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Oh Josh oh my god no way [Music] welcome back to another episode of the faction series hope you guys have a great day today could there be quite a bad day for me or it could be the best day ever and I will explain that all in just a second but today's episode is all about trying to make money by doing absolutely nothing at all or losing my money by doing absolutely nothing at all well by being by being silly by by being silly pretty much better guys if you do enjoy this episode ooh make sure to slap that like button because mister mad beggar himself let me in on a a little thing so pretty much one of you guys come the saying you should get as many mystical charms as how many likes you get every thousand like so every thousand likes is one a mystical champ so if I get 2,000 likes it's too mystical charms and that got 244 likes so you guys want that and I spoke to man he was like yo you have one episode 1 episode man and every a thousand likes is a mystical charm so if you have friends if you have spare accounts or just you slap that like but this video needs to get 10 billion likes and then we can let you just win the map like if come on guys make this easy for me if we get ten billion likes just just take about this we would win we would have enough effed up value to win we would we be able to do it and we should get the amicus rank if we don't it's definitely rigged weather guys the welcome plays episode of badges so Oh actually I forgot I am wearing so I've been messing around with skins lately and I was literally going to put my skin back on until I found this skin that was like this skin is beautiful I need to wear it at least four one day just just just just to appreciate it but like like this skin is beautiful let me just take this off here I am just gonna I'm just gonna show you like look at this skin like I appreciate you guys might have seen before I was on MC names a name MC just on there and parentless was like the third trending skin and it just looks amazing absolutely love it it's amazing so I dig it I dig it a lot like I did what to keep the skin but like I just got but like you probably see the skin in thumbnails and stuff like that it's just it's so good this guy was a screen II he wants a screen with me like my face doesn't look like it's ready for a screening it looks like there's a bright light shining on my eyes and I can't see that's what I look like I'm doing I'm like that better guys so today we are going to be ahead flipping if you don't know what head flipping is it's like a coin flip or like it's like a flip pretty much both parties putting a certain amount of money we flip and I hope to win lots of our money today or I could lose it lots and lots of money so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do head flips and I'm gonna let someone just someone just message me saying to skin oh my god what a guy but I know I'm gonna let people have flipped me and they can choose the amount obviously if it's like 5 mil I won't be to do it I have to point 7 mil but they can give me the amount and I will have flipped that not like that's it if they give me if someone comes in for two meals straight away that's it I will do that and we'll see if we can make money now guys I do this for your enjoyment so that when you come on the server you don't have to ahead flip your two men in the way you can watch me waste all my money so just remember that ok so let's head flip this guy alright let's head Vic this guy let's see what he wants to do alright skeleton horse mask how much will arcade ok I do I am he's just rolling stuff like how do I match that how do I match that like oh ok ok to mil-to-mil this guy this guy is obviously just like you know what I'm not gonna lose my two mil oh my god I'm the first one this is gonna go down the drain I can already see a common - middle is I always expecting something coming move like an easy 100 grand not 2 mil always take it out oh that was just a show-off man he was showing off that wasn't for me to mil-to-mil oh lordy oh lordy this could go bad ok let's accept oh no the money could be gone we should have some hundred thousand for leaves but still I don't want to lose to men I don't want to lose to milord good please don't let me lose to Mill [Music] okay I just fell to the ground for ten minutes and I'm feeling okay now yeah all I can really say we now have seven hundred seventy nine thousand dollars remaining let's head flip some more yeah okay right hey this guy wants to do $40,000 is that what you wanna do yeah I could do that I could do that I wouldn't even be sad if I lost that you know what I could do forty thousand twenty forty thousand okay hey let's do this can I win $40,000 watch I bow loser I'll win the small one spot I will I will probably like yeah see I win the small ones but if that was 2 mil I would lose that that okay and more head flips let's go 40,000 yeah that's gonna get so far we can buy like one chicken smaller yet actually no we can a 60 K hair flip accept egg smoked play I bet this guy's gonna go big he's gonna be like yo dude 10 mil on the table oh it's going 50,000 it's always doing that where you want 50 70 you want 280 I could do a tea you want 90 I could do 90 you won $90,000 you want to do 90 let's do 90 okay you want to do $90,000 every would be responsible so far like I wouldn't move a two minute head flip these guys doing for 8,000 and 9,000 like they're responsible that's how you play head flips you you work your way up slowly of course I lose okay right oh yay now we're down to I can't even check my balance because I'm being spammed too so yeah I can't even oh we're down to seven hundred twenty-nine thousand I can't I can't see my head flips we're gonna win one big Shirley right dude what you got what you got what you want to do 200,000 always going big always 500,000 always going bigger and I thought yeah this could be it this could be the end of the road here who knows I just want to win one like just let me one big one and I'll be happy even if I lose it again I will be I will be extremely happy are we gonna win it needs to be the wither skeleton first oh my lord oh why why is fashion TV with the worst luck ever like I just don't understand what's up all now right 229,000 I just can't wait any I just can't catch a break alright what's this guy gonna do I do you have $200,000 dude so it better be like something like that Oh like how do I even head oh he wants 200,000 okay hundred thousand let's go hundred thousand let's go go go go can I win a hundred thousand if we lose this we're down to a hundred thousand dollars nice legit I'm just I'm just saying hey we won $100,000 and a actual horse a horse master chicken mask over there we go over up to three hundred thousand head flip collect alright once this guy would you wait 3 mm of a she's gonna go in voltage Oh does close ten thousand that we gonna do thirty thousand I could you tell you that isn't easily okay I think it was Detroit and I think we can win this and we lost it was thirty thousand okay God levy I think this guy is a massive enemy of mine so I think here probably won't steal all my cash from me so let's find out alright dude what do you want to do two hundred thousand yeah he wants to steal all my cash and like it would be satisfying to win but like I never win so we'll see cuz this guy's my enemy I'm pretty sure I think you rated me I think you did yeah okay who's gonna win two hundred thousand dollars if I lose that's me gone I like I have a hundred thousand eleven that's it what's it gonna be oh of course oh yay of course look ever okay a hundred thousand to my name actually no we've ninety nine thousand dollars just let's litchi all we have all right here we go I actually want to see if I can get my balance is zero but like like if he this guy goes in big like with $100,000 and I lose okay boom he's going to a hundred thousand that's all I got actually I don't sorry I'll have to let you just give him as much as I can I think you 99,000 dude I'm sorry all right I'm gonna have to do $99,000 dude I hope you I hope you understand I'm a poor man okay he's gonna move it because he knows he's gonna win that's the truth he knows he's gonna win if I win this that's it I'm out I'm going because literally I've hit Robin already and we're like two minutes in to the freaking head flip like oh okay I'm done thanks everyone for stealing my cash appreciate it we now have from 2.7 million dollars [Laughter] lucky I lost to ministry off the bat and that's why guys I do this for you so you don't have to lose your money just watch me lose mine okay we're just gonna quickly open up our necro charms and ancient charms and that we ranked up from last episode and see if we anything because like if we get cashed and anything's good right now you know when your millionaire and you keep getting like the five thousands out of the crates you just don't appreciate it but now I really really appreciate it so I wouldn't mind $10,000 out of a crate could mean a lot to me all right what's it gonna be for exfuze elixirs and 6014 tea okay I'm great I just want cash that's all I want how hard is that at just one cash okay cash here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go what's gonna be I see ten doesn't see $5,000 we could be in the big money here oh do you know what I need I need a well Ford that's what I need I let you need a well Ford okay 16 golden apples why'd they get no cash where's my cash take that guys enjoy where's my cash okay so Marx is way too busy with college at the moment so he's literally handing me over all his money Doge a scientist it's only a hundred ninety five thousand dollars and I really want a head flip it but no I can't no no no no so I'm up to a hundred ninety-five thousand dollars give me that holy nugget you don't even use a bra gave it oh my god I got a kill checker - so Mike's isn't really playing as much because he's really busy with college and that's understandable so he's just hadn't over everything to me which is nice the holy no games back and like if you're saying I don't deserve this holy nugget I really do because mark didn't just give it to me Mark's had it at the start of the map he got it I don't know if he bought it or got a avec ray I think he might go to our Craig then he died to a guy called ight I believe it I believe this name and then me and Raven killed I but we killed three people to get this holy dog because three people kept picking it up and then we give it back to marks and then marks never logged back in to use it and now I haven't and I feel great let's have some fun with the holy nugget dude okay let's go air form and let's find out who has a chicken mask and who doesn't cuz we're taking us to the edge unless you just knock them off like crazy watch me lose the holy nugget in the first episode like watch me lose it I will lose it hey buddy guy forgot to enemy before he hit me nothing like it hey you know the only one we're holding no good okay I have horn hugger - conspiracy guy hello hey I have a holy nugget - stop it we should be friends we should be teaming up together to be nugget friends oh look at this okay right I'm just gonna make these people come over here with me because there's a lot of enemies and I would just rather Boop them up the edge and say goodbye oh dude that was definitely the whole you know gay guy that kind of beat anyone else hey holy no gay guy up the edge yeah how do you like it buddy come on I'm coming for you I know you have - holy bucket I have no bucket - ha ha I'm just sending him flying I hope he has a chicken mask cause otherwise he's dead do you have a chicken mask I'm assuming you do hey this guy stole my money I think I think I just discussed all my money I swear I have flipped him I remember the name hey buddy I hope you have a chicken mask enjoy your day oh he does I saw I saw her but I saw him hold it buddy he should enjoy his day no matter what is that though is that the horse mask guy back nope it's not oh it's d3 I hope this guy is a chicken bass but I'm sure all these bye enjoy your day good bye Oh chicken guides back in chicken horse mask I Oh enjoy your day oh my god enjoy your day - oh hey honey now enjoy your day enjoy your day goodbye yeah I really like this it's really peaceful now I I dig this I wonder if I killed anyone I guess whatever no mr. horse mask is coming with me hello buddy what can I say I'm too fast hey there's my ender pearl that's been falling for like five minutes I don't know why I just kind of checked my arm like I have no watch hey we hit the bottom okay does this guy want to follow me down dude do you want to come down I don't think he does surely he doesn't that's a bad idea for all of us okay right well at least we have an escape plan sword now hello are you ready to rumble it's like it's like it lets you make a horse stuff like yeah okay right let's do this dance dance no look we kept like chart would make chicken we reach over there that was insane oh this guy's a full-on God saying oh my god he is he's not gonna fall oh my god this guy is powerful powdered sugar okay this guy can kill me in a second if he wants to he's got a full on God set and all I'm sitting here with just a few like yeah this guy's powerful I'm just gonna say this so mean this guy having an interesting fight and he's fairly good at PvP but like he out gears me 100% this guy's a full-on God set indigo and I said I swear or a full-on God acts which means he's destroying my armor extremely fast oh yeah he's probably destroying my armor like crazy I'm gonna try to trap this guy in a very very weird style and yes I'm gonna trap me it's a full-on gods if I get the kill like it's so worth it but I don't know if this I don't know if this will work but I'm gonna give it a shot and just see so I'm actually not trying to dig down what I'm actually trying to do is I'm trying to get some blocks but I want him to go down there and then I can block his head off and then just block the side so that means that you should literally trapped inside there and like what are you doing right now if it stopped me from getting out which is good oh dude this guy's a full-on God set this guy has a full on God say or something because I'm even slowed down and everything there we go there we go can't even - there we go there we go that's it that's it I needs a few blocks that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it okay right so that's what I want that's exactly what I want just a few blocks to see them will they actually protect this up yeah this guy knows I say this guy's gonna run I have nothing to really lose but this guy you know does have a quite a bit this guy would come anywhere near me right now I'll be honest I'm quite scared of his gun set like him like it's quite powerful it's absolutely tearing through my armor like I'm not even like interested too much should kill him like I want to trap him but I don't wanna fight I don't exactly what I have a woman t1 under you for it's nicer place I'm actually just trying a few tricks here just to see if I can like invent any new type of trap certainly buddy hey Raven I'm trying out some new traps because this guy has a full on God set and I'm one way I'm in a wall I'm trying to trap him like in one of the walls but like you need to me to block off the top of the wall so he's stuck in it no it's not my tree trying to chop him in the wall I'm just trying to see if we like slip off in a second here's like a really good god set like really good rock God set I feel like I can drain the wall if the guy came into one of my little areas I can let you just drain it and he's trapped yeah told me to come yes sure oh god he hits hard yeah I know I told you like oh god he has all come to you we need to drop him okay right what should we do should we just go home let's go up above yeah I was just going to like get him into him he just ran no no no no you see smart I already tried this is where I really tried I just liked chopping I find chopping fun it's like what I enjoy to do Jenna like it's it's like it's not about the kill it's about getting that person into the trap and all that kind jazz oh we got people fighting over here it's guys in a horse mask yeah he's actually is it way too much still free all smiles a still is a free horse class you're absolutely correct Oh Raven do do something really interesting sure I have flipped all my money away and yesterday I didn't I wish you luck only I knew it did you lose 2.7 million I stole em marks tonight dude this guy is we very very weak I feel like we should focus this guy and drop them there are a lot of people here yeah I know but I'm gonna say I'm gonna do the old back into the base trick and wait till someone runs in right here right here right here oh you almost did it okay I can potentially try not people in use that day on the edge and I'll see you mister I'll get people in now it's gonna be a tough one because they're gonna have to be at the right angle and everything of that like that like that oh don't think about like a I'm gonna interpret anybody I can finish off the trap oh now he's fighting back okay right he was running on the second go so that's that's that's classes rude it's fine I get him out of your body and then just yeah block we could have a new chap here opening up this trap again I wouldn't do it now wait to be killed to go first yeah you're just taking off his armor yeah he's already gone no I mean just in case anyone else runs in perfect like an independent I don't think this guy's over this chap kamikaze oh wow oh like a nice okay right I'm opening up a shop keeper outside they raid the queueing up dude they're absolutely tuned up against I just trap right the trap is opened up and has commenced and some guy has walked inside oh we got our guy we got our guy he's out okay be be super you know I was ready he just ran back out who else wants to go inside this guy this guy's going in I've just got a mic no it's a Rolex guy this guy's dead okay speakers he gets beaten any comp oh yeah this guy's dead and he's Rolex as well that's a that's a big kill in fairness you know actually doing very well as you dead come on we both have devices we should be tearing through him right now and both have strength unless you have employed mister I have works every time the guy we killed the first time misses me you are mean it is like the only way to get a kill in world PPSA the time because otherwise people just end up row straight out people get lower than pearl so you have to my claims what I'll be doing is trying to paying people to my claims anyway naturally does anyone else like would like to enter the amazing it's a roller coaster oh my god you might have another guy you might know in the corner have another guy coming your way just tell me when it could be when now oh dude I was actually pretty GG pearl because I thought it's just gonna go to the bottom I was gonna swim to the bottom entrapping dude there are so many on you okay this is the reason why Oh no you know if I cannot be ready you need to be so ready yeah I was talking to Josh I'm like hitting right now and that's all I can do like I can't even know if I'm gonna get some win oh my god that mark guy could have died oh my god imagine just don't beat me out Josh oh my god legendary war just spawned in no way oh my god thank god spawn I don't care I don't care ever have a holy no got me HS spawn that's born I can't do spawning combat right there are so many people it's a legendary horde you just go to it like Richard this is so worth it okay I have just jumped I am fully geared divine sword and I have jumped oh my god I cannot believe what a legend just want it go go go go what is it it's a pretty much a really good loot if you get lucky like you can drop insane stuff insane titles gear just got to find this place yeah exactly exactly it's really good someone just got a kid cannon oh my god it's insane okay right I'm just going this way I'm going down here I'm getting away from the middle or there we go there we go this guy I hope no one attacks me because that's not even worth attacking me this is more insane I'll say I get lucky stuff give me lucky stuff I'm getting divine chest plate I just got yeah you can get insane so far you're lucky enough do you know how much damage these guys do absolutely there is a spider on my computer divine leggings divine helmets oh my glory oh no I found was across five people I'm running the opposite direction on my computer that's not good there's loads over this way dude okay I'm facing this way to come away and over each other boat dude I'm getting so unlucky right now Luck's money-pouch oh my god people are getting so lucky not just not me oh me oh my god dude these things can kill you yeah I got a mob last three have you know I got sharp five going from this is insane the legendary hoarder is insane a people awards aren't good okay Oh oh my goood I don't know but I'm getting out what since it's a kid battle what is it I don't know that gets up for millions dude I'm out of it I'm out of a Maui I'm getting out I'm getting out like a kid like you think about the adventure kit sold for two mil how much guys tell us for this could be like an exclusive kit I'm not sheet are you sure look at that everyone's getting divine bows and stuff that is why the legendary hoard is so good it spawns in I think I was like one in a million chance then he'll spawn it's like it's less than there oh it's not a crazy but like it's extremely rare for it to happen yo it's not oil it's not as cool people are getting divine bones left right and center I know mystery mob mas 3 again it's insane boy 2 go away Devine leggings holy smokes it looks bunny pouch if someone bought that like congrats to them like literally Congrats okay so I found out what the kid battle was and it's pretty much a kid that gives you a prop for and stuff like every five days just like an extra I don't like from like you're obviously you're a donor kids if you have them but I'm gonna sell it I think I'm gonna sell it just ask chat how much does have for everyone's gonna say like 1 mil or whatever it like or just like $1 or you shouldn't chew and JK said someone must be saying seven point five minute four eight mil if it sells it sells I'm gonna trust that guy because I don't know why he would say higher like John why would he tell me how obviously if I wanted to buy it tell me lower Whitney yeah okay I just auction dit for eight mil okay well if it sells itself and right so I'm gonna repair my gear and I'll be straight back with you okay no that was you know that's the first time I've seen a legendary apparently legendary hoard I think spawned every day as well but a lot of people are saying like rip economy but it's just some items have fun with them dude like you know I mean gives you more reason to use that kind of stuff now so you're just sitting in you just say yeah I'll just say no no I literally haven't moved okay get be ready be ready they're coming after Chloe and fantasy yes yeah one of them is one of them is Orion hello buddy how's it going just be ready oh my your paw missed oh my god oh no it was attempting to man play Matt Berger I was required to massacre I had him in there I was replied to mad that's so bad that's oh I trusted you you should be out here Oliver died dude like I'm gonna actually die out here just pull em pull em comin there's so many of them and they have full of damage they do okay I mean I mean I mean I'm not I'm not on shifting so they won't see my name the pearl trick out of it yeah help me be pulled in yeah last thing I expected to happen I was just ready for it I was all and he's dead G freaking G whoo gotta kill okay you wouldn't know it if it was me not true I just thought it was that oh dude oh yes hey sounds for $217,000 so bad litchi he just gave us $250,000 this is the place where people can like pull through as far as like a home you just need to break the OB oh I got easier chicken five good you can if you want yeah he'll just fighting outside of it I got someone I don't know who that is but I'm not going to ask any questions right now boom boom boom okay he's an enemy he can he can he's a mod oh is he okay well for enemies us maybe my I'll block you in there with him okay he's dead he's dead like you'll hear our enemies are doing the deed for us with that right he looks like you're in here because you're the one that killed it so if I just keep around the corner and we bait someone in if someone not I try to bait him he's hitting you so he's putting himself in combat again Larry is getting smaller and smaller as we go yeah I got his calls where is it Steve I'm splitting you okay so you guys can see I can see oh there oh crap they're all trapped I'm in with them yeah I'm in with I'm gonna die I'm gonna die too we're going to die laying dead line we're dead I don't know splash ball games but I suppose you can eat crapples live a long and healthy life that's really ironic when you think about it [Laughter] what are we gonna do Raven no we're dead get on the sub give us a go right now get us like it right now get us like it right now get on what's happening echo right now right now right now right now you need to make give me a second okay I'm here I'm here I'm here yeah I am I am okay look I'm trying look it's just- redesign it okay you're free you're free yeah without free Joe what what look look look I got this I got this don't worry don't worry don't you're here alright look honest in this block this block right here has to break oh my god are you serious do I leave do it do it do I leave do I leave is everyone out Ryan are you okay [Laughter] [Laughter] oh no no no everyone's out Oh yo do you know how well can you plan that out they planned that out so well that was epic yo we should try it out on someone sometime so I cannot believe I got you guys out do you know what I did they were all acts they were all at spawn so they could TP instantly and they just filled up the room in absolute seconds we loved it dude I got famous he's had fantasy died and I got his head no wait I got fantasies head yeah it sells for like 250 K keep it keep it I don't know like as soon as as soon as I mind you guys out like I seen someone died so I just ran in and grabbed whatever stuff I could and then I ran out and I I only picked up his head that's the only thing I picked up even did we kill him I'm not realize no oh he burned to death he burned to death oh my god what I am taking up arms to never trap again I am never PvP to never do it again guys that was freaking insane a huge like like that was insane like huge shout out to that faction that faction outsmarted us cuz they knew they knew that we are a small faction so they only have to outnumber us and they can wreck us and they did exactly that the only thing is that we had one guy like we were lucky to even have shadows on discord just as like say get on please get on and get us out but like I love factions for this whole reason why like you know one minute you're on top next minute you're trapped in your own trap of enemies and you can't get out and you're gonna die and the next minute rouse like absolutely absolutely sane any one guys thank for watching and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 52,434
Rating: 4.9721804 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft factions, no swearing, mods, mod, custom, trolling, RAIDING OUR NEIGHBORS! (REVENEGE) | Minecraft FACTIONS #667, SUPER DUPER RICH RAID! | Minecraft FACTIONS #671, factions server, factions minecraft, minecraft videos, raiders, server owner, servers for minecraft, servers for minecraft pc, server ip, saicopvp factions, saicopvp raid, richest, minecraft servers 2017, trolling hacker, mods for minecraft, server, LEGENDARY HORDE! | Minecraft FACTIONS #693
Id: 0Dm1AQ3U_2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2017
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