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get the official be kind collection from kindlykian.shop available now today we're playing as the new giant dinosaur whale and yeah it's as awesome as it sounds [Music] hello everybody i'm kindly kid and welcome back to feed and grow fish i'm a giant dinosaur whale his name is dory you damn and he's new and he seems really cool he also needs to breathe but look at this dude's mouth that's a mouth that you don't want to mess with so let's use this mouth and eat some stuff i think this is gonna be fun it's been a long time since we've had like a new prehistoric creature in feed and grow fish and this dude seems to you know fit the bill this guy versus prognathodon i mean they both have really sharp teeth and really big mouths let's find out who becomes the prehistoric king of the ocean oh baby we got we got hammerhead sharks chuck oh my gosh that chomp is real good that's a good chop you're a good chomper door you dad and i don't even know if i'm saying your name right hold on how do you say it during donatrox except for not the atrox park thank you google you've saved me yet again from my stupidity dorudon that's a cool name actually now that i think about it i thought it was kind of dorky but it's actually kind of sweet i like this guy and he's hungry and even starting at level one i feel like we're really powerful jump dorydon jump so majestic like a weird dorky dolphin zyfactinous you think we can you think we can do battle with this dude oh baby oh we're doing this we're doing this it's happening you're done you oh my gosh this dude is strong i like it door you don where have you been all my life oh that's a megalodon that is that's a we're leaving we're leaving we're not gonna get involved nope those whale sharks are getting chomped real good i gotta say though i'm a little jealous of megalodon i wanna get in there and eat those whale sharks they're such good xp hello you armored guy i'm gonna eat you and i don't feel bad chomped that is a beautiful thing dory don i want to officially welcome you to the club of super awesome dinosaur whales that's right you're the first member ah this is shark great white shark oh doing battle with great white shark bring it bring it on you don't stand a chance door you don is too strong he's too strong how dare you eat my lunch i am very hungry and now i'm very grumpy you're gonna get chomped so you're getting so chomped okay okay this is a little scary i'm not gonna lie that was we got really low on health door you don are you okay i think he's okay yes thank you for responding door you don i didn't realize that they could talk more great white sharks please those were very very easy to eat um i mean tiger shark yum this guy over here also yum look at him running this guy has no idea what's about to happen to him oh i'm so sorry not uh what are you called again i don't know you're weird dinosaur dolphin oh prognathodon no i don't think we're ready for this i don't think we're ready for this fight but i kind of want to do it i'm doing it i'm doing it just don't let prognathodon turn around please don't turn around you're getting chomped you're getting chomped you're getting absolutely chomped his bite really hurts so if he gets us um we might just die in one bite which is kind of scary oh oh please please don't turn around please he's still alive prognathodon you're so tough no no i'm coming back for you prognatha dawn all right we've made it back to level 12. we are still not ready to fight prognathodon that's too scary he's too strong i was about to eat my own kind not a cool thing to do i need more great white sharks those seemed like really good xp that's not something i'm just gonna go ahead and back up you know that's the sound that like a truck makes when it backs up anyways um eat some tiger sharks that's fine that's good xp but we're definitely not at the point where we can take on prognathodon it felt like i was biting him it felt like i bit him like 10 times and he was still very much alive and then he turned around and bit us once rip that dude is strong that's okay we'll get there don't you worry doryudon and that adorable dorky little face of yours there's something adorable about his face but also when he opens his mouth it's terrifying i like this guy a lot oh i remember your name ichthyosaurus yes i've done it level down why am i leveling down what does that even mean am i losing xp did you guys see that that's kind of dumb oh gosh prognathodon don't look at me don't look at me just mind your own business pal stay away from me these guys are good xp to all but prognathodon is still really close i don't like it get chomped chomp level down again what is that uh i think that's a silhouette of a megalodon and i think that he sees me and i hate it look at me don't do it oh no no no he's too fast he's too fast why megalodon why oh this is good pray styxosaurus yes oh that's good that's good stuff right there okay as long as we don't get disturbed here i think we can gain some good levels with the power of stixxosaurus and zyfactin this let's not forget about xifactiveness get chomped ah stixxosaurus i'm glad you're here why you ask because you're great xp oh ouch also no no no no no i thought that that was gonna be an awesome situation for us uh clearly the tables turned very quickly also i want to remind you guys real quick head over to kindlykian.shop you can get new merch there we just launched it check it out we got all kinds of cool new stuff we got the hat we got the block buddies t-shirt little charlie keychain there's a blanket there's a beanie there's awesome stuff check it out kindly key and dodge shop prognathodon's definitely not getting any of my merch you're banned i have found myself a nice cozy area to eat some whale sharks and uh let's just say it's been pretty nice i'm now level 30. so i think it's time to try and take down the sperm whale which is always kind of a scary situation but we're level 36 we should be level 37 if i can eat this orca not quite but i feel like doryudon has a very strong bite and that's truly what matters in the world of feed and grow fish unsurprisingly now we just need to find that big old ugly whale i found him i found him but i can't see him because my camera's all weird oh this is scary uh he is definitely bigger than me still and that strikes fear into my soul i think i'm gonna leave or i'm gonna try to sneak up on him maybe i can sneak up on him maybe that's the answer oh take that whale boy that was only two bites hey dude please don't hurt me you're gonna hurt me you're not gonna hurt me you're gonna get hurt by me that's okay fair fair enough i am now the greatest whale i don't like that he spawns on top of me that's a little scary but um we're getting some insane xp now okay i'm feeling fairly confident that now that i'm level 73 we can take on prognathodon and possibly megalodon let's go find them but along the way let's eat some whale sharks because they're here and quite possibly megalodon will be hanging out around here as well he tends to like eating these things can't really blame him they're great xp and they don't bite can i eat this armored fish entirely whole you think yes i can we got some great white sharks over here oh these dudes have no idea just getting swallowed entirely whole just gone one second he's there the next second megalodon i see you don't think you can run from me look at this mouth this mouth is ready to chomp one bite he was dead two bites he was meat dog you don i like you a lot look at this heart delicious delicious megalodon meat now where's prognathodon prognathodon there you are bud what have you been doing this whole time just biting nothing seems like it well i'm about to bite something and it's you oh my gosh dar you don you're too good that's a bite that you don't want to mess around with but let's get real crazy let's use the power of our as a 46 mod to level this dude up to absurd levels it's been a while since i've gone to 999. let's make it happen this is what i see now this is a little weird i think we're inside the belly of dorudon kinda scary you ever wonder what a fish you ever wonder what the last thing a fish sees when it gets eaten by a door you don that's it right there oh gosh give him a kiss goodness gracious dory don you you've been eating well huh yeah seems like it so i don't know about you guys but this shot is kind of terrifying dory dawn you're glowing almost to level 999 995 6 7 8 9. we've done it i've literally pressed the u key like 900 times and this is what i have to show for myself it's great can this dude even move around look at how massive he is oh my goodness this is fantastic but you guys want to get real weird check this out we can disable the water we can disable the fog we can make the water invisible and then we can adjust the water height to ten thousand i guess and now we have flying giant door udon it is me flying doryudon we need to disable the fog oh yeah that's so much better look at that very strange hello prognathodon you're so cute so little and also just getting eaten entirely whole by dory udon and his immense power also megalodon chomp be free doryudon fly fly off into the sky where all prehistoric whales go he's so happy [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,023,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, feed and grow, feed, grow, fish, evolve, upgrade, biggest, strongest, feed and grow frog, giant dinosaur, dino, dino fish, dinosaur fish, new, new feed and grow, feed n grow
Id: 1ceQB0gQUSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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