Gunman of Abilene 1950 (Allan Rocky Lane)

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you who if the pouch nothing but dirt and rocks he does the guy who's promised us plenty of cash for it when we get to Blue Valley let's go if there was Dickie I was in an awful case why damn how Klaus had me hemmed in something proper there must have been 15 or 20 of them but I got to drop one of the single-handed took their guns away and then I took him on barehanded one at a time I had no belt well in it now see here Dicky I told you before you got to have some respect for my office I've been sheriff here for 20 years no thank you to remember I'm sorry Gramps huh I mean shelf that's better what happened then I broke them in and a hung a brother Nix Oh uncle nugget I'm sorry to interrupt but it's time for Dicky to get ready for the stage to Abilene you know even the busiest lawman has to take a little time out to visit his daddy you can finish off the rest of the outlaws when you come back in a few weeks but I gotta wait until guys then it's just my gun well sure he does you're gonna need this gun in case he runs into some outlaws yeah that's right but how do you tell an outlaw nothing to it well I can smell him a mile away look chef maybe those could be outlaws no if he was I didn't know that the minute I saw eyes on him yeah I guess you would well there's a gun you better scoot now so Mary can get you ready that's staging gonna wait you know maybe I'll see some outlaws yeah well if you do just use that gun on him tell him about me and they'll run faster in a prairie dope gee thanks Gramps huh I mean chef bye taken by deke see you when you get back Sonny Hales hammer where can I find Henry Turner general store right over there thanks pops hey you want mrs. Barnes thank you that'll be a dollar and a half take it out of my cut what about Sam Condit got him on the first shift here's his stuff looks like rock and sand to me rock and sand huh see those bright specks yeah that happens to be gold you sure you bet I am meet me at the fork in the road the edge of town in an hour I want to show you something follow me you looks like this minds been worked before a long time ago there must be 20 or 30 of these shafts around in this area it came to the end of the vein over here like they did in all the others I don't see what you're well come on Sam Condit knew more about gold mining than anybody else in town thought there ought to be another vein along here and it was right it starts here gold huh anybody else know about this no Sam told on me me UCI grubstake in' we were you might say partners I convinced him that he ought to make sure about it before he let out the news he was on his way to Abilene to have the samples I say when unfortunately he ran into you you know we do stake out the claim afraid not Condit made a map vein runs somewhere along this line under the town of Blue Valley the whole town said known a gold mine that's why it wasn't found before you see we can't very well stake out a claim on someone else's property no that's why I sent to Abilene for you and your men you did bring your men they're on their way but all I've heard since I've been here is bad news what about this big money you promised us right here I said we couldn't stake out a claim but we can take out the gold all of it I got mining equipment coming in next week when people get wise I won't get a chance to bring you and your men really tear this town wide open I think they'd be awfully glad to leave you wipe out Blue Valley just like this and I tell you we got to do something about this two more weeks of this planning and looting we won't have any time left three killings in the past two days and why there's nothing in Blue Valley to make it worthwhile yes I know and what's our I'm not gonna Clark doing about this he's trying his best he's out riding with the posse right now sure yes but three days too late Nuggets getting too old for this job what we need is a new sheriff we've got to get someone in here to wipe out these outlaws before they wipe us out how just americo's just a minute it's not fair to blame all this on nugget he's doing everything he can I know he's trying dr. Johnson I like Nuggets we all do but he hasn't brought one of them in yet what are we gonna do just sit around and Whittle a kill us all he's right dad it isn't just one outlaw were up against it's a whole organized band what we need is somebody to go out after them well maybe not get could use some help muscle since up an air balloon might send us some help Oh help nothing what we need is a new lawman that's right you could do it doctor you know marshal sins it's either that or this is the end of Blue Valley all right I have to go flee in this afternoon I'll speak to Mum about it shooting of chillin that make sense in the peaceful place like blue valley makes me wonder if I'm doing the right thing taking my boy Dicky back there well his mother was still alive I could've left in an Abilene I know how you feel but I'm hoping this man there's any from Abilene will change things who isn't a deputy marshal named rocky Lane one of their best men how's dr. Clarke taking this he doesn't know you certainly feel pretty bad about her I guess he will so old Vicki what does new man coming tell me leave but when we did kind of fancied riding his own horse down hope he knows his business I'm sure he does I'm doc hello daddy is he good bad you must get him to town with once but I'm afraid better getting this boy up on the box come here son up here go get rolling fast I'll check the gun guard right Ravi hello son hello is the doctor in it's a man my dad better awful bad don't you worry the doc will take good care of it I wish Gramps had been there he would kept it everyone knows our loss Gramps this year he's killed more outlaws he can count he must be a mighty good sheriff gee mister he's gettin over you wait and see is that all right is it dr. Johnson sometimes you have to wait and see isn't that right doc yes yes that's right just heard about bill how is he we have to wait and see Gramps I mean Sheriff sure we do Dickie that's what the doc says you don't catch those outlaws don't you share you bet I will you mine I told you y'all catch him all right sure it will Mary yes doctor I think it'll be a good idea if you fixed a bed for Dickie upstairs so you can stay here with us for a while I understand and Mary maybe you could pay us a little visit to if it's all right with your uncle yeah course you can I'd be glad to doctor come on Dickie you can help me achieve it I brought my gun chair could could you fix it for me sure Dickie and I'll put a notch in it for every one of them off loes it hurts your day thanks and dirty no-account vomits of picking on a little kid guess will I get my hands on Oh nugget this is the new that's right I'm new around here names rocky lane well I'm always glad to meet any friend of Doc's rocky I heard about you with helping out there at the stage when was attack sounds like you can take care of yourself alright we certainly can thought maybe I could find some work well now maybe I could use young fella like you he's a deputy what he's so that sounds fine come over to my office we'll talk about it alright Sheriff I'll be there but Marshall what's the idea you're supposed to take his place how long has he been sheriff oh I guess more than 20 years 20 years is a long time yes I know what you mean frankly I feel the same way about maybe I could do a better job if I didn't wear this marshals badge how about taking care of my identification papers my dad's for me alright Marshall thank you and maybe we better drop that Marshall let's keep it between ourselves that's the way you wanted rocky I'll put these in the safe place Mary this is mr. Lane I'm here I know I couldn't help overhearing but don't worry mr. Lane a woman can't keep a secret especially when she's grateful thank you ma'am well freighter from Abilene that's a welcome sight you know those outlaws have been wrecking our wagons at such a rate that we're running mighty low in our supplies wonder how this one got through just lucky I guess oh maybe not carrying anything valuable valuable like the life of a little boy's father well I had better keep the sheriff weakened according to the best of your ability I do know your deputy is lame there's just one thing you got to remember I'm the sheriff what I say goes yes sir sheriff just don't forget that I'll try not to now the first thing we got to do is to catch that murdering coyote that killed Dickies father that's right by the way doc Johnson tells me a lot of the freight wagons have been attacked yeah two maybe three a day yeah they're knocking over everything to get the hands on but some of them do get through is that right yeah so wouldn't it be a good idea to find out why why some make it and some don't yeah I've been puzzling over that myself well maybe if we wrote out and looked one of them over we might get a lead now stop taking the words right out of my mouth mean I was planning on doing just that can I ride out with you good idea you got plenty to learn I reckon the best way for you to start is to watch me work you there's a freight lane coming in over there honey have any trouble getting through know why there's troubles all we've been having around here I ain't heard nothing about it where you headed that's my business but you're gonna be out of business listen you keep a civil tongue in your head now where are you going I'm taking this road to deep wells anything else you want to know yeah who you're driving for for myself looks like Jake's having trouble come on what are you horn grain what's it to you now see here you're talking to this we're damn critters go I must have left the road and we lost him all right this whole section is full of old deserted mine shafts ding dang it there goes another cart I don't think they were after that wagon and we're just trying to scare us off it'll make sense to me maybe they figured we were getting too nosy about what this do you know what this stuff is doctor it looks like an explosive part of some kind could you find out exactly what it is no I think sure I'll make an analysis might take a couple of hours that's fine I'll see you after supper glad to do it good afternoon dr. Johnson what can I do for you I need some hydro katana case it seems I've run out of haven't had a call for that in a long time analyzing something doctor yes I knew jeopardy he wants me to find out what this is it's a no one on me well I'm not sure but I believe it's some kind of an explosive powder that's all well I'll get you that acid doctor but how would Lane get ahold of that powder he was messing around with him sacks just before we rode in on that Lane's getting too smart he's got duck Johnson analyzing the stuff right now you mean they might find out his blasting powder yeah and they might start putting two and two together maybe I'd better go see the doc my health don't feel so good lately come on Todd whitey stay with the horse whitey stay where you are doc what do you want just keep your hands up you'll get hurt fooling around with his stuff deck I just found that out bad you did we was doing alright until that Lane stuck his nose into things I don't like it brink who is this Lane where did he come from I get an answer for that but you ain't gonna like it either got these out of the docs office so Lane's a deputy marshal yeah it's Todd Layton's caught him he'll talk break he'll name us Todd won't talk neither with Lane when I get through with him don't break you'll have the whole town on us you get back to the mine I'll watch Lane very carefully you're the boss why would anyone want to hurt dad you never hurt a soul all he did was help you I know how you feel son your father was one of my best friends there isn't anything in this world that I would Sheriff this is one of the men who was in on the shooting nice work Rocky come on you miserable cur pull it away Tim I'll all take care of him the law we haven't gotten your law around here don't talk like that Tim you know Uncle Nuggets doing everything he can that's all I've heard I thought we were supposed to have a new sheriff worries new sheriff yeah someone who give us some real protection what did he mean well he's a little excited I guess the death of his father had him awful hard maybe you better have a talk with him Miss Mary try to calm him down I'll try I know Jim's got an awful bad temper sometimes people say things they don't really mean yeah nugget there were three men involved in that shooting let's see what we can get out of this one in here ding-dang it out choke it out of them all right you varmint now start talking come on old with you where is the rest of your game you're going to talk if it takes me all night long I'm going to make you talk now start all over again Oh how about it has he talked yet not even two words it makes sense where's his breakfast dude good from that's one law change if I had my way Maggie if we wish to starve him he might start talking well that wouldn't do any good I think you had a much better plan I hear ya yeah forty-eight outside of that fella taught in there we don't have a single clue to this thing anyone like you told me when you haven't got a clue you got to make one writer yeah that's right well it makes sense to me if he was to get away the first thing he'd do would be to join up with his gang wherever they're hiding mm-hmm yes you would well I was thinking about your idea of letting him escape and then trailing him let him escape and you're right if we could follow him he might just lead us to the boss of his whole outfit hmm I know you sure I said that you betcha last night now when I take this fully in there to him I could just kind of accidentally like leave a cell door unlocked then you and I would be waiting outside when he makes his break funny I don't remember seeing ya yeah we're gonna had a good idea there there's no harm in trial it all right you take the food in there yes levy cell door unlocked when he escapes we'll follow her yes sir that's a smart idea Sheriff uh-huh ain't been sheriff for 20 years for nothing let me go on give me food hat yes sir here's your grub all right let's go Hey mr Turner that looks like a prisoner it can't be let's find out now get that lame guy they let him get away don't stupid maybe not so stupid what's that nothing well I'm going after we've got to stop him that's right my guess is he'd be heading for the mines Neil it's lots of places for him to hide out there yeah there he is looks like he knows where he's going let's cut across over there washing from those trees Jim Oh dig it now where'd he go aren't these the minefields yeah he could be any worse but we could have had him Kim hadn't stuck his nose in let's get moving must have let him escape on purpose so they could trailing we better get out of here take it easy know what happened when young Johnson and I discovered his cell was empty the kid wanted to take out after him I had to do something to stop Lane so I told Timmy probably find Todd at the minefields you did what so you're sick the kid owe me did you I had to do something I didn't mean laying out but you didn't you double trap how'd you get out stupid Debra Lane forgot to lock my cell we brought me my food I oughta stop it stupid huh he happens to be a United States deputy marshal what and you were leading him right straight to us don't worry I lost him all right now we'll go lose him for good Ricky we could play it smarter than that blue bellies been expecting a new marshal maybe we shouldn't disappoint them yeah I see what you mean why we could have spent a week of looking for him out there at the minefield and still a mr. only Tim hadn't messed things up yeah something I want to ask him what's going on here that's what we want to know what the idea wrote me off my horse I could have gotten him I had my reasons just how did the prisoner escape where is he is my fault Tim there's a couple of questions I want to ask you maybe that's not all it's your fault boyo Lane where do you come from he's been helping me find lot of help perché let the prisoner escape then he stops me from catching him how do we know he isn't working with the outlaws being gay and I guess I know an outlaw when I see one I've been share of 20 years for nothing that's the trouble you've been sheriff too long no see here I thought we were expecting a new lawman where is he he's right here Farrell's a name deputy US Marshal sent over here from Abilene deputy marshal it's about time now maybe we'll get some action around here I don't believe this is identify me but I'm the law around here tell him Jo I'd been sheriff here for 20 years so you're a deputy marshal that's right who are you says his name is rocky Lane rocky Lane huh no a marshal maybe he wouldn't be riding a satin black horse would he that's right a black stallion why it all adds up to one thing man we've wanted for a long time wonderful robbery and murder get your listen man going someplace sure you what you doing here I've got some business to finish you mean outlaw business I'm not an outlaw how do I know you got to take my word for it you don't look like a killer but that new Wars a lion he is no marshal eat I knowed it was something funny about that seems like I've seen him somewhere before but I can't think just weird now listen nugget you don't honestly believe they'd bring in somebody to replace you after all these years do you yeah I don't know of course they wouldn't well you're the best sheriff in this part of the country yeah easy I know it you can't run away now folks around here need you you're not gonna let them down are you let me down asking for a new role man folks act like that sometimes when they get panicky they don't always do the things that are best for blue valley needs you a nugget are you gonna walk out on them you've gone away grams well I I guess but I thought you think it goes out much you promised of course I'm gonna get him and I'm gonna stay right here until I do come on we'll go upstairs well you know I just come over here to say good night to you that's all dig dig you want let me out of bed this time a night where's Tim you want to be back pretty soon looking for me I didn't think it'd be fool enough to show yourself around here I came back here to see you you mean to kill me like you did my father I didn't kill your father I didn't expect you to admit it well then I'm gonna give me a better break than you gave him I'm taking you over the marsh getting over Tim Tim what are you doing I'm taking this murder over the marshal but you can't Tim he's the marshal yes you're crazy no Tim I was here when rocky spoke to your father he's the man your father got from Abilene well if you're the marshal why didn't you say so I didn't want to hurt uncle nugget well what about ferals papers those papers are mined Tim I get him to your father for safekeeping just before he was killed they must have stolen him from it oh yes on Tim uncle did you tell him about the phony marshal yeah he told me I wish I could remember where I seen him before probably on a wanted poster no no no somewheres around here Tim what were you doing out at the minefield this morning I was looking for the prisoner I was waiting for him out there how'd you know where he'd be I didn't exactly but Henry Turner with the general store thought I might find him out there general store I got it this pharaoh rode into town a couple of weeks ago with another man and he asked me where to find Henry Turner Henry Turner Rey well does nothing wrong with Henry no no he's all right I've known him for years maybe you haven't known him well enough what what could he be after scaring the folks around here with all this shooting and killing all right I don't know we're gonna find out all right now you know what to do keep them busy your beers busy as a rabbit and a lettuce patch you know Marshall what do you want uh-oh I just come to clean out my desk besides there's a few things I better tell you about to remind you don't need to oh yes I do Marshall I wouldn't feel like I was doing my duty I always let this go and done now you take this lever here alright get going after you talk to him go back to the house I'll see you later Tim what is it sorry to bother you mr. Turner but I need some shelves this is a funny hour to be buying shelves I know but I just ran out I'm gonna need him trouble yeah I just saw the new Marshall and a big hurry to get out the minefields minefields did did he say why not exactly but I've got an idea he knows where that rocky Lane is oh I may have those shells sure Tim Thank You mr. Turner why don't you just take your stuff and clear out of here it's only the beginning I got a lot more now you take this one here in you at the Lord of stagecoaches all by yourself or he was asleep when he was a toddler I always figured that he was leader of a band of outlaws just robbed everybody in sight many cute don't you wanna hear I've already heard nice a lot over you you mean brink hasn't been here tonight I ain't seen him I hate he was headed this way that was May Turner Lane well I see you got yourself in a little deep hey I can explain you see yeah maybe you can explain him being here there's a law against harboring outlaws you know so this is where he was bringing this stuff don't don't do that that it's dynamite you'll blow us up dynamite at an old mineshaft that should add up to some kind of mine in a Turner I don't know what you're talking about Lane no crime against having dynamite powder all depends on what you aim to do with it you and that fake marshal he's right here Lane drop that gun drop it don't do it get that other gun Todd break am I glad to see you I'll bet you are I'm glad to see him too for the last time no brink not yet tie him up I've got an idea how we can wipe out the town for good and place all the blame on Lane have you men ride in tonight and shoot the town up good and proper get the folks are riled up they'll be ready to do anything that new marshal tells them and you're gonna tell him to pack up and move we'll be waiting for them at rainbow ridge that'll be as far as they get I guess what are we gonna do Marshall with Ted here shot three others killed in this raid we won't even be able to protect our women and children if lanes gang strikes again we'll all be killed best thing to do is evacuate the town you boys get your things in your wagons be ready to leave by sunup you mean up and leave our homes for the time being yes you can camp out past rainbow ridge I've got a posse coming from Abilene we'll be ready to wipeout laying these gang when they strike next that's more like it then we can return when you clean them out that's right better get your wagons together I don't like this business of running away it's for your own good you wouldn't want anything to happen to that girl in the kid would you well I for one am will be ready to go with the other fine because if you disobeyed my orders I might have to arrest you for your own protection I'd hate to have to do that no use getting him around until we find out what's going on around here I'd like to break his neck I feel the same way myself but we've got to think about Marion Nicki get him in a wagon go with the others we're shiny where rocky was come sunup I'll take a look around out of the minefields rocky you take care of Mary and Dickie I'll get a move on you like yet what's the matter boy you sorry we ain't got enough for you two but where you're going you ain't gonna need it and you suppose you could spare me a drink of water sure Iron Man always gets his last wish thanks nugget yeah given me been awaiting for you that marshal disordered everybody out of town yeah I know we got to get out of that mountain road quick they're gonna dynamite the wagon train a rainbow ridge time Mike yeah turn on that phony marshal let's tie him up so we'll know where to find it Herta spot a new gold vein down here says it runs right under town jumpin catfish that's why he wants to get rid of all the town folks so they can have the mind of themselves wait the folks in town hear that we better move faster they won't be alive to hear you hope nugget found rocky if you did he want to be up to us by now you here they come good not yet drinking well they all get strung out along the main road then we'll catch them all at the same time get the wagon train off the main road at the fork down there that's not where would I tell you and speed them up nugget you lead the way bringing off the main road light up a lot of range still use our guns get your horses boys to to partner come on oh you're right gram sure anybody hurt no I think they all got through good while you stay here with Mary Dickey I want to see how rocky you you looks like that took care of all the environments yeah I'll accept him over there all yours Sheriff then you're still not gonna tell nugget that you're the Martian I don't see any point in it Blue Valley seems to be mighty satisfied with a chair you ever seen the folks when they heard about that gold mine yeah hello everybody's gonna help part of it that includes you Rocky oh no thanks just the same nugget but I've got to be on my way leave the no Rocky that's right Dickie boy and you'll be sure and do whatever your Gramps says will you oh sure fix my gun like you say would they put those notches in it well he certainly did but then your Gramps can fix just about anything I love walk out with you bye so long good luck folks advisor Aki you you
Channel: Nevada Jane
Views: 611,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Allan Rocky Lane, Rocky Lane, Allan Lane, Full western movie, Nevada Jane
Id: Q5OCmK07q6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 6sec (3606 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2016
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