GTWY Camp Meeting 2020 Night One | Kevin Wallace

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[Applause] now come on and give jesus a whole lot better praise than that if you love him tell him so right now come on this is the day that the lord has made we're gonna rejoice hell or high water we're going to rejoice positive or negative we're going to rejoice why are we going to rejoice because i woke up this morning he was still on the throne the devil was still under his feet and the father is still exalted how many believe jesus is worthy of your best praise if you believe it give it to him right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] stay standing if you don't mind please stay standing if you don't mind and i'm going to take you to acts the 15th chapter for a text tonight uh before we go into that allow me as david and uh don't you just appreciate the worship tonight david and catherine and the team come on tell god thank you for that love you sir [Music] i want to i want to say how much i feel like your pastor felt as he introduced me tonight um michael w smith said friends are friends forever if the lord's the lord of them don't make me sing that most of you millennials don't even know this song [Music] everybody's like get a hanky out jesus [Music] i feel about him like he feels about me um we were talking a bit before service tonight and i'm thankful for true brothers because i have found out in the last three years of my life there are people connected to you for what you can do for them but the moment you can't do anything for them you find out if they're your brother and sister or not [Music] and this dear brother has been a brother and a friend and we have walked up mountains together and we have coasted down on the other side together and we have experienced the thrill of victory and gone through moments that felt like the agony of defeat but what god is doing here is marvelous in our sight this is a miracle you're standing in a miracle and we celebrate the favor of god on jason and sylvia daltrill and their beautiful family come on and tell god thank you for your pastors if you love them you say pastor i don't want them to get the big head don't worry about them getting a big head tell them you love them right now oh yeah oh yeah [Music] i love them i love them and i know you love them and this city loves them and there is great reason to rejoice shelbyville because god has sent you a gift in the form of this man and woman of god and they are the angel of the lord of this house and this region and i thank god for their voice i thank god for your team your team here is second to none you're amazing thank god for all of you who serve with such a beautiful spirit i'm so thankful and i'm honored to be called upon to preach in this great meeting with this great church and these great people you could have called a lot of people and i'm thankful you called me i want you to go to the book of acts the 15th chapter remain standing for the word i feel it i feel the lord in this place [Music] how many love him [Music] [Applause] i want you to look at acts chapter 15 verse 6. i'm thankful for jody nix and for rick smith who came jody is an elder in our church and a great leader rick is a pastor on our team and i'm thankful for them and i'm thankful for this young one up here with his little uh chelsea boots on and his little hat and shirt and whatnot and he is my oldest and he is the son of my loins and he is going to lee university in just a couple of weeks yeah tell jeremiah hello [Music] [Applause] i want you to look at acts chapter 15 verse 6 when you got it say amen now the apostles and elders came together to consider the matter and when there had been much dispute peter rose up and said to them men and brethren you know that a good while ago god chose among us that by the mouth that by my mouth the gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe so god who knows the heart acknowledged the gentiles by giving them the holy ghost just as he did to us jewish people and he made no distinction between the gentile and the jew purifying their hearts by faith now therefore why do you test god by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear but we believe that through the grace of our lord does anybody believe this part of the bible we believe that through the grace of our lord jesus christ we shall be saved in the same manner as they then all the multitude kept silent and listened to barnabas and paul declaring how many miracles and wonders god had worked with them through them rather among the gentiles after the crowd became silent james answered and said men and brothers listen to me simon has declared how god at the first visited the gentiles to take out of them a people for his name and with this the words of the prophets agree just as it is written after this i will return and i will rebuild the tabernacle of david which has fallen down i will rebuild its ruins and i the lord will set it up so that the rest of mankind may seek the lord even all the gentiles who are called by my name says the lord who does all of these things i want you to flip over i didn't give the guys this i apologize but i want you to look at zechariah chapter 2 quickly zechariah chapter two quickly and we're going to go somewhere you say pastor you have broken the preaching rules of reading too many scriptures before you preach who made that rule because how can you ever have too much of this book read in your hearing does anybody love the word of god zechariah 2 a couple of scriptures here and then i feel like we're going to preach tonight zechariah 2 verse 1 then i raised my eyes and looked and behold a man with a measuring line in his hand so i said where are you going and he said to me to measure jerusalem to see what its width and what its length shall be and there was an angel who talked with me going out and another angel was coming out to meet him who said to him run speak to this young man saying jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls because of the multitude oh yes thank you lord for this scripture of livestock and men that will be in it for i says the lord will be a wall of fire around her and i will be the glory in the middle i don't know where the middle is in this building but i just want to declare god will be the glory in the midst of his people if you want to be in the middle of it somebody say amen i i i i want to endeavor for a few moments tonight to draw a point of harmony between these two texts and they me they may seem very disconnected at the moment but my prayer is tonight that god would help us to sew this together by his spirit as we preach the word i want you to look there at that scripture he was trying to measure jerusalem measure jerusalem and then the angel said to him that jerusalem shall be inhabited as a town without walls look at your neighbor and tell them this come on tell them like you know them say this shall be immeasurable now they didn't look like they believed you so look over at your other neighbor and tell your other neighbor say neighbor what god is about to do in your life and in this house and in this city shall be immeasurable now i want you to give him praise on credit come on i want you to give him praise on credit come on i want you to give him praise in advance for what he's up to in your life clap your hands all ye people shout unto god with the voice of triumph [Music] [Applause] jesus i thank you for your word anoint me and give me unction to preach and them to faith to receive and believe in christ's name amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord acts chapter 15 is one of my favorite passages in the new testament and it's an odd place to select such a favorite text because it seems rather uh just monotonous in fact we call this chapter the 15th chapter of acts the jerusalem council it is where the bishops and the apostles and the leaders of the early church gathered to separate and sift the move of god that was happening and try to determine what kind of move of god was really going on in the early church and by the time you get to acts chapter 15 the church has turned the world upside down acts chapter 1 jesus steps out on a cloud and says to the disciples i want you to go terry in jerusalem and wait there until you are endured with power from on high and then he steps on a cloud of glory and is lifted up into the heavens and the disciples who are standing there 500 of them paul tells us in the book of corinthians the disciples who are standing there are absolutely amazed at the sight that they are seeing the resurrected son of god with nail prince in his healed hands steps on a cloud of glory and he ascends into the heavens and the angels look at the disciples who are standing there and like you and i we would have to snap out of it because it would have been something to see jesus rise on the clouds so the angel says to them you men of galilee why do you stand here gazing this same jesus who you have seen go from you shall so come again in like manner you've got to hurry and get to jerusalem so that what he promised can be poured out now i have some questions about acts chapter 2 because there were 500 that were listening to him in acts 1 but only 120 who were in the upper room when the holy ghost was poured out and my question is if 500 got the promise then why did only 120 get the fulfillment i will tell you why it's the same reason today people leave this world without finishing the plan of god in their life it is because they don't have time to wait upon the lord and when the holy ghost was being poured out in acts 2 500 got the promise but only 120 got the fulfillment because some people don't have time to wait on god but i'm living in a day where the people of god are having to make priority choices and decide i'm not just interested in 45 minutes of nothing on sunday morning i need the holy ghost in my life i need a real genuine authentic outpouring and my soul can never be satisfied with religious strife problem i need the person of god to invade my soul and quicken me by his power and we move from acts chapter 2 and the outpouring of the holy ghost and tongues of fire sitting upon the men of god and people speaking in unknown tongues and we flip the page to the third chapter of acts and a lame man who was lame from his mother's womb gets healed at a gate called beautiful we flip the chapter again in acts chapter 4 the apostles are preaching the gospel they're thrown in prison for preaching but an angel comes and sets them free because he who has begun a good work in you will finish what he started keep flipping through acts and you will see ananias and sapphira drop dead because they lied to the holy ghost flip it again in acts chapter 6 is the structural implementation of new testament operation in an exploding growing vibrant church because if you have glory but no government you'll have an explosion and you won't know how to handle the harvest some churches are asking god for a harvest but are not ready for a harvest because if you can't handle 25 people you're not ready to handle a thousand people god's wanting to put government that establishes glory can somebody say amen if you flip the chapter again to the seventh chapter stephen preaches a masterpiece of a sermon and yet they stone him and they leave him for dead eight and nine is about the work of god in samaria and an apostle who was a church hater at one time his name was saul and on his way to damascus in the ninth chapter of acts he is smitten from his beast and laying in the dusty ground of a damascus road and there the jesus who he has persecuted stands before him and says saul saul why do you persecute me and kick against the gods and this saul looks up and says my name is saul and you are the lord and what do you want me to do and from that dusty ground the blind apostle gets up he goes to the house of cornelius on the way called straight and your bible said that after three days he was baptized his sight returned to him and the glory of god began to lead paul into the greatest adventure that he had ever known in his life 10 11 and 12 we began to see the expansion of the church beyond jerusalem we come to antioch in the 13th chapter jerusalem is no longer the epicenter of the activity of the kingdom of god now the kingdom of god through persecution has exploded outside of jerusalem every city that the apostles are going to they're seeing revival and awakening every place they go they are a wrecking crew for the kingdom of darkness because the church was never called to fit in or blend in or simply be another social agency that gets along and says kumbaya with the rest of the religious world we are the ecclesia the body of christ we've been called out of darkness into his marvelous light and now every morning you put your feet on the ground you are the devil's worst nightmare because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world if you know jesus somebody shot yes and now by the 14th chapter of acts everywhere they go gentiles are getting saved cities are being turned upside down kings and and leaders are coming to the faith in jesus christ and now we have a crisis because the move of god doesn't look like the move of god we thought was coming and so now we have to have a meeting about the meeting about the meeting to talk about the meeting about how we're going to handle something that is different than what we thought was going to happen in the meeting and so the apostles of the new testament get together in the 15th chapter of the book of acts and your bible says that they're having a meeting and a talk about the move of god and there is something primarily that is bothering all the leaders it is that people are getting saved that they didn't think could get saved [Applause] we call them the gentiles the jewish people understood uh the the way to approach god through the old testament levitical priest uh uh priestly order and they understood what it was to be kosher and clean and not to touch the unclean thing and and we see this we see this all through the book of acts and i'm gonna get on somebody's nerves but i'm gonna preach about racism for just a minute right here because what you see in the book of acts is even a spiritual leadership doesn't mean you can't be blinded by some racism oh you want me to prove it i think i will because my bible tells me in the book of acts chapter 2 peter stood up on the day of pentecost can y'all handle some bible in this room tonight peter stood up on the day of pentecost and said in the last days the holy ghost would be poured out upon all flesh sons and daughters would prophesy young men would see visions old men would see dreams upon servants and handmaidens would i pour out my spirit in that day watch this and even on watch this on your servants and handmaidens now i don't want to be controversial i just want to tell you that the servants he was speaking of were slaves and i'm not talking about slaves like we know them i'm talking about slaves like the new testament know them but watch this this man peter prophesies everybody is going to get in on the outpouring and it's wait wait wait wait wait because it's not until chapter 10 that god deals with his racism what are you talking about pastor oh you remember peter don't you he runs up on the top of a house at the noon time of prayer and the bible said that god sent a sheet down from from heaven and this sheep was filled with all kinds of unclean things and the lord said to peter arise and eat participate fellowship with it and peter said oh no i'm a jew of jews you understand that i would never ever participate in what looked unclean and three times this happened in one vision because how many no apostles are stubborn three times it happened and finally the lord said don't you dare call unclean what i have cleansed [Applause] what's the point the point is that the apostle prophesied a move of god that his prejudice almost kept him from and there are people who are preaching of pentecost that their prejudice is keeping them from seeing come to pass but i came to announce and to prophesy to you tonight that god is raising up a tribe of kingdom leaders who will not be bound they will not be trapped they will not miss the moment i wish you would look at your neighbor i know we can't touch nobody but look at your neighbor and holler at your neighbor and say neighbor don't miss this moment don't miss this moment don't miss it because it don't look like what your mama and your daddy told you it was gonna look like god is doing something new and i don't want to miss it so we come to the 15th chapter i've got to hurry we come to the 15th chapter of acts and they're having a discussion about what is going on all these crazy people are getting saved gentiles they don't dress like jews they don't look like jews they don't act like jews in fact many of them have been serving false gods and bunches of them many of these gentiles have been hooked up with some real jacked up people and they've got all kind of mess going on y'all don't want me to talk about this on the first night of camp meeting but if you started looking at these gentiles that were getting saved they come out of all kind of sexual promiscuity they came out of all kind of twisted morbid theology and here they are speaking in tongues falling out under the power of god and everybody trying to figure out why how how can it be that these crazy gentiles are getting the outpouring of the holy ghost you better be careful who you tell god that god can't bless because god will raise up some people somebody tell them god's up to something new god's up to something in this hour he's not just rescuing people that were raised in church that needed a little religious band-aid god is saving some people who are nasty and messed up and dead on the inside but where sin does about grace grace great oh grace does much more about i said remember we got to keep going the bible says that paul and barnabas stand up and begin to offer explanation as to what the spirit of god is doing after they told and testified of how the lord was moving among the gentiles the bible says that the entire meeting was silent you know god is real when all the bishops and the apostles don't have nothing to say oh my god that we would leave tonight without words to explain what is happening all that we would not be able to go to bed tonight without giving god thanks that we left in awe and wonder that we left saying what oh it was powerful to have been in the presence of the lord there was silence they didn't know what to say and here comes james the lesser he walks to the podium of the jerusalem council and he says under the anointing brothers and men which lets me know there were some people in the room that were men and some that were brothers not everybody was a brother i don't have time to preach that sermon tonight men and brothers what we are seeing now i want you to open your bible if you have your bible open it there because i want you to look at something grammatically and contextually uh within the scripture that i read to you tonight if you're looking in a bible that is on pages and not one that is on a screen which i don't care which one you're looking at as long as the bible if you're looking at it on pages most of your pages will have one portion of the 15th chapter of acts in italics indented does anybody see it that way and it is the portion that i read to you about the tabernacle of david uh beginning there in verse number 16. everybody look at verse 16. i know this is bible study class but let me take you into some bible study everybody see how it's indented do you know why it is indented i'm going to tell you why it's italicized and indented it is italicized and indented because the translators wanted you to know that the portion of scripture that is italicized and indented is an old testament scripture brought into new testament application and so when you see it italicized and indented what the translator is telling you is that this was already said in the old testament and if you want to know where you can find verse 16 and 17 of acts 15 you can flip back to amos chapter 9 verse 10 through 13 when a man named amos oh can i talk about amos for a minute amos was not the prophet or a son of a prophet he wasn't a bishop he had no credentials he didn't have a ministerial file number he didn't even have a ministerial shirt he didn't have a badge he didn't have nothing all he was doing was in a sheep field working the sheep field for his father and suddenly while he was out you can find this all in amos chapter one amos said i am not a prophet or the son of a prophet but the word of the lord just came to me in the sheep field and i've got to tell israel what thus saith the lord and one of the things that is that amos was used by god to prophesy watch this was a rebuilding of a tent we called the tent of david oh yes yes and when when james walks to the pulpit watch this when james walks to the pulpit of the jerusalem council in acts chapter 15 everybody's trying to figure out what is going on here what is happening with all these gentiles getting saved what is happening with this move of god that is shaking the whole earth and james says i know what's going on what is it change this is nothing more than the fulfillment of a prophecy given 800 years prior through the mouth of a man named namus who said remember the tent of david that was tore down there's coming a day in the future when it will be raised up again [Applause] and when everyone wants to know what's happening in acts 15 james said i know this is a rebuilding of the tent of david everybody say the tent of david the tent of david everybody wants to know what's going on surely if god's gonna rebuild something in the new covenant surely it's going to be one of the outstanding architectural edifices of the old testament oh come on take a trip with me real quick if god were going to rebuild something in the new testament that had been torn down from the old testament maybe maybe surely he would start with the tabernacle of moses why not be the rebuilding of moses tabernacle because it was amazing it was the first place where god ever had a man build something after a pattern that was established in heaven and he gave moses the blueprint in his spirit and moses built on earth what god had already established in heaven i don't have time but if you look in the book of exodus watch this moses gets all of the dimensions from god as to how to build the tabernacle of moses so when god is doing something in the book of acts surely god is trying to rebuild the tabernacle of moses can we go back and erect the tabernacle of moses and make it happen again and then oh no you can't rebuild the tabernacle of moses and i'm going to tell you why the tabernacle of moses in the old covenant was about sacrifice don't miss it they had to keep killing animals to keep god happy and if and if and if we're going to rebuild something don't we want to rebuild the tabernacle of moses and by the way we know the dimensions of moses tabernacle it would be easy to replicate the tabernacle of moses which is what i'm afraid many pastors are doing in this hour we are oh yes yes yes let me read it like the holy ghost said it to me in prayer he said we want to replicate out of imitation rather than reproduce out of intimacy i can't find no help in the church tonight we want somebody else's building specs and we want to build our church according to the building specs that a man down the road built but god is far too creative to allow you and i to replicate out of imitation when we could be reproducing out of intimacy oh yes family if you want to if you want to go deeper if you want to have fruit that remains you've got to do more than copy the dimensions of another building you've got to go into a holy place and have intimacy with god and out of intimacy you will bring sons and daughters into the kingdom surely we want to read don't we want to rebuild moses tabernacle and god said no i'm not rebuilding moses tabernacle because moses tabernacle is all about getting more lambs and getting more sacrifices and getting more stuff to kill and if you want to know what god is doing he's not looking for another sacrifice because i read about a man who was being baptized in the river jordan and the bible said when he came up out of the river jordan the bible said that the heavens opened up and this is my beloved son the voice came from heaven this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased when john saw him he said behold the lamb that takes away the sin of the world i just dropped by to tell you tonight that what god is doing in the earth is not a replication of moses tabernacle because i'm not looking for another sacrifice i'm not looking for another savior i'm not looking for another waymaker there is only one name under heaven given among men whereby we can be saved his name is jesus christ and if you don't have a move of god it's got to be all about the lamb he'll never be tied to a whipping post they'll never nail him to a cross again when he was hung high and stretched wide he dropped his head in the locks of his shoulders and he said it is finished and i just dropped by to tell you tonight there will never be another calvary there will never be another tomb there will never be another cross jesus is the everlasting eternal son of the living god somebody give him glory what god is doing in this hour is not moses tabernacle because the lamb has already paid the price once and for all up okay so if it's not moses tabernacle maybe it's another house in the old testament maybe it's solomon's temple yes it is what's happening in the book of acts maybe it's solomon's temple but it can't be solomon's temple because solomon's temple was divided into three courts outer court inner court holy place ah we don't like talking about it but it's true there used to be in the old testament in solomon's temple the gentile court and this is the kind of church some people are building in this hour we have we have churches that are buildings they're building their structure and they're keeping certain kind of people away from the glory you're not saved enough so you've got to stay in the gentile court oh i'm getting ready to preach you don't look like us so you can't go close to god you've got to stay in the outer court there are too many churches that are putting up red tape and they're keeping it difficult and they're making it hard and they're putting a yoke of oppression on people because unless we cross your t's and we dot your eyes and unless we come come through your way and do it your style then we can't ever get to god but i want to tell you right now the only person that is deceived when it comes to building a church like solomon's temple are the people that are building the church themselves because god is not raising up churches that have courts you you got to stay away for a while until we make sure you're saved well i'm just not sure brother kanye is saved well we're not sure you're saved sister yay deacon flip-flop we know you've been sitting in church all your life but i'm not talking about being a member of a church i want to know are you born again do you love god and do you love people well i just think i just think people ought to prove themselves i think people ought to be able to belong while they become i think people ought to be able to belong while they become [Applause] because i just want to make an announcement tonight you don't get more saved than saved [Applause] cause you got some oh jesus you got some people maybe y'all don't have them in shelbyville we got some in chattanooga and they and they look at people when they come through the door and say oh because when you pastor in the inner city of chattanooga you know the bible said in the book of mark uh the 15th chapter preach the gospel to every creature there's some creatures in chattanooga i'm being for real there's some creatures and here's what i've learned to come to learn about the gospel of grace and the gospel of jesus that grace isn't just needed for decent religious people who needed a spiritual band-aid on their failures grace is needed for the most rotten vile sinful and listen listen the most rotten vile sinful person could be that religious joker sitting next to you right now that looks churchy and says churchy things and shouts at churchy times but just because you look churchy you know some people are as churchy as noah was arkey but i want you to understand right now church is not what gets you into the kingdom of god for it is by grace you have been saved through faith that not of yourself it is the gift of god which is eternal life not of works lest any man should boast i'm not here because of my performance i'm here because two thousand years ago a man who knew no sin became sin for me i'm just glad to be in the building anybody just glad to be in the building i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go is it is it moses tabernacle no is it solomon's temple no what are we rebuilding here in acts 15. you ready for this this is nothing less james said than the rebuilding of the tent of david the tent of death the tent of david we're gonna go through a building project and we're not gonna rebuild moses tabernacle and we're not gonna rebuild solomon's temple we're gonna rebuild the tent of dead what is the tenth of david anyway where are its all dimensions first second samuel nope versus second kings no versus secret chronicles no ezra nehemiah is the joke nope psalms no you will read your whole bible and you will never find the dimensions of david's debt because the dimensions of david's tent were not about linear dimensions that could be measured out through metrics on earth the dimensions of david's tent were dimensions of glory i don't know if y'all know what i'm talking about we want to build tabernacles with dimensions there's a new word going around and it's called metrics oh i'm getting in trouble now i'm getting in trouble but now we measure and we do metrics and we build churches by metrics and not by the voice of god well brother wallace those churches are so massive since when did that articulate kingdom oh kingdom success wait a minute i am not bashing large churches we pastor large churches and and in the eyes of someday small but in the eyes of many there are there are large churches we have when they're not in coded season we have 12 to 1500 people every sunday so i'm not bashing big churches but my fear is we have traded big for great and the lord six years ago told me in prayer one day i'm gonna need you to stop measuring your church's success by how many you keep i'm gonna need you to measure your church's success by how many you sinned we don't like this we don't like this i'm getting ready to i'm getting ready to tear some stuff up in here i am getting ready because i am sick and tired of preachers who raise up preachers and sons and daughters in the faith and send them out and you don't know their name because they don't pastor mega churches but heaven and eternity are shaped by faithful men who are not consumed with crowds they are more interested with being intimate with god and executing what the voice of the spirit of god says david's tent y'all ready for this i mean y'all if you saw solomon's temple it was second to none it was majestic when the queen of sheba came she looked at the building and said it takes my breath away and here is david's tent four sticks and a blanket no no no i'm telling you what it was four sticks and a blanket and instead of solomon's temple and moses tabernacle we are for real talking about rebuilding david's tent why would we talk about david's tent i'm gonna give you three quick things i'm gonna get out your hair or your toupee or your weave or your extensions or whatever you got with you today the first reason james knew that what was being rebuilt in acts 15 was david's tent he knew it was david's tent because david's tent number one was presence focused moses tabernacle not so much solomon's temple not so much when it comes to david the first month on the job he says we're going to get the ark he was presence focused i want to suggest to you that when he went to get the ark he got it and there was another tabernacle much like the tabernacle of moses down at a place called gibeon this is all in first chronicles chapter 16. david went and got the ark and was taking it back to jerusalem don't miss this and the old tabernacle in gibeon still had priests and still had the furniture they were still offering sacrifices in gibeon but they didn't have the ark anymore which tells me you can go through a whole lot of motions but not have glory there are too many churches that are stuck in gibeon and they've got preachers and they've got the few the fur i almost said the funeral and that's about what it is they got the furniture and they got the funeral and they got the preachers but they don't have the glory i don't know about you and i don't know how y'all feel about it in shelbyville but i have been through enough dead church services in my life to kill a goat i don't want to come to church if the glory don't show up i don't want to sing a song if the holy ghost can't come in i don't want to preach a sermon if i can't feel the twisting power of the holy ghost i want the glory i want you to look at somebody on your row and tell them maybe i still want the glory i still want the glory i still want clove in tongues of fire i still believe the holy ghost can move i still believe fire can fall i need the glory of the lord david wanted presents david wanted presents he said go get the ark oh i don't have time to talk about this but when they retrieve the ark they put the ark on a cart which is made out of boards and big wheels i don't have time for that boy i can preach that right there but they put the ark on a cart and they begin to pull the cart and they come to nikon's threshing floor and they hit a bump in the road and when they hit a bump in the road the ark bounced off the back of the cart and other who had become comfortable with the presence of god try to save the ark from the bump hear me please the bump was orchestrated by god to reveal the faulty way in which they were carrying the glory and whenever you trust the ark you have to work hard to prop up the move of god and to keep it we got people trying to save something god is trying to kick off the cart it's actually not supposed to work but because we don't want the cart the ark to fall and the cart to be perceived as not working we save god and god said i'm tired of being carried in on carts let the whole thing crash so that people will fall down and repent and say god we've been carrying it the wrong way we're tired of carrying on our hearts we want to carry it on the consecrated shoulders of men and women of god that we call priests of the lord we are a royal priesthood you know the story they hit the ark they hit the ark hits that the speed bump in nikon's threshing floor as it touches the ark to save it and he dies david is absolutely devastated and he's afraid and for three months he parks the ark at the house of a man named obadinum nobody wanted the ark and nobody said hey you can park him in my house anybody else feel like obedient tonight why all these people in the church are arguing over mask or no mask or what we're gonna do in november hey y'all can argue all day long just bring the ark to my house if you don't want the ark i'll take it at my house i wish i could find me 190 people who would say lord if you're looking for a place to park the ark you can bring him to my house i want the glory [Music] the bible says that god blessed the house of obedient for 90 days i was preaching in that was tongues y'all okay with that yeah making sure i was preaching on a sunday morning in 2014 and out of my right ear i heard the closest thing to the audible voice of god i've ever heard in my life i heard the lord say two words that changed my life our middle of preaching and out of my right ear i heard the holy ghost say watch this i still have it on video i go back and watch it sometimes because i'm in the middle of preaching and i go watch what true story it was so real david that i stopped preaching to pause and consider what god was saying he never said another word all he said was watch this and i went right back to preaching and all afternoon long i thought watch what i went home opened the door and a week and a half later a man who i did not know but has become one of my dearest brothers and friends in the kingdom damon thompson he came into our church for a three-night college and career thing you know damon that's not his deal we thought maybe 7 500 kids would show up 400 kids showed up from college first night was a very decent service second night was a very decent service and then my wife walked up to the pulpit and she said can i sing what i hear in the spirit i said sure and she started singing this song from the tips of my toes to the top of my head they're gonna know i love you and she started singing to the lord and i thought oh what is she doing you know when i get in the glory i want some alvin slaughter i want someone with a big rich bear and she starts crying from the tips of my toes to the top of my and glory came in that room it was so strong we couldn't get up off the floor the next morning i asked damon to stay over on sunday morning and while i was in worship that morning the glory of jesus came on me so strong that i couldn't stand you know there are some really crazy people in the church they say marvelously ignorant things like why do people fall when you pray for them it's very simple they can't stand up it is possible that the yahweh god of the universe invade your little body and you fall in the floor it's a miracle we don't explode [Applause] i feel it rising up on me right now i feel it rising up i'll never forget being slain in the spirit no one laid hands on me i was under the power of god i wanted to go preach but i could not get there and while i was out the lord said to me i didn't plan on saying this but i'm laying in the floor and the lord said to me these words i want you to call revival tonight and i said lord it's super bowl sunday and we have a big party planned tonight and lord no one will come if i call church because they're coming to the party no one will come and the lord said i'll be there i said well if you're going i'm coming too i'll never forget coming to an hour later i walked to the pulpit and i said there will be no super bowl party tonight we're having revival and damon had already said i'm coming and i'd already talked to him and i thought we're gonna have a hundred people and that night this was before we had a social media footprint and before we had really any regional influence and and god had not really at that point set set us forth as voices in that area and i remember thinking nobody is going to come but me and jesus are going to have a marvelous time tonight and that night we got there at 6 p.m and 1100 people were packed in that little church when i laid in the floor that night i was in the floor of that service and god said to me for the next 90 days this is why i told you that story for the next 90 days i'm going to send my glory on this house and every house that connects to what i'm going to do i will change their future forever i want you to know in that 90-day revival we baptized 1100 people i watched god heal four blind people i see the lord heal a young boy of a sin they give him a sentence of death and said there is no hope and today that young man is still in the church and god is still moving in his life i just told you that story to tell you if you let him come to your house like toba deed him let him come to his house he'll come to your house he'll come to your house it was present-centered oh i don't have time but it was praise-oriented let me read this to you and i'm gonna i'm gonna wrap this up listen to this there's a reason why david's tabernacle was the one being rebuilt don't miss this it was a place of praise how much so you ready for this david had four sticks and a blanket and he put the ark of the covenant under the blanket it was a tent y'all a pop-up tent with the ark of the covenant under it and david hired four thousand musicians 4 000 gatekeepers 288 full-time singers that is roughly 8 500 full-time staff all paid for out of his administration if every staff member was paid 30 000 a year then david would have spent roughly 255 million dollars a year for 33 years of his dynasty just to pay the musicians and the singers and the gatekeepers which would have totaled over his 33-year reign 8.4 billion dollars invested into the sound of worship that surrounded the tabernacle of david oh i feel like giving god some praise tonight that there is a new generation rising up in the church they're not as interested as the in the gold and the glitz and the glamour we're not as interested in all of the accoutrements what we want is the sound of glory we want the sound of worship we want the king to show up because we know how to lift our voice like a trumpet and to give god praise [Applause] come on i'm almost done but when the king shows up you don't have to beg people who love him to praise him come on grab your hands come on say amen come on shout out to god come on when the king shows up i do it i get sick of myself when i do it i go home and i get defeated oh my god i sounded like i was begging for praise i'm tired of having to beg people to praise the lord if you don't want to praise him bring a rock with you and sit in the chair next to you so that when you sit there it starts crying out in your place oh let the redeemer can we take a praise break right here can somebody let the redeemed of the lord say hope does anybody believe the king of glory is in the room if you love him can you praise him shout unto god with the blessed triumph clap your hands all you people lift your voice like a trumpet let god arise and his enemies be scattered oh give thanks unto the lord for his mercy endureth forever i feel the kingdom of glory in this room tonight somebody give him your best praise so why did you read zechariah 2. because zechariah found a young man trying to build something by measurements just like moses and just like solomon the young man in zechariah 2 went through jerusalem measuring jerusalem to see how big it would be and the prophet came to the to the young man and said you can't measure what's getting ready to be built in this city stand up pastor let's see if you measure up yeah you know you don't quite look like you can pastor a multicultural church that's exploding over in the hills of tennessee you don't measure up but god is breaking some measuring sticks tonight let's see if she measures up a single parent mom working two or three jobs to make ends meet she really isn't having an influence on society because she's not raising the brightest but what the devil is lying to you about dear sister is that those three babies that you're bringing to church and you're reading scripture too at night and you're saying prayers over them what the devil doesn't want you to know he wants you to feel like you'll never measure up like you're not doing anything worth anything but i came to tell you dear mother what you're doing in your house is shaping the future you are raising a tribe of levites you are raising you are raising up a tribe of levites that are going to shake their generation and be light in a dark world and i just dropped by shall be built to tell you dear single mother don't you let the devil lie to you anymore and tell you what you're doing is not significant it's broken the measuring rod is broken let's see let's see let's see he wants to be used by god he wants god to work through his life but when i measure his life too many failures too many addictions he doesn't measure up anymore he's missed his opportunity to be used by god too many mistakes let me measure you because you said you wouldn't do it again and you did it let me men you don't measure up but tonight i came with a really good word where sin does abound grace dust let the wicked forsake his ways and the unrighteous man forsake his thoughts for as high as the east as far as the east is from the west that's how far he removes the transgression from you listen to me i'm getting ready to break this and when i do every spirit of shame somebody opened the exit door somebody opened the exit door somebody opened the exit door because the spirit of shame is about to be broken off of your life the voice telling you you don't measure up that you'll never become what god said you would be it it is broken it is broken do you hear me it is not by might it is not my power but it is by the spirit of the lord let's see let's see if they measure up oh i've been through this my own self they tried to measure me when i went downtown chattanooga there was one group that said he's too white and then i preached and they said he's too black smile because you won't intimidate me because i've already been through that thing and fought that devil and i have someone said to me a couple of weeks ago what is your statement on racism you ready for this it's deep don't miss it to hell with racism the holy ghost said to me oh i didn't know i was going to share this here but it's for some someone needs to hear this the holy ghost said to me in prayer a couple of days ago the church is in a dangerous place because she listens to her pet prophets and we're actually so tribal in the church that white churches can't listen to black prophets and black churches won't listen to white prophets and god says there is no white church and there is no black church are you suggesting wait are you suggesting that god is colorblind no that is the dumbest thing i've ever heard in my life god is not colorblind he actually created color so that we could enjoy diversity but the devil has lied and tried to tell us that you have to go there and they have to go there and i just want to remind you where we're all going we're going to a city whose builder and maker is god what was that i was stomping on the head of the spirit of racism so you can't build those kinds of churches that are multicultural because we're living in a divided day kobo masotoboko rubble tonight his business will never succeed he's filed bankruptcy too many times she won't ever have a successful business i hear the holy ghost saying her real estate business will never get off the ground that's what the devil's telling you there's a sister in here trying to do real estate and the enemy's telling you it'll never get off the ground you don't measure up i come to tell you you're about to hire more people because you're getting ready to explode the limits and the lies i'm almost through but i'm having a blast this shelbyville church let me measure her yeah she she's not old enough fact our churches this church is too young this church is too young the music isn't quite what this region needed this preacher is just a little radical i mean they'll do a little something for god but they'll they just don't quite measure up and i came to tell you when i break this stick tonight this one it's going to break something over this house because there is coming a move of god through this place there is coming a move santa there is coming a move of god through this house that is going to shake this region this zip code is going to know where the glory of god can be found that jesus of the bible is going to visit this region through the manifest sons and daughters of god that are in this place and every person in here that believes it will not happen because we are in a pandemic you do not know the god that i serve he specializes in absolutely blowing the minds of those who think they know what is going to happen i want to tell you what god is about to do in this building and in your hearts is immeasurable i has not seen ear has not heard for he is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all [Applause] when i break this stick not because i'm breaking it i'm trying to create a really exciting moment but because it is a prophetic act of what i believe is going to be released in the atmosphere when i break this stick i need every person who calls this place your spiritual home to find the loudest shout the most grand praise the most boisterous worship for 30 straight seconds i'm going to believe that heaven is going to respond to the praise you lift up and when i break this stick every lid over this house is being ripped off every limitation is being ripped off [Applause] every [Applause] do it holy spirit do it do it and shall be there do it for your glory your way shop and keep on shouting dance and keep on dancing give him glory the best is yet to come it's going to happen not with earthly ground dimensions but the dimensions god is going to establish in this house or vertical he says that scriptural pastor paul said it like this we move from glory to glory isn't that wonderful that we can live in one dimension come here sir come here lift your hands one dimension to another dimension jesus tonight oh yes i feel it breaking i feel it breaking yes lift your hands if you want god to take you by his precious holy spirit if you want him to take you from dimension of glory to a new dimension of his glory what happens when i go to a new dimension of glory pastor kevin eyes begin to see things they could not see before your spiritual ears began to hear things in the holy ghost that you could not hear before tears come to your eyes quicker than they used to heart gets heavy for the burden of the lord and you don't have oh yes yes i feel that coming i feel it coming can you just take 60 seconds and ask him for more of his glory in your personal life right now everybody and this should not be a silent thought moment this should be an open my mouth and articulate to heaven i want more of you lord i want more of your glory i want more of your glory in me reveal your glory about your spirit come on lift your voice family lift your voice lift your voice lift your back jesus jesus would you show us thy glory come on lift your voice a little louder just not because god is deaf but because you are desperate because you are desperate not because god is deaf we don't lift our voice because he's deaf we lift our voice because we're desperate and i wonder is anybody really hungry for god in the land of the living do you want more of the lord if you do just lift here lift your voice a little louder right there and ask him for more more of the presence of god less of me i must decrease i must decrease so that you might increase holy spirit oh oh god as the deer patted for the water so longeth my soul after thee lift your voice church lift your voice catherine and david are going to begin to worship for a moment i just want you to stand there where you are and draw near to god and he will draw near to you if you've got time he's got time if you're hungry he's the filler just lift your voice called my heart oh just worship him catherine worship him done young lady hallelujah if you're lucky for a city for a place to show your glory look no further we're available [Music] we're searching for a people who [Music] for city for a place to show your glory look no further we're available [Music] oh searching for a people who are hungry come on throw your hands up and sink [Music] city [Applause] [Music] available [Applause] we've make this the time to make this the [Music] [Music] place [Music] when she said that and saying that just now i heard the spirit of the lord say back to me if not here where if not you then who and if not now then when [Music] i'm gonna break this last stick i wondered why i kept it i thought i might carry it home but god just said to me i want you to break this stick because i'm going to break religion the enemy of revival is not demons it's religion it's the arrogant proud notion that i've seen it all and heard it all and there's nothing new for me to encounter in god i prophesy god is about to blow your minds you're going to leave church speechless wondering at the wonders of god father over this region and because you're us you are so good and kind and loving and powerful i break this stick tonight to declare over this county and this region that the demon spirits of religion are broken and revival is coming in the name of [Music] [Applause] you might have to break it twice but it will break it will break somebody shall come on [Music] taxis make this the this the place [Music] [Music] [Music] hey everyone thank you so much for being a part of gateway camp meeting this week i know god has done amazing things in-house this week as well as in the homes of those who are watching online we want to hear your testimony and what god is doing in your life so if you would please make sure to text breakthrough that's one word breakthrough to 94 000 and share your story with us thank you so much for being a part of this week we love you and we'll see you [Music] soon
Channel: GTWY Church
Views: 945
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: B4HxI5M5MvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 0sec (4440 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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