do it through the world so that when christ comes being in his  presence will not be something strange   you would have already accustomed yourself  to his presence by spending time in his word   you may choose the best to be your friends  noah moses elijah by fellowshipping with them   through study of their lives this is not some  fanciful expression this is absolute reality   god is good and all the time psalm 100 verse 5  for the lord is good his mercy is everlasting   and his truth endureth to all generations  and let me say again as i said before   the truth of god endureth to all generations  but one day error false teachings will cease   along with those who are stubbornly living their  lives by error when adam not adam cain and abel   brought an offering to god in genesis chapter 4  verse 3 and in process of time it came to pass   that cain brought of the fruit of the ground an  offering unto the lord an able he also brought of   the first links of his flock and of the fat  thereof and the lord had respect unto abel   and to his offering but unto cain and  to his offering he had not respect   there's a very serious lesson for us your  offering is pleasant to god only as you   are pleasant to god listen to the words and the  lord had respect unto abel and to his offering   but unto cain and to his  offering he had not respect   christ object lessons 3 16 paragraph two every act  is judged by the motive and the motive comes from   here and so one day god will destroy error along  with those who persist in associating themselves   with error is there anyone present  physically who's not a seventh-day adventist   anyone present right in this building anyone  you're not a seventh-day adventist all right   i am sure we have guests online thank you very  much for connecting with us may the lord bless   you and i mean it from my heart may the lord  bless you torrentially for taking time to   fellowship with us we're honored by your presence  and we hope you've been blessed by the past   two weeks i again greet all little boys and girls  who are watching or present god bless you god will   bless your little mind she really will god has  a special place in his heart for little boys   and little girls and babies because he had  a son he has a son who was once a baby and   a little boy so god loves children eloy said god  is pleased when children give themselves to him   that's what he is very pleased when children  give themselves to him and in a certain sense   we are all children our subject for this evening  practice makes perfect what did i say practice   makes perfect as always as my sister said  please preserve reverence where you are   make sure these things are turned off mine  is and uh so that god is not disturbed   we pay more reverence to human beings than we do  to god you walk into a courtroom you dare not you   can't even take this in with you when i go to city  hall in my town you have to leave this in a little   locker you can't take it in even if you took it  in you cannot be in it in the presence of a judge   you cannot sit in a courtroom chewing gum  in the presence of a judge and if you're a   man you can't sit there wearing a hat on your  head that judge will put you in your place you   understand you can't go to the supreme court to  argue a case wearing jeans are you following me   and you can't address him as good morning  how are you guys doing you can't do that   are you with me and god complains in malachi he  said offer he said you bring me lambs and sheep   that are polluted offer it now to thy governor  will he be pleased with thee then why do you   offer to me we treat god the way we do not treat  human leaders and god has taken it for years perhaps god is most badly treated  in the church i can understand god   being badly treated in a casino or bar  but god is badly treated in the church   may the lord find in this church a  people who love to give him reverence   fever number two while i'm speaking pray for me  and say lord put your words in that man's mouth   jeremiah 1 verse 9 then the lord put forth his  hand and touched my mouth and the lord said unto   me behold i have put my words in thy mouth ask god  to do that for me please and number three think   think closely think prayerfully ask god  what did he mean turn it off in your mind   be microscopic in your examination because  little things mean a lot remember the kingdom   of god is like a grain of mustard seed so is  also the kingdom of satan by the way you take   a little of it and you leave it unattended it will  destroy your life you take the mustard seed of the   kingdom of god and you water it with the word  and it springs in the tree of life either way   they start small our subject practice makes  perfect let's pray father in heaven thank you   we cannot thank you enough i think of the  words they got in psalm 34 from verse 1   i will bless the lord at all times his  praise shall continually be in my mouth   my soul shall make her boast in the lord  the humble shall hear thereof and be glad   o magnify the lord with me and let us exalt  his name together father to the best of our   ability we exalt you we praise you we bless  you you are a good god you're loving god   thank you for your love thank you for being  so long-suffering with us dear god because the   long-suffering is the lord is salvation father  where we've offended you forgive us dear god   you have promised and you don't lie if we confess  our sins he's faithful and just to forgive forgive   now father be particularly merciful to me because  my task is to deliver your words help me to do it   with a conscious desire to glorify you and to be  a blessing to your people whom you love put your   thoughts in my mind put your words in my mouth  fill my heart with the humility of jesus christ   and strangle my carnal nature into submission  bless all those listening bless those online   whatever country they're in bless them right  now wherever this program is entering into a   home bless that home right now dear god and  a special blessing on the children bless all   guests who have connected touch them father in  a very generous and special way now father i   commit this service to your glory help me i pray  please in jesus name amen let's go to genesis 2 we   read 16 17 then we'll go to genesis 3 we'll read  from verse 17. our subject practice makes perfect   genesis 2 16 17. it's 7 20 i'll release you by 8  o'clock is that excessive is that okay all right   do you have genesis what chapter did  i say reading what verses and i read   from the king james version of the bible  and the lord god commanded the man saying   of every tree of the garden thou must freely  eat is eating something you do yes or no   yes okay god says you may freely eat but of  the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou   shalt don't do that don't eat of it for in the  day thou eatest thereof in the day you do that   you'll die in this verse we see  that what we do can lead to death are you with me what we do can lead to death let's  go to chapter 3. god is talking to adam verse 17   and unto adam he said because thou has hearkened  unto the voice of thy wife is hearkening to   people something we do yes or no yes because  you listen to someone else other than myself   and has eaten of the tree is  that something adam did yes or no   yes of which i commanded thee saying thou shalt  not eat of it curse is the ground for thy sake   did adam do something yes  what was that he disobeyed god disobedience is something finish my words you do well turn that coin around and what will  i what am i about to say obedience come on   is something come on finish it you do yes we know it originates in the mind we know  that but let's go to how god created adam and   eve as we continue with practice makes perfect  go to genesis 2 or stay and go back to genesis 2   let's read verse 7. you see creation of the  physical level has spiritual lessons that's why   jesus spoke to many parables he drew lessons from  creation because it was christ who created and in   creating the earth he placed spiritual lessons  in creation and he used them when he taught   genesis 2 verse 7 and the lord god formed  man of the dust of the ground and breathe   into his nostrils the breath of life and  man became a living soul question for you   how many things did god do in that verse  according to the information in the verse how many acts did god carry out in that verse   two name them he formed a man was the other  one he breathed into his nostrils now stop he formed him first everything necessary to  live god made and there was adam lying there   but what was he lifeless not dead to die you  must live first he was lifeless are you with me   god had to do something else he gave him life and the bible says man  became what describe a living soul for me does a living soul breathe does  the heart of a living soul beat   yes does blood flow in the living  soul yes then adam began to what yes he began to give me a smaller word no smaller  word just two letters he began to do something which was then proof that he was alive if on your way home tonight  you see a corpse lie or body   lying on the side of the road you'll pull  over particularly if there's someone with you   and in order to determine if the person's  alive or dead what will you look for is the chest rising and falling if  you have a mirror in your purse you   may put it up to the person's nose is it  causing a fog what are you looking for   what do the nurses call it the  medical profession vital signs vital signs are evidence that someone is alive and the lord god formed man of the dust of the  ground and there he was perfectly formed lifeless   having a form of godliness  but denying the power thereof   that applies to so many of us we have a  form of godliness a perfect form no power   no vital signs listen to the brother of james  for as the body without the spirit is dead   so faith without works is dead also faith is  only faith if it has an expression it is the   expression that verifies the life of the faith it  is the breathing and the moving of the heart and   the flowing of the blood that tells someone this  person unconscious but alive because he is doing   something okay the same way faith without  works is dead you've got to do something   righteousness without obedience is dead as  a matter of fact righteousness is obedience let me pray father as i move into the next segment   move with me in jesus name i pray amen i  want you to go with me to isaiah chapter one our subject practice makes perfect we have  seen that if you're alive you must do something   if there's no doing you're dead it's not enough  to have a form of godliness adam had a form but   god had to breathe the power of life into him many  of us have a form of godliness nor power nor life   what book did i say isaiah what chapter one let's  read from verse 15. and when you spread forth your   hands i will hide mine eyes from you yay when you  make many prayers i will not hear your hands are   full of blood now read verse 16 with me if you  have the king james version what does it say   wash you make you clean put away the doing of your  evil from before my eyes finish that verse for me   cease to do evil now give me the first statement  in verse 17 learn to do well stop learn to do well it does not happen by osmosis doing  what's right must be practiced and practice makes perfect one of the reasons why  we have such a difficult time growing in grace   we practice sin we don't practice righteousness we practice theft with god's money we practice  sabbath breaking by breaking it we practice sloppiness by  always coming to church late   we practice these things in preparation for heaven now you tell me do you need a phd  to realize this is absolute rubbish if you're preparing for a physics  exam do you study geography what do you study physics   what country are we headed for the new world  a country wherein dwelleth righteousness ii   peter 3 13. then what should we practice  come on tell me righteousness it is simple you cannot practice sin in preparation for  the kingdom to come bible commentary volume 6   page 1072 paragraph 2 saints in heaven  will first have been saints on earth elsewhere ellewhite writes our first day in heaven  will be no different from our last day on earth we have to practice and so we  go back to isaiah chapter 1   uh verse 16 verse 15 end your hands are full of  blood 16 wash you do something make you clean   it doesn't mean you can forgive your own sins but  do what's necessary to acquire that forgiveness   do something make you clean put away the  evil of your doings from before my eyes   cease to do evil isaiah under the inspiration  of god's spirit tells us stop doing what's wrong and verse 17 learn to do well learn  it sabbath keeping must be learned   a lot of 70 athletes don't  know how to keep the sabbath many of us are not taught as a little boy  we were taught what's appropriate what's   not what's suitable what's not we taught how to  welcome the sabbath and how to bid it goodbye you were taught get your clothes ready before  sabbath that's why there's an entire day called   what preparation day then the sabbath must be  important an entire day to prepare people must be   taught little children would keep the sabbath  if they are taught and so isaiah tells us isaiah   verse 17 chapter one learn to do well then he  gives us examples go on with verse 17 seek what   judgment relieve you judge the fatherless  plea father widow this is doing righteousness   it's not just sit down and look holy you have to do it this is not salvation by works this is obedience to god seek judgment relieve the  oppressed judge the fatherless plead for the widow   these are things lord who shall abide in thy  tabernacle who shall dwell in thy holy hill   he that walketh uprightly and worketh  righteousness and speaketh the truth in   his heart he that backbiteth not with his tongue  nor doeth evil to his neighbor not taketh up a   reproach against his neighbor this is psalm of  15 he who does this thing the psalm ends shall   never be moved this is what you do the question  is by what power yes the power of jesus christ   the effort is yours the power is christ but  some christians look to christ for both the   effort and the power and that will never happen  god can't confess your sins for you you confess   god won't speak your employer  and garnish your his tithe   as the government does when they garnish your  wages he will not do that you must do that seek judgment relieve the oppressed judge the  fatherless plead for the widow then your heavenly   father says come now let us reason together if you  don't do these things how are you a child of god learn to do well practice right doing ella  white writes in the mind carton personality   volume 2 page 601 paragraph 4 that which at first  seems difficult by constant repetition grows easy   and right thoughts and actions become  habitual how you missed it let me say it again   that which at first seems difficult  righteousness seems difficult for a sinner what am i supposed to forgive my enemies yes am i  supposed to love my enemies yes pray for them yes try try you do it once it's easy to do it twice  oh i write that which we venture to do once we're   more apt to do again are you with me that which  we venture to do once we're more apt to do again   paul writes let this not once be named among you  as become a saith it goes with righteousness and   sin the sin you do once you're likely to do again  the righteous act you do once you're likely to do again that which at first seems difficult  by constant repetition grows easy   and right thoughts and actions become habitual as natural as it is to hit back someone who slaps  you by practicing righteousness it becomes it can   become natural to do what restrain yourself it  works on the negative it works on the positive   practice not shouting at your children unless  you can show me where god shouts at the sinner practice not criticizing your wife's cooking practice complimenting her even if  she looks like she just came out   of the salvation army practice complimenting her and it becomes a habit mind character personality  volume 2 page 601 paragraph 4   that which at first seems difficult  by constant repetition grows easy   and right thoughts and actions become  habitual go with me to psalm 106. we'll read verse 3 of psalm 106  while you're looking i'll pray   father in heaven please restrain me i  pray keep me conscious of your glory   and the blessing of your people in jesus  name i plead with you amen psalm 106 verse 3. do you have that blessed are they that  keep judgment finish that verse and   he that doeth righteous how often is  there an exception to that verse no let me read it again blessed are they  that keep judgment always trying to do   what's fair and honest and he that  doeth righteousness at all times not only on sabbath at the office where you work if you're supervisor you're righteous in the way  you deal with those who are your subordinates   religion is not something you do in church  religion is a lifestyle eloise says business   and religion are not two separate things they are  the same she also writes it is essential to do   the will of god when building a building as when  engaging in a religious service if you're building   a building you must think of the will of god as  verily as when engaged in a religious service practice come on makes perfect that's not  my view go to the great gospel commission   no let's not go there yet should i go there  father the great gospel commission matthew 28   let's read from verse 18 our subject  practice makes perfect 20 minutes to eight do you have that matthew 28 reading from verse 18. all right and jesus came and spake unto them  saying all power is given unto me in heaven   and in earth go ye therefore and what teach  all nations if you are the king james version   baptizing them in the name of the father and  of the son and of the holy ghost keep reading   teaching them to what observe come on all things  whatsoever have commanded you teach them to do   what come on give me my favorite word teach  them to do what obey now who said that jesus teach them to obey obedience is righteousness why  will some people burn in hell   go to second thessalonians chapter one we'll  read verse eight let's read seven and eight   of second thessalonians chapter one our subject  practice makes perfect and again i thank those who   are online watching from whatever country may the  lord bless your country i really really mean that   we thank god for modern technology that allows me  to enter countries without a passport uh god is   good what do you say yeah ii thessalonians 1 7 and  8 unto you who are troubled rest with us when the   lord jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his  mighty angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on   them that know not god if you have the king james  finish it for me and that obey not the gospel of   our lord jesus christ they do not obey the  gospel come on in come on in god bless you   go to first peter chapter four first peter chapter four have that verse 17 you know this verse very well if you have the king james version my  version read with me what does that say   for the time is come come on that judgment  must begin where at the house of god and if   it first begin with us what shall the end  be of them do what do not obey the gospel   of god so is the gospel of god in 1st peter 4  is the gospel of jesus in 2 thessalonians 1 8   same gospel because all things  that the father hath are mine all thine mind and mine are thine john 17 9-10 the gospel must be obeyed obedience is  merely the expression of righteousness we must learn to do what's right we must be  taught and our instruction manual is the word   of god both testimonies there are many churches  who call themselves new testament churches but   jesus said if you don't believe moses you cannot  believe me now go to second timothy chapter three second timothy chapter three verse 3 verse 7 16  you all know this verse very well one of the first   verses i had to learn when i became a seventh-day  adventist a long time ago do you have that all   scripture is given by inspiration of god and  is profitable for doctrine for reproof for   correctional pause take a breath read the final  statement for instruction come on in righteousness how many times have you read that verse what  is instruction in righteousness now for you to   have instruction you have to have at least  two people who are they a teacher come on   and a student the teachers the pastor the elder  the whoever conference president the pupils are   the church members or someone who wants to  come to christ instruction in righteousness because the devil gives us instruction come on in  sin there are two instructions either instruction   what to do right or instructioning what  to do what's wrong god tells us we get   instruction in what to do that's right  instruction in righteousness teach them it is profitable for doctrine if someone offends  you in the church what do you do well there is   instruction in the bible matthew 18 15  moreover if thy brother shall trespass   against thee against thee go and tell  him his fault between thee and him alone   if he will hear thee thou has gained thy brother  but if he will not hear thee then take with the   one or two more that in the mouth of two or  three witnesses every word may be established   that is instruction in how to handle conflict  in the church this is righteousness in action   if someone hurts you and you go to the person  to discuss it that's righteousness in action you know in the world people  practice conflict management   in the church and the bible  practices conflict resolution   a boxing match is conflict management the  referee says you can hit this way you can   kill him you can bloody his eye and i'll manage  this violence god's system is conflict resolution and this is the instruction don't go and  gossip call your friends text them talk   to them on skype go to the offending person after  having prayed first and say i need to talk to you   you're my brother in christ you're my sister  this is what you did and this is the effect it   had on me you borrowed five hundred dollars you  didn't pay when you said you would as a result i   whatever i want to resolve that  that is righteousness in action you go to your friends first that is  unrighteousness in action the bible says   you and the offender first because sin should  always be handled in as narrow an area as possible if that doesn't work then you  widen the circle of intervention   you bring one or two more  not all your family members that one or two more should wisely be a lead  of the church are you with me if that doesn't   work then you go to the church step come on by  step instruction in righteousness church members   on their own most unlikely to learn  righteousness they have to be taught   that's why one of the qualities for  leadership is he must be apt to teach my brothers and sisters isaiah 1 17 learn to  do well let's look at the behavior of the flesh let's go to galatians 5 we read 7 19 to  21 we look at the flesh galatians 5 19-21   our subject practice makes  perfect 14 minutes to eat   let me pray again holy father i'm coming to the  end continue to speak through me father restrain   me let me be humble but bold and compassionate in  jesus name i appeal to you amen galatians 5 19-21   now the works of the flesh are manifest which are  these adultery in other words manifest means what   obvious you see them you know as a carnal person  by their fruits come on you shall know that fruits   are in behavior the words of the flesh are  manifest which are these adultery fornication   uncleanness lasciviousness idolatry witchcraft  hatred variants emulations wrath strife seditions   heresies envyings murders drunkenness revelings  and such like that's the behavior of the flesh   and it comes naturally one sinner may not do all  of these things that's not necessary he or she   just needs to do one but that sinner is capable  of all those things verse 22 but the fruit of   the spirit is love joy peace long-suffering  gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance   notice how that verse ends against such come on  there's no law now think we looked at two lists   give me one word to describe the first  list disobedience the second list obedience   give me two different words first list sin second  list righteousness all right notice how the second   list is described against such there's no law  against that second list what does that tell you listen to me you must reason if there is  no law against the second list and their   two opposite lists what does that tell you  about the first list there's a law against it there is a law against it how can we say that differently there is no  law against righteousness because right the   law itself finish my words is righteous are  you with me the law doesn't self-destruct but there's a law against adultery fornication  and cleansing the whole sorry and sordid list and jesus says if you love me that  answer is too long give me one word obey you see i have to hammer home the word obey  let me tell you why just listen to this   verse no need to turn romans 8 7 because  the carnal mind is enmity against god   why is that for it is not subject to the law  of god neither indeed can be when you come to   christ that's why we become as big we have  to learn to do what's right yes you convert   it you're justified but now your day-to-day  life must be a learning experience as you unlearn tells us god took moses into the  wilderness and for 40 years moses had to unlearn   all he learned in egypt in order that  he might qualify to lead god's people   he had to learn the righteous way not by  killing egyptians but by simply obeying god nobody the devil told god in job  chapter 2 verse 4 skin for skin   all that a man hath will he give  for his life and that's true   we protect ourselves our most precious possession  is life but consider this sin threatens your life righteousness preserves it you  hurt yourself by practicing sin you save yourself in a certain sense by practicing  come on righteousness righteousness is salvation   sin is destruction both are expressed in the life   the reason why is very very essential to practice  righteousness is because we're born with a sinful   nature we're not born with a righteous nature are  you following me we are born with a sinful nature   that's why god told the israelites don't mingle  with those tribes they will take you from me he   didn't say you will draw them to me they will take  you they will turn your hearts from following me let me deal with an unpleasant subject father  help me to be sensitive as i deal with this   in jesus name amen there's no  such thing as boyfriend evangelism oh mommy he's a nice boy yeah yeah no why do you tell your little children don't play  with those people if you've got a 14 year old boy   he's hanging out with other 40 year old boys who  smoke and rub grocery stores what will you tell   him because if he continues the next night  you hear on the door will be houston police because that's the natural condition of  a person so when we're converting now   we have to learn are you with me  to do us right we need instruction   because righteousness is not just something  you think it is something you do yes it   begins in the mind but faith without works is dead  righteousness without obedience is absolutely dead and so the final chapter of the bible revelation  22 14 blessed are they that think about his   commandments is that what he says blessed are  they that do his commandments when the rich young   ruler came to christ in luke 18 what must i do or  shall i do to inherit eternal life jesus says why   callest thou me good there is none good but one  safe god thou knows the commandments that's what   jesus said you know the commandment and he listed  a few not one of them was ceremonial by the way   you didn't get there people always argue well  the ten command no no not one of the ones christ   listed was ceremonial because ceremonial laws take  no one to heaven a righteous life is an expression   of the ten commandments not the ceremonial law so  he listed only from the ten commandments he didn't   have to list all the young rule near what he was  referring to christ said do that and you live but you do it by christ's power my brothers and sisters practice  makes perfect practice right doing   let me close it yet something just came  to me go to first timothy chapter four for those of you taking notes god bless you amen   the other is not writing i suspect you're  writing in your head so god bless you too okay well you have to be nice when  you're in a strange church you see   all right first timothy chapter four do you  have that all right we'll read verse eight when you're there say amen for bodily exercise  come on profiteth little but godliness come on   is profitable unto all things having promise  of the life that now is it has benefits now   and come on of the life to come godliness and  righteousness are no different they give you   benefits now and the benefits extend into the life  to come godliness is profitable unto all things some of you may run a business  run it on biblical principles and god will bless it you know  what the bible says about joseph   and his master saw that the lord was with him  and that the lord made all that he did to prosper   the lord this is entirely different sermon let me  squeeze it in quickly when you give something to   god are you with me god becomes responsible for  that thing ah you didn't hear me you're just nice   people so you say yes but when you give something  to god he becomes responsible for that thing   and so the bible says in genesis 39 3 and  his master saw that the lord was with him and   that the lord made all that he did to prosper  the prosperity of joseph was god's doing   because the lord was with joseph give god your  life and you live a blessed life because no one   knows how to manage your life like god are you  with me he created life he can manage life even   when joseph was in prison you read from verse 20  to 23 the lord blessed all that he did in prison and that which he did the lord made it to  prosper verse 23 of genesis in prison god   prospered his hand why because the lord was  still with him give your life to god please many of us give our lives to god this way  you know this is the world this is god   oh we were in the world and we take off one  hand from the world and give god one but we   can't let this one go because we're so custom  we can't let this one go and god's let go let go total surrender because god does not share  the throne of your heart with the devil   if you surrender to god 99.9 you've  got to tell me who controls the 0.01 you're devil and that's all he needs mind character and personality volume 1 page 13  paragraph 3 satan takes control of every mind   that is not decidedly under the control of  the spirit of god that's a proper response   satan takes control of every mind that is not  decidedly under the control of the spirit of christ page 466 paragraph three every soul that  refuses to give itself to god is under the control   of another power he is not his own that's why  a half-hearted surrender to god is no surrender   as i close practice makes perfect can you  not make a decision tonight starting tonight   practice righteousness the instruction manual   this in other words then we have to do what  study and there's a very valuable inspired   commentary on the bible what's that commentary  called the writings come on level and why the conflict of the ages  series condenses everything   get ready for heaven in second peter chapter  3 verse 13 the bible says nevertheless we   according to his promise look for new heavens a  new earth come on wherein dwelleth right that's   all there is in new heaven let's practice it  now second timothy chapter four verse eight   henceforth is laid up for me a crown of  righteousness what kind of crown do you get   righteous crown how is the country described  righteous which the lord the righteous judge   a righteous judge gives you a righteous  crown and admits you to righteous kingdom acts 17 31 because he hath appointed a day   into which he will judge the world in  righteousness the standard of judgment   righteousness the judge righteous the  crown righteous the country righteous   practice righteousness the instruction manual  the word of god the commentary eloise writings let me give a public plug  to ellen white's writings   it's not popular in the church anymore that's  criminal behavior in my humble estimation   as verily as the ancient jews killed the  prophets god sent by disregarding illness   council we virtually kill her but let me appeal to  you humble yourself and read what she has written your thinking your life will change  you're in a courtship read messages   to young people you're thinking of starting  a family read the advertised home you want   to sir you're thinking of getting married with  his home start a family a child child guidance what's our subject you took too long to answer what's the subject how many will try that by the grace  of god can i see your right hand   ah god bless you god bless you stand up with me when jesus came to john to be baptized john  forbeared him saying i have need to be baptized   of thee and cometh out to me but jesus rebuked  him saying i answered and said unto him suffer   it to be so now for thus it becometh us to do what  fulfill what baptism is an act of righteousness   the person who baptized you is carrying out an act  of righteousness having said that is there anyone   now who will finally make a decision i need to get  baptized because i'm convicted to do you've not   yet made that decision and you need to make that  righteous choice in this final presentation may i   see your hand if a hand is raised online contact  the closest seventh-day adventist church or write   us we will give you the information a decision  to be baptized a righteous decision if you're shy   tell the pastor when the service ends just before  i close when god gave a dream to pharaoh remember   the dream seven fat cow seventh in seven good ears  of corn seven thin joseph explained that he got   it twice as evidence it was established by god  so god confirms now you confirm to god you will   begin to practice righteousness can i see your  hand again let's see the confirmation keep your   hands up father in the name of jesus register  every upraised hand in this building and online   help us to practice righteousness beginning right  now let's get our instruction from the instruction   manual of the bible and enlightenment from  that the commentary by your servant ellen white   bless us fathers we practice in preparation  for the new world help us to practice with   the consciousness that the power to carry out  the principles is the power of the indwelling   life of righteousness jesus christ himself  because he is our righteousness bless us let   an angel escort every vehicle traveling let that  angel guard us tonight let what we've learned the   past two weeks go with his father let us build  on that knowledge save all of us when you come   don't lose one father if necessary the same  way the angel grabbed locked by the arm   and the arm and pulled him out of sodom if  necessary father grab someone by the arm   and pull that person out of hell save us god save  us in jesus name we pray let god's blessed people   say amen and amen god bless you god bless  you let me publicly thank the pastor again   for the tremendous honor to occupy the sacred  desk you you've treated me very very nicely   hebrews chapter 6 verse 10 listen carefully god  is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor   of love which you have shewed to his name in the  chief minister to the saints god accepted your   kindness to me as having been done to him he will  not forget you may you never lose that sweetness   don't lose it continue to be sweet because the  country where you headed is a country of sweetness   god bless you and may god admit your children into  the kingdom before you god bless you god bless you i gotta lay down this world i gonna take i gotta lay down this world i'm  gonna take it over to my jesus i'm gonna take   i got robe up in a god's kingdom and i've  got a good news i'm gonna lay down this world   i'm gonna take it over to my jesus i'm gonna  take it over to my jesus and a lot of good news i got a harp up in the ghost kingdom in a  daughter good news i got a heart for peanut i gotta lay down this world i'm gonna shoulder  up to my cross i'm gonna take it over to my jesus i got a savior in our kingdom good news good news good news we're thankful for the things that have been  done these past two weeks and i do believe   that we all know by now clearly without any  share of doubt that this salvation is free   this salvation is free but to take this  salvation rather take this gospel throughout   the world it requires money it sounds really  really good if it doesn't jingle but if it is   in paper form it does go a long way and  at this time i would like for us to uh   to give our offerings at this time for for this  evangelistic series and if you have anything in   your pocket please leave it behind so god's work  can continue to be done without any interdiction   at this time let us pray for the  deacons to collect our offerings   heavenly father were thankful for  the words that have been spoken   they're humbling and they're also instructed  to lord in the things that ought to be done   we then father four pastor and escape  who has come over to bless us this week   we have heard the words this righteousness dear  lord we have to do it and we are asking this time   that you bless the offerings that we're  going to give bless those father we're not   going to be able to give anything tonight but  maybe they will encourage each one of us to   continue to do that which is right and we'll ask  them whether to take care of each and every member   that is here in this church today bless those  father who are online grant them the question   father to give also because this is a first step  in making sure that we show obedience to thee by   doing that which is right at all times this is  our prayer with thanksgiving in jesus name amen so there's an end to everything there's  an end to sin there's an end to grace   maybe at least the extension the close  of probation there's an end to our health   there's an end to our youth there's an end to  our life nothing that we have go on forever and   that is something that we we as children of god  ought to be aware of there's an end to this series   we have for the past two weeks have gone through  this evangelistic series and god has been with us   and i think it's also symbolic as we come to the  end tonight that the grace that is extended by god   will one day come to an end we call it the close  of probation we just don't know when that will   be just as though we don't know when our lives  will end and so tonight as we come to the end of   our evangelistic series and our a revival in the  hearts and in the home and online it is my prayer   that we will take the word of god seriously that  a change has been made in your life in your home   in your work in your relationship with god and uh  if you have not yet surrendered to jesus that you   will choose to do so there are a few persons  who have been talking with me about making their   decisions for christ and we are in conversation  and the evangelistic series will continue i   mean they reaching out to individuals to lead  them to christ we will continue to do our part   but this evening for this series with  pastor randy skeet it has now come to an end   i am inviting my elders here we  will not send him off without prayer   from the houston international church so i'm  inviting all the elders and the pastors to quickly   join me social distancing here on the platform  and we're going to end as we began by praying over   paso skate so pastor skeet can you join us in  the middle the elders will form a circle six feet   apart around you you're going to be here for us  on the altar as we again send you off with prayer   let us kneel in the presence of god and wherever  you are kneel with us may i ask the saints here   to stand please stand where you are and just  raise your hand forward as a symbol of faith   uniting with us so that god's grace will  extend from you to the man of god and that   he will go with our prayers god understands we  have tonight our first prayer will be given by   elder mike and then i will pray it's about faith lifted to heaven as we pray let us pray heavenly father a  loving god our savior our king   eternal god we come to you this evening amen   now thank you for the series thank you for  all the teachings you've supplied to us lord   open our hearts that there may be we may  be fruitful lord on your teachings lord   but thank you for your servant masters keith  thank you for bringing him safely to houston   keeping him safe throughout the storm and  even today he's able to deliver the word lord   thank you for using him in a  mighty way provide for his needs   anything that is lacking may you supply  as he travels tomorrow lord keep him safe   continue giving him power strength and zeal to  serve you lord so that others may be saved as well   all this we ask in jesus name we pray and lord  with us tired a little longer in your presence   we thank you for taking us through these two  weeks of evangelistic series thank you dear   lord for leading through your son elder dancers  who guided us through the book of revelation   under your grace led by your holy spirit lord  we have heard and in the second week thank you   dear lord for sending and leading and speaking  through your man's servant around this gate for   you sent the lord are you allowed an ice storm  that came through this week and roads were blocked   people froze power was removed uh water broke  in homes people lost their lives but lord you   stayed the course with us we don't know why  you allow it and what you want us to learn   but lord we ask you to reveal it to us and we  thank you dear father that you kept your man   servant focused in the word thank you dear lord  for those who work in the technology of our church   that the message went online and the listenership  increased and today we are having a good day   good weather lord as we come to this we  give you thanks for being good to us so   lord as you go now with your son your holy  spirit continue to plant it strongly in him   give him a double portion of the  holy spirit as you gave to elisha   bless his home back there in michigan take him  safely to his dear wife we know she misses him   and we pray dear lord that as you continue to  burn through him may the word you promise that   the word will never return to your void so want  to thank you lord as we did our little part you   did your part so thank you lord for the friendship  for the exposure for the interaction and we know   that you'll be coming soon we're looking forward  and it's my prayer tonight that around this   keaton's family all those that he labored with  and labor for along with the houston international   church and all of us will be saved help us to be  obedient we pray in jesus name amen thank you very   much my elder thanks for coming pastor we're not  finished with you yet you can join us down here   all right thank you very much saints for being  here just staring a little longer pastor skeet   we have to take you from off the altar now  and put you among the fellowship of believers on behalf of our members houston international  sd church members we would like to thank you   we create we appreciate your time here greatly  thank you for making the time to come and teach us   all the lessons that we have heard tonight  i'm sure everyone here and online were blessed   so we present you with books and gifts for  your lovely wives and chocolates hopefully   she likes chocolates and so god bless  you and your family and your life as well   thank you very much i say that with all the  sincerity i have thank you and again god bless you   in all that you do god bless you and i hope  to see you again but if not you know where   we have to meet make entrance into god's kingdom  a priority above everything else because that is   god's will for you god bless you and i hope to see  you again my pastor god bless you super abundantly   god bless your dear wife the pardidi who put  me a family who picked me from the airport   and taking me back tomorrow thank you because i  get lost like it's my spiritual gift i really do   so they're not i'm not joking i get lost  in my house so they're taking me back and   i'm grateful for that god bless you all of you  especially the young boys and girls god bless you with the word of god in his hands every human  being wherever his lot in life may be cast   may have such companionship as he shall choose in  its pages he may hold converse with the noblest   and best of the human race and may listen to  the voice of the eternal as he speaks with men   as he studies and meditates upon the  themes into which the angels desire to look   he may have their companionship he may follow  the steps of the heavenly teacher and listen   to his words as when he taught on mountain  and plane and sea he may dwell in this world   in the atmosphere of heaven imparting to earth's  sorrowing and tempted ones thoughts of hope   and longings for holiness himself coming closer  and still closer into fellowship with the unseen   like him of old who walked with god drawing nearer  and narrow the threshold of the eternal world   until the portal shall open and he shall enter  there he will find himself no stranger the voices   that will greet him at the voices of the holy ones  voices who unseen were on earth his companions   voices that here he learned to distinguish  and to love he who through the word of god   has lived in fellowship with heaven will find  himself at home in heaven's companionship   education page 127 paragraph one when  i first read this i bowed my head   and thanked god for ellen white's ministry  what a powerful statement simply written   but powerful if you want to hang out  with those who live in heaven right now   do it through the word so that when christ comes  being in his presence will not be something   strange you would have already accustomed yourself  to his presence by spending time in his word   you may choose the best to be your friends noah  moses elijah by fellowshipping with them through   study of their lives this is not some fanciful  expression this is absolute reality god is good   and all the time psalm 100 verse 5 for the lord  is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth   endureth to all generations and let me say again  as i said before the truth of god endureth to all   generations but one day error false teachings will  cease along with those who are stubbornly living   their lives by error when adam not adam cain and  abel brought an offering to god in genesis chapter   4 verse 3 and in process of time it came to pass  that cain brought of the fruit of the ground an   offering unto the lord and abel he also brought of  the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof   and the lord had respect unto abel  and to his offering but unto cain   and to his offering he had not respect there's  a very serious lesson for us your offering   is pleasant to god only as you are pleasant  to god listen to the words and the lord had   respect unto abel and to his offering but unto  cain and to his offering he had not respect   christ object lessons page 316 paragraph  two every act is judged by the motive   and the motive comes from here and so one day  god will destroy error along with those who   persist in associating themselves with error  is there anyone present physically who's not a   seventh-day adventist anyone present right in this  building anyone you're not a seventh-day adventist   all right i am sure we have guests online thank  you very much for connecting with us may the   lord bless you and i mean it from my heart may  the lord bless you torrentially for taking time   to fellowship with us we're honored by your  presence and we hope you've been blessed by the   past two weeks i again greet all little boys and  girls who are watching or present god bless you   god will bless your little mind he really will god  has a special place in his heart for little boys   and little girls and babies because he had  a son he has a son who was once a baby and a   little boy so god loves children eloise said god  is pleased when children give themselves to him   that's what he is very pleased when children give  themselves to him and in a certain sense we are   all children our subject for this evening  practice makes perfect what did i say   practice makes perfect as always as my  sister said please preserve reverence   where you are make sure these things are turned  off mine is and uh so that god is not disturbed   we pay more reverence to human beings than we do  to god you walk into a courtroom you dare not you   can't even take this in with you when i go to city  hall in my town you have to leave this in a little   locker you can't take it in even if you took it  in you cannot be in it in the presence of a judge   you cannot sit in a courtroom chewing gum  in the presence of a judge and if you're a   man you can't sit there wearing a hat on your  head that judge will put you in your place you   understand you can't go to the supreme court to  argue a case wearing jeans are you following me   and you can't address him as good morning  how are you guys doing you can't do that   are you with me and god complains in malachi he  said offer he said you bring me lambs and sheep   that are polluted offer it now to thy governor  will he be pleased with me then why do you offer   it to me we treat god the way we do not treat  human leaders and god has taken it for years perhaps god is most badly treated  in the church i can understand god   being badly treated in a casino or bar  but god is badly treated in the church   may the lord find in this church a  people who love to give him reverence   faith number two while i'm speaking pray for me  and say lord put your words in that man's mouth   jeremiah 1 verse 9 then the lord put forth  his hand and touched my mouth and the lord   said unto me behold i have put my words in  thy mouth ask god to do that for me please   number three think think closely think prayerfully  ask god what did he mean turn it off in your mind   be microscopic in your examination because  little things mean a lot remember the kingdom   of god is like a grain of mustard seed so  is also the kingdom of satan by the way   you take a little of it and you leave it  unattended it'll destroy your life you take   the mustard seed of the kingdom of god and you  water it with the word and it springs in the tree   of life either way they start small our subject  practice makes perfect let's pray father in heaven   thank you we cannot thank you enough i think  of the words they got in psalm 34 from verse 1   i will bless the lord at all times his  praise shall continually be in my mouth   my soul shall make her boast in the lord  the humble shall hear thereof and be glad   o magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his  name together father to the best of our ability   we exalt you we praise you we bless you you are a  good god you're loving god thank you for your love   thank you for being so long-suffering with us  dear god because the long-suffering is the lord   is salvation father where we've offended  you forgive us dear god you have promised   and you don't lie if we confess our sins he's  faithful and just to forgive forgive now father   be particularly merciful to me because my task  is to deliver your words help me to do it with   a conscious desire to glorify you and to be a  blessing to your people whom you love put your   thoughts in my mind put your words in my mouth  fill my heart with the humility of jesus christ   and strangle my carnal nature into submission  bless all those listening bless those online   whatever country they're in bless them right now  wherever this program is entering into a home   bless that home right now dear god and a special  blessing on the children bless all guests who have   connected touched them father in a very generous  and special way now father i commit this service   to your glory help me i pray please in jesus  name amen let's go to genesis 2. we read 16   17 then we'll go to genesis 3 we'll read from  verse 17. our subject practice makes perfect   genesis 2 16 17. it's 7 20. i'll release  you by 8 o'clock is that excessive   is that okay all right do you have genesis  what chapter did i say reading what verses   and i read from the king james version of the  bible and the lord god commanded the man saying   of every tree of the garden thou must freely  eat is eating something you do yes or no   yes okay god says you may freely eat but of the  tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt   don't do that don't eat of it for in the day thou  eatest thereof in the day you do that you'll die in this verse we see that  what we do can lead to death are you with me what we do can lead  to death let's go to chapter three   god is talking to adam verse 17 and unto adam he  said because thou has hearkened unto the voice of   thy wife is hearkening to people something  we do yes or no yes because you listen to   someone else other than myself and has eaten of  the tree is that something adam did yes or no   yes of which i commanded thee saying thou shalt  not eat of it curse is the ground for thy sake   did adam do something yes  what was that he disobeyed god disobedience is something finish my words you  do well turn that coin around and what will i   what am i about to say obedience come  on is something come on finish it you do yes we know it originates in the mind we know  that but let's go to how god created adam and   eve as we continue with practice makes perfect  go to genesis 2 or stay and go back to genesis 2.   let's read verse 7. you see creation of the  physical level has spiritual lessons that's   why jesus spoke to many parables he drew lessons  from creation because it was christ who created   and in creating the earth he placed spiritual  lessons in creation and he used him when he taught   genesis 2 verse 7 and the lord god formed  man of the dust of the ground and breathed   into his nostrils the breath of life and  man became a living soul question for you   how many things did god do in that verse  according to the information in the verse how many acts did god carry out in that verse   two name them he formed a man was the other  one he breathed into his nostrils now stop he formed him first everything necessary to live god made and there  was adam lying there but what was he lifeless not   dead to die you must live first he was lifeless  are you with me god had to do something else   he gave him life and the bible says man  became what describe a living soul for me does a living soul breathe does  the heart of a living soul beat   yes does blood flow in the living  soul yes then adam began to what yes he began to give me a smaller word no smaller  word just two letters he began to do something which was then proof that he was alive if on your way home tonight you see a corpse  lie or body lying on the side of the road you'll   pull over particularly if there's someone with  you and in order to determine if the person's   alive or dead what will you look for is the chest  rising and falling if you have a mirror in your   purse you may put it up to the person's nose  is it causing a fog what are you looking for what do the nurses call it the  medical profession vital signs vital signs are evidence that someone is alive and the lord god formed man of the dust of the  ground and there he was perfectly formed lifeless   having a form of godliness but denying  the power thereof that applies to so   many of us we have a form of godliness  a perfect form no power no vital signs listen to the brother of james for as the body  without the spirit is dead so faith without works   is dead also faith is only faith if it has an  expression it is the expression that verifies   the life of the faith it is the breathing and the  moving of the heart and the flowing of the blood   that tells someone this person unconscious but  alive because he is doing something okay the same   way faith without works is dead you've got to do  something righteousness without obedience is dead as a matter of fact righteousness is obedience let me pray father as i move into the next segment   move with me in jesus name i pray amen i  want you to go with me to isaiah chapter one our subject practice makes perfect we have  seen that if you're alive you must do something   if there's no doing you're dead it's not enough to  have a form of godliness adam had a form but god   had to breathe the power of life into him many of  us have a form of godliness no power no life what   book did i say isaiah what chapter one let's read  from verse 15 and when he spread forth your hands   i will hide mine eyes from you yea when you make  many prayers i will not hear your hands are full   of blood now read verse 16 with me if you have  the king james version what does it say wash you   make you clean put away the doing of your evil  from before my eyes finish that verse for me   cease to do evil now give me the first statement  in verse 17 learn to do well stop learn to do well it does not happen by osmosis doing what's right must be practiced and practice makes perfect one of the reasons why  we have such a difficult time growing in grace   we practice sin we don't practice righteousness we practice theft with god's money we practice  sabbath breaking by breaking it we practice sloppiness by always coming  to church late we practice these things   in preparation for heaven now you tell me do you  need a phd to realize this is absolute rubbish if you're preparing for a physics exam do  you study geography what do you study physics   what country are we headed for the new world  a country wherein dwelleth righteousness   ii peter 3 13 then what should we practice  come on tell me righteousness it is simple you cannot practice sin in preparation for  the kingdom to come bible commentary volume 6   page 1072 paragraph 2 saints in heaven will  first have been saints on earth amen elsewhere   el white writes our first day in heaven will  be no different from our last day on earth we have to practice and so we  go back to isaiah chapter 1   uh verse 16 verse 15 ends your hands are full of  blood 16 wash you do something make you clean it   doesn't mean you can forgive your own sins but  do what's necessary to acquire that forgiveness   do something make you clean put away the  evil of your doings from before my eyes   cease to do evil isaiah under the inspiration  of god's spirit tells us stop doing what's wrong and verse 17 learn to do well learn  it sabbath keeping must be learned   a lot of seven adults don't  know how to keep the sabbath many of us are not taught as a little boy  we were taught what's appropriate what's   not what's suitable what's not we're taught how  to welcome the sabbath and how to bid it goodbye you were taught get your clothes ready before  sabbath that's why there's an entire day called   what preparation day then the sabbath must be  important an entire day to prepare people must be   taught little children would keep the sabbath  if they are taught and so isaiah tells us isaiah   verse 17 chapter one learn to do well then he  gives us examples go on with verse 17 seek what   judgment relieve you judge the fatherless  plead father widow this is doing righteousness   it's not just sit down and look holy you have to do it this is not salvation by works this is obedience to god seek judgment relieve the oppressed judge the  fatherless plead for the widow these are things   lord who shall abide in thy tabernacle who shall  dwell in thy holy hill he that walketh uprightly   and worketh righteousness and speaketh the truth  in his heart he that backbiteth not with his   tongue nor doeth evil to his neighbor not taketh  up a reproach against his neighbor this is psalm   15 he who does these things the psalm ends  shall never be moved this what you do the   question is by what power yes the power of jesus  christ the effort is yours the power is christ   but some christians look to christ for both the  effort and the power and that will never happen god can't confess your sins for you you confess  god won't speak to your employer and garnish you   his tithe as the government does when they garnish  your wages he will not do that you must do that seek judgment relieve the oppressed judge the  fatherless plead for the wither then your heavenly   father says come now let us reason together if you  don't do these things how are you a child of god learn to do well practice right doing ella white  writes the mind carton personality volume 2   page 601 paragraph 4 that which at first seems  difficult by constant repetition grows easy and   right thoughts and actions become habitual  how you missed it let me say it again   that which at first seems difficult  righteousness seems difficult for sinner what am i supposed to forgive my enemies yes am i  supposed to love my enemies yes pray for them yes try try you do it once it's easy to do it twice   how am i right that which we venture to do  once we're more apt to do again are you with me   that which we ventured to do once we're more  apt to do again paul writes let that not once   be named among you as become a saint it goes  with righteousness and sin the sin you do once   you're likely to do again the righteous  act you do once you're likely to do again that which at first seems difficult  by constant repetition grows easy   and right thoughts and actions become habitual as natural as it is to hit  back someone who slaps you   by practicing righteousness it becomes it can  become natural to do what restrain yourself it works on the negative it works on the  positive practice not shouting at your children   unless you can show me where  god shouts at the sinner practice not criticizing your wife's cooking practice complimenting  her even if she looks like she   just came out of the salvation  army practice complimenting her and it becomes a habit mind character  personality volume 2 page 601 paragraph 4   that which at first seems difficult  by constant repetition grows easy   and right thoughts and actions become  habitual go with me to psalm 106. we'll read verse 3 of psalm 106  while you're looking i'll pray   father in heaven please restrain me i  pray keep me conscious of your glory and   the blessing of your people in jesus name  i plead with you amen psalm 106 verse 3. do you have that blessed  are they that keep judgment   finish that verse and he that  doeth righteous how often is there an exception to that verse no let me read it again blessed are they  that keep judgment always trying to do   what's fair and honest and he that  doeth righteousness at all times not only on sabbath at the office where you work if you're a supervisor you're righteous in the  way you deal with those who are your subordinates   religion is not something you do in church  religion is a lifestyle eloise says business   and religion are not two separate things they are  the same she also writes it is essential to do   the will of god when building a building as when  engaging in a religious service if you're building   a building you must think of the will of god as  verily as when engaged in a religious service practice come on makes perfect that's not  my view go to the great gospel commission   no let's not go there yet should i go there  father which one or the great gospel commission   matthew 28 let's read from verse 18 our subject  practice makes perfect 20 minutes to eight do you have that matthew 28 reading from verse 18. all right and jesus came and spake unto them  saying all power is given unto me in heaven   and in earth go ye therefore and what teach  all nations if you have the king james version   baptizing them in the name of the father and  of the son and of the holy ghost keep reading   teaching them to what observe come on all things  whatsoever have commanded you teach them to do   what come on give me my favorite word teach  them to do what obey now who said that jesus teach them to obey obedience is righteousness   why will some people burn in hell go to second  thessalonians chapter one we'll read verse eight   let's read seven and eight of second thessalonians  chapter one our subject practice makes perfect and   again i thank those who are online watching from  whatever country may the lord bless your country   i really really mean that we thank god for modern  technology that allows me to enter countries   without a passport uh god is good what do you say  yeah ii thessalonians 1 7 and 8. unto you who are   troubled rest with us when the lord jesus shall  be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels   in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that  know not god if you have the king james finish   it for me and that obey not the gospel of our  lord jesus christ they do not obey the gospel come on in come on in god bless  you go to first peter chapter four first peter chapter four do you have that verse 17. you know this verse very well if you have the king james version my  version read with me what does that say   for the time is come come on that judgment  must begin where at the house of god   and if it first begin with us what  shall the end be of them do what   do not obey the gospel of god so is the gospel  of god in 1st peter 4 is the gospel of jesus in   2nd thessalonians 1 8 same gospel because  all things that the father hath are mine all thing in the mind and  mind of thine john 17 9-10 the gospel must be obeyed obedience is  merely the expression of righteousness we must learn to do what's right we  must be taught and our instruction   manual is the word of god both testimonies  there are many churches who call themselves   new testament churches but jesus said if you  don't believe moses you cannot believe me now go to second timothy chapter 3. second timothy chapter 3 verse 3 verse 7 16 you all know this  verse very well one of the first verses   i had to learn when i became a seventh-day  adventist a long time ago do you have that   all scripture is given by inspiration of god  and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for   correctional pause take a breath read the final  statement for instruction come on in righteousness   how many times have you read that verse what  is instruction in righteousness now for you to   have instruction you have to have at least  two people who are they a teacher come on   and the student the teachers the pastor the elder  the whoever conference president the pupils are   the church members or someone who wants to  come to christ instruction in righteousness because the devil gives us instruction  come on in sin there are two instructions   either instruction what to do right or  instructioning what to do what's wrong   god tells us we get instruction in what to  do that's right instruction in righteousness teach them it is profitable for doctrine  if someone offends you in the church what   do you do well there is instruction in the  bible matthew 18 15 moreover if thy brother   shall trespass against thee against thee go and  tell him his fault between thee and him alone   if he will hear thee thou has gained thy brother  but if he will not hear thee then take with the   one or two more that in the mouth of two or  three witnesses every word may be established   that is instruction in how to handle conflict  in the church this is righteousness in action   if someone hurts you and you go to the person  to discuss it that's righteousness in action you know in the world people  practice conflict management   in the church and the bible  practices conflict resolution   a boxing match is conflict management the  referee says you can hit this way you can   kill him you can bloody his eye and i'll manage  this violence god's system is conflict resolution and this is the instruction don't go and  gossip call your friends text them talk   to them on skype go to the offending person after  having prayed first and say i need to talk to you   you're my brother in christ you're my sister this  is what you did and this is the affected hair on
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Keywords: randy skeete sermons on marriage, randy skeete sermons 2018, randy skeete sermons on relationships, randy skeete sermons 2021, randy skeete sermons gyc, randy skeete sermons on prayer, randy skeete sermons 2019, HOW TO PLEASE GOD ( HAPPY SABBATH ), LOOKING IN TO THE MIND OF GOD, Randy Skeete sermon - GOD HAS ANSWERS ( HAPPY SABBATH )
Id: o1n7tVPIpBc
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Length: 173min 16sec (10396 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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