The Biggest Comeback Story in Rust - TWITCH RIVALS IV (Blooprint Captain POV)

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this is a story about perseverance no matter how bad things look there's always a chance to come back in Rust this idea is more important than most give it credit for and even during events outside of a typical wipe it applies and I'm about to show you exactly what I mean as a massive thank you for 600,000 subscribers on the bunker I hope you all enjoy the greatest rust comeback story ever seen we're going to win this [ __ ] we are going to make the craziest story ever seen in Rivals the B off let's go baby oh my God it's getting [ __ ] I blocked it it's gone G let's [ __ ] go let [ __ ] go leaving min's leaving I killed them balls I killed them balls in the mini before we get into twitch Rivals 4 I need to walk you through some much needed backstory almost 2 years years ago I participated in the first Rivals event I was a last minute subin but I ended up playing a crucial role on my team as the Builder because nobody else wanted to do it disguise toast and H June were our leaders and H June is my rust best friend if it wasn't for him being there I'd have felt much more out of place the rest of the team were awesome folks though helping Farm resources for the base and being extremely friendly I spent countless hours building our Fortress only to end up winning the events due to the other team forfeiting but the experience and the people I met along the way made the event worth it I didn't participate in twitch ravels 2 due to IRL plans overlapping with the event but for twitch Rivals 3 disaster struck long story shorts due to communication errors and last minute disagreements among teams I ended up having to be Cuts along with a couple of others from H jun's Team just before the event began many blamed H Jun for this but I'm here to say to everyone that it was not his fault he was cornered in a tough spot and had to make a decision quickly we still remained close friends after this continued to play together and tried to forget about it despite the mental turmoil hin was going through at the time fast forward to now twitch Rivals 4 this time I was invited directly by twitch Rivals staff to be a captain of my own team guaranteeing a spot in the event I accepted to show everyone that Brothers stick together but mainly because I couldn't think of a better man for the job H Jun was the first person I invited to my team and as my co- captain from there we assembled the rest of our team together the guidelines required a certain amount of streamers from different backgrounds and skill sets and I believe I put together an extremely balanced group consisting of friends of either me or H June we were allowed four rust Elites this was me a Jun try and coma these were the heavy hitter rust players that had around 10,000 hours or more our rust Flex was Sven he would be our base Builder but throughout the event he proved to be much more than that our rust casuals were large alpaca and Tey Tom people who play the game but not on the same competitive level as the elites our variety Elites were hyper rat mixed pick average Jonas and Repose like the name suggests these players are good at FPS games but don't play Rust as much and finally our variety casuals were jummy cheu five up and the origami Guru people who mostly play other non FPS games with little to no rust experience most of my team I've played with before and I felt like everyone would get along well but I promise you anyone I wasn't close friends with yet would become a close friend of Mine by the time this 100h hour event was over so now you're all set up you know my team you know the backstory you know the stakes of this event the rules would be explained to us shortly after the event began so without further Ado it was time to load [Music] in oh wait I I don't have to welcome to Ros Rock bro I know I'm fuming I want it so bad where is this thing all right guys listen up listen up let's take a look around real quick [Music] let's take a look around that Shrine 50 looks sick that looks way better than like the crystal Shrine I remember from the first switch Rivals I played and then we got super market gas station right there train uh exit and entrance look at the zipline Tower though Southwest that looks really cool wild I like that a lot oh [ __ ] I see a lot of trees jummy is just staring at the trees look at them we go good luck we're going straight for the zip line guys let's go is it starting I'm trying yeah I can't start yo oh sh oh welcome test subjects you have been selected as participants in the latest experiment of a top secret research project no but yes project glitch ooh congratulations over the next 5 days you will be observed closely as your survival ability and mental endurance are put to the test across various threats and challenges what oh the parkour area yeah it's the only up there will be mandatory assignments designed to evaluate speci skills such as performance and critical thinking team will be required to select volunteers to participate in these daily events for which the most successful team will earn a super serum that will grant very powerful team these daily evaluations itive will also be to collect the most ID tags through the use physical comat and locating drop Supply CR this happened last time too I think can you describe what you're [Laughter] see any means necessary it's playing now it's started now you may encounter scientists hmat suits be advised they work for us and they will be performing their own confidential ass required throughout the project Microsoft Edge wait are are there June please be respectful for other people in the theater I don't understand what's happening right now test subjects listen closely goofy moments on the fifth and final day all teams will the final team left standing will receive marks and a very generous bonus rest will be wiped if more than one team remains at the conclusion of the experiment the number of ID tags collected will determine the winner test subjects project glitch is once again underway damn this is sick this is really cool holy [ __ ] well let's go dude I [ __ ] hped still learning about like the rules of the event game play resuming in 9 seconds are you you going to be able to play you soon or you still watching I'm still watching I'm halfway no way get off YouTube bro I got teleported go go go go go yes bro I'm dead I died I died I died IED oh my God okay you goting everyone I'm stuck I'm stuck good to June who's dying to the oh my God there is no way dude okay let's aa9 what does that mean you're speaking robot now wait what I'm like five from you [Laughter] guys that is the funniest feel so bad I'm I'm here at it right now should we go for water seon so we can recycle so everyone has a bow I have a bow but no arrows thank you I got 20 cloth here than you thank you I'm good I'm good get TC if you want it I have stuff I can recycle yeah we recycle real quick after recy now or just recy we are keeping Parts I need a little bit of cloth for a bag but I got a lot of rope so there is someone South up on the hill looking down at us right now pushing West fall back I hit one Northwest Northwest yeah they're coming to our right as well one on the right just down in the thing there like three I A Lot East A Lot East they're running they're running west I got one I think they're going to start coming up the staircase guys oh my God there's so many below yeah holy crap I'm they're pushing Up Jonas they're pushing right there he's right there oh [ __ ] oh I got holy Jes are we are we all dead pretty much less than an hour into the event and we were introduced to our immediate threat green team led by their Captain meno located on the island just north of us we'd be running into them a lot it was a little worrying considering how quick we got wiped here but we weren't discouraged yet after all it was only the tier zero phase as time goes on during this 100h hour event workbenches unlock and the items you can craft from them unlock with it holy [ __ ] we we need to start grouping up with everyone that's on the mainland anyone able if you got a bow take zip line appear from North I saw one on this maybe two yeah yeah they're running to the right a little bit I'm getting B from uh one right me I hit him once more right behind behind these guys are right under a zip line if you're at Main Island come come come I'm coming wait I'm like going right at them bro yeah under we right here with you H him hit him yeah Beach they're all here right underne one down nice I'm one hit this guy's down one one on the be as well yeah yeah they're like all down pretty much get the beach guy beachy coming from me from North oh my God he's running I hit him I hit him too last Arrow nice he's one HP get him boys don't shoot just Sprint at him just Sprint at him and then shoot from close hit him he's down nice oh good sh one West on on to someone should drop Stacks to one person we should I think that it's just everyone is full inventory I think that we all need Depot are we that down bad on metal fragments I'm currently crafting Tes make sure you don't have t on you cuz sometimes you're going to pick them my back to them yeah yeah make sure you Depot tags okay they are holding water treatment they're all inside water treatment should them I think we are you sure theying I yeah they're by train station one two train station yeah what's the code's pushing out they're all pushing towards you guys they're pushing towards you guys head one one two three pushing oh my God they're right here on me building these ones in the little one there's green Green's over here Green's over here now what the [ __ ] they're getting third parted I think kill that horse kill that horse on the right on the right in this post building he's one shot I'm down yeah they're on the left they still blue we all where did they came from again was it was it multiple teams actually it was I'm pretty sure it was green and one more it was just green else I am there's guy push hitting us on the right left I mean he was supplying from te they're going to the beach they're going to the beach and running South now there's one right here yeah right in front of me running to the Rocks three guys three guys on on hor nice nice nice they looting they're looting at the bottom me right we need to help Mixel here we need to help Mixel here on the bottom yeah yeah we're here we're here hit [Music] right pushing right I'm I'm going to this guy guy nice Above Top head shot him dead probably going to die there gu on horse chasing me I have two tags on me there's people below there's so many people on I got two t hit hit this guy I'm I'm I killed the guy that killed you guy behind you guy behind you I'm running running I'm running nice he's I got your tags I got your tags nice nice That's pretty good then I think we have to watch like the got this dud yeah we we got this we got this after a good fight against wi Jam's team outside their Island we were bble to escape with a decent amount of dog tags but after this things really slowed down large and the origami Guru participated in the first daily challenge for this challenge volunteers from every team's choosing fought to the death until one team remain once we select a team member to participate they can't play in future daily challenges so because the reward for this challenge wasn't great we decided to not have any of our rust Elites participate this way we could save them for future ones but but looking back we probably should have as this was the most PVP intensive event of them all large and Guru did their best but weren't able to win it then shortly after we kept dying on our RS the server had stability issues and crashed resulting in a roll back which caused us to lose a fights we had previously won this really stomped in our momentum and over and over again we kept losing it didn't help the situation either when another team showed up to our Island and started door camping us don't open that jump me jump me we need to kill these two guys in the base two guys in the base kill them kill them quick one nice them both them bothum muted Dum def isn't he yeah yeah what Mischief is going look look look look what is this I want to see this this is for low grade and [ __ ] wait wait wait I'm turning I'm turning jum's wood another DB on ground look a lot of L let's go wait let's see how much that was holy [ __ ] I got so many peans no way okay so so that's uh 3,000 wood for 150 low grade two Bean cans and some food okay oh okay you can also get a blue card from the catfish that it drops you during rust's anniversary they added a bunch of party related items and one of those items was the pinata Sven had a genius idea they each cost 500 wood to craft but their loot drops can give things like fish bean can grenades and most importantly low grade fuel because jumy had a bug in his brain to endlessly Farm trees for us we had what felt like an unlimited supply of wood it had to go towards something so why not piatas I got some on the second floor in theop there oh my God what is that the fish talking what the [ __ ] [Laughter] what what um my jaw was dropped the entire time I was playing I'll be honest was wall Wood Walls pleas jumy needs more wood chest guys oh my God JY use the use the boxes up here for now that [ __ ] Fitch dude iwe stop playing it godamn you guys make more yeah there's two now there we go stop bro people talk fish stop I genuinely didn't know it would do that like what yo make more make [Laughter] more I'm skinny bro guys this is important though if you reload your inventory in game you you can craft the welcome to rust Rock stop no shot for real oh oh oh my God it's beautiful wait how do I do this can you give us a good walk oh my God chat let's go yeah I might need your your intro for my intro can you just give me one all right do it do it do it do it blue I'm not going to do it again do it bro do it do it it fast all ready everyone everyone quiet welcome to rust thank the picture fish oh my I'm just a fish I'm just a fish face after enough suffering took place tier one workbench was finally unlocked hopefully this would make fights a little more interesting bunch of dead bodies like a lot of dead bodies on the right side yeah let's push in on those shots team on the right team on the right Four Guys Four Guys close right close right here running up running up we need to kill these guys everyone look that way [Music] someone right behind this we're pushing these guys we're pushing these guys he's right behind this right behind this bush here close one he's dead he's dead one more onse TV hor TV Focus horse TV nice job nice job train coming in train coming in running running running one below another one dead tce one more behind the wall behind these walls Behind These Walls one more time another another one dead one more to left one guy to our left Focus left Focus left guy single guy single guy at at small rock small Ro right here East there's some's alone let's fall back to Airfield we're going to let's fall back to Airfield wait wait real quick let's go let's go fall back fall back air we're going to Airfield large if you get CL on the way can you bag me mhm you can't bag inlands can't you do the oh there is a team to our we got we got to kill these guys Southeast we got to kill these guys Southeast one dead one dead not dead just hold this as walls I need to heal up real quick flanking hard yeah I'm down oh my God we can't go towards Airfield they're cutting us off one guy's in the kill that guy in side of the walls everybody get to the train tracks they're they're going to come back from Airfield they're in the forest Airfield I was one in here he's dead I have tons of attacks we should go dude that fight was a [ __ ] show holy crap well we got on with something I'll take that I think I collected all our dog T that we lost too that died so I didn't really collect anything do we have anyone making Parts oh boy damn you might crash the sa up by doing this I I need to see this [ __ ] even know does even know where the wood's going he doesn't understand what's happening wait how many how many do we have right now a lot a lot oh my God oh my God oh my God God this is going to break the server is this what a billionaire like party looks like stop you need to place some better hold on hold on closer to each other this guy's Min maxing pinatas bro how many more do you have there's another 15 in the base do it there's Ry sh at though the best theable oh man oh man oh my look at all that low grade I'm going to pick up just a low grade don't pick it up don't pick it up don't pick it up don't pick it up I want to see how much take a picture take a picture sure wait Bean can grenade I I need to store this for now just a new meta Christ wait how much wood was that how many seven i' already before don't act D bro for the next hour we lost three fights in a row until finally we caught a break at Water treatments they fighting [Music] by fighting hard finally third party finally finally just us versus people inove on hill in recycler yeah in recy and behind he's below recycl one I'm pretty sure Green Team just he Rec one wall hole in the wall 310 two hole in the wall 310 I hit him twice he it twice he's uh on top of it's right on top of you head shot him he's really low there I have six tags on my body building to I think I think in there there's still a guy here oh my God cakes has like a row of revos and so much [ __ ] we need to leave we are so much okay we're good we're good never mind it us it was us we're good yeah we're okay we're okay in recycler it's clear we need people in here to loot there is so much loot there two of them pushing in from Norwest H him twice out there head shot him he's one HP the the farthest one two there's two 30 push I need to get out of here okay bro I'm like nonstop healing oh I need to run people coming from from east north right now got to run that's surrounding you I guess fine or now yeah I'm I might need to jump down train station oh there's a guys get in train station I think we got to go down you if you have TS you need to leave right now through the train station got G bro I'm tired of this NAD gaming bro yeah it's bad I'm in the back here keep coming get me out this win at water treatment was big for us at the time and luckily this momentum kept going it was getting late for a lot of players which gave us some leeway to get ahead we did our first successful meteorite event without any counters and then we won a big fight at a forward operating base in the grand scheme of things these winds were small but they were our biggest comeup so far getting us a bunch of extra gear and almost doubling our dog tags since the water treatment went but then we got a little ahead of ourselves we decided to try something risky with our satchel charges we've been crafting from breaking patas and that with was a raid on meno's island raiding people's main bases was disabled until the final day but raiding whatever they have in their secondary building plot was not green team's Island had a farm base so while I got dropped off to scout it out the rest of my team got together on boats to meet me there with [Music] satchels I killed him you good yeah he's dead let's do it above above above guys above above go I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it try to get up there it's only two guys if you yeah yeah we need we need everyone else to push like two or three should stay here only shoot this wood door shoot this wood door how do I get down there the [ __ ] oh okay we're in we're we're in we have all your right of stone box of stone where you came from I know I know I know he pushing did you guys loot the box of stone okay okay then you and me we we need to run we need to loot TC to I go okay someone lose TC let's go we got to go for boat right now you need to go you need to go now they're all pushing they're all pushing no it's too late it's too late you're too late you're too late can't leave anymore you can't leave anymore right here two dead oh that guy's not dead they coming back from the main island as well now can someone throw oh [ __ ] if some if some would here take take these take these take these satchels take these satchels and blow the back wall coma I threw them all the way back there t Guy Tom T Guy Tom loot those satchels and blow the back wall please D I'm dead [ __ ] he's behind I hit him three times twice I'm low so sced the first day was a hot mess I'll be honest I've never felt so sad after a day of rust before from your POV as a viewer of this video it may seem like the day was going all right but you've seen 25 minutes worth of mediocre wins this first day was over 8 hours of playing that meant everything you didn't see was only failure as a leader I was frustrated in my performance and with how many losses we took I just wasn't having fun I went to bed completely unmotivated to continue but I was also hoping I'd sleep it off I owed it to the tens of thousands of viewers watching to see this through but most importantly I owed it to to my team hopefully with tier 2 workbench unlocking tomorrow fights would go a bit smoother for us welcome to rust guys are you ready oh my God we've got a base right here we've got a car lift damn this F's been going to work I woke up to the morning of day two feeling better and was ready to take this day head on I was determined to turn things around for myself and for my team with tier 2 unlocked my team had gotten started making weapons and supplies in the early hours and so when I logged on we were getting ready to head out and raid one of the raidable base events was there no one it was this one he parked his in the the here we go blue cover me let's go let's go it was it it's oh they might all come then can you fly towards come I hate Duds can you pick it up again oh [ __ ] okay is it loaded in the furnace oh you Canam 2K metalor huge Oh shot got tra oh oh my God he just threw on on let me let me practice this jump okay okay okay that's a grapp is South South it's not coming straight towards us though Luke just get DC in there I don't know how that works but I don't know I'm not there yet o said yeah you should just raid you should just raid it and drop down yeah yeah yeah just just just send it just send it oh you can't blow it I see you can't blow it cuz you'll die I see okay I'm doing it anyways I'm sacrificing myself I'm going to I mean uh his and okay it blew up it blew up who has tags who has tags I do I do I'm I'm inase you need to come out right now run out andow come come come come just just drop me just get in just get in just get in or you want to fight go go go go go this crap is going fling 20 I'm jumping down oh hi Jonas my God you scared me okay here I'm good I'm good don't worry I'm good you have loot want me to boost you you can't take the eight tags huh take the Sul take this this is good loot where get camp and I you go okay okay okay thank you leave the C us they're going to chase you yeah yep I'm here go go go go go o I need someone to men me oh me the right yep sh get the [ __ ] out large listen I'm going to I'm going to drop you at that base well first we're going to scout I'm going to drop you I'm going to drop you ladders you go in there and then get try out okay okay no I have two letters it's fine that was intense let's go chat I don't know what the SC is doing in land B something's going down wa wait under here like two seconds at the same time I'm the last one so yeah we they're on the back of the rock let's get a little closer let's get a little closer oh no shoot shoot Horse by the big rock too other side of your rock yeah yeah I see that I see that I got his right side head shot one behind the big rock nice nice nice follow blue on right head shot him again might be dead they're at the small wall small Walls w de nice nice that one that gu's one 2 I got you we need to fall back I think we have we're probably going to need to SP pick up soon on loot here there's a lot of comps on these guys here I have full inventory I got repost stuff as well okay I'll come all right let's just hold this wait for V to get here give him tags give him loot all right I got a bunch of guns and uh try toig the is here oh oh I'm just jumping picking up junk yeah you're picking up chunk pretty much here uh yeah you're good you're good you're good yeah I only have it's fine it's not crazy it's nothing it's 40 I think we go back there there two people shoo we go back thank you Sven can we get like a uh like a elementary school type thank you for Sven thank you Spen that armor some of them died but there's more people on the right I'm getting shot by Tommy yeah they're in power there guy who K Tommy another guy on a horse he W he wed over here on the left I'll come to you come to you yeah trying to I'm reloading wait wait he he's speaking he's speaking I think I kill him I killed him okay moving like we push are you good let's go left let's go kill the guys from the left and we're going to go in the back well I called it no way it's winning I'm here with you we need to get out of here that guad behind us behind us I not really just go to aent and yourselfbe Tomy over here actually someone thereit once can we fall oh my God this guy is we're getting no no no I'm throwing smoke I guess C's here one gu right here there's so many I'm healing this we're getting pushed we're getting push left side come here come here come here come here I'm so low I'm so low I'm dead man we're just [ __ ] surrounded yeah the F another team so oh my gosh oh my God I don't think there's a reason to go back blue are you still alive I finally died too many people yeah they opened y me me and Char are going to check it out okay okay guess to start getting out yeah I'm getting out two or three there's only like two or three under me right now you guys steaming them right here right here M team right here go push too hard there team to the zip line different team be careful there's two or three alive there one dead back here completely getting me me the C I need to need to on right don't don't push too far right different team it's me sorry one behind this rock right here wait what's our code was it 69 69 69 yeah here be careful two de two de two more nice nice one more one more two more two more he's going to peek outside of the rock on the left whoever's pushing on the left he's peeking you peing you on the on the RO swinging around with camper that's one guy one guy I think you got to land over here right get in the get in the camper get in the camper get in the camper you're going to leave okay I'm here here here hit him enem on the Rock enem on the Rock This Rock right more tags more tags more tags I know I know I know close close get in camper and let's we should go get in camper i i w i w i w us I yeah yeah they're right behind the walls dude get in camper get in camper get in camper we should push I'm pushing they're also holding the zip line farther [Music] away right here Jesus I dropped down and I was [Music] reloading [Music] de three four five five alive in the Rocks five alive in the Rocks guys on your rock don't pushing you they're pushing you they're pushing you one up top he's set up top come on let's push now push push now push now [Music] nice I think all dead I think all dead think I think all got a [ __ ] T of tags okay caliz tags to Blue I have like I have like 11 tags right now two I got two Sho we fine don't know syring Dr me Tags I'm right here I'm right here I I got tons yeah yeah I'm coming okay I'll wait for you sure put put stuff on the campers as well yeah yeah we are I'm waiting fory and I'm going that's a big W that's a big W that's a big I don't know if you realized but I already Depot 50 TXS by the way wow oh my God we're doing really good guys keep it up that's crazy okay we need to be super quick we get to base we we grab meds we Depot the extra guns in the campers that we don't need in there and we insta go for this crate v14 we'll just go change the codes go change the codes and just use that for everything yeah and don't leak it on stream or anything okay we need to do a quick we need to do a quick y who's that shots at in front of us entire team that was that was me that was up up up up up tell me was that you sure you can't place there I am so lucky I didn't get hit once I almost K one I think I killed one actually maybe it is a te you've got to be joking first mod Tommy don't honestly they have like a really good angle on us though running away three times three times pushing that guy that guy should be dead up there there's one right here there's one right here 2 look 220 okay yeah he's hit really hard push him with camper I see him I see him I see him he's one HP push him with camper please 240 dude I I thought I turned off first you got to be joking them thank you we hold this rocks we hold these rocks right here go on top of the Rocks we can't let them get these rocks one one FL himself so one's close no no I'm dead I'm dead I got your tags I got your body y my body left move the get get in the campers and leave yeah yeah get in campers and leave get in campers and leave get in campers leave get in campers leave quick quick quick go go go go go go go you need to leave who isn't in who isn't in no one okay we go just leave just leave just leave just leave oh God my God it just broke our car wait what we just demolished that gu wait who was that I don't know I mean we have like over onek but I don't want to like yeah we might need it I guess for wait where's our mixing tabl we have do we not have mixing table there is a wolf oh okay we're good this everyone everyone's good yeah okay we're going y yep y m team's coming back from their zip line never mind you're going to get called out one guy yeah they are they are they are okay we got to back up again we got to back up again cuz we're getting sandwiched again I no I think we're good I think we're good it's just a singular guy they like super spread around why it's really hard to call out this guy 250 we need to kill this guy 250 kill them kill them 250 nice nice on the train on the train if we kill the guy 250 we should kill the train cool let's go push the train okay pushing train pushing train there's a air balloon as well one pushing yeah he's literally side he's inside the train he's the he's he's one more one more head at that wall now fall back fall back a little bit I'm going to get crate 5 Seconds yeah wait that's huge this is huge we got to go we got to go we got to go I got it take it and fall back take it and fall back I got it I'm falling back instantly falling back instantly I got I got 50 tags on the road on the road yeah fall back so they don't flank you they're coming back no I'm dead with tags Dead with tags outside back of camper get T just get this tag and run I'm getting mini kill one outside nice dead there's two more P rocks I'm going to push this guy on the right this is this is what what I just doubled that guy what one more no way both dead both dead there's like 50 t on my body I'm dead by camper there by camper they killed me on the on the camper yeah I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead no uh blue here take this okay uh take take this as well while we fly please [Music] y yeah M team here is like five deep as well our Camper's gone here I think the biggest problem was that yeah yeah yeah I got to reload are I got hit once you need him at me still have a one C you got it more I got you I got you I got you okay okay oh my God I got hit again oh my I'm going to die oh oh oh what oh my God I don't believe it I don't believe that is the clip of the century what the heck there's some bodies back there oh my God what oh my God I switched C to fly it and it was stuck in the air and I was able to restart it and start flying it from like people being stuck in it God it's literally 15 HP no but wait wait they crashed our I in the process did they did they blow up yeah they blew up their hits are back there that was absolutely insane what I'd like to organize a little bit of team building real quick if you guys mind uh grouping up on me over here on the the pathway I'd like to organize a mega clap where we all clap at the same exact time oh [ __ ] shot in the back I swear are you clapping on one or on go on go three two one you said on go go what is this what is this I forgot to say go this is build one I forgot I said go I forgot I said we got it out of the way got it out of the way in its own way this team building exercise was a metaphor for my team and I so far during this event we've been struggling losing way more fights than we've been winning we kept our heads up high but things just continued to fall apart and then there's me the captain being new to this whole thing I felt responsible for our losses despite my team reassuring me that I was doing a good job in terms of the leadership role I still believed I had a lot to learn but I was open-minded and taking in every single mistake I made for the next 3 hours we continued to lose gear without a single Victory but we still had three more days to improve as each day passes the moves we make have more and more impact we just had to find our Rhythm and adapt before it was too late is that a guy hello wait wait sh what happened last time I'm here to deliver the attacks wait what oh wait really we did it ID TX congratulations 45 wait got individual wait did we get both I Jonas if you got 45 we got both yeah Jonas you got the most the most wood oh my god let's go let's [ __ ] go let's go I'd like to develop a saying for this group South is safe North is not not all right I agree that's so true and that's what we think every time you know winter is like the King of the North we're the bomb of the north okay we can't go north the bom of the north should we go for this cargo and see what happens or do you think there's going to be like mad teams we can can we Scout it or I mean honestly like what are what are what else are people doing if it's not going for cargo right now though like yeah facts bro I don't hear any shots there are scientists on there okay yeah let's let's try it you want to kill this back scientist yeah I'll try it dead there's one more on the other back yep that's okay I'm getting this thing ready to just leave if we need to yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure I feel like worst case scenario we hold up here and we get this crate that's up top dude there's a crate right here yeah and then let's not kill the let's not kill the scientist that's in the staircase I am checking okay I got this crate it's all the way at the front in the bottom oh I got C4 I got a C4 how do you get a AKs in this is it from events or do like the caros drop them or do we have the tech tree I mean Tech Tree events yeah I got M39 laser sight and armored single door oh you got a you got a C4 as well yeah yeah yeah I didn't hear that part oh yeah I'm dropping how much space do you have oh what they didn't I I did not see that that would that was going to be a drop are you kidding me take it take it take it oh my God two AKs two AKs dude we are skipping so much in the TCH Tre we have bolt and AK and C4 dude we need to do the next one we get AKs from this that's like 50 High qual a piece that is really good if I see scientist on it I'll call it out day two came to a close and my feelings were more or less the same as day one fights went slightly better but overall we continued to lose in great numbers we did have a taste of Hope at the end there though and in terms of our position on the scoreboard it wasn't too bad this was still anyone's game but we had a lot of work to do chat it's day three holy [ __ ] we moved TC there's my sign from five up there's the I'm just a fish let's go baby let's go yes yes sir sorry I missed it I had to I had I spent the first hour or so of day three doing some productive things on our Island I immediately noticed a ton of campers parked outside coma pretty much single-handedly ran around the map to grab all of those I also paid Tom a visit at his farm base I haven't been over here much so I figured I better check in on how he was running things it didn't take much of a tour for me to realize why he was in first place for most teas crafted we were lucky to have Tom on the team with tier three workbench unlocked this morning I returned back to base and researched a bunch of blueprints to start crafting us tier three equipment like AKs I mean dude something I don't know which team it was cray or Wellen I forgot it was like that colorish but they were just driving around on the shore just waiting for people to respawn and killing them yeah I mean that's brutal yeah it's very tactic we need to completely change our tactics here we literally need to like every single event we've gone to we've gone to what 15 events we've won one or two backs and it's like bring the shitty camper for now we're the ones who come in later we're the ones who they first no matter what we do we lose so we just need to change the tactics like that's okay like that's honestly okay like we're going up against some really strong teams if we were going to stand a chance at winning this event we had to switch up our tactics doing the same thing and expecting a different result was not going to work so we had to keep trying different things until something caught on coma went crazy getting us a ton of cars ready to convert to Camper vans so this would play into our next strategy okay everyone check make sure you have a bed Tom will not have a bed is there Repairables in here there is perfect it that zip let's go to he see someone he see someone he's camping it's probably us that he saw maybe not he's running I'm going shoot I think I'm shoot yeah shoot now shoot no get camper and push him get camper and push him there's another one long North North far north you move down the CH he's going to peek right nice nice nice nice nice job nice job we have like two up and put this in the camper let me get those pants oh you got them you're good all right put his gun in and we have to we have to leave this zip line one is that okay jump out jump out guy like south from me he was by the big around big rock blue been watching for over four years on YouTube turned 18 and had to support you I see he's right was there one more I shooting this is red team want take this guy we just keep picking people off like this yeah T you still didn't put you still didn't put okay let go across the road go across me two one across the road one is on our side two across the [Music] road close close close close to close he's right here he's right here I'm flanking a bit try him pushing this guy one the me that one oh my God I'm out of ammo think there's more than we expect yeah there is let's go come back across the road whoever's in the forest grab that tag and come back behind behind behind three times behind I see behind I see behind left left left I'm we're going to need to pick up for tags and gear soon very soon I got one tag on me I picked it up up at Rock and then we go east quick quick quick quick quick quick get get in camper yeah I know get in camper and let's go who's still not in camper sorry I went East I am but I think I will stay around okay I'm twoed GED gun bring the camper around bring the camper around to me to me to me to me we might need to leave behind Jonas I don't know if you have guns here I'm here okay okay get get in camper quick quick quick everyone's in camper I I looted your I'm I'm dropping gun right here trous oh my it's fine it's fine don't wor just go just go overall great job guys like very good job with with teamwork y let's go to Shrine first and then just throw everything in Depot boxes we go straight back out I just got to I have five Stone on me as well okay can I get like two of those I got four it should be good I one that was good that was very good we got a lot there all right video game play Let's go we're doing great guys good stuffy where where do we go where do we go just go there yeah they're raing that's exactly what they're doing right on the to the right 250 jum out solo 3 2 1 Jump in the bush in the bush yeah shoot in the bush to your right blue right here oh I see I see holy [ __ ] tce defin we pushing this or we doing I got I got the body I got the body are we pushing this we're we're going to hold this for a second let let me let me get an idea of what's Happening yeah hide behind rocks don't don't don't let yourself get beamed he should be dead five he should be dead that AK close should be dead yeah yeah I'm coming back that's a camper right there isn't it the camper come for can we can we blow that up do we even have like a satchel or something died here I have AK it's ltk I can see does anyone want MP I'm going to fall back a second here where we came from behind the TR yeah I'll take MP I'll take MP oh I see this is FOB okay let's fall back I don't want to I don't want to fight out the fob everyone doesn't need to get out when I get out like I I'll tell you guys if we need to get out but like what happens is people end up getting left behind yeah Tom keep keep coming this way we have more kisss again I'm extra MP AK I'll with I'm staying here I'll stay here okay yeah me you Jonas and large we'll go back it's fine yeah yeah ak ak he's dead he's dead ni you have you have camper respawn right no I don't but I have I there's someone zip line someone zip line gu zip line watch out he's going to pick on why am AK only where are we right now don't shoot don't shoot we need to we need to just get out of here zip line zip line dead there two Z out yeah Lo loot Jonas I looted the AK pretty much we getting B from behind I'm naked just get in the camper with us Jonas when we come by there's a naked here okay well we we have been going insane and even more people would be even better yes we we've deped like 30 tags from players in like the past like 30 minutes just getting we got we gotten like four AKs from people we're just working our way up here we're doing really good is my stuff where's my stuff who has my kit the camper tactic was working for us but not for long the next couple of times we went out we kept getting outplayed losing multiple major fights including one at one of the meteor events we kept getting flanked and surrounded by two teams we weren't sure if it was because of us or just bad luck so we decided to try and switch up our strategy Again by using a mini Scouts to constantly give each other Cals all right we need to be very careful here cuz we're going north there's three on top four at this Rock right now come to the right come to the right yeah keep keep Maring that that's okay they're leaving the rock they're leaving the rock now they're going into the fight they're going into the fight Northwest you have yeah yeah there's one solo guy at those two pine trees to the pine trees I'm marking it right now that's where he is like a little bit to the left of that by himself he's one HP I don't know how he yeah yeah he's meting behind the wall he's behind the wall hit him twice twice twice twice he's really low try push him push him nice good I don't see anyone else pushing you guys there's people here marked it there's people there across the road three of them three of them two of them don't have guns Green Team over there's pushing to the to the yeah yeah there's a guy Mark where they're shooting from yeah yeah yeah keep marking where they're shooting from I see okay I see a bunch of people that are running they're at those bunch of high walls North Sven come in front of me here Northwest and then check if there's people in Watchman for us in between these walls I don't know where they are listen listen rule of thumb is if you see a gear guy and he's not right below me guy right below me one guy right below be on this we could be there's a camper in between the walls next to me under me I mean we need to see which team he's part of he's green he's Green Team Green Team Green yeah it's green okay there's Green Team yeah they're East yeah nice pinching him here here kill them kill them kill them nice nice nice nice nice cover for me cover for me I'm going to take this guy's AK just rock you just rock now we had advantage we need to play Slow now we need to kid people up that's not that that died they're pushing down they're pushing down they're pushing down from water treatment yeah we got to look water we got to look waterp I one one in the forest in the forest they're pushing left too just care careful left careful left kill one more there should be four dead another left pushing watch left watch left watch left [Music] wait he's super close more pushing more pushing everywh I'm I'm that made no sound I'm so sad our first attempt at this mini copter Strat failed but we learned from it and tried it again I sat this fight out to help in base but my team clutched up using the strategy and were able to win a fight because of it after transferring the loot from that Victory back home I once again joined them to continue finding our momentum run away there's someone recycling two three there's AKs in there's AKs in here there a full team there's at least four right now in Outpost yeah yeah in Outpost one's one's running out 250 one's running out 250 oh there's one to my left here there's people on the on the far East Side as well like that corner on the on the tallest building on the right on the right dead Okay me me and Char raping recycling I'm going to running in the middle he's Ted one more there's one more recycler he's coming out he's coming out two two peeking you on the left one down ro ro roof he's running away he's he's not peeking you he's going up he's going farther up he's not peeking you guys he he's right above someone on the outside he's shooting me that's that's LR yeah yeah yeah yeah triple that dou nice should we need to guy fully I got your body Sav my life beautiful oh one more oh my God nice nice nice nice nice shoo over over here over here drop it over here oh nice some kids should I drop actually we need these hes I think we need these I got okay that's fine I have face mask it's like turbo broken what are you trying to pick up frags no I don't have the frags all bet you're good I'm almost back well done by the way guys well done the bro this is going so well like genuinely we found we found it we found what works chat you you trying to frame me Tom just throw everything in these boxes is Mixel on all right I'll get you in the fight actually it's okay it's um almost 700 eight more right let's go let's go imagine if we actually like this was our actual TC I'm pretty sure har point is going to be in a power okay so we come Z you guys can choose I mean we're so we're so early this is I'm looking around I don't see anyone I'm going to fly through and control it for half a second free tag just be careful Hardo controlled let's go yeah out did you did you tire flip on your way out hardpoint empty okay there's no one in it there's no one in it I just confirmed that there's zero people in the hard point another Landing 290 like same yeah yeah yeah there's a there's a heli like in power dropped Dro dropped they actually yeah they dropped they're in the main building what I can do is I can like slow hover to the top of the building and like he has to Peak uh like us on on the on the towers they're pushing in the power plant right now yeah they're they're going north side whoever's next to mini let's do that I'm poking them a lot like I T good I can just do it whoever's on Tower who whoever's on Tower you got to watch keep watching hard right now keep watching watch the roof right now from the tower they're coming in now they're coming in now he's peing peing peing boys oh I got double headed what the [ __ ] did you no we didn't kill him he Peak and somehow didn't get Beam by us on the tower I can just jump out here I can jump I know I know I know I know he's watching it he's watching it you guys have to peek there's an AK right here SP I got you I got you I got K him twice he's that I hit him again I hit him again he's low he's low one's close one's really close yeah one's really close they're really close he's that he's dead he's dead don't head shot head shot head shot you can oh I'm I'm getting [ __ ] hot air balloon beamed you got to be kidding me someone can I would just I would just try and get out of there someone Tak my my body wait I oh never mind I'm dead [ __ ] I'm just a fish I can't reach your base me and large the to without a roof right a hook in my face back down I'm just a then there's just a naked way the bottom of the ladder yeah so guys here's what we're going to do um so far I think our best roam of the of this event was uh me and mini copter calming picking up loots and um trous andun on ground leading and so and roaming South like we had a lot of success there as soon as we touched an event we got cucked right so let's keep doing what we were doing that's where we had the most success and I think that's where we had the most fun as well and so success and fun equals what we do all right guys GG's have a good night everybody been a good day a good day night team good night we go crazy tomorrow let's do it we know we know we know what the process is now we'll do that yeah yeah we're overall day three wasn't that bad we started working better as a team and I discovered more about what it takes to be a captain we tried different tactics and actually started to win some notable fights but we were losing notable ones as well as long as there was Improvement however we were doing something right a four guys are you here I'm here all right this is from uh from Mr rubbles no way oh wow oh my God no way Chad blow up the chat we need fish in the chat Play It Again shout out to blueprint oh this one has a little blooper at the end but it's a nice one to Loop all right ready to record holy [ __ ] all right oh yeah that guy I'm coming out yes sir what o coming out honey wait what hey h yo this is majestic Spen dude I got the I got the sun like behind it and it's just glowing this is beautiful holy [ __ ] dude these like four Towers we're going to constantly have like one Tower standing that's just like op yeah this is actually huge okay these are this is the China wall like the whole thing D okay if you go up here like all the way up here it's like the top of the tower and that's where Med boxes are going to be well you should put should spad them around everywhere um there I think you should do two in each Tower one in each China Wall in the middle and then couple on the roof I think that we should just focus on like killing people getting hits getting some tags but like bulk of tags like from events right now like if we can snake it we can snake it but I don't think we should like full push them unless if the opportunity look seems really good but like if there's like a minute left on a crate and we have control then we go for it but otherwise no is a balloon South yeah okay I have hvps only four though cuz you need [ __ ] 700 in I have in okay so we could do it cuz I actually have five I actually have five HPS if it flies towards us then we start shooting I mean it's shooting at me but it's not very any towards this is a good time this is a good time start shooting it start shooting it oh come on hit oh I better there's three of them in there let's [Applause] go [ __ ] let's go yeah IM let's SP loot honestly like he's right here I got I got B's body it's bnie as well dude okay oh my what the [ __ ] that takes so much coordination and like you have to be so ready to take those down like oh my god oh [ __ ] oh wow damn they basically went into the safe Zone and utilized like the teleport back to base function that is usually only in the safe Zone somehow they got out of the safe Zone with that um attack like they somehow got out of the safe Zone with that UI still on their screen and so basically that was when them getting accused of cheating they also what those two got banned for girri and M2 I think is his name they got banned for apparently racist remarks I wasn't there I don't know I didn't see that but that that is that is why they got banned and then I I don't know if it was as a result or what but the rest of uh the rest of panot team left when a fight breaks out I think the first thing we should do is find rock formations to hold we win a lot of rock formation fights as soon as like we're near like a forested area and we're hiding in high walls people just wkey us and from multiple fronts we can't do anything and I know that moving out of that situation is impossible but like trying to avoid that situation in the first place is is what we got to try to do guys I'm going to go Cay zip line and I'm going to hold their zip line maybe it'll the guys that are S21 at the walls maybe it'll bait them over if they see us and then you guys can flank them one's coming over right now Jonas can you loot that body I just killed him yeah yeah I'm going I'm going they're they're going to come for us guys they're going to come for us it's C are you getting shot at yeah lit right below me I'm wiing though okay try and come back up as soon as you can yeah yeah you guys stay back there like let us be baits one oh go sorry I killed one I killed one I killed one did you ram the thing in me yeah I was like how take damage I don't know I think I think I killed Team Coco We shoulding R I'm down I'm down to leave here I have a full AK we're going to flank around these guys to be on the road right now I see like three at least just keep meding keep running and meding keep running and Walling and meding there like aing kind of they're just running up by you guys there's a rock back here we can we can hold we need let's hold this let's hold this on this rock here at the close wall place the [ __ ] wall [ __ ] there's one right here on the wall there there two there another one pushing on your right close close on you one is on our rock with us one's on our rock with us watch out coma I'm looking on this side I'm looking on your East I'm I'm here I'm dead from behind so rocket we have nobody no no no we're we're holding a funnel we're holding a funnel someone need to hold the north side northeast side as well that can come in from behind [ __ ] watch nice I'm getting I'm [ __ ] bro kill the guy on you June okay nice cover that cover that for side cover that for side do have MS do have MS barely any bro there should be more in the car not that many this guy's dead I got so much we need to start I think we need to leave I need I canag you I can bag you Charli are you dead I'm staging the I'm dou I'm dou I have tons of tags was that lmg you yeah no no no no not me not me they can push from K them kill them they can be bus wait I have my LG I'm okay okay I have my L anyone you fit through this you can fit through this I am I am I just had to wall up so we could leave we need to leave we need to leave get in the camper and let's go I'm smoking I'm smoking I'm smoking NAD me it's me it's me it's me get in everyone in yeah yeah we're in we're in that's so much in die okay good job guys good job we held them down well played I got T on me so we definitely came back with much more than we left with so that's I think that's just always the the calculations right we get tags we get a few more extra guns we came back with more by the way guys can I just say like a quick Round of Applause for the team like that everyone listened we followed comms We Got Gear we did really good we did really good yay I didn't die I say we just WIP the team Outpost no it doesn't look like it's not money yeah it looks like a scrap team it's like how many six in total I mean I've only seen three but it's there's probably more I'm flanking with June how many I have seven I'm putting a Max Health in there hit him again hit him again one I down one more if we killed two we need to push it I'm bringing Max he [ __ ] building there's no way they can wall in [ __ ] Outpost they wed off my entire side I head shot head shot hit the guy on the on the left Tower he's using pixel Gap pixel Gap he's de big big big make sure to wall if you're getting shot by that guy is that to us no you can [Music] spawn head shot hit the guy at Water catcher head shot body left side on where I'm shooting here here here running away with all I think no I killed the guy on water catcher is low water catcher is low yeah Mak the person that was doing this [ __ ] I already ran with horse I components and toy scrap no I'm not just pushing bro get get it in the cam a few on right and Below I'm pushing in I need a bandage there's one right here Northwest hit hit him us hit him I'm going to peek this guy swing with me swing with me yeah he one up top hold that he's up top he's he's Bly up top oh oh you got in front of me dude that's I'm climing up with Char oh can I get a bag can I get a bag I hped him he's dead he's dead I can't see him wait I what I'm done I'm done I'm done I I have kids I have KS I kill him I killed them nice I'm putting a kid in here I got to wait 80 does anyone have did anyone do parkour recently to TP back to base bro you sounded so serious [ __ ] here I just shot I'm going to keep recycling I have a [ __ ] ton of kits I'm going to Depot okay sick okay oh I [ __ ] on Snuffy let's go let's go baby okay can you can you get in car everybody how many slots do we have back there we can fit two more people in the camper I'm guy here he's got a Cleaver he's at the entrance Lo him loot him large Lo him oh my God we're hard greeting we're hard we're asking to get we need to go we need to go we need to go I think that was like one of our best fights good [ __ ] guys played huge let's [ __ ] go guys I got like I have eight tags well five of them are hours but we we tags tags or tag my bandies are gone into the system own you as well my bandies no not the bandages dude I'm just I'm just H like this is our best day I think like I'm just happy that we're like you know what listen up we go crazy and that's all that matters like we crazy a few times that's all I needed man can I just like shout out to hyper rat like he was leading really well yes that too hyper rat was doing good CS I I wanted to really like try it last night but I don't want to like I don't know I try do you mind if I try next fight go for it leing again turn him on man turn him on let's hear it bro wait this camper on the road is not ours wait I can I can blow it up I have uh yeah let's let's do that okay yeah this is perfect so we're going to come down from power plant side here and then wait there's guys in front of me um 230 230 they're running down hill okay don't shoot yet don't shoot yet let's follow them follow them forget about the [Music] camp me I'm waiting for him to cross the road maybe 205 behind that wood wall yeah control this this here in wall here in wall and hold this this guy's dead this guy's dead nice nice nice one more one more like down more towards the beach Behind the Walls close yeah that guy he's T three times t I think they're at zip I killed one as well we get the Tes get the Tes wait there's a camper V on me on me I'm coming if he comes towards me I'm going to I'm throwing large large I think I killed one I think I killed one I killed one again nice nice nice everyone regroup on H now yeah nice them nice good sh good goodp everyone is for group oh onek low yeah kid in here K in here I'm looting it ni oh my God we need I think we need a Depot dep camper and head towards can we go9 can we go9 let's go there's people on our Island yeah I died with so [ __ ] bro he's running no he's not D isn't even that good honestly he sucks finally finally somebody said it dude I've been [ __ ] waiting for someone Tock is shooting usy no no no no no no no don't don't no no keep going to the island keep going to the island go now go go go go yeah we have three flanking them they don't know you don't shoot you don't shoot I have two guns I have take two guns I can you have t should I drive to the I don't I don't have okay push back push back go on the Rocks now go on the Rocks now the wall close on go on the Rocks right now go on the Rocks right now I I'm I'm stucko one I think we need to fight this we need to we need to support okay hold these rocks hold these rocks hold these rocks it's full we don't fight this just wait till morning I think they I think they went Southwest into the woods o carg oh we dude calm the [ __ ] on dude let's go let's [ __ ] we have like 8 billion you know what I'm buy a scrappy spin say no say no no no no no I'm captain [ __ ] overruled let's go baby let's go baby let's go over [Laughter] ruled who's coming who's coming come on let's go boys to argue with I'm going someone in my chat said blue is turning into how my friend talks when he is brained brain did like past tense of brain can we get everyone up here please how many do are you fit in us grappy all of us how much fuel is in this thing 100 oh [ __ ] going first I need more fuel guys I'm already sitting in the front oh you're good you're good okay good you're fine okay whatever you guys do do not let Repose get into the driver's seat okay Guru just put it right there in the John you guys want to see me F this [ __ ] no Repose get the [ __ ] out I'm I'm driving this you you want to see me tire flip this [ __ ] dude how do you how do you yeah we can't get in you got to move it move it down to the down here come down here come down here oh oh Jesus wait what is that what is that can we get a look on that angry that's not me wait oh my God Jesus Christ all right we're going to Cargo go to Cargo saf and cargo saer and cargo saf and cargo saf in cargo the [ __ ] is going on return fire return fire DB D shot dude clean DB shot fing good work we're good we're good TV shot that was clean G the most scuffed team the most SC is happening [ __ ] your M are they raiding I don't know they're just at our base for some reason they're stealing our hores guys you need to shoot these scientists and I dides someone Med me get away from scrap you whatever you do to say oh God you going to crush me all right that's a good Landing that's a good Landing I want everyone who was in the scrappy just now to be on the front of the boat okay like people literally cannot land if we if we have this setup it's impossible we're all just like running around like idiots the [ __ ] bricks like going back and forth with a Scrapy me getting [ __ ] domed this is the worst Elite crate I've ever like this locked crate has an AR single a Thompson and like I'm going to send this this is horrible I just got was a salvage hatch all right gang I'm going to I'm going to post some stuff in the Discord um some strategy that I've been cooking up um and yeah just don't don't share it please don't leak it and yeah I'll uh see you guys [ __ ] tomorrow I'm going to get on around like 9 2 hours pH and let's go [ __ ] nuts guys I I am I have a really I'm feeling good like I don't know about you guys but I'm feeling really good like today is like the second win we needed I feel like to just like really feel good about [ __ ] like we may be second to last but that's going to [ __ ] change tomorrow like I guarantee you we're going to go nuts we got by way we had fun it was a really fun day I think today was the best team building day four was the best day so far if every day of the event was like this I would have been having an absolute ball all we needed was time to adjust and make things work we got closer as a team we won a ton of fights today and most importantly we had fun team blue may have been second to last but I've never been more confident in my team than I did today freaking a it is the final day I didn't get much sleep I only got like 5 hours uh but I guess that's more than most people so we'll take it but guys this is the most important day this is the deciding factor of the game all right we have to go crazy and if we don't we lose we're not going to let that happen Okay we're going to go insane so you were here # I was here day five the deciding factor of the game the team in the lead had to give it their all and make sure they'd stay ahead while everyone else had to make a move or risk being eliminated we were second to last so most would say that it was hopeless but our dog tags were within a close enough margin that if we rated someone in the higher ranks we would take their points and take the lead so obviously we had to make a move the raid phase would begin shortly but first we had a lot of preparing to do in order to ensure our best chances at winning average Jonas and mix were hard at work the night before grinding valuable resources that we needed for today all I needed to do was craft and make sure everybody was ready guys because we're not going to go raid right away like I need I need someone East like who's not doing something in base large I can stop okay no keep crafting pinatas Repose and Hyper rat go east and hold that rock and the water no no it's not no it's not I you need to get up in zipline ASAP okay also blue what's the roles like when we like push into red is everyone rocketing or so we're going to rocket from the holes in the top of like we're going to make little tiny man-sized holes in the compound facing the base and we're going to rock it from the top as we start to get comfortable we're going to start moving slowly down very slowly like literally 10 m at a time with a high wall start rocketing if it feels safe go forward again with a wall start rocketing but like the m we're going to send like a pretty decent amount of rockets from up top it's okay if it's inaccurate as long as it just starts pummeling their base and following it out and then we start moving in for accuracy as we are like really [ __ ] up their base and messing up their peaks can we fly directly over meno's base and just send C4 down on it we I mean honestly dude you want to do it with like 5 C4 I don't think we can cuz of Sam try what about I'll try right now and see if it shoots me one sec I'm good at crashing Hiles are even repos can do it too wait a bit like maybe that's kind of like an idea just sending scrapies onto dude I the top of people's bases dude spass 12 with instant ammo and then just like freaking we all pull out with DP dude I almost I almost got wait you want to do that low key low key low key low key okay we only need like three people guys because like everyone else no it's doable it's doable we can't do the C4 thing if you want we can also do the crappy I'm I can fly that thing on that roof no problem easy peasy blue yeah good luck soldiers oh my God we can't hear it take this blue take this take this what you dropping in the front not the back you killed [Laughter] [Music] blue what's are you okay what the [ __ ] is happening [Music] [Laughter] look at it I can't see it what is going [Music] [Laughter] on the base oh sh what am I watching can we are we going to repair Spen also yeah completely unrelated we might need to repair the helicopter yeah we'll repair uh there's a mini to our 260 not true I need some good vibes here I need some I need some 260 pushing us it's it's full heavy with uh with rocket launcher I'm going to raid your base oh my God I'm just a fish oh my God and I'm going to ra your base I'm going your base they're going to mini bomb Oh [ __ ] get down there send it send it bll baby wait Spain stomper got kicked Spain stomper what the [ __ ] we were definitely burning some beds we're burning some beds with that at this point it felt like a standstill either nobody wanted to make the first move or people were taking their time with their PL hands after throwing the scrap heli onto mendo's base for some entertainment we decided to quit waiting for someone to raid us and put our attention onto our own raid before it was too late so I devised a plan like you saw me cook up earlier I wanted to take control of this rock formation above the main build plot I believed it was the best positional Advantage it was away from their secondary build plot to avoid flanks and away from the zipline Tower to avoid a crossfire but a 15 versus 15 raid favors the Defenders significantly with endless bed respawns with Locker kits we'd have to put on quite a Siege to even stand a chance so to even the odds I spoke directly to wilum Via DMS and was able to form an alliance our terms were to work together and raid team croing from two opposite fronts but if and when we broke TC it's a free-for-all hopefully by turning into a 15 verus 30 with wium we'd be able to secure team Cray's tags at the time this was our only option all right game time let's go baby let's go let's go stop backing up all right everyone make are clear only important comms only important comms and we listen to blueprint okay someone get in the driver seat with me we have been the underdogs in this event all right but we are the most tightnit group we have laughs we've been doing good we've improved every day and this is our day you you guys understand we're going to go [ __ ] crazy I have a good feeling about this yeah everyone's going to listen to what I say we're going to stick to the plan it's a good plan we're going to win this [ __ ] we are going to make the craziest story ever seen in Rivals now I'm high there there's a guy on on the beach to your right on the be yeah everyone out everyone out everyone out you might die you might die what the heck go in go in I'm going to start lading I'm going to start lading don't go around don't be seen yeah who's lading go to follow let me follow needs a separate set of ladders pushing up pushing up pushing up I'm going to start Walling this I'm going toing this far as possible as far as possible there's a there's a point further back if you want to do that instead get out of sven's way I'm going to start Walling in the Pinnacle we could we should start sending two maybe facing facing facing the back compound need to aim high remember higher higher way higher way higher I do not walk in front of people I'm covering are behind I need to watch [ __ ] compound here what yep that's what that's what I mean like we can't get flanked now what the [ __ ] yeah this is perfect we're set up we're set up this is it a Rockets good plan blue let's go let's go W captain right here let's go and will jump slamming from the other side this is sick this is H go let's [ __ ] go you don't even need to peek with the rocket you can just sit behind the wall and aim at the from this guy K you can land the mini on the roof someone's aiming way too high on the left we're going to have to fight for someone's aiming way too high someone's aiming way we start moving SL we could start moving a little bit closer we can start moving closer I'm going to start Walling up I'm going to startng as well a [ __ ] someone have wars yeah like Fu might this is close enough this is close where I'm shooting right there where I'm shooting you want to you want to hit that spot right there aim high aim high we need to break their midle of the base middle of the base roet are coming back yeah right side push I'm getting us even closer rolling up on us on the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I got it I see it on rocket that high wall rocket that highall on the left only two rockets I'm shooting one I don't think so there a it's just one guy just look for the base guys BL shoot it one more time one more time they're coming out left side left side time did you shoot it with with uh with 55 I did I did all right it's going to it's going to break I'm going to push those guys oh I barely missed noreast yeah yeah I see a 30 it's just it's just scouting it's just scouting this guy's pushing up close yeah I I killed one I killed one I killed one nice nice nice I killed him I killed them I think hey I'm pushing up to you yeah got there one close one close you got grenaded I got the where did you a grenade rest of the Rockets are in the base rest of the Rockets are in the Bas I know but where in the the walls in the base in the base in okay in the raid base guys they're on top of our raid base I'm dead on top of our raid base it's wall in but I'm de from the top from the top from the top is on Ro yes on our top on our roof I head him wait what on our Island on our sorry what is on our Island uh on our island northeast there's a like a small Landing they're coming into the Forest right now okay on top of the base they're building they're building they're building I can't I I don't have a code I think he's he's he's he's they're rocketing or rocking our base okay we we need we need Defenders to respawn we need Defenders to respawn they're raing our base how many many if there's only three then then I think you guys go back for me if you want go back for me if you want I'm stay here I'm coming out to help you guys okay hyper if you go back if it's only three I'm not going okay I want to stay the ra kill the guy out here you got to let us know though pyro is flanking us I kill I killed pyro just make a make a massive home until we see see on the other side keep going [ __ ] someone can pick me up look on your left here there's a behind me you need to kill him ni I killed the naked I think I going to say again it's going to be free for all if we get TC yes yes like we we can start fighting wium as soon as like I mean this team is eliminated I need to pick as well I don't need to respawn back at base right we're good I don't need you're good you're okay defa everything can you come back and pick me guys a little bit lower whoever's shooting that a little bit lower in the middle in the very middle of the base there's more here now we need more Defenders yeah we need more Defenders you might need to go back as there's a Ned behind behind yeah there's a naked he just ran right past you okay so wait we need to go back we need more Defenders CU I just died okay Char is going back Char is going back go back for me then let me know if I need to go as well AKs make sure to loot AK not good one Elena Alena are you in raid base or are you in main base okay okay raid so ra want to main no I I was wondering if we have any more Boom the we might need to start laddering in now I think it's it's super open now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's do it let's do it boom I only have four three more rockets on me right now okay okay stop shooting stop shooting Rockets we're going to we're going to breach in follow me into into the base I'm here with you I'm here with you we need ladders we need ladders I have three ladder all the way up all the way up one more he's stealing right there Ste right there I got BS I got bats nice we have KS here we have KS here he want to go inside gu top he hey blue I'm lading more I'm low I'm low I'm low kill them kill them kill them nice I'm healing I'm healing I got massive amount ofer and instant ammo here I'm taking okay nice nice nice I'm dead to a grenade anyone I'm spawning back at base we have no more kits and yeah they're still north they're still nor maybe F SP they're not they're not shooting that many Rockets right now yeah yeah yeah yeah you're getting we we never sitting then like yeah we maybe Tak one one in compound theun they a lot again one might be dead one might one here I think we're good on defense honestly it's very weit need to see like our [ __ ] car is going to be exposed soon okay I'm going to go seal then if no one's going to do it oh there's one more here on the left come on here with you oh there's a guy next to me helicopter okay them one's flanking Northwest whoever's there I'm ning her [ __ ] Scrappy in the middle of them bro [ __ ] this [ __ ] nice nice nice nice good job yeah do that that's a good idea that's a good idea what the this good [ __ ] good [ __ ] I'm feeling a lot of the I'm running around the wall once to check the compound how's doing is anyone at the raid no they they almost they basically lost nice try nice try I I think that we did the best we could P the [ __ ] out of it one one rockets on the roof rockets at walls I'm I'm full I'm full dead pushing in pushing in I got him I got him who the [ __ ] you kill him that's me okay mix I'm putting your gun back on your body and I'm going up top good there's still a few that's just on the on the hill they never pushed in these guys so far things weren't working out we lost the raid on team crolin they put up a good defense and their base tanked way more Rockets than we expected to make matters worse however all green team had to do since they were in the lead was make sure nobody else could take that lead that meant starting a half-ass raid on us to distract us a smart play by them but this did set us back on kits and most importantly time on the bright side we were prepared for today we still had REITs for the entire team and because Sven had both superlatives for most gunpowder crafted and most explosives crafted we still had a box of rockets by now we had caught wind on where the action was a massive merge raid composed of almost every team versus Team alcapone the second place holders knowing that this was our only chance to secure Victory we all got in a scrap heli to jump into the raid head first dude it's going to be [ __ ] War as soon as as soon as if Al Capone gets raided dude Al get raided literally every single team can win except poast I guess we should just up and send Rockets bro like platform your beds just platform your beds and just send [ __ ] like [ __ ] send it careful don't die make a platform somewhere here trck it let's [ __ ] go boys let's go boys this I'm going to start Walling Us in okay you put more platforms yo we chilling we chilling okay shut up okay guys Sho up high shot up high sh up high shoot up high let's go let's go baby guys yeah shoot high oh my tower all June remember what I okay I'm going to push up I'm going to push up guys whoever's whoever's still on the Rock rocking from raid base don't do that I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead from gas station with two rows of rockets why shooting I have my AK my I can put it in the thing and you just want to go yeah do that I've got 10 ladders that ising [ __ ] the base off let's go baby oh my God it's getting [ __ ] what is happening I I need a launcher with boom so I can help [ __ ] Sven or anyone who has a launcher with boom I'm right here I'm I'm like shooting in between you guys blow that sh open I only have one okay it's fine it's fine it's fine who the [ __ ] who is that ready to kill us yeah yeah yeah yeah be aware the DC geten oh my God holy [ __ ] this is crazy we what the [ __ ] I got so many hit markers oh my God rocke rocketing H oh I'm de to a broet we are in the middle of the car by the time we arrived to this merge raid it was all out War most of the original teams who began the raid like team Koko and Wellen were starting to slow down with their Rockets we may have pulled up late but with how many Rockets we had we were going to take this base to the ground and at the same time team crley arrived via the air on the roof of Al Capone's base and started raiding from the top down the Defenders could barely defend what do we get on yeah I think I think we have to if it's even possible oh my God this is beautiful yeah they th the turret there's more but there's two more God there's two more Min this is don't shoot them don't shoot them T guy tell him don't shoot those people up there I have a ton of laders let us destroy the Tet we have to destroy theet take it move out the way they're broken like there's no battery I get what I get I need I'm dying I see over door down there you see that 160 that could be it rocket that [ __ ] I'm trying to cover you he have Rockets someone say where the [ __ ] is this tool covered at bro someone get ready with a mini this is my last okay this is my last rocket I don't think they have a TZ Man full heavy down here I'm [ __ ] them up like let's go baby was not TC was not TC dude it's got to be in the r as soon as soon as elimination happens is going to Beam us okay okay okay okay I'm going to come I'm going to come we got the we got the I think's down here dude I I have a feeling it's right here there's an armored door on the outside with a sleeping bag on it I let's go it's just outside it's just outside it's outside it's like 80 80 80 of the base 80 of the base I'm going to come out I'm going to come out I'm going to come out going to be in the I I actually think it's this go go I'm here leaving Min leaving I killed them blls I killed them blls and the mini drop in the wood walls guys in the wood FOC dude dude I'm dead I'm dead he's he has I see him yeah yeah yeah they're on me they're on me never be here fighting still be there's wait there's tags on me that don't have a color one here doesn't have a color you saw gray [Music] you dude I them on me WS on it right now I'm I'm not it's right there it is right there I have 3,000 it's on me it's on meun [Music] me I have it I have it I have it I have it it's on me it's me it's on me it's on me spin pick up hun I'm going to jump out I'm going to jump outwest yeah yeah J this is right here H is your e back behind you no okay go go go go go go go go get out get away get away get away I have 20 sending the base we're like 140 ahead I think if I do the math someone do the no no no no no please dude I I don't [ __ ] know their Sam sites there like what the [ __ ] is that holy [ __ ] we can just keep going back [ __ ] in the midst of this chaotic exchange for the game-winning tags we were able to retrieve and escape with them with them now in our possession the obvious choice would be to just deposit them right 3,400 tags that would put us in the lead but only by a couple hundred points with over 40 minutes left in the event that would give team meno who is currently in first place enough time to potentially raid another group or grind out events to surpass us again so that's when hunin Fen had a plan a genius plan do we do we need to put it in right now though oh [ __ ] that's true we don't we don't we don't we should don't do it don't do it that's brilliant nobody else knew knew that we had the tags every other team was at the merge raid anyone could have gotten out with them so our play was to hide them Sven headed to our garage base with the tags on him and essentially burned time we'd pretend to be as clueless as everyone else but while every other team was panicking looking for the tags we were waiting as long as we could to deposit them but eventually teams like coconut B began to get suspicious can I say one thing last of when in the shine [ __ ] wait what what here here here two guys above two guys above Coco's here Coco's here above our Shrine above our Shrine do it quick do it quick they still won't be able to do anything go go go go go go go de it now just it now yeah yeah yeah one gu on me frag out frag out everyone someone on me keep going keep getting texted killed over here keep going every time you get one get just keep going yeah yeah yeah I killed one I killed one I have six on me I have six on me Hyper stop talking stop stop talking in chat just just focus up minose close right close right Al need the the finger we need Scouts to meno Island the only way they can win I think now is to [ __ ] come bring us yeah yeah we people North South Island there's no one of us there sure make sure you put gear sets in the drop boxes so it goes in boxes is he M to what we can do about it guys guys everyone listen Char please friends told they going to help mandor toast so what we do about it do we take train there like we have to get there somehow no one has boom to raid us if M don't come raid us no one has boom everyone used all the boom yeah but we need to we need first we need to have info by we just need to grief we just need to grief The Raid but I'm going to give info I'm trying going to to my team yeah yeah guys if I right now everyone that should be talking is people that are scouting okay if I can if I can mini bomb scrap should I do it people like Spen blueprints trous we need to do we have enough scrap to buy a scrap heli do we have scrap yes yes there's still enough okay then we should get a scrap ready I see the scrap yeah SC should I bomb it is now out of range I can't see yeah I think if you see boming no I mean they're going to have a supermarket side aren't they not it's all about defense SC every I blocked it it's gone let go let's [ __ ] go let [ __ ] go they all just fell god let's go baby get there we need to get there yes yes get there campers campers P5 right outside pan Poots right outside pan Poots okay so right now they're running like M6 they're like probably M6 they're on ground and they have like two or three mini Scouts close all of our doors usy guy he's he's dead nice that's one launcher there going to be some to our right I think some to our right we just need to stop men that's it we need to get to the we don't have to worry about any other team just worry about men team we need to scout at all time [ __ ] head the on in the I'm going to take the take the Cambo let's go take the GU launcher and start shooting that [ __ ] they're on the beach they're on the beach 260 I'm pretty sure no one they're going to keep Walling I don't have any Walls by the way can can one of you guys drop walls behind you have no pushing pushing is he dead he might be dead down there I don't see him anymore anyone want to get in the mini or no I'm low on ammo do you guys have five meds I have low meds as well right here right here Repose listen Repose gu are R half a Rockets sh in the sky the he does have coming south French Scrappy coming towards us okay our Scrappy is coming too Char I need to say something to rep SC try on the left reloading two guys left two guys left I'm getting beam from behind by the way TR getting beam from behind there's 60 there's two more on the left you K them all right there so many dead I'm going to Blue I'm going to Blue is defending us oh my God kill two out of mini on I'm nice they tried rocking me in the back go to Blue go to Blue go to there pushing go to BL go to Blue go to Blue I got a bunch of tags here as well blue stay alive for like 10 seconds we're almost there I'm trying we're go the bottom quick go the bottom quick he's pushing me left get out of the [ __ ] Scrappy shoot that guy he's pushing me I'm coming to you I'm I'm dead nice I'm only down I'm only down I'm only down there's like five there's like eight tags around here you guys need to scoop them up no we're good we're good we killed them we K we them I'm getting you blue I'm getting I got a bunch of HS caliz TX right now centralized TX right now to one guy give them everyone come to the South everyone come to the South the TX only TX only TX I'm here I'm give the TX to me give the TX Scrappy or not a scrappy but a little bird to me guys everybody drop the drop the TX to me it's fine it's fine drop them on me drop them on me it's okay drop them on drop them wall for him wall for him I don't have walls dude I'm almost [ __ ] dead bro s you have all the tags let's go then let's go then they're not behind us they're not be us someone want to get in this mini and like here here here here right here kid here does anyone have like a [ __ ] ton of kits while I think it doesn't [ __ ] matter [ __ ] matter listen okay I'm coming to you I'm coming to you mhm mhm blue I have 15 t on me to how many 15 I'm not yeah uh we have a we have 2 minutes I don't know if I can pick you up too just me the you guys real fast actually yeah you can just stay in here I'm I'm going to go gety [ __ ] I'm going to go get try [ __ ] okay I'm here I'm here I'm here dropping in front of me Mixel you're probably going to pick it up this us yeah I K him I K him you have i t purple Landing behind us nice let's go let's go we got it all go yeah we got to go home fast come on Mixel de on the most tags first try I G oh my god let's [ __ ] [Music] go let go oh my godov that was a [ __ ] movie that was a [ __ ] that was a movie that was a [ __ ] let's go oh my God I couldn't believe it nobody on my team could through some of the most mentally challenging gaming I've done to the most Blissful end this was a result of our perseverance some people believed we didn't deserve the win and while it's true that we weren't able to compete on the same level as others during most of the events we deserve this win because we never gave up hope we gave it our all to the very last second coma witnessed the TC breaking and gave us the most valuable calms of the entire event because of it hyper rat Beed the tag holders out of the sky moments before their aerial Escape him and alpaca found the tags H Jun picked them up and Sven evaced hjune back to base for the game win winning play we worked together as a team harder than we had the entire event and that was the result I couldn't be prouder but we couldn't have done it without others Koko allying with Wellen and crowle's team to begin The Siege on Al Capone toast and wil Jam's team joining in and cor's team especially raing from the top down at the end it was us and the French taking full control of that core without them we definitely wouldn't have been where we were now and it was just flat out impressive how long Al Capone defended for so nothing but props to them overall anything can happen in this event just like how anything can happen in Rust itself despite some of its flaws this game has brought me so much joy and this victory was easily the biggest achievement I've ever had in gaming massive shout out to my team B punch RoR Cloud Fuel and twitch rival staff and everyone else who particip ipated in the event I really hope you all enjoyed rust Rivals 4 so until next time peace [Music] out
Channel: Blooprint's Bunker
Views: 578,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blooprint, blooprint highlights, blooprints bunker, bloos bunker, rust pvp, blooprint rust, rust, rust highlights, blooprint twitch, blooprint twitch highlights, twitch highlights, rust gameplay 2024, rust 2024, blueprint rust, rust rivals, twitch rivals, rust twitch rivals iv, rivals 4, team blooprint, blooprint twitch rivals, blooprint rivals, how blooprint won twitch rivals, who won twitch rivals, blooprint hjune, rust story, rust event, blooprint bunker 600k
Id: 0A02ifNY0mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 51sec (7191 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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