Randolph Scott's Absolute Western Classic I The Nevadan (1950) I Absolute Westerns

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] next stop 20 miles from here make the best of this one [Music] I'm taking these leg irons off so you can stretch But I'm warning you don't try to stretch your legs too far come on foreign [Music] I can tell I'm back in Nevada by the lack of manners [Music] oh I'm sorry you're sorry foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] where do you think you're going well I'm just following you following me what for nothing I'm lost I was hoping to follow you from a respectful distance until we came to some town take the riverbed and Lead You right through a town thanks just a minute get off your horse greenhorn foreign okay take off the coat about six foot two three pants don't tell me you got Ruffles on underneath and how do you know but that coach you're putting on isn't wanted for murder no not this coat but you should have shot the man that sold it to you I got a little business to attend to need another man looks like you'll do [Music] pants well I guess tenant is 200 000 will be getting together soon I'm putting all that in my report what 200 000. the Goldy Stone hit before they caught him sent him jail two years ago it's a lot of money yeah and he's probably headed for that goal right now I don't blame say this isn't going to mean your job is it I reckon it is I'm too bad yeah too bad [Music] foreign charge here I am I left some valuables here a couple of years ago what's the name chatter step his way [Music] 128.75 figure it again [Music] Tom Tom yeah Tom Keller we like the sound of this sorry but you see my arms in a sling I can't sign and he was you must have some other means of identification I have but let's go outside [Music] it's still 128.75 forget it thank you we're going to ride out of this town very slowly and we don't want to hear any noise as we ride out any objections I'm fine that's fine [Music] [Music] Tanner I've been waiting for you no one asked you to I like your new clothes they're pretty I thought you'd be glad to see me again oh I am but I'm in kind of a hurry so am I so let's save time huh throw down your guns you paralyzed I have none all right get down bye sergeant nice work at the bank Tanner what bank what bank that's what I wanted to talk to you about haven't got time like I told you I'm in kind of a hurry they'll take time I want to look into that envelope you took out of the bank I haven't got it throw it away maybe my language isn't strong enough maybe understand this better don't make a mistake Jeff I don't like it nobody asked you looks like he got a friend here Tom what that creep wait a minute I don't like them any more than you do but he's my brother Don't Call Him a creep now where'd you throw the paper I forgot start walking and if you don't remember by the time you reached that tree you can just forget everything huh what's the matter Tanner getting tired walk don't turn around Jeff he's got a gun now you can take a walk towards a tree and take your little brother with you and you'd better start praying if you ever learned how you're not even giving them a gambler's chance you keep out of this you don't want murder on your hands why don't you let them take a nice long walk for themselves back to town well that's more than 20 miles closer to 30. yeah nice long walk for themselves start wearing out your heels you lucky creeps foreign yours too not that you wouldn't give me a gambler's chance because I know you would but I got enough to worry about I should have put a slug into that grand yeah for his smell like a brother don't you I trust no one trusted you about long enough I've been thinking who are you anyway I didn't ask who you were no but I'm asking you what are you a sheriff or something you must take me for a green horn pulling a gun out of your boot riding like a pony express what does that all add up to it adds up to just this I'm on the land myself maybe longer than you look I play a lone hand you dealt me in I didn't ask for this if you've got a chance get going what chance I don't know the country you got the guns why should I save your neck I saved yours well we'll talk about it in the morning let's get some sleep hey when are you gonna ask me what was in that envelope that's your business smart guy because that's the way it's going to stay [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] who's in charge here I am oh well I'm on my way to Twin Falls but I want to type a horse for what another horse what's wrong with this horse maybe a stone bruise oh I see it's not much good to anybody like that he could do with some new shoes so could you could be about three weeks before he saw him again well that's fine I can wait not around here where would you suggest twin forks oh I uh don't know what kind of a reception you'll get in that outfit probably about the same kind you'd get in my hometown in that outfit probably think I was very cute that's what they're going to think of you in Twin Falls Rusty get this gentleman a horse I wondered what he was Rusty yes Miss gold come on Wilbur let's get going uh thanks Miss gold not at all [Music] horse ready yeah bring him out Wilbur pretty soon so I'll picture one of them the catalog he'll do fine from this Galt on this Ranch no she runs it this boss I ever worked for father owns it he's too busy running twin works he owns a town too how's he sit good you had to hear it what's his name he's asking for it well tell him no you tell him all right I'll tell him [Music] [Applause] I'll talk to you later [Music] look babe [Music] once he gets to know me I'm a pretty easy guy to get along with it's a long Miss gold thanks for Thunders you're welcome I can use a good hand if you ever need a job some tender foot sure had me food you're not alone cowboy [Music] foreign bracelets man that lives in number eight Rosita didn't I tell you never to take presents from a man yes Mama he gave them to me for taking him to the blacksmith shop well my tall blonde friend is here Ben why didn't you tell me you have the room next to him he's a very nice man which which please you don't know my name why should I know yours and besides book's been filled up long time anyway well I'm away can I buy some clothes I have the best clothes I show you [Music] guys yeah uh how much 600 600. that's what the manomian rent [Music] this one very cheap he only stayed three days I'm no bandito it is just what the sudos mean do you like it come along I show you to your room taking bracelets from men Frozen she's going to give me a lot of trouble sometime later but it's good trouble you know men didn't always call me Mama [Music] tell us you're grown the third stranger I've seen here in a couple of weeks [Music] excuse me a minute thank you look around here Sam open your mouth wide it boy [Music] I'll have you fixed up pretty soon sad case lost all these uppers in the fight last month I don't get these finished pretty soon he's going to starve to death all the fighting going on lately I'm four sets behind come on I haven't got all night that's funny I must have left my money in the other clothes hey Sandy I got another step uh just a minute I got a friend over there who'll vouch for me sure sure come on let's go over and see [Music] friend of yours never laid eyes on him I'm a Tom you please Sandy open your mouth stranger oh uppers are lowered both both huh I'll never get caught up in my work thank you inside oh hello howdy have a drink thank you by the way when did you meet Tanner I didn't oh you didn't all right you saw what happened never saw it before no I was mistaken Sandy yeah that's him all right gotta see if he got a gun in his boot not this time since you and tan are such good friends what did he tell you about his gold what about the gold why put that gun away Mr call my brother I said put that gun away all right Sandy you see what could happen and will if you don't answer a few questions now let's be sensible all I want is the truth your so-called friend out there took an envelope out of the Red Sand Bank Diddy Jeff says he did Turner told him he threw it away he's a liar yeah he's a liar shut up the man doesn't hold up a bang for something to throw away what was in that envelope I don't know where is it he burned it he burned it come on you can do better than that hold it Jeff harder boys you're riding the wrong road standing in with a man who doesn't want to know you even after you saved his life now if you would throw in with us you could be one of the richest men in the town oh Boot Hill when I said I wanted talk I meant it maybe you boys can argue with him oh was it a map was it a map I don't know he said his dough was in his other clothes he said a lot of things throw them out and back oh Mr Gold why do you let him go you'll learn more by watching a pole cat that might keep being caged up he wouldn't understand that you to go to my Ranch and stay there I don't want Tana to meet you in town well we don't either we've done enough Walking for one day huh Jack shut up well didn't he make us hit the high road yeah well we see who does the walk on the next time I meet Tanner one of you two gonna stop fighting among yourself well who always starts it Jeff yeah and who finishes it Jeff come on let's get back so every time off my mouth and shut up shut up all right shut up foreign about the week's take you don't have to I'm not worried bill I just want to know how my partner is your sole surviving partner is bearing up with the help of alcohol you need too much help bill each man has poisoned mine's a drink yours is money money is good stuff to happen I know well there's a quarter of a million in gold just ready to be picked up do you want me to turn my back on it and walk off how many people do you have to kill to get it trouble with you Bill is you're getting bitter I'll take me no one has a better right to be cynical than I have look at me and my wife when she walked out of me she said you'll end up getting spittoons your daughter working in a dance hall well I showed the old hag but am I bitter oh no not at all you've never been able to forget her for a minute I don't even remember what she looks like of course not you're just a lovable character that worships gold Bill I've never seen a quarter million dollars in gold at one time would take 10 men to carry it we'll take mules I don't know 10 men I could trust the pity you don't take a drink more often might make a human being out of you well then why don't you call me one you know Bill you're my oldest and best friend well at least I'm I'm still your partner that's right because my daughter likes you I'm gonna give you a chance to split that quarter million dollars how many ways two ways who gets the first count we do Tanners gold hard to know in Twin Forks when two people know something 11 people know it that's why we got to work fast he's staying at Mama Flores boarding us [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] no gun you killed him without a chance you should have thought of that for prowling around in the dark no one in town to go prowling without a gun he did right through the window Windows shut drop it all right Tanner come on we ought to get the sheriff what's our we can hang him without the sheriff [Music] yeah we're hanging with the big Oak nice and High boys boys where were you you didn't hear the shooting I heard it but I was having my midnight snack what's going on you shot your partner in Cold Blood I shot a Prowler in my room I had every right to Martin was no Prowler caught him red-handed we're gonna hang it just a minute as much as I want to see this thing done we're forgetting something there isn't much we respect around here but this one will always stick to every man gets a fair chance here's your prisoner [Music] you know that the beating you gave me tonight kept me from sleeping made me think I saw someone out on the porch just so I don't owe you anything this is for the drink I had tonight [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right so you've got yourself a pretty fancy gun sensitive man I got it from Mama Flores did you pay for it too I pay for everything eventually Mama Flores didn't exactly figure tyler'd be back to pay the rent oh that's too bad is it so you can't remember who you saw on the porch last night would it make any difference no difference at all that's just what I figured that's a sort of quiet little town like you're just riding through didn't know it was oh of course there's no point in hanging around is there not unless you want to see her hanging no thanks [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] we used to live here my mother went away dad built a new house trying to make a great Hideout funny that's exactly what I use it for I come up here every so often look after my envelopes all these invalids they were see that little Pinto over there you're going to destroy her it actually sound as a dollar my house looks pretty good oh he's doing fine we've had him down to the spring the Indians say the water has great healing power well Cactus I hate to leave it behind but you're going to be in good company probably a lot better than you'll be I know it's none of my business but why do you want another horse I'm going on a trip riding double again [Music] you came here at greenhorn and you rode off on a horse that even my cow hands couldn't handle bank robbers I know you're wearing a gun and want another horse just doesn't make sense when you're traveling around the country you meet all kinds of people first met you you didn't like my shoes so I got a new pair of boots I also had a lame horse and you traded me for a good one that always did say I took in too many pickles you always take his advice horses yes well I guess you awake here keeps you too busy to think about anything else that's easy to think about aroundy same thing there is to think about any place else when I start looking for that I'll find it pretty sure of yourself know any reason why I shouldn't be no [Music] will you be coming back soon to pick up Cactus I hope so depends on a lot of things what things I can't answer that maybe someday I'll answer all your questions all right good luck [Music] not now board don't you know that Galt wants his daughter to think everybody around here dies of old age I'd rather put a hole in his head and have a date with Ruby at the Red Mill Ruby you keep away from her she's my girl not the way I heard it if I ever see you talking a ruby all gone whip y'all so you'd fight your brother over a huh Ruby ain't no well she'll do the one comes along [Music] thank you remember I don't want Tana hurt we'll bust him out of jail real gentle we saw his friend this afternoon just begging to be shot or why didn't you I didn't think you'd want your daughter to see a bloody man fall off a horse you're right Jeff but what was he doing around here I don't know he was talking to your daughter then he wrote off leading an extra horse another host he's probably the jail right now Mount up [Music] like you like gold make pretty teeth out of it you get me out of here and I'll give you enough gold to make everybody in Nevada a set of teeth everybody had him nobody would want them well there's lots of other things you can do with gold yeah I know I've had all kind of fever typhoid yellow Scarlet never yet got the Gold Fever if you're rich somebody wants it they can't steal it they'll kill you for it either way you're better off you've stayed poor that's what keeps me honest I guess foreign [Music] customer how about opening up past my bedtime nobody gets in here this late I don't want to come in I got in a fight tonight and lost two teeth I want you to take a look well come right on in come right in you just couldn't keep yourself out of trouble could you it hurts which one is missing like that you know there's a lightweight take a look at it open your mouth I don't see nothing I look again Sheriff open up your mind still don't see nothing you sure I'll never argue with a gun what can I do for you young man [Music] you can put them down now thanks yeah comfortable oh I'm fine good what's on your mind what are you up to but you might need a partner I've got a partner has he got one of these who sent you gold why gold he saved my life last night he was going to get me out of here sure he saved your life after your friends into killing Martin I don't believe you and he stuck in here for safekeeping why because he knew you had the goal I know and everybody knows go partners with me and I'll break you out of here I've got two fast horses and a hideout with me you'll get an even break and not a good pull it in the back remember we are two of a kind but I'm through talking so just give me a quick yes or no okay partner you got yourself a deal [Music] Sheriff [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know Young fella some other time Sheriff foreign [Applause] [Music] don't ever turn your back on a partner it's a Temptation somebody should have told Martin that Mr Galt Mr double cross back door come on [Music] there are the horses but not too late foreign [Music] horses [Music] well yes we can hey whose side are you on anyway [Music] yours come on [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] looking for somebody so that's why I wanted the extra you're the one he broke out of jail you're smart I should have known he'd bring you here now that you know planning to tell your father about it maybe I have told him maybe he's bringing a posse now oh no if your father knew we were here he wouldn't come even with a posse you don't know my father neither do you let's go inside well certainly making yourselves at home look Miss Goldman all that Talent taking over she's going back are you crazy you let her go and you'll have the whole town up here they'll be here a lot sooner she's missing so you're running things now huh you gave me a job to do didn't you all right see that you do it and remember this greenhorn whatever happens it's your neck too [Music] Kara and I uh you lied to me when you said you wanted that horse for a trip I still do you won't get far probably not but uh what are you trying to prove I don't want to see anything happen to Tom is he a friend of yours not at all then just where do you fit in no way unless unless he stays alive and I need your help oh no I'm not helping any Jailbreaker wow did you why don't you ever send her old man up here you can't do that why can't you we'll never move that stuff till we get mules and galter and nobody else is going to hurt me till they find out where that gold is and they ain't gonna find out all right sin for gold he'll get you the mules hey where are you going you want gold don't you go get him I don't know what I want why don't you let me do it my way all right go ahead you seem to be running everything else around here Karen are you doing this just for gold I can't think of a better reason what are you going to do with it after you get it give it away that I'd like to see if I thought that you were doing it out of loyalty I could understand I am he stole the gold in red Creek makes a getaway in Westville and then comes down here to Twin Forks I know that place take your dirty pot off this map all right all right it didn't hurt him the goal must be somewhere around here hiding within this radius never said you want to see me there oh yes darling uh you boys wait in the other room sit down Karen I guess you know that you mean more to me than anything else in the world of course I've always known that Dad the people you met at school now they're not like the people you meet here you know we're a bad luck I think you're pretty wonderful you couldn't not after what you've done do you remember the first Philly I ever gave you pretty useful in the territory like everything else you had to have the best well last night I found her and thunder in front of the jail have you any idea who you gave them to I know that man broke Tanner out of jail now who was he I don't know don't lie to me giving horses to a cheap crook [Music] [Applause] [Music] I I just didn't want you to get hurt Karen to get mixed up with a note I don't know him he's not what you think he is you're wrong he's good he's pretend to find his gold and arrest him he's a marshall that's the first time you ever slapped me I'm sorry I was tired I'm been up all night riding with a posse I was upset don't be angry with your old dad will you now you went along we'll forget all this all right [Music] you heard everything the United States marshally that makes it easy we let them lead us to the gold tell Tanner his friend is a marshal and he kills him for us at least four against one that certainly should take care of Tanner exactly keep your eye on Karen don't let her out of your sight right [Applause] foreign didn't take you very long you've got to leave right away load the gear Tom let's get moving Andy listen you didn't forget anything did you I certainly got a lot to be thankful for don't go with what kind of talk is this he'll kill you Karen take it easy all right then I've got to tell you if he doesn't dad will dad knows all about you I told him who you were I didn't mean to he'll track you down he'll kill you I heard him be quiet Tommy how can I be quiet you can't understand stop shouting then take me with you that'll certainly give your father an excuse to kill me he doesn't need an excuse I found that out hurry up Tom what are you waiting for look just cause your girl yells at you to choose no reason you got to hit me he wasn't yelling at me of course if she don't want you to go I go you know Miss he don't have to go he wants me to go all right I was just telling her how much we appreciate everything she's done for us that's right lady you stick with him you'll have more gold than your old man oh it's all my fault Andy blame myself the rest of my life Mr Galt Mr golf I thought I told you to watch characters I did she's up at the old cabin with Tanner and the Marshall what she took the mules you idiot why didn't you come back here and tell me when you saw what you was up to I didn't think your own daughter would double cross you [Applause] come on foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] looks like they're gone don't sound like [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Tara we know you're in there thought you'd like to know your partners of federal agent yes he ain't in the listening mood [Applause] [Music] are you all right Jeff yeah I never saw anybody miss so close and so on this must be my lucky day yeah and don't worry about me just take care of yourself for a change [Music] half hour you're sure nobody's left sure stay here and cover us come on [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] empty they're all empty Karen why did you do it it wasn't easy you must be out of your mind you're sick no you're the one that's sick great sick that federal agent he did this to you you did it to yourself he's your man think what you like he's out of your reach now money money it was for yourself not me do you think I want any part of it [Music] here [Music] we'll catch them if we have to go night and day we'll catch them [Music] they had to have mules so they must have headed for the high rocks Sandy take her down to the ranch [Music] just in case you get any ideas [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] I've got to get to Three Peaks cut this off I'll need a fresh horse but you can only get part way up there on a horse I know get a small pack ready for me while I change [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] tracks we can't be far behind them [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] nervous partner careful just in case you got any ideas about dissolving the partnership maybe you're getting tired and get a little sleep if you want to I don't need any I'd rather keep my eyes open all right we'll keep going [Music] foreign running things he's not getting away we've got to get that gold I want them both all right but why can't we rest for a minute first I'll tell you when to rest part [Music] what are we waiting for oh I just wanted to see if they dropped out yet so you spotted him same time you did well they've been going night and day just like us yeah Gold's too old for that you'll have to stop I wouldn't count on it let's stay here and pick them off my uh you said the goal's on a couple hours away we can be loaded not before they get there oh maybe you're right [Music] stop yo too don't you know that's what they want you to do yeah well I gotta take a rest I can't go any farther neither can they [Music] Jeff when we get the gold how much you're going to give me what do you want to do with it give it to Ruby well the Sun hey Jeff she really loves me yeah you and every other cow poke in the state of Nevada I told you before boy she's a foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's a fortress and over there be the mind [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] there it is just like I left my goal I'll go yeah yeah I keep forgetting let's get it loaded sure we can work easier with our guns off I gotta work all right with my gun on all right suit yourself [Music] caught what is it [Music] it can't be far away we've got him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how companies arrived now we should have taken care of them before hold it there's not much time left pretty soon you're going to learn I'm a federal agent Frederick figured it better to tell you before they did Dirty double crossing Federal huh and me thinking all the time we was working together and thinking how tomorrow I want us to have to kill the others that it I got the drop on you now but regardless of who has the advantage we got to stick together to get out of here alive so who's it going to be them or us them [Music] [Applause] [Music] wanna get your head blown off make me have to bury you all right you want to tell them now [Music] hey Turner you know who your partner is save your breath I know all about him [Music] all right Tanner if we don't get you he will join us when you got the chance [Music] hold it they've got rifles make them come to us you're telling me what to do I'm telling you'll keep it up you'll run out of bullets foreign [Music] foreign [Music] s [Music] hey Tana how are you gonna pack it up we got your mules and your water look at that dirty truck hey take it easy that's what they're trying to do make you lose your head you gotta wait for the brakes why don't we moving in yeah Mr Gold when are we going to move in [Music] what are we waiting for we sit if I take chances they can't hold on forever with no water [Music] just shut up [Music] why don't they make a move don't worry they will [Music] how long do we sit yeah Mr Gold it's been four or five hours they're out of water well we're out of water too they don't know that yeah but I know it I'm here Jeff I got a little listen I'm running this thing maybe yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] Lord [Music] [Music] to be all right Jeff hard shift Jeff you know what I said about Ruby I didn't mean a Bart full [Applause] that's enough Mr God don't talk that way about my breath all right all right you could over there I'll take this side but hot all right Mr Gold [Music] now you're satisfied I had your man just what I wanted him and now it's still two against me if you don't turn back it'll be three against you get out of here before you get hurt to go I got Andy into this and I'm going to get him out No One's Gonna Stop Me until I get that gold which means more to you than it'll be yours someday get out of here you'd stop at nothing now I know why mother left you I'll never believe that yum your mother was nothing [Music] foreign that's no good I haven't got you no place I'll get me and my gold out of here alone how on your back by the time you get fresh meals it'll be too late I'll chance it I'll exhale pretty good so far it'll keep holding you tried outsmart me now I outsmarted you turn it over and you'll be free in a couple of years shoot me and you'll hang gotta catch a man first before you can hang him they'll catch you all right even though you never stop running I'm used to running stay back pretty nice feeling to stop running figure which side the brakes are on yours are mine man makes his own breaks you always put her in jail got me out too you didn't meet up with me by look they let you escape for me to follow so I was marked right from the start huh you'll always be mocked until you stop running stay back you're arguing against nothing where I go that goes or somebody that's going to let me stop running that'll take care of anything or anybody it won't take care of me you're the one who takes my place or the one who follows him that's mine as long as I live nobody's going to take it away [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign for your big boss like I was saying the other night Tom here you are still as poor as you was in like me the only difference is you wasn't satisfied to stay for and you ended up in the jailhouse Gold Fever remember I guess maybe you're not as crazy as I thought too bad we didn't meet up five years ago Andy maybe you could have beat some sense into me then I doubt it took every martial in Nevada to do that and even then a mountain had to fall on you but I'll keep trying Tom come on get along you fellas so long like bye Andy so long time hang them away inside [Music] [Applause] sure hate to have him leave that way twin forks could use a good woman like him don't worry he's coming back he is sure or his horse [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Absolute Westerns
Views: 3,040,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action-Packed Adventure, Bounty Hunter, Classic Cinema, Columbia Pictures, Cowboy Films, Dramatic Tension, Gang, Gold Rush, Golden Era of Westerns, Mine Shaft, Mysterious Wells, Old Hollywood Glamour, Old West Charm, Old Westerns, Saloons, Timeless Films, Vintage Westerns, Wagon Trains, Western Villains
Id: 3GBF-25XQdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 24sec (4884 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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