The Bushwhackers (1952) | Full Movie | John Ireland | Wayne Morris | Lawrence Tierney

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you [Music] [Applause] [Music] why [Music] I never raised a gun against a man again [Music] why'd you got your wine you're not tell his land we got a government deed this is our land get your brood and get packing Kenneth says no squatters mr. Taylor's has got no right to come on well waste it all right you want to get get back in the house [Music] let's burn about going [Music] I trust I haven't disturbed we're well into the day all fairest of creation last and best morning all concern without unrest begins her rosy progress smiling John Milton Jefferson wearing no Sun John Milton wrote those immortal lines I am Peter shop printing Jefferson wearing are you join me in some coffee tell you what you bring these bales of paper inside now make the call more coffee no thanks you know a rebel this nation of ours seems to be set up so when the time comes to ride there's no way to ride but West you must have walked you planning a stop here you're going on through that's a poor joke I lost my horse last night five miles from nowhere no joke intended son but you can't be sure one thing this is nowhere well the coffee's good you know if you're gonna stay you better think yourself up a good excuse you might be in trouble but nothing but trouble for four years you get kind of used to it I never did but I'm an optimist low and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks nation shall not lift sword against nation neither shall they learn war any more thanks for the coffee just a moment son I'll show you where my home you walk in and catch yourself some sleep my daughter hasn't left for school yet tell her I sent you arrest the weary traveler and all that sort of thing [Music] alright alright alright get out of my bed [Music] there Peter sharps daughter you're supposed to be in school we're a little outsize for school aren't you all figured out didn't you sneak in here well I'm teaching school and pops at work well god that's bed we're playing a visit to the marshal get dressed [Music] get outside that what for oh but don't pry it's time decent folks took a stand against saddle tramps like you huh gets in hand hi again after the first man who offers your greenbacks I'm not for hire and you're holding the gun and I can use it too [Music] take one step from under there now shoot come back into the top I was under the impression I wasn't welcome for the marshal right from here you wouldn't dare no strange ladies bedrooms these points that kind of lady I got a notion that teach you myself oh I got Authority yeah I can use it to macho we got a tenant let me see the complaint miss Kenton brought it out obviously yes sir he went busting into miss Katie's bedroom beats me what fer but she caught him and we marched them right down here it was sober - I don't suppose it would do any good to explain how it happened I don't suppose it would mr. Waring why don't you get Peter sharp he'll tell you yeah I'll get Peter sharp he'll tell us yes sir whoa the Philistines are upon us so Marshall sucks for you I know I know the Marshall wants to see me we were just on our way over you should have told me Kathy dear women of the baggage of life a heavy burden yes we cannot be without this welcome what's happened Malloy somebody burned him up last night we found the children this morning Oh Tommy and Billy have come to live with me Monsieur I can use a couple of top hands my place I came by to tell you the services will be in 30 minutes if you can make it I'll be there unions must have done it that's right Yale Indians they come all the way from Colorado just to burn out the Lloyds murder cold-blooded murder haters gunmen burning ranches killing women along with I'm in mrs. Lord with such a night quietly Cathy honey I feel the same way you do about it man there's nothing can be done you're supposed to be a newspaperman why don't you print the truth are you scared I don't know maybe I am I have you to look out for too sharp I told you the marshal was waiting don't make me tell you again watch your toaster oh forget about me you go ahead and put this on the front page name the murderers you do that much the people rise that put an end to mr. pillar and his gun boring Peter miss Cathy John there's been a mistake that's what mr. Waring said Alexander Pope said a man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong which is but saying he is wiser today than yesterday this time it was a woman it was my fault marshal I'm sorry yeah mr. Waring you're at Liberty I assume you'll have a job he can work for me good yeah I'll get mr. Waring his gun oh that look gun marshal no gun I don't like guns I guess I owe you an apology that's alright I'm sorry too whatever for we didn't get off to a better start a man who talks that smooth is either a gambler or I need her what are you just a tired ex-soldier from Virginia we had plenty of your war out here roar besides we had Quantrill I heard about it now we have a private kind of war going on right here in Independence I don't want any part of any kind of war it has a bad smell you certainly came to the wrong place mr. Waring I'm going to the funeral services pop who died why he's dead Michael they were burned out last night both Floyd and his wife were murdered it was invited to live what they wasn't doing the Indians guy hey marshal big quiet Yael I know pop you can't fight city hall and say at a moment like this but I would like to say John and Mary Lloyd came West seeking a better world let us pray for them let us pray that they have found one and at this time we must thank mr. McCullough for his generous contribution in giving us without charge the use of his establishment for the sole purpose of holding these services it's a meeting in town yet that's all Undertaker funeral Franklin rise up rise up a necklace pallbearers to carry this these brethren from his vale of tears to the exalted paradise we know they have reached I know the Lloyds will rest in peace because the boys will be well taken care of by those two fine people the Guthrie's [Music] Thank You brethren thank you I lead a couple of dollars to the gravediggers how about a gents after all you are Friends of the dear departed thank you thank you and the verdict of the coroner is that the loins were murdered by persons unknown Oh ha ha you're a good newspaperman this isn't right Kathy you've been helping me run the paper for the last six years your mother did the same before she died but from the kitchen not from the shop now I'm still the editor and I know what's best you're condoning murder when I think of what I print may be entirely different matters in this town tautomers Taylor Hall all of the Aces we depend on Taylor's good will to keep the paper going there's just nothing we can do about it this makes almost 20 homesteaders killed by persons unknown Cathy you've got a lot to learn Jeff am I so wrong I learned that today it was the Lloyds tomorrow might be the Quigley's of the gut reason well after that you or me you can see what I mean I can see that this is no town for me [Music] good evening Sam let me buy you a drink you buy it yes hey boys Judah with Franklin's buying what do you think of that there's no need at that hey Jess stuff up the pics are on Frank Sam's him please please [Music] [Music] I'll buy my own what's the matter rebel you're too proud to drink with us I don't want any trouble I just want to buy my own oh you expand you ain't seen you around before I haven't been around before you ain't answer this question soldier I think I have strangers ought to be sociable leastwise if they want to get along yeah I'm mighty easy not to get along with especially for rebels our homestead is maybe explain yourself mister it's clear enough you cut him down and Franklin there plants him [Music] I told you all of that night [Music] those takes a lot he doesn't like it the Lord's the other night get him on his feet get my country [Music] good let's see how good you can shoot [Music] this is a private fight honey I'll handle it my way mr. Tobin I will do whatever shooting is required in this town a stranger here insulted me in Franklin I didn't know it was possible mr. Waring please come with me I want to talk to you [Music] I'll follow you go Jeff I don't know California maybe maybe way from here is all may I say you will not find a different anywhere else I'm gonna try wherever you land see if they need a newspaper we may be out of business here soon no pop we're staying here don't you run before the fight starts too we have met like the ships upon the sea you hold an hour's converse and then away they speed on lonely paths to meet no more Alexander Smith Jefferson wearing the guide Jeff and good luck [Music] by Kathy I think you're being acquitted gee I hope you find that patient looking for thanks I hope there's someone there like you [Music] I know why you're sent for me Justin I know the payment was due yesterday but things are looking up yes sir definitely looking up we have seven new subscriptions more advertising promised and even the job for me is better there's nothing to worry about Justin really nothing I'm not worried I just didn't want you to think I've been neglectful Justin of course mom sit down I'll be ready to make the payment in a week it we both know this is a poor way to do business ordinarily however the planes news performs an important community service thank you Jeff that was good I believe I will for the best interest of the community Hart there's something I think we should discuss if there's anything I can do I thank you as a matter of fact there is you know about the undesirable element coming into this area you mean the small ranchers the squatters yes they're coming in considerable numbers and it's harmful they're good people on the whole that's a matter of opinion Ln themes but there's plenty of land and they hold government grants I hailed it with your help we could drive these nesters out perhaps with public opinion perhaps former vigilante committee vigilantes you can't be serious yet I mean the worst song of lawlessness in destruction know about your help Peter we'd like to see a series of editorials your privilege of course but you're a smart young lady miss sharp you must know that I also have the privilege of demand immediate payment or immediate possession of the planes news come on pop let's go just a minute Kathy how long do I have to meet the payment Justin you're in default right now but I'll hold off till I get your answer the paper comes out in three days doesn't it yes I'll read the editorial and make my decision then I hope we can still remain friends Peter good day sir [Music] shoot him just like that you heard me he's on our land miss 10 I can't do that [Music] pretty poor shot circuiting Jessica what are you doing on my land heading west at me West we're just west huh a drifter nothing there Miss Taylor not even a gun keep your hands on the saddle who are you ulysses s grant who are you we'll go where you can make Gilks for an audience go on [Music] tell of putting up a new fence line mr. Taylor don't have no truck with fences those the railroad surveyors shut up date go on [Music] is that all Miss Taylor you've said enough [Music] thank you wait who's this you brought with you I know but I'm sure gonna find out sit down mr. Waring Jefferson wearing my name's Taylor we don't often have visitors out here I can understand why you always shoot at them somebody shoot at you tell me about it aura thing and I spotted him on the east 2nd we've waited for him in the cottonwood grove down by the creek my horse shied so I missed him is that all you always leave things out Nora I never know what's going on and Here I am strapped to this chair with our flattest ding here he always remembers everything and he tells it to me good thing talks too much I like tea are you from the beginning what did you think when you heard the shot you were scared once yeah I was scared yeah yeah sure I know come to me a long time ago I was scared too why didn't you run because next time she wouldn't have missed oh why didn't you shoot he doesn't have a gun father what's this about Bing we spotted the surveyors as we rode in ding told him they were from the railroad odd things of fools sometimes but he's a good boy he remembers everything and he tells it to me like I can almost see it never in a hurry you're an ex-soldier mr. ware that's right too bad you lost somebody has to lose yeah yeah somebody's always gotta lose we're wasting time don't be in such an all-fired hurry Nora man's got a right to know why is gonna die these sound baby don't seem fair maybe it ain't your fault but we can't take no chances I haven't done anything and I don't even know you no but you saw the surveyors they're gonna run track through here the railroads gonna want to buy all this layin mile and fight for the Indians for us my wife's buried here but I don't want your land oh but the squatters do and they're coming more of them every day if they find out the railroad wants this land how valuable it is I won't be able to blast them out with dynamite no mr. worry like I said we just can't take no chances doesn't anyone else know about the railroad no nobody but you you lose soldier you lose again hey take him down the ravine back up Oggy run you hired me as a horse wrangler mr. Taylor I don't come to no murder do like I'm telling you Dean all right let's go BAM both day yes deign to [Music] but on your mind mr. staying alive sure wish I could help you can well mr. Taylor says goes how's he gonna know if I hide say without here for California mr. stopped you from heading back to town I don't want any trouble that's why I left independence in the first place go over with me if I was is he gonna know waiting to hear the shot back of the ranch fire a couple into the air [Music] somebody pushed [Music] advertisements laid off mm-hmm did you check the jail nobody arrested except Jeff Jeff quite a lad maybe just as well he moved on he was too soft for this place be a little scared too scared it takes a lot of courage to stick by your convictions they call it a coward it's easy to go along with the rest for gunslingers like him doesn't matter now Papi's gone made up your mind pop there's just no choice I can't lose the paper listen to me people know you here they respect you that's why it makes a difference what you say if you get scared now all those small ranchers and farmers are going to get to get along with you I'd like to do it Cathy I'd like to tell this town what's happening I'd do it in a minute if if what if I thought it would make any difference my it's worth a try Cathy you should have been in politics I am every Americans in politics trouble if some don't realize it [Music] stay keep your voice down John quickly the Lord's kids are sleeping in their gut they all can you stay when they tell you to go look what's happened to Deloitte's he did not only you I talked it over my missus and she's for sticking it out anyways how do we go to cows a horse an old wagon and not a dollar to our name can't get provisioned at the store relevant my time comes I go there's too much fight here I just learned something else yeah we don't forget it took a heap of traveling to get here and a heap but doing it till we got here this land is ours by law Kramer a man came up to you and your farm in the old country and said get out Kramer I'll kill you what would you have done well the first I would give him the boot where it hurts and I'd go down to the village and tell the Burgermeister but he there is no Burgermeister Kramer the law says what law there is no law in Independence just because Taylor pins a badge on Harding that doesn't make Harding different from any other gunman that's right there's nobody to protect us so what do we do a run or protect ourselves we could sit around and let shoot us down like a lot of sitting ducks first to get me or run me off let me get you John then Slocum and Kramer and Appleton each in turn will the rest spin around knocked our heads on a ten dollar but if we stand together if they know well fight wait a minute Guthrie why didn't you think of that Malloy's got killed Lloyd never told nobody about teeners plan on delete was too late same night you told he was killed [Music] whether you are come off that horse and keep your hands high last call mr. elfs are gonna bring it down myself Oh little minute doing humanity harm Peter got you by now what I get right get back get any quick quickly give me a hand hands man hurt [Music] here I'm looking for dr. Kennedy he's not at home tried this alone what's happened young fella been shot bushwhack probably he wasn't even packing a gun where is he he's down at Guthrie's place no pop easy honey I'll hitch up the rigging we find doc Kennedy railroads that ought to make up your minds for you if we can hold out a while longer how land should be worth a thousand dollars an acre sure but how are we gonna hold out every one of us owns a gun no I gotta think of my wife and kids you too they only gave you three days to be clearer here huh what I said it's plenty of time you be here when they come we'll be here too with rifles you move your wife and kids mr. Waring you're under arrest for the murders of Sam Tobin and ding Bell but this man was bushwhack John he wasn't even carrying a gun we're leaving quietly gentlemen I suggest you do the same are your feet wearing mourning well what is wearing in jail good morning Nora all right all right good morning is he in jail yes Waring's in jail but I don't think it's gonna make any difference why not model i arrested him at Guthrie's ranch I'm almost certainly totally others what others the suppers were having a meeting over there must have been a dozen or more at least that means they know about the railroad anyways that's the way we gotta figure it now they all hang on until a railroad agents get here the gum will come with them we'll be hogtied I hold notes and mortgages on some of them that's no good we got to move now and move fast how many men will it take to drive these land T's out of here I don't know I've never done that sort of thing 20 min 20 min oh come shoot and wide and keep their mouths shut Neverland how long would it take three nights one night that depends on the ranchers they're not gonna sit by and watch their houses down one move from them um we shoot understand you not we this is gonna be a slaughter it's not my kind of a fight you better get yourself somebody else to do it for you puh Tobin's dead I can't get out of this blasted chair sorry not scared are you don't take advantage of your sex with Norah I made you Marshall you do like I say make yourself another marshal easy gentlemen easy we're all on the same side remember all after the same thing I'll do it I'll take out the man and do the job all right then it's agreed after all Artemis keep hiring sensibilities dictate this course I think we can carry off the night's work without him put that bat back on him now if you'll excuse me Nora see the marshal to the door yeah yeah how does that shoulder feel now fine it'll be well enough by the time they hang me they're gonna hang me aren't they maybe I hope not why don't you let me out of here you know I can't do that you know I didn't kill those two men possibly not but I gotta hold you for trial you'll get a jury sure backed with Taylor's friends you've made friends here too but they won't be on the jury no I suppose not your trial doesn't come up for a couple of weeks and by that time your friends will be long gone meaning what now they know about the railroad and I'm afraid knowing that they're not gonna be around long any of them when will this happen a couple of nights they'll all go at once which really won't have a chance that is the general idea but it isn't your idea no I won't be there you quit Taylor no I'm still Marshall but this thing isn't for me it's like shooting a man in the back just as easy as that and just as hard as that then why don't you stop it why should I we've all gotta look out after ourselves I like being marshal and why should I give that up for a bunch of crazy farmers that are just waiting for a chance to draw me and see if I miss bass with my gun as I'm supposed to be mr. Waring you came into this town with a lot of very noble ideas and where's it gotten you waiting for the hangman look keep that down as low as it'll go it won't shave your wrists you don't hurry we'll be up all night that's fine what am I going to drink it out of you forgot the cup again [Music] working late tonight sure everyone has an awful sudden interest in me we just want to see what you're gonna put in the paper tomorrow hey watch me along that's right you're leaving right now hello man you certainly will if you don't get out of here I'm warning you no need to be nasty girly anything like you we just come in to see your dad don't get himself in no trouble you be nice to ask early it'll be nice to you [Music] I'll take your friend and get out these men came in and tried to create a disturbance John doesn't look like they got very far all right put him away miss Cathy but you know that ladies aren't supposed to handle guns now you know one that does good night marshal good night Cathy pewter [Music] he horse effete George Peter Sharpe has lost his mind better just naturally wants to die bleed gonna die natural not after Taylor reads this the United States has passed the law for banning that any citizen who is willing to work can settle his family and like a farm or ranch and also that the rain shall be free and restricted by no man how then does a gang of cutthroats dare to terrorize peaceful citizenry spreading death and destruction without mercy we all know who has hired these bandits who is paying him to keep so-called três três pastors away from what he jealously calls his land the land belongs to all of citizens for the development of this territory murder the like of which not has been seen since the late Indian mores has gone unpunished this newspaper of cuba's already got here right away [Music] this new trick users are hiring John Harding our so-called marshal who has made no move to stop these depredations no I got half a mind you certainly have keep quiet this man Harding is no better than a common gunman and has been foisted upon us to be our peace officer he can really lay it on when he makes up his mind to what possess Peter to do a thing like this I'd like to put a stop to the brutality and the killings but I never get away with it anymore that Peter will get away with this editorial what'll we do I don't know he's not a good insurance risk at this point you don't have to protect him it's your duty as marshal mr. worry you don't have to tell me my duty well the idea is to be prepared for mr. taylor's gunmen when they come here to raid guttering that's right self-defense are they coming tonight for sure they're due tonight if they come we'll be waiting to be prepared for war as one of the most effective means of preserving the peace Julius Caesar George Washington shop this means trouble you've got trouble Quigley you're a fool if you don't know it to be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving the peace do you know who said that sure George Washington but still means toe maybe even get us killed you'll get killed anyway if you don't stand on your own two feet and fight back what are you doing about tonight go and deal with the original plans that's your thing the tenant won't change his that's decided then we'll all meet here sundown yeah I guess be sure your women and kids have moved to crane isn't plenty of time leave a couple of men to guard them Oh may I let leave us I'm about 15 16 not many I wish Jeff was out he was in the army so where we beat her maybe not the same army they're here together now [Music] [Music] Marshall says to take this handcuff off Keith come to get you tonight to Lynch you don't make me no difference if you they hang your now or after a trial hangings hanging if you ask me who's asking you get up buddy with me mr. Paul man sharp just got his out there for beating up buddy [Music] hello [Music] [Music] what do you on here Peter was my friend you're looking for tip no you saw him yes and you let him go all right Peter was right about everything you understand why don't you run on home I'll take care of things here go ahead be sure to use your fastest horse isn't there well rested sidearms rifles sure they're well oil don't forget to bring plenty of ammunition you'll have to change the plans now what Peter Sharpe was killed over an hour ago because of the newspaper yes they're planning to burn you all out tonight don't worry we've got two things surprise and something to fight for Taylor's men are paid gunmen I figure they'll write in a bunch 25 maybe 30 men that sounds right what are you thinking to skirmish lines one a mounted column [Applause] about two miles down the trail from Taylor's ranch over here's a patch of woods called Webster's Grove over on the other side is a hill [Music] no sign of event at the first shooting from the woods will write into skirmishers hold your fire until I give the word one volley fire volley fire every time twice as effective take your positions men [Music] I have as much time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all your fireman bathroom [Music] you all right quickly look now yes let's ride over to Taylor's ranch and clean this thing up once and for all all right Geoffrey get your men Marlon escort the women back to their homes I'm going with Jeff [Music] that Kim [Music] all right [Music] who is that up there it's me Taylor Jeff Waring remember this time you lose that don't make no difference you you won't get off this hatch who's gonna stop us Taylor you haven't got a rider left that's a lie this time we were ready your people wrote right into an ambush or what happened Endora I can't feel a thing for you Taylor you're a beat no man I'm not sorry good you think so many lives that yours isn't even a downturn [Music] where is the girl I don't know must have gotten away promised at the Grove [Music] [Music] Oh Nora finished so early that's right finished how about the cash that belongs to me open the safe it's something go wrong everything everything they were waiting for us hurry up will you there isn't much time I'm afraid you'll have to take the time Nora banking-house begin at 9:00 tomorrow morning I've got 40,000 dollars in that safe get it now I've got to get out of here live in the banking laws of our state require proof of deposit to be presented upon withdrawal of funds have you that proof no of course not we have here a list of our depositors if you will look closely you will find that your name does not appear wine all right I'm your father's business here you have known you since you were little girls what Nora I have been like an uncle to you it you were you mustn't be angry about my joke there you are my dear nothing to worry about I'm your father's best friend you were cured your money's been there all the time Nora hi I'm Nora no no no don't don't be hasty Nora please now please [Music] [Music] I'm gonna kill you Harding don't be foolish Jeff you let Peter Sharpe die lords and lots of others people who depended on you I'm gonna kill you I've been waiting for you are you alright I'm fine oh you're tired yep you can't think come to the house you cannot draw me Jeff you know that [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you John my pleasure miss Cathy [Music] [Music] very much about a newspaper scared a little newspaper talks to a lot of people it's nothing to be scared of you have something to tell that glad you didn't run away Jen nowhere to run gift of prophecy and understanding and have not love we have nothing first Corinthians [Music] you you
Channel: Classic Hollywood Movies
Views: 167,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Film, Entertainment, Classic Hollywood Movies, Hollywood Movies, John Ireland, Wayne Morris, Lawrence Tierney, western film, The Bushwhackers
Id: Wy4QspcwUKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 50sec (4070 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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