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all we've got to try it can we boomerang this guy alright buddy you're going the distance hey buddy all right go Oh Oh what are you doing wait come back I'm bad with boomerangs [Music] hello everybody I am guy Lee Qian and welcome to the wonderful world of virtual reality this is all very very new to me so you're gonna have to bear with me as I figure out how things work in the world of VR and also recording VR is very different than recording in front of my computer and my screen in front of me and all that fun stuff like honestly I have no idea what's going on for all I know I could be looking at the wall and I think I think that I'm looking at you guys who knows you never never know you're in a different world it's a whole different world it's very very different but we're going to get the hang of this and this is going to be a lot of fun so today we are checking out crazy fishing and I probably played about 15 minutes of this and it's fun it's a really really cool game it's a lot of fun there's a lot of stuff that you can do there's a lot of hilarious fish look at this you got banjo shark basketball fish bass fish well that's not too too weird but it's probably an actual like bass like the instrument yeah there's there's all kinds of crazy stuff so we can get this thing out of here okay so let's go fishing I forget how a teleport how do i teleport teleport yes there we go I figured it out I knew I figure it out eventually and I'll probably lose track of where you guys are I still think you guys are over there but actually maybe you're I see I don't know I don't know anymore so I apologize if I have my back turn to you guys but as you could probably understand I'm in a whole different world right now this is the world a virtual reality ok so let's do some fishing we got some bait here so we could also we can pick up that bait and we can stick it on our hook right there there we go Item hooked and then we can do some fishing so you just pull back and cool ah yeah look at that that I mean virtual reality is really cool up until I got this vibe headset which I got just a couple of days ago I had never ever even touched virtual reality so this is a whole new world to me Aladdin style and it is very very cool it's a lot of fun so I'm excited to be showcasing some VR games on the channel and this is going to be our first VR game on the channel so oh wait well we got what we got one come on buddy get it get it whoa Oh what is that a boomerang fish oh so much confetti good time I could die you just talked to me topic that's hilarious okay can we all we've got to try it can we boomerang this guy all right buddy you're going the distance hey buddy all right go oh oh what do you do it wait come back I'm bad with boomerangs okay we caught ourselves a boomerang fish and you can see we have like a little little sign here telling us what we've caught so far so this was the tutorial fish this fish he shoots like like little balls pellets you can you can shoot them all over the place and then we got the boomerang fish and then there's a couple of blacked-out ones here so let's go ahead and grab another one here and hook so I guess the basic progression of this game is that you need to catch fish and then you can turn them into bait and you can catch other fish look at me while holding an item I can tell you a bit about it okay oh we got one we got one grab this guy get him up here oh it looks like it's one of those a shooter fish I'll show you guys oh no we lost him he went under the deck why would you do that hey there's a treasure chest down there get the treasure chest but let me explain the progression here while we try and get this treasure chest here I'm going to hook yes okay we got a treasure chest but basically you catch a fish and then you can turn them into bait or you can cash them in and get money and then with that money you can buy like upgrades and stuff that I guess eventually will help you catch other fish like harder to find fish I guess um there there's a key right there wait wait a second hopefully I don't hit anything okay and then can I it what what okay well I guess I guess we don't need that anymore go over there what are these clamps clamps can we chop these up no clams gone forever okay well we'll go ahead and grab well no you know what we'll save that clamp for later maybe that's just the type of bait so let's go uh that was kind of a bad cast there but hopefully we'll catch something here we can show off some more of these crazy fish because I mean there's a lot of weird-looking fish and also I have no idea where you guys are anymore okay is that another boomerang fish that is come here buddy all right are we okay everything okay all right so basically we can chop him up turn him into bait or we can cash them in and get some money so I think what I'm going to do is chop them up sorry buddy and it's going to spit out some some bait is this bait this is what is this this looks like candy oh I actually ate it I was not expecting that is this fly bonus attracting these things the ocarina is attracted to flies the ocarina oh my gosh okay wait where did this come from I am okay you know what we're gonna can we can we there we go okay we got him on our hook let's try to catch something different I guess there's other areas to fish as well but I think we're just gonna we're just gonna fish here for now and whoa all right let's see what we get that's a pretty little fly for you guys who likes flies oh we got one we got one here it comes come on buddy come here where are you going what are you what is that thing what it's like a weird screen fish what come here come here you what what the heck you you got a screen for a mouse how do you eat you do anything you don't really do anything do you you're adorable but kind of weird-looking I don't know how I feel about you okay you know what get some bait I don't know if we should start cashing in these guys what is this yeah I hit my couch I think I hit a couch okay what is this some kind of crazy fish and juice ah drink it up mmm that's delicious okay okay just chop that up turn that into something Oh what is this most items can be sold for sweet cash can this be sold for sweet cash yes it can okay what is that there's a recycle sign over there can I kind of pick that up with my with my hook no come here come here come here oh we got a frog leg it looks like okay but I want to I want to pick up that that that thing what is that what is this I don't know what this does can we to me okay we got a hundred bucks for that so that's pretty cool okay let's go back to fishing let's go to the edge of the world here and let's use this frog leg to try and catch something different oh that was a good cast look at that way way out there oh man that was fantastic yeah so if you guys haven't tried VR yet it's really really cool because the way you guys see it right now on the screen it's a flat image but when you're actually in the headset it's all three-dimensional everything has depth to it and it totally changes the experience it makes it extremely immersive I mean you honestly feel like you are in another world and you lose you lose any kind of perception of what's going on around you so for instance I'm probably talking to a wall right now if I had to hazard a guess I can kind of tell because the cables are going back to my computer and they're behind me I think I but see I don't know I don't know where I am okay but it doesn't really matter I don't think it really matters as long as you guys are enjoying this I know I'm enjoying it I'm going to reel in a little bit here because there's no fish that seem to want to grab on to the thing that we put at the end of our fishing rod it was a frog leg right we got nibble here we go here we go it looks like a very round fish there's a very round fish on his way up to us what is he what are you basketball your basketball fish what's up dude you and some fish have like special abilities if you press the button while you're holding them they'll do stuff but this guy he doesn't although wonder if we can we can dribble let's see Oh oh yeah catch him okay look at that play Oh playing some basketball he's very bouncy look at this whoa Oh doh oh oh come back no my basketball fish come back you were my favorite a sad I'm very sad now okay well at least we caught Oh what is this what if I caught it says item hooked this is I just catch a random fish what the heck a rocket fish oh oh dear oh goodness ah he blew up in my hands the rocket fish blew up in my hands note to self throw the rocket fish in one of these things before he blows up in your hand that's a good thing to keep in mind okay let's grab one of these pills here what wait what is this oh so wait does this actually tell me okay bonus attracting these fish I don't know what any of those fish are but if we put this guy on our hook here maybe we can catch one there is that a shadow yeah that's just a shadow it looks like there's like a fish with like a sword that's a mega sword fish down there maybe we can try and catch that guy oh is this a boomerang fish I think it's a boomerang fish yeah you're definitely a boomerang fish you guys are cool I'm going to chop you up though or maybe cash you in because I need money I think I need money I don't know actually okay yeah we got a nine point four two kilogram boomerang fish we're going to cash you in six hundred thirty bucks that's pretty stinking good okay you know what now we have some money so let's go back over to where was that same there it is this thingy oh gosh I'm like inside of it I need to step back a little a bit okay come back here I think that you can combine stuff so if I it and then I go to shop here like that and you can actually buy different hooks and stuff and we have some money so we could we could buy some different stuff here is tonight can I scroll can I can I scroll down I don't know how to scroll down look at this so we have a maori hook which adds strength to our to our hook i don't know what that means I guess we can equip it can we can we can we uh I don't understand how do I actually equip this tonight can I drag it onto my hook no ah there we go oh my gosh it's a Reaper sickle that's kind of scary so that's pretty cool I guess you just poke it yeah you just poke it I didn't realize you don't have to actually press a button you just poke it and then this tells us the different fish that we've caught and different fish that we can catch obviously we have a long ways to go so we'll get out here I just I don't know how to scroll though how do you ah there we go you just kind of push into it just like a tablet I get it I got it okay that makes sense so you can see let's see we got all kinds oh my goodness we can buy a new rod as well a modern rod has more strength why don't we buy that let's just get one of those and equip there we go okay we got ourselves a modern rod with a Reaper sickle on the end of it that's pretty terrifying okay let's get out of here and let's head back outside what is what is that over there I that's a recycle sign does this do anything is very blurry oh my goodness okay never mind all right let's head back to our fishing spot and oh you know what actually it looks like there's a treasure map down there can I can I go down there I guess I can't so I guess I got a fish for this treasure map let's see if we can just drop our our fishing rod right there yeah okay come here come here come to me what is okay what does this mean this is some kind of oh I dropped it I dropped it where go odo odo fishing map where did you go where oh wait oh I have like a belt where I can put stuff I did not realize that okay so that means that we can put bait on our belt and that we can go all around here we can explore all around here there's all kinds of areas and you catch all kinds of different fish all over the place this is pretty stinkin neat so x marks the spot it looks like this is pointing to that waterfall over there is there a secret cave behind the waterfall is that what that's saying I think that's what that's saying you know what I'm going to put this on my belt again and why don't we grab some baked here and put that on our belt as well and we'll grab this stuff and put that there and let's just let's just load up and go on a little bit of an adventure here grab this stuff alright put that there did I put it okay yep put it there we got a clam let's grab that clam hopefully I don't hit anything the invisible wall is right here so I'm a little bit nervous you know actually I'm a teleport over there just grab that there we go okay put that guy right there and we've got something on our hook already it looks like it's a fish head is there any more bait that we can grab I think there might be more bait in the bucket here yeah let's grab this there grab that get that guy perfect okay we're set now let's go on an adventure let's try to get over onto the other side of the lake now I don't think we can just teleport all the way to the other side of the lake we got go around so we got to take the long way around but that's okay we'll explore some of this area looks like there's like ruins over here that's kind of crazy wait what why is there an X this just doesn't seem right there's an X over there too wait is that shovel there's a shovel oh my gosh did that shovel and let's do some digging yeah yeah oh money give me the money go over there get get the money don't lose the money come here uh no come here come here no I couldn't get it oh no okay wait get out of here get on my belt and get it with the hook yes okay there we go get some money there wait did I say that actually can be used oh my gosh this is actual bait it attracts basketball fish and swordfish and and some other fish okay that's kind of crazy I wonder if we can just throw this in the money machine oh no we're out of space okay you know what we'll just we'll bait it up and we'll try catching something with a lot of cash now what else did we dig up where did the where did the hole that we dug go the sandals can we equip these tonight can I put these on hey Justin nice shoes there okay I don't think I actually put them on but it was a cool idea okay grab this and let's get this guy and dig that up and we got a cupcake there's another x-man they're all over the place that boot yeah that's a boot I don't I mean who wants trash there's an X over there too my gosh they're everywhere okay well dig that up and anything got anything for me there was nothing oh there was a cupcake okay I guess we'll come back for that stuff because our inventory is all full you know actually I'm going to stop digging up these X's I'm going to actually throw this shovel right next to that X so we can come back to that later okay now what is this this is a new area we unlocked the ruins I wonder if there's different fish around here probably probably why is there a first-aid kit what do we need do we do we take damage I haven't actually experienced any kind of damage so I don't know and also what happened to our wad of money where did our money go we lost it from our hook that's really sad okay let's let's continue our adventure off into the distance and I guess once we hit like different spots it'll unlock a fast teleport so when we come back it'll be a lot quicker to get back this is a vending machine right yeah this has all kinds of different stuff that we can use for Bay okay yeah so we unlocked the bridge now let's look at our treasure map again because it seemed like it was telling us that there was something on the other side of that waterfall but I don't know if we can actually get over there where's where's our let's see okay we're at the bridge so we're on the the first X oh there's a key over there maybe that's what that's pointing to and actually it looks like there might be a treasure chest on the top of the waterfall but how the heck are we supposed to get up there I don't know I'm gonna leave this over here because I don't feel like we really need it anymore because we kind of found what it was pointing to so let's let's grab this come here come here key come here why can't I get this key I can't hook it okay can I just pick it up I'm a little bit worried though that I'm gonna hit something okay let's I can't I can't I can't there's something in there the floors in my way that's the floor is in my way I can't grab that key because my floor is in the way why why is it under my floor that doesn't seem fair okay let's let's go over here and just see if there's anything weird going on over here can we teleport we can't teleport on top wait we can teleport on top of this rock can we teleport on top of the waterfall probably not hope there's a vending machine hiding back here and another treasure - treasure chest my gosh how are we supposed to open all these treasure chests if we've only found like one key that's kind of crazy so it looks like we have a whole nother set of fish that we can catch here and it also looks like there's specific fish that are more rare than other ones it looks like this guy is super rare he looks kind of cool I don't know what kind of fish that is so why don't we do some fishing here let's use some of our bait whatever this is what is this this is salmond musical fish love salmon okay let's catch us some musical fish why didn't it hook why does this game hate me so much please hook hook it why and then I lose it that's annoying that's super annoying come here okay what is going on this is broken okay you know what let's just let's do a little cast here try to reset everything maybe something funky is going on I don't know okay my fishing rod is broken it's broken everything is broken about this why why can't I I can't hook anything anymore that's very annoying okay I had to reset the game because something funky was going on let's see if we can put actual bait on our hook now yes okay we can I don't know what happened that was really weird but we should be able to teleport back to where we were so let's try to get this guy back here and I think there's like a little teleporter station right here so yeah we should be able to go to the bridge that's where we were right let's hit that okay there we go we're back at the bridge and we're back to properly fishing there's my hat let's get that guy back come here come here yeah put that back okay we're good we're good okay let's catch some fish cool oh that is not where I wanted to cast that was very very bad let's try that again I also I noticed I took my headset off for a second and I noticed for whatever reason my lights were flickering so I don't know how long that was happening but I apologize I turned off the ceiling light so right now the only light that I have in my room is my light for my camera so hopefully that's enough and hopefully the flickering lights didn't bother you guys too much I just noticed it so I apologize for that there's no fish over there I need to get way out there I see a fish jumping out there look at that guy he's way way out there okay come back come back to me excuse me what happened I lost my bait okay perfect all right let's grab the fish head and let's get this thing way out there yeah there we go that's what I'm talking about alright hopefully we get a bite with our fish way way out there nothing yet fishing is a patience game you got to be more patient than the fish that you're trying to catch oh I hear I feel some nibbles yes here we go we got one all right bring him in oh I hope this is a good one feels like a big one let's go come on buddy what is that what is we've already caught this thing no this is a squid hello hello mr. squid what do you you do in anything you do any weird stuff no you're very very ugly oh oh I almost lost you hey buddy hi Wow as an ugly-looking creature isn't it okay let's let's cache this guy in go ahead and I guess we'll well you know what actually let's get some bait some bait out of this guy I guess we'll get some squid bait cheese that makes sense of course put that on my belt my hook is stuck to something it's stuck to the ground can you come back now where have you gone okay let's just teleport back over to the bridge and okay our hook is back to normal and let's let's use some cheese here grab and grab the cheese and let's see what this is good for cats love cheese okay that's good to know catfish love cheese that makes no sense okay get that way out there that was beautiful good cast it even told me that was a good cast thank you for reinforcing my amazing casting skills game so we're just gonna hang out here just enjoy the scenery it looks like there's like pine cones or something growing on the trees I wonder if we can grab those because they look pretty cool still no nibbles still no bites there's a big old totem pole way the heck out there I wonder what's going on over there and it looks like there's like some kind of I don't know it's hard to make out but it looks like the silhouette of like Buffalo or something on the top of that mountain I don't I I don't know it's very hard to tell from this distance it's very far away nothing wants this cheese alright let's let's reel it in just a little bit maybe there's some fishies hanging out over there bring it in a little bit closer a little bit closer okay leave it right there you know you want it you know you fishies want it what we got nibble where we go let's go we got another one bring it in and I hope this is a new fishy come on buddy what are you what are we gonna get oh is that another squid another squid huh alright let's let's head over here let's get some money why not grab some money alright let's go to a new area let's check out some of the other areas all check this out we got a basketball hoop we need a basketball fish we definitely need a basketball fish there's also a cave Oh over there I can't resist the allure of going to a cave to fish that seems pretty stinking cool so let's go over there and hopefully we'll open up a quick teleport over there as well woah you see all these fish there's loads of them you know what let's give it a shot here let's try fishing with our hook there we go what are these things there's so many I hope we can catch me oh here we go we got a nibble let's go bring it in come here buddy you look like a new fish I don't think we've ever caught you before legendary logo fish hahaha oh man this guy's amazing he's so hip he's so wicked hey yeah oh he just he just dropped money this guy just straight-up dropped money a very greedy fish wonder what we can get out of him we got money out of him that is awesome okay can I put him in my belt I totally can all right let's uh let's cast this money that we got from our cool trendy fish oh there's a goldfish over there I want to try and catch that let's get our fishing rod out there oh that was way too far that was way way too far let's pull this back a little bit more and let's see if anything wants to grab on to our money roll that we got just money hey yeah I think we got a nibble we got a nibble no he didn't like the money okay bring it in a little bit more oh we got a nibble yes here we go let's go aye I think it's the same fish what logo fish it's logo fish hello logo fish we got some more money out of him yeah we did this one is 10 kilograms so I think he's actually bigger than the one that we caught before let's go ahead and put him in our belt and I think that we've got a teleport station over there so we just need to get around this very large rock try to get around this thing oh how do we can we wait a second how do we how do we get over there so we have to go all the way around the other side of the Lake I think we do oh my goodness wait wait wait wait yes okay we're on top of the rock can we get way up on top see oh there we go yes now we can go back down we're on top of the cave right now my goodness it's a long ways down wait I can I can get down there I can fix this yes okay are we how do we actually get in the cave I want to go inside of the cave how do I get inside of the cave people let's see let's just keep climbing this mountain can I get over there somewhere please come on work with me work with go over there then can we get up come on wait wait ah we did it we got to the cave the secret cave is now ours let's cash in oh no that's not what I wanted to put that back I want the fish I want the logo fish let's see how much money this guy's worth 1,000 that is amazing okay come here come here you're coming with me and should we cash them in for some bait I guess we can we can get some bait look let's go ahead and do that oh poor guy once again stab it out chicken legs mmm um what the heck just happened that was crazy we got teleported to the top of the mountain there's money all over this place let's see what is this gold bars can we what are these good for the legendary wise fish is greedy for gold ooh I would love to catch a legendary wise fish let's put this on our belt and then let's go see what this button does go ape what oh my goodness this is absolutely crazy look there's a top hat over there let's wahhhh underground cave this is awesome oh my gosh look at all these fish that we can find here I want to know what that thing is that's amazing okay let's do some fishing let's definitely do some fishing I'm going to go over here and let's use some of the bait that we have in fact I'm going to use oh you know what actually we got some money on our on our fishing rod right here so let's do some fishing and I want to know what those crazy starfish are on that sign so we're going to try to catch some legendary fish today yes come with me what is this looks kind of circular looks kind of like a roundish fish what oh the lava fish look at this guy that is so cool how am i holding him is he's made of lava it's hot hot oh that's the guy that's the legendary fish we caught it on our first truck that is awesome this thing is so cool-looking okay I guess we can can we catch him in I guess we should I mean we could turn him into bait do we really need the money that's the thing let's turn them into bait and see what he turns in to see if there's any good stuff what is this buy the best items at vending machines okay thank you for that tip we got some frog legs what are these good for I heard eels love frogs okay well let's stick it on our hook there and let's see if we can catch this other one here these are some cool fish oh my goodness that lava fish was awesome okay let's see what we got yes come with me you are mine now what is this thing is this another lava fish I think it was another lava fish but I lost it it came off the hook I think I hear it oh there it is we got him we got another lava fish these things are all over the place over here okay this is really cool let's get some money yeah 950 bucks that's not bad I think he was kind of a smaller fish so let's see let's use the gold bar let's see what we can get with the gold bar we got a nibble here we go let's get another one what do we got here that's another lava fish these things are all over the place but this one's kind of little he's a little lava fish he's so angry oh I got an alert on my computer hope I'm not in trouble here let's see if we can throw him in we missed all right you can just flop around over there you're fine what is that over there that's a pill let's let's use the pill let's see what we can catch with the pill we're going to give it our best shot alright grab this guy bring him up there we go another lava fish it's like they're the only fish that are here all right let's try got a clam what are clams good for found on the shores around the jetty okay Wow we'll just we'll just put that there and try this again maybe maybe cuz my lure is going too deep I need to keep it like a little bit more shallow because all the lava fish are are down below I don't know oh you can't teleport while you while you cast oh and I lost my bait that stinks come back alright what are we going to put on now cheese I guess we'll try some cheese no I don't want the pill that just catches the lava fish and a lot of fish is cool but I want to catch other fish too lava fish wants all the attention I got a whole bunch of fish flopping around that's all the lava fish that we've caught up to this point I think that's another lava fish wait wait a second well careful careful careful Oh robot fish yes this is suck is that the other it was that is the other legendary fish in this area we caught both of the legendary fish she's a robot don't worry I'm fluent in robot fish beep ooh bleep off beep boop bop he's not doing so good he wants to go back in the water but you know what buddy you're going in to the cash machine there we go some outdoor bucks that's not bad let's grab these guys come here where you going come here come here there we go alright come back to me and grab that guy and cash him in and then we got this one come here yes we got it come on put them in alright a thousand bucks for that one that one was worth a lot okay is that all the fish No more fish flopping about okay good all right so we managed to catch both of the legendary fish inside of the underground cave this whole area is super super cool I was not expecting to find this on our first go in VR crazy fishing but I think that's going to do it for this episode I think you guys are over there I hope you guys are over there I hope I'm looking at you hi hello if not I'm talking to a wall but that's fine too but that is going to do it for our first episode of VR this is a ton of fun I hope that you guys enjoyed this episode and I hope that you look forward to more VR videos because there are a ton of VR games that I've never played and I am very very excited to show them off here on the channel but that is going to do it guys thank you so much for watching if you did enjoy this be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking that little link with my logo in it right below this window although this is really weird to do when you have VR hands in front of you you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but that is going to do it once again thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 3,031,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crazy fishing, crazy fishing vr, crazy, fishing, vr, htc vive, vive game, crazy fishing game, crazy fishing vr game, crazy fishing htc vive, crazy fishing legendary fish, legendary, legendary fish, secret fish, crazy fishing secret fish, kindly keyin, vr fishing, fishing game, virtual reality, vive, htc, fishing vr game, keyin, kindly, new vr game, lava fish, robot fish, virtual reality game, crazy fishing part 1, hello neighbor kindly keyin, no swearing
Id: wNAkE4iKewk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2017
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